mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 11:48:27 -06:00
Updated strings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Začátek vyúčtovacího období: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Počáteční zůstatek',
'end_balance' => 'Konečný zůstatek',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Match the amounts and dates above to your bank statement, and press "Start reconciling"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Select the transactions that appear on your bank statement.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'First verify the date-range and balances. Then press "Start reconciling"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'If you change the date range now, any progress will be lost.',
'update_selection' => 'Aktualizovat výběr',
'store_reconcile' => 'Uložit vyúčtování',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Reconciliation transaction',
'Reconciliation' => 'Vyúčtování',
'reconciliation' => 'Vyúčtování',
'reconcile_options' => 'Možnosti vyúčtování',
'reconcile_range' => 'Rozsah vyúčtování',
'start_reconcile' => 'Spustit vyúčtování',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'hotovost',
'account_type' => 'Typ účtu',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Save these transaction(s) by moving them to another account:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nový účet „:name“ uložen!',
'updated_account' => 'Aktualizován účet „:name“',
'credit_card_options' => 'Předvolby kreditní karty',
'no_transactions_account' => 'There are no transactions (in this period) for asset account ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Neexistují žádné transakce (v tomto období).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Pro vytvoření tohoto grafu není dostatek informací (zatím).',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Vyberte alespoň jeden účet aktiv',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Vyberte alespoň jednu kategorii',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Vyberte alespoň jeden rozpočet',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Vyberte alespoň jeden štítek',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Match the amounts and dates above to your bank statement, and press "Start reconciling"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Select the transactions that appear on your bank statement.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'First verify the date-range and balances. Then press "Start reconciling"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'If you change the date range now, any progress will be lost.',
'update_selection' => 'Aktualizovat výběr',
'store_reconcile' => 'Uložit vyúčtování',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Reconciliation transaction',
'Reconciliation' => 'Vyúčtování',
'reconciliation' => 'Vyúčtování',
'reconcile_options' => 'Možnosti vyúčtování',
'reconcile_range' => 'Rozsah vyúčtování',
'start_reconcile' => 'Spustit vyúčtování',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'hotovost',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Typ účtu',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Save these transaction(s) by moving them to another account:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nový účet „:name“ uložen!',
'updated_account' => 'Aktualizován účet „:name“',
'credit_card_options' => 'Předvolby kreditní karty',
'no_transactions_account' => 'There are no transactions (in this period) for asset account ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Neexistují žádné transakce (v tomto období).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Pro vytvoření tohoto grafu není dostatek informací (zatím).',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Vyberte alespoň jeden účet aktiv',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Vyberte alespoň jednu kategorii',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Vyberte alespoň jeden rozpočet',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Vyberte alespoň jeden štítek',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Please select at least one combination of expense/revenue accounts. If you have none (the list is empty) this report is not available.',
'account_default_currency' => 'This will be the default currency associated with this account.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Your Firefly III ledger has more money in it than your bank claims you should have. There are several options. Please choose what to do. Then, press "Confirm reconciliation".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Fiskální rok',
'income_entry' => 'Příjmy z účtu „:name“ mezi :start a :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Expenses to account ":name" between :start and :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Expenses in budget ":budget" between :start and :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Expenses in budget ":budget" paid from account ":account" between :start and :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'No activity was recorded on account <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> between :start and :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Přeskočit výskyt',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Create the transaction on the previous Friday instead',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Create the transaction on the next Monday instead',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Vyjma výkendů',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Vyjma výkendů',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Beginn des Abgleichzeitraums: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Startguthaben',
'end_balance' => 'Endguthaben',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Ordnen Sie die oben genannten Beträge und Daten Ihrem Kontoauszug zu und klicken Sie auf „Jetzt ausgleichen”',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Wählen Sie die Buchungen aus, die auf Ihrem Kontoauszug angezeigt werden.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Überprüfen Sie zunächst den Datumsbereich und das Guthaben. Anschließend drücken Sie auf „Jetzt ausgleichen”',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Wenn Sie den Datumsbereich jetzt ändern, geht der gesamte Verlauf verloren.',
'update_selection' => 'Auswahl aktualisieren',
'store_reconcile' => 'Kontenabgleich speichern',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Ausgleichsbuchung',
'Reconciliation' => 'Kontenabgleich',
'reconciliation' => 'Kontenabgleich',
'reconcile_options' => 'Kontenabgleich Optionen',
'reconcile_range' => 'Kontenabgleich-Bereich',
'start_reconcile' => 'Jetzt abgleichen',
'cash_account_type' => 'Barzahlung',
'cash' => 'Bar',
'account_type' => 'Kontotyp',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Speichern Sie diese Transaktion(en), indem Sie sie auf ein anderes Konto verschieben:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Neues Konto „:name” gespeichert!',
'updated_account' => 'Konto „:name” aktualisiert',
'credit_card_options' => 'Kreditkartenoptionen',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Es liegen (in diesem Zeitraum) keine Buchungen für das Bestandskonto „:name” vor.',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Keine Buchungen (in diesem Zeitraum) vorhanden.',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Es gibt derzeit (noch) nicht genügend Informationen, um dieses Diagramm zu generieren.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Bitte mindestens ein Bestandskonto auswählen',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Bitte mindestens eine Kategorie auswählen',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Bitte mindestens ein Budget auswählen',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Bitte mindestens eine Schlagwort auswählen',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Ordnen Sie die oben genannten Beträge und Daten Ihrem Kontoauszug zu und klicken Sie auf „Jetzt ausgleichen”',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Wählen Sie die Buchungen aus, die auf Ihrem Kontoauszug angezeigt werden.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Überprüfen Sie zunächst den Datumsbereich und das Guthaben. Anschließend drücken Sie auf „Jetzt ausgleichen”',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Wenn Sie den Datumsbereich jetzt ändern, geht der gesamte Verlauf verloren.',
'update_selection' => 'Auswahl aktualisieren',
'store_reconcile' => 'Kontenabgleich speichern',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Ausgleichsbuchung',
'Reconciliation' => 'Kontenabgleich',
'reconciliation' => 'Kontenabgleich',
'reconcile_options' => 'Kontenabgleich Optionen',
'reconcile_range' => 'Kontenabgleich-Bereich',
'start_reconcile' => 'Jetzt abgleichen',
'cash_account_type' => 'Barzahlung',
'cash' => 'Bar',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Kontotyp',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Speichern Sie diese Transaktion(en), indem Sie sie auf ein anderes Konto verschieben:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Neues Konto „:name” gespeichert!',
'updated_account' => 'Konto „:name” aktualisiert',
'credit_card_options' => 'Kreditkartenoptionen',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Es liegen (in diesem Zeitraum) keine Buchungen für das Bestandskonto „:name” vor.',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Keine Buchungen (in diesem Zeitraum) vorhanden.',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Es gibt derzeit (noch) nicht genügend Informationen, um dieses Diagramm zu generieren.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Bitte mindestens ein Bestandskonto auswählen',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Bitte mindestens eine Kategorie auswählen',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Bitte mindestens ein Budget auswählen',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Bitte mindestens eine Schlagwort auswählen',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Bitte wählen Sie mindestens eine Kombination aus Kreditor und Schuldner (ein Konto muss beides sein) aus. Wenn Sie keine besitzen (die Liste ist leer), ist dieser Bericht nicht verfügbar.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Dies ist die Standardwährung für dieses Konto.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto verfügt über mehr Geld, als Ihre Bank behauptet. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten. Bitte wählen Sie aus, was Sie tun möchten. Drücken Sie anschließend auf „Abgleich bestätigen”.',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Geschäftsjahr',
'income_entry' => 'Einnahmen aus dem Konto „:name” zwischen :start und :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Aufwendungen auf Konto „:name” zwischen :start und :end',
'category_entry' => 'Aufwendungen der Kategorie „:name” zwischen :start und :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Ausgaben im Haushalt „:budget” zwischen :start und :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Ausgaben im Budget „:budget” bezahlt von Konto „:account” zwischen :start und :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Zwischen :start und :end wurde keine Aktivität auf dem Konto <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> festgestellt.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Vorkommen überspringen',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Die Buchung stattdessen am vorhergehenden Freitag ausführen',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Die Buchung stattdessen am darauffolgenden Montag ausführen',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Wird am Freitag statt am Wochenende ausgeführt.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Wird am Montag statt am Wochenende ausgeführt.',
'except_weekends' => 'Außer an Wochenenden',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Dauerauftrag „:title” gelöscht',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Wird am Freitag statt am Wochenende ausgeführt.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Wird am Montag statt am Wochenende ausgeführt.',
'except_weekends' => 'Außer an Wochenenden',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Dauerauftrag „:title” gelöscht',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Guthaben (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Ausgaben (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Einnahmen (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Gezahlte Rechnungen (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Unbezahlte Rechnungen (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Verbleibend zum Ausgeben (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Eigenkapital (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Pro Tag verbleibend zum Ausgeben: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Guthaben (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Ausgaben (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Einnahmen (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Gezahlte Rechnungen (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Unbezahlte Rechnungen (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Verbleibend zum Ausgeben (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Eigenkapital (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Pro Tag verbleibend zum Ausgeben: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Zielkonto',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Quellkonto',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Inicio de periodo de reconciliación::period',
'start_balance' => 'Balance inicial',
'end_balance' => 'Balance final',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Coinciden con las cantidades y fechas sobre su estado de cuenta, y presione "comenzar reconciliación"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Seleccione las transacciones que aparecen en su estado bancario.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Primero verifique el rango de las fechas y los saldos. luego presione "comenzar reconciliación"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Si usted cambia el rango de las fechas ahora, se perderá cualquier progreso.',
'update_selection' => 'Selección de actualización',
'store_reconcile' => 'Guardar reconciliación',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transacción de reconciliación',
'Reconciliation' => 'Reconciliacion',
'reconciliation' => 'Reconciliacion',
'reconcile_options' => 'Opciones de reconciliacion',
'reconcile_range' => 'Rango de reconciliacion',
'start_reconcile' => 'Comienzo de reconciliación',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'efectivo',
'account_type' => 'Tipo de cuenta',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Guarde estas transacción (es) moviendolas a otra cuenta:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nueva cuenta ":name" almacenada!',
'updated_account' => 'Cuenta actualizada ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opciones de tarjeta de crédito',
'no_transactions_account' => 'No hay transacciones ( en este periodo) para cuenta de activos ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'No hay transacciones (en este período).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'No hay suficiente información (todavía) para generar este gráfico.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos una cuenta',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos una categoría',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos un presupuesto',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos una etiqueta',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Coinciden con las cantidades y fechas sobre su estado de cuenta, y presione "comenzar reconciliación"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Seleccione las transacciones que aparecen en su estado bancario.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Primero verifique el rango de las fechas y los saldos. luego presione "comenzar reconciliación"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Si usted cambia el rango de las fechas ahora, se perderá cualquier progreso.',
'update_selection' => 'Selección de actualización',
'store_reconcile' => 'Guardar reconciliación',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transacción de reconciliación',
'Reconciliation' => 'Reconciliacion',
'reconciliation' => 'Reconciliacion',
'reconcile_options' => 'Opciones de reconciliacion',
'reconcile_range' => 'Rango de reconciliacion',
'start_reconcile' => 'Comienzo de reconciliación',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'efectivo',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Tipo de cuenta',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Guarde estas transacción (es) moviendolas a otra cuenta:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nueva cuenta ":name" almacenada!',
'updated_account' => 'Cuenta actualizada ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opciones de tarjeta de crédito',
'no_transactions_account' => 'No hay transacciones ( en este periodo) para cuenta de activos ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'No hay transacciones (en este período).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'No hay suficiente información (todavía) para generar este gráfico.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos una cuenta',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos una categoría',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos un presupuesto',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos una etiqueta',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Por favor, seleccione al menos una combinación de cuentas de gastos/ingresos. Si no tiene ninguna (la lista está vacía) este informe no está disponible.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Esta será la moneda por defecto asociada a esta cuenta.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Su libro principal de Firefly III tiene mas dinero de lo que su banco afirma debería tener, Hay varias opciones. por favor elija que hacer. luego, presione "confirmar reconciliación".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Año fiscal',
'income_entry' => 'Ingresos de la cuenta ":name" entre :start y :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Gastos a cuenta ":name" entre :start y :end',
'category_entry' => 'Gastos en categoría ":name" entre :start y :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Gastos en presupuesto ":budget" entre :start y :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Gastos en presupuesto ":budget" pago desde la cuenta ":account" entre :start y :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Ninguna actividad fue registrada en la cuenta <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> entre :start y :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Saltar la ocurrencia',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Crear la transacción el viernes anterior en su lugar',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Crear la transacción el lunes próximo en su lugar',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Se creará el viernes en lugar de los fines de semana.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Se creará el lunes en lugar de los fines de semana.',
'except_weekends' => 'Excluir los fines de semana',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Transacción recurrente ":title" eliminada',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Se creará el viernes en lugar de los fines de semana.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Se creará el lunes en lugar de los fines de semana.',
'except_weekends' => 'Excluir los fines de semana',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Transacción recurrente ":title" eliminada',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Début de la période de rapprochement : :period',
'start_balance' => 'Solde initial',
'end_balance' => 'Solde de clotûre',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Faites correspondre les montants et les dates ci-dessus à votre relevé bancaire et appuyez sur "Commencer le rapprochement"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Sélectionnez les transactions qui apparaissent sur votre relevé bancaire.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Vérifiez d\'abord la plage des dates et les soldes. Puis appuyez sur "Commencer le rapprochement"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Si vous modifiez la plage des dates maintenant, toute progression sera perdue.',
'update_selection' => 'Mettre à jour la sélection',
'store_reconcile' => 'Stocker le rapprochement',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transaction de régularisation',
'Reconciliation' => 'Rapprochement',
'reconciliation' => 'Rapprochement',
'reconcile_options' => 'Options de rapprochement',
'reconcile_range' => 'Plage de rapprochement',
'start_reconcile' => 'Commencer le rapprochement',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'espèces',
'account_type' => 'Type de compte',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Enregistrer ces opération(s) en les déplaçant vers un autre compte :',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nouveau compte ":name" créé !',
'updated_account' => 'Compte ":name" mis à jour',
'credit_card_options' => 'Cartes de crédit',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Il n\'y a pas de transaction (sur cette période) pour le compte d\'actif ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Il n\'y a aucune transaction (sur cette période).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Il n\'y a pas assez d\'informations (pour le moment) pour générer ce graphique.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins un compte d\'actif',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins une catégorie',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins un budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins un tag',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Faites correspondre les montants et les dates ci-dessus à votre relevé bancaire et appuyez sur "Commencer le rapprochement"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Sélectionnez les transactions qui apparaissent sur votre relevé bancaire.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Vérifiez d\'abord la plage des dates et les soldes. Puis appuyez sur "Commencer le rapprochement"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Si vous modifiez la plage des dates maintenant, toute progression sera perdue.',
'update_selection' => 'Mettre à jour la sélection',
'store_reconcile' => 'Stocker le rapprochement',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transaction de régularisation',
'Reconciliation' => 'Rapprochement',
'reconciliation' => 'Rapprochement',
'reconcile_options' => 'Options de rapprochement',
'reconcile_range' => 'Plage de rapprochement',
'start_reconcile' => 'Commencer le rapprochement',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'espèces',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Type de compte',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Enregistrer ces opération(s) en les déplaçant vers un autre compte :',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nouveau compte ":name" créé !',
'updated_account' => 'Compte ":name" mis à jour',
'credit_card_options' => 'Cartes de crédit',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Il n\'y a pas de transaction (sur cette période) pour le compte d\'actif ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Il n\'y a aucune transaction (sur cette période).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Il n\'y a pas assez d\'informations (pour le moment) pour générer ce graphique.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins un compte d\'actif',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins une catégorie',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins un budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins un tag',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Merci de sélectionner au moins une combinaison de comptes de dépense/revenu. Si vous n\'en avez aucun (la liste est vide) ce rapport n\'est pas utilisable.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Ce sera la devise par défaut associée à ce compte.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Votre registre Firefly III a plus d\'argent que ce que votre banque prétend que vous devriez avoir. Veuillez choisir comment gérer la situation parmi les différentes possibilités offertes. Ensuite, appuyez sur "Confirmer le rapprochement".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Année fiscale',
'income_entry' => 'Revenus du compte ":name" entre le :start et le :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Dépenses du compte ":name" entre le :start et le :end',
'category_entry' => 'Dépenses dans la catégorie ":name" entre le :start et le :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Dépenses dans le budget ":budget" entre le :start et le :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Dépenses dans le budget ":budget" payé depuis le compte ":account" entre le :start et le :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Aucune activité n\'a été enregistrée sur le compte <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> entre le :start et le :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Ignorer l’occurrence',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Créer l\'opération le vendredi précédent',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Créer l\'opération le lundi suivant',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Sera créé le vendredi plutôt que les week-ends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Sera créé le lundi plutôt que les week-ends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Sauf les week-ends',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Opération périodique ":title" supprimée',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Sera créé le vendredi plutôt que les week-ends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Sera créé le lundi plutôt que les week-ends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Sauf les week-ends',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Opération périodique ":title" supprimée',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Solde (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Dépensé (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Gagné (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Factures payées (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Factures impayées (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Reste à dépenser (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Avoir net (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Reste à dépenser par jour: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Solde (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Dépensé (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Gagné (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Factures payées (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Factures impayées (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Reste à dépenser (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Avoir net (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Reste à dépenser par jour: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Egyeztetési időszak kezdete: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Kezdő egyenleg',
'end_balance' => 'Záró egyenleg',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Ha a fenti összegek és dátumok összevetése a bankszámlakivonattal megtörtént, az "Egyeztetés indítása" gombra kell kattintani',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'A bankszámlakivonaton szereplő tranzakciók kiválasztása.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Először ellenőrizd a dátum időszakot és az egyenlegeket. Utána nyomd meg az "Egyeztetés indítása" gombot',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Az időintervallum megváltoztatásával minden előrehaladás el fog veszni.',
'update_selection' => 'Kiválasztás frissítése',
'store_reconcile' => 'Egyeztetés letárolása',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Tranzakció egyeztetése',
'Reconciliation' => 'Egyeztetés',
'reconciliation' => 'Egyeztetés',
'reconcile_options' => 'Egyeztetés beállításai',
'reconcile_range' => 'Egyeztetés időszaka',
'start_reconcile' => 'Egyeztetés indítása',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'készpénz',
'account_type' => 'Bankszámla típusa',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Tranzakciók mentése más számlára mozgatással:',
'stored_new_account' => '":name" új számla letárolva!',
'updated_account' => '":name" számla frissítve',
'credit_card_options' => 'Hitelkártya opciók',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Nincsenek tranzakciók (ebben az időszakban) az eszközszámlához: ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Nincsenek tranzakció ebben az időszakban.',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Nincs elegendő információ (még) a diagram létrehozásához.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Kérem, jelöljön ki legalább egy eszközszámlát',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Legalább egy kategóriát ki kell választani',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Legalább egy költségkeretet ki kell választani',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Legalább egy címkét ki kell választani',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Ha a fenti összegek és dátumok összevetése a bankszámlakivonattal megtörtént, az "Egyeztetés indítása" gombra kell kattintani',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'A bankszámlakivonaton szereplő tranzakciók kiválasztása.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Először ellenőrizd a dátum időszakot és az egyenlegeket. Utána nyomd meg az "Egyeztetés indítása" gombot',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Az időintervallum megváltoztatásával minden előrehaladás el fog veszni.',
'update_selection' => 'Kiválasztás frissítése',
'store_reconcile' => 'Egyeztetés letárolása',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Tranzakció egyeztetése',
'Reconciliation' => 'Egyeztetés',
'reconciliation' => 'Egyeztetés',
'reconcile_options' => 'Egyeztetés beállításai',
'reconcile_range' => 'Egyeztetés időszaka',
'start_reconcile' => 'Egyeztetés indítása',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'készpénz',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Bankszámla típusa',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Tranzakciók mentése más számlára mozgatással:',
'stored_new_account' => '":name" új számla letárolva!',
'updated_account' => '":name" számla frissítve',
'credit_card_options' => 'Hitelkártya opciók',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Nincsenek tranzakciók (ebben az időszakban) az eszközszámlához: ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Nincsenek tranzakció ebben az időszakban.',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Nincs elegendő információ (még) a diagram létrehozásához.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Kérem, jelöljön ki legalább egy eszközszámlát',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Legalább egy kategóriát ki kell választani',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Legalább egy költségkeretet ki kell választani',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Legalább egy címkét ki kell választani',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Legalább egy költség- jövedelemszámla kombinációt ki kell választani. Ha nincs egy sem (a lista üres), ez a jelenés nem érhető el.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Ez az ehhez a számlához társított alapértelmezett pénznem.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'A Firefly III főkönyvben több pénz van mint amennyinek a bank szerint lennie kellene. Több lehetőség van. Ki kell választani mi történjen. Ezután az "Egyeztetés megerősítése" gombra kell kattintani.',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Pénzügyi év',
'income_entry' => '":name" bevételei :start és :end között',
'expense_entry' => '":name" számla kiadásai :start és :end között',
'category_entry' => '":name" kategória kiadásai :start és :end között',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => '":budget" költségkeret kiadásai :start és :end között',
'balance_amount' => '":budget" költségkeret ":account" számláról fizetett kiadásai :start és :end között',
'no_audit_activity' => '<a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> számlán nem volt aktivitás :start és :end között.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Előfordulás kihagyása',
'jump_to_friday' => 'A tranzakció inkább az előző pénteken jöjjön létre',
'jump_to_monday' => 'A tranzakció inkább az következő hétfőn jöjjön létre',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Pénteken lesz létrehozva hétvége helyett.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Hétfőn lesz létrehozva hétvége helyett.',
'except_weekends' => 'Kivéve hétvégék',
'recurrence_deleted' => '":title" ismétlődő tranzakció törölve',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Pénteken lesz létrehozva hétvége helyett.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Hétfőn lesz létrehozva hétvége helyett.',
'except_weekends' => 'Kivéve hétvégék',
'recurrence_deleted' => '":title" ismétlődő tranzakció törölve',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Egyenleg (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Költés (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Megkeresett (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Fizetett számlák (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Fizetetlen számlák (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Elkölthető (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Nettó érték (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Naponta elkölthető: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Egyenleg (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Költés (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Megkeresett (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Fizetett számlák (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Fizetetlen számlák (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Elkölthető (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Nettó érték (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Naponta elkölthető: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Mulai dari periode rekonsiliasi: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Saldo awal',
'end_balance' => 'Saldo akhir',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Sesuai jumlah dan tanggal di atas pernyataan bank Anda, dan tekan "Mulai rekonsiliasi"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Pilih transaksi yang muncul di laporan bank Anda.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Pertama memverifikasi rentang tanggal dan saldo. Kemudian tekan "Mulai rekonsiliasi"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Jika Anda mengubah rentang tanggal sekarang, kemajuan akan hilang.',
'update_selection' => 'Memperbarui pilihan',
'store_reconcile' => 'Rekonsiliasi toko',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transaksi rekonsiliasi',
'Reconciliation' => 'Rekonsiliasi',
'reconciliation' => 'Rekonsiliasi',
'reconcile_options' => 'Pilihan rekonsiliasi',
'reconcile_range' => 'Jangkauan rekonsiliasi',
'start_reconcile' => 'Mulai rekonsiliasi',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'tunai',
'account_type' => 'Jenis akun',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Menyimpan transaksi tersebut(s) dengan memindahkan mereka ke akun lain:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Akun baru ":name" disimpan!',
'updated_account' => 'Memperbarui akun ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Pilihan kartu kredit',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Tidak ada transaksi (dalam periode ini) untuk akun aset ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'There are no transactions (in this period).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Tidak ada informasi yang cukup (belum) untuk menghasilkan grafik ini.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Please select at least one asset account',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Please select at least one category',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Please select at least one budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Please select at least one tag',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Sesuai jumlah dan tanggal di atas pernyataan bank Anda, dan tekan "Mulai rekonsiliasi"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Pilih transaksi yang muncul di laporan bank Anda.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Pertama memverifikasi rentang tanggal dan saldo. Kemudian tekan "Mulai rekonsiliasi"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Jika Anda mengubah rentang tanggal sekarang, kemajuan akan hilang.',
'update_selection' => 'Memperbarui pilihan',
'store_reconcile' => 'Rekonsiliasi toko',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transaksi rekonsiliasi',
'Reconciliation' => 'Rekonsiliasi',
'reconciliation' => 'Rekonsiliasi',
'reconcile_options' => 'Pilihan rekonsiliasi',
'reconcile_range' => 'Jangkauan rekonsiliasi',
'start_reconcile' => 'Mulai rekonsiliasi',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'tunai',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Jenis akun',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Menyimpan transaksi tersebut(s) dengan memindahkan mereka ke akun lain:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Akun baru ":name" disimpan!',
'updated_account' => 'Memperbarui akun ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Pilihan kartu kredit',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Tidak ada transaksi (dalam periode ini) untuk akun aset ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'There are no transactions (in this period).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Tidak ada informasi yang cukup (belum) untuk menghasilkan grafik ini.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Please select at least one asset account',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Please select at least one category',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Please select at least one budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Please select at least one tag',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Please select at least one combination of expense/revenue accounts. If you have none (the list is empty) this report is not available.',
'account_default_currency' => 'This will be the default currency associated with this account.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Buku Firefly III Anda memiliki lebih banyak uang di dalamnya dari bank Anda klaim Anda harus. Ada beberapa pilihan. Silahkan memilih apa yang harus dilakukan. Kemudian, tekan "Konfirmasi rekonsiliasi".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Tahun fiskal',
'income_entry' => 'Penghasilan dari akun ":name" antara :start dan :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Biaya untuk akun ":name" antara :start dan :end',
'category_entry' => 'Biaya dalam kategori ":name" antara :start dan :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Biaya anggaran ":budget" antara :start dan :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Biaya dalam anggaran ":budget" dibayar dari rekening ":account" antara :start dan :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Tidak ada aktivitas yang tercatat dalam akun <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> antara :start and :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Skip the occurence',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Create the transaction on the previous Friday instead',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Create the transaction on the next Monday instead',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Except weekends',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Except weekends',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Inizio periodo riconciliazione: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Saldo iniziale',
'end_balance' => 'Saldo finale',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Abbina gli importi e le date qui sopra al tuo estratto conto e premi "Inizia la riconciliazione"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Seleziona le transazioni che appaiono sul tuo estratto conto.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Innanzitutto verifica l\'intervallo delle date e i saldi. Quindi premi "Inizia la riconciliazione"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Se cambi ora l\'intervallo di date, qualsiasi progresso andrà perso.',
'update_selection' => 'Aggiorna selezione',
'store_reconcile' => 'Memorizza la riconciliazione',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transazione di riconciliazione',
'Reconciliation' => 'Riconciliazione',
'reconciliation' => 'Riconciliazione',
'reconcile_options' => 'Opzioni di riconciliazione',
'reconcile_range' => 'Intervallo di riconciliazione',
'start_reconcile' => 'Inizia la riconciliazione',
'cash_account_type' => 'Contante',
'cash' => 'contanti',
'account_type' => 'Tipo conto',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Salva queste transazioni spostandole in un altro conto:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nuovo conto ":name" stored!',
'updated_account' => 'Aggiorna conto ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opzioni carta di credito',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Non ci sono transazioni (in questo periodo) per il conto attività ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Non ci sono transazioni (in questo periodo).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Non ci sono (ancora) abbastanza informazioni per generare questo grafico.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Seleziona almeno un conto attività',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Seleziona almeno una categoria',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Seleziona almeno un budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Seleziona almeno un\'etichetta',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Abbina gli importi e le date qui sopra al tuo estratto conto e premi "Inizia la riconciliazione"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Seleziona le transazioni che appaiono sul tuo estratto conto.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Innanzitutto verifica l\'intervallo delle date e i saldi. Quindi premi "Inizia la riconciliazione"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Se cambi ora l\'intervallo di date, qualsiasi progresso andrà perso.',
'update_selection' => 'Aggiorna selezione',
'store_reconcile' => 'Memorizza la riconciliazione',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transazione di riconciliazione',
'Reconciliation' => 'Riconciliazione',
'reconciliation' => 'Riconciliazione',
'reconcile_options' => 'Opzioni di riconciliazione',
'reconcile_range' => 'Intervallo di riconciliazione',
'start_reconcile' => 'Inizia la riconciliazione',
'cash_account_type' => 'Contante',
'cash' => 'contanti',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Tipo conto',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Salva queste transazioni spostandole in un altro conto:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nuovo conto ":name" stored!',
'updated_account' => 'Aggiorna conto ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opzioni carta di credito',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Non ci sono transazioni (in questo periodo) per il conto attività ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Non ci sono transazioni (in questo periodo).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Non ci sono (ancora) abbastanza informazioni per generare questo grafico.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Seleziona almeno un conto attività',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Seleziona almeno una categoria',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Seleziona almeno un budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Seleziona almeno un\'etichetta',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Seleziona almeno una combinazione di conti spese/entrate. Se non ne hai nessuno (la lista è vuota) questo resoconto non è disponibile.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Questa sarà la valuta predefinita associata a questo conto.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Il libro mastro di Firefly III ha più denaro rispetto a quanto afferma la tua banca. Ci sono diverse opzioni. Scegli cosa fare. In seguito, premi "Conferma riconciliazione".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Anno fiscale',
'income_entry' => 'Entrate del conto ":name" tra :start e :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Spese per il conto ":name" tra :start e :end',
'category_entry' => 'Spese nella categoria ":name" tra :start e :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Spese nel budget ":budget" tra :start e :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Spese nel budget ":budget" pagate dal conto ":account" tra il :start e il :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Nessuna attività è stata registrata nel conto <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> tra il :start e il :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Salta l\'occorrenza',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Crea la transazione il venerdì precedente',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Crea la transazione il lunedì successivo',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Verrà creata il venerdì anziché nel fine settimana.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Verrà creata il lunedì anziché il fine settimana.',
'except_weekends' => 'Tranne il fine settimana',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'La transazione ricorrente ":title" è stata eliminata',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Verrà creata il venerdì anziché nel fine settimana.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Verrà creata il lunedì anziché il fine settimana.',
'except_weekends' => 'Tranne il fine settimana',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'La transazione ricorrente ":title" è stata eliminata',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Saldo (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spesi (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Guadagnati (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bollette pagate (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bollette non pagate (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Disponibile da spendere (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Patrimonio netto (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Disponibile da spendere per giorno: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Saldo (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spesi (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Guadagnati (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bollette pagate (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bollette non pagate (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Disponibile da spendere (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Patrimonio netto (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Disponibile da spendere per giorno: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Conto di destinazione',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Conto di origine',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Starten av balanse perioden :period',
'start_balance' => 'Startsaldo',
'end_balance' => 'Sluttsaldo',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Koble beløpene og datoene over til kontoutskriften, og trykk på "Start avstemning"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Velg transaksjonene som vises på kontoutskriften.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Kontroller først datoperiode og saldo. Deretter trykker du på "Start avstemning"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Hvis du endrer datointervallet nå, vil du miste all foreløpig framdrift.',
'update_selection' => 'Oppdater utvalg',
'store_reconcile' => 'Lagre avstemming',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Avstemmingstransaksjon',
'Reconciliation' => 'Avstemming',
'reconciliation' => 'Avstemming',
'reconcile_options' => 'Avstemmingsalternativer',
'reconcile_range' => 'Avstemningsområde',
'start_reconcile' => 'Start avstemming',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'kontanter',
'account_type' => 'Kontotype',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Lagre disse transaksjonene ved å flytte dem til en annen konto:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Ny konto:name: lagret!',
'updated_account' => 'Oppdatert konto ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Kredittkortvalg',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Det finnes ingen transaksjoner (i denne perioden) for brukskonto ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Det finnes ingen transaksjoner (i denne perioden).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Det er ikke nok informasjon (ennå) til å generere dette diagrammet.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Velg minst en brukskonto',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Velg minst én kategori',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Velg minst ett budsjett',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Velg minst én tag',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Koble beløpene og datoene over til kontoutskriften, og trykk på "Start avstemning"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Velg transaksjonene som vises på kontoutskriften.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Kontroller først datoperiode og saldo. Deretter trykker du på "Start avstemning"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Hvis du endrer datointervallet nå, vil du miste all foreløpig framdrift.',
'update_selection' => 'Oppdater utvalg',
'store_reconcile' => 'Lagre avstemming',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Avstemmingstransaksjon',
'Reconciliation' => 'Avstemming',
'reconciliation' => 'Avstemming',
'reconcile_options' => 'Avstemmingsalternativer',
'reconcile_range' => 'Avstemningsområde',
'start_reconcile' => 'Start avstemming',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'kontanter',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Kontotype',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Lagre disse transaksjonene ved å flytte dem til en annen konto:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Ny konto:name: lagret!',
'updated_account' => 'Oppdatert konto ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Kredittkortvalg',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Det finnes ingen transaksjoner (i denne perioden) for brukskonto ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Det finnes ingen transaksjoner (i denne perioden).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Det er ikke nok informasjon (ennå) til å generere dette diagrammet.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Velg minst en brukskonto',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Velg minst én kategori',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Velg minst ett budsjett',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Velg minst én tag',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Velg minst en kombinasjon av utgift/inntekts konto. Hvis du ikke har en (listen er tom) så vil ikke denne rapporten være tilgjengelig.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Dette blir standard valuta for denne kontoen.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Din Firefly III-hovedbok har mer penger i seg enn banken hevder du burde ha. Det finnes flere alternativer. Vennligst velg hva du skal gjøre. Deretter trykker du på "Bekreft avstemming".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Regnskapsår',
'income_entry' => 'Inntekter fra konto ":name" mellom :start og :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Utgifter til konto ":name" mellom :start og :end',
'category_entry' => 'Utgifter i kategori ":name" mellom :start og :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Utgifter i budsjett ":budget" mellom :start og :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Utgifter i budsjett ":budget" betalt fra konto ":account" mellom :start og :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Ingen aktivitet er registrert på konto <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> mellom :start og :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Hopp over forekomsten',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Opprett transaksjonen på foregående Fredag istedet',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Opprett transaksjonen på neste Mandag istedet',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Opprettes på Fredag i stedet for i helgene.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Opprettes på Mandag i stedet for i helgene.',
'except_weekends' => 'Unntatt helger',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Gjentakende transaksjon ":title" slettet',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Opprettes på Fredag i stedet for i helgene.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Opprettes på Mandag i stedet for i helgene.',
'except_weekends' => 'Unntatt helger',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Gjentakende transaksjon ":title" slettet',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Begin van afstemmingsperiode: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Startsaldo',
'end_balance' => 'Eindsaldo',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Vergelijk de bedragen en datums hierboven met je bankafschrift en druk op "Begin met afstemmen"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Selecteer de transacties die op je bankafschrift staan.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Controleer eerst het datumbereik en de saldo\'s. Druk vervolgens op "Begin met afstemmen"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Als je het datumbereik nu wijzigt, gaat je voortgang verloren.',
'update_selection' => 'Selectie bijwerken',
'store_reconcile' => 'Afstemming opslaan',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Afstemmingstransactie',
'Reconciliation' => 'Afstemming',
'reconciliation' => 'Afstemming',
'reconcile_options' => 'Afstemmingsopties',
'reconcile_range' => 'Afstemmingsbereik',
'start_reconcile' => 'Begin met afstemmen',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'contant',
'account_type' => 'Rekeningtype',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Bewaar deze transacties door ze aan een andere rekening te koppelen:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nieuwe rekening ":name" opgeslagen!',
'updated_account' => 'Rekening ":name" geüpdatet',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opties voor credit cards',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Betaalrekening ":name" heeft geen transacties (in deze periode).',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Er zijn geen transacties (in deze periode).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Er is (nog) niet genoeg informatie om deze grafiek te tekenen.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Selecteer ten minste één betaalrekening',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Selecteer ten minste één categorie',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Selecteer ten minste één budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Selecteer ten minste één tag',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Vergelijk de bedragen en datums hierboven met je bankafschrift en druk op "Begin met afstemmen"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Selecteer de transacties die op je bankafschrift staan.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Controleer eerst het datumbereik en de saldo\'s. Druk vervolgens op "Begin met afstemmen"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Als je het datumbereik nu wijzigt, gaat je voortgang verloren.',
'update_selection' => 'Selectie bijwerken',
'store_reconcile' => 'Afstemming opslaan',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Afstemmingstransactie',
'Reconciliation' => 'Afstemming',
'reconciliation' => 'Afstemming',
'reconcile_options' => 'Afstemmingsopties',
'reconcile_range' => 'Afstemmingsbereik',
'start_reconcile' => 'Begin met afstemmen',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'contant',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Rekeningtype',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Bewaar deze transacties door ze aan een andere rekening te koppelen:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nieuwe rekening ":name" opgeslagen!',
'updated_account' => 'Rekening ":name" geüpdatet',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opties voor credit cards',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Betaalrekening ":name" heeft geen transacties (in deze periode).',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Er zijn geen transacties (in deze periode).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Er is (nog) niet genoeg informatie om deze grafiek te tekenen.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Selecteer ten minste één betaalrekening',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Selecteer ten minste één categorie',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Selecteer ten minste één budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Selecteer ten minste één tag',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Kies minstens één combinatie van crediteuren/debiteuren. Als die die niet hebt (de lijst is leeg) is dit rapport niet beschikbaar voor jou.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Dit wordt de valuta die standaard gekoppeld wordt met de rekening.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Je Firefly III boekhouding bevat meer geld dan je bank beweert dat er in zou moeten zitten. Je hebt verschillende opties. Kies wat je wilt doen, en klik dan "Bevestig afstemming".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Boekjaar',
'income_entry' => 'Inkomsten naar rekening ":name" tussen :start en :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Uitgaven naar rekening ":name" tussen :start en :end',
'category_entry' => 'Uitgaven in categorie ":name" tussen :start en :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Uitgaven in budget ":budget" tussen :start en :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Uitgaven in :budget betaald van rekening ":account" tussen :start en :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Geen activiteit op betaalrekening <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> tussen :start en :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Transactie overslaan',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Transactie maken op de vrijdag ervoor',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Transactie maken op de maandag erna',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Wordt op de vrijdag ervoor gemaakt i.p.v. in het weekend.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Wordt op de maandag erna gemaakt i. p. v. in het weekend.',
'except_weekends' => 'Behalve de weekenden',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Periodieke transactie ":title" verwijderd',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Wordt op de vrijdag ervoor gemaakt i.p.v. in het weekend.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Wordt op de maandag erna gemaakt i. p. v. in het weekend.',
'except_weekends' => 'Behalve de weekenden',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Periodieke transactie ":title" verwijderd',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Saldo (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Uitgegeven (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Verdiend (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Betaalde rekeningen (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Onbetaalde rekeningen (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Uit te geven (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Kapitaal (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Te besteden per dag: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Saldo (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Uitgegeven (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Verdiend (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Betaalde rekeningen (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Onbetaalde rekeningen (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Uit te geven (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Kapitaal (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Te besteden per dag: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Doelrekening',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Bronrekening',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Początek okresu uzgodnienia: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Saldo początkowe',
'end_balance' => 'Saldo końcowe',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Dopasuj powyższe kwoty oraz daty do wyciągu bankowego i naciśnij "Rozpocznij uzgadnianie"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Wybierz transakcje które pojawiają się na wyciągu bankowym.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Najpierw sprawdź zakres dat i salda. Następnie naciśnij "Rozpocznij uzgadnianie"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Jeśli teraz zmienisz zakres dat, jakikolwiek postęp zostanie utracony.',
'update_selection' => 'Zaktualizuj wybór',
'store_reconcile' => 'Zapisz uzgodnienia',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transakcja uzgadniania',
'Reconciliation' => 'Rozrachunek',
'reconciliation' => 'Rozrachunek',
'reconcile_options' => 'Opcje uzgadniania',
'reconcile_range' => 'Zakres rozrachunku',
'start_reconcile' => 'Rozpocznij uzgadnianie',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'gotówka',
'account_type' => 'Typ konta',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Zapisz te transakcje, przenosząc je do innego konta:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nowe konto ":name" zostało zapisane!',
'updated_account' => 'Zaktualizowano konto ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opcje karty kredytowej',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Brak transakcji (w tym okresie) na koncie aktywów ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Nie ma żadnych transakcji (w tym okresie).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Nie ma wystarczająco dużo informacji (póki co), aby wygenerować ten wykres.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jedno konto aktywów',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jedną kategorię',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jeden budżet',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jeden tag',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Dopasuj powyższe kwoty oraz daty do wyciągu bankowego i naciśnij "Rozpocznij uzgadnianie"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Wybierz transakcje które pojawiają się na wyciągu bankowym.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Najpierw sprawdź zakres dat i salda. Następnie naciśnij "Rozpocznij uzgadnianie"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Jeśli teraz zmienisz zakres dat, jakikolwiek postęp zostanie utracony.',
'update_selection' => 'Zaktualizuj wybór',
'store_reconcile' => 'Zapisz uzgodnienia',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transakcja uzgadniania',
'Reconciliation' => 'Rozrachunek',
'reconciliation' => 'Rozrachunek',
'reconcile_options' => 'Opcje uzgadniania',
'reconcile_range' => 'Zakres rozrachunku',
'start_reconcile' => 'Rozpocznij uzgadnianie',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'gotówka',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Typ konta',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Zapisz te transakcje, przenosząc je do innego konta:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nowe konto ":name" zostało zapisane!',
'updated_account' => 'Zaktualizowano konto ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opcje karty kredytowej',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Brak transakcji (w tym okresie) na koncie aktywów ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Nie ma żadnych transakcji (w tym okresie).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Nie ma wystarczająco dużo informacji (póki co), aby wygenerować ten wykres.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jedno konto aktywów',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jedną kategorię',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jeden budżet',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jeden tag',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Wybierz proszę co najmniej jedną kombinację kont wydatków/przychodów. Jeżeli nie masz żadnych (lista jest pusta) ten raport jest niedostępny.',
'account_default_currency' => 'To będzie domyślna waluta powiązana z tym kontem.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Twoja księga główna Firefly III ma więcej pieniędzy niż bank twierdzi, że powinieneś mieć. Istnieje kilka opcji. Wybierz, co zrobić. Następnie naciśnij "Potwierdź uzgodnienie".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Rok podatkowy',
'income_entry' => 'Dochód z konta ":name" między: :start a :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Wydatki na konto ":name" między :start a :end',
'category_entry' => 'Wydatki w kategorii ":name" między :start i :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Wydatki w budżecie ":budget" między :start i :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Wydatki w budżecie ":budget" zapłacone z konta ":account" między :start a :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Nie zarejestrowano żadnej aktywności na koncie <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> między :start a :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Pomiń wystąpienie',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Utwórz transakcję w poprzedni piątek',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Utwórz transakcję w następny poniedziałek',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Zostanie utworzona w piątki zamiast w weekendy.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Zostanie utworzona w poniedziałki zamiast w weekendy.',
'except_weekends' => 'Pomiń weekendy',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Cykliczna transakcja ":title" została usunięta',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Zostanie utworzona w piątki zamiast w weekendy.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Zostanie utworzona w poniedziałki zamiast w weekendy.',
'except_weekends' => 'Pomiń weekendy',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Cykliczna transakcja ":title" została usunięta',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Saldo (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Wydano (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Zarobiono (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Zapłacone rachunki (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Niezapłacone rachunki (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Możliwe do wydania (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Wartość netto (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Możliwe do wydania codziennie: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Saldo (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Wydano (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Zarobiono (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Zapłacone rachunki (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Niezapłacone rachunki (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Możliwe do wydania (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Wartość netto (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Możliwe do wydania codziennie: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Início do período de reconciliação: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Saldo Inicial',
'end_balance' => 'Saldo Final',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Corresponda os valores e datas acima do seu extracto bancário e pressione "Começar reconciliar"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Selecione as transações que aparecem no extrato bancário.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Primeiro, verifique o intervalo de datas e os saldos. Em seguida, pressione "Iniciar reconciliação"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Se você alterar o intervalo de datas agora, qualquer progresso será perdido.',
'update_selection' => 'Atualizar seleção',
'store_reconcile' => 'Armazenar reconciliação',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transação de reconciliação',
'Reconciliation' => 'Reconciliação',
'reconciliation' => 'Reconciliação',
'reconcile_options' => 'Opções de reconciliação',
'reconcile_range' => 'Intervalo de reconciliação',
'start_reconcile' => 'Comece a reconciliar',
'cash_account_type' => 'Dinheiro',
'cash' => 'dinheiro',
'account_type' => 'Tipo de conta',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Salve essas transações, movendo-os para outra conta:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nova conta ":name" armazenado!',
'updated_account' => 'Conta ":name" atualizada',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opções de cartão de crédito',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Não há transações (neste período) para a conta ativa ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Não há transações (neste período).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Não há informações suficientes (ainda) para gerar este gráfico.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos uma conta de ativo',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Por favor selecione, pelo menos, uma categoria',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos um orçamento',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos uma tag',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Corresponda os valores e datas acima do seu extracto bancário e pressione "Começar reconciliar"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Selecione as transações que aparecem no extrato bancário.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Primeiro, verifique o intervalo de datas e os saldos. Em seguida, pressione "Iniciar reconciliação"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Se você alterar o intervalo de datas agora, qualquer progresso será perdido.',
'update_selection' => 'Atualizar seleção',
'store_reconcile' => 'Armazenar reconciliação',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transação de reconciliação',
'Reconciliation' => 'Reconciliação',
'reconciliation' => 'Reconciliação',
'reconcile_options' => 'Opções de reconciliação',
'reconcile_range' => 'Intervalo de reconciliação',
'start_reconcile' => 'Comece a reconciliar',
'cash_account_type' => 'Dinheiro',
'cash' => 'dinheiro',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Tipo de conta',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Salve essas transações, movendo-os para outra conta:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nova conta ":name" armazenado!',
'updated_account' => 'Conta ":name" atualizada',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opções de cartão de crédito',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Não há transações (neste período) para a conta ativa ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Não há transações (neste período).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Não há informações suficientes (ainda) para gerar este gráfico.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos uma conta de ativo',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Por favor selecione, pelo menos, uma categoria',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos um orçamento',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos uma tag',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Por favor, selecione pelo menos uma combinação de contas de despesas/receitas. Se você não tem nenhuma (a lista está vazia) este relatório não está disponível.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Esta será a moeda padrão associada a esta conta.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Seu registro do Firefly III tem mais dinheiro nele do que o seu banco afirma que você deveria ter. Existem várias opções. Escolha o que fazer. Em seguida, pressione "Confirmar reconciliação".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Ano fiscal',
'income_entry' => 'Rendimento da conta ":name" entre :start e :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Despesas da conta ":name" entre :start e :end',
'category_entry' => 'Despesas na categoria ":name" entre :start e :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Despesas no orçamento ":name" entre :start e :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Despesas no orçamento ":budget" pagas por conta":account" entre :start e :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Nenhuma atividade foi registrada na conta <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> entre :start e :end.',
@ -1395,21 +1396,22 @@ return [
'help_weekend' => 'O que o Firefly III deve fazer quando a transação recorrente cai em um sábado ou domingo?',
'do_nothing' => 'Apenas criar a transação',
'skip_transaction' => 'Pular a ocorrência',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Criar a transação na segunda-feira seguinte',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Criar a transação na sexta-feira anterior',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Criar a transação na segunda-feira seguinte',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Será criada na sexta-feira em vez de nos finais de semana.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Será criada na segunda-feira em vez de nos finais de semana.',
'except_weekends' => 'Exceto nos fins de semana',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Transação recorrente ":title" apagada',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Será criada na sexta-feira em vez de nos finais de semana.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Será criada na segunda-feira em vez de nos finais de semana.',
'except_weekends' => 'Exceto nos fins de semana',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Transação recorrente ":title" apagada',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Saldo (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Gasto (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Ganho (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Faturas pagas (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Faturas não pagas (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Valor para gastar (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Valor líquido (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Restante para gastar por dia: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Saldo (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Gasto (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Ganho (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Faturas pagas (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Faturas não pagas (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Valor para gastar (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Valor líquido (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Restante para gastar por dia: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Conta de destino',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Conta de origem',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Începutul perioadei de reconciliere: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Sold de început',
'end_balance' => 'Sold final',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Potriviți sumele și datele de mai sus la extrasul de cont bancar și apăsați pe "Porniți reconcilierea"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Selectați tranzacțiile care apar în extrasul dvs. bancar.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Mai întâi verificați intervalul de date și balanțele. Apoi apăsați "Porniți reconcilierea"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Dacă schimbați acum intervalul de date, orice progres va fi pierdut.',
'update_selection' => 'Actualizați selectaia',
'store_reconcile' => 'Salvați reconcilierea',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Tranzacție de reconciliere',
'Reconciliation' => 'Reconciliere',
'reconciliation' => 'Reconciliere',
'reconcile_options' => 'Optiuni reconciliere',
'reconcile_range' => 'Domeniu de reconciliere',
'start_reconcile' => 'Porniți reconcilierea',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'numerar',
'account_type' => 'Tip cont',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Salvați aceste tranzacții prin mutarea acestora într-un alt cont:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Cont nou ":name" salvat!',
'updated_account' => 'Contul ":name" actualizat',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opțiuni pentru carduri de credit',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Nu există tranzacții (în această perioadă) pentru contul de activ ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Nu există nicio tranzacție (in această perioadă).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Nu există suficiente informații (încă) pentru a genera acest grafic.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Selectați cel puțin un cont de active',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Selectați cel puțin o categorie',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Selectați cel puțin un buget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Selectați cel puțin o eticheta',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Potriviți sumele și datele de mai sus la extrasul de cont bancar și apăsați pe "Porniți reconcilierea"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Selectați tranzacțiile care apar în extrasul dvs. bancar.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Mai întâi verificați intervalul de date și balanțele. Apoi apăsați "Porniți reconcilierea"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Dacă schimbați acum intervalul de date, orice progres va fi pierdut.',
'update_selection' => 'Actualizați selectaia',
'store_reconcile' => 'Salvați reconcilierea',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Tranzacție de reconciliere',
'Reconciliation' => 'Reconciliere',
'reconciliation' => 'Reconciliere',
'reconcile_options' => 'Optiuni reconciliere',
'reconcile_range' => 'Domeniu de reconciliere',
'start_reconcile' => 'Porniți reconcilierea',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'numerar',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Tip cont',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Salvați aceste tranzacții prin mutarea acestora într-un alt cont:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Cont nou ":name" salvat!',
'updated_account' => 'Contul ":name" actualizat',
'credit_card_options' => 'Opțiuni pentru carduri de credit',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Nu există tranzacții (în această perioadă) pentru contul de activ ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Nu există nicio tranzacție (in această perioadă).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Nu există suficiente informații (încă) pentru a genera acest grafic.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Selectați cel puțin un cont de active',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Selectați cel puțin o categorie',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Selectați cel puțin un buget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Selectați cel puțin o eticheta',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Selectați cel puțin o combinație cont de cheltuieli/venituri. Dacă nu ai încă nici una (lista este goală) acest raport nu este disponibil.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Aceasta va fi moneda implicită asociată acestui cont.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Registrul dvs are mai mulți bani în ea decât banca dvs. susține că ar trebui să aveți. Există mai multe opțiuni. Alegeți ce să faceți. Apoi, apăsați "Confirmați reconcilierea".',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'An fiscal',
'income_entry' => 'Venituri din cont ":name" între :start și :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Cheltuieli în cont ":name" între :start și :end',
'category_entry' => 'Cheltuieli în categoria ":name" între :start și :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Cheltuieli în bugetul ":budget" între :start și :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Cheltuieli în bugetul ":budget" plătit din cont ":account" între :start și :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Nu a fost înregistrată nici o activitate în contul <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> între :start și :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Treceți peste apariție',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Creați tranzacția din vineri precedentă',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Creați tranzacția de luni viitoare',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Va fi creat vineri în loc de weekend.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Va fi creat luni, în loc de weekend.',
'except_weekends' => 'Cu excepția weekend-urilor',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'tranzacție recurentă ":title" ștearsă',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Va fi creat vineri în loc de weekend.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Va fi creat luni, în loc de weekend.',
'except_weekends' => 'Cu excepția weekend-urilor',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'tranzacție recurentă ":title" ștearsă',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Начало периода сверки: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Начальный баланс',
'end_balance' => 'Конечный баланс',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Сверьте суммы и даты, указанные выше, со своей банковской выпиской и нажмите «Начать сверку»',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Выберите транзакции, которые отражены в выписке с вашего банковского счёта.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Сначала проверьте диапазон дат и балансы. Затем нажмите «Начать сверку»',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Если вы измените диапазон дат сейчас, текущий прогресс будет потерян.',
'update_selection' => 'Обновить выбранное',
'store_reconcile' => 'Сохранить сверку',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Сверка транзакции',
'Reconciliation' => 'Сверка',
'reconciliation' => 'Сверка',
'reconcile_options' => 'Параметры сверки',
'reconcile_range' => 'Диапазон сверки',
'start_reconcile' => 'Начать сверку',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'наличные',
'account_type' => 'Тип счёта',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Сохраните эти транзакции, переместив их на другой счёт:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Новый счёт ":name" сохранён!',
'updated_account' => 'Обновить счёт ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Параметры кредитной карты',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Для основного счёта ":name" нет транзакций (в этом периоде).',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Нет транзакций (в этот период).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Недостаточно информации (пока) для построения этой диаграммы.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Выберите хотя бы один счёт',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите по крайней мере одну категорию',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите по крайней мере один бюджет',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите по крайней мере одну метку',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Сверьте суммы и даты, указанные выше, со своей банковской выпиской и нажмите «Начать сверку»',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Выберите транзакции, которые отражены в выписке с вашего банковского счёта.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Сначала проверьте диапазон дат и балансы. Затем нажмите «Начать сверку»',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Если вы измените диапазон дат сейчас, текущий прогресс будет потерян.',
'update_selection' => 'Обновить выбранное',
'store_reconcile' => 'Сохранить сверку',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Сверка транзакции',
'Reconciliation' => 'Сверка',
'reconciliation' => 'Сверка',
'reconcile_options' => 'Параметры сверки',
'reconcile_range' => 'Диапазон сверки',
'start_reconcile' => 'Начать сверку',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'наличные',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Тип счёта',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Сохраните эти транзакции, переместив их на другой счёт:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Новый счёт ":name" сохранён!',
'updated_account' => 'Обновить счёт ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Параметры кредитной карты',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Для основного счёта ":name" нет транзакций (в этом периоде).',
'no_transactions_period' => 'Нет транзакций (в этот период).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Недостаточно информации (пока) для построения этой диаграммы.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Выберите хотя бы один счёт',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите по крайней мере одну категорию',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите по крайней мере один бюджет',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите по крайней мере одну метку',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Please select at least one combination of expense/revenue accounts. If you have none (the list is empty) this report is not available.',
'account_default_currency' => 'С этим счётом будет связана валюта по умолчанию.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'В вашей бухгалтерской книге Firefly III учтено больше денег, чем должно быть, согласно выписке из банка. Существует несколько вариантов. Пожалуйста, выберите, что делать, а затем нажмите «Подтвердить сверку».',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => 'Фискальный год',
'income_entry' => 'Поступления со счёта ":name" между :start и :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Расходы на счёт ":name" между :start и :end',
'category_entry' => 'Расходы по категории ":name" между :start и :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Расходы по статье бюджета ":budget" между :start и :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Расходы по статmt бюджета ":budget", оплаченные со счёта ":account" между :start и :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Для счёта <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> не было зафиксировано никакой активности между :start и :end.',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => 'Не создавать транзакцию',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Создать транзакцию в предшествующую пятницу',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Создать транзакцию в следующий понедельник',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Будет создана в пятницу, а не в выходной день.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Будет создана в понедельник, а не в выходной день.',
'except_weekends' => 'Исключить выходные дни',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Повторяющаяся транзакция ":title" удалена',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Будет создана в пятницу, а не в выходной день.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Будет создана в понедельник, а не в выходной день.',
'except_weekends' => 'Исключить выходные дни',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Повторяющаяся транзакция ":title" удалена',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Баланс (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Расходы (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Доходы (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Счета на оплату (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Неоплаченные счета (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Осталось потратить (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Мои сбережения (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Можно тратить в день: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Баланс (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Расходы (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Доходы (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Счета на оплату (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Неоплаченные счета (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Осталось потратить (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Мои сбережения (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Можно тратить в день: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Счёт назначения',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Исходный счёт',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -759,32 +759,33 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Uzlaştırma dönemi başlangıcı: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Başlangıç bakiyesi',
'end_balance' => 'Son bakiye',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Yukarıdaki tutarlar ve tarihleri banka ekstrenizle esşleştirin ve "Mutabakatı başlat" düğmesine basın',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Banka ekstrenizde görünen işlemleri seçin.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Önce tarih aralığını ve bakiyeleri doğrulayın. Daha sonra "Mutabakatı başlat" tuşuna basın',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Tarih aralığını şim değiştirdiniz, ilerleme kaydedilemez.',
'update_selection' => 'Güncelleme seç',
'store_reconcile' => 'Mutabakatı sakla',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Mutabakat işlemi',
'Reconciliation' => 'Mutabakat',
'reconciliation' => 'Mutabakat',
'reconcile_options' => 'Mutabakat Seçenekleri',
'reconcile_range' => 'Mutabakat aralığı',
'start_reconcile' => 'Mutabakatı başlat',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'nakit',
'account_type' => 'Hesap Türü',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Bu işlemleri başka bir hesaba taşıyarak kaydet:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Yeni hesap ":name" kaydedildi!',
'updated_account' => 'Güncellenmiş hesap ismi ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Kredi kart seçenekleri',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Aktif hesapta herhangi bir işlem yok (bu dönem için) ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'There are no transactions (in this period).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Bu grafiği oluşturmak için yeterli bilgi (henüz) yok.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Please select at least one asset account',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Please select at least one category',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Please select at least one budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Please select at least one tag',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Yukarıdaki tutarlar ve tarihleri banka ekstrenizle esşleştirin ve "Mutabakatı başlat" düğmesine basın',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Banka ekstrenizde görünen işlemleri seçin.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Önce tarih aralığını ve bakiyeleri doğrulayın. Daha sonra "Mutabakatı başlat" tuşuna basın',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Tarih aralığını şim değiştirdiniz, ilerleme kaydedilemez.',
'update_selection' => 'Güncelleme seç',
'store_reconcile' => 'Mutabakatı sakla',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Mutabakat işlemi',
'Reconciliation' => 'Mutabakat',
'reconciliation' => 'Mutabakat',
'reconcile_options' => 'Mutabakat Seçenekleri',
'reconcile_range' => 'Mutabakat aralığı',
'start_reconcile' => 'Mutabakatı başlat',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'nakit',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Hesap Türü',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Bu işlemleri başka bir hesaba taşıyarak kaydet:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Yeni hesap ":name" kaydedildi!',
'updated_account' => 'Güncellenmiş hesap ismi ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Kredi kart seçenekleri',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Aktif hesapta herhangi bir işlem yok (bu dönem için) ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'There are no transactions (in this period).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Bu grafiği oluşturmak için yeterli bilgi (henüz) yok.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Please select at least one asset account',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Please select at least one category',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Please select at least one budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Please select at least one tag',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Please select at least one combination of expense/revenue accounts. If you have none (the list is empty) this report is not available.',
'account_default_currency' => 'This will be the default currency associated with this account.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Firefly III hesabınızda bankanızın iddia ettiğinden daha fazla para var. Birkaç seçenek var. Lütfen ne yapılacağını seçin. Daha sonra "Uzlaşmayı onayla" ya basın.',
@ -1031,7 +1032,7 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'fiscal_year' => 'Mali yıl',
'income_entry' => ':start ve :end arasında ":name" hesabının geliri',
'expense_entry' => ':start ve :end arasında ":name" hesabının giderleri',
'category_entry' => ':start ve :end arasında ":name" kategorisinde giderler',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => '":budget" bütçesindeki :start ve :end arası harcamalar',
'balance_amount' => '":budget" bütçesindeki, ":account" hesabından :start ve :end arası ödenen giderler',
'no_audit_activity' => '<a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> hesabında :start ve :end arasında hiç bir hareket kaydedilmedi.',
@ -1400,19 +1401,20 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'skip_transaction' => 'Skip the occurence',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Create the transaction on the previous Friday instead',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Create the transaction on the next Monday instead',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Except weekends',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Except weekends',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => '对帐区间开始: :period',
'start_balance' => '初始余额',
'end_balance' => '结束余额',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => '与您的银行帐单配对您的帐户及日期,请按下 "开始对帐"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => '选择您银行帐单上显示的交易',
'select_range_and_balance' => '请验证日期范围与余额,然后按下 "开始对帐"',
'date_change_instruction' => '如果您现在变更日期范围,任何进度均将遗失。',
'update_selection' => '更新选择',
'store_reconcile' => '储存对帐',
'reconciliation_transaction' => '对帐交易',
'Reconciliation' => '对帐',
'reconciliation' => '对帐',
'reconcile_options' => '对帐选项',
'reconcile_range' => '对帐范围',
'start_reconcile' => '开始对帐',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => '现金',
'account_type' => '帐户类型',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => '藉由移动至其他帐户以储存这些交易',
'stored_new_account' => '新帐户 ":name" 已储存!',
'updated_account' => '帐户 ":name" 已更新',
'credit_card_options' => '信用卡选项',
'no_transactions_account' => '资产帐户 ":name" 没有交易 (在此区间)。',
'no_transactions_period' => '没有交易(在此期间)。',
'no_data_for_chart' => '目前 (尚) 没有足够资讯以产生此图表。',
'select_at_least_one_account' => '选择至少一个资产帐户',
'select_at_least_one_category' => '选择至少一个分类',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => '选择至少一个预算',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => '选择至少一个标签',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => '与您的银行帐单配对您的帐户及日期,请按下 "开始对帐"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => '选择您银行帐单上显示的交易',
'select_range_and_balance' => '请验证日期范围与余额,然后按下 "开始对帐"',
'date_change_instruction' => '如果您现在变更日期范围,任何进度均将遗失。',
'update_selection' => '更新选择',
'store_reconcile' => '储存对帐',
'reconciliation_transaction' => '对帐交易',
'Reconciliation' => '对帐',
'reconciliation' => '对帐',
'reconcile_options' => '对帐选项',
'reconcile_range' => '对帐范围',
'start_reconcile' => '开始对帐',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => '现金',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => '帐户类型',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => '藉由移动至其他帐户以储存这些交易',
'stored_new_account' => '新帐户 ":name" 已储存!',
'updated_account' => '帐户 ":name" 已更新',
'credit_card_options' => '信用卡选项',
'no_transactions_account' => '资产帐户 ":name" 没有交易 (在此区间)。',
'no_transactions_period' => '没有交易(在此期间)。',
'no_data_for_chart' => '目前 (尚) 没有足够资讯以产生此图表。',
'select_at_least_one_account' => '选择至少一个资产帐户',
'select_at_least_one_category' => '选择至少一个分类',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => '选择至少一个预算',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => '选择至少一个标签',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => '选择至少一个支出/收入帐户组合,若无 (清单为空) 则此报表不可用。',
'account_default_currency' => '此将为与此帐户关连的预设货币。',
'reconcile_has_more' => '您的 Firefly III 帐目比您的银行有更多的金钱,有多个选项可应处,请选择并按下 "确认对帐"。',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => '财政年度',
'income_entry' => '帐户 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的所得',
'expense_entry' => '帐户 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'category_entry' => '分类 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => '预算 “:budget” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'balance_amount' => '自 :start 至 :end 间由帐户 ":account" 于预算 “:budget” 的支出',
'no_audit_activity' => '帐户 <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> 自 :start 至 :end 没有任何交易纪录。',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => '略过情况',
'jump_to_friday' => '提前至星期五创建交易记录',
'jump_to_monday' => '推迟到下周一创建交易记录',
'will_jump_friday' => '将提前到周五创建交易记录而不是在周末创建。',
'will_jump_monday' => '将推迟到星期一创建交易记录而不是周末创建。',
'except_weekends' => '例外的周末',
'recurrence_deleted' => '定期重复交易 ":title" 已删除',
'will_jump_friday' => '将提前到周五创建交易记录而不是在周末创建。',
'will_jump_monday' => '将推迟到星期一创建交易记录而不是周末创建。',
'except_weekends' => '例外的周末',
'recurrence_deleted' => '定期重复交易 ":title" 已删除',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
@ -756,32 +756,33 @@ return [
'start_of_reconcile_period' => '對帳區間開始: :period',
'start_balance' => '初始餘額',
'end_balance' => '結束餘額',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => '與您的銀行帳單配對上述金額及日期,並按一下 "開始對帳"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => '選擇您銀行帳單上顯示的交易',
'select_range_and_balance' => '請驗證日期範圍與餘額,然後按下 "開始對帳"',
'date_change_instruction' => '如果您現在變更日期範圍,任何進度均將遺失。',
'update_selection' => '更新選擇',
'store_reconcile' => '儲存對帳',
'reconciliation_transaction' => '對帳交易',
'Reconciliation' => '對帳',
'reconciliation' => '對帳',
'reconcile_options' => '對帳選項',
'reconcile_range' => '對帳範圍',
'start_reconcile' => '開始對帳',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => '現金',
'account_type' => '帳戶類型',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => '藉由移動至其他帳戶以儲存這些交易',
'stored_new_account' => '新帳戶 ":name" 已儲存!',
'updated_account' => '帳戶 ":name" 已更新',
'credit_card_options' => '信用卡選項',
'no_transactions_account' => '資產帳戶 ":name" 沒有交易 (在此區間)。',
'no_transactions_period' => '沒有交易記錄 (在此期間)。',
'no_data_for_chart' => '目前 (尚) 沒有足夠資訊以產生此圖表。',
'select_at_least_one_account' => '選擇至少一個資產帳戶',
'select_at_least_one_category' => '選擇至少一個分類',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => '選擇至少一個預算',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => '選擇至少一個標籤',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => '與您的銀行帳單配對上述金額及日期,並按一下 "開始對帳"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => '選擇您銀行帳單上顯示的交易',
'select_range_and_balance' => '請驗證日期範圍與餘額,然後按下 "開始對帳"',
'date_change_instruction' => '如果您現在變更日期範圍,任何進度均將遺失。',
'update_selection' => '更新選擇',
'store_reconcile' => '儲存對帳',
'reconciliation_transaction' => '對帳交易',
'Reconciliation' => '對帳',
'reconciliation' => '對帳',
'reconcile_options' => '對帳選項',
'reconcile_range' => '對帳範圍',
'start_reconcile' => '開始對帳',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => '現金',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => '帳戶類型',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => '藉由移動至其他帳戶以儲存這些交易',
'stored_new_account' => '新帳戶 ":name" 已儲存!',
'updated_account' => '帳戶 ":name" 已更新',
'credit_card_options' => '信用卡選項',
'no_transactions_account' => '資產帳戶 ":name" 沒有交易 (在此區間)。',
'no_transactions_period' => '沒有交易記錄 (在此期間)。',
'no_data_for_chart' => '目前 (尚) 沒有足夠資訊以產生此圖表。',
'select_at_least_one_account' => '選擇至少一個資產帳戶',
'select_at_least_one_category' => '選擇至少一個分類',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => '選擇至少一個預算',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => '選擇至少一個標籤',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => '選擇至少一個支出/收入帳戶組合,若無 (清單為空) 則此報表不可用。',
'account_default_currency' => '此將為與此帳戶關連的預設貨幣。',
'reconcile_has_more' => '您的 Firefly III 帳目比您的銀行有更多的金錢,有多個選項可應處,請選擇並按下 "確認對帳"。',
@ -1028,7 +1029,7 @@ return [
'fiscal_year' => '財政年度',
'income_entry' => '帳戶 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的所得',
'expense_entry' => '帳戶 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'category_entry' => '分類 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => '預算 “:budget” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'balance_amount' => '自 :start 至 :end 間由帳戶 ":account" 於預算 “:budget” 的支出',
'no_audit_activity' => '帳戶 <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> 自 :start 至 :end 沒有任何交易紀錄。',
@ -1397,19 +1398,20 @@ return [
'skip_transaction' => '略過情況',
'jump_to_friday' => '於前一個週五建立交易',
'jump_to_monday' => '於次一個週一建立交易',
'will_jump_friday' => '將於週五建立交易,而非週末。',
'will_jump_monday' => '將於週一建立交易,而非週末。',
'except_weekends' => '例外的周末',
'recurrence_deleted' => '週期性交易 ":title" 已刪除',
'will_jump_friday' => '將於週五建立交易,而非週末。',
'will_jump_monday' => '將於週一建立交易,而非週末。',
'except_weekends' => '例外的周末',
'recurrence_deleted' => '週期性交易 ":title" 已刪除',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => '餘額 (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => '已花費 (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => '盈利 (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => '已付帳單 (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => '未付帳單 (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => '可供花費 (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => '淨值 (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => '每日可供花費: :amount',
'box_balance_in_currency' => '餘額 (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => '已花費 (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => '盈利 (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => '已付帳單 (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => '未付帳單 (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => '可供花費 (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => '淨值 (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => '每日可供花費: :amount',
@ -255,5 +255,7 @@ return [
'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account',
'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account',
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user