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synced 2025-02-16 18:25:00 -06:00
New translations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ return [
'warning_much_data' => ':days Tage Daten können eine Weile zu laden benötigen.',
'registered' => 'Sie haben sich erfolgreich registriert!',
'Default asset account' => 'Standard-Bestandskonto',
'no_budget_pointer' => 'Sie scheinen noch keine Budgets festgelegt zu haben. Sie sollten einige davon auf der Seite <a href=":link">Budgets</a> anlegen. Budgets können Ihnen dabei helfen, den Überblick über die Ausgaben zu behalten.',
'no_budget_pointer' => 'Sie scheinen noch keine Kostenrahmen festgelegt zu haben. Sie sollten einige davon auf der Seite <a href=":link">Kostenrahmen</a> anlegen. Kostenrahmen können Ihnen dabei helfen, den Überblick über die Ausgaben zu behalten.',
'Savings account' => 'Sparkonto',
'Credit card' => 'Kreditkarte',
'source_accounts' => 'Herkunftskonto',
@ -1250,10 +1250,10 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Ertragskonten werden beim Anlegen von Buchungen automatisch angelegt, können aber auch manuell angelegt werden. Lassen Sie uns jetzt eines erstellen:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Neues Erlöskonto erstellen',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Lassen Sie uns eine Verbindlichkeit einrichten!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine Verbindlichkeiten. Verbindlichkeiten sind die Konten, die Ihre Kreditkarte(n), (Studenten-)Darlehen und andere Forderungen registrieren.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Sie müssen diese Funktion nicht verwenden, aber sie kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie diese Dinge im Auge behalten möchten.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Verbindlichkeit erstellen',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns jetzt einen Haushaltsplan erstellen',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns jetzt einen Kostenrahmen erstellen',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine Kostenrahmen. Kostenrahmen werden verwendet, um Ihre Ausgaben in logische Gruppen zu gliedern, die Sie mit einem weichen Obergrenzemlimit versehen können, um Ihre Ausgaben zu begrenzen.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'Die Kostenrahmen sind die grundlegenden Instrumente des Finanzmanagements. Lassen Sie uns jetzt einen erstellen:',
'no_budgets_create_default' => 'Kostenrahmen erstellen',
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Regelmäßige Buchungen',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Kalender',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns eine regelmäßige Buchung erstellen!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine regelmäßigen Buchungen. Mit diesen können Sie Firefly III dazu einsetzen, automatisch Buchungen für Sie zu erstellen.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Dies ist eine sehr fortschrittliche Funktion, welche aber sehr nützlich sein kann. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Dokumentation (❓-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke) lesen, bevor Sie fortfahren.',
@ -1302,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Übersicht der regelmäßigen Buchungen „:title”',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In seltenen Fällen werden die Daten zweimal in dieser Liste angezeigt. Dies kann passieren, wenn mehrere Wiederholungen aufeinandertreffen. Firefly III erzeugt immer eine Transaktion pro Tag.',
'created_transactions' => 'Ähnliche Buchungen',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Erwartete Rückzahlungen',
'expected_deposits' => 'Erwartete Einzahlungen',
'expected_transfers' => 'Erwartete Überweisungen',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Erstellte Rückzahlungen',
'created_deposits' => 'Erstellte Einzahlungen',
'created_transfers' => 'Erstellte Überweisungen',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Erstellt aus Dauerauftrag „:title” (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Es scheint, dass der Cron-Job, der notwendig ist, um wiederkehrende Buchungen zu unterstützen, nie ausgeführt wurde. Das ist natürlich normal, wenn Sie gerade Firefly III installiert haben, aber dies sollte so schnell wie möglich eingerichtet werden. Bitte besuchen Sie die Hilfeseiten über das ❓-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke der Seite.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Es sieht so aus, als wäre es mehr als 36 Stunden her, dass der Cron-Job zur Unterstützung wiederkehrender Buchungen zum letzten Mal ausgeführt wurde. Sind Sie sicher, dass es richtig eingestellt ist? Bitte schauen Sie sich die Hilfeseiten über dem ❓-Symbol oben rechts auf der Seite an.',
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ return [
'split_journal_explanation' => 'Diese Überweisung in mehrere Teile aufteilen',
'currency' => 'Währung',
'account_id' => 'Bestandskonto',
'budget_id' => 'Budget',
'budget_id' => 'Kostenrahmen',
'openingBalance' => 'Eröffnungsbilanz',
'tagMode' => 'Schlagwort-Modus',
'tag_position' => 'Schlagwort-Speicherort',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Zielkonto (Name)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Rabobank-spezifisches Belastungs- und Kreditkennzeichen',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'ING-spezifisches Belastungs- und Kreditkennzeichen',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA • Ende-zu-Ende-Identifikationsnummer',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA • Zielkonto-Identifikationsnummer',
'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA - Mandatskennung',
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ return [
// budgets index
'budgets_index_intro' => 'Kostenrahmen werden zur Verwaltung Ihrer Finanzen verwendet und bilden eine der Kernfunktionen von Firefly III.',
'budgets_index_set_budget' => 'Stellen Sie Ihr Gesamthaushaltsplan für jeden Zeitraum so ein, dass Firefly III Ihnen mitteilen kann, ob Sie alle verfügbaren Gelder vorgesehen haben.',
'budgets_index_set_budget' => 'Stellen Sie Ihren Gesamt-Kostenrahmen für jeden Zeitraum so ein, dass Firefly III Ihnen mitteilen kann, ob Sie alle verfügbaren Gelder vorgesehen haben.',
'budgets_index_see_expenses_bar' => 'Dieser Balken wird sich langsam füllen, wenn Sie Geld ausgeben.',
'budgets_index_navigate_periods' => 'Navigieren Sie durch Zeitabschnitte, um Kostenrahmen im Voraus festzulegen.',
'budgets_index_new_budget' => 'Erstellen Sie neue Budgets nach Ihren Wünschen.',
'budgets_index_new_budget' => 'Erstellen Sie neue Kostenrahmen, wie Sie es für richtig halten.',
'budgets_index_list_of_budgets' => 'Verwenden Sie diese Tabelle, um die Beträge für jeden Kostenrahmen festzulegen und einen Überblick zu erhalten.',
'budgets_index_outro' => 'Um mehr über die Finanzplanung zu erfahren, klicken Sie auf das Hilfesymbol in der oberen rechten Ecke.',
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ return [
'reports_report_budget_intro' => 'Dieser Bericht gibt Ihnen Einblick in eine oder mehrere Kostenrahmen.',
'reports_report_budget_pieCharts' => 'Diese Diagramme geben Ihnen Einblick in Ausgaben und Einnahmen je Kostenrahmen oder Konto.',
'reports_report_budget_incomeAndExpensesChart' => 'Dieses Diagramm zeigt Ihre Ausgaben und Einnahmen je Budget.',
'reports_report_budget_incomeAndExpensesChart' => 'Diese Tabelle zeigt Ihre Ausgaben und Einnahmen je Kostenrahmen.',
// create transaction
'transactions_create_switch_box' => 'Verwenden Sie diese Schaltflächen, um schnell den Typ der Transaktion zu ändern, die Sie speichern möchten.',
'transactions_create_ffInput_category' => 'Dies ist ein Freitextfeld. Zuvor erstellte Kategorien werden vorgeschlagen.',
'transactions_create_withdrawal_ffInput_budget' => 'Verknüpfen Sie Ihre Ausgaben mit einem Kostenplan für eine bessere Finanzkontrolle.',
'transactions_create_withdrawal_ffInput_budget' => 'Verknüpfen Sie Ihre Ausgaben mit einem Kostenrahmen für eine bessere Finanzkontrolle.',
'transactions_create_withdrawal_currency_dropdown_amount' => 'Verwenden Sie dieses Dropdown, wenn ihre Abbuchung in einer anderen Währung ist.',
'transactions_create_deposit_currency_dropdown_amount' => 'Verwenden Sie dieses Dropdown, wenn ihre Einzahlung in einer anderen Währung ist.',
'transactions_create_transfer_ffInput_piggy_bank_id' => 'Wählen Sie ein Sparschwein aus und verknüpfen Sie diese Umbuchung mit Ihren Ersparnissen.',
@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Las cuentas de ganancias se crean automáticamente cuando usted crea transacciones, pero usted puede crear una manualmente también, si usted quiere. vamos a crear una ahora:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Crear una cuenta de ingresos',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => '¡Vamos a crear un pasivo!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Usted aún no tiene pasivos. Los pasivos son cuentas que registran sus tarjeta(s) de crédito, préstamos y otros débitos.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'No necesita usar esta función pero, puede ser muy útil si desea hacer un seguimiento de estas cosas.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Crear un pasivo',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Vamos a crear un presupuesto',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Cuenta opuesta (nombre)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Indicador especifico débito/crédito de Rabobank',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'Indicador especifico débito/crédito de ING',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'Identificador de end-to-end SEPA',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'Identificador de cuenta opuesta SEPA',
'column_sepa-db' => 'Identificador de mandato SEPA',
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Les comptes de revenus sont créés automatiquement lorsque vous créez des transactions, mais vous pouvez en créer manuellement, si vous le souhaitez. Nous allons en créer un maintenant :',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Créer un compte de revenus',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Nous allons créer un passif !',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Vous n’avez encore aucun passif. Les passifs sont des comptes qui inscrivent vos emprunts et autres dettes.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Vous n’êtes pas obligé d\'utiliser cette fonctionnalité, mais elle peut être utile si vous souhaitez garder une trace de ces éléments.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Créer un passif',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Nous allons créer un budget',
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Opérations périodiques',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendrier',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Créons une opération périodique !',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Vous n’avez pas encore d\'opérations périodiques. Vous pouvez en utiliser pour que Firefly III crée automatiquement des opérations pour vous.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Il s’agit d’une fonctionnalité plutôt poussée, mais elle peut être très utile. Assurez-vous de lire la documentation ( icône ? en haut à droite) avant de continuer.',
@ -1302,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Aperçu de l’opération périodique ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'Dans de rares cas, des dates apparaissent en double dans cette liste. Cela peut arriver lorsque plusieurs répétitions se superposent. Firefly III génèrera toujours une seule transaction par jour.',
'created_transactions' => 'Opérations associées',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Retraits attendus',
'expected_deposits' => 'Dépôts attendus',
'expected_transfers' => 'Transferts attendus',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Retraits créés',
'created_deposits' => 'Dépôts créés',
'created_transfers' => 'Transferts créés',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Créé à partir de l\'opération périodique ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Il semble que la tâche cron qui supporte les opérations périodiques n\'a jamais été exécutée. Ceci est normal si vous venez juste d\'installer Firefly III, mais pensez à la configurer dès que possible. Veuillez consulter la page d\'aide associée en cliquant sur l\'icône (?) en haut à droite de la page.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Il semble que la dernière exécution de la tâche cron supportant les opérations périodiques date de plus de 36 heures. Êtes-vous surs qu\'elle est configurée correctement ? Veuillez consulter la page d\'aide associée en cliquant sur l\'icône (?) en haut à droite de la page.',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Compte opposé (nom)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Indicateur de débit/crédit spécifique à Rabobank',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'Indicateur de débit/crédit spécifique à ING',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'Référence de bout en bout SEPA',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'Référence SEPA du compte opposé',
'column_sepa-db' => 'Référence Unique de Mandat SEPA',
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Akun pendapatan dibuat secara otomatis saat Anda membuat transaksi, namun Anda dapat membuatnya secara manual juga, jika Anda mau. Mari kita ciptakan sekarang:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Buat akun pendapatan',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Let\'s create a liability!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your credit card(s), (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'You don\'t have to use this feature, but it can be useful if you want to keep track of these things.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Create a liability',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Mari buat anggaran',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Akun lawan (nama)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Indikator debit / kredit khusus Rabobank',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'Indikator debit / kredit ING yang spesifik',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA end-to-end Identifier',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA Opposing Account Identifier',
'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA Mandate Identifier',
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'I conti entrate vengono creati automaticamente quando si creano le transazioni, ma è possibile crearne anche manualmente, se lo si desidera. Creiamone uno ora:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Crea conto entrate',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Creiamo una passività!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Non hai ancora delle passività. Le passività sono conti che registrano le tue carte di credito, i prestiti (studenteschi) e altri debiti.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Non è necessario che usi questa funzionalità ma può essere utile se vuoi tenere traccia di queste cose.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Crea una passività',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Creiamo un budget',
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Transazioni ricorrenti',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendario',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Creiamo una transazione ricorrente!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Non hai ancora una transazione ricorrente. Puoi utilizzare queste per lasciare che Firefly III crei automaticamente le transazioni per te.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Questa è una caratteristica piuttosto avanzata che può essere estremamente utile. Assicurati di leggere la documentazione (l\'icona (?) nell\'angolo in alto a destra) prima di continuare.',
@ -1302,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Panoramica per la transazione ricorrente ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In alcuni casi rari è possibile che delle date appaiano due volte in questa lista. Questo può succedere quando ripetizioni multiple collidono. Firefly III si assicurerà sempre di generare una sola transazione per giorno.',
'created_transactions' => 'Transazioni collegate',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Prelievi previsti',
'expected_deposits' => 'Depositi previsti',
'expected_transfers' => 'Trasferimenti previsti',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Prelievi creati',
'created_deposits' => 'Depositi creati',
'created_transfers' => 'Trasferimenti creati',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Creata dalla transazione ricorrente ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Sembra che il job cron necessario per le transazioni ricorrenti non sia mai stato eseguito. Questo è ovviamente normale quando hai appena installato Firefly III, tuttavia dovrebbe essere impostato il prima possibile. Consulta le pagine di aiuto usando l\'icona (?) nell\'angolo in alto a destra della pagina.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Sembra che siano passate più di 36 ore dall\'ultima volta che il job cron per le transazioni ricorrenti sia stato lanciato. Sei sicuro che sia stato impostato correttamente? Consulta le pagine di aiuto usando l\'icona (?) nell\'angolo in alto a destra della pagina.',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Conto controparte (nome)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Indicatore di addebito/accredito specifico di Rabobank',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'Indicatore di debito/credito specifico di ING',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'ID end-to-end del bonifico SEPA',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'Identificatore SEPA conto controparte',
'column_sepa-db' => 'Addebito diretto SEPA',
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Crediteuren worden automatisch aangemaakt als je transacties aanmaakt, maar je kan ze ook met de hand maken. Zoals nu:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Maak een debiteur',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Maak een passiva!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Je hebt nog geen passiva. "Passiva" is de technische term voor schulden, leningen, hypotheken en meer van die dingen.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Je hoeft deze functie niet gebruiken maar het is handig als je zulke dingen wilt bijhouden.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Maak een passiva',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Je hebt een budget nodig',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Tegenrekeningnaam',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Rabobankspecifiek bij/af indicator',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'ING-specifieke bij/af indicator',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA end-to-end identificatie',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA identificatie tegenpartij',
'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA mandaatidentificatie',
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Konta przychodów są tworzone automatycznie podczas tworzenia transakcji, ale możesz również utworzyć je ręcznie, jeśli chcesz. Stwórzmy jedno teraz:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Utwórz konto przychodów',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Stwórzmy zobowiązanie!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Nie masz jeszcze żadnych zobowiązań. Zobowiązania to konta które rejestrują Twoje karty kredytowe, kredyty (np. studenckie) i inne długi.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Nie musisz korzystać z tej funkcji, ale może być przydatna, jeśli chcesz śledzić te rzeczy.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Utwórz zobowiązanie',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Stwórzmy budżet',
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Cykliczne transakcje',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Kalendarz',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Utwórzmy cykliczną transakcję!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Nie masz jeszcze żadnych cyklicznych transakcji. Możesz ich użyć, aby Firefly III automatycznie tworzył transakcje za Ciebie.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'To dość zaawansowana funkcja, ale może być niezwykle przydatna. Zanim rozpoczniesz zapoznaj się z dokumentacją (ikona (?) w prawym górnym rogu).',
@ -1302,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Przegląd cyklicznej transakcji ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'W rzadkich przypadkach daty pojawiają się dwa razy na tej liście. Może się to zdarzyć, gdy zdarzy się wiele powtórzeń. Firefly III zawsze generuje jedną transakcję dziennie.',
'created_transactions' => 'Powiązane transakcje',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Oczekiwane wypłaty',
'expected_deposits' => 'Oczekiwane wpłaty',
'expected_transfers' => 'Oczekiwane transfery',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Utworzone wypłaty',
'created_deposits' => 'Utworzone wpłaty',
'created_transfers' => 'Utworzone transfery',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Utworzona przez cykliczną transakcję ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Wygląda na to, że zadanie cron, które jest niezbędne do obsługi powtarzających się transakcji, nigdy nie zostało uruchomione. Jest to normalne po zainstalowaniu Firefly III, ale powinno to być jak najszybciej skonfigurowane. Sprawdź strony pomocy za pomocą ikony (?) w prawym górnym rogu strony.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Wygląda na to, że minęło ponad 36 godzin, od kiedy zadanie cron do obsługi cyklicznych transakcji zostało uruchomione po raz ostatni. Czy jesteś pewien, że zostało poprawnie skonfigurowane? Sprawdź strony pomocy za pomocą ikony (?) w prawym górnym rogu strony.',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Przeciwstawne konto (nazwa)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Specyficzny wskaźnik obciążenia/kredytu Rabobank',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'Specyficzny wskaźnik obciążenia/kredytu ING',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA end-to-end Identifier',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA Opposing Account Identifier',
'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA Mandate Identifier',
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'As contas de receita são criadas automaticamente quando você cria transações, mas você também pode criar uma manualmente, se desejar. Vamos criar um agora:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Criar uma conta de receita',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Vamos criar um passivo!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Você ainda não tem nenhum passivo. Passivos são as contas que registram cartão(ões) de crédito, empréstimos e outras dívidas.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Você não precisa usar esse recurso, mas pode ser útil se você quer controlar esse tipo de coisas.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Criar um passivo',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Vamos criar um orçamento',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Conta contrária (nome)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Indicador de débito/crédito específico do Rabobank',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'Indicador de débito/crédito específico do ING',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA identificador end-to-end',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA Identificador de conta de contrária',
'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA Identificador de Mandato',
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III не может перенаправить вас на правильную страницу. Приносим извинения.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Сумма расходов',
'sum_of_income' => 'Сумма дохода',
'liabilities' => 'Долги',
'liabilities' => 'Долговые счета',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Расходы по бюджету ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Сумма расходов по бюджету ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Осталось потратить в соответствии с бюджетом',
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ return [
'cannot_disable_currency' => 'Невозможно отключить валюту :name, поскольку она используется.',
'deleted_currency' => 'Валюта :name удалена',
'created_currency' => 'Валюта :name создана',
'could_not_store_currency' => 'Could not store the new currency.',
'could_not_store_currency' => 'Невозможно сохранить новую валюту.',
'updated_currency' => 'Валюта :name обновлена',
'ask_site_owner' => 'Пожалуйста, обратитесь к :owner для добавления, удаления или изменения валюты.',
'currencies_intro' => 'Firefly III может работать с несколькими валютами. Вы можете управлять ими здесь.',
@ -719,18 +719,18 @@ return [
'delete_asset_account' => 'Удалить основной счёт ":name"',
'delete_expense_account' => 'Удалить счёт расходов ":name"',
'delete_revenue_account' => 'Удалить счёт доходов ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Delete liability ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Удалить долговой счёт ":name"',
'asset_deleted' => 'Основной счёт ":name" успешно удалён',
'expense_deleted' => 'Счёт расхода ":name" успешно удалён',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Счёт дохода ":name" успешно удалён',
'update_asset_account' => 'Обновить основной счёт',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Обновить долговой счёт',
'update_expense_account' => 'Обновить счёт расхода',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Обновить счёт дохода',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Создать новый основной счёт',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'Создать новый счёт расхода',
'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Создать новый счёт дохода',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Create a new liability',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Создать новый долговой счёт',
'asset_accounts' => 'Основные счета',
'expense_accounts' => 'Счета расходов',
'revenue_accounts' => 'Счета доходов',
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ return [
'interest_calc_daily' => 'В день',
'interest_calc_monthly' => 'В месяц',
'interest_calc_yearly' => 'В год',
'initial_balance_account' => 'Initial balance account of :name',
'initial_balance_account' => 'Начальный баланс для счёта :name',
// categories:
'new_category' => 'Новая категория',
@ -858,13 +858,13 @@ return [
'opt_group_l_Credit card' => 'Долги (кредитная карта)',
'notes' => 'Заметки',
'unknown_journal_error' => 'Не удалось сохранить транзакцию. Пожалуйста, проверьте log-файлы.',
'attachment_not_found' => 'This attachment could not be found.',
'attachment_not_found' => 'Вложение не найдено.',
'journal_link_bill' => 'This transaction is linked to bill <a href=":route">:name</a>. To remove the connection, uncheck the checkbox. Use rules to connect it to another bill.',
// new user:
'welcome' => 'Добро пожаловать в Firefly III!',
'submit' => 'Подтвердить',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Submit (I know what I\'m doing)',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Подтвердить (я знаю, что делаю)',
'getting_started' => 'Начало работы',
'to_get_started' => 'Приятно видеть, что вы успешно установили Firefly III. Чтобы начать работу, введите, пожалуйста, название своего банка и баланс вашего основного банковского счёта. Если вы планируете использовать несколько счетов, не волнуйтесь, вы сможете добавить их позже. Сейчас Firefly III просто нужны какие-нибудь первоначальные данные.',
'savings_balance_text' => 'Firefly III автоматически создаст сберегательный счёт для вас. По умолчанию на вашем сберегательном счёте не будет денег, но если вы укажете начальный баланс, он будет сохранен.',
@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ return [
'Revenue account' => 'Счета доходов',
'Initial balance account' => 'Начальный баланс для счёта',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Дебит',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Loan',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Заем',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Ипотека',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Кредитная карта',
'budgets' => 'Бюджет',
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ return [
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter the original amount of this liability as a positive number. You may also enter the current amount. Make sure to edit the date below to match.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Редактировать долговой счёт ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Стандартный финансовый отчёт за период с :start по :end',
@ -1249,10 +1249,10 @@ return [
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => 'У вас ещё нет счетов дохода. Счета дохода - это источники вашего дохода (например, ваш работодатель).',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Счета дохода создаются автоматически при создании транзакций, но вы можете создать их вручную, если хотите. Давайте создадим один сейчас:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Создать счёт дохода',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Let\'s create a liability!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your credit card(s), (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Давайте создадим первый долговой счёт!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'You don\'t have to use this feature, but it can be useful if you want to keep track of these things.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Create a liability',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Создать новый долговой счёт',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Давайте создадим бюджет',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'У вас пока нет бюджетов. Бюджеты используются для упорядочивания ваших расходов в логические группы, с помощью наблюдения за которыми вы можете ограничить свои расходы.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'Бюджеты - это основные инструменты управления финансами. Давайте создадим один сейчас:',
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Повторяющиеся транзакции',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Календарь',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Давайте создадим повторяющуюся транзакцию!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ return [
'jump_to_friday' => 'Create the transaction on the previous Friday instead',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Create the transaction on the next Monday instead',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Except weekends',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Будет создана в понедельник, а не в выходной день.',
'except_weekends' => 'Исключить выходные дни',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Повторяющаяся транзакция ":title" удалена',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Спонсорский счёт (название)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Индикатор дебита/кредита, специфичный для Rabobank',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'Индикатор дебита/кредита, специфичный для ING',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'Идентификатор SEPA end-to-end',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'Идентификатор учетной записи SEPA',
'column_sepa-db' => 'Идентификатор SEPA Mandate',
@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Gelir hesapları, işlemler oluşturduğunuzda otomatikmen oluşturulur, ama isterseniz manuel olarak da bir tane oluşturabilirsiniz. Hadi şimdi bir tane oluşturalım:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Bir gelir hesabı oluşturun',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Let\'s create a liability!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your credit card(s), (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'You don\'t have to use this feature, but it can be useful if you want to keep track of these things.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Create a liability',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Bütçe oluşturalım',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => 'Karşı hesap (isim)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Rabobank\'a özel borç / kredi göstergesi',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'ING\'ye özel borç/kredi göstergesi',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA end-to-end Identifier',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA Opposing Account Identifier',
'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA Mandate Identifier',
@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'html_language' => 'zh-tw',
'locale' => 'zh_TW, Chinese Traditional (Taiwan), zh_TW.utf8, zh_TW.UTF-8',
'month' => '%Y 年 %B',
'month_and_day' => '%Y年 %B %e號',
'month_and_date_day' => '%Y 年 %B %e 號 %A',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e 號',
'date_time' => '%Y 年 %B %e 號, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%Y 年 %B %e 號',
'month' => '%Y 年 %b',
'month_and_day' => '%Y 年 %b %e 號',
'month_and_date_day' => '%Y 年 %b %e 號 %A',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%b %e 號',
'date_time' => '%Y 年 %b %e 號 %T',
'specific_day' => '%Y 年 %b %e 號',
'week_in_year' => '%Y 年第 %W 週',
'year' => '%Y 年',
'half_year' => '%Y 年 %B',
'half_year' => '%Y 年 %b',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ return [
'structure' => '結構',
'help_translating' => '本說明文本於您的語言尚不可用,<a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">願意協助嗎?</a>',
'showEverything' => '全部顯示',
'never' => '永不',
'never' => '未有資料',
'no_results_for_empty_search' => '您的搜尋為空,找不到任何東西。',
'removed_amount' => '已移除 :amount',
'added_amount' => '已新增 :amount',
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ return [
'default_rule_action_prepend' => 'Bought the world from ',
'default_rule_action_set_category' => '鉅額消費',
'trigger' => '觸發器',
'trigger_value' => '價值觸發',
'trigger_value' => '觸發值',
'stop_processing_other_triggers' => '停止處理其他觸發器',
'add_rule_trigger' => '新增觸發器',
'action' => '動作',
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ return [
'account_default_currency' => '此將為與此帳戶關連的預設貨幣。',
'reconcile_has_more' => '您的 Firefly III 帳目比您的銀行有更多的金錢,有多個選項可應處,請選擇並按下 "確認對帳"。',
'reconcile_has_less' => '您的 Firefly III 帳目比您的銀行有更少的金錢,有多個選項可應處,請選擇並按下 "確認對帳"。',
'reconcile_is_equal' => '您的 Firefly III 帳目和您的銀行相符,無須處哩,請按下 "確認對帳" 確認匯入。',
'reconcile_is_equal' => '您的 Firefly III 帳目和您的銀行相符,無須處理,請按下 "確認對帳" 確認匯入。',
'create_pos_reconcile_transaction' => '清除選擇交易,並建立校正,新增 :amount 至此資產帳戶。',
'create_neg_reconcile_transaction' => '清除選擇交易,並建立校正,自此資產帳戶移除 :amount。',
'reconcile_do_nothing' => '刪除選擇交易,但不校正。',
@ -1203,26 +1203,26 @@ return [
'Reimbursement_name' => '報銷',
'Related_name' => '相關',
'relates to_inward' => '關聯於',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => '(部分) 由其退還',
'is (partially) paid for by_inward' => '被 (部分) 付款,由',
'is (partially) reimbursed by_inward' => '(部分) 由其还款',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => '被 (部分) 退還, 由',
'is (partially) paid for by_inward' => '被 (部分) 付款, 由',
'is (partially) reimbursed by_inward' => '被 (部分) 核銷, 由',
'inward_transaction' => '內向交易',
'outward_transaction' => '外向交易',
'relates to_outward' => '關聯於',
'(partially) refunds_outward' => '(部分)退款',
'(partially) pays for_outward' => '(部分)支付',
'(partially) reimburses_outward' => '(部分)还款',
'(partially) refunds_outward' => '(部分) 退還',
'(partially) pays for_outward' => '(部分) 支付',
'(partially) reimburses_outward' => '(部分) 核銷',
// split a transaction:
'splits' => '拆分',
'add_another_split' => '增加拆分',
'split-transactions' => '拆分交易',
'do_split' => '进行拆分',
'split_this_withdrawal' => '拆分这笔提款',
'split_this_deposit' => '拆分此存款',
'split_this_transfer' => '拆分此轉帳',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => '不能用:description来拆分:id交易记录',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => '不能用:description来拆分:id交易记录',
'do_split' => '進行拆分',
'split_this_withdrawal' => '拆分這筆提款',
'split_this_deposit' => '拆分這筆存款',
'split_this_transfer' => '拆分這筆轉帳',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => '您不能使用描述 ":description" 來編輯已拆分的交易 #:id,因為該交易包含數筆來源帳戶。',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => '您不能使用描述 ":description" 來編輯已拆分的交易 #:id,因為該交易包含數筆目標帳戶。',
'cannot_edit_reconciled' => '你不能这样編輯#:id交易,因为:description已经被用来关联',
'cannot_edit_opening_balance' => '您無法編輯一個帳戶的開戶餘額。',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => '您沒有選擇有效的交易紀錄以供編輯。',
@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ return [
// empty lists? no objects? instructions:
'no_accounts_title_asset' => '建立新資產帳戶',
'no_accounts_intro_asset' => '您還沒有資產帳戶。資產帳戶可以包括: 你的支票帳戶、儲蓄帳戶、共用帳戶甚至信用卡。',
'no_accounts_imperative_asset' => '要使用 Firefly III ,您至少需要一个资产账户。我们现在来创建它:',
'no_accounts_imperative_asset' => '要使用 Firefly III ,您至少需要一个資產帳戶。現在開始吧:',
'no_accounts_create_asset' => '建立新資產帳戶',
'no_accounts_title_expense' => '建立新支出帳戶',
'no_accounts_intro_expense' => '您目前沒有支出帳戶。支出帳戶係供您花錢的地方,如商店或超市。',
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ return [
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => '當您建立交易時收入帳戶會自動被建立,但您也可以手動建立,現在就新增一個:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => '建立新收入帳戶',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => '一起建立一筆債務!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => '您還沒有債務,債務是您註冊信用卡、(學生)貸款或其他負債的帳戶。',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => '您不需使用此功能,但若您要追蹤這些東西,此功能可是很有用的。',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => '建立新債務',
'no_budgets_title_default' => '一起建立一筆預算',
@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ return [
'no_transactions_intro_deposit' => '目前沒有所得紀錄,您應該建立所得資料以開始管理您的財務。',
'no_transactions_imperative_deposit' => '你收了一些錢嗎?然後你應該把它寫下來:',
'no_transactions_create_deposit' => '新增存款',
'no_transactions_title_transfers' => '我们来创建一笔转账吧',
'no_transactions_title_transfers' => '我們來建立一筆轉帳!',
'no_transactions_intro_transfers' => '您還沒有轉帳。當您自資產帳戶之前移動金錢,會自動記錄為一筆轉帳。',
'no_transactions_imperative_transfers' => '你已動用了一些錢嗎?那麼把它寫下來:',
'no_transactions_create_transfers' => '新增轉帳',
@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => '週期性交易',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'recurring_calendar_view' => '月曆',
'no_recurring_title_default' => '一起建立一筆週期性交易!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => '您目前沒有定期重複的交易。您可使用此功能讓 Firefly III 自動為您建立交易。',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => '這是一個非常進階的功能,也極為有用。請確定在繼續之前,您已閱讀右上角 (?) 圖示的文件說明。',
@ -1302,13 +1302,13 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => '週期性交易 ":title" 概覽',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => '在少數情況下,日期在此清單上會顯示兩次,這在多個重複衝突之下會發生。Firefly III 每天只會產生一條紀錄。',
'created_transactions' => '關聯交易',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => '由交易记录:title (#:id)创建',
'expected_withdrawals' => '預期提款',
'expected_deposits' => '預期存款',
'expected_transfers' => '預期轉帳',
'created_withdrawals' => '已建立提款',
'created_deposits' => '已建立存款',
'created_transfers' => '已建立轉帳',
'created_from_recurrence' => '由週期性交易 ":title" (#:id) 所建立',
'recurring_never_cron' => '用來支援定期重複交易的 cron job 似乎沒有運行過,這在您剛安裝 Firefly III 沒多久時是非常正常的,但能越快處理越好。請使用本頁右上角的 (?)-圖示查閱說明頁面。',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => '用來支援定期重複交易的 cron job 自上次運行已超過了 36 小時,您確定您已正確設定了嗎?請使用本頁右上角的 (?)-圖示查閱說明頁面。',
@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ return [
'click_for_calendar' => '點這裡開啟顯示定期重複交易的行事曆',
'repeat_forever' => '永遠重複',
'repeat_until_date' => '重複至特定日期',
'repeat_times' => '一定次數後重複',
'repeat_times' => '重複一定次數',
'recurring_skips_one' => '每隔一個',
'recurring_skips_more' => '略過 :count 個情況',
'store_new_recurrence' => '儲存週期交易',
@ -1344,12 +1344,12 @@ return [
'delete_recurring' => '刪除定期交易 ":title"',
'new_recurring_transaction' => '新週期性交易',
'help_weekend' => '當定期重複交易落於週六及週日時, Firefly III 該如何應處?',
'do_nothing' => '就建立交易',
'do_nothing' => '仍建立交易',
'skip_transaction' => '略過情況',
'jump_to_friday' => '提前至星期五创建交易记录',
'jump_to_monday' => '推迟到下周一创建交易记录',
'will_jump_friday' => '將提前到週五创建交易记录而不是在週末創建。',
'will_jump_monday' => '將推迟到星期一创建交易记录而不是週末創建。',
'jump_to_friday' => '於前一個週五建立交易',
'jump_to_monday' => '於次一個週一建立交易',
'will_jump_friday' => '將於週五建立交易,而非週末。',
'will_jump_monday' => '將於週一建立交易,而非週末。',
'except_weekends' => '例外的周末',
'recurrence_deleted' => '定期重複交易 ":title" 已刪除',
@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ return [
'column_opposing-name' => '對應帳戶 (名稱)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Rabobank 獨有現金/信用卡指標',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'ING 獨有 現金/信用卡 指標',
'column_generic-debit-credit' => 'Generic bank debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA end-to-end Identifier',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA Opposing Account Identifier',
'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA Mandate Identifier',
Reference in New Issue
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