mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Translation updates.
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ return [
'preferences' => 'Einstellungen',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'changePassword' => 'Passwort ändern',
'change_email' => 'E-Mail-Adresse ändern',
'change_email' => 'E-Mail Adresse ändern',
'bills' => 'Rechnungen',
'newBill' => 'Neue Rechnung',
'edit_bill' => 'Rechnung „:name” bearbeiten',
@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ return [
'createTag' => 'Neues Schlagwort erstellen',
'edit_tag' => 'Schlagwort „:tag” bearbeiten',
'delete_tag' => 'Schlagwort „:tag” löschen',
'delete_journal_link' => 'Transaktions-Verknüpfung löschen',
'delete_journal_link' => 'Transaktionsverknüpfung löschen',
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return [
'cancel' => 'Abbrechen',
'from' => 'Von',
'to' => 'Bis',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'structure' => 'Struktur',
'help_translating' => 'Dieser Hilfetext ist noch nicht in Deutsch verfügbar. <a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">Möchten Sie beim Übersetzen helfen?</a>',
'showEverything' => 'Alles anzeigen',
'never' => 'Nie',
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Entschuldigung. Firefly III kann Sie nicht zur richtigen Seite weiterleiten.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Summe von Ausgaben',
'sum_of_income' => 'Summe von Einnahmen',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities' => 'Verbindlichkeiten',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Ausgaben im Budget „:budget”',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Gesamtausgaben im Budget „:budget”',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Verbleibend zum Ausgeben, entsprechend der Kostenplanung',
@ -737,13 +737,13 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Bargeldkonten',
'Cash account' => 'Bargeldkonto',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Verbindlichkeiten',
'reconcile_account' => 'Konto ":account" ausgleichen',
'reconcile_account' => 'Konto „:account” abgleichen',
'overview_of_reconcile_modal' => 'Überblick über den Kontenabgleich',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Kontenabgleich löschen',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Kontenabgleich aktualisieren',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'Der Betrag darf nicht Null sein',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'Ende des Abstimmzeitraums: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Beginn der Abstimmzeitraums: :period',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'Ende des Abgleichzeitraums: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Beginn des Abgleichzeitraums: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Startguthaben',
'end_balance' => 'Endguthaben',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Ordnen Sie die oben genannten Beträge und Daten Ihrem Kontoauszug zu und klicken Sie auf „Jetzt ausgleichen”',
@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ return [
'reconciliation' => 'Kontenabgleich',
'reconcile_options' => 'Kontenabgleich Optionen',
'reconcile_range' => 'Kontenabgleich-Bereich',
'start_reconcile' => 'Jetzt ausgleichen',
'start_reconcile' => 'Jetzt abgleichen',
'cash' => 'Bar',
'account_type' => 'Kontotyp',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Speichern Sie diese Transaktion(en), indem Sie sie auf ein anderes Konto verschieben:',
@ -772,14 +772,14 @@ return [
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Bitte mindestens eine Schlagwort auswählen',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Bitte wählen Sie mindestens eine Kombination aus Aufwands- und Ertragskonten aus. Wenn Sie keine besitzen (die Liste ist leer), ist dieser Bericht nicht verfügbar.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Dies ist die Standardwährung für dieses Konto.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto verfügt über mehr Geld, als Ihre Bank behauptet. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten. Bitte wählen Sie aus, was Sie tun möchten. Drücken Sie anschließend auf „Ausgleich bestätigen”.',
'reconcile_has_less' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto verfügt über weniger Geld, als Ihre Bank behauptet. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten. Bitte wählen Sie aus, was Sie tun möchten. Drücken Sie dann auf „Ausgleich bestätigen”.',
'reconcile_is_equal' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto und Ihre Kontoauszüge stimmen überein. Es gibt nichts zu tun. Bitte drücken Sie auf „Ausgleich bestätigen”, um Ihre Eingaben zu bestätigen.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto verfügt über mehr Geld, als Ihre Bank behauptet. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten. Bitte wählen Sie aus, was Sie tun möchten. Drücken Sie anschließend auf „Abgleich bestätigen”.',
'reconcile_has_less' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto verfügt über weniger Geld, als Ihre Bank behauptet. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten. Bitte wählen Sie aus, was Sie tun möchten. Drücken Sie dann auf „Abgleich bestätigen”.',
'reconcile_is_equal' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto und Ihre Kontoauszüge stimmen überein. Es gibt nichts zu tun. Bitte drücken Sie auf „Abgleich bestätigen”, um Ihre Eingaben zu bestätigen.',
'create_pos_reconcile_transaction' => 'Ausgewählten Umsätze bereinigen und einen Korrekturbetrag in Höhe von :amount auf dieses Bestandskonto überweisen.',
'create_neg_reconcile_transaction' => 'Ausgewählten Umsätze bereinigen und einen Korrekturbetrag in Höhe von :amount von diesem Anlagenkonto zurücküberweisen.',
'reconcile_do_nothing' => 'Ausgewählten Umsätze bereinigen, aber nicht korrigieren.',
'reconcile_go_back' => 'Sie können dies jederzeit später bearbeiten oder löschen.',
'must_be_asset_account' => 'Sie können nur Bestandskonten ausgleichen',
'must_be_asset_account' => 'Sie können nur Bestandskonten abgleichen',
'reconciliation_stored' => 'Kontenabgleich gespeichert',
'reconcilliation_transaction_title' => 'Ausgleich (:from zu :to)',
'reconcile_this_account' => 'Dieses Konto abgleichen',
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ return [
'rule_group_select_transactions' => '„:title” auf Buchungen anwenden',
'rule_select_transactions' => '„:title” auf Buchungen anwenden',
'stop_selection' => 'Auswählen von Buchungen anhalten',
'reconcile_selected' => 'Ausgleichen',
'reconcile_selected' => 'Abgleichen',
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Anzahl von Buchungen löschen',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Anzahl von Buchungen bearbeiten',
'mass_bulk_journals' => 'Massenbearbeitung mehrerer Buchungen',
@ -915,10 +915,10 @@ return [
'income' => 'Einnahmen / Einkommen',
'transfers' => 'Umbuchungen',
'moneyManagement' => 'Geldverwaltung',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'money_management' => 'Finanzverwaltung',
'tools' => 'Extras',
'piggyBanks' => 'Sparschweine',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'piggy_banks' => 'Sparschweine',
'bills' => 'Rechnungen',
'withdrawal' => 'Ausgabe',
'opening_balance' => 'Eröffnungsbilanz',
@ -1253,9 +1253,9 @@ return [
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine Verbindlichkeiten. Verbindlichkeiten sind die Konten, die Ihre Kreditkarte(n), (Studenten-)Darlehen und andere Forderungen registrieren.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Sie müssen diese Funktion nicht verwenden, aber sie kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie diese Dinge im Auge behalten möchten.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Verbindlichkeit erstellen',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns jetzt ein Haushaltsplan erstellen',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns jetzt einen Haushaltsplan erstellen',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine Kostenrahmen. Kostenrahmen werden verwendet, um Ihre Ausgaben in logische Gruppen zu gliedern, die Sie mit einem weichen Obergrenzemlimit versehen können, um Ihre Ausgaben zu begrenzen.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'Budgets sind die grundlegenden Instrumente des Finanzmanagements. Lassen Sie uns jetzt eines erstellen:',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'Die Kostenrahmen sind die grundlegenden Instrumente des Finanzmanagements. Lassen Sie uns jetzt einen erstellen:',
'no_budgets_create_default' => 'Kostenrahmen erstellen',
'no_categories_title_default' => 'Erstellen wir eine Kategorie!',
'no_categories_intro_default' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine Kategorien. Kategorien werden verwendet, um Ihre Buchungen zu verfeinern und mit der entsprechenden Kategorie zu kennzeichnen.',
@ -1288,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Regelmäßige Buchungen',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns eine regelmäßige Buchung erstellen!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine regelmäßigen Buchungen. Mit diesen können Sie Firefly III dazu einsetzen, automatisch Buchungen für Sie zu erstellen.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Dies ist eine sehr fortschrittliche Funktion, welche aber sehr nützlich sein kann. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Dokumentation (❓-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke) lesen, bevor Sie fortfahren.',
@ -1301,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Übersicht der regelmäßigen Buchungen „:title”',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In seltenen Fällen werden die Daten zweimal in dieser Liste angezeigt. Dies kann passieren, wenn mehrere Wiederholungen aufeinandertreffen. Firefly III erzeugt immer eine Transaktion pro Tag.',
'created_transactions' => 'Ähnliche Buchungen',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Erwartete Abzüge',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Erwartete Einzahlungen',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Erwartete Überweisungen',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Erstellte Abzüge',
'created_Deposits' => 'Erstellte Einzahlungen',
'created_Transfers' => 'Erstellte Überweisungen',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Erstellt aus Dauerauftrag „:title” (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Es scheint, dass der Cron-Job, der notwendig ist, um wiederkehrende Buchungen zu unterstützen, nie ausgeführt wurde. Das ist natürlich normal, wenn Sie gerade Firefly III installiert haben, aber dies sollte so schnell wie möglich eingerichtet werden. Bitte besuchen Sie die Hilfeseiten über das ❓-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke der Seite.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Es sieht so aus, als wäre es mehr als 36 Stunden her, dass der Cron-Job zur Unterstützung wiederkehrender Buchungen zum letzten Mal ausgeführt wurde. Sind Sie sicher, dass es richtig eingestellt ist? Bitte schauen Sie sich die Hilfeseiten über dem ❓-Symbol oben rechts auf der Seite an.',
@ -1289,6 +1289,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Transacciones Recurrentes',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Vamos a crear una transacción recurrente!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Usted no tiene transacciones recurrentes aún. Puede usar esto para hacer que Firefly III cree transacciones por usted.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Esta es una característica bastante avanzada pero, puede ser extremadamente útil. Asegúrese de haber leído la documentación (?- Icono en la esquina derecha) antes de continuar.',
@ -1302,12 +1303,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Resumen de transacción recurrente ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'En algunas ocasiones, las fechas aparecen duplicadas en esta lista. Esto puede ocurrir porque múltiples repeticiones chocan. Firefly III siempre generará una transacción por día.',
'created_transactions' => 'Transacciones relacionadas',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Retiradas previstas',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Depósitos previstos',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Transferencias previstas',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Retiradas creadas',
'created_Deposits' => 'Depósitos creados',
'created_Transfers' => 'Transferencias creadas',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Creado a partir de transacción recurrente ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Al parecer, el cron job necesario para realizar las transacciones recurrentes nunca se ejecutó. Esto es normal por supuesto, cuando acabas de instalar Firefly III pero, es algo que deberías configurar lo antes posible. Por favor, revisa las páginas de ayuda usando el ícono-(?) en la esquina derecha de la página.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Aparentemente han pasado mas de 36 horas desde que el cron job para dar soporte a las transacciones recurrentes se ha disparado por última vez. Está usted seguro que lo ha configurado correctamente? Por favor, revise las páginas de ayuda usando el ícono-(?) en la esquina derecha de la página.',
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'html_language' => 'fr',
'locale' => 'fr, French, fr_FR.utf8, fr_FR.UTF-8',
'locale' => 'fr_FR.utf8, fr_FR.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %e %B %Y',
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III n\'est pas en mesure de vous rediriger vers la bonne page. Veuillez nous en excuser.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Montant des dépenses',
'sum_of_income' => 'Montant des revenus',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities' => 'Passifs',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Dépensé dans le budget ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Total dépensé dans le budget ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Reste à dépenser selon budget',
@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ return [
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Préfixer la description avec..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Définissez le compte source à...',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Définir le compte source à :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Définissez le compte de destination pour...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Définissez le compte de destination pour :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Définissez le compte de destination à ...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Définissez le compte de destination à :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Rajouter aux notes..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Rajouter aux notes ":action_value"',
'rule_action_prepend_notes_choice' => 'Rajouter au début des notes..',
@ -915,10 +915,10 @@ return [
'income' => 'Recette / revenu',
'transfers' => 'Transferts',
'moneyManagement' => 'Gestion financière',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'money_management' => 'Gestion financière',
'tools' => 'Outils',
'piggyBanks' => 'Tirelires',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'piggy_banks' => 'Tirelires',
'bills' => 'Factures',
'withdrawal' => 'Dépense',
'opening_balance' => 'Solde d\'ouverture',
@ -1288,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Opérations périodiques',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Créons une opération périodique !',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Vous n’avez pas encore d\'opérations périodiques. Vous pouvez en utiliser pour que Firefly III crée automatiquement des opérations pour vous.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Il s’agit d’une fonctionnalité plutôt poussée, mais elle peut être très utile. Assurez-vous de lire la documentation ( icône ? en haut à droite) avant de continuer.',
@ -1301,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Aperçu de l’opération périodique ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'Dans de rares cas, des dates apparaissent en double dans cette liste. Cela peut arriver lorsque plusieurs répétitions se superposent. Firefly III génèrera toujours une seule transaction par jour.',
'created_transactions' => 'Opérations associées',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Dépenses attendues',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Revenus attendus',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Transferts attendus',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Dépenses créées',
'created_Deposits' => 'Revenus créés',
'created_Transfers' => 'Transferts créés',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Créé à partir de l\'opération périodique ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Il semble que la tâche cron qui supporte les opérations périodiques n\'a jamais été exécutée. Ceci est normal si vous venez juste d\'installer Firefly III, mais pensez à la configurer dès que possible. Veuillez consulter la page d\'aide associée en cliquant sur l\'icône (?) en haut à droite de la page.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Il semble que la dernière exécution de la tâche cron supportant les opérations périodiques date de plus de 36 heures. Êtes-vous surs qu\'elle est configurée correctement ? Veuillez consulter la page d\'aide associée en cliquant sur l\'icône (?) en haut à droite de la page.',
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ return [
'cancel' => 'Membatalkan',
'from' => 'Dari',
'to' => 'Untuk',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'help_translating' => 'This help text is not yet available in your language. <a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">Will you help translate?</a>',
'showEverything' => 'Tunjukkan semuanya',
'never' => 'Tak pernah',
@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III tidak bisa mengalihkan Anda ke halaman yang benar. Permintaan maaf.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Jumlah pengeluaran',
'sum_of_income' => 'Jumlah pendapatan',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Menghabiskan anggaran ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Menghabiskan total dalam anggaran ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Kiri untuk dibelanjakan sesuai budget',
@ -913,7 +915,10 @@ return [
'income' => 'Pendapatan / penghasilan',
'transfers' => 'Transfer',
'moneyManagement' => 'Manajemen keuangan',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'piggyBanks' => 'Celengan babi',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'bills' => 'Tagihan',
'withdrawal' => 'Penarikan',
'opening_balance' => 'Saldo awal',
@ -1283,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
@ -1296,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'It seems the cron job that is necessary to support recurring transactions has never run. This is of course normal when you have just installed Firefly III, but this should be something to set up as soon as possible. Please check out the help-pages using the (?)-icon in the top right corner of the page.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'It looks like it has been more than 36 hours since the cron job to support recurring transactions has fired for the last time. Are you sure it has been set up correctly? Please check out the help-pages using the (?)-icon in the top right corner of the page.',
@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ return [
'delete_bill' => 'Elimina bolletta ":name"',
'reports' => 'Resoconti',
'search_result' => 'Risultati di ricerca per ":query"',
'withdrawal_list' => 'Spese',
'withdrawal_list' => 'Spese, uscite e prelievi',
'deposit_list' => 'Redditi, entrate e depositi',
'transfer_list' => 'Trasferimenti',
'transfers_list' => 'Trasferimenti',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Riconciliazioni',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Crea nuovo prelievo',
'create_deposit' => 'Crea nuovo deposito',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Crea nuova uscita',
'create_deposit' => 'Crea nuova entrata',
'create_transfer' => 'Crea nuovo trasferimento',
'edit_journal' => 'Modifica transazione ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Modifica ":description"',
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return [
'cancel' => 'Annulla',
'from' => 'Da',
'to' => 'A',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'structure' => 'Struttura',
'help_translating' => 'Questo testo di aiuto non è ancora disponibile in italiano. <a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">Vuoi aiutare con la traduzione?</a>',
'showEverything' => 'Mostra tutto',
'never' => 'Mai',
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ return [
'asset_account_role_help' => 'Qualsiasi opzione aggiuntiva risultante dalla tua scelta può essere impostata in seguito.',
'Opening balance' => 'Saldo di apertura',
'create_new_stuff' => 'Crea nuove cose',
'new_withdrawal' => 'Nuovo prelievo',
'new_withdrawal' => 'Nuova uscita',
'create_new_transaction' => 'Crea nuova transazione',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'Visualizza i tuoi conti attività',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Vai ai tuoi budget',
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Spiacente ma Firefly III non può reindirizzarti alla pagina corretta.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Totale spese',
'sum_of_income' => 'Somma delle entrate',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities' => 'Passività',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Speso nel budget ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Spesa totale nel budget ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Disponibile per spese in base ai budget',
@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ return [
'pref_languages_locale' => 'Affinché una lingua diversa dall\'inglese funzioni correttamente, il sistema operativo deve essere dotato delle corrette informazioni locali. Se questi non sono presenti, i dati di valuta, le date e gli importi potrebbero essere formattati in modo errato.',
'budget_in_period' => 'Tutte le transazioni per il budget ":name" fra :start e :end',
'chart_budget_in_period' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per il budget ":name" fra :start e :end',
'chart_account_in_period' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per Conto ":name" fra :start E :end',
'chart_category_in_period' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per Categorie ":name" fra :start e :end',
'chart_category_all' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per Categoria ":name"',
'chart_account_in_period' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per il conto ":name" fra :start e :end',
'chart_category_in_period' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per la categoria ":name" fra :start e :end',
'chart_category_all' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per la categoria ":name"',
'clone_withdrawal' => 'Duplica questo prelievo',
'clone_deposit' => 'Duplica questa entrata',
'clone_transfer' => 'Duplica questo trasferimento',
@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ return [
'all_transfer' => 'Tutti i trasferimenti',
'all_journals_for_tag' => 'Tutte le transazioni per l\'etichetta ":tag"',
'title_transfer_between' => 'Tutti i trasferimenti fra :start e :end',
'all_journals_for_category' => 'Turre le transazioni per categoria :name',
'all_journals_for_category' => 'Tutte le transazioni per la categoria :name',
'all_journals_for_budget' => 'Tutte le transazione per budget :name',
'chart_all_journals_for_budget' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per budget :name',
'chart_all_journals_for_budget' => 'Grafico di tutte le transazioni per il budget :name',
'journals_in_period_for_category' => 'Tutte le transazioni per Categoria :name fra :start e :end',
'journals_in_period_for_tag' => 'Tutte le transazioni per l\'etichetta :tag fra :start e :end',
'not_available_demo_user' => 'La funzione a cui tenti di accedere non è disponibile per gli utenti demo.',
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ return [
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_yearly' => 'annualmente',
'repeat_freq_half-year' => 'ogni sei mesi',
'repeat_freq_half-year' => 'semestralmente',
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'trimestralmente',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mensilmente',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'settimanalmente',
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ return [
'delete_local_info_only' => 'Poiché ti sei autenticato tramite ":login_provider", questo eliminerà solamente le informazioni locali di Firefly III.',
// attachments
'nr_of_attachments' => 'Un allegato|:count attachments',
'nr_of_attachments' => 'Un allegato|:count allegati',
'attachments' => 'Allegati',
'edit_attachment' => 'Modifica allegato ":name"',
'update_attachment' => 'Aggiorna allegati',
@ -580,44 +580,44 @@ return [
'title_transfers' => 'Trasferimenti',
// convert stuff:
'convert_is_already_type_Withdrawal' => 'Questa transazione è già un prelievo',
'convert_is_already_type_Deposit' => 'Questa transazione è già un deposito',
'convert_is_already_type_Withdrawal' => 'Questa transazione è già un\'uscita',
'convert_is_already_type_Deposit' => 'Questa transazione è già un\'entrata',
'convert_is_already_type_Transfer' => 'Questa transazione è già un trasferimento',
'convert_to_Withdrawal' => 'Converti ":description" in un prelievo',
'convert_to_Deposit' => 'Converti ":description" in un deposito',
'convert_to_Withdrawal' => 'Converti ":description" in un\'uscita',
'convert_to_Deposit' => 'Converti ":description" in un\'entrata',
'convert_to_Transfer' => 'Converti ":description" in un trasferimento',
'convert_options_WithdrawalDeposit' => 'Converti un prelievo in un deposito',
'convert_options_WithdrawalTransfer' => 'Converti un prelievo in un trasferimento',
'convert_options_DepositTransfer' => 'Converti un deposito in un trasferimento',
'convert_options_DepositWithdrawal' => 'Converti un deposito in un prelievo',
'convert_options_TransferWithdrawal' => 'Converti un trasferimento in un prelievo',
'convert_options_TransferDeposit' => 'Converti un bonifico in un deposito',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_deposit' => 'Converti questo prelievo in un deposito',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_transfer' => 'Converti questo prelievo in un trasferimento',
'convert_Deposit_to_withdrawal' => 'Converti questo deposito in un prelievo',
'convert_Deposit_to_transfer' => 'Converti questo deposito in un trasferimento',
'convert_Transfer_to_deposit' => 'Converti questo trasferimento in un deposito',
'convert_Transfer_to_withdrawal' => 'Converti questo trasferimento in un prelievo',
'convert_options_WithdrawalDeposit' => 'Converti un\'uscita in un\'entrata',
'convert_options_WithdrawalTransfer' => 'Converti un\'uscita in un trasferimento',
'convert_options_DepositTransfer' => 'Converti un\'entrata in un trasferimento',
'convert_options_DepositWithdrawal' => 'Converti un\'entrata in un\'uscita',
'convert_options_TransferWithdrawal' => 'Converti un trasferimento in un\'uscita',
'convert_options_TransferDeposit' => 'Converti un trasferimento in un\'entrata',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_deposit' => 'Converti questa uscita in un\'entrata',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_transfer' => 'Converti questa uscita in un trasferimento',
'convert_Deposit_to_withdrawal' => 'Converti questa entrata in un\'uscita',
'convert_Deposit_to_transfer' => 'Converti questa entrata in un trasferimento',
'convert_Transfer_to_deposit' => 'Converti questo trasferimento in un\'entrata',
'convert_Transfer_to_withdrawal' => 'Converti questo trasferimento in un\'uscita',
'convert_please_set_revenue_source' => 'Si prega di scegliere il conto delle entrate da dove verranno i soldi.',
'convert_please_set_asset_destination' => 'Scegli il conto attività in cui andranno i soldi.',
'convert_please_set_expense_destination' => 'Si prega di scegliere il conto spese dove andranno i soldi.',
'convert_please_set_asset_source' => 'Scegli il conto attività da cui verranno i soldi.',
'convert_explanation_withdrawal_deposit' => 'Se converti questo prelievo in un deposito, l\'importo verrà :amount depositato in <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> anziché prelevato da esso.',
'convert_explanation_withdrawal_transfer' => 'Se converti questo prelievo in un trasferimento, l\'importo verrà :amount trasferito da <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> a un nuovo conto attività, invece di essere pagato a <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a>.',
'convert_explanation_deposit_withdrawal' => 'Se converti questo deposito in un prelievo, l\'importo verrà rimosso :amount da <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> anziché aggiunto ad esso.',
'convert_explanation_deposit_transfer' => 'Se converti questo deposito in un trasferimento, :amount verrà trasferito da un conto attivo di tua scelta in <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a>.',
'convert_explanation_transfer_withdrawal' => 'Se converti questo trasferimento in un prelievo, l\'importo :amount andrà da <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> a una nuova destinazione a titolo di spesa, anziché a <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> come trasferimento.',
'convert_explanation_transfer_deposit' => 'Se converti questo trasferimento in un deposito, :amount verranno depositati nel conto <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> anziché esservi trasferiti.',
'converted_to_Withdrawal' => 'La transazione è stata convertita in un prelievo',
'converted_to_Deposit' => 'La transazione è stata convertita in un deposito',
'convert_explanation_withdrawal_deposit' => 'Se converti questa uscita in un\'entrata, l\'importo :amount verrà depositato in <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> anziché prelevato da esso.',
'convert_explanation_withdrawal_transfer' => 'Se converti questa uscita in un trasferimento, l\'importo :amount verrà trasferito da <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> a un nuovo conto attività, invece di essere pagato a <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a>.',
'convert_explanation_deposit_withdrawal' => 'Se converti questa entrata in un\'uscita, l\'importo verrà rimosso :amount da <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> anziché aggiunto ad esso.',
'convert_explanation_deposit_transfer' => 'Se converti questa entrata in un trasferimento, l\'importo :amount verrà trasferito da un conto attivo di tua scelta in <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a>.',
'convert_explanation_transfer_withdrawal' => 'Se converti questo trasferimento in un\'uscita, l\'importo :amount andrà da <a href=":sourceRoute">:sourceName</a> ad una nuova destinazione a titolo di spesa, anziché a <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> come trasferimento.',
'convert_explanation_transfer_deposit' => 'Se converti questo trasferimento in un\'entrata, l\'importo :amount verrà depositato nel conto <a href=":destinationRoute">:destinationName</a> anziché esservi trasferito.',
'converted_to_Withdrawal' => 'La transazione è stata convertita in un\'uscita',
'converted_to_Deposit' => 'La transazione è stata convertita in un\'entrata',
'converted_to_Transfer' => 'La transazione è stata convertita in un trasferimento',
'invalid_convert_selection' => 'Il conto che hai selezionato è già utilizzato in questa transazione o non esiste.',
'source_or_dest_invalid' => 'Impossibile trovare i dettagli corretti della transazione. Non è possibile effettuare la conversione.',
// create new stuff:
'create_new_withdrawal' => 'Crea un nuovo prelievo',
'create_new_withdrawal' => 'Crea una nuova uscita',
'create_new_deposit' => 'Crea una nuova entrata',
'create_new_transfer' => 'Crea nuovo trasferimento',
'create_new_transfer' => 'Crea un nuovo trasferimento',
'create_new_asset' => 'Crea un nuovo conto attività',
'create_new_expense' => 'Crea un nuovo conto di spesa',
'create_new_revenue' => 'Crea un nuovo conto entrate',
@ -707,32 +707,32 @@ return [
// accounts:
'account_missing_transaction' => 'Non è possibile visualizzare il conto #:id (":name") direttamente, a Firefly mancano le informazioni per il reindirizzamento.',
'details_for_asset' => 'Dettagli per conto attività ":name"',
'details_for_expense' => 'Dettagli per conto spese ":name"',
'details_for_expense' => 'Dettagli per conto uscite ":name"',
'details_for_revenue' => 'Dettagli per conto entrate ":name"',
'details_for_cash' => 'Dettagli per il conto contanti ":name"',
'store_new_asset_account' => 'Salva nuovo conto attività',
'store_new_expense_account' => 'Salva il nuovo conto spese',
'store_new_expense_account' => 'Salva il nuovo conto uscite',
'store_new_revenue_account' => 'Salva il nuovo conto entrate',
'edit_asset_account' => 'Modifica conto attività ":name"',
'edit_expense_account' => 'Modifica conto spese ":name"',
'edit_expense_account' => 'Modifica conto uscite ":name"',
'edit_revenue_account' => 'Modifica conto entrate ":name"',
'delete_asset_account' => 'Elimina conto attività ":name"',
'delete_expense_account' => 'Elimina conto spese ":name"',
'delete_expense_account' => 'Elimina conto uscite ":name"',
'delete_revenue_account' => 'Elimina conto entrate ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Elimina passività ":name"',
'asset_deleted' => 'Conto attività ":name" eliminato correttamente',
'expense_deleted' => 'Conto spese ":name" eliminato correttamente',
'expense_deleted' => 'Conto uscite ":name" eliminato correttamente',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Conto entrate ":name" eliminato correttamente',
'update_asset_account' => 'Aggiorna conto attività',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Aggiorna passività',
'update_expense_account' => 'Aggiorna conto spese',
'update_expense_account' => 'Aggiorna conto uscite',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Aggiorna conto entrate',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Crea un nuovo conto attività',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'Crea un nuovo conto spesa',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'Crea un nuovo conto uscite',
'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Crea nuovo conto entrate',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Crea una nuova passività',
'asset_accounts' => 'Conti attività',
'expense_accounts' => 'Conti spese',
'expense_accounts' => 'Conti uscite',
'revenue_accounts' => 'Conti entrate',
'cash_accounts' => 'Conti contanti',
'Cash account' => 'Conto contanti',
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ return [
'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Budget e spese',
'savings' => 'Risparmi',
'newWithdrawal' => 'Nuova uscita',
'newDeposit' => 'Nuovo deposito',
'newDeposit' => 'Nuova entrata',
'newTransfer' => 'Nuovo trasferimento',
'bills_to_pay' => 'Bollette da pagare',
'per_day' => 'Al giorno',
@ -911,16 +911,16 @@ return [
'tags' => 'Etichette',
'reports' => 'Resoconti',
'transactions' => 'Transazioni',
'expenses' => 'Spese',
'expenses' => 'Spese / uscite',
'income' => 'Redditi / entrate',
'transfers' => 'Trasferimenti',
'moneyManagement' => 'Gestione denaro',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'money_management' => 'Gestione del denaro',
'tools' => 'Strumenti',
'piggyBanks' => 'Salvadanai',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'piggy_banks' => 'Salvadanai',
'bills' => 'Bollette',
'withdrawal' => 'Prelievo',
'withdrawal' => 'Uscita',
'opening_balance' => 'Saldo di apertura',
'deposit' => 'Entrata',
'account' => 'Conto',
@ -1288,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Transazioni ricorrenti',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Creiamo una transazione ricorrente!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Non hai ancora una transazione ricorrente. Puoi utilizzare queste per lasciare che Firefly III crei automaticamente le transazioni per te.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Questa è una caratteristica piuttosto avanzata che può essere estremamente utile. Assicurati di leggere la documentazione (l\'icona (?) nell\'angolo in alto a destra) prima di continuare.',
@ -1301,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Panoramica per la transazione ricorrente ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In alcuni casi rari è possibile che delle date appaiano due volte in questa lista. Questo può succedere quando ripetizioni multiple collidono. Firefly III si assicurerà sempre di generare una sola transazione per giorno.',
'created_transactions' => 'Transazioni collegate',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Prelievi previsti',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Deposito previsto',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Trasferimento previsto',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Prelievi creati',
'created_Deposits' => 'Depositi creati',
'created_Transfers' => 'Trasferimenti creati',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Creata dalla transazione ricorrente ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Sembra che il job cron necessario per le transazioni ricorrenti non sia mai stato eseguito. Questo è ovviamente normale quando hai appena installato Firefly III, tuttavia dovrebbe essere impostato il prima possibile. Consulta le pagine di aiuto usando l\'icona (?) nell\'angolo in alto a destra della pagina.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Sembra che siano passate più di 36 ore dall\'ultima volta che il job cron per le transazioni ricorrenti sia stato lanciato. Sei sicuro che sia stato impostato correttamente? Consulta le pagine di aiuto usando l\'icona (?) nell\'angolo in alto a destra della pagina.',
@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ return [
'date_format' => 'Formato data',
'specifix' => 'Correzioni bancarie o file specifiche',
'attachments[]' => 'Allegati',
'store_new_withdrawal' => 'Salva nuovo prelievo',
'store_new_deposit' => 'Salva nuovo deposito',
'store_new_withdrawal' => 'Salva nuova uscita',
'store_new_deposit' => 'Salva nuova entrata',
'store_new_transfer' => 'Salva nuovo trasferimento',
'add_new_withdrawal' => 'Aggiungi nuovo prelievo',
'add_new_deposit' => 'Aggiungi nuovo deposito',
'add_new_withdrawal' => 'Aggiungi nuova uscita',
'add_new_deposit' => 'Aggiungi nuova entrata',
'add_new_transfer' => 'Aggiungi un nuovo trasferimento',
'title' => 'Titolo',
'notes' => 'Note',
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ return [
'to' => 'A',
'budget' => 'Budget',
'category' => 'Categoria',
'bill' => 'Conto',
'bill' => 'Bolletta',
'withdrawal' => 'Prelievo',
'deposit' => 'Deposito',
'transfer' => 'Trasferimento',
@ -1288,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Periodieke transacties',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Maak een periodieke transactie!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Je hebt nog geen periodieke transacties. Je kan deze gebruiken om er voor te zorgen dat Firefly III automatisch nieuwe transacties voor je maakt.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Dit is een behoorlijk geadvanceerde functie maar het kan vreselijk handig zijn. Lees ook zeker de documentatie (?)-icoontje rechtsboven) voor je verder gaat.',
@ -1301,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overzicht voor periodieke transactie ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'Soms zie je hier datums dubbel staan. Dat kan als meerdere herhalingen in elkaars vaarwater zitten. Firefly III maakt altijd maar één transactie per dag.',
'created_transactions' => 'Gerelateerde transacties',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Verwachte uitgaven',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Verwachte inkomsten',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Verwachte overschrijvingen',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Gemaakte uitgaven',
'created_Deposits' => 'Gemaakte inkomsten',
'created_Transfers' => 'Gemaakte overschrijvingen',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Gemaakt door periodieke transactie ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Het lijkt er op dat je cronjob die nodig is voor periodieke transacties nog nooit gedraaid heeft. Niet zo gek natuurlijk als je Firefly III echt net geïnstalleerd hebt, maar denk eraan dat je dit regelt. Check de helppagina\'s via het (?)-icoontje rechtsboven.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Het lijkt er op dat het meer dan 36 uur geleden is sinds de cronjob heeft gedraaid die je nodig hebt voor het maken van periodieke transacties. Weet je zeker dat deze goed is ingesteld? Check de helppagina\'s onder het (?)-icoontje rechtsboven voor meer informatie.',
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return [
'cancel' => 'Anuluj',
'from' => 'Z',
'to' => 'Do',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'structure' => 'Struktura',
'help_translating' => 'Tekst pomocy nie jest jeszcze dostępny po polsku. <a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help"> Może chcesz pomóc w tłumaczeniu?</a>',
'showEverything' => 'Pokaż wszystko',
'never' => 'Nigdy',
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III nie może Cię przekierować na właściwą stronę. Przepraszamy.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Suma wydatków',
'sum_of_income' => 'Suma dochodów',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities' => 'Zobowiązania',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Wydatki w budżecie ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Wydano łącznie w budżecie ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Możliwe do wydania wg budżetu',
@ -915,10 +915,10 @@ return [
'income' => 'Przychody / dochody',
'transfers' => 'Transfery',
'moneyManagement' => 'Zarządzanie pieniędzmi',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'money_management' => 'Zarządzanie pieniędzmi',
'tools' => 'Narzędzia',
'piggyBanks' => 'Skarbonki',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'piggy_banks' => 'Skarbonki',
'bills' => 'Rachunki',
'withdrawal' => 'Wypłata',
'opening_balance' => 'Saldo początkowe',
@ -1288,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Cykliczne transakcje',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Utwórzmy cykliczną transakcję!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Nie masz jeszcze żadnych cyklicznych transakcji. Możesz ich użyć, aby Firefly III automatycznie tworzył transakcje za Ciebie.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'To dość zaawansowana funkcja, ale może być niezwykle przydatna. Zanim rozpoczniesz zapoznaj się z dokumentacją (ikona (?) w prawym górnym rogu).',
@ -1301,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Przegląd cyklicznej transakcji ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'W rzadkich przypadkach daty pojawiają się dwa razy na tej liście. Może się to zdarzyć, gdy zdarzy się wiele powtórzeń. Firefly III zawsze generuje jedną transakcję dziennie.',
'created_transactions' => 'Powiązane transakcje',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Oczekiwane wypłaty',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Oczekiwane wpłaty',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Oczekiwane transfery',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Utworzone wypłaty',
'created_Deposits' => 'Utworzone wpłaty',
'created_Transfers' => 'Utworzone transfery',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Utworzona przez cykliczną transakcję ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Wygląda na to, że zadanie cron, które jest niezbędne do obsługi powtarzających się transakcji, nigdy nie zostało uruchomione. Jest to normalne po zainstalowaniu Firefly III, ale powinno to być jak najszybciej skonfigurowane. Sprawdź strony pomocy za pomocą ikony (?) w prawym górnym rogu strony.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Wygląda na to, że minęło ponad 36 godzin, od kiedy zadanie cron do obsługi cyklicznych transakcji zostało uruchomione po raz ostatni. Czy jesteś pewien, że zostało poprawnie skonfigurowane? Sprawdź strony pomocy za pomocą ikony (?) w prawym górnym rogu strony.',
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return [
'cancel' => 'Cancelar',
'from' => 'De',
'to' => 'Até',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'structure' => 'Estrutura',
'help_translating' => 'Este texto de ajuda ainda não está disponível no seu idioma. <a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">Que tal ajudar a traduzí-lo?</a>',
'showEverything' => 'Mostrar tudo',
'never' => 'Nunca',
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III não pode redirecioná-lo para a página correta. Minhas desculpas.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Soma das despesas',
'sum_of_income' => 'Soma da renda',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities' => 'Responsabilidades',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Gasto no orçamento ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Gasto total no orçamento ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Restante para gastar de acordo com o orçamento',
@ -1288,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Transações recorrentes',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Vamos criar uma transação recorrente!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Você ainda não tem nenhuma transação recorrente. Você pode usá-las para que o Firefly III crie transações para você automaticamente.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Essa é uma função bastante avançada, mas pode ser muito útil. Leia a documentação (ícone (?) no canto superior direito) antes de continuar.',
@ -1301,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Visão geral da transação recorrente ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'Em raras ocasiões, as datas aparecem duas vezes na lista. Isso pode acontecer quando várias repetições colidem. Firefly III sempre irá gerar uma transação por dia.',
'created_transactions' => 'Transações relacionadas',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Retiradas previstas',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Depósitos previstos',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Transferências previstas',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Retiradas criadas',
'created_Deposits' => 'Depósitos criados',
'created_Transfers' => 'Transferências criadas',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Criado a partir da transação recorrente ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Parece que o cron job necessário para dar suporte a transações recorrentes nunca foi executado. Isso é normal quando você acabou de instalar o Firefly III, mas deve ser configurado o quanto antes. Por favor, veja as páginas de ajuda usando o ícone (?) no canto superior direito da página.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Faz mais de 36 horas que o cron job que dá suporte a transações recorrentes foi acionado pela última vez. Tem certeza de que foi configurado corretamente? Por favor, veja as páginas de ajuda usando o ícone (?) no canto superior direito da página.',
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ return [
'prereq_spectre_text' => 'Para importar dados usando a API do Spectre (v4), deves fornecer ao Firefly III 2 codigos secretos. Eles podem ser encontrados na seguinte <a href="https://www.saltedge.com/clients/profile/secrets">pagina</a>.',
'prereq_spectre_pub' => 'Da mesma forma, a API do Spectre necessita de saber a chave publica que ves em baixo. Sem ela, nao te vai reconhecer. Por favor introduz esta chave publica na seguinte <a href="https://www.saltedge.com/clients/profile/secrets">pagina</a>.',
'prereq_bunq_title' => 'Pre-requesitos para uma importaca pelo bunq',
'prereq_bunq_text' => 'In order to import from bunq, you need to obtain an API key. You can do this through the app. Please note that the import function for bunq is in BETA. It has only been tested against the sandbox API.',
'prereq_bunq_ip' => 'bunq requires your externally facing IP address. Firefly III has tried to fill this in using <a href="https://www.ipify.org/">the ipify service</a>. Make sure this IP address is correct, or the import will fail.',
'prereq_ynab_title' => 'Prerequisites for an import from YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text' => 'In order to be able to download transactions from YNAB, please create a new application on your <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">Developer Settings Page</a> and enter the client ID and secret on this page.',
'prereq_ynab_redirect' => 'To complete the configuration, enter the following URL at the <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">Developer Settings Page</a> under the "Redirect URI(s)".',
'prereq_bunq_text' => 'Para importar do bunq, precisas de obter uma chave da API. Podes fazer isso atraves da app. De notar que a importacao do bunq este em fase BETA. Ela so tem vindo a ser testada na API sandbox.',
'prereq_bunq_ip' => 'o bunq necessita do teu endereco IP externo. O Firefly III tentou preencher esse valor usando <a href="https://www.ipify.org/">o servico ipify</a>. Verifica que este endereco de IP e correcto, ou a importacao vai falhar.',
'prereq_ynab_title' => 'Pre-requesitos para uma importacao de YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text' => 'Para poderes descarregar as transaccoes do YNAB, por favor cria uma nova aplicacao na tua <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">Pagina de Configuracoes de Desenvolvedor</a> e introduz o ID e a senha de cliente nesta pagina.',
'prereq_ynab_redirect' => 'Para completar a configuracao, introduz o seguinte URL na <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">Pagina de Configuracoes de Desenvolvedor</a>, sobre a area de "Redirect URI(s)".',
'callback_not_tls' => 'Firefly III has detected the following callback URI. It seems your server is not set up to accept TLS-connections (https). YNAB will not accept this URI. You may continue with the import (because Firefly III could be wrong) but please keep this in mind.',
// prerequisites success messages:
'prerequisites_saved_for_fake' => 'Fake API key stored successfully!',
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ return [
'no_demo_text' => 'Извините, но для <abbr title=":route">этой страницы</abbr> нет дополнительного пояснения.',
'see_help_icon' => 'Воспользуйтесь значком <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> в правом верхнем углу, чтобы узнать больше.',
'index' => 'Добро пожаловать в <strong>Firefly III</strong>! На этой странице вы видите вашу финансовую ситуацию в общих чертах. Более подробная информация доступна на страницах → <a href=":asset">Активные счета</a> <a href=":budgets">Бюджет</a> и <a href=":reports">Отчёты</a>. Или просто внимательно оглядитесь и изучите всё вокруг.',
'accounts-index' => 'Основные счета - это ваши личные банковские счета или другие денежные активы. Счёта расходов - это счета, на которые вы тратите деньги, например, магазины и друзья. Счета доходов - это счета, с которых вы получаете деньги, например, ваша работа, правительство или другие источники дохода. Задолженности это ваши доходы и кредиты такие как кредитные карты или студенческие займы. На этой странице вы можете редактировать или удалять их.',
'accounts-index' => 'Основные счета - это ваши личные банковские счета. Счёта расходов - это счета, на которые вы тратите деньги, например, магазины и друзья. Счета доходов - это счета, с которых вы получаете деньги, например, ваша работа, правительство или другие источники дохода. Долги - это ваши дебиты и кредиты, такие как займы по кредитной карте или студенческие займы. На этой странице вы можете редактировать или удалять их.',
'budgets-index' => 'На этой странице вы видите все свои бюджеты. На верхней панели показана сумма, доступная в рамках бюджета. Бюджет можно настроить на любой период, щёлкнув сумму справа. Сумма, которую вы фактически потратили, показана на диаграмме внизу. Ещё ниже показаны в сравнении ваши фактически расходы и запланированный бюджет.',
'reports-index-start' => 'Firefly III поддерживает несколько типов отчетов. Вы можете узнать про них, нажав на значок <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> в правом верхнем углу.',
'reports-index-examples' => 'Обязательно ознакомьтесь с этими примерами: <a href=":one">a ежемесячный финансовый обзор</a>, <a href=":two">a годовой финансовый обзор</a> и <a href=":three">a обзор бюджета</a>.',
@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Эти расходы, доходы и переводы не очень интересны. Они были созданы автоматически.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Как вы можете видеть, здесь есть три копилки. Используйте кнопки «плюс» и «минус», чтобы влиять на количество денег в каждой копилке. Нажмите название копилки, чтобы увидеть её настройки.',
'import-index' => 'В Firefly III можно импортировать любой CSV-файл. Также поддерживается импорт данных из bunq и Spectre. Другие банки и финансовые агрегаторы будут реализованы в будущем. Однако, как демо-пользователь, вы можете видеть только как работает «поддельный»-провайдер. Он будет генерировать некоторые случайные транзакции, чтобы показать вам, как работает этот процесс.',
'profile-index' => 'Обратите внимание на то, что демо-сайт автоматически очищает данные каждые 4 часа. Ваши изменения могут быть потеряны в любой момент, и это не ошибка в коде а особенность "демо" версии.',
'profile-index' => 'Обратите внимание, что все данные на демо-сайте очищаются каждые 4 часа. Ваш доступ к сайту может быть прекращён в любой момент. Это происходит автоматически и не является ошибкой.',
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ return [
'edit' => 'Изменить',
'delete' => 'Удалить',
'split' => 'Разделить',
'clone' => 'Копировать',
'clone' => 'Клонировать',
'last_seven_days' => 'Последние 7 дней',
'last_thirty_days' => 'Последние 30 дней',
'welcomeBack' => 'Что происходит с моими финансами?',
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return [
'cancel' => 'Отмена',
'from' => 'От',
'to' => 'Куда',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'structure' => 'Структура',
'help_translating' => 'Этот текст справки пока не доступен на русском языке. Но вы <a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">можете помочь с переводом.</a>',
'showEverything' => 'Показать всё',
'never' => 'Никогда',
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ return [
'new_asset_account' => 'Новый счет активов',
'new_expense_account' => 'Новый расходный счет',
'new_revenue_account' => 'Новый доходный счет',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'Новая задолженность',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'Новый долг',
'new_budget' => 'Новый бюджет',
'new_bill' => 'Новый счёт к оплате',
'block_account_logout' => 'Вы вышли из системы. Заблокированные учётные записи не могут использовать этот сайт. Вы зарегистрировались с действующим адресом электронной почты?',
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III не может перенаправить вас на правильную страницу. Приносим извинения.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Сумма расходов',
'sum_of_income' => 'Сумма дохода',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities' => 'Долги',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Расходы по бюджету ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Сумма расходов по бюджету ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Осталось потратить в соответствии с бюджетом',
@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ return [
'want_to_login' => 'Я хочу войти',
'login_page_title' => 'Вход в Firefly III',
'register_page_title' => 'Регистрация в Firefly III',
'forgot_pw_page_title' => 'Забыл пароль',
'reset_pw_page_title' => 'Сбросить пароль',
'cannot_reset_demo_user' => 'Невозможно сбросить пароль демонстрационной учетной записи.',
'forgot_pw_page_title' => 'Забыли свой пароль к Firefly III?',
'reset_pw_page_title' => 'Сбросить свой пароль к Firefly III',
'cannot_reset_demo_user' => 'Вы не можете сбросить пароль демонстрационной учётной записи.',
'button_register' => 'Регистрация',
'authorization' => 'Авторизация',
'active_bills_only' => 'только активные счета',
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ return [
'button_authorize' => 'Авторизация',
'none_in_select_list' => '(нет)',
'name_in_currency' => ':name в :currency',
'paid_in_currency' => 'Оплатить в :currency',
'paid_in_currency' => 'Оплачено в :currency',
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Неоплачено в :currency',
// check for updates:
@ -544,10 +544,10 @@ return [
'secure_pw_history' => 'Not a week goes by that you read in the news about a site losing the passwords of its users. Hackers and thieves use these passwords to try to steal your private information. This information is valuable.',
'secure_pw_ff' => 'Do you use the same password all over the internet? If one site loses your password, hackers have access to all your data. Firefly III relies on you to choose a strong and unique password to protect your financial records.',
'secure_pw_check_box' => 'To help you do that Firefly III can check if the password you want to use has been stolen in the past. If this is the case, Firefly III advises you NOT to use that password.',
'secure_pw_working_title' => 'How does it work?',
'secure_pw_working_title' => 'Как это работает?',
'secure_pw_working' => 'By checking the box, Firefly III will send the first five characters of the SHA1 hash of your password to <a href="https://www.troyhunt.com/introducing-306-million-freely-downloadable-pwned-passwords/">the website of Troy Hunt</a> to see if it is on the list. This will stop you from using unsafe passwords as is recommended in the latest <a href="https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63b.html">NIST Special Publication</a> on this subject.',
'secure_pw_should' => 'Должен ли я установить флажок?',
'secure_pw_long_password' => 'Yes. Always verify your password is safe.',
'secure_pw_long_password' => 'Да. Всегда проверять безопасность моего пароля.',
'command_line_token' => 'Токен командной строки',
'explain_command_line_token' => 'Этот токен необходим для выполнения операций из командной строки (таких как импорт или экспорт данных). Без него такие чувствительные команды не будут работать. Не показывайте никому свой токен. Никто не попросит у вас эту информацию, даже я. Если вы боитесь, что потеряли этот токен, или у вас паранойя, вы можете сгенерировать новый токен с помощью этой кнопки.',
'regenerate_command_line_token' => 'Сгенерировать новый токен командной строки',
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ return [
'email_changed_logout' => 'Пока вы не подтвердите свой адрес электронной почты, вы не сможете войти в систему.',
'login_with_new_email' => 'Теперь вы можете войти с новым адресом электронной почты.',
'login_with_old_email' => 'Теперь вы можете снова войти со своим старым адресом электронной почты.',
'login_provider_local_only' => 'This action is not available when authenticating through ":login_provider".',
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Это действие недоступно при аутентификации через ":login_provider".',
'delete_local_info_only' => 'Because you authenticate through ":login_provider", this will only delete local Firefly III information.',
// attachments
@ -630,21 +630,21 @@ return [
'update_currency' => 'Обновить валюту',
'new_default_currency' => ':name теперь является вашей основной валютой.',
'cannot_delete_currency' => 'Невозможно удалить валюту :name, поскольку она используется.',
'cannot_disable_currency' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is still in use.',
'cannot_disable_currency' => 'Невозможно отключить валюту :name, поскольку она используется.',
'deleted_currency' => 'Валюта :name удалена',
'created_currency' => 'Валюта :name создана',
'could_not_store_currency' => 'Could not store the new currency.',
'updated_currency' => 'Валюта :name обновлена',
'ask_site_owner' => 'Пожалуйста, обратитесь к :owner для добавления, удаления или изменения валюты.',
'currencies_intro' => 'Firefly III может работать с несколькими валютами. Вы можете управлять ими здесь.',
'make_default_currency' => 'Make default',
'make_default_currency' => 'Сделать основной',
'default_currency' => 'основная',
'currency_is_disabled' => 'Disabled',
'enable_currency' => 'Enable',
'disable_currency' => 'Disable',
'currency_is_disabled' => 'Отключена',
'enable_currency' => 'Включить',
'disable_currency' => 'Отключить',
'currencies_default_disabled' => 'Most of these currencies are disabled by default. To use them, you must enable them first.',
'currency_is_now_enabled' => 'Currency ":name" has been enabled',
'currency_is_now_disabled' => 'Currency ":name" has been disabled',
'currency_is_now_enabled' => 'Валюта ":name" была включена',
'currency_is_now_disabled' => 'Валюта ":name" была отключена',
// forms:
'mandatoryFields' => 'Обязательные поля',
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ return [
'revenue_accounts' => 'Счета доходов',
'cash_accounts' => 'Наличные деньги',
'Cash account' => 'Наличные деньги',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Долги',
'reconcile_account' => 'Сверка счёта ":account"',
'overview_of_reconcile_modal' => 'Overview of reconciliation',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Удалить сверку',
@ -840,22 +840,22 @@ return [
'no_bulk_tags' => 'Не обновлять метки',
'bulk_edit' => 'Массовое изменение',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'Вы не можете массово редактировать другие поля, кроме тех, которые видите здесь, поскольку для их отображения недостаточно места. Пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке и отредактируйте их по одной, если вам нужно изменить такие поля.',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'no_budget' => '(вне бюджета)',
'no_budget_squared' => '(вне бюджета)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Удаление большого числа записей за один раз может вызывать проблемы. Пожалуйста, будьте осторожны.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Удалено :amount транзакций.',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Обновлено :amount транзакций',
'opt_group_' => '(no account type)',
'opt_group_' => '(нет типа счёта)',
'opt_group_no_account_type' => '(нет типа счёта)',
'opt_group_defaultAsset' => 'Основные счета по умолчанию',
'opt_group_savingAsset' => 'Сберегательные счета',
'opt_group_sharedAsset' => 'Общие основные счета',
'opt_group_ccAsset' => 'Кредитные карты',
'opt_group_cashWalletAsset' => 'Кошельки с наличными',
'opt_group_l_Loan' => 'Liability: Loan',
'opt_group_l_Debt' => 'Liability: Debt',
'opt_group_l_Mortgage' => 'Liability: Mortgage',
'opt_group_l_Credit card' => 'Liability: Credit card',
'opt_group_l_Loan' => 'Долги (кредит)',
'opt_group_l_Debt' => 'Долги (дебит)',
'opt_group_l_Mortgage' => 'Долги (ипотека)',
'opt_group_l_Credit card' => 'Долги (кредитная карта)',
'notes' => 'Заметки',
'unknown_journal_error' => 'Не удалось сохранить транзакцию. Пожалуйста, проверьте log-файлы.',
'attachment_not_found' => 'This attachment could not be found.',
@ -903,10 +903,10 @@ return [
'Expense account' => 'Счета расходов',
'Revenue account' => 'Счета доходов',
'Initial balance account' => 'Начальный баланс для счёта',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Debt',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Дебит',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Loan',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Mortgage',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Credit card',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Ипотека',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Кредитная карта',
'budgets' => 'Бюджет',
'tags' => 'Метки',
'reports' => 'Отчёты',
@ -915,10 +915,10 @@ return [
'income' => 'Мои доходы',
'transfers' => 'Переводы',
'moneyManagement' => 'Управление финансами',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'money_management' => 'Управление финансами',
'tools' => 'Инструменты',
'piggyBanks' => 'Копилки',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'piggy_banks' => 'Копилки',
'bills' => 'Счета к оплате',
'withdrawal' => 'Расход',
'opening_balance' => 'Начальный баланс',
@ -1198,9 +1198,9 @@ return [
'deleted_link' => 'Связь удалена',
// link translations:
'Paid_name' => 'Paid',
'Refund_name' => 'Refund',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Reimbursement',
'Paid_name' => 'Оплачено',
'Refund_name' => 'Возврат',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Возмещение',
'Related_name' => 'Related',
'relates to_inward' => 'связано с',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => '(частично) возвращён',
@ -1288,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Повторяющиеся транзакции',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Давайте создадим повторяющуюся транзакцию!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
@ -1301,12 +1302,12 @@ return [
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Обзор повторяющейся транзакции ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Связанные транзакции',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Просроченные расходы',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Просроченные доходы',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Просроченные переводы',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Расходы созданы',
'created_Deposits' => 'Доходы созданы',
'created_Transfers' => 'Переводы созданы',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Создано из повторяющейся транзакции ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'It seems the cron job that is necessary to support recurring transactions has never run. This is of course normal when you have just installed Firefly III, but this should be something to set up as soon as possible. Please check out the help-pages using the (?)-icon in the top right corner of the page.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'It looks like it has been more than 36 hours since the cron job to support recurring transactions has fired for the last time. Are you sure it has been set up correctly? Please check out the help-pages using the (?)-icon in the top right corner of the page.',
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ return [
// ALL breadcrumbs and subtitles:
'index_breadcrumb' => 'Импорт данных в Firefly III',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_fake' => 'Prerequisites for the fake import provider',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_spectre' => 'Prerequisites for Spectre',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_bunq' => 'Prerequisites for bunq',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_ynab' => 'Prerequisites for YNAB',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_spectre' => 'Требования для Spectre',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_bunq' => 'Конфигурация для bunq',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_ynab' => 'Требования для YNAB',
'job_configuration_breadcrumb' => 'Конфигурация для ":key"',
'job_status_breadcrumb' => 'Статус импорта для ":key"',
'cannot_create_for_provider' => 'Firefly III не может создать задачу для ":provider"-провайдера.',
'disabled_for_demo_user' => 'disabled in demo',
'disabled_for_demo_user' => 'отключено в демо-версии',
// index page:
'general_index_title' => 'Импортировать файл',
@ -85,20 +85,20 @@ return [
'prereq_bunq_title' => 'Prerequisites for an import from bunq',
'prereq_bunq_text' => 'In order to import from bunq, you need to obtain an API key. You can do this through the app. Please note that the import function for bunq is in BETA. It has only been tested against the sandbox API.',
'prereq_bunq_ip' => 'bunq requires your externally facing IP address. Firefly III has tried to fill this in using <a href="https://www.ipify.org/">the ipify service</a>. Make sure this IP address is correct, or the import will fail.',
'prereq_ynab_title' => 'Prerequisites for an import from YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text' => 'In order to be able to download transactions from YNAB, please create a new application on your <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">Developer Settings Page</a> and enter the client ID and secret on this page.',
'prereq_ynab_title' => 'Требования для импорта из YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text' => 'Для успешной загрузки транзакций с YNAB, пожалуйста, создайте новое приложение на вашей <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">странице Настроек разработчика</a> и введите ID клиента и секретный ключ на этой странице.',
'prereq_ynab_redirect' => 'To complete the configuration, enter the following URL at the <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">Developer Settings Page</a> under the "Redirect URI(s)".',
'callback_not_tls' => 'Firefly III has detected the following callback URI. It seems your server is not set up to accept TLS-connections (https). YNAB will not accept this URI. You may continue with the import (because Firefly III could be wrong) but please keep this in mind.',
// prerequisites success messages:
'prerequisites_saved_for_fake' => 'Ключ Fake API успешно сохранен!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_spectre' => 'App ID and secret stored!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_spectre' => 'App ID и секретный ключ сохранены!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_bunq' => 'API-ключ и IP сохранены!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_ynab' => 'ID клиента YNAB и секрет сохранены!',
// job configuration:
'job_config_apply_rules_title' => 'Job configuration - apply your rules?',
'job_config_apply_rules_text' => 'Once the fake provider has run, your rules can be applied to the transactions. This adds time to the import.',
'job_config_input' => 'Your input',
'job_config_input' => 'Ваш ввод',
// job configuration for the fake provider:
'job_config_fake_artist_title' => 'Введите имя альбома',
'job_config_fake_artist_text' => 'Many import routines have a few configuration steps you must go through. In the case of the fake import provider, you must answer some weird questions. In this case, enter "David Bowie" to continue.',
@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ return [
'job_config_file_upload_submit' => 'Загрузить файлы',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (значения, разделенные запятыми)',
'import_file_type_ofx' => 'OFX',
'file_not_utf8' => 'The file you have uploaded is not encoded as UTF-8 or ASCII. Firefly III cannot handle such files. Please use Notepad++ or Sublime to convert your file to UTF-8.',
'file_not_utf8' => 'Загруженный вами файл использует кодировку, отличную от UTF-8 или ASCII. Firefly III не может обработать такой файл. Пожалуйста используйте Notepad++ или Sublime что бы сконвертировать ваш файл в UTF-8.',
'job_config_uc_title' => 'Настройка импорта (2/4) - Основные настройки CSV-импорта',
'job_config_uc_text' => 'To be able to import your file correctly, please validate the options below.',
'job_config_uc_header_help' => 'Check this box if the first row of your CSV file are the column titles.',
'job_config_uc_text' => 'Чтобы импорт данных прошёл успешно, пожалуйста проверьте несколько параметров.',
'job_config_uc_header_help' => 'Установите этот флажок, если первая строка вашего CSV-файла содержит заголовки столбцов.',
'job_config_uc_date_help' => 'Date time format in your file. Follow the format as <a href="https://secure.php.net/manual/en/datetime.createfromformat.php#refsect1-datetime.createfromformat-parameters">this page</a> indicates. The default value will parse dates that look like this: :dateExample.',
'job_config_uc_delimiter_help' => 'Choose the field delimiter that is used in your input file. If not sure, comma is the safest option.',
'job_config_uc_account_help' => 'If your file does NOT contain information about your asset account(s), use this dropdown to select to which account the transactions in the file belong to.',
@ -136,18 +136,18 @@ return [
'spectre_login_status_inactive' => 'Неактивный',
'spectre_login_status_disabled' => 'Отключён',
'spectre_login_new_login' => 'Login with another bank, or one of these banks with different credentials.',
'job_config_spectre_accounts_title' => 'Выберите счёта, с которых будет производиться импорт',
'job_config_spectre_accounts_title' => 'Выберите счета, с которых будет производиться импорт',
'job_config_spectre_accounts_text' => 'You have selected ":name" (:country). You have :count account(s) available from this provider. Please select the Firefly III asset account(s) where the transactions from these accounts should be stored. Remember, in order to import data both the Firefly III account and the ":name"-account must have the same currency.',
'spectre_no_supported_accounts' => 'Вы не можете импортировать с этого счёта из-за несоответствия валюты.',
'spectre_do_not_import' => '(не импортировать)',
'spectre_no_mapping' => 'Похоже, вы не выбрали ни одного счёта для импорта.',
'imported_from_account' => 'Импортировано со счёта ":account"',
'spectre_account_with_number' => 'Cчет :number',
'spectre_account_with_number' => 'Cчёт :number',
'job_config_spectre_apply_rules' => 'Применить правила',
'job_config_spectre_apply_rules_text' => 'By default, your rules will be applied to the transactions created during this import routine. If you do not want this to happen, deselect this checkbox.',
// job configuration for bunq:
'job_config_bunq_accounts_title' => 'bunq accounts',
'job_config_bunq_accounts_title' => 'счета bunq',
'job_config_bunq_accounts_text' => 'These are the accounts associated with your bunq account. Please select the accounts from which you want to import, and in which account the transactions must be imported.',
'bunq_no_mapping' => 'It seems you have not selected any accounts.',
'should_download_config' => 'You should download <a href=":route">the configuration file</a> for this job. This will make future imports way easier.',
@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ return [
'bunq_savings_goal' => 'Savings goal: :amount (:percentage%)',
'bunq_account_status_CANCELLED' => 'Closed bunq account',
'ynab_account_closed' => 'Учетная запись закрыта!',
'ynab_account_deleted' => 'Учетная запись удалена!',
'ynab_account_type_savings' => 'cберегательный счет',
'ynab_account_closed' => 'Счёт закрыт!',
'ynab_account_deleted' => 'Счёт удалён!',
'ynab_account_type_savings' => 'сберегательный счёт',
'ynab_account_type_checking' => 'checking account',
'ynab_account_type_cash' => 'наличный счет',
'ynab_account_type_cash' => 'наличный счёт',
'ynab_account_type_creditCard' => 'кредитная карта',
'ynab_account_type_lineOfCredit' => 'кредитная линия',
'ynab_account_type_otherAsset' => 'другой счет активов',
'ynab_account_type_otherAsset' => 'другой счёт активов',
'ynab_account_type_otherLiability' => 'other liabilities',
'ynab_account_type_payPal' => 'PayPal',
'ynab_account_type_merchantAccount' => 'merchant account',
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ return [
'status_wait_text' => 'Это сообщение исчезнет через мгновение.',
'status_running_title' => 'Выполняется импорт',
'status_job_running' => 'Пожалуйста, подождите, идёт импорт...',
'status_job_storing' => 'Пожалуйста, подождите, идет сохранение данных...',
'status_job_storing' => 'Пожалуйста, подождите, идёт сохранение данных...',
'status_job_rules' => 'Пожалуйста, подождите, выполняются правила...',
'status_fatal_title' => 'Фатальная ошибка',
'status_fatal_text' => 'The import has suffered from an error it could not recover from. Apologies!',
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ return [
// create piggy
'piggy-banks_create_name' => 'Какова ваша цель? Новый диван, камера, деньги на "чёрный день"?',
'piggy-banks_create_date' => 'Вы можете конкретную дату или крайний срок для наполнения своей копилки.',
'piggy-banks_create_date' => 'Вы можете указать конкретную дату или крайний срок для наполнения своей копилки.',
// show piggy
'piggy-banks_show_piggyChart' => 'Диаграмма показывает историю этой копилки.',
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ return [
'cancel' => 'İptal',
'from' => 'Gönderen',
'to' => 'Alıcı',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'help_translating' => 'Bu yardım metni henüz sizin dilinizde bulunmamaktadır. <a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">Çeviriye katkı sağlamak ister misiniz?</a>',
'showEverything' => 'Her şeyi göster',
'never' => 'Asla',
@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III sizi doğru sayfaya yönlendiremiyor. Özür dileriz.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Giderlerin Toplamı',
'sum_of_income' => 'Gelirin Toplamı',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Miktar ":budget" harcandı',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Harcanan toplam bütçe ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Bütçeye göre harcama ayrıldı',
@ -916,7 +918,10 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'income' => 'Gelir / gelir',
'transfers' => 'Transferler',
'moneyManagement' => 'Para Yönetimi',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'piggyBanks' => 'Kumbara',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'bills' => 'Fatura',
'withdrawal' => 'Para Çekme',
'opening_balance' => 'Açılış bakiyesi',
@ -1286,6 +1291,7 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Tekrar Eden İşlemler',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Yinelenen bir işlem yapalım!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Henüz yinelenen işleminiz yok. Firefly III\'ün sizin için otomatik olarak işlemler oluşturmasını sağlamak için bunları kullanabilirsiniz.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Bu oldukça gelişmiş bir özelliktir ve son derece kullanışlı olabilir. Devam etmeden önce, (?) - sağ üst köşedeki dokümanları okuduğunuzdan emin olun.',
@ -1299,12 +1305,12 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'İlişkili işlemler',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'It seems the cron job that is necessary to support recurring transactions has never run. This is of course normal when you have just installed Firefly III, but this should be something to set up as soon as possible. Please check out the help-pages using the (?)-icon in the top right corner of the page.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'It looks like it has been more than 36 hours since the cron job to support recurring transactions has fired for the last time. Are you sure it has been set up correctly? Please check out the help-pages using the (?)-icon in the top right corner of the page.',
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ return [
'cancel' => '取消',
'from' => '自',
'to' => '至',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'structure' => '結構',
'help_translating' => '本說明文本於您的語言尚不可用,<a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">願意協助嗎?</a>',
'showEverything' => '全部顯示',
'never' => '永不',
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ return [
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III 無法重新指向您至正確頁面,抱歉。',
'sum_of_expenses' => '支出總和',
'sum_of_income' => '收入總和',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities' => '債務',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => '預算「:budget」中的花費',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => '預算「:budget」中的總花費',
'left_in_budget_limit' => '依照預算的支出尚餘',
@ -915,10 +915,10 @@ return [
'income' => '收入 / 所得',
'transfers' => '轉帳',
'moneyManagement' => '金錢管理',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'money_management' => '金錢管理',
'tools' => '工具',
'piggyBanks' => '小豬撲滿',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'piggy_banks' => '小豬撲滿',
'bills' => '帳單',
'withdrawal' => '提款',
'opening_balance' => '開戶餘額',
@ -990,17 +990,17 @@ return [
'report_date_range' => '日期範圍',
'report_preset_ranges' => '預設範圍',
'shared' => '共用',
'fiscal_year' => '財年',
'income_entry' => ':name 帳戶自 :start 至 :end 之间的所有收入所得',
'expense_entry' => ':name 帳戶自 :start 至 :end 之间的所有支出',
'category_entry' => '分类:name中,自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'budget_spent_amount' => '預算:budget中,从:start到:end的支出',
'balance_amount' => '预算:budget中,自:start到:end之间,所有从账户:account支出的费用',
'no_audit_activity' => '<a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> 从:start 到 :end.沒有記錄任何活動的帳戶',
'audit_end_balance' => '<a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> 最后的 :end 账户余额是: :balance',
'reports_extra_options' => '其它选项',
'report_has_no_extra_options' => '此報告沒有額外的選項',
'reports_submit' => '查看报告',
'fiscal_year' => '財政年度',
'income_entry' => '帳戶 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的所得',
'expense_entry' => '帳戶 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'category_entry' => '分類 “:name” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'budget_spent_amount' => '預算 “:budget” 自 :start 至 :end 的支出',
'balance_amount' => '自 :start 至 :end 間由帳戶 ":account" 於預算 “:budget” 的支出',
'no_audit_activity' => '帳戶 <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> 自 :start 至 :end 沒有任何交易紀錄。',
'audit_end_balance' => '<a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> 帳戶於 :end 終點的帳戶餘額為: :balance',
'reports_extra_options' => '額外選項',
'report_has_no_extra_options' => '此報表沒有額外選項',
'reports_submit' => '檢視報表',
'end_after_start_date' => '報表的結束日期必須在開始日期之後。',
'select_category' => '選擇類別',
'select_budget' => '選擇預算。',
@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ return [
'in_out_accounts' => '每個組合的所賺取與花費',
'in_out_per_category' => '每個分類的所賺取與花費',
'out_per_budget' => '每個預算的費用',
'select_expense_revenue' => '选择一个支出/收入账户',
'select_expense_revenue' => '選擇 支出/收入 帳戶',
'multi_currency_report_sum' => '由於此清單包括多種貨幣,您所看到的總額並非合理的。報表會總是以您的預設貨幣為主。',
'sum_in_default_currency' => '總額會總是以您的預設貨幣顯示',
'net_filtered_prefs' => '此圖表永遠不會囊括未勾選 “包含於淨值" 選項的帳戶',
@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ return [
'month' => '月',
'budget' => '預算',
'spent' => '支出',
'spent_in_budget' => '预算内支出',
'spent_in_budget' => '預算內支出',
'left_to_spend' => '剩餘可花費',
'earned' => '已賺得',
'overspent' => '超支',
@ -1077,20 +1077,20 @@ return [
'store_piggy_bank' => '儲存新的小豬撲滿',
'stored_piggy_bank' => '儲存新的小豬撲滿 “:name”',
'account_status' => '帳戶狀態',
'left_for_piggy_banks' => '存錢罐的剩余',
'sum_of_piggy_banks' => '存錢罐之和',
'left_for_piggy_banks' => '留給小豬撲滿',
'sum_of_piggy_banks' => '小豬撲滿總和',
'saved_so_far' => '保存到目前為止',
'left_to_save' => '剩餘可供儲蓄',
'suggested_amount' => '建议每个月存款金额',
'suggested_amount' => '建議每月儲蓄金額',
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => '新增金錢至小豬撲滿 “:name”',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => '转走小豬撲滿 “:name”中的钱',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => '自小豬撲滿 “:name” 中移走金錢',
'add' => '新增',
'no_money_for_piggy' => '你没有钱可以转移到小豬撲滿',
'suggested_savings_per_month' => '每个月的建议',
'no_money_for_piggy' => '您已沒有錢可放至小豬撲滿',
'suggested_savings_per_month' => '每月建議',
'remove' => '移除',
'max_amount_add' => '你能增加的金额最大值',
'max_amount_remove' => '你能移除的金额最大值',
'max_amount_add' => '所能增加之最大金額為',
'max_amount_remove' => '所能移除之最大金額為',
'update_piggy_button' => '更新小豬撲滿',
'update_piggy_title' => '更新小豬撲滿 ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => '更新小豬撲滿 ":name"',
@ -1103,32 +1103,32 @@ return [
'no_target_date' => '無目標日期',
'table' => '表格',
'delete_piggy_bank' => '删除小豬撲滿 ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => '不能向:name增加:amount',
'cannot_remove_from_piggy' => '不能从:name移除:amount',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => '無法增加 :amount 至 “:name”。',
'cannot_remove_from_piggy' => '無法自 “:name” 移除 :amount。',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => '删除小豬撲滿 ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => '向:name增加一个账户',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => '从:name移除一个账户',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => '已新增 :amount 至 “:name”',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => '已自 “:name” 移除 :amount',
// tags
'delete_tag' => '刪除標籤 ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => '刪除了標籤 ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => '已刪除標籤 ":tag"',
'new_tag' => '建立新標籤',
'edit_tag' => '編輯標籤 ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => '更新了標籤 ":tag"',
'created_tag' => '成功創建標籤 ":tag" !',
'updated_tag' => '已更新標籤 “:tag”',
'created_tag' => '標籤 “:tag” 已被建立!',
'transaction_journal_information' => '交易信息',
'transaction_journal_meta' => '基本信息',
'total_amount' => '總量',
'transaction_journal_information' => '交易資訊',
'transaction_journal_meta' => '後設資訊',
'total_amount' => '總金額',
'number_of_decimals' => '小數位數:',
// administration
'administration' => '管理',
'user_administration' => '用戶管理員',
'user_administration' => '使用者管理',
'list_all_users' => '所有使用者',
'all_users' => '所有使用者',
'instance_configuration' => '配置',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Firefly III的配置選項',
'instance_configuration' => '組態設定',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Firefly III 的組態設定選項',
'setting_single_user_mode' => '單使用者模式',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => '預設情況下, 螢火蟲 iii 只接受一 (1) 個註冊: 您。這是一項安全措施, 可防止其他人使用您的實例, 除非您允許他們使用。將來的註冊將被阻止。當您取消選中此核取方塊時, 其他人也可以使用您的實例, 假設他們可以到達它 (當它連接到互聯網時)。',
'store_configuration' => '儲存設定',
@ -1139,10 +1139,10 @@ return [
'user_information' => '使用者資訊',
'total_size' => '總大小',
'budget_or_budgets' => '預算',
'budgets_with_limits' => '已经配置了金额的预算',
'budgets_with_limits' => '已設定金額的預算',
'nr_of_rules_in_total_groups' => ':count_groups规则组中,包含:count_rules条规则',
'tag_or_tags' => '標籤',
'configuration_updated' => '更新已配置',
'configuration_updated' => '已更新組態設定',
'setting_is_demo_site' => '演示網站',
'setting_is_demo_site_explain' => '若您勾選此選項,此安裝將會以展示網站方式運作,會有奇怪的副作用。',
'block_code_bounced' => '電子郵件被退回',
@ -1202,13 +1202,13 @@ return [
'Refund_name' => '退款',
'Reimbursement_name' => '報銷',
'Related_name' => '相關',
'relates to_inward' => '与之相关',
'relates to_inward' => '關聯於',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => '(部分) 由其退還',
'is (partially) paid for by_inward' => '被 (部分) 付款,由',
'is (partially) reimbursed by_inward' => '(部分) 由其还款',
'inward_transaction' => '內向交易',
'outward_transaction' => '外向交易',
'relates to_outward' => '与之相关',
'relates to_outward' => '關聯於',
'(partially) refunds_outward' => '(部分)退款',
'(partially) pays for_outward' => '(部分)支付',
'(partially) reimburses_outward' => '(部分)还款',
@ -1243,11 +1243,11 @@ return [
'no_accounts_create_asset' => '建立新資產帳戶',
'no_accounts_title_expense' => '建立新支出帳戶',
'no_accounts_intro_expense' => '您目前沒有支出帳戶。支出帳戶係供您花錢的地方,如商店或超市。',
'no_accounts_imperative_expense' => '支出账户在你创建交易记录的时候会自动创建,您也可以手动创建。我们现在来创建一个:',
'no_accounts_imperative_expense' => '當您建立交易時支出帳戶會自動被建立,但您也可以手動建立,現在就新增一個:',
'no_accounts_create_expense' => '建立新支出帳戶',
'no_accounts_title_revenue' => '建立新收入帳戶',
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => '您還沒有收入帳戶,收入帳戶是您收款的地方,比如您的雇主。',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => '收入账户在你创建交易记录的时候会自动创建,您也可以手动创建。我们现在来创建一个:',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => '當您建立交易時收入帳戶會自動被建立,但您也可以手動建立,現在就新增一個:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => '建立新收入帳戶',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => '一起建立一筆債務!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => '您還沒有債務,債務是您註冊信用卡、(學生)貸款或其他負債的帳戶。',
@ -1288,6 +1288,7 @@ return [
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => '週期性交易',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => '一起建立一筆週期性交易!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => '您目前沒有定期重複的交易。您可使用此功能讓 Firefly III 自動為您建立交易。',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => '這是一個非常進階的功能,也極為有用。請確定在繼續之前,您已閱讀右上角 (?) 圖示的文件說明。',
@ -1295,18 +1296,18 @@ return [
'make_new_recurring' => '建立一筆週期性交易',
'recurring_daily' => '每天',
'recurring_weekly' => '每星期:weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => '每个月的第 :dayOfMonth 天',
'recurring_ndom' => '每个月的第 :dayOfMonth 个:weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => '每月第 :dayOfMonth 天',
'recurring_ndom' => '每月第 :dayOfMonth 個 :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => '每年的:date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => '週期性交易 ":title" 概覽',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => '在少數情況下,日期在此清單上會顯示兩次,這在多個重複衝突之下會發生。Firefly III 每天只會產生一條紀錄。',
'created_transactions' => '關聯交易',
'expected_Withdrawals' => '预期提款',
'expected_Deposits' => '预期存款',
'expected_Transfers' => '预期轉帳',
'created_Withdrawals' => '新增提款',
'created_Deposits' => '新增存款',
'created_Transfers' => '建立轉帳',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => '由交易记录:title (#:id)创建',
'recurring_never_cron' => '用來支援定期重複交易的 cron job 似乎沒有運行過,這在您剛安裝 Firefly III 沒多久時是非常正常的,但能越快處理越好。請使用本頁右上角的 (?)-圖示查閱說明頁面。',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => '用來支援定期重複交易的 cron job 自上次運行已超過了 36 小時,您確定您已正確設定了嗎?請使用本頁右上角的 (?)-圖示查閱說明頁面。',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user