mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 13:03:05 -06:00
Some translations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Here is your new client secret. This is the only time it will be shown so don't lose it! You may now use this secret to make API requests.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Confidential",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Require the client to authenticate with a secret. Confidential clients can hold credentials in a secure way without exposing them to unauthorized parties. Public applications, such as native desktop or JavaScript SPA applications, are unable to hold secrets securely.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and\/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer."
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Abh\u00e4ngig von der Art der Buchung, die Sie anlegen, kann das Quell- und\/oder Zielkonto nachfolgender Aufteilungen durch das \u00fcberschrieben werden, was in der ersten Aufteilung der Buchung definiert wurde.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Bedenken Sie, dass das Quellkonto nachfolgender Aufteilungen von dem, was in der ersten Aufteilung der Abhebung definiert ist, au\u00dfer Kraft gesetzt wird.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Bedenken Sie, dass das Zielkonto nachfolgender Aufteilungen von dem, was in der ersten Aufteilung der Einzahlung definiert ist, au\u00dfer Kraft gesetzt wird.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Bedenken Sie, dass das Quell- und Zielkonto nachfolgender Aufteilungen durch das, was in der ersten Aufteilung der \u00dcbertragung definiert ist, au\u00dfer Kraft gesetzt wird."
"form": {
"interest_date": "Zinstermin",
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Voici votre nouveau secret de client. C'est la seule fois qu'il sera affich\u00e9, donc ne le perdez pas ! Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser ce secret pour faire des requ\u00eates d'API.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Confidentiel",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Exiger que le client s'authentifie avec un secret. Les clients confidentiels peuvent d\u00e9tenir des informations d'identification de mani\u00e8re s\u00e9curis\u00e9e sans les exposer \u00e0 des tiers non autoris\u00e9s. Les applications publiques, telles que les applications de bureau natif ou les SPA JavaScript, ne peuvent pas tenir des secrets en toute s\u00e9curit\u00e9.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and\/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer."
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Selon le type d'op\u00e9ration que vous cr\u00e9ez, le(s) compte(s) source et\/ou de destination des ventilations suivantes peuvent \u00eatre remplac\u00e9s par celui de la premi\u00e8re ventilation de l'op\u00e9ration.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Gardez en t\u00eate que le compte source des ventilations suivantes peut \u00eatre remplac\u00e9 par celui de la premi\u00e8re ventilation du retrait.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Gardez en t\u00eate que le compte de destination des ventilations suivantes peut \u00eatre remplac\u00e9 par celui de la premi\u00e8re ventilation du d\u00e9p\u00f4t.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Gardez en t\u00eate que les comptes source et de destination des ventilations suivantes peuvent \u00eatre remplac\u00e9s par ceux de la premi\u00e8re ventilation du transfert."
"form": {
"interest_date": "Date de valeur (int\u00e9r\u00eats)",
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Ecco il segreto del nuovo client. Questa \u00e8 l'unica occasione in cui viene mostrato pertanto non perderlo! Ora puoi usare questo segreto per effettuare delle richieste alle API.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Riservato",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Richiede al client di autenticarsi con un segreto. I client riservati possono conservare le credenziali in modo sicuro senza esporle a soggetti non autorizzati. Le applicazioni pubbliche, come le applicazioni desktop native o JavaScript SPA, non sono in grado di conservare i segreti in modo sicuro.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and\/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer."
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "A seconda del tipo di transazione che hai creato, il conto di origine e\/o destinazione delle successive suddivisioni pu\u00f2 essere sovrascritto da qualsiasi cosa sia definita nella prima suddivisione della transazione.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Ricorda che il conto di origine delle successive suddivisioni verr\u00e0 sovrascritto da quello definito nella prima suddivisione del prelievo.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Ricorda che il conto di destinazione delle successive suddivisioni verr\u00e0 sovrascritto da quello definito nella prima suddivisione del deposito.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Ricorda che il conto di origine e il conto di destinazione delle successive suddivisioni verranno sovrascritti da quelli definiti nella prima suddivisione del trasferimento."
"form": {
"interest_date": "Data interesse",
@ -78,14 +78,14 @@
"profile_save_changes": "Aanpassingen opslaan",
"default_group_title_name": "(ongegroepeerd)",
"piggy_bank": "Spaarpotje",
"profile_oauth_client_secret_title": "Client Secret",
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Here is your new client secret. This is the only time it will be shown so don't lose it! You may now use this secret to make API requests.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Confidential",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Require the client to authenticate with a secret. Confidential clients can hold credentials in a secure way without exposing them to unauthorized parties. Public applications, such as native desktop or JavaScript SPA applications, are unable to hold secrets securely.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and\/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer."
"profile_oauth_client_secret_title": "Client secret",
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Hier is je nieuwe client secret. Dit is de enige keer dat deze getoond wordt dus verlies deze niet! Je kan dit secret gebruiken om API-aanvragen te maken.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Vertrouwelijk",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Is bedoelt voor clients die geen geheimen kunnen bewaren, zoals native desktop apps of JavaScript SPA's.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Afhankelijk van het type transactie wordt de bron- en\/of doelrekening overschreven door wat er in de eerste split staat.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "De bronrekening wordt overschreven door wat er in de eerste split staat.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "De doelrekening wordt overschreven door wat er in de eerste split staat.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "De bron + doelrekening wordt overschreven door wat er in de eerste split staat."
"form": {
"interest_date": "Rentedatum",
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Oto tw\u00f3j nowy sekret klienta. Jest to jedyny raz, gdy zostanie wy\u015bwietlony, wi\u0119c nie zgub go! Mo\u017cesz teraz u\u017cy\u0107 tego sekretu, aby wykona\u0107 zapytania API.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Poufne",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Wymagaj od klienta uwierzytelnienia za pomoc\u0105 sekretu. Poufni klienci mog\u0105 przechowywa\u0107 po\u015bwiadczenia w bezpieczny spos\u00f3b bez nara\u017cania ich na dost\u0119p przez nieuprawnione strony. Publiczne aplikacje, takie jak natywne aplikacje desktopowe lub JavaScript SPA, nie s\u0105 w stanie bezpiecznie trzyma\u0107 sekret\u00f3w.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and\/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "W zale\u017cno\u015bci od rodzaju transakcji, kt\u00f3r\u0105 tworzysz, konto \u017ar\u00f3d\u0142owe i\/lub docelowe kolejnych podzia\u0142\u00f3w mo\u017ce zosta\u0107 uniewa\u017cnione przez dowolny z nich okre\u015blony w pierwszym podziale transakcji.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer."
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Aqui est\u00e1 o seu novo segredo de cliente. Esta \u00e9 a \u00fanica vez que ela ser\u00e1 mostrada, ent\u00e3o n\u00e3o o perca! Agora voc\u00ea pode usar este segredo para fazer requisi\u00e7\u00f5es de API.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Confidencial",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Exige que o cliente se autentique com um segredo. Clientes confidenciais podem manter credenciais de forma segura sem exp\u00f4-las \u00e0 partes n\u00e3o autorizadas. Aplica\u00e7\u00f5es p\u00fablicas, como aplica\u00e7\u00f5es de \u00e1rea de trabalho nativas ou JavaScript SPA, s\u00e3o incapazes de manter segredos com seguran\u00e7a.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and\/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer."
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Dependendo do tipo de transa\u00e7\u00e3o que voc\u00ea criar, a conta de origem e\/ou de destino das divis\u00f5es subsequentes pode ser sobrescrita pelo que estiver definido na primeira divis\u00e3o da transa\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Tenha em mente que a conta de origem das subsequentes divis\u00f5es ser\u00e1 sobrescrita pelo que estiver definido na primeira divis\u00e3o da retirada.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Tenha em mente que a conta de destino das divis\u00f5es subsequentes ser\u00e1 sobrescrita pelo que estiver definido na primeira divis\u00e3o do dep\u00f3sito.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Tenha em mente que a conta de origem + de destino das divis\u00f5es subsequentes ser\u00e1 sobrescrita pelo que for definido na primeira divis\u00e3o da transfer\u00eancia."
"form": {
"interest_date": "Data de interesse",
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Don\'t forget to select some tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Create rule based on transaction',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'This action is not available when authenticating through ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Nicht vergessen, einige Schlagwörter auszuwählen.',
'deleted_x_tags' => ':count Tag gelöscht.|:count Tags gelöscht.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Regel auf Basis der Buchung erstellen',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Dauerauftrag basierend auf der Buchung erstellen',
// preferences
@ -636,7 +637,7 @@ return [
'delete_all_bills' => 'ALLE Ihre Rechnungen löschen',
'delete_all_piggy_banks' => 'ALLE Ihre Sparschweine löschen',
'delete_all_rules' => 'ALLE Ihre Regeln löschen',
'delete_all_recurring' => 'ALLE regelmäßigen Buchungen löschen',
'delete_all_recurring' => 'ALLE Daueraufträge löschen',
'delete_all_object_groups' => 'ALLE Objektgruppen löschen',
'delete_all_accounts' => 'ALLE Konten löschen',
'delete_all_asset_accounts' => 'ALLE Bestandskonten löschen',
@ -664,7 +665,7 @@ return [
'deleted_all_withdrawals' => 'Alle Ausgaben wurden gelöscht',
'deleted_all_deposits' => 'Alle Einzahlungen wurden gelöscht',
'deleted_all_transfers' => 'Alle Umbuchungen wurden gelöscht',
'deleted_all_recurring' => 'Alle regelmäßige Buchungen wurden gelöscht',
'deleted_all_recurring' => 'Alle Daueraufträge wurden gelöscht',
'change_your_password' => 'Passwort ändern',
'delete_account' => 'Konto löschen',
'current_password' => 'Aktuelles Passwort',
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Diese Aktion ist bei der Authentifizierung durch ":login_provider" nicht verfügbar.',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Diese Aktion ist nicht verfügbar, wenn Firefly III nicht für die Benutzerverwaltung oder die Authentifizierungsbehandlung zuständig ist.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Da Firefly III nicht für die Benutzerverwaltung oder die Authentifizierungsbehandlung zuständig ist, löscht diese Funktion nur lokale Firefly III-Informationen.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth-Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Sie haben noch keine OAuth-Clients erstellt.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -733,10 +735,10 @@ return [
'profile_something_wrong' => 'Ein Problem ist aufgetreten!',
'profile_try_again' => 'Ein Problem ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.',
'amounts' => 'Beträge',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer.',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Abhängig von der Art der Buchung, die Sie anlegen, kann das Quell- und/oder Zielkonto nachfolgender Aufteilungen durch das überschrieben werden, was in der ersten Aufteilung der Buchung definiert wurde.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Bedenken Sie, dass das Quellkonto nachfolgender Aufteilungen von dem, was in der ersten Aufteilung der Abhebung definiert ist, außer Kraft gesetzt wird.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Bedenken Sie, dass das Zielkonto nachfolgender Aufteilungen von dem, was in der ersten Aufteilung der Einzahlung definiert ist, außer Kraft gesetzt wird.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Bedenken Sie, dass das Quell- und Zielkonto nachfolgender Aufteilungen durch das, was in der ersten Aufteilung der Übertragung definiert ist, außer Kraft gesetzt wird.',
// export data:
'export_data_title' => 'Daten aus Firefly III exportieren',
@ -828,7 +830,7 @@ return [
'cannot_disable_currency_last_left' => '„:name” kann nicht deaktiviert werden, da es sich um die einzige aktivierte Währung handelt.',
'cannot_disable_currency_account_meta' => ':name konnte nicht deaktiviert werden, da dieser noch in Bestandskonten verwendet wird.',
'cannot_disable_currency_bills' => '„:name” konnte nicht deaktiviert werden, da dieser noch in Rechnungen verwendet wird.',
'cannot_disable_currency_recurring' => '„:name” kann nicht deaktiviert werden, da dieser noch bei regelmäßigen Buchungen verwendet wird.',
'cannot_disable_currency_recurring' => '„:name” kann nicht deaktiviert werden, da dieser noch bei Daueraufträgen verwendet wird.',
'cannot_disable_currency_available_budgets' => '„:name” kann nicht deaktiviert werden, da dieser noch in verfügbaren Kostenrahmen verwendet wird.',
'cannot_disable_currency_budget_limits' => '„:name” konnte nicht deaktiviert werden, da dieser noch in Kostenrahmenbeschränkungen verwendet wird.',
'cannot_disable_currency_current_default' => '„:name” konnte nicht deaktiviert werden, da es sich um die aktuelle Standardwährung handelt.',
@ -1624,14 +1626,14 @@ return [
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Eine Rechnung erstellen',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Regelmäßige Buchungen',
'recurrences' => 'Daueraufträge',
'repeat_until_in_past' => 'Diese wiederkehrende Buchung wiederholte ab dem :date nicht mehr.',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Kalender',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns eine regelmäßige Buchung erstellen!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine regelmäßigen Buchungen. Mit diesen können Sie Firefly III dazu einsetzen, automatisch Buchungen für Sie zu erstellen.',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns einen Dauerauftrag erstellen!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Noch keinen Dauerauftrag erstellt. Mit diesen können Sie Firefly III dazu einsetzen, automatisch Buchungen für Sie zu erstellen. ',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Dies ist eine sehr fortschrittliche Funktion, welche aber sehr nützlich sein kann. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Dokumentation (❓-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke) lesen, bevor Sie fortfahren.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Regelmäßige Buchung erstellen',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Regelmäßige Buchung erstellen',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Dauerauftrag erstellen',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Dauerauftrag erstellen',
'recurring_daily' => 'Täglich',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Wöchentlich am :weekday',
'recurring_weekly_skip' => 'Jede :skip(./././.) Woche am :weekday',
@ -1639,7 +1641,7 @@ return [
'recurring_monthly_skip' => 'Jeden :skip(./././.) Monat am :dayOfMonth(./././.) Tag',
'recurring_ndom' => 'An jedem :dayOfMonth. :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Jährlich am :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Übersicht der regelmäßigen Buchungen „:title”',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Übersicht der Daueraufträge „:title”',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In seltenen Fällen werden die Daten zweimal in dieser Liste angezeigt. Dies kann passieren, wenn mehrere Wiederholungen aufeinandertreffen. Firefly III erzeugt immer eine Transaktion pro Tag.',
'created_transactions' => 'Ähnliche Buchungen',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Erwartete Rückzahlungen',
@ -1648,10 +1650,10 @@ return [
'created_withdrawals' => 'Erstellte Rückzahlungen',
'created_deposits' => 'Erstellte Einzahlungen',
'created_transfers' => 'Erstellte Überweisungen',
'recurring_info' => 'Regelmäßige Buchung :count/:total',
'recurring_info' => 'Dauerauftrag :count/:total',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Erstellt aus Dauerauftrag „:title” (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Es scheint, dass der Cron-Job, der notwendig ist, um wiederkehrende Buchungen zu unterstützen, nie ausgeführt wurde. Das ist natürlich normal, wenn Sie gerade Firefly III installiert haben, aber dies sollte so schnell wie möglich eingerichtet werden. Bitte besuchen Sie die Hilfeseiten über das ❓-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke der Seite.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Es sieht so aus, als wäre es mehr als 36 Stunden her, dass der Cron-Job zur Unterstützung wiederkehrender Buchungen zum letzten Mal ausgeführt wurde. Sind Sie sicher, dass es richtig eingestellt ist? Bitte schauen Sie sich die Hilfeseiten über dem ❓-Symbol oben rechts auf der Seite an.',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'Es scheint, dass der Cron-Job, der notwendig ist, um Daueraufträge zu unterstützen, nie ausgeführt wurde. Das ist natürlich normal, wenn Sie gerade Firefly III installiert haben, aber dies sollte so schnell wie möglich eingerichtet werden. Bitte besuchen Sie die Hilfeseiten über das ❓-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke der Seite.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'Es sieht so aus, als wäre es mehr als 36 Stunden her, dass der Cron-Job zur Unterstützung von Daueraufträgen zum letzten Mal ausgeführt wurde. Sind Sie sicher, dass es richtig eingestellt ist? Bitte schauen Sie sich die Hilfeseiten über dem ❓-Symbol oben rechts auf der Seite an.',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Neuen Dauerauftrag erstellen',
'help_first_date' => 'Geben Sie die erste erwartete Wiederholung an. Zeitpunkt muss in der Zukunft liegen.',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'linked_to_rules' => 'Verlinkte Regeln',
'active' => 'Aktiv?',
'percentage' => '%',
'recurring_transaction' => 'Regelmäßige Buchung',
'recurring_transaction' => 'Dauerauftrag',
'next_due' => 'Nächste Fälligkeit',
'transaction_type' => 'Typ',
'lastActivity' => 'Letzte Aktivität',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Μην ξεχάσετε να επιλέξετε ορισμένες ετικέτες.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Διαγράφηκε :count ετικέτα.|Διαγράφηκαν :count ετικέτες.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Δημιουργία κανόνα που βασίζεται σε συναλλαγή',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Αυτή η λειτουργία δεν είναι διαθέσιμη όταν πιστοποιήστε μέσω ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Αυτή η ενέργεια δεν είναι διαθέσιμη όταν το Firefly III δεν είναι υπεύθυνο για διαχείριση χρηστών ή έλεγχο ταυτότητας.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Επειδή το Firefly III δεν είναι υπεύθυνο για διαχείριση χρηστών ή έλεγχο ταυτότητας, αυτή η λειτουργία θα διαγράψει μόνο τις τοπικές εγγραφές του Firefly III.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'Πελάτες OAuth',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Δεν έχετε δημιουργήσει πελάτες OAuth.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Πελάτες',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Don\'t forget to select some tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Create rule based on transaction',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'This action is not available when authenticating through ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'No olvide seleccionar algunas etiquetas.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Eliminado :count etiqueta.|Eliminado :count etiquetas.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Crear regla basada en la transacción',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Esta acción no está disponible cuando se identifica a través de ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Esta acción no está disponible cuando Firefly III no es responsable de la gestión de usuarios o de la autenticación.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Debido a que Firefly III no es responsable de la gestión de usuarios o de la autenticación, esta función sólo eliminará la información local de Firefly III.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'Clientes de OAuth',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'No ha creado ningún cliente OAuth.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clientes',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Älä unohda valita tägejä.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Luo tapahtumaan perustuva sääntö',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Tämä toiminto ei ole käytettävissä käytettäessä palveluntarjoajaa ":login_provider" tunnistautumiseen.',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Asiakasohjelmat',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'N\'oubliez pas de sélectionner des tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => ':count tag supprimé.|:count tags supprimés.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Créer une règle basée sur une opération',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Créer une opération récurrente sur base d\'une opération',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Cette action n’est pas disponible lors de l’authentification par ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Cette action n\'est pas disponible lorsque Firefly III n\'est pas responsable de la gestion des utilisateurs ou de l\'authentification.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Comme Firefly III n'est pas responsable de la gestion des utilisateurs ou de l'authentification, cette fonction ne supprimera que les informations locales de Firefly III.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'Clients OAuth',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Vous n’avez pas encore créé de client OAuth.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -733,10 +735,10 @@ return [
'profile_something_wrong' => 'Une erreur s\'est produite !',
'profile_try_again' => 'Une erreur s’est produite. Merci d’essayer à nouveau.',
'amounts' => 'Montants',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer.',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Selon le type d\'opération que vous créez, le(s) compte(s) source et/ou de destination des ventilations suivantes peuvent être remplacés par celui de la première ventilation de l\'opération.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Gardez en tête que le compte source des ventilations suivantes peut être remplacé par celui de la première ventilation du retrait.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Gardez en tête que le compte de destination des ventilations suivantes peut être remplacé par celui de la première ventilation du dépôt.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Gardez en tête que les comptes source et de destination des ventilations suivantes peuvent être remplacés par ceux de la première ventilation du transfert.',
// export data:
'export_data_title' => 'Exporter des données depuis Firefly III',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Ki kell választani néhány címkét.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Szabály létrehozása tranzakció alapján',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Ez a művelet nem érhető el ":login_provider" általi hitelesítésekor.',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Don\'t forget to select some tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Create rule based on transaction',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'This action is not available when authenticating through ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Non dimenticare di selezionare qualche etichetta.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Eliminata l\'etichetta :count.Eliminate le etichette :count.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Crea una regola basata sulla transazione',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Crea una transazione ricorrente basandosi su una transazione',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Questa azione non è disponibile quando ci si è autenticati con ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Questa azione non è disponibile quando Firefly III non è responsabile della gestione utente o dell\'autenticazione.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Poiché Firefly III non è responsabile della gestione utente o dell'autenticazione, questa funzione eliminerà solo le informazioni locali di Firefly III.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'Client OAuth',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Non hai creato nessun client OAuth.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Client',
@ -733,10 +735,10 @@ return [
'profile_something_wrong' => 'Qualcosa non ha funzionato!',
'profile_try_again' => 'Qualcosa non ha funzionato. Riprova.',
'amounts' => 'Importi',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer.',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'A seconda del tipo di transazione che hai creato, il conto di origine e/o destinazione delle successive suddivisioni può essere sovrascritto da qualsiasi cosa sia definita nella prima suddivisione della transazione.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Ricorda che il conto di origine delle successive suddivisioni verrà sovrascritto da quello definito nella prima suddivisione del prelievo.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Ricorda che il conto di destinazione delle successive suddivisioni verrà sovrascritto da quello definito nella prima suddivisione del deposito.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Ricorda che il conto di origine e il conto di destinazione delle successive suddivisioni verranno sovrascritti da quelli definiti nella prima suddivisione del trasferimento.',
// export data:
'export_data_title' => 'Esporta dati da Firefly III',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Don\'t forget to select some tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Create rule based on transaction',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Denne handlingen er ikke tilgjengelig ved godkjenning gjennom ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Vergeet niet om tags te selecteren.',
'deleted_x_tags' => ':count tag verwijderd.|:count tags verwijderd.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Regel aanmaken op basis van een transactie',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Maak periodieke transactie gebaseerd op transactie',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Je kan dit niet doen als je inlogt via ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Deze actie is niet beschikbaar wanneer Firefly III niet verantwoordelijk is voor gebruikersbeheer of authenticatie.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Omdat Firefly III niet verantwoordelijk is voor gebruikersbeheer of authenticatie zal deze functie alleen de lokale Firefly III informatie verwijderen.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Je hebt nog geen OAuth-clients aangemaakt.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -717,12 +719,12 @@ return [
'profile_authorized_clients' => 'Geautoriseerde clients',
'profile_scopes' => 'Scopes',
'profile_revoke' => 'Intrekken',
'profile_oauth_client_secret_title' => 'Client Secret',
'profile_oauth_client_secret_expl' => 'Here is your new client secret. This is the only time it will be shown so don\'t lose it! You may now use this secret to make API requests.',
'profile_oauth_client_secret_title' => 'Client secret',
'profile_oauth_client_secret_expl' => 'Hier is je nieuwe client secret. Dit is de enige keer dat deze getoond wordt dus verlies deze niet! Je kan dit secret gebruiken om API-aanvragen te maken.',
'profile_personal_access_tokens' => 'Persoonlijke toegangstokens',
'profile_personal_access_token' => 'Persoonlijk toegangstoken',
'profile_oauth_confidential' => 'Confidential',
'profile_oauth_confidential_help' => 'Require the client to authenticate with a secret. Confidential clients can hold credentials in a secure way without exposing them to unauthorized parties. Public applications, such as native desktop or JavaScript SPA applications, are unable to hold secrets securely.',
'profile_oauth_confidential' => 'Vertrouwelijk',
'profile_oauth_confidential_help' => 'Is bedoelt voor clients die geen geheimen kunnen bewaren, zoals native desktop apps of JavaScript SPA\'s.',
'profile_personal_access_token_explanation' => 'Hier is je nieuwe persoonlijke toegangstoken. Dit is de enige keer dat deze getoond wordt dus verlies deze niet! Je kan deze toegangstoken gebruiken om API-aanvragen te maken.',
'profile_no_personal_access_token' => 'Je hebt nog geen persoonlijke toegangstokens aangemaakt.',
'profile_create_new_token' => 'Nieuwe token aanmaken',
@ -733,10 +735,10 @@ return [
'profile_something_wrong' => 'Er is iets mis gegaan!',
'profile_try_again' => 'Er is iets misgegaan. Probeer het nogmaals.',
'amounts' => 'Bedragen',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer.',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Afhankelijk van het type transactie wordt de bron- en/of doelrekening overschreven door wat er in de eerste split staat.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'De bronrekening wordt overschreven door wat er in de eerste split staat.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'De doelrekening wordt overschreven door wat er in de eerste split staat.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'De bron + doelrekening wordt overschreven door wat er in de eerste split staat.',
// export data:
'export_data_title' => 'Gegevens exporteren uit Firefly III',
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ return [
'index_cash_account' => 'Dit zijn de rekeningen die tot nu toe zijn gemaakt. Je kan de cashgeldrekening gebruiken om cash geld te volgen, maar dat hoeft natuurlijk niet.',
// transactions
'transactions_create_basic_info' => 'Enter the basic information of your transaction. Source, destination, date and description.',
'transactions_create_amount_info' => 'Enter the amount of the transaction. If necessary the fields will auto-update for foreign amount info.',
'transactions_create_optional_info' => 'All of these fields are optional. Adding meta-data here will make your transactions better organised.',
'transactions_create_split' => 'If you want to split a transaction, add more splits with this button',
'transactions_create_basic_info' => 'Hier komt de basic info van je transactie. Bron, doel, datum en beschrijving.',
'transactions_create_amount_info' => 'Hier zet je het bedrag neer. Ook het bedrag in vreemde valuta.',
'transactions_create_optional_info' => 'Al deze velden zijn optioneel, maar door hier dingen in te vullen ben je beter georganiseerd.',
'transactions_create_split' => 'Als je een transactie wilt splitsen, druk hier!',
// create account:
'accounts_create_iban' => 'Geef je rekeningen een geldige IBAN. Dat scheelt met importeren van data.',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Nie zapomnij wybrać tagów.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Usunięto :count tag.|Usunięto :count tagów.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Utwórz regułę na podstawie transakcji',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Ta akcja nie jest dostępna gdy uwierzytelniasz się poprzez ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Ta akcja nie jest dostępna, gdy Firefly III nie jest odpowiedzialny za zarządzanie użytkownikiem lub obsługę uwierzytelniania.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Ponieważ Firefly III nie jest odpowiedzialny za zarządzanie użytkownikami lub obsługę uwierzytelniania, ta funkcja usunie tylko lokalne informacje Firefly III.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'Klienci OAuth',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Nie utworzyłeś żadnych klientów OAuth.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Klienci',
@ -733,7 +735,7 @@ return [
'profile_something_wrong' => 'Coś poszło nie tak!',
'profile_try_again' => 'Coś poszło nie tak. Spróbuj ponownie.',
'amounts' => 'Kwoty',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'W zależności od rodzaju transakcji, którą tworzysz, konto źródłowe i/lub docelowe kolejnych podziałów może zostać unieważnione przez dowolny z nich określony w pierwszym podziale transakcji.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer.',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Não se esqueça de selecionar algumas tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => ':count etiqueta foi deletada. :count etiquetas foram deletadas.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Criar regra baseada na transação',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Criar transação recorrente baseada na transação',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Esta ação não está disponível durante a autenticação por meio de ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Esta ação não está disponível quando o Firefly III não é responsável pelo gerenciamento de usuários ou manipulação de autenticação.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Como o Firefly III não é responsável pelo gerenciamento de usuários ou pela manipulação de autenticação, esta função excluirá apenas informações locais do Firefly III.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'Clientes OAuth',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Você não criou nenhum cliente OAuth.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clientes',
@ -733,10 +735,10 @@ return [
'profile_something_wrong' => 'Alguma coisa deu errado!',
'profile_try_again' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again.',
'amounts' => 'Quantias',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer.',
'multi_account_warning_unknown' => 'Dependendo do tipo de transação que você criar, a conta de origem e/ou de destino das divisões subsequentes pode ser sobrescrita pelo que estiver definido na primeira divisão da transação.',
'multi_account_warning_withdrawal' => 'Tenha em mente que a conta de origem das subsequentes divisões será sobrescrita pelo que estiver definido na primeira divisão da retirada.',
'multi_account_warning_deposit' => 'Tenha em mente que a conta de destino das divisões subsequentes será sobrescrita pelo que estiver definido na primeira divisão do depósito.',
'multi_account_warning_transfer' => 'Tenha em mente que a conta de origem + de destino das divisões subsequentes será sobrescrita pelo que for definido na primeira divisão da transferência.',
// export data:
'export_data_title' => 'Exportar dados do Firefly III',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Nu uitați să selectați unele etichete.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'S-a șters :count tag.| :count tags șterse.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Creați o regulă bazată pe tranzacție',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Această acțiune nu este disponibilă când vă autentificați prin ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'Clienți OAuth',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Nu ați creat niciun client OAuth.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clienți',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Не забудьте выбрать несколько меток.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Удалена :count метка.|Удалено :count меток.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Создать правило на основе транзакции',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Это действие недоступно при аутентификации через ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Это действие недоступно, если Firefly III не отвечает за управление пользователями или обработку аутентификации.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Поскольку Firefly III не отвечает за управление пользователями или обработку аутентификации, эта функция будет удалять только локальную информацию Firefly III.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'Клиенты OAuth',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'У вас пока нет клиентов OAuth.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Клиенты',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Don\'t forget to select some tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Create rule based on transaction',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Denna åtgärd är inte tillgänlig vid autentisiering genom ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Denna åtgärd är inte tillgänglig när Firefly III inte är ansvarig för användarhantering eller autentiseringshantering.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Eftersom Firefly III inte är ansvarig för användarhantering eller autentiseringshantering, kommer denna funktion endast ta bort lokal Firefly III-information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth klienter',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Du har inte skapat några OAuth klienter.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Klienter',
@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Don\'t forget to select some tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Create rule based on transaction',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'login_provider_local_only' => 'This action is not available when authenticating through ":login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Đừng quên chọn một số nhãn.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Xóa nhãn :count.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Tạo quy tắc dựa trên giao dịch',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => 'Hành động này không khả dụng khi xác thực thông qua ": login_provider".',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'Hành động này không khả dụng khi Firefly III không chịu trách nhiệm quản lý người dùng hoặc xử lý xác thực.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Vì Firefly III không chịu trách nhiệm quản lý người dùng hoặc xử lý xác thực, nên chức năng này sẽ chỉ xóa thông tin Firefly III cục bộ.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'Bạn đã không tạo ra bất kỳ OAuth clients nào.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => '别忘了选择一些标签。',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => '基于交易创建规则',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => '当藉由 ":login_provider" 验证时,此动作不可用。',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ return [
'select_tags_to_delete' => 'Don\'t forget to select some tags.',
'deleted_x_tags' => 'Deleted :count tag.|Deleted :count tags.',
'create_rule_from_transaction' => 'Create rule based on transaction',
'create_recurring_from_transaction' => 'Create recurring transaction based on transaction',
// preferences
@ -701,6 +702,7 @@ return [
'login_provider_local_only' => '當藉由 ":login_provider" 驗證時,此動作不可用。',
'external_user_mgt_disabled' => 'This action is not available when Firefly III isn\'t responsible for user management or authentication handling.',
'delete_local_info_only' => "Because Firefly III isn't responsible for user management or authentication handling, this function will only delete local Firefly III information.",
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'profile_oauth_clients' => 'OAuth Clients',
'profile_oauth_no_clients' => 'You have not created any OAuth clients.',
'profile_oauth_clients_header' => 'Clients',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user