'block_account_logout'=>'Sie wurden ausgeloggt. Blockierte Benutzerkonten können diese Seite nicht nutzen. Haben Sie eine gültige E-Mailadresse registriert?',
'two_factor_enter_code'=>'Um fortzufahren geben Sie bitte ihren Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungscode ein. Ihre Anwendung kann diesen für Sie generieren.',
'two_factor_lost_intro'=>'Leider ist dieses etwas, dass sie nicht über die Weboberfläche zurücksetzen können. Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten.',
'two_factor_lost_fix_self'=>'Wenn Sie Ihre eigene Instanz von Firefly III betreiben, überprüfen Sie die Logdatei unter <code>storage/logs</code> für weitere Anweisungen.',
'two_factor_lost_fix_owner'=>'Otherwise, email the site owner, <a href="mailto::site_owner">:site_owner</a> and ask them to reset your two factor authentication.',
'no_budget_pointer'=>'Sie scheinen keine Budgets festgelegt zu haben. Sie sollten welche auf der <a href="/budgets">Budget</a>-Seite erstellen. Budgets können Ihnen helfen ihre Ausgaben zu verfolgen.',
'confirm_account_header'=>'Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihr Konto',
'confirm_account_intro'=>'Eine E-Mail wurde an die Adresse gesendet, welche bei der Registrierung angegeben wurde. Bitte lese die Mail für weitere Anweisungen. Wenn Sie die Mail nicht erhalten haben, kann Firefly Sie erneut senden.',
'confirm_account_resend_email'=>'Send me the confirmation message I need to activate my account.',
'account_is_confirmed'=>'Ihr Benutzerkonto wurde bestätigt!',
'invalid_activation_code'=>'Es scheint der genutzte Code ist ungültig oder ist abgelaufen.',
'confirm_account_is_resent_header'=>'Die Bestätigung wurde erneut gesendet',
'confirm_account_is_resent_text'=>'Die Bestätigungsmail wurde erneut gesendet. Wenn Sie die Bestätigungsmail weiterhin nicht erhalten wenden Sie sich bitte an den Seitenbetreiber unter <a href="mailto::owner">Seitenbetreiber></a> oder überprüfen Sie das Fehlerprotokoll.',
'confirm_account_not_resent_header'=>'Etwas ist schief gelaufen :(',
'confirm_account_not_resent_intro'=>'The confirmation message has been not resent. If you still did not receive the confirmation message, please contact the site owner at <a href="mailto::owner">:owner</a> instead. Possibly, you have tried to resend the activation message too often. You can have Firefly III try to resend the confirmation message every hour.',
'export_included_accounts'=>'Exportiere die Überweisungen von diesem Konto',
'include_config_help'=>'Zum einfachen re-importieren in Firefly III',
'include_old_uploads_help'=>'Firefly III löscht nicht die originalen CSV-Dateien, welche zuvor importiert wurden. Sie können dem Export hinzugefügt werden.',
'attachment_explanation'=>'Die Datei mit dem Namen \':attachment_name\' (#:attachment_id) wurde urspünglich am :date mit dem Betrag :amount zu :type \':description\' (#:journal_id) hochgeladen.',
'rules_explanation'=>'Hier können Sie Regeln verwalten. Regeln werden ausgelöst, wenn eine Überweisung erstellt oder aktualisert wird. Wenn diese Überweisungen bestimmte Merkmale aufweisen (sogenannte "Trigger") wird Firefly eine "Aktion" ausführen. Zusammengenommen kann Firefly so auf eine bestimmte Art und Weise auf neue Überweisungen reagieren.',
'rule_name'=>'Name der Regel',
'rule_triggers'=>'Regeln wird ausgelöst wenn',
'rule_actions'=>'Regel wird',
'new_rule'=>'Neue Regel',
'new_rule_group'=>'Neue Regelgruppe',
'rule_priority_up'=>'Regel eine höhrere Priorität zuweisen',
'rule_priority_down'=>'Regel eine geringere Priorität zuweisen',
'warning_transaction_subset'=>'For performance reasons this list is limited to :max_num_transactions and may only show a subset of matching transactions',
'warning_no_matching_transactions'=>'No matching transactions found. Please note that for performance reasons, only the last :num_transactions transactions have been checked.',
'execute_on_existing_transactions_intro'=>'Wenn eine Regel oder eine Gruppe geändert oder hinzugefügt wurde, können Sie für bestehende Überweisungen ausgeführt werden',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year'=>'Einstellungen zum Geschäftsjahr',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help'=>'In Ländern, in denen ein Geschäftsjahr nicht vom 1. Januar bis 31. Dezemeber dauert, können Sie diese Option anstellen und Start / Ende des Geschäftsjahres angeben',
'pref_fiscal_year_start_label'=>'Startdatum des Geschäftsjahr',
'pref_two_factor_auth_help'=>'When you enable 2-step verification (also known as two-factor authentication), you add an extra layer of security to your account. You sign in with something you know (your password) and something you have (a verification code). Verification codes are generated by an application on your phone, such as Authy or Google Authenticator.',
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_it'=>'Vergessen Sie nicht ihr Benutzerkonto aus ihrer Authentifizierungsapp zu entfernen!',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code'=>'Code überprüfen',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code_help'=>'Scannen Sie den QR-Code mit einer Anwendung wie Authy oder Google Authenticator auf ihrem Handy und geben Sie den generierten Code ein.',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction'=>'Optionale Felder für Überweisungen',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction_help'=>'Standardmäßig sind nicht alle Felder aktiviert, wenn eine neue Überweisung erstellt wird (wegen der Übersicht). Unten können Sie diese Felder aktivieren, wenn Sie glauben, dass Sie nützlich für Sie sind. Alle Felder die deaktiviert sind, aber bereits ausgefüllt sind, werden unabhängig von ihren Einstellung sichtbar sein.',
'delete_your_account_help'=>'Das Löschen ihres Benutzerkontos wird ebenfalls alle Konten, Überweisungen, <em>alles</em> was Sie in Firefly gespeichert haben löschen. Alles ist WEG.',
'delete_your_account_password'=>'Geben Sie Ihr Kennwort ein um fortzufahren.',
'are_you_sure'=>'Sind Sie sicher? Sie können diesen Schritt nicht rückgängig machen.',
'delete_account_button'=>'LÖSCHEN Sie ihr Benutzerkonto',
'invalid_current_password'=>'Aktuelles Passwort ist ungültig!',
'bill_date_little_relevance'=>'Der einzige Teil dieses Datum, der von Firefly verwendet wird, ist der Tag. Er ist nur sinnvoll, wenn ihre Rechnung immer am selben Tag im Monat anfallen. Wenn der Zahlungstag der Rechnung variiert geben sie einfach den Ersten des Monats an.',
'cannot_edit_other_fields'=>'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.',
'tags_introduction'=>'Usually tags are singular words, designed to quickly band items together using things like <span class="label label-info">expensive</span>, <span class="label label-info">bill</span> or <span class="label label-info">for-party</span>. In Firefly III, tags can have more properties such as a date, description and location. This allows you to join transactions together in a more meaningful way. For example, you could make a tag called <span class="label label-success"> Christmas dinner with friends</span> and add information about the restaurant. Such tags are "singular", you would only use them for a single occasion, perhaps with multiple transactions.',
'tags_group'=>'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start'=>'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
// administration
'user_administration'=>'User administration',
'list_all_users'=>'All users',
'all_users'=>'All users',
'all_blocked_domains'=>'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains'=>'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned'=>'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains'=>'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered'=>'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked'=>'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked'=>'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain'=>'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain'=>'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in'=>'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked'=>'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked'=>'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'firefly_instance_configuration'=>'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode'=>'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain'=>'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration'=>'Store configuration',
'hidden_fields_preferences'=>'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data'=>'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates'=>'Transaction dates',
'split_title_withdrawal'=>'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal'=>'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal'=>'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal'=>'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal'=>'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'split_intro_one_deposit'=>'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit'=>'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit'=>'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit'=>'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'split_title_transfer'=>'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer'=>'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer'=>'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer'=>'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer'=>'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'split-new-transaction'=>'Split a new transaction',
'do_split'=>'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal'=>'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit'=>'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer'=>'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source'=>'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest'=>'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left'=>'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
'configuration_file_help'=>'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">configuration file</a>.',
'import_complete_text'=>'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_intro_beta'=>'The import function of Firefly III is in beta. Many users of Firefly III have tried many different files. Although each individual compontent of this import routine works (really), the combination might break. If your file cannot be imported by Firefly, please read <a href="https://github.com/JC5/firefly-iii/wiki/Submit-issues-with-sensitive-data-in-them">this wiki page</a> so I can fix the problem you have run into.',
'import_data'=>'Import data',
'import_data_full'=>'Import data into Firefly III',
'import_intro_what_it_does'=>'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_text'=>'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_share_configuration'=>'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',
'import_finished_report'=>'The import has finished. Please note any errors in the block above this line. All transactions imported during this particular session have been tagged, and you can check them out below. ',
'import_finished_link'=>'The transactions imported can be found in tag <a href=":link" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a>.',