
192 lines
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2015-05-09 06:56:03 -05:00
// general fields and things.
2015-05-09 06:56:03 -05:00
return [
2015-05-21 10:45:01 -05:00
'test' => 'You have selected English.',
'close' => 'Close',
'pleaseHold' => 'Please hold...',
'mandatoryFields' => 'Mandatory fields',
'optionalFields' => 'Optional fields',
'options' => 'Options',
'something' => 'Something!',
'actions' => 'Actions',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'welcomeBack' => 'What\'s playing?',
'everything' => 'Everything',
'customRange' => 'Custom range',
'apply' => 'Apply',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'from' => 'From',
'to' => 'To',
'details_for_asset' => 'Details for asset account ":name"',
'details_for_expense' => 'Details for expense account ":name"',
'details_for_revenue' => 'Details for revenue account ":name"',
'details_for_cash' => 'Details for cash account ":name"',
'store_new_asset_account' => 'Store new asset account',
'store_new_expense_account' => 'Store new expense account',
'store_new_revenue_account' => 'Store new revenue account',
'edit_asset_account' => 'Edit asset account ":name"',
'edit_expense_account' => 'Edit expense account ":name"',
'edit_revenue_account' => 'Edit revenue account ":name"',
'update_asset_account' => 'Update asset account',
'update_expense_account' => 'Update expense account',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Update revenue account',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'New asset account',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'New expense account',
'make_new_revenue_account' => 'New revenue account',
2015-05-21 00:30:38 -05:00
2015-05-14 05:10:42 -05:00
// new user:
2015-05-21 10:45:01 -05:00
'welcome' => 'Welcome to Firefly!',
'createNewAsset' => 'Create a new asset account to get started. This will allow you to create transactions and start your financial management',
'createNewAssetButton' => 'Create new asset account',
2015-05-14 05:10:42 -05:00
// home page:
2015-05-21 10:45:01 -05:00
'yourAccounts' => 'Your accounts',
'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Budgets and spending',
'savings' => 'Savings',
'markAsSavingsToContinue' => 'Mark your asset accounts as "Savings account" to fill this panel',
'createPiggyToContinue' => 'Create piggy banks to fill this panel.',
'newWithdrawal' => 'New expense',
'newDeposit' => 'New deposit',
'newTransfer' => 'New transfer',
'moneyIn' => 'Money in',
'moneyOut' => 'Money out',
'billsToPay' => 'Bills to pay',
'billsPaid' => 'Bills paid',
'viewDetails' => 'View details',
'divided' => 'divided',
'toDivide' => 'left to divide',
2015-05-14 04:48:59 -05:00
// menu and titles, should be recycled as often as possible:
2015-05-21 10:45:01 -05:00
'toggleNavigation' => 'Toggle navigation',
'seeAllReminders' => 'See all reminders',
'reminders' => 'Reminders',
'currency' => 'Currency',
'preferences' => 'Preferences',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'searchPlaceholder' => 'Search...',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'currencies' => 'Currencies',
'accounts' => 'Accounts',
'assetAccounts' => 'Asset accounts',
'expenseAccounts' => 'Expense accounts',
'revenueAccounts' => 'Revenue accounts',
'Asset account' => 'Asset account',
'Default account' => 'Asset account',
'Expense account' => 'Expense account',
'Revenue account' => 'Revenue account',
'budgets' => 'Budgets',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'reports' => 'Reports',
'transactions' => 'Transactions',
'expenses' => 'Expenses',
'income' => 'Revenue / income',
'transfers' => 'Transfer',
'moneyManagement' => 'Money management',
'piggyBanks' => 'Piggy banks',
'bills' => 'Bills',
'createNew' => 'Create new',
'withdrawal' => 'Withdrawal',
'deposit' => 'Deposit',
'transfer' => 'Transfer',
'Withdrawal' => 'Withdrawal',
'Deposit' => 'Deposit',
'Transfer' => 'Transfer',
'bill' => 'Rekening',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'amount' => 'Amount',
'newBalance' => 'New balance',
'overview' => 'Overview',
'saveOnAccount' => 'Save on account',
'unknown' => 'Unknown',
'daily' => 'Daily',
'weekly' => 'Weekly',
'monthly' => 'Monthly',
'quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'half-year' => 'Every six months',
'yearly' => 'Yearly',
'reportForYear' => 'Yearly report for :year',
'reportForYearShared' => 'Yearly report for :year (including shared accounts)',
'reportForMonth' => 'Montly report for :year',
'reportForMonthShared' => 'Montly report for :year (including shared accounts)',
'incomeVsExpenses' => 'Income vs. expenses',
'accountBalances' => 'Account balances',
'balanceStartOfYear' => 'Balance at start of year',
'balanceEndOfYear' => 'Balance at end of year',
'balanceStartOfMonth' => 'Balance at end of month',
'balanceEndOfMonth' => 'Balance at end of month',
'balanceStart' => 'Balance at end of period',
'balanceEnd' => 'Balance at end of period',
'reportsOwnAccounts' => 'Reports for your own accounts',
'reportsOwnAccountsAndShared' => 'Reports for your own accounts and shared accounts',
'account' => 'Account',
'splitByAccount' => 'Split by account',
'balancedByTransfersAndTags' => 'Balanced by transfers and tags',
'coveredWithTags' => 'Covered with tags',
'leftUnbalanced' => 'Left unbalanced',
'expectedBalance' => 'Expected balance',
'outsideOfBudgets' => 'Outside of budgets',
'leftInBudget' => 'Left in budget',
'sumOfSums' => 'Sum of sums',
'notCharged' => 'Not charged (yet)',
'inactive' => 'Inactive',
'difference' => 'Difference',
'in' => 'In',
'out' => 'Out',
'topX' => 'top :number',
'showTheRest' => 'Show everything',
'hideTheRest' => 'Show only the top :number',
2015-05-15 14:01:24 -05:00
2015-05-14 06:17:53 -05:00
// charts:
2015-05-21 10:45:01 -05:00
'dayOfMonth' => 'Day of the month',
'month' => 'Month',
'budget' => 'Budget',
'spent' => 'Spent',
'overspent' => 'Overspent',
'left' => 'Left',
'noCategory' => '(no category)',
'noBudget' => '(no budget)',
'category' => 'Category',
'maxAmount' => 'Maximum amount',
'minAmount' => 'Minumum amount',
'billEntry' => 'Current bill entry',
'name' => 'Name',
'date' => 'Date',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'unpaid' => 'Unpaid',
'day' => 'Day',
'budgeted' => 'Budgeted',
'period' => 'Period',
'balance' => 'Balance',
'summary' => 'Summary',
'sum' => 'Sum',
'average' => 'Average',
'balanceFor' => 'Balance for :name',
'asset_accounts' => 'Asset accounts',
'expense_accounts' => 'Expense accounts',
'revenue_accounts' => 'Revenue accounts',
2015-05-14 10:52:50 -05:00
// some extra help:
2015-05-21 10:45:01 -05:00
'accountExtraHelp_asset' => '',
'accountExtraHelp_expense' => '',
'accountExtraHelp_revenue' => '',
2015-05-09 12:27:25 -05:00