2015-03-28 00:48:38 -05:00
2015-03-31 12:21:49 -05:00
use FireflyIII\Models\Preference;
2015-04-02 15:39:31 -05:00
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency;
2015-03-28 00:48:38 -05:00
* Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator on 2015-03-08 at 20:05:14.
class AccountControllerTest extends TestCase
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
public function setUp()
2015-04-02 15:51:00 -05:00
2015-03-28 00:48:38 -05:00
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
public function tearDown()
public function testCreate()
2015-03-31 10:49:47 -05:00
$this->be(new FireflyIII\User);
2015-03-31 12:21:49 -05:00
$pref = new Preference;
$pref->data = '1M';
2015-04-02 15:39:31 -05:00
$currency = new TransactionCurrency;
2015-03-31 12:21:49 -05:00
Preferences::shouldReceive('get', 'viewRange')->andReturn($pref);
2015-04-02 15:39:31 -05:00
2015-04-03 00:33:18 -05:00
// get all currencires?
2015-03-31 12:21:49 -05:00
2015-03-28 00:48:38 -05:00
$response = $this->call('GET', '/accounts/create/asset');
2015-03-31 12:21:49 -05:00
2015-03-28 00:48:38 -05:00
$this->assertViewHas('subTitle', 'Create a new asset account');
$this->assertViewHas('subTitleIcon', 'fa-money');
$this->assertViewHas('what', 'asset');
public function testDelete()
public function testDestroy()
public function testEdit()
public function testIndex()
public function testShow()
public function testStore()
public function testUpdate()