New translations [skip ci]

This commit is contained in:
James Cole 2019-09-07 20:28:21 +02:00
parent fb7a74fb5c
commit 03d8543cae
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C16961E655E74B5E
27 changed files with 188 additions and 171 deletions

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ return [
'reports' => 'Sestavy',
'search_result' => 'Výsledky hledání pro „:query“',
'withdrawal_list' => 'Výdaje',
'Withdrawal_list' => 'Expenses',
'Withdrawal_list' => 'Výdaje',
'deposit_list' => 'Výnosy, příjmy a vklady',
'transfer_list' => 'Převody',
'transfers_list' => 'Převody',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Zobrazit účty s aktivy',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Přejít k rozpočtům',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Přejít ke kategoriím',
'go_to_bills' => 'Přejít k účtům',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Zobrazit výdajové účty',
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ return [
'help_for_this_page' => 'Nápověda pro tuto stránku',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Nepodařilo se nalézt žádný nápovědný text.',
'no_help_title' => 'Omlouváme se, došlo k chybě.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hello!',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Zdravíme!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Pro pokračování zadejte kód pro dvoufázové ověření. Vaše aplikace ho pro vás může vytvořit.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Sem zadejte kód',
'two_factor_title' => 'Dvoufázové ověření',
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ return [
'mfa_backup_code' => 'You have used a backup code to login to Firefly III. It can\'t be used again, so cross it from your list.',
'pref_two_factor_new_backup_codes' => 'Get new backup codes',
'pref_two_factor_backup_code_count' => 'You have :count valid backup code(s).',
'2fa_i_have_them' => 'I stored them!',
'2fa_i_have_them' => 'Uložil jsem je!',
'warning_much_data' => ':days dnů dat může chvíli trvat načíst.',
'registered' => 'Úspěšně jste se zaregistrovali!',
'Default asset account' => 'Výchozí účet s aktivy',
@ -241,10 +242,10 @@ return [
'search_modifier_from' => 'Source account is :value',
'search_modifier_destination' => 'Cílový účet je :value',
'search_modifier_to' => 'Destination account is :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Štítek je „:value“',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Kategorie je „:value“',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Rozpočet je „:value“',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Faktura je „:value“',
'search_modifier_type' => 'Typ transakce je :value',
'search_modifier_date' => 'Datum transakce je :value',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'Datum transakce je před :value',
@ -677,20 +678,20 @@ return [
// budgets:
'total_available_budget' => 'Total available budget (between :start and :end)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Total available budget in :currency',
'see_below' => 'see below',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Celkový rozpočet k dispozici v :currency',
'see_below' => 'viz níže',
'create_new_budget' => 'Vytvořit nový rozpočet',
'store_new_budget' => 'Uložit nový rozpočet',
'stored_new_budget' => 'Uložen novým rozpočet „:name“',
'available_between' => 'Dostupné mezi :start a :end',
'transactionsWithoutBudget' => 'Výdaje bez rozpočtu',
'transactions_no_budget' => 'Výdaje bez rozpočtu mezi :start a :end',
'spent_between' => 'Already spent between :start and :end',
'set_available_amount' => 'Set available amount',
'update_available_amount' => 'Update available amount',
'spent_between' => 'Už utraceno mezi :start a :end',
'set_available_amount' => 'Nastavit částku k dispozici',
'update_available_amount' => 'Aktualizovat částku k dispozici',
'ab_basic_modal_explain' => 'Use this form to indicate how much you expect to be able to budget (in total, in :currency) in the indicated period.',
'createBudget' => 'Nový rozpočet',
'invalid_currency' => 'This is an invalid currency',
'invalid_currency' => 'Toto není platná měna',
'set_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been set',
'updated_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been updated',
'deleted_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been deleted',
@ -714,8 +715,8 @@ return [
'suggested' => 'Navrhované',
'average_between' => 'Průměr mezi :start a :end',
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Usually you budget about :amount per day. This time it\'s :over_amount per day. Are you sure?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transferred (in)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferred (away)',
'transferred_in' => 'Převedeno (k nám)',
'transferred_away' => 'Převedeno (pryč)',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Bill matches transactions between :low and :high.',
@ -726,7 +727,7 @@ return [
'auto_match_off' => 'Not automatically matched by Firefly III',
'next_expected_match' => 'Příští očekávaná shoda',
'delete_bill' => 'Smazat účtenku „:name“',
'deleted_bill' => 'Deleted bill ":name"',
'deleted_bill' => 'Smazán účet „:name“',
'edit_bill' => 'Upravit účtenku „:name“',
'more' => 'Více',
'rescan_old' => 'Spustit pravidla znovu, na všechny transakce',
@ -799,7 +800,7 @@ return [
'reconcile_options' => 'Možnosti vyúčtování',
'reconcile_range' => 'Rozsah vyúčtování',
'start_reconcile' => 'Spustit vyúčtování',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash_account_type' => 'Hotovost',
'cash' => 'hotovost',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Typ účtu',
@ -895,41 +896,41 @@ return [
'no_budget' => '(žádný rozpočet)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Account per budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Account per category',
'empty' => '(empty)',
'empty' => '(prázdné)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(all other budgets)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(all other accounts)',
'expense_per_source_account' => 'Expenses per source account',
'expense_per_destination_account' => 'Expenses per destination account',
'income_per_destination_account' => 'Income per destination account',
'spent_in_specific_category' => 'Spent in category ":category"',
'earned_in_specific_category' => 'Earned in category ":category"',
'spent_in_specific_tag' => 'Spent in tag ":tag"',
'earned_in_specific_tag' => 'Earned in tag ":tag"',
'income_per_source_account' => 'Income per source account',
'average_spending_per_destination' => 'Average expense per destination account',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Average expense per source account',
'average_earning_per_source' => 'Average earning per source account',
'expense_per_source_account' => 'Výdaje podle zdrojového účtu',
'expense_per_destination_account' => 'Výdaje podle cílového účtu',
'income_per_destination_account' => 'Příjmy podle cílového účtu',
'spent_in_specific_category' => 'Utraceno v kategorii „:category“',
'earned_in_specific_category' => 'Získáno v kategorii „:category“',
'spent_in_specific_tag' => 'Utraceno pod štítkem „:tag“',
'earned_in_specific_tag' => 'Získáno pod štítkem „:tag“',
'income_per_source_account' => 'Příjem podle zdrojového účtu',
'average_spending_per_destination' => 'Průměrný výdaj podle cílového účtu',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Průměrný výdaj podle zdrojového účtu',
'average_earning_per_source' => 'Průměrný příjem v jednotlivých zdrojových účtech',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Average earning per destination account',
'account_per_tag' => 'Account per tag',
'tag_report_expenses_listed_once' => 'Expenses and income are never listed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This list may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Expenses and income are never displayed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This chart may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'tag_report_chart_single_tag' => 'This chart applies to a single tag. If a transaction has multiple tags, what you see here may be reflected in the charts of other tags as well.',
'tag' => 'Tag',
'tag' => 'Štítek',
'no_budget_squared' => '(žádný rozpočet)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious. You can delete part of a split transaction from this page, so take care.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Smazáno :amount transakcí.',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Aktualizováno :amount transakcí',
'opt_group_' => '(žádný typ účtu)',
'opt_group_no_account_type' => '(no account type)',
'opt_group_no_account_type' => '(žádný typ účtu)',
'opt_group_defaultAsset' => 'Výchozí majetkový účet',
'opt_group_savingAsset' => 'Spořicí účty',
'opt_group_sharedAsset' => 'Sdílené účty aktiv',
'opt_group_ccAsset' => 'Kreditní karty',
'opt_group_cashWalletAsset' => 'Peněženky',
'opt_group_expense_account' => 'Expense accounts',
'opt_group_revenue_account' => 'Revenue accounts',
'opt_group_expense_account' => 'Účty pro výdaje',
'opt_group_revenue_account' => 'Účty pro příjmy',
'opt_group_l_Loan' => 'Závazek: Půjčka',
'opt_group_cash_account' => 'Cash account',
'opt_group_cash_account' => 'Hotovostní účet',
'opt_group_l_Debt' => 'Závazek: Dluh',
'opt_group_l_Mortgage' => 'Závazek: hypotéka',
'opt_group_l_Credit card' => 'Závazek: kreditní karta',
@ -966,9 +967,9 @@ return [
'newWithdrawal' => 'Nový výdaj',
'newDeposit' => 'Nový vklad',
'newTransfer' => 'Nový převod',
'bills_to_pay' => 'Bills to pay',
'bills_to_pay' => 'Faktury k zaplacení',
'per_day' => 'Za den',
'left_to_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day',
'left_to_spend_per_day' => 'Zbývá na denní útratu',
'bills_paid' => 'Bills paid',
// menu and titles, should be recycled as often as possible:
@ -1171,10 +1172,10 @@ return [
'store_piggy_bank' => 'Uložit novou pokladničku',
'stored_piggy_bank' => 'Uložit novou pokladničku „:name“',
'account_status' => 'Stav účtu',
'left_for_piggy_banks' => 'Left for piggy banks',
'left_for_piggy_banks' => 'Zbývá pro pokladničky',
'sum_of_piggy_banks' => 'Součet pokladniček',
'saved_so_far' => 'Doposud naspořeno',
'left_to_save' => 'Left to save',
'left_to_save' => 'Zbývá pro spoření',
'suggested_amount' => 'Doporučené měsíční částka do úspor',
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Vložit peníze do pokladničky ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Vybrat peníze z pokladničky ":name"',
@ -1267,7 +1268,7 @@ return [
// links
'journal_link_configuration' => 'Transaction links configuration',
'create_new_link_type' => 'Vytvořit nový typ odkazu',
'store_new_link_type' => 'Store new link type',
'store_new_link_type' => 'Uložit nový typ odkazu',
'update_link_type' => 'Aktualizovat typ propojení',
'edit_link_type' => 'Upravit odkaz typu „:name“',
'updated_link_type' => 'Updated link type ":name"',
@ -1347,7 +1348,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_asset' => 'To start using Firefly III you must create at least one asset account. Let\'s do so now:',
'no_accounts_create_asset' => 'Vytvořit nový účet',
'no_accounts_title_expense' => 'Vytvořme výdajový účet!',
'no_accounts_intro_expense' => 'You have no expense accounts yet. Expense accounts are the places where you spend money, such as shops and supermarkets.',
'no_accounts_intro_expense' => 'Doposud jste nevytvořily žádné účty pro výdaje. Tyto účty jsou tím, kde utrácíte peníze, jako například obchody a supermarkety.',
'no_accounts_imperative_expense' => 'Expense accounts are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too, if you want. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_accounts_create_expense' => 'Vytvořit výdajový účet',
'no_accounts_title_revenue' => 'Vytvořme příjmový účet!',
@ -1367,7 +1368,7 @@ return [
'no_categories_imperative_default' => 'Categories are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_categories_create_default' => 'Vytvořit kategorii',
'no_tags_title_default' => 'Pojďme vytvořit štítek!',
'no_tags_intro_default' => 'You have no tags yet. Tags are used to fine tune your transactions and label them with specific keywords.',
'no_tags_intro_default' => 'Zatím jste nezadali nevytvořili žádné štítky. Ty slouží k jemnému dolaďování vašich transakcí a označují je konkrétními klíčovými slovy.',
'no_tags_imperative_default' => 'Tags are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_tags_create_default' => 'Vytvořit štítek',
'no_transactions_title_withdrawal' => 'Pojďme vytvořit výdaj!',
@ -1394,7 +1395,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Opakované transakce',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Kalendář',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Pojďme vytvořit opakující se transakci!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Vytvořit opakující se transakci',
@ -1438,7 +1439,7 @@ return [
'repeat_until_date' => 'Opakovat do data',
'repeat_times' => 'Zopakovat tolikrát',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Přeskočí :count výskytů',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Uložit opakovanou transakci',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
@ -1455,7 +1456,7 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Přeskočit výskyt',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Create the transaction on the previous Friday instead',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Create the transaction on the next Monday instead',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Bude vytvořeno v pátek namísto víkendů.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Vyjma výkendů',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
@ -1469,7 +1470,7 @@ return [
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Čisté jmění (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Zbývá pro denní útratu: :amount',

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ return [
'linked_to_rules' => 'Příslušná pravidla',
'active' => 'Aktivní?',
'percentage' => 'pct.',
'next_due' => 'Next due',
'transaction_type' => 'Type',
'next_due' => 'Příští splatnost',
'transaction_type' => 'Typ',
'lastActivity' => 'Poslední aktivita',
'balanceDiff' => 'Rozdíl zůstatku',
'matchesOn' => 'Matched on',
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ return [
'repeat_freq' => 'Repeats',
'description' => 'Popis',
'amount' => 'Částka',
'internal_reference' => 'Internal reference',
'internal_reference' => 'Interní reference',
'date' => 'Datum',
'interest_date' => 'Úrokové datum',
'book_date' => 'Book date',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'Diese Rechnung enthält keine mit ihr verbundenen Regeln.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Bestandskonten anzeigen',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Budgets anzeigen',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Kategorien anzeigen',
'go_to_bills' => 'Rechnungen anzeigen',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Kreditoren (Ausgabenkonten) anzeigen',
@ -123,10 +124,10 @@ return [
'sum_of_income' => 'Summe von Einnahmen',
'liabilities' => 'Verbindlichkeiten',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Ausgaben im Budget „:budget”',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spent in account(s) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Earned in account(s) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Ausgaben auf Konto(en) „:account”',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Einnahmen auf Konto(en) „:account”',
'source_account' => 'Quellkonto',
'destination_account' => 'Zielkonto',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Gesamtausgaben im Budget „:budget”',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Verbleibend zum Ausgeben laut der Budgetplanung',
'current_period' => 'Aktueller Zeitraum',
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ return [
'button_register' => 'Registrieren',
'authorization' => 'Autorisierung',
'active_bills_only' => 'Nur aktive Rechnungen',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'active and expected bills only',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'nur aktive und erwartete Rechnungen',
'average_per_bill' => 'Durchschnitt je Rechnung',
'expected_total' => 'Voraussichtliche Summe',
// API access
@ -241,10 +242,10 @@ return [
'search_modifier_from' => 'Quellkonto ist :value',
'search_modifier_destination' => 'Zielkonto ist :value',
'search_modifier_to' => 'Zielkonto ist :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Schlagwort lautet „:value”',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Kategorie ist „:value”',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget ist „:value”',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Rechnung ist „:value”',
'search_modifier_type' => 'Buchungsart ist :value',
'search_modifier_date' => 'Buchungsdatum ist :value',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'Buchungsdatum ist vor :value',
@ -907,12 +908,12 @@ return [
'earned_in_specific_tag' => 'Einnahmen im Schlagwort „:tag”',
'income_per_source_account' => 'Einnahmen je Quellkonto',
'average_spending_per_destination' => 'Durchschnittliche Kosten je Zielkonto',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Average expense per source account',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Durchschnittliche Ausgaben je Quellkonto',
'average_earning_per_source' => 'Durchschnittlicher Erlös je Quellkonto',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Average earning per destination account',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Durchschnittlicher Einnahmen je Zielkonto',
'account_per_tag' => 'Konto je Schlagwort',
'tag_report_expenses_listed_once' => 'Ausgaben und Einnahmen werden nie doppelt ausgewiesen. Wenn einer Buchung mehrere Schagwörter zugeordnet sind, darf diese nur unter einem ihrer Schagwörter angezeigt werden. Diese Liste könnte fehlende Daten enthalten, aber die Beträge werden korrekt sein.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Expenses and income are never displayed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This chart may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Ausgaben und Einnahmen werden nie doppelt ausgewiesen. Wenn einer Buchung mehrer Schlagwörter zugeordnet wurden, darf diese nur unter einem ihrer Schlagwörter angezeigt werden. In diesem Diagramm fehlen möglicherweise Daten, aber die Beträge sind korrekt.',
'tag_report_chart_single_tag' => 'Dieses Diagramm gilt für ein einzelnes Schlagwort. Wenn einer Buchung mehrere Schlagwörter zugeordnet sind, kann sich das, was Sie hier sehen, auch in den Diagrammen anderer Schlagwörter widerspiegeln.',
'tag' => 'Schlagwort',
'no_budget_squared' => '(kein Budget)',
@ -1036,7 +1037,7 @@ return [
'report_default' => 'Standardfinanzbericht zwischen :start und :end',
'report_audit' => 'Übersicht des Buchungsverlaufs zwischen :start und :end',
'report_category' => 'Kategoriebericht zwischen :start und :end',
'report_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report between :start and :end',
'report_double' => 'Ausgaben-/Einnahmenabrechnung zwischen :start and :end',
'report_budget' => 'Finanzbericht zwischen :start and :end',
'report_tag' => 'Schlagwortbericht zwischen :start und :end',
'quick_link_reports' => 'Schnellzugriff',
@ -1073,7 +1074,7 @@ return [
'report_type_category' => 'Kategorie-Bericht',
'report_type_budget' => 'Finanzbericht',
'report_type_tag' => 'Schlagwortbericht',
'report_type_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report',
'report_type_double' => 'Ausgaben-/Einnahmenabrechnung',
'more_info_help' => 'Weitere Informationen über diese Art von Berichten finden Sie in der Hilfe. Drücken Sie hierfür das (?)-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke.',
'report_included_accounts' => 'Eingezogene Konten',
'report_date_range' => 'Zeitraum',
@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ return [
'budget_chart_click' => 'Klicken Sie auf einen Namen des Budgets in der obigen Tabelle, um ein Diagramm anzuzeigen.',
'category_chart_click' => 'Klicken Sie auf einen Kategorienamen in der obigen Tabelle, um ein Diagramm zu sehen.',
'in_out_accounts' => 'Einnahmen und Ausgaben je Kombination',
'in_out_accounts_per_asset' => 'Earned and spent (per asset account)',
'in_out_accounts_per_asset' => 'Einnahmen und Ausgaben (je Anlagenkonto)',
'in_out_per_category' => 'Einnahmen und Ausgaben je Kategorie',
'out_per_budget' => 'Ausgaben je Budget',
'select_expense_revenue' => 'Aufwands-/Erlöskonto auswählen',
@ -1161,7 +1162,7 @@ return [
'average' => 'Durchschnitt',
'balanceFor' => 'Kontostand für „:name”',
'no_tags_for_cloud' => 'Keine Schlagwörter zum Erstellen der Wolke',
'no_tags' => '(no tags)',
'no_tags' => '(keine Schlagwörter)',
'tag_cloud' => 'Schlagwortwolke',
// piggy banks:

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ return [
'currentBalance' => 'Aktueller Kontostand',
'linked_to_rules' => 'Verlinkte Regeln',
'active' => 'Aktiv?',
'percentage' => 'pct.',
'next_due' => 'Next due',
'percentage' => '%',
'next_due' => 'Nächste Fälligkeit',
'transaction_type' => 'Typ',
'lastActivity' => 'Letzte Aktivität',
'balanceDiff' => 'Saldendifferenz',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'Αυτός ο λογαριασμός δεν έχει σχετιζόμενους κανόνες.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Δείτε τους αποταμιευτικούς λογαριασμούς σας',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Πηγαίνετε στους προϋπολογισμούς σας',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Πηγαίνεται στης κατηγορίες σας',
'go_to_bills' => 'Πηγαίνετε στους λογαριασμούς σας',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Δείτε τους λογαριασμούς εξόδων σας',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'Esta factura no tiene reglas asociadas a ella.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Ver tus cuentas de activos',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Ir a tus presupuestos',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Ir a tus categorías',
'go_to_bills' => 'Ir a tus cuentas',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Ver tus cuentas de gastos',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'Cette facture n\'a aucune règle associée.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Afficher vos comptes d\'actifs',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Gérer vos budgets',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Gérer vos catégories',
'go_to_bills' => 'Gérer vos factures',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Voir vos comptes de dépenses',

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ return [
'reports' => 'Jelentések',
'search_result' => '":query" keresési eredményei',
'withdrawal_list' => 'Kiadások',
'Withdrawal_list' => 'Expenses',
'Withdrawal_list' => 'Költségek',
'deposit_list' => 'Bevételek, jövedelem és betétek',
'transfer_list' => 'Átvezetések',
'transfers_list' => 'Átvezetések',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Eszközszámlák megtekintése',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Ugrás a költségkeretekhez',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Ugrás a kategóriákhoz',
'go_to_bills' => 'Ugrás a számlákhoz',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Költségszámlák megtekintése',
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ return [
'help_for_this_page' => 'Az oldal súgója',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Nem található súgószöveg.',
'no_help_title' => 'Elnézést, hiba történt.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hello!',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Helló!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'A folytatáshoz meg kell adni a kétlépcsős azonosítás kódját. Az alkalmazás létre tudja hozni ezt a kódot.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Kód beírása',
'two_factor_title' => 'Kétlépcsős hitelesítés',
@ -125,8 +126,8 @@ return [
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Költés ":budget" költségkeretben',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spent in account(s) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Earned in account(s) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'source_account' => 'Forrás számla',
'destination_account' => 'Célszámla',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Összes költés ":budget" költségkeretben',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'A költségvetés szerinti elkölthető összeg',
'current_period' => 'Jelenlegi időszak',
@ -238,13 +239,13 @@ return [
'search_modifier_amount_less' => 'Összeg kevesebb mint: :value',
'search_modifier_amount_more' => 'Összeg több, mint: :value',
'search_modifier_source' => 'Forrásszámla: :value',
'search_modifier_from' => 'Source account is :value',
'search_modifier_from' => 'A forrásszámla: :value',
'search_modifier_destination' => 'Célszámla: :value',
'search_modifier_to' => 'Destination account is :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_to' => 'A célszámla: :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'A címke ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'A kategória: ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'A költségkeret: ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'A számla: ":value"',
'search_modifier_type' => 'Tranzakció típusa a :value',
'search_modifier_date' => 'Tranzakció dátuma: :value',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'Tranzakció dátuma :value előtt van',
@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ return [
'2fa_use_secret_instead' => 'If you cannot scan the QR code, feel free to use the secret instead: <code>:secret</code>.',
'2fa_backup_codes' => 'Store these backup codes for access in case you lose your device.',
'2fa_already_enabled' => '2-step verification is already enabled.',
'wrong_mfa_code' => 'This MFA code is not valid.',
'wrong_mfa_code' => 'Ez az MFA kód nem érvényes.',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Beállítások mentése',
'saved_preferences' => 'Beállítások elmentve!',
'preferences_general' => 'Általános',
@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ return [
'update_attachment' => 'Melléklet frissítése',
'delete_attachment' => '":name" melléklet törlése',
'attachment_deleted' => 'Törölt melléklet ":name"',
'liabilities_deleted' => 'Deleted liability ":name"',
'liabilities_deleted' => '":name" kötelezettség törölve',
'attachment_updated' => 'Melléklet frissítve ":name"',
'upload_max_file_size' => 'Maximális fájlméret: :size',
'list_all_attachments' => 'Mellékletek listája',
@ -799,7 +800,7 @@ return [
'reconcile_options' => 'Egyeztetés beállításai',
'reconcile_range' => 'Egyeztetés időszaka',
'start_reconcile' => 'Egyeztetés indítása',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash_account_type' => 'Készpénz',
'cash' => 'készpénz',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Bankszámla típusa',
@ -889,15 +890,15 @@ return [
'no_bulk_tags' => 'Ne frissítse a cimké(ke)t',
'mass_edit' => 'Edit selected individually',
'bulk_edit' => 'Edit selected in bulk',
'mass_delete' => 'Delete selected',
'mass_delete' => 'Kijelöltek törlése',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'Ezeken kívül nem lehet más mezőket tömegesen szerkeszteni, mert nincs elég hely a megjelenítésükhöz. Ha szerkeszteni kell ezeket a mezőket, a hivatkozás használatával lehet megtenni egyesével.',
'cannot_change_amount_reconciled' => 'You can\'t change the amount of reconciled transactions.',
'no_budget' => '(nincs költségkeret)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Account per budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Account per category',
'empty' => '(empty)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(all other budgets)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(all other accounts)',
'empty' => '(üres)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(minden más költségkeret)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(minden más számla)',
'expense_per_source_account' => 'Expenses per source account',
'expense_per_destination_account' => 'Expenses per destination account',
'income_per_destination_account' => 'Income per destination account',
@ -914,7 +915,7 @@ return [
'tag_report_expenses_listed_once' => 'Expenses and income are never listed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This list may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Expenses and income are never displayed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This chart may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'tag_report_chart_single_tag' => 'This chart applies to a single tag. If a transaction has multiple tags, what you see here may be reflected in the charts of other tags as well.',
'tag' => 'Tag',
'tag' => 'Címke',
'no_budget_squared' => '(nincs költségkeret)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious. You can delete part of a split transaction from this page, so take care.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => ':amount tranzakció törölve.',
@ -926,10 +927,10 @@ return [
'opt_group_sharedAsset' => 'Megosztott eszközszámlák',
'opt_group_ccAsset' => 'Hitelkártyák',
'opt_group_cashWalletAsset' => 'Készpénz',
'opt_group_expense_account' => 'Expense accounts',
'opt_group_revenue_account' => 'Revenue accounts',
'opt_group_expense_account' => 'Költségszámlák',
'opt_group_revenue_account' => 'Jövedelemszámlák',
'opt_group_l_Loan' => 'Kötelezettség: hitel',
'opt_group_cash_account' => 'Cash account',
'opt_group_cash_account' => 'Készpénzszámla',
'opt_group_l_Debt' => 'Kötelezettség: adósság',
'opt_group_l_Mortgage' => 'Kötelezettség: jelzálog',
'opt_group_l_Credit card' => 'Kötelezettség: hitelkártya',

View File

@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ return [
'currentBalance' => 'Aktuális egyenleg',
'linked_to_rules' => 'Vonatkozó szabályok',
'active' => 'Aktív?',
'percentage' => 'pct.',
'percentage' => '%',
'next_due' => 'Next due',
'transaction_type' => 'Type',
'transaction_type' => 'Típus',
'lastActivity' => 'Utolsó aktivitás',
'balanceDiff' => 'Egyenleg különbség',
'matchesOn' => 'Találatok',
'other_meta_data' => 'Other meta data',
'other_meta_data' => 'Egyéb metaadat',
'account_type' => 'Bankszámla típusa',
'created_at' => 'Létrehozva',
'account' => 'Bankszámla',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'View your asset accounts',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Go to your budgets',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Go to your categories',
'go_to_bills' => 'Go to your bills',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'See your expense accounts',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'Questa bolletta non ha regole ad essa associate.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Visualizza i tuoi conti attività',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Vai ai tuoi budget',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Vai alle tue categorie',
'go_to_bills' => 'Vai alle tue bollette',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Vedi i tuoi conti spese',
@ -123,10 +124,10 @@ return [
'sum_of_income' => 'Somma delle entrate',
'liabilities' => 'Passività',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Speso nel budget ":budget"',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spent in account(s) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Earned in account(s) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spesi nei conti ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Guadagnati nei conti ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Conto di origine',
'destination_account' => 'Conto destinazione',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Spesa totale nel budget ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Disponibile per spese in base ai budget',
'current_period' => 'Periodo corrente',
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ return [
'button_register' => 'Registrare',
'authorization' => 'Autorizzazione',
'active_bills_only' => 'solo bollette attive',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'active and expected bills only',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'solo bollette attive e previste',
'average_per_bill' => 'media per bolletta',
'expected_total' => 'totale previsto',
// API access
@ -241,10 +242,10 @@ return [
'search_modifier_from' => 'Il conto di origine è :value',
'search_modifier_destination' => 'Il conto di destinazione è :value',
'search_modifier_to' => 'Il conto di destinazione è :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'L\'etichetta è ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'La categoria è ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Il budget è ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'La bolletta è ":value"',
'search_modifier_type' => 'Il tipo di transazione è :value',
'search_modifier_date' => 'La data della transazione è :value',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'La data della transazione è antecedente a :value',
@ -741,7 +742,7 @@ return [
'bill_is_active' => 'Bolletta attiva',
'bill_expected_between' => 'Previsto tra :start e :end',
'bill_will_automatch' => 'La bolletta verrà automaticamente collegata alle transazioni corrispondenti',
'skips_over' => 'salta',
'skips_over' => 'ogni',
'bill_store_error' => 'Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante la memorizzazione della nuova bolletta. Controlla i file di log',
'list_inactive_rule' => 'regola inattiva',
@ -907,12 +908,12 @@ return [
'earned_in_specific_tag' => 'Guadagnati per l\'etichetta ":tag"',
'income_per_source_account' => 'Reddito per conto di origine',
'average_spending_per_destination' => 'Spesa media per conto di destinazione',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Average expense per source account',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Spesa media per conto di origine',
'average_earning_per_source' => 'Guadagno medio per conto di origine',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Average earning per destination account',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Guadagno medio per conto di destinazione',
'account_per_tag' => 'Conto per etichetta',
'tag_report_expenses_listed_once' => 'Spese e entrate non sono mai elencate due volte. Se una transazione ha più di un\'etichetta, potrebbe apparire sotto solo uno delle sue etichette. Può sembrare che questa lista manchi di alcuni dati ma gli importi saranno corretti.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Expenses and income are never displayed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This chart may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Spese e entrate non sono mai visualizzate due volte. Se una transazione ha più di un\'etichetta, potrebbe apparire sotto solo uno delle sue etichette. Può sembrare che questo grafico manchi di alcuni dati ma gli importi saranno corretti.',
'tag_report_chart_single_tag' => 'Questo grafico è valido per una singola etichetta. Se una transazione ha più di una etichetta, quello che tu vedi qui potrebbe vedersi anche nei grafici delle altre etichette.',
'tag' => 'Etichetta',
'no_budget_squared' => '(nessun budget)',
@ -1036,7 +1037,7 @@ return [
'report_default' => 'Resoconto predefinito delle tue finanze tra :start e :end',
'report_audit' => 'Panoramica cronologica delle transazioni tra :start e :end',
'report_category' => 'Resoconto categoria tra :start e :end',
'report_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report between :start and :end',
'report_double' => 'Resoconto conto spese/entrate tra :start e :end',
'report_budget' => 'Resoconto budget tra :start e :end',
'report_tag' => 'Resoconto etichetta tra :start e :end',
'quick_link_reports' => 'Collegamenti veloci',
@ -1073,7 +1074,7 @@ return [
'report_type_category' => 'Resoconto categoria',
'report_type_budget' => 'Resoconto budget',
'report_type_tag' => 'Resoconto etichetta',
'report_type_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report',
'report_type_double' => 'Resoconto conto spese/entrate',
'more_info_help' => 'Ulteriori informazioni su questi tipi di resoconti sono disponibili nelle pagine della guida. Premi l\'icona (?) nell\'angolo in alto a destra.',
'report_included_accounts' => 'Inclusi i conti',
'report_date_range' => 'Intervallo di date',
@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ return [
'budget_chart_click' => 'Fai clic su un nome di un budget nella tabella sopra per vedere un grafico.',
'category_chart_click' => 'Fare clic sul nome di una categoria nella tabella sopra per vedere un grafico.',
'in_out_accounts' => 'Guadagnati e spesi per combinazione',
'in_out_accounts_per_asset' => 'Earned and spent (per asset account)',
'in_out_accounts_per_asset' => 'Guadagnato e speso (per conto attività)',
'in_out_per_category' => 'Guadagnati e spesi per categoria',
'out_per_budget' => 'Speso per budget',
'select_expense_revenue' => 'Seleziona conto spese/entrate',
@ -1161,7 +1162,7 @@ return [
'average' => 'Media',
'balanceFor' => 'Saldo per :name',
'no_tags_for_cloud' => 'Nessun tag per generare la nuvola',
'no_tags' => '(no tags)',
'no_tags' => '(nessuna etichetta)',
'tag_cloud' => 'Nuvola dei tag',
// piggy banks:

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ return [
//'bills_create_match' => 'To match transactions, use terms from those transactions or the expense account involved. All words must match.',
'bills_create_amount_min_holder' => 'Seleziona un importo minimo e massimo per questo conto.',
'bills_create_repeat_freq_holder' => 'La maggior parte dei pagamenti si ripetono mensilmente, ma qui puoi impostare un\'altra frequenza.',
'bills_create_skip_holder' => 'Se una bolletta si ripete ogni 2 settimane, il campo "salta" deve essere impostato a "1" per saltare ogni volta una settimana.',
'bills_create_skip_holder' => 'Se una bolletta si ripete ogni 2 settimane, il campo "salta" deve essere impostato a "1" per saltare una settimana.',
// rules index
'rules_index_intro' => 'Firefly III ti consente di gestire delle regole che verranno automaticamente applicate a qualsiasi transazione creata o modificata.',

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ return [
'currentBalance' => 'Saldo corrente',
'linked_to_rules' => 'Regole rilevanti',
'active' => 'Attivo',
'percentage' => 'pct.',
'next_due' => 'Next due',
'percentage' => 'perc.',
'next_due' => 'Prossimo scadenza',
'transaction_type' => 'Tipo',
'lastActivity' => 'Ultima attività',
'balanceDiff' => 'Differenze saldi',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Se aktivakontoene dine',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Gå til budsjettene dine',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Gå til kategoriene dine',
'go_to_bills' => 'Gå til regningene dine',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Se utgiftskontoene dine',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'Dit contract heeft geen regels.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Bekijk je betaalrekeningen',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Ga naar je budgetten',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Ga naar je categorieën',
'go_to_bills' => 'Ga naar je contracten',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Bekijk je crediteuren',
@ -123,10 +124,10 @@ return [
'sum_of_income' => 'Som van inkomsten',
'liabilities' => 'Passiva',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Uitgegeven in budget ":budget"',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spent in account(s) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Earned in account(s) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Uitgegeven van rekening(en) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Verdiend op rekening(en) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Bronrekening',
'destination_account' => 'Doelrekening',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Totaal uitgegeven in budget ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Nog uit te geven volgens budgettering',
'current_period' => 'Huidige periode',
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ return [
'button_register' => 'Registreren',
'authorization' => 'Toestemming',
'active_bills_only' => 'alleen actieve contracten',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'active and expected bills only',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'alleen actieve en verwachte contracten',
'average_per_bill' => 'gemiddeld per contract',
'expected_total' => 'verwacht totaal',
// API access
@ -242,9 +243,9 @@ return [
'search_modifier_destination' => 'Doelrekening is :value',
'search_modifier_to' => 'Doelrekening is :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Categorie is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Contract is ":value"',
'search_modifier_type' => 'Transactietype is :value',
'search_modifier_date' => 'Transactiedatum is :value',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'Transactiedatum is vóór :value',
@ -907,12 +908,12 @@ return [
'earned_in_specific_tag' => 'Verdiend in tag ":tag"',
'income_per_source_account' => 'Inkomen per bronrekening',
'average_spending_per_destination' => 'Gemiddelde uitgave per doelrekening',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Average expense per source account',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Gemiddelde uitgave per bronrekening',
'average_earning_per_source' => 'Gemiddelde inkomsten per bronrekening',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Average earning per destination account',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Gemiddelde inkomsten per doelrekening',
'account_per_tag' => 'Rekening per tag',
'tag_report_expenses_listed_once' => 'Uitgaven en inkomsten worden nooit dubbel vermeld. Als een transactie meerdere tags heeft komt-ie waarschijnlijk maar één keer voorbij, onder één van de tags. De lijst lijkt dus gegevens te missen maar de bedragen zijn correct.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Expenses and income are never displayed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This chart may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Uitgaven en inkomsten worden nooit dubbel vermeld. Als een transactie meerdere tags heeft kan het zijn dat-ie maar onder één tag in beeld komt. De grafiek lijkt dus informatie te missen, maar de bedragen zullen kloppen.',
'tag_report_chart_single_tag' => 'Deze grafiek slaat op een enkele tag. Als een transactie meerdere tags heeft kan het dus zijn dat je dit in andere grafieken terug ziet komen.',
'tag' => 'Tag',
'no_budget_squared' => '(geen budget)',
@ -1036,7 +1037,7 @@ return [
'report_default' => 'Standaard financieel rapport (:start tot :end)',
'report_audit' => 'Transactiehistorie-overzicht van :start tot :end',
'report_category' => 'Categorierapport van :start tot :end',
'report_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report between :start and :end',
'report_double' => 'Debiteuren/crediteurenrapport tussen :start en :end',
'report_budget' => 'Budgetrapport van :start tot :end',
'report_tag' => 'Tagrapport van :start tot :end',
'quick_link_reports' => 'Snelle links',
@ -1073,7 +1074,7 @@ return [
'report_type_category' => 'Categorierapport',
'report_type_budget' => 'Budgetrapport',
'report_type_tag' => 'Tagrapport',
'report_type_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report',
'report_type_double' => 'Debiteuren/crediteurenrapport',
'more_info_help' => 'Meer informatie over deze rapporten vind je in de hulppagina\'s. Klik daarvoor op het (?) icoontje rechtsboven.',
'report_included_accounts' => 'Accounts in rapport',
'report_date_range' => 'Datumbereik',
@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ return [
'budget_chart_click' => 'Klik op een budgetnaam in de tabel hierboven om een grafiek te zien.',
'category_chart_click' => 'Klik op een categorienaam in de tabel hierboven om een grafiek te zien.',
'in_out_accounts' => 'Inkomsten en uitgaven per combinatie',
'in_out_accounts_per_asset' => 'Earned and spent (per asset account)',
'in_out_accounts_per_asset' => 'Inkomsten en uitgaven (per betaalrekening)',
'in_out_per_category' => 'Verdiend en uitgegeven per categorie',
'out_per_budget' => 'Uitgaven per budget',
'select_expense_revenue' => 'Selecteer debiteur+crediteur',
@ -1161,7 +1162,7 @@ return [
'average' => 'Gemiddeld',
'balanceFor' => 'Saldo op :name',
'no_tags_for_cloud' => 'Geen tags om cloud te genereren',
'no_tags' => '(no tags)',
'no_tags' => '(geen tags)',
'tag_cloud' => 'Tagcloud',
// piggy banks:

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ return [
'currentBalance' => 'Huidig saldo',
'linked_to_rules' => 'Relevante regels',
'active' => 'Actief?',
'percentage' => 'pct.',
'next_due' => 'Next due',
'percentage' => 'pct',
'next_due' => 'Volgende',
'transaction_type' => 'Type',
'lastActivity' => 'Laatste activiteit',
'balanceDiff' => 'Saldoverschil',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Zobacz swoje konta aktywów',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Przejdź do swoich budżetów',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Przejdź do swoich kategorii',
'go_to_bills' => 'Przejdź do swoich rachunków',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Zobacz swoje konta wydatków',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'Esta conta não tem regras associadas a ela.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Veja suas contas ativas',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Vá para seus orçamentos',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Vá para suas categorias',
'go_to_bills' => 'Vá para suas faturas',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Veja suas despesas',

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ return [
'reports' => 'Rapoarte',
'search_result' => 'Rezultatele căutării ":query"',
'withdrawal_list' => 'Cheltuieli',
'Withdrawal_list' => 'Expenses',
'Withdrawal_list' => 'Cheltuieli',
'deposit_list' => 'Venituri și depozite',
'transfer_list' => 'Transferuri',
'transfers_list' => 'Transferuri',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Vizualizați conturile de active',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Mergi la bugete',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Mergi la categorii',
'go_to_bills' => 'Mergi la facturi',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Vezi cheltuielile contabile',
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ return [
'help_for_this_page' => 'Ajutor pentru această pagină',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Nu a putut fi găsit niciun text de ajutor.',
'no_help_title' => 'Ne cerem scuze, a apărut o eroare.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hello!',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Bună ziua!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Pentru a continua, introduceți codul dvs. de autentificare cu doi factori. Aplicația dvs. o poate genera pentru dvs.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Introdu codul aici',
'two_factor_title' => 'Autentificare cu doi factori',
@ -125,8 +126,8 @@ return [
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Cheltuit în bugetul ":budget"',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spent in account(s) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Earned in account(s) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'source_account' => 'Contul sursă',
'destination_account' => 'Contul de destinație',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Cheltuielile totale în bugetul ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Rest de chetuit ăn funcție de buget',
'current_period' => 'Perioada curentă',
@ -241,10 +242,10 @@ return [
'search_modifier_from' => 'Source account is :value',
'search_modifier_destination' => 'Contul destinației este :value',
'search_modifier_to' => 'Destination account is :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Eticheta este ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Categoria este ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Bugetul este ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Factura este ":value"',
'search_modifier_type' => 'Tipul de tranzacţie este :value',
'search_modifier_date' => 'Data tranzacţiei este :value',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'Data tranzacţiei este înainte de :value',
@ -499,7 +500,7 @@ return [
'pref_two_factor_auth_disable_2fa' => 'Dezactivați autentificarea cu doi factori',
'2fa_use_secret_instead' => 'If you cannot scan the QR code, feel free to use the secret instead: <code>:secret</code>.',
'2fa_backup_codes' => 'Store these backup codes for access in case you lose your device.',
'2fa_already_enabled' => '2-step verification is already enabled.',
'2fa_already_enabled' => 'Verificarea în 2 pași este deja activată.',
'wrong_mfa_code' => 'This MFA code is not valid.',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Salvează setările',
'saved_preferences' => 'Preferințele sunt salvate!',
@ -678,14 +679,14 @@ return [
// budgets:
'total_available_budget' => 'Total available budget (between :start and :end)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Total available budget in :currency',
'see_below' => 'see below',
'see_below' => 'vezi mai jos',
'create_new_budget' => 'Creați un nou budget',
'store_new_budget' => 'Salvați un nou budget',
'stored_new_budget' => 'Bugetul ":name" a fost salvat',
'available_between' => 'Disponibil între :start și :end',
'transactionsWithoutBudget' => 'Cheltuieli fără buget',
'transactions_no_budget' => 'Cheltuieli fără buget între :start și :end',
'spent_between' => 'Already spent between :start and :end',
'spent_between' => 'Cheltuit între :start și :end',
'set_available_amount' => 'Set available amount',
'update_available_amount' => 'Update available amount',
'ab_basic_modal_explain' => 'Use this form to indicate how much you expect to be able to budget (in total, in :currency) in the indicated period.',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'С этим счётом не связано ни одно правило.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Просмотр ваших основных счетов',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Перейти к вашим бюджетам',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Перейти к вашим категориям',
'go_to_bills' => 'Перейти к вашим счетам на оплату',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Перейти к вашим счетам расходов',
@ -123,10 +124,10 @@ return [
'sum_of_income' => 'Сумма дохода',
'liabilities' => 'Долговые счета',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Расходы по бюджету ":budget"',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spent in account(s) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Earned in account(s) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Расходы в аккаунте(ах) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Заработано в аккаунте(ах) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Счёт отправитель',
'destination_account' => 'Счёт получатель',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Сумма расходов по бюджету ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Осталось потратить в соответствии с бюджетом',
'current_period' => 'Текущий период',
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ return [
'button_register' => 'Регистрация',
'authorization' => 'Авторизация',
'active_bills_only' => 'только активные счета',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'active and expected bills only',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'только активные и ожидаемые счета',
'average_per_bill' => 'в среднем на счёт',
'expected_total' => 'ожидаемый итог',
// API access
@ -241,10 +242,10 @@ return [
'search_modifier_from' => 'Счёт-источник = :value',
'search_modifier_destination' => 'Счёт назначения = :value',
'search_modifier_to' => 'Счёт назначения = :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Тег ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Категория ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Бюджет ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Счёт ":value"',
'search_modifier_type' => 'Тип транзакции — :value',
'search_modifier_date' => 'Дата транзакции — :value',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'Дата транзакции до :value',
@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ return [
'search_modifier_on' => 'Дата транзакции — :value',
'search_modifier_before' => 'Дата транзакции до :value',
'search_modifier_after' => 'Дата транзакции после :value',
'modifiers_applies_are' => 'The following modifiers are applied to the search as well:',
'modifiers_applies_are' => 'В поиске применяются следующие атрибуты:',
'general_search_error' => 'Произошла ошибка при поиске. Пожалуйста, проверьте файлы журнала для получения дополнительной информации.',
'search_box' => 'Поиск',
'search_box_intro' => 'Добро пожаловать в функцию поиска Firefly III. Введите поисковый запрос в поле. Убедитесь, что вы ознакомились с инструкцией, потому что поиск достаточно продвинутый.',
@ -294,7 +295,7 @@ return [
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Сохраните эти правила, переместив их в другую группу правил:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Создать новое правило в группе правил ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Создать новое правило',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'In order to match transactions to your new bill ":name", Firefly III can create a rule that will automatically be checked against any transactions you store. Please verify the details below and store the rule to have Firefly III automatically match transactions to your new bill.',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'Для того чтобы сравнить транзакции с вашим новым счётом ":name", Firefly III может создать правило, которое автоматически будет проверять ваши любые транзакции. Пожалуйста, проверьте данные ниже и сохраните правило, для того чтобы Firefly III автоматически связывал транзакции в вашем новом счёте.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'строгое правило',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'нестрогое правило',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Когда вы установите этот флажок, более поздние правила в этой группе не будут выполняться.',
@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ return [
'pref_home_screen_accounts' => 'Счета, отображаемые в сводке',
'pref_home_screen_accounts_help' => 'Какие счета нужно отображать в сводке на главной странице?',
'pref_view_range' => 'Диапазон просмотра',
'pref_view_range_help' => 'Some charts are automatically grouped in periods. Your budgets will also be grouped in periods. What period would you prefer?',
'pref_view_range_help' => 'Некоторые графики автоматически сгрупированы в период. Ваш бюджет также будет сгруппирирован в период. Какой период вы предпочитаете?',
'pref_1D' => 'Один день',
'pref_1W' => 'Одна неделя',
'pref_1M' => 'Один месяц',
@ -676,27 +677,27 @@ return [
'options' => 'Параметры',
// budgets:
'total_available_budget' => 'Total available budget (between :start and :end)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Total available budget in :currency',
'see_below' => 'see below',
'total_available_budget' => 'Общий доступный бюджет (между :start и :end)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Общий доступный бюджет в :currency',
'see_below' => 'см. ниже',
'create_new_budget' => 'Создать новый бюджет',
'store_new_budget' => 'Сохранить новый бюджет',
'stored_new_budget' => 'Новый бюджет ":name" сохранён',
'available_between' => 'Доступно между :start и :end',
'transactionsWithoutBudget' => 'Расходы вне бюджета',
'transactions_no_budget' => 'Расходы вне бюджета между :start и :end',
'spent_between' => 'Already spent between :start and :end',
'set_available_amount' => 'Set available amount',
'update_available_amount' => 'Update available amount',
'ab_basic_modal_explain' => 'Use this form to indicate how much you expect to be able to budget (in total, in :currency) in the indicated period.',
'spent_between' => 'Уже потрачено между :start и :end',
'set_available_amount' => 'Установить доступную сумму',
'update_available_amount' => 'Обновить доступную сумму',
'ab_basic_modal_explain' => 'Используйте эту форму, чтобы указать какой бюджет вы ожидаете (всего, в :currency) в выбранный период.',
'createBudget' => 'Новый бюджет',
'invalid_currency' => 'This is an invalid currency',
'set_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been set',
'updated_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been updated',
'deleted_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been deleted',
'deleted_bl' => 'The budgeted amount has been removed',
'alt_currency_ab_create' => 'Set the available budget in another currency',
'bl_create_btn' => 'Set budget in another currency',
'invalid_currency' => 'Это неверная валюта',
'set_ab' => 'Доступная сумма бюджета была установлена',
'updated_ab' => 'Доступная сумма бюджета была обновлена',
'deleted_ab' => 'Доступная сумма бюджета была удалена',
'deleted_bl' => 'Сумма бюджета была удалена',
'alt_currency_ab_create' => 'Установите доступный бюджет в другой валюте',
'bl_create_btn' => 'Установите бюджет в другой валюте',
'inactiveBudgets' => 'Неактивные бюджеты',
'without_budget_between' => 'Транзакции вне бюджета между :start и :end',
'delete_budget' => 'Удалить бюджет ":name"',
@ -706,8 +707,8 @@ return [
'update_amount' => 'Обновить сумму',
'update_budget' => 'Обновить бюджет',
'update_budget_amount_range' => 'Обновить (ожидаемые) доступные средства между :start и :end',
'set_budget_limit_title' => 'Set budgeted amount for budget :budget between :start and :end',
'set_budget_limit' => 'Set budgeted amount',
'set_budget_limit_title' => 'Установите бюджет для :budget между :start и :end',
'set_budget_limit' => 'Установить бюджет',
'budget_period_navigator' => 'Навигация по периодам',
'info_on_available_amount' => 'Сколько средств у меня есть?',
'available_amount_indication' => 'Используйте эти суммы, чтобы узнать, каким может быть ваш суммарный бюджет.',
@ -907,9 +908,9 @@ return [
'earned_in_specific_tag' => 'Earned in tag ":tag"',
'income_per_source_account' => 'Income per source account',
'average_spending_per_destination' => 'Average expense per destination account',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Average expense per source account',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Средний расход для исходного счёта',
'average_earning_per_source' => 'Average earning per source account',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Average earning per destination account',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Средний доход для счёта назначения',
'account_per_tag' => 'Account per tag',
'tag_report_expenses_listed_once' => 'Expenses and income are never listed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This list may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Expenses and income are never displayed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This chart may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
@ -1036,7 +1037,7 @@ return [
'report_default' => 'Стандартный финансовый отчёт за период с :start по :end',
'report_audit' => 'Обзор транзакций за период с :start по :end',
'report_category' => 'Отчёт по категории между :start и :end',
'report_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report between :start and :end',
'report_double' => 'Отчёт расходов/доходов между :start и :end',
'report_budget' => 'Отчет по бюджету между :start и :end',
'report_tag' => 'Отчет по метке между :start и :end',
'quick_link_reports' => 'Быстрые ссылки',
@ -1073,7 +1074,7 @@ return [
'report_type_category' => 'Отчёт по категории',
'report_type_budget' => 'Отчёт по бюджету',
'report_type_tag' => 'Отчёт по метке',
'report_type_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report',
'report_type_double' => 'Отчет о расходах/доходах',
'more_info_help' => 'Более подробную информацию об этих типах отчётов вы можете найти на странице справки. Нажмите значок (?) в правом верхнем углу.',
'report_included_accounts' => 'Счета, включаемые в отчёт',
'report_date_range' => 'Диапазон дат',

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'linked_to_rules' => 'Подходящие правила',
'active' => 'Активен?',
'percentage' => 'pct.',
'next_due' => 'Next due',
'next_due' => 'Следующий срок',
'transaction_type' => 'Тип',
'lastActivity' => 'Последняя активность',
'balanceDiff' => 'Разность баланса',

View File

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ return [
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Varlık hesaplarınızı görüntüleyin
'go_to_budgets' => 'Bütçelerine git',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Kategorilerinize gidin',
'go_to_bills' => 'Faturalarına git',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'Gider hesaplarınızı görün',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => '检视您的资产帐户',
'go_to_budgets' => '前往您的预算',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => '前往您的分类',
'go_to_bills' => '前往您的帐单',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => '查看您的支出帐户',

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ return [
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => '檢視您的資產帳戶',
'go_to_budgets' => '前往您的預算',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => '前往您的分類',
'go_to_bills' => '前往您的帳單',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => '查看您的支出帳戶',