mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Some language strings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ class LoginController extends Controller
return redirect(route('register')); // @codeCoverageIgnore
// is allowed to?
$singleUserMode = app('fireflyconfig')->get('single_user_mode', config('firefly.configuration.single_user_mode'))->data;
$allowRegistration = true;
@ -148,6 +149,9 @@ class LoginController extends Controller
$email = $request->old('email');
$remember = $request->old('remember');
// todo must forget 2FA if user ends up here.
return view('auth.login', compact('allowRegistration', 'email', 'remember', 'allowReset', 'title'));
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Připojit k popisu…',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Přidat před popis…',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Nastavit zdrojový účet na…',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Nastavit účet na :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Nastavit cílový účet na…',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Nastavit cílový účet na :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Připojit za poznámky…',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Přidat za poznámky „:action_value“',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Buchungsbetrag im Sparschwein „:action_value” hinzufügen/entfernen',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'An Beschreibung anhängen..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Vor Beschreibung voranstellen..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Lege Quellkonto fest...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Quellkonto festlegen auf …',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Lege Quellkonto als :action_value fest',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Zielkonto festlegen...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Zielkonto festlegen auf …',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Lege Zielkonto als :action_value fest',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'An Notizen anhängen..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => '„:action_value” an Notizen anhängen',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Zurück zum Telemetrieindex',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Noch nicht übermittelt',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Funktions-Flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Datensätze übermitteln',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Wiederkehrend',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Datensätze übermitteln',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Übertragene Datensätze löschen',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Datensätze wurden übermittelt. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Protokolldateien für weitere Informationen.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Alle Telemetriedaten wurden gelöscht.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Προσάρτηση περιγραφής με..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Προεπιλογή περιγραφής με..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Ορισμός του λογαριασμού προέλευσης σε...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Ορισμός του λογαριασμού προέλευσης σε :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Ορισμός του λογαριασμού προορισμού...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Ορισμός του λογαριασμού προορισμού σε :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Προσάρτηση σημειώσεων με..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Προσάρτηση σημειώσεων με ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Επιστροφή στις ενδείξεις τηλεμετρίας',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Δεν έχει υποβληθεί ακόμη',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Επισήμανση λειτουργίας',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Υποβολή εγγραφών',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Υποβολή εγγραφών',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Διαγραφή καταχωρισμένων εγγραφών',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Έχουν υποβληθεί εγγραφές. Ελέγξτε τα αρχεία καταγραφής για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Όλες οι εγγραφές τηλεμετρίας έχουν διαγραφεί.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Append description with..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Prepend description with..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Set source account to :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Set destination account to :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Append notes with..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Append notes with ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Adjuntar descripción con..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Anteponer descripción con..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Configurar cuenta de origen para...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Establecer cuenta de origen en :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Establecer cuenta de destino en...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Establecer cuenta de destino en :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Anexar notas con..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Anexar notas con ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Volver al índice de telemetría',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'No enviada',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Marca de características',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Enviar registros',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Enviar registros',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Eliminar los registros enviados',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Los registros han sido enviados. Revise sus archivos de registro para más información.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Se han eliminado todos los registros de telemetría.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Liitä kuvauksen loppuun teksti ...',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Aloita kuvaus tekstillä ...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Aseta lähdetiliksi ...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Aseta lähdetiliksi :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Aseta kohdetiliksi ...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Aseta kohdetiliksi :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Liitä muistiinpanon loppuun ...',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Liitä muistiinpanon loppuun teksti ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Takaisin käyttötietojen hakemistoon',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Ei vielä lähetetty',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Ominaisuusasetus',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Lähetä tiedot',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Lähetä tiedot',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Poista lähetetyt tiedot',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Tiedot on lähetetty. Lokitiedostoistasi löydät lisätietoja.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Kaikki käyttötiedot poistettu.',
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ return [
'sign_in' => 'S\'identifier',
'register_new_account' => 'Créer un nouveau compte',
'forgot_my_password' => 'J\'ai oublié mon mot de passe',
'problems_with_input' => 'Il y a eu quelques problèmes avec votre entrée.',
'problems_with_input' => 'Il y a eu quelques problèmes avec votre saisie.',
'reset_password' => 'Réinitialisez votre mot de passe',
'button_reset_password' => 'Réinitialiser le mot de passe',
'reset_button' => 'Réinitialiser',
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ return [
'update_check_error' => 'Une erreur est survenue lors de la vérification d\'une mise à jour : :error',
'unknown_error' => 'Erreur inconnue. Désolé.',
'just_new_release' => 'Une nouvelle version est disponible ! La version :version a été publiée :date. Cette version est très récente. Attendez quelques jours pour que la nouvelle version se stabilise.',
'disabled_but_check' => 'You disabled update checking. So don\'t forget to check for updates yourself every now and then. Thank you!',
'disabled_but_check' => 'Vous avez désactivé la vérification des mises à jour. N\'oubliez donc pas de vérifier vous-même les mises à jour de temps en temps. Merci !',
'admin_update_channel_title' => 'Canal de mise à jour',
'admin_update_channel_explain' => 'Firefly III dispose de trois canaux de mise à jour qui déterminent ce que vous êtes prêt à accepter en termes de fonctionnalités, d\'améliorations et de bogues. Utilisez le canal « bêta » si vous êtes aventurier et le « alpha » lorsque vous aimez vivre dangereusement.',
'update_channel_stable' => 'Stable. Tout devrait fonctionner comme prévu.',
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_budget_is' => 'Le budget est ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_choice' => '(A) le tag est..',
'rule_trigger_tag_is' => 'Un tag est ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_currency_is_choice' => 'La devise de l\'opération est ..',
'rule_trigger_currency_is_choice' => 'La devise de l\'opération est..',
'rule_trigger_currency_is' => 'La devise de l\'opération est ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_has_attachments_choice' => 'À au moins autant de pièces jointes',
'rule_trigger_has_attachments' => 'À au moins :trigger_value pièce(s) jointe(s)',
@ -484,13 +484,13 @@ return [
'rule_action_remove_tag_choice' => 'Retirer le tag..',
'rule_action_remove_all_tags_choice' => 'Supprimer tous les tags',
'rule_action_set_description_choice' => 'Définir la description à..',
'rule_action_update_piggy_choice' => 'Ajouter/supprimer le montant de l\'opération dans la tirelire.',
'rule_action_update_piggy_choice' => 'Ajouter/supprimer un montant dans la tirelire..',
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Ajouter/supprimer le montant de l\'opération dans la tirelire ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Suffixer la description avec..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Préfixer la description avec..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Définissez le compte source à...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Définir le compte source à..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Définir le compte source à :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Définissez le compte de destination à ...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Définir le compte de destination à..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Définissez le compte de destination à :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Rajouter aux notes..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Rajouter aux notes ":action_value"',
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ return [
'pref_locale_help' => 'Firefly III vous permet de définir d\'autres paramètres locaux, comme la façon dont les devises, les nombres et les dates sont formatées. Les entrées dans cette liste peuvent ne pas être prises en charge par votre système. Firefly III n\'est pas paramétré correctement pour toutes les langues ; contactez-moi pour les améliorer.',
'pref_locale_no_windows' => 'Cette fonctionnalité peut ne pas fonctionner sous Windows.',
'pref_locale_no_docker' => 'L\'image Docker ne dispose que d\'un petit nombre de paramètres régionaux installés.',
'pref_locale_no_demo' => 'This feature won\'t work for the demo user.',
'pref_locale_no_demo' => 'Cette fonctionnalité ne fonctionnera pas pour l\'utilisateur de démonstration.',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year' => 'Paramètres fiscaux de l\'année',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_label' => 'Activé',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help' => 'Dans les pays qui utilisent une année financière autre que du 1er janvier au 31 décembre, vous pouvez la changer en spécifiant le jour de début et de fin de l\'année fiscale',
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ return [
'options' => 'Options',
// budgets:
'budget_limit_not_in_range' => 'This amount applies from :start to :end.',
'budget_limit_not_in_range' => 'Ce montant s\'applique du :start au :end.',
'total_available_budget' => 'Budget total disponible (entre :start et :end)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Budget total disponible en :currency',
'see_below' => 'voir ci-dessous',
@ -1055,8 +1055,8 @@ return [
'unknown_journal_error' => 'Impossible de stocker l\'opération. Veuillez vérifier les fichiers journaux.',
'attachment_not_found' => 'Cette pièce jointe est introuvable.',
'journal_link_bill' => 'Cette opération est liée à la facture <a href=":route">:name</a>. Pour supprimer l\'association, décocher la case. Utilisez les règles pour la connecter à une autre facture.',
'transaction_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID} ("{title}")</a> has been stored.',
'transaction_new_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID}</a> has been stored.',
'transaction_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">L\'opération n°{ID} ("{title}")</a> a été enregistrée.',
'transaction_new_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">L\'opération n°{ID}</a> a été enregistrée.',
'transaction_updated_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">L\'opération n°{ID}</a> a été mise à jour.',
// new user:
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Retour à l\'index de la télémétrie',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Pas encore soumis',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Indicateur de fonctionnalité',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Texte',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Récurrence',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Soumettre les enregistrements',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Supprimer les enregistrements envoyés',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Les enregistrements ont été soumis. Consultez vos fichiers journaux pour plus d\'informations.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Tous les enregistrements télémétriques ont été supprimés.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Tranzakcióösszeg hozzáadása/törlése a malacperselyből ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Hozzáfűzés a leíráshoz..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Hozzáfűzés a leírás elejéhez..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Forrásszámla beállítása...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Forrásfiók beállítása :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Célszámla beállítása...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Célfiók beállítása :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Hozzáfűzés a jegyzetekhez..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Hozzáfűzés a jegyzetekhez ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Vissza a telemetria kezdőoldalra',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Nem beküldött',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Funkciókapcsoló',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Bejegyzések beküldése',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Bejegyzések beküldése',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Beküldött bejegyzések törlése',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'A bejegyzések beküldve. További információ a naplófájlokban található.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Minden telemetria bejegyzés törölve.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Tambahkan deskripsi dengan..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Tambahkan deskripsi dengan..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Tetapkan akun sumber ke...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Tetapkan akun sumber ke :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Tetapkan akun tujuan ke...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Tetapkan akun tujuan ke :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Tambahkan catatan dengan..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Tambahkan catatan dengan ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ return [
'update_check_error' => 'Si è verificato un errore durante il controllo degli aggiornamenti: :error',
'unknown_error' => 'Errore sconosciuto. Siamo spiacenti.',
'just_new_release' => 'Una nuova versione è disponibile! La versione :version è stata rilasciata :date. Questa versione è molto recente. Attendi qualche giorno affinché la nuova versione venga considerata stabile.',
'disabled_but_check' => 'You disabled update checking. So don\'t forget to check for updates yourself every now and then. Thank you!',
'disabled_but_check' => 'Hai disabilitato il controllo degli aggiornamenti. Quindi non dimenticarti di controllare gli aggiornamenti di tanto in tanto. Grazie!',
'admin_update_channel_title' => 'Canale di aggiornamento',
'admin_update_channel_explain' => 'Firefly III dispone di tre "canali" di aggiornamento che indicano quanto avanti ti trovi in termini di funzionalità, miglioramenti e bug. Usa il canale "beta" se sei avventuroso e quello "alpha" se vuoi vivere pericolosamente.',
'update_channel_stable' => 'Stabile. Tutto dovrebbe funzionare come previsto.',
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ return [
'pref_locale_help' => 'Firefly III ti permette di impostare altre impostazioni regionali, come la formattazione delle valute, dei numeri e delle date. Le voci in questa lista potrebbero non essere supportate dal tuo sistema. Firefly III non ha le corrette impostazioni di data per ogni regione; contattami per ulteriori miglioramenti.',
'pref_locale_no_windows' => 'Questa funzionalità potrebbe non funzionare su Windows.',
'pref_locale_no_docker' => 'L\'immagine Docker ha solo un piccolo insieme di localizzazioni installate.',
'pref_locale_no_demo' => 'This feature won\'t work for the demo user.',
'pref_locale_no_demo' => 'Questa funzionalità non è disponibile per l\'utente demo.',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year' => 'Impostazioni anno fiscale',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_label' => 'Abilita',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help' => 'Nei paesi che utilizzano un anno finanziario che non va dal 1 gennaio al 31 dicembre, è possibile attivare questa opzione e specificare i giorni di inizio / fine dell\'anno fiscale',
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ return [
'options' => 'Opzioni',
// budgets:
'budget_limit_not_in_range' => 'This amount applies from :start to :end.',
'budget_limit_not_in_range' => 'Questo importo si applica da :start a :end.',
'total_available_budget' => 'Budget totale disponibile (tra :start e :end)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Budget totale disponibile in :currency',
'see_below' => 'vedi sotto',
@ -1055,8 +1055,8 @@ return [
'unknown_journal_error' => 'Impossibile memorizzare la transazione. Controllare i file di log.',
'attachment_not_found' => 'Impossibile trovare questo allegato.',
'journal_link_bill' => 'Questa transazione è collegata alla bolletta <a href=":route">:name</a>. Per rimuovere il collegamento, deseleziona la casella di controllo. Usa le regole per collegarla ad un\'altra bolletta.',
'transaction_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID} ("{title}")</a> has been stored.',
'transaction_new_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID}</a> has been stored.',
'transaction_stored_link' => 'La <a href="transactions/show/{ID}">transazione #{ID} ("{title}")</a> è stata salvata.',
'transaction_new_stored_link' => 'La <a href="transactions/show/{ID}">transazione #{ID}</a> è stata salvata.',
'transaction_updated_link' => 'La <a href="transactions/show/{ID}">transazione #{ID}</a> è stata aggiornata.',
// new user:
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Torna all\'indice della telemetria',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Non ancora inviata',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Indicatore funzionalità',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Invia dati',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Testo',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Ricorrente',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Invia dati',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Elimina i dati inviati',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'I dati sono stati inviati. Controlla i file di log per maggiori informazioni.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Tutti i dati di telemetria sono stati cancellati.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Legg til etter beskrivelse..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Legg til foran beskrivelse..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Sett kildekonto til...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Sett kildekonto til :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Sett målkonto til...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Sett målkonto til :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Legg til notater med..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Legg til notater med ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Bedrag +/- bij spaarpotje ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Zet .. achter de omschrijving',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Zet .. voor de omschrijving',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Verander bronrekening naar...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Verander bronrekening naar..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Verander bronrekening naar ":action_value"',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Verander doelrekening naar...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Verander doelrekening naar..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Verander doelrekening naar ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Vul notitie aan met..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Vul notitie aan met ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Terug naar telemetrie-index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Nog niet verstuurd',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Verstuur records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Tekst',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Herhalend',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Verstuur records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Verwijder verstuurde records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records zijn verstuurd. Check je log files voor meer info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Alle telemetrierecords zijn verwijderd.',
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ return [
'update_check_error' => 'Wystąpił błąd podczas sprawdzania aktualizacji :error',
'unknown_error' => 'Nieznany błąd. Przepraszamy za to.',
'just_new_release' => 'Dostępna jest nowa wersja! Wersja :version została wydana :date. To wydanie jest bardzo świeże. Poczekaj kilka dni na stabilizację nowej wersji.',
'disabled_but_check' => 'You disabled update checking. So don\'t forget to check for updates yourself every now and then. Thank you!',
'disabled_but_check' => 'Wyłączyłeś sprawdzanie aktualizacji. Więc nie zapomnij sprawdzać aktualizacji osobiście od czasu do czasu. Dziękujemy!',
'admin_update_channel_title' => 'Kanał aktualizacji',
'admin_update_channel_explain' => 'Firefly III posiada trzy "kanały", które decydują jak wczesnej pod względem funkcji, ulepszeń i błędów wersji używasz. Użyj kanału "beta", jeśli lubisz przygody i "alfa", gdy lubisz żyć niebezpiecznie.',
'update_channel_stable' => 'Stabilne. Wszystko powinno działać zgodnie z oczekiwaniami.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Dodaj/usuń kwotę transakcji w skarbonce ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Dołącz do opisu..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Poprzedź opis..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Ustaw konto źródłowe na...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Ustaw konto źródłowe na :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Ustaw konto docelowe na...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Ustaw konto docelowe na :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Dołącz do notatek..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Dołącz do notatek wartość ":action_value"',
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ return [
'pref_locale_help' => 'Firefly III pozwala na ustawienie innych ustawień lokalnych, takich jak formatowanie walut, liczb i dat. Wpisy na tej liście mogą nie być obsługiwane przez Twój system. Firefly III nie ma poprawnych ustawień daty dla każdego miejsca; skontaktuj się ze mną, abym mógł to ulepszyć.',
'pref_locale_no_windows' => 'Ta funkcja może nie działać w systemie Windows.',
'pref_locale_no_docker' => 'Obraz Dockera ma zainstalowany tylko mały zestaw wersji lokalnych.',
'pref_locale_no_demo' => 'This feature won\'t work for the demo user.',
'pref_locale_no_demo' => 'Ta funkcja nie zadziała dla użytkownika demonstracyjnego.',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year' => 'Ustawienia roku podatkowego',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_label' => 'Włączone',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help' => 'W krajach, w których rok podatkowy nie zaczyna się 1 stycznia i nie kończy 31 grudnia, możesz włączyć tą opcję oraz podać początek / koniec roku podatkowego',
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ return [
'options' => 'Opcje',
// budgets:
'budget_limit_not_in_range' => 'This amount applies from :start to :end.',
'budget_limit_not_in_range' => 'Ta kwota dotyczy okresu od :start do :end.',
'total_available_budget' => 'Dostępny budżet (pomiędzy :start i :end)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Dostępny budżet w :currency',
'see_below' => 'zobacz poniżej',
@ -1055,8 +1055,8 @@ return [
'unknown_journal_error' => 'Nie można zapisać transakcji. Sprawdź pliki dziennika.',
'attachment_not_found' => 'Nie udało się znaleźć tego załącznika.',
'journal_link_bill' => 'Ta transakcja jest powiązana z rachunkiem <a href=":route">:name</a>. Aby usunąć to powiązanie odznacz pole wyboru. Użyj reguł aby połączyć ją z innym rachunkiem.',
'transaction_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID} ("{title}")</a> has been stored.',
'transaction_new_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transaction #{ID}</a> has been stored.',
'transaction_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transakcja #{ID} ("{title}")</a> została zapisana.',
'transaction_new_stored_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transakcja #{ID}</a> została zapisana.',
'transaction_updated_link' => '<a href="transactions/show/{ID}">Transakcja #{ID}</a> została zaktualizowana.',
// new user:
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Powrót do indeksu telemetrii',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Jeszcze nie wysłano',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Flaga funkcji',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Prześlij rekordy',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Powtarzające się',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Prześlij rekordy',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Usuń przesłane rekordy',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Rekordy zostały wysłane. Sprawdź pliki dziennika, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Wszystkie rekordy telemetryczne zostały usunięte.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Adicionar/remover o valor da transação no cofrinho ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Acrescentar a descrição com..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Preceder a descrição com..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Definir a conta de origem...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Definir conta de origem para...',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Definir a conta de origem para :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Definir a conta de destino...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Definir conta de destino para...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Definir a conta de destino :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Anexar notas com..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Anexar notas com ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Voltar ao índice de telemetria',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Ainda não enviado',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Indicador de Característica',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Enviar registros',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Texto',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recorrente',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Enviar registros',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Excluir registros enviados',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Os registros foram enviados. Verifique seus arquivos de log para mais informações.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Todos os registros de telemetria foram excluídos.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Adăugați descrierea cu..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Prefixați descrierea cu..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Setați contul sursă la...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Setați contul sursă la :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Setați contul de destinație la...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Setați contul de destinație la :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Adăugați notițe cu..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Adăugați notițe cu ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Добавить в конце описание с...',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Добавить в начале описание с...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Назначить счёт-источник...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Назначить счёт-источник :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Назначить целевой счёт...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Назначить целевой счёт :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Добавить в конце заметки с...',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Добавить в конце заметки с ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Вернуться к списку телеметрии',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Ещё не отправлено',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Отправить записи',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Отправить записи',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'Все записи телеметрии были удалены.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Lägg till beskrivning med..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Förbered beskrivning med..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Sätt källkonto till...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Sätt källkonto till :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Sätt destinationskonto till...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Sätt destinationskonto till :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Lägg till anteckningar med..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Lägg till anteckningar med ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'İle açıklamayı ekle..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Açıklamanın başlığını ekleyin..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Kaynak hesabı ayarla...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Kaynak hesaba :action_value ayarlayınız',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Hedef hesabı ayarla...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Hedef hesaba :action_value ayarlayınız',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'İle not ekle..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => '":action_value" ile not ekle',
@ -1641,8 +1641,9 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Nối mô tả với..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Chuẩn bị mô tả với..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Đặt tài khoản nguồn thành...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Đặt tài khoản nguồn thành :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Đặt tài khoản đích thành...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Đặt tài khoản đích thành :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Nối ghi chú với..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Nối ghi chú với ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => '描述后加上…',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => '描述前加上…',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => '将来源帐户设为...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => '将来源帐户设为 :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => '将目标帐户设为…',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => '将目标帐户设为 :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => '注释后加入…',
'rule_action_append_notes' => '注释后加上 ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => '返回到遥测索引',
'not_yet_submitted' => '尚未提交',
'telemetry_type_feature' => '功能标志',
'telemetry_submit_all' => '提交记录',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => '提交记录',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => '删除提交的记录',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => '记录已提交。请检查您的日志文件获取更多信息。',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => '所有遥测记录已被删除。',
@ -488,9 +488,9 @@ return [
'rule_action_update_piggy' => 'Add/remove transaction amount in piggy bank ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => '描述後加上…',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => '描述前加上…',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => '將來源帳戶設為...',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Set source account to..',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => '將來源帳戶設為 :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => '將目標帳戶設為…',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to..',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => '將目標帳戶設為 :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => '註釋後加入…',
'rule_action_append_notes' => '註釋後加上 ":action_value"',
@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ return [
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry index',
'not_yet_submitted' => 'Not yet submitted',
'telemetry_type_feature' => 'Feature flag',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_type_string' => 'Text',
'telemetry_type_recurring' => 'Recurring',
'telemetry_submit_all' => 'Submit records',
'telemetry_delete_submitted_records' => 'Delete submitted records',
'telemetry_submission_executed' => 'Records have been submitted. Check your log files for more info.',
'telemetry_all_deleted' => 'All telemetry records have been deleted.',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user