2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
< ? php
* form . php
* Copyright ( C ) 2016 thegrumpydictator @ gmail . com
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
* See the LICENSE file for details .
return [
// new user:
'bank_name' => '銀行名稱' ,
'bank_balance' => '餘額' ,
'savings_balance' => '儲蓄帳戶的餘額' ,
'credit_card_limit' => '信用卡額度' ,
'automatch' => '自動匹配' ,
'skip' => '略過' ,
'name' => '名稱' ,
'active' => '啟用' ,
'amount_min' => '最小金額' ,
'amount_max' => '最大值' ,
'match' => '匹配於' ,
'repeat_freq' => '循環週期' ,
'journal_currency_id' => '貨幣' ,
2016-11-25 10:01:55 -06:00
'currency_id' => 'Currency' ,
'attachments' => 'Attachments' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
'journal_amount' => '金額' ,
'journal_asset_source_account' => '資產帳戶 (源頭)' ,
'journal_source_account_name' => '收入帳戶 (源頭)' ,
'journal_source_account_id' => '資產帳戶 (源頭)' ,
2016-11-28 12:02:18 -06:00
'BIC' => 'BIC' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
'account_from_id' => '從帳戶' ,
'account_to_id' => '到帳戶' ,
2016-11-05 08:10:14 -05:00
'source_account' => '來源帳戶' ,
'destination_account' => '目標帳戶' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
'journal_destination_account_id' => '資產帳戶 (目標)' ,
'asset_destination_account' => '資產帳戶 (目標)' ,
'asset_source_account' => '資產帳戶 (來源)' ,
'journal_description' => '描述' ,
2016-11-05 08:20:13 -05:00
'note' => '備註' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
'split_journal' => '分割此交易' ,
'split_journal_explanation' => '分割這個交易為幾個部分' ,
'currency' => '貨幣' ,
'account_id' => '資產帳戶' ,
'budget_id' => '預算' ,
'openingBalance' => '開戶金額' ,
'tagMode' => '標記模式' ,
'tagPosition' => '標籤位置' ,
'virtualBalance' => '虛擬金額' ,
'longitude_latitude' => '位置' ,
'targetamount' => '目標金額' ,
'accountRole' => '帳戶角色' ,
'openingBalanceDate' => '開戶日期' ,
'ccType' => '信用卡付款計畫' ,
'ccMonthlyPaymentDate' => '信用卡每月付款日期' ,
'piggy_bank_id' => '存錢筒' ,
'returnHere' => '回到這裡' ,
'returnHereExplanation' => '儲存後,回到這裡創建另一個記錄。' ,
'returnHereUpdateExplanation' => '更新後,回到這裡。' ,
'description' => '描述' ,
'expense_account' => '支出帳戶' ,
'revenue_account' => '收入帳戶' ,
2016-12-28 14:52:12 -06:00
'decimal_places' => 'Decimal places' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
2016-11-05 08:20:13 -05:00
'revenue_account_source' => '收入帳戶 (源頭)' ,
'source_account_asset' => '來源帳戶 (資產帳戶)' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
'destination_account_expense' => 'Destination account (expense account)' ,
2016-11-08 13:40:55 -06:00
'destination_account_asset' => 'Destination account (asset account)' ,
2016-11-05 08:20:13 -05:00
'source_account_revenue' => '來源帳戶 (收入帳戶)' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
'type' => 'Type' ,
'convert_Withdrawal' => 'Convert withdrawal' ,
2016-11-08 13:40:55 -06:00
'convert_Deposit' => 'Convert deposit' ,
'convert_Transfer' => 'Convert transfer' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
'amount' => '金額' ,
'date' => '日期' ,
'interest_date' => '付息日' ,
'book_date' => 'Book date' ,
'process_date' => '處理日期' ,
'category' => '類別' ,
'tags' => '標籤' ,
'deletePermanently' => '永久刪除' ,
'cancel' => '取消' ,
'targetdate' => '儲蓄目標日期' ,
'tag' => '標籤' ,
'under' => '低於' ,
'symbol' => 'Symbol' ,
'code' => 'Code' ,
'iban' => 'IBAN' ,
'accountNumber' => '帳戶號碼' ,
'has_headers' => '標頭' ,
'date_format' => '日期格式' ,
'specifix' => 'Bank- or file specific fixes' ,
'attachments[]' => '附檔' ,
'store_new_withdrawal' => '存儲新提款' ,
'store_new_deposit' => '存儲新存款' ,
'store_new_transfer' => '存儲新轉帳' ,
'add_new_withdrawal' => '新增提款' ,
'add_new_deposit' => '新增新存款' ,
'add_new_transfer' => 'Add a new transfer' ,
'noPiggybank' => '(no piggy bank)' ,
'title' => '標題' ,
'notes' => '備註' ,
'filename' => '檔案名稱' ,
'mime' => 'Mime type' ,
'size' => 'Size' ,
'trigger' => 'Trigger' ,
'stop_processing' => 'Stop processing' ,
'start_date' => 'Start of range' ,
'end_date' => 'End of range' ,
'export_start_range' => 'Start of export range' ,
'export_end_range' => 'End of export range' ,
'export_format' => '檔案格式' ,
'include_attachments' => '包括上傳的附件' ,
'include_old_uploads' => '包含導入的資料' ,
'accounts' => '從這些帳戶匯出交易記錄' ,
'delete_account' => '刪除帳號 ":name"' ,
'delete_bill' => '刪除帳單 ":name"' ,
'delete_budget' => '刪除預算 ":name"' ,
'delete_category' => '刪除類別 ":name"' ,
'delete_currency' => '刪除貨幣 ":name"' ,
'delete_journal' => '刪除包含描述 ":description" 的交易' ,
'delete_attachment' => 'Delete attachment ":name"' ,
'delete_rule' => 'Delete rule ":title"' ,
'delete_rule_group' => 'Delete rule group ":title"' ,
'attachment_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the attachment named ":name"?' ,
'account_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the account named ":name"?' ,
'bill_areYouSure' => '你確定要刪除賬單 ":name" 嗎?' ,
'rule_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the rule titled ":title"?' ,
'ruleGroup_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the rule group titled ":title"?' ,
'budget_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the budget named ":name"?' ,
'category_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the category named ":name"?' ,
'currency_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the currency named ":name"?' ,
'piggyBank_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the piggy bank named ":name"?' ,
'journal_areYouSure' => '你真的要刪除這個描述為 ":description" 的交易嗎?' ,
'mass_journal_are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete these transactions?' ,
'tag_areYouSure' => '你真的要要刪除標籤 ":tag" 嗎?' ,
'permDeleteWarning' => 'Deleting stuff from Firely is permanent and cannot be undone.' ,
'mass_make_selection' => 'You can still prevent items from being deleted by removing the checkbox.' ,
'delete_all_permanently' => 'Delete selected permanently' ,
'update_all_journals' => 'Update these transactions' ,
'also_delete_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this account will be deleted as well.|All :count transactions connected to this account will be deleted as well.' ,
'also_delete_rules' => 'The only rule connected to this rule group will be deleted as well.|All :count rules connected to this rule group will be deleted as well.' ,
'also_delete_piggyBanks' => 'The only piggy bank connected to this account will be deleted as well.|All :count piggy bank connected to this account will be deleted as well.' ,
'bill_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this bill will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this bill will spared deletion.' ,
'budget_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this budget will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this budget will spared deletion.' ,
'category_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this category will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this category will spared deletion.' ,
'tag_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this tag will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this tag will spared deletion.' ,
2016-12-28 14:52:12 -06:00
'email' => 'Email address' ,
'password' => 'Password' ,
'password_confirmation' => 'Password (again)' ,
'blocked' => 'Is blocked?' ,
'blocked_code' => 'Reason for block' ,
2016-12-15 16:02:13 -06:00
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
// admin
2016-12-28 14:52:12 -06:00
'domain' => 'Domain' ,
'single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode' ,
'must_confirm_account' => 'New users must activate account' ,
'is_demo_site' => 'Is demo site' ,
2016-12-13 14:02:34 -06:00
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
// import
2016-12-28 14:52:12 -06:00
'import_file' => '匯入檔案' ,
'configuration_file' => 'Configuration file' ,
'import_file_type' => '匯入檔案類型' ,
'csv_comma' => 'A comma (,)' ,
'csv_semicolon' => 'A semicolon (;)' ,
'csv_tab' => 'A tab (invisible)' ,
'csv_delimiter' => 'CSV field delimiter' ,
'csv_import_account' => 'Default import account' ,
'csv_config' => 'CSV import configuration' ,
2016-10-31 12:41:23 -05:00
'due_date' => '到期日' ,
'payment_date' => 'Payment date' ,
'invoice_date' => 'Invoice date' ,
'internal_reference' => 'Internal reference' ,
2017-02-05 12:51:58 -06:00