New translations.

Signed-off-by: James Cole <>
This commit is contained in:
James Cole 2016-10-22 12:03:11 +02:00
parent a147e9b74a
commit 5bff509346
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C16961E655E74B5E
25 changed files with 1215 additions and 955 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [4.1] - 2016-10-22
## [4.1.1] - 2016-10-22
### Added
- Option to show deposit accounts on the front page.
- Script to upgrade split transactions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ return [
'single_user_mode' => true,
'chart' => 'chartjs',
'version' => '4.1',
'version' => '4.1.1',
'csv_import_enabled' => true,
'maxUploadSize' => 5242880,
'allowedMimes' => ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'application/pdf'],

View File

@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ declare(strict_types = 1);
return [
'import_configure_title' => 'Konfigurieren Sie Ihren Import',
'import_configure_intro' => 'There are some options for your CSV import. Please indicate if your CSV file contains headers on the first column, and what the date format of your date-fields is. That might require some experimentation. The field delimiter is usually a ",", but could also be a ";". Check this carefully.',
'import_configure_intro' => 'Es gibt einige Optionen für Ihren CSV-Import. Bitte geben Sie an, ob Ihre CSV-Datei Überschriften in der ersten Spalte enthält und was das Datumsformat in Ihrem Datumsfeld ist. Dieses kann einige Experimente erfordern. Das Trennzeichen ist in der Regel ein ",", könnte aber auch ein "." sein. Bitte überprüfen Sie dieses sorgfältig.',
'import_configure_form' => 'Formular',
'header_help' => 'Hier auswählen, wenn die ersten Zeilen der CSV-Datei die Spaltenüberschriften sind',
'date_help' => 'Date time format in your CSV. Follow the format like <a href="">this page</a> indicates. The default value will parse dates that look like this: :dateExample.',
'delimiter_help' => 'Choose the field delimiter that is used in your input file. If not sure, comma is the safest option.',
'import_account_help' => 'If your CSV file does NOT contain information about your asset account(s), use this dropdown to select to which account the transactions in the CSV belong to.',
'date_help' => 'Datumsformat in ihrer CSV-Datei. Geben Sie das Format so an, wie es <a href="">diese Seite</a> zeigt. Die Standardeinstellung ergibt Daten die so aussehen: :dateExample.',
'delimiter_help' => 'Wählen Sie das Trennzeichen, welches in ihrer Datei genutzt wird. Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind ist Komma die sicherste Option.',
'import_account_help' => 'Wenn ihre CSV-Datei KEINE Informationen über ihre Girokonten enthält nutzen Sie bitte diese Dropdown-Liste um anzugeben, zu welchem Girokonto die Transaktionen in de CSV-Datei gehören.',
'upload_not_writeable' => 'Das graue Feld enthält einen Dateipfad. Dieser sollte schreibbar sein. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass er es ist.',
// roles

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ return [
'no_budget_pointer' => 'Sie scheinen keine Budgets festgelegt zu haben. Sie sollten welche auf der <a href="/budgets">Budget</a>-Seite erstellen. Budgets können Ihnen helfen ihre Ausgaben zu verfolgen.',
'source_accounts' => 'Herkunftskonto',
'destination_accounts' => 'Zielkonto',
'user_id_is' => 'Your user id is <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => 'This field supports <a href="">Markdown</a>.',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'monatlich',
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ return [
// export data:
'import_and_export' => 'Import und Export',
'export_data' => 'Daten exportieren',
'export_data_intro' => 'For backup purposes, when migrating to another system or when migrating to another Firefly III installation.',
'export_data_intro' => 'Zum Backup, zum Migrieren auf ein anderes System oder zum Migrieren in eine andere Firefly III Installation.',
'export_format' => 'Export-Format',
'export_format_csv' => 'Durch Komma getrennte Werte (CSV-Datei)',
'export_format_mt940' => 'MT940 compatible format',
@ -247,7 +249,7 @@ return [
// preferences
'pref_home_screen_accounts' => 'Konten auf dem Startbildschirm',
'pref_home_screen_accounts_help' => 'Welche Konten sollen auf dem Startbildschirm angezeigt werden?',
'pref_view_range' => 'Sichtbereich',
'pref_view_range' => 'Sichtbare Zeiträume',
'pref_view_range_help' => 'Einige Grafiken werden automatisch nach Zeiträumen gruppiert. Welchen Zeitraum wollen Sie festlegen?',
'pref_1D' => 'Ein Tag',
'pref_1W' => 'Eine Woche',
@ -261,10 +263,10 @@ return [
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_label' => 'Aktiviert',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help' => 'In Ländern, in denen ein Geschäftsjahr nicht vom 1. Januar bis 31. Dezemeber dauert, können Sie diese Option anstellen und Start / Ende des Geschäftsjahres angeben',
'pref_fiscal_year_start_label' => 'Startdatum des Geschäftsjahr',
'pref_two_factor_auth' => '2-step verification',
'pref_two_factor_auth_help' => 'When you enable 2-step verification (also known as two-factor authentication), you add an extra layer of security to your account. You sign in with something you know (your password) and something you have (a verification code). Verification codes are generated by an application on your phone, such as Authy or Google Authenticator.',
'pref_enable_two_factor_auth' => 'Enable 2-step verification',
'pref_two_factor_auth_disabled' => '2-step verification code removed and disabled',
'pref_two_factor_auth' => 'Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung',
'pref_two_factor_auth_help' => 'Wenn Sie die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren, fügen Sie ihrem Benutzerkonto eine zusätzliche Sicherheitsebene hinzu. Sie loggen sich ein mit etwas das Sie wissen (ihrem Passwort) und etwas das Sie besitzen (einem Bestätigungscode). Bestätigungscodes werden von Anwendungen auf ihrem Smartphone, wie Authy oder Google Authenticator, generiert.',
'pref_enable_two_factor_auth' => 'Aktiviere Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung',
'pref_two_factor_auth_disabled' => 'Der Code für die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung wurde gelöscht und gesperrt',
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_it' => 'Vergessen Sie nicht ihr Benutzerkonto aus ihrer Authentifizierungsapp zu entfernen!',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code' => 'Code überprüfen',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code_help' => 'Scannen Sie den QR-Code mit einer Anwendung wie Authy oder Google Authenticator auf ihrem Handy und geben Sie den generierten Code ein.',
@ -273,6 +275,14 @@ return [
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_will_disable' => '(this will also disable two-factor authentication)',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Einstellungen speichern',
'saved_preferences' => 'Einstellungen gespeichert!',
'preferences_general' => 'General',
'preferences_frontpage' => 'Home screen',
'preferences_security' => 'Security',
'preferences_layout' => 'Layout',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Show deposits on the home screen',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Yes, show them',
'successful_count' => 'of which :count successful',
'transaction_page_size_title' => 'Seitengröße',
'transaction_page_size_help' => 'Any list of transactions shows at most this many transactions',
'transaction_page_size_label' => 'Seitengröße',
@ -343,8 +353,8 @@ return [
'create_new_withdrawal' => 'Erstelle eine neue Ausgabe',
'create_new_deposit' => 'Erstelle ein neues Einkommen',
'create_new_transfer' => 'Eine neue Überweisung erstellen',
'create_new_asset' => 'Create new asset account',
'create_new_expense' => 'Create new expense account',
'create_new_asset' => 'Erstellen Sie ein neuen Girokonto',
'create_new_expense' => 'Neuen Debitor (Ausgabe) erstellen',
'create_new_revenue' => 'Create new revenue account',
'create_new_piggy_bank' => 'Ein neues Sparschwein erstellen',
'create_new_bill' => 'Eine neue Rechnung erstellen',
@ -421,30 +431,30 @@ return [
'average_bill_amount_overall' => 'Durchschnittliche Rechnungssumme (gesamt)',
// accounts:
'details_for_asset' => 'Details for asset account ":name"',
'details_for_asset' => 'Details für Girokonto ":name"',
'details_for_expense' => 'Details for expense account ":name"',
'details_for_revenue' => 'Details for revenue account ":name"',
'details_for_cash' => 'Details for cash account ":name"',
'store_new_asset_account' => 'Store new asset account',
'store_new_asset_account' => 'Speichere neues Girokonto',
'store_new_expense_account' => 'Store new expense account',
'store_new_revenue_account' => 'Store new revenue account',
'edit_asset_account' => 'Edit asset account ":name"',
'edit_asset_account' => 'Bearbeite Girokonto ":name"',
'edit_expense_account' => 'Edit expense account ":name"',
'edit_revenue_account' => 'Edit revenue account ":name"',
'delete_asset_account' => 'Delete asset account ":name"',
'delete_asset_account' => 'Lösche Girokonto ":name"',
'delete_expense_account' => 'Delete expense account ":name"',
'delete_revenue_account' => 'Delete revenue account ":name"',
'asset_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted asset account ":name"',
'asset_deleted' => 'Girokonto ":name" wurde erfolgreich gelöscht',
'expense_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted expense account ":name"',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted revenue account ":name"',
'update_asset_account' => 'Update asset account',
'update_asset_account' => 'Girokonto aktualisieren',
'update_expense_account' => 'Update expense account',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Update revenue account',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Create a new asset account',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Erstellen Sie ein neuen Girokonto',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'Create a new expense account',
'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Create a new revenue account',
'asset_accounts' => 'Asset accounts',
'expense_accounts' => 'Expense accounts',
'asset_accounts' => 'Girokonten',
'expense_accounts' => 'Debitoren (Ausgaben)',
'revenue_accounts' => 'Revenue accounts',
'cash_accounts' => 'Cash accounts',
'Cash account' => 'Cash account',
@ -452,12 +462,12 @@ return [
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Save these transaction(s) by moving them to another account:',
'stored_new_account' => 'New account ":name" stored!',
'updated_account' => 'Updated account ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Credit card options',
'credit_card_options' => 'Kreditkartenoptionen',
// categories:
'new_category' => 'New category',
'create_new_category' => 'Create a new category',
'without_category' => 'Without a category',
'new_category' => 'Neue Kategorie',
'create_new_category' => 'Eine neue Kategorie herstellen',
'without_category' => 'Ohne Kategorie',
'update_category' => 'Update category',
'updated_category' => 'Kategorie ":name" aktualisiert',
'categories' => 'Kategorien',
@ -503,7 +513,7 @@ return [
'yourAccounts' => 'Deine Konten',
'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Budgets und Ausgaben',
'savings' => 'Erspartes',
'markAsSavingsToContinue' => 'Mark your asset accounts as "Savings account" to fill this panel',
'markAsSavingsToContinue' => 'Markieren Sie ihre Girokonten als "Sparkonten" um diese Anzeige zu füllen',
'createPiggyToContinue' => 'Erstellen Sie Sparschweine um dieses Panel zu füllen.',
'newWithdrawal' => 'Neue Ausgabe',
'newDeposit' => 'Neue Einnahme',
@ -523,9 +533,9 @@ return [
'dashboard' => 'Übersicht',
'currencies' => 'Währungen',
'accounts' => 'Konten',
'Asset account' => 'Asset account',
'Default account' => 'Asset account',
'Expense account' => 'Expense account',
'Asset account' => 'Girokonto',
'Default account' => 'Girokonto',
'Expense account' => 'Debitor (Ausgabe)',
'Revenue account' => 'Revenue account',
'Initial balance account' => 'Initial balance account',
'budgets' => 'Budgets',
@ -560,7 +570,7 @@ return [
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Standard Finanzbericht für :start bis :end',
'report_audit' => 'Transaction history overview for :start until :end',
'quick_link_reports' => 'Quick links',
'quick_link_reports' => 'Schnellzugriff',
'quick_link_default_report' => 'Standard Finanzbericht',
'quick_link_audit_report' => 'Transaction history overview',
'report_this_month_quick' => 'Aktueller Monat, alle Konten',
@ -606,10 +616,10 @@ return [
'report_type_default' => 'Default financial report',
'report_type_audit' => 'Transaction history overview (audit)',
'report_type_meta-history' => 'Übersicht über Kategorien, Budgets und Rechnungen',
'more_info_help' => 'More information about these types of reports can be found in the help pages. Press the (?) icon in the top right corner.',
'report_included_accounts' => 'Included accounts',
'more_info_help' => 'Weitere Informationen über diese Art von Berichten finden Sie in der Hilfe. Drücken Sie hierfür das (?)-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke.',
'report_included_accounts' => 'Eingezogene Konten',
'report_date_range' => 'Zeitraum',
'report_include_help' => 'In all cases, transfers to shared accounts count as expenses, and transfers from shared accounts count as income.',
'report_include_help' => 'In allen Fällen gilt: Überweisungen zu gemeinsamen Konten gelten als Ausgaben und Überweisungen von gemeinsamen Konten gelten als Einnahmen.',
'report_preset_ranges' => 'Pre-set ranges',
'shared' => 'Shared',
'fiscal_year' => 'Geschäftsjahr',
@ -661,148 +671,160 @@ return [
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Add money to piggy bank ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Remove money from piggy bank ":name"',
'add' => 'Hinzufügen',
'remove' => 'Entfernen',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Sparschwein aktualisieren',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Sparschwein ":name" aktualisieren',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" aktualisiert',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Ereignisse',
'target_amount' => 'Zielbetrag',
'start_date' => 'Start date',
'target_date' => 'Target date',
'no_target_date' => 'No target date',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Dieses Sparschwein existiert nicht mehr.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" löschen',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => ':amount konnte nicht zu ":name" hinzugefügt werden.',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" gelöscht',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => ':amount zu ":name" hinzugefügt',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => ':amount von ":name" entfernt',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
'remove' => 'Entfernen',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Sparschwein aktualisieren',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Sparschwein ":name" aktualisieren',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" aktualisiert',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Ereignisse',
'target_amount' => 'Zielbetrag',
'start_date' => 'Start date',
'target_date' => 'Target date',
'no_target_date' => 'No target date',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Dieses Sparschwein existiert nicht mehr.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" löschen',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => ':amount konnte nicht zu ":name" hinzugefügt werden.',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" gelöscht',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => ':amount zu ":name" hinzugefügt',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => ':amount von ":name" entfernt',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
// tags
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'The tag takes at most two transactions; an expense and a transfer. They\'ll balance each other out.',
'advance_payment' => 'The tag accepts one expense and any number of deposits aimed to repay the original expense.',
'delete_tag' => 'Delete tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Deleted tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Make new tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Default tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Advance payment tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'Usually tags are singular words, designed to quickly band items together using things like <span class="label label-info">expensive</span>, <span class="label label-info">bill</span> or <span class="label label-info">for-party</span>. In Firefly III, tags can have more properties such as a date, description and location. This allows you to join transactions together in a more meaningful way. For example, you could make a tag called <span class="label label-success"> Christmas dinner with friends</span> and add information about the restaurant. Such tags are "singular", you would only use them for a single occasion, perhaps with multiple transactions.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'The tag takes at most two transactions; an expense and a transfer. They\'ll balance each other out.',
'advance_payment' => 'The tag accepts one expense and any number of deposits aimed to repay the original expense.',
'delete_tag' => 'Delete tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Deleted tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Make new tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Default tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Advance payment tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'In der Regel sind Tags einzelne Worte, erdacht um Einträge mit Begriffen wie <span class="label label-info">Ausgaben</span>, <span class="label label-info">Rechnungen</span> oder <span class="label label-info">Partyvorbereitung</span> schnell zusammenzufassen. In Firefly III können Tags weitere Eigenschaften wie ein Datum, eine Beschreibung und einen Ort enthalten. Dieses erlaubt es Ihnen Transaktionen in sinnvoller Weise miteinander zu verknüpfen. Zum Beispiel können Sie einen Tag mit dem Titel <span class="label label-success"> Weihnachtsessen mit Freunden</span> erstellen und Informationen über das Restaurant hinzufügen. Solche Tags sind "einzigartig", sie werden nur für einen Anlass genutzt, enthalten aber eventuell mehrere Transaktionen.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaction information',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Meta information',
'total_amount' => 'Total amount',
// administration
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'User administration',
'list_all_users' => 'All users',
'all_users' => 'All users',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'User administration',
'list_all_users' => 'All users',
'all_users' => 'All users',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'single_user_administration' => 'User administration for :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Zur Zeit sind nicht alle Felder sichtbar. Sie müssen in den <a href=":link">Einstellungen</a> aktiviert werden.',
'user_data_information' => 'User data',
'user_information' => 'User information',
'total_size' => 'total size',
'budget_or_budgets' => 'budget(s)',
'budgets_with_limits' => 'budget(s) with configured amount',
'rule_or_rules' => 'rule(s)',
'rulegroup_or_groups' => 'rule group(s)',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates',
'splits' => 'Splits',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates',
'splits' => 'Splits',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
// import
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => 'Start the import',
'configure_import' => 'Further configure your import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Import configuration complete!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => 'Start import',
'import_intro_beta' => 'The import function of Firefly III is in beta. Many users of Firefly III have tried many different files. Although each individual compontent of this import routine works (really), the combination might break. If your file cannot be imported by Firefly, please read <a href="">this wiki page</a> so I can fix the problem you have run into.',
'import_data' => 'Import data',
'import_data_full' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'configuration_file_help' => 'Wenn Sie bereits zuvor Daten in Firefly III importiert haben, haben Sie eventuell eine Kofigurationsdatei, welche einige Einstellungen für Sie voreinstellt. Für einige Banken haben andere Nutzer freundlicherweise bereits ihre <a href="">Konfigurationsdatei</a> zur Verfügung gestellt.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (Kommagetrennte Werte)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Wählen Sie den Typ der hochzuladenen Datei',
'import_start' => 'Start the import',
'configure_import' => 'Further configure your import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Import configuration complete!',
'import_complete_text' => 'Der Import ist bereit zu starten. Alle Einstellungen wurden von Ihnen erledigt. Bitte laden Sie die Konfigurationsdatei herunter. Diese wird Ihnen beim Import helfen, sollte dieser nicht wie gewünscht verlaufen. Um den Import tatsächlich zu starten führen Sie den folgenden Befehl in der Konsole aus oder nutzen Sie den Web-basierten Import. Abhängig von ihrer Konfiguration wird Ihnen der Konsolenimport mehr Rückmeldungen geben.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => 'Start import',
'import_intro_beta' => 'Die Importfunktion von Firefly III ist im Beta-Stadium. Viele unterschiedliche Nutzer von Firefly III haben viele verschiedene Datei getestet. Auch wenn die einzelnen Komponenten des Imports funktionieren (wirklich), können Fehler auftreten. Wenn ihre Datei nicht in Firefly importiert werden kann lesen Sie bitte <a href="">diese Wiki-Seite</a>, damit ich den aufgetretenen Fehler beheben kann.',
'import_data' => 'Daten importieren',
'import_data_full' => 'Importieren Sie Daten in Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'Diese Seite erlaubt Ihnen das Importieren von Daten in Firefly III. Exportieren Sie dazu Daten von ihrer Bank oder anderen Finanzverwaltungen. Laden Sie die Dateien anschließend hier hoch. Firefly III wird die Daten daraufhin konvertieren. Sie müssen dafür einige Informationen angeben. Bitte wählen Sie nun eine Datei aus folgen Sie den Anweisungen.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Importkonfiguration',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Achtung',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'Wie Sie auf den nächsten Seite feststellen werden, hat die Importfunktion viele Einstellungen. Diese Einstellungen sind vor allem von ihrer Bank (oder Finanzverwaltungssoftware), von der ihre Daten stammen, abhängig. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass bereits eine andere Person solch eine Datei importiert hat und die jeweile <em>Konfigurationsdatei</em> bereitstellt. Bitte schauen Sie daher in der <strong><a href="">Übersicht der Import-Einstellungen</a></strong> nach, ob bereits eine Konfiguratiosdatei für ihre Bank vorhanden ist. Wenn eine Datei existiert sollten Sie diese herunterladen und hier hochladen. Es wird Ihnen eine Menge Zeit sparen!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'Der Import scheint ein Zeitlimit überschritten zu haben. Wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt importieren Sie die Daten bitte über die Kommandozeile.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'import_share_configuration' => 'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',
'import_share_configuration' => 'Bitte denken Sie darüber nach ihre Konfiguration herunterzuladen und in der <strong><a href="">Übersicht der Import-Einstellungen</a></strong> zu teilen. Dieses erlaubt es anderen Nutzern von Firefly III ihre Daten unkomplizierter zu importieren.',
'import_finished_report' => 'The import has finished. Please note any errors in the block above this line. All transactions imported during this particular session have been tagged, and you can check them out below. ',
'import_finished_link' => 'The transactions imported can be found in tag <a href=":link" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a>.',

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ return [
'asset_destination_account' => 'Girokonto (Ziel)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Girokonto (Quelle)',
'journal_description' => 'Beschreibung',
'note' => 'Notes',
'split_journal' => 'Diese Überweisung aufteilen',
'split_journal_explanation' => 'Diese Überweisung in mehrere Teile aufteilen',
'currency' => 'Währung',
@ -140,11 +141,11 @@ return [
// import
'import_file' => 'Datei importieren',
'configuration_file' => 'Konfigurationsdatei',
'import_file_type' => 'Import file type',
'import_file_type' => 'Import-Dateityp',
'csv_comma' => 'Ein Komma (,)',
'csv_semicolon' => 'Ein Semikolon (;)',
'csv_tab' => 'Ein Tab (unsichtbar)',
'csv_delimiter' => 'CSV field delimiter',
'csv_delimiter' => 'CSV-Trennzeichen',
'csv_import_account' => 'Standard Import-Konto',
'csv_config' => 'CSV-Import Einstellungen',

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return [
'matchedOn' => 'Matched on',
'matchesOn' => 'Matched on',
'account_type' => 'Art des Kontos',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'new_balance' => 'Neue Bilanz',
'account' => 'Konto',
'matchingAmount' => 'Betrag',
@ -71,4 +72,17 @@ return [
'blocked_code' => 'Block code',
'domain' => 'Domain',
'registration_attempts' => 'Registrierungsversuche',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'accounts_count' => 'Number of accounts',
'journals_count' => 'Number of journals',
'attachments_count' => 'Number of attachments',
'bills_count' => 'Number of bills',
'categories_count' => 'Number of categories',
'export_jobs_count' => 'Number of export jobs',
'import_jobs_count' => 'Number of import jobs',
'budget_count' => 'Number of budgets',
'rule_and_groups_count' => 'Number of rules and rule groups',
'tags_count' => 'Number of tags',

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ return [
'asset_destination_account' => 'Asset account (destination)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Asset account (source)',
'journal_description' => 'Description',
'note' => 'Notes',
'split_journal' => 'Split this transaction',
'split_journal_explanation' => 'Split this transaction in multiple parts',
'currency' => 'Currency',

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ return [
'no_budget_pointer' => 'Vous semblez navoir encore aucun budget. Vous devez en créer sur la page des <a href="/budgets"> budgets</a>. Les budgets peuvent vous aider à garder une trace des dépenses.',
'source_accounts' => 'Compte(s) source',
'destination_accounts' => 'Compte(s) de destination',
'user_id_is' => 'Your user id is <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => 'This field supports <a href="">Markdown</a>.',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mensuel',
@ -273,6 +275,14 @@ return [
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_will_disable' => '(cela désactivera également l\'authentification à deux facteurs)',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Enregistrer les paramètres',
'saved_preferences' => 'Préférences enregistrées!',
'preferences_general' => 'General',
'preferences_frontpage' => 'Home screen',
'preferences_security' => 'Security',
'preferences_layout' => 'Layout',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Show deposits on the home screen',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Yes, show them',
'successful_count' => 'of which :count successful',
'transaction_page_size_title' => 'Taille de la page',
'transaction_page_size_help' => 'Nimporte quelle liste de transactions montre au plus ce nombre de transactions',
'transaction_page_size_label' => 'Taille de la page',
@ -661,146 +671,158 @@ return [
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Add money to piggy bank ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Remove money from piggy bank ":name"',
'add' => 'Add',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'max_amount_add' => 'Le montant maximum que vous pouvez ajouter est',
'max_amount_remove' => 'Le montant maximum que vous pouvez supprimer est',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Détails',
'events' => 'Evènements',
'target_amount' => 'Montant cible',
'start_date' => 'Date de début',
'target_date' => 'Date cible',
'no_target_date' => 'Aucune date butoir',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Tirelire ":name" supprimée',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'max_amount_add' => 'Le montant maximum que vous pouvez ajouter est',
'max_amount_remove' => 'Le montant maximum que vous pouvez supprimer est',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Détails',
'events' => 'Evènements',
'target_amount' => 'Montant cible',
'start_date' => 'Date de début',
'target_date' => 'Date cible',
'no_target_date' => 'Aucune date butoir',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Tirelire ":name" supprimée',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
// tags
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'Un tag prend au maximum deux opérations : une dépense et un transfert. Ils s\'équilibreront mutuellement.',
'advance_payment' => 'Un tag accepte une dépense et un nombre quelconque de dépôts visant à rembourser la dépense originale.',
'delete_tag' => 'Supprimer le tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" supprimé',
'new_tag' => 'Créer un nouveau tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Modifier le tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Tags par défaut',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Tags de paiement anticipé',
'tags_introduction' => 'Les tags sont généralement des mots au singulier, conçus pour grouper rapidement des éléments en utilisant des mots comme <span class="label label-info">cher</span>, <span class="label label-info">factures</span> ou <span class="label label-info">pour-fêtes</span>. Dans Firefly III, les tags peuvent avoir plus de propriétés comme une date, la description et lemplacement. Cela vous permet de réunir des opérations de façon plus significative. Par exemple, vous pourriez faire un tag appelé <span class="label label-success">Dîner de Noël avec des amis</span> et ajouter des informations sur le restaurant. Ces tags sont au singulier, vous devez seulement les utiliser pour une occasion unique, peut-être avec plusieurs opérations.',
'tags_group' => 'Les tags groupent des opérations ensemble, ce qui permet de stocker des remboursements (dans le cas où vous avancer de l\'argent aux autres) et d\'autres types "d\'équilibres" où résumer les dépenses (les remboursements de votre nouvelle TV) ou quand les dépenses et les dépôts s\'annulent les uns les autres (achat de quelque chose avec de l\'argent mis de coté). C\'est comme vous souhaitez. Utiliser les tags à l\'ancienne est toujours possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'Un tag prend au maximum deux opérations : une dépense et un transfert. Ils s\'équilibreront mutuellement.',
'advance_payment' => 'Un tag accepte une dépense et un nombre quelconque de dépôts visant à rembourser la dépense originale.',
'delete_tag' => 'Supprimer le tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" supprimé',
'new_tag' => 'Créer un nouveau tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Modifier le tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Tags par défaut',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Tags de paiement anticipé',
'tags_introduction' => 'Les tags sont généralement des mots au singulier, conçus pour grouper rapidement des éléments en utilisant des mots comme <span class="label label-info">cher</span>, <span class="label label-info">factures</span> ou <span class="label label-info">pour-fêtes</span>. Dans Firefly III, les tags peuvent avoir plus de propriétés comme une date, la description et lemplacement. Cela vous permet de réunir des opérations de façon plus significative. Par exemple, vous pourriez faire un tag appelé <span class="label label-success">Dîner de Noël avec des amis</span> et ajouter des informations sur le restaurant. Ces tags sont au singulier, vous devez seulement les utiliser pour une occasion unique, peut-être avec plusieurs opérations.',
'tags_group' => 'Les tags groupent des opérations ensemble, ce qui permet de stocker des remboursements (dans le cas où vous avancer de l\'argent aux autres) et d\'autres types "d\'équilibres" où résumer les dépenses (les remboursements de votre nouvelle TV) ou quand les dépenses et les dépôts s\'annulent les uns les autres (achat de quelque chose avec de l\'argent mis de coté). C\'est comme vous souhaitez. Utiliser les tags à l\'ancienne est toujours possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaction information',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Meta information',
'total_amount' => 'Total amount',
// administration
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'Gestion des utilisateurs',
'list_all_users' => 'Tous les utilisateurs',
'all_users' => 'Tous les utilisateurs',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'Gestion des utilisateurs',
'list_all_users' => 'Tous les utilisateurs',
'all_users' => 'Tous les utilisateurs',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'single_user_administration' => 'User administration for :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'user_data_information' => 'User data',
'user_information' => 'User information',
'total_size' => 'total size',
'budget_or_budgets' => 'budget(s)',
'budgets_with_limits' => 'budget(s) with configured amount',
'rule_or_rules' => 'rule(s)',
'rulegroup_or_groups' => 'rule group(s)',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Date de l\'opération',
'splits' => 'Splits',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'Cela signifie que le montant dargent que vous avez dépensé est réparti entre plusieurs budgets, catégories ou comptes de revenus.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'Cela signifie que le montant dargent que vous avez gagné est réparti entre plusieurs catégories ou comptes de revenus source.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'Par exemple : vous pouvez fractionner votre salaire de :total donc vous obtenez :split_one comme votre salaire de base et :split_two comme un remboursement des dépenses faites.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'Cela signifie que le montant dargent que vous déplacez est divisé entre plusieurs catégories ou tirelires.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Date de l\'opération',
'splits' => 'Splits',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'Cela signifie que le montant dargent que vous avez dépensé est réparti entre plusieurs budgets, catégories ou comptes de revenus.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'Cela signifie que le montant dargent que vous avez gagné est réparti entre plusieurs catégories ou comptes de revenus source.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'Par exemple : vous pouvez fractionner votre salaire de :total donc vous obtenez :split_one comme votre salaire de base et :split_two comme un remboursement des dépenses faites.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'Cela signifie que le montant dargent que vous déplacez est divisé entre plusieurs catégories ou tirelires.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
// import
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => 'Start the import',
'configure_import' => 'Further configure your import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Import configuration complete!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => 'Start import',
'import_intro_beta' => 'The import function of Firefly III is in beta. Many users of Firefly III have tried many different files. Although each individual compontent of this import routine works (really), the combination might break. If your file cannot be imported by Firefly, please read <a href="">this wiki page</a> so I can fix the problem you have run into.',
'import_data' => 'Import data',
'import_data_full' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => 'Start the import',
'configure_import' => 'Further configure your import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Import configuration complete!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => 'Start import',
'import_intro_beta' => 'The import function of Firefly III is in beta. Many users of Firefly III have tried many different files. Although each individual compontent of this import routine works (really), the combination might break. If your file cannot be imported by Firefly, please read <a href="">this wiki page</a> so I can fix the problem you have run into.',
'import_data' => 'Import data',
'import_data_full' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'import_share_configuration' => 'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ return [
'asset_destination_account' => 'Compte dactif (destination)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Compte dactif (source)',
'journal_description' => 'Description',
'note' => 'Notes',
'split_journal' => 'Ventiler cette opération',
'split_journal_explanation' => 'Diviser cette opération en plusieurs parties',
'currency' => 'Devise',

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return [
'matchedOn' => 'Correspond à',
'matchesOn' => 'Correspond à',
'account_type' => 'Type de compte',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'new_balance' => 'Nouveau solde',
'account' => 'Compte',
'matchingAmount' => 'Montant',
@ -71,4 +72,17 @@ return [
'blocked_code' => 'Code de blocage',
'domain' => 'Domaine',
'registration_attempts' => 'Registration attempts',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'accounts_count' => 'Number of accounts',
'journals_count' => 'Number of journals',
'attachments_count' => 'Number of attachments',
'bills_count' => 'Number of bills',
'categories_count' => 'Number of categories',
'export_jobs_count' => 'Number of export jobs',
'import_jobs_count' => 'Number of import jobs',
'budget_count' => 'Number of budgets',
'rule_and_groups_count' => 'Number of rules and rule groups',
'tags_count' => 'Number of tags',

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ return [
'no_budget_pointer' => 'You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href="/budgets">budgets</a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.',
'source_accounts' => 'Source account(s)',
'destination_accounts' => 'Destination account(s)',
'user_id_is' => 'Your user id is <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => 'This field supports <a href="">Markdown</a>.',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'monthly',
@ -273,6 +275,14 @@ return [
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_will_disable' => '(this will also disable two-factor authentication)',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Save settings',
'saved_preferences' => 'Preferences saved!',
'preferences_general' => 'General',
'preferences_frontpage' => 'Home screen',
'preferences_security' => 'Security',
'preferences_layout' => 'Layout',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Show deposits on the home screen',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Yes, show them',
'successful_count' => 'of which :count successful',
'transaction_page_size_title' => 'Page size',
'transaction_page_size_help' => 'Any list of transactions shows at most this many transactions',
'transaction_page_size_label' => 'Page size',
@ -661,146 +671,158 @@ return [
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Add money to piggy bank ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Remove money from piggy bank ":name"',
'add' => 'Add',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Events',
'target_amount' => 'Target amount',
'start_date' => 'Start date',
'target_date' => 'Target date',
'no_target_date' => 'No target date',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Deleted piggy bank ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Events',
'target_amount' => 'Target amount',
'start_date' => 'Start date',
'target_date' => 'Target date',
'no_target_date' => 'No target date',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Deleted piggy bank ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
// tags
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'The tag takes at most two transactions; an expense and a transfer. They\'ll balance each other out.',
'advance_payment' => 'The tag accepts one expense and any number of deposits aimed to repay the original expense.',
'delete_tag' => 'Delete tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Deleted tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Make new tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Default tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Advance payment tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'Usually tags are singular words, designed to quickly band items together using things like <span class="label label-info">expensive</span>, <span class="label label-info">bill</span> or <span class="label label-info">for-party</span>. In Firefly III, tags can have more properties such as a date, description and location. This allows you to join transactions together in a more meaningful way. For example, you could make a tag called <span class="label label-success"> Christmas dinner with friends</span> and add information about the restaurant. Such tags are "singular", you would only use them for a single occasion, perhaps with multiple transactions.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'The tag takes at most two transactions; an expense and a transfer. They\'ll balance each other out.',
'advance_payment' => 'The tag accepts one expense and any number of deposits aimed to repay the original expense.',
'delete_tag' => 'Delete tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Deleted tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Make new tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Default tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Advance payment tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'Usually tags are singular words, designed to quickly band items together using things like <span class="label label-info">expensive</span>, <span class="label label-info">bill</span> or <span class="label label-info">for-party</span>. In Firefly III, tags can have more properties such as a date, description and location. This allows you to join transactions together in a more meaningful way. For example, you could make a tag called <span class="label label-success"> Christmas dinner with friends</span> and add information about the restaurant. Such tags are "singular", you would only use them for a single occasion, perhaps with multiple transactions.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaction information',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Meta information',
'total_amount' => 'Total amount',
// administration
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'User administration',
'list_all_users' => 'All users',
'all_users' => 'All users',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'User administration',
'list_all_users' => 'All users',
'all_users' => 'All users',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'single_user_administration' => 'User administration for :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'user_data_information' => 'User data',
'user_information' => 'User information',
'total_size' => 'total size',
'budget_or_budgets' => 'budget(s)',
'budgets_with_limits' => 'budget(s) with configured amount',
'rule_or_rules' => 'rule(s)',
'rulegroup_or_groups' => 'rule group(s)',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates',
'splits' => 'Splits',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates',
'splits' => 'Splits',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
// import
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => 'Start the import',
'configure_import' => 'Further configure your import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Import configuration complete!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => 'Start import',
'import_intro_beta' => 'The import function of Firefly III is in beta. Many users of Firefly III have tried many different files. Although each individual compontent of this import routine works (really), the combination might break. If your file cannot be imported by Firefly, please read <a href="">this wiki page</a> so I can fix the problem you have run into.',
'import_data' => 'Import data',
'import_data_full' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => 'Start the import',
'configure_import' => 'Further configure your import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Import configuration complete!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => 'Start import',
'import_intro_beta' => 'The import function of Firefly III is in beta. Many users of Firefly III have tried many different files. Although each individual compontent of this import routine works (really), the combination might break. If your file cannot be imported by Firefly, please read <a href="">this wiki page</a> so I can fix the problem you have run into.',
'import_data' => 'Import data',
'import_data_full' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'import_share_configuration' => 'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ return [
'asset_destination_account' => 'Asset account (destination)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Asset account (source)',
'journal_description' => 'Description',
'note' => 'Notes',
'split_journal' => 'Split this transaction',
'split_journal_explanation' => 'Split this transaction in multiple parts',
'currency' => 'Currency',

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return [
'matchedOn' => 'Matched on',
'matchesOn' => 'Matched on',
'account_type' => 'Account type',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'new_balance' => 'New balance',
'account' => 'Account',
'matchingAmount' => 'Amount',
@ -71,4 +72,17 @@ return [
'blocked_code' => 'Block code',
'domain' => 'Domain',
'registration_attempts' => 'Registration attempts',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'accounts_count' => 'Number of accounts',
'journals_count' => 'Number of journals',
'attachments_count' => 'Number of attachments',
'bills_count' => 'Number of bills',
'categories_count' => 'Number of categories',
'export_jobs_count' => 'Number of export jobs',
'import_jobs_count' => 'Number of import jobs',
'budget_count' => 'Number of budgets',
'rule_and_groups_count' => 'Number of rules and rule groups',
'tags_count' => 'Number of tags',

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ return [
'no_budget_pointer' => 'Je hebt nog geen budgetten. Maak er een aantal op de <a href="/budgets">budgetten</a>-pagina. Met budgetten kan je je uitgaven beter bijhouden.',
'source_accounts' => 'Bronrekening(en)',
'destination_accounts' => 'Doelrekening(en)',
'user_id_is' => 'Je gebruikersnummer is <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => 'Dit veld ondersteunt <a href="">Markdown</a>.',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'maandelijks',
@ -273,6 +275,14 @@ return [
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_will_disable' => '(hiermee zet je authenticatie in twee stappen ook uit)',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Instellingen opslaan',
'saved_preferences' => 'Voorkeuren opgeslagen!',
'preferences_general' => 'Algemeen',
'preferences_frontpage' => 'Homepagina',
'preferences_security' => 'Veiligheid',
'preferences_layout' => 'Uiterlijk',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Laat inkomsten zien op de homepagina',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'De homepagina laat al crediteuren zien. Wil je ook je debiteuren zien?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Ja, kom maar op',
'successful_count' => 'waarvan :count met succes',
'transaction_page_size_title' => 'Paginalengte',
'transaction_page_size_help' => 'Elke lijst met transacties er op is zo lang',
'transaction_page_size_label' => 'Paginalengte',
@ -661,146 +671,158 @@ return [
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Stop geld in spaarpotje ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Haal geld uit spaarpotje ":name"',
'add' => 'Toevoegen',
'remove' => 'Verwijderen',
'max_amount_add' => 'Hooguit toe te voegen',
'max_amount_remove' => 'Hooguit te verwijderen',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Wijzig spaarpotje',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Wijzig spaarpotje ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Spaarpotje ":name" geüpdatet',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Gebeurtenissen',
'target_amount' => 'Doelbedrag',
'start_date' => 'Startdatum',
'target_date' => 'Doeldatum',
'no_target_date' => 'Geen doeldatum',
'todo' => 'te doen',
'table' => 'Tabel',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Dit spaarpotje bestaat niet meer.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Stop geld in dit spaarpotje om het doel van :amount te halen.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Stop voor :date :amount in dit spaarpotje om hem op tijd te vullen.',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Verwijder spaarpotje ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Kon bedrag :amount niet aan ":name" toevoegen.',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Spaarpotje ":name" verwijderd',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => ':amount aan ":name" toegevoegd',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => ':amount uit ":name" gehaald',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Kon :amount niet uit ":name" halen.',
'remove' => 'Verwijderen',
'max_amount_add' => 'Hooguit toe te voegen',
'max_amount_remove' => 'Hooguit te verwijderen',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Wijzig spaarpotje',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Wijzig spaarpotje ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Spaarpotje ":name" geüpdatet',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Gebeurtenissen',
'target_amount' => 'Doelbedrag',
'start_date' => 'Startdatum',
'target_date' => 'Doeldatum',
'no_target_date' => 'Geen doeldatum',
'todo' => 'te doen',
'table' => 'Tabel',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Dit spaarpotje bestaat niet meer.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Stop geld in dit spaarpotje om het doel van :amount te halen.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Stop voor :date :amount in dit spaarpotje om hem op tijd te vullen.',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Verwijder spaarpotje ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Kon bedrag :amount niet aan ":name" toevoegen.',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Spaarpotje ":name" verwijderd',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => ':amount aan ":name" toegevoegd',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => ':amount uit ":name" gehaald',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Kon :amount niet uit ":name" halen.',
// tags
'regular_tag' => 'Een gewone tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'Er kunnen maar twee transacties worden getagged; een uitgaven en inkomsten. Ze balanceren elkaar.',
'advance_payment' => 'Je kan een uitgave taggen en zoveel inkomsten om de uitgave (helemaal) te compenseren.',
'delete_tag' => 'Verwijder tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" verwijderd',
'new_tag' => 'Maak nieuwe tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Wijzig tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" geüpdatet',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" opgeslagen!',
'no_year' => 'Zonder jaar',
'no_month' => 'Zonder maand',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Standaard tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancerende tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Vooruitbetaalde tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'Normaal gesproken zijn tags enkele woorden, gebruikt om gerelateerde zaken snel aan elkaar te plakken. <span class="label label-info">dure-aanschaf</span>, <span class="label label-info">rekening</span>, <span class="label label-info">feestje</span>. In Firefly III hebben tags meer betekenis en kan je er een datum, omschrijving en locatie aan geven. Daarmee kan je je transacties op een wat zinvollere manier aan elkaar koppelen. Je kan bijvoorbeeld een tag <span class="label label-success">Kerstdiner</span> maken en informatie over het restaurant meenemen. Zulke tags zijn enkelvoudig; je gebruikt ze maar bij één gelegenheid.',
'tags_group' => 'Omdat tags transacties groeperen kan je er teruggaves, vergoedingen en andere geldzaken mee aanduiden, zolang de transacties elkaar "opheffen". Hoe je dit aanpakt is aan jou. De gewone manier kan natuurlijk ook.',
'tags_start' => 'Maak hieronder een tag, of voer nieuwe tags in als je nieuwe transacties maakt.',
'regular_tag' => 'Een gewone tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'Er kunnen maar twee transacties worden getagged; een uitgaven en inkomsten. Ze balanceren elkaar.',
'advance_payment' => 'Je kan een uitgave taggen en zoveel inkomsten om de uitgave (helemaal) te compenseren.',
'delete_tag' => 'Verwijder tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" verwijderd',
'new_tag' => 'Maak nieuwe tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Wijzig tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" geüpdatet',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" opgeslagen!',
'no_year' => 'Zonder jaar',
'no_month' => 'Zonder maand',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Standaard tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancerende tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Vooruitbetaalde tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'Normaal gesproken zijn tags enkele woorden, gebruikt om gerelateerde zaken snel aan elkaar te plakken. <span class="label label-info">dure-aanschaf</span>, <span class="label label-info">rekening</span>, <span class="label label-info">feestje</span>. In Firefly III hebben tags meer betekenis en kan je er een datum, omschrijving en locatie aan geven. Daarmee kan je je transacties op een wat zinvollere manier aan elkaar koppelen. Je kan bijvoorbeeld een tag <span class="label label-success">Kerstdiner</span> maken en informatie over het restaurant meenemen. Zulke tags zijn enkelvoudig; je gebruikt ze maar bij één gelegenheid.',
'tags_group' => 'Omdat tags transacties groeperen kan je er teruggaves, vergoedingen en andere geldzaken mee aanduiden, zolang de transacties elkaar "opheffen". Hoe je dit aanpakt is aan jou. De gewone manier kan natuurlijk ook.',
'tags_start' => 'Maak hieronder een tag, of voer nieuwe tags in als je nieuwe transacties maakt.',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transactieinformatie',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Metainformatie',
'total_amount' => 'Totaalbedrag',
// administration
'administration' => 'Administratie',
'user_administration' => 'Gebruikersadministratie',
'list_all_users' => 'Alle gebruikers',
'all_users' => 'Alle gebruikers',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'Alle geblokkeerde domeinen',
'blocked_domains' => 'Geblokkeerde domeinen',
'no_domains_banned' => 'Geen domeinen geblokkeerd',
'all_user_domains' => 'Alle domeinen van gebruikers',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'Deze lijst bevat geen domeinen die al geblokkeerd zijn.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domein :domein is geblokkeerd',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domein :domain is niet meer geblokkeerd',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Blokkeer een domein handmatig',
'block_domain' => 'Blokkeer domein',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'Geen domein opgegeven',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domein :domain is al geblokkeerd',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domein :domain is nu geblokkeerd',
'instance_configuration' => 'Instellingen',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Instellingen voor Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Enkele gebruiker-modus',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Standaard accepteert Firefly III maar één (1) gebruiker: jijzelf. Dit is een veiligheidsmaatregel, zodat anderen niet zomaar jouw installatie kunnen gebruiken, tenzij je dit aanzet. Toekomstige registraties zijn nu geblokkeerd. Als je dit vinkje uitzet kunnen anderen jouw installatie ook gebruiken, gegeven dat ze er bij kunnen (je installatie hangt aan het internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Configuratie opslaan',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Niet alle velden zijn zichtbaar. Zet ze aan in je <a href=":link">instellingen</a>.',
'administration' => 'Administratie',
'user_administration' => 'Gebruikersadministratie',
'list_all_users' => 'Alle gebruikers',
'all_users' => 'Alle gebruikers',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'Alle geblokkeerde domeinen',
'blocked_domains' => 'Geblokkeerde domeinen',
'no_domains_banned' => 'Geen domeinen geblokkeerd',
'all_user_domains' => 'Alle domeinen van gebruikers',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'Deze lijst bevat geen domeinen die al geblokkeerd zijn.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domein :domein is geblokkeerd',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domein :domain is niet meer geblokkeerd',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Blokkeer een domein handmatig',
'block_domain' => 'Blokkeer domein',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'Geen domein opgegeven',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domein :domain is al geblokkeerd',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domein :domain is nu geblokkeerd',
'instance_configuration' => 'Instellingen',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Instellingen voor Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Enkele gebruiker-modus',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Standaard accepteert Firefly III maar één (1) gebruiker: jijzelf. Dit is een veiligheidsmaatregel, zodat anderen niet zomaar jouw installatie kunnen gebruiken, tenzij je dit aanzet. Toekomstige registraties zijn nu geblokkeerd. Als je dit vinkje uitzet kunnen anderen jouw installatie ook gebruiken, gegeven dat ze er bij kunnen (je installatie hangt aan het internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Configuratie opslaan',
'single_user_administration' => 'Gebruikersadministratie voor :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Niet alle velden zijn zichtbaar. Zet ze aan in je <a href=":link">instellingen</a>.',
'user_data_information' => 'Gebruikersgegevens',
'user_information' => 'Gebruikersinformatie',
'total_size' => 'totale grootte',
'budget_or_budgets' => 'budget(ten)',
'budgets_with_limits' => 'budget(ten) met een ingesteld bedrag',
'rule_or_rules' => 'regel(s)',
'rulegroup_or_groups' => 'regelgroep(en)',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transactie meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transactie data',
'splits' => 'Splitten',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Splits je nieuwe uitgave',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly kan een uitgave "splitsen".',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'Dat betekent dat de uitgave die je maakt wordt verdeeld over verschillende doelrekeningen, budgetten of categorieën.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'Je kan bijvoorbeeld je boodschappen van :total verdelen zodat :split_one uit je boodschappenbudget komt, en :split_two uit je sigarettenbudget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split je uitgave in zoveel stukken als je maar wilt. Standaard is je uitgave niet gesplitst; er is maar één "split". Voeg hieronder zoveel splits toe als je wilt. Denk er aan dat je niet afwijkt van het totaalbedrag. Als je dat wel doet zal Firefly je waarschuwen maar niet corrigeren.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Sla gesplitste uitgave op',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Gesplitste uitgave updaten',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Splits je nieuwe inkomsten',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly kan inkomsten "splitsen".',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'Dat betekent dat de inkomsten die je krijgt wordt verdeeld over verschillende doelrekeningen of categorieën.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'Je kan bijvoorbeeld je salaris van :total verdelen zodat :split_one wordt opgeslagen als je basissalaris, en :split_two als declaratieteruggave.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split je inkomsten in zoveel stukken als je maar wilt. Standaard zijn je inkomsten niet gesplitst; er is maar één "split". Voeg hieronder zoveel splits toe als je wilt. Denk er aan dat je niet afwijkt van het totaalbedrag. Als je dat wel doet zal Firefly je waarschuwen maar niet corrigeren.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Sla gesplitse inkomsten op',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Splits je nieuwe overschrijving',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly kan overschrijvingen "splitsen".',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'Dat betekent dat de uitgave die je maakt wordt verdeeld over verschillende categorieën of spaarpotjes.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'Je kan bijvoorbeeld je overschrijving van :total verdelen zodat :split_one in het ene spaarpotje terecht komt, en :split_two in het andere spaarpotje.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split je overschrijving in zoveel stukken als je maar wilt. Standaard is je overschrijving niet gesplitst; er is maar één "split". Voeg hieronder zoveel splits toe als je wilt. Denk er aan dat je niet afwijkt van het totaalbedrag. Als je dat wel doet zal Firefly je waarschuwen maar niet corrigeren.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Sla gesplitste overschrijving op',
'add_another_split' => 'Voeg een split toe',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transacties',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split een nieuwe transactie',
'do_split' => 'Splits',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Splits deze uitgave',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Splits deze inkomsten',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Splits deze overboeking',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'Je kan transactie #:id met omschrijving ":description" niet splitsen, want deze bevat meerdere bronrekeningen.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'Je kan transactie #:id met omschrijving ":description" niet wijzigen, want deze bevat meerdere doelrekeningen.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'Je hebt geen geldige transacties geselecteerd.',
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transactie meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transactie data',
'splits' => 'Splitten',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Splits je nieuwe uitgave',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly kan een uitgave "splitsen".',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'Dat betekent dat de uitgave die je maakt wordt verdeeld over verschillende doelrekeningen, budgetten of categorieën.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'Je kan bijvoorbeeld je boodschappen van :total verdelen zodat :split_one uit je boodschappenbudget komt, en :split_two uit je sigarettenbudget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split je uitgave in zoveel stukken als je maar wilt. Standaard is je uitgave niet gesplitst; er is maar één "split". Voeg hieronder zoveel splits toe als je wilt. Denk er aan dat je niet afwijkt van het totaalbedrag. Als je dat wel doet zal Firefly je waarschuwen maar niet corrigeren.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Sla gesplitste uitgave op',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Gesplitste uitgave updaten',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Splits je nieuwe inkomsten',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly kan inkomsten "splitsen".',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'Dat betekent dat de inkomsten die je krijgt wordt verdeeld over verschillende doelrekeningen of categorieën.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'Je kan bijvoorbeeld je salaris van :total verdelen zodat :split_one wordt opgeslagen als je basissalaris, en :split_two als declaratieteruggave.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split je inkomsten in zoveel stukken als je maar wilt. Standaard zijn je inkomsten niet gesplitst; er is maar één "split". Voeg hieronder zoveel splits toe als je wilt. Denk er aan dat je niet afwijkt van het totaalbedrag. Als je dat wel doet zal Firefly je waarschuwen maar niet corrigeren.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Sla gesplitse inkomsten op',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Splits je nieuwe overschrijving',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly kan overschrijvingen "splitsen".',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'Dat betekent dat de uitgave die je maakt wordt verdeeld over verschillende categorieën of spaarpotjes.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'Je kan bijvoorbeeld je overschrijving van :total verdelen zodat :split_one in het ene spaarpotje terecht komt, en :split_two in het andere spaarpotje.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split je overschrijving in zoveel stukken als je maar wilt. Standaard is je overschrijving niet gesplitst; er is maar één "split". Voeg hieronder zoveel splits toe als je wilt. Denk er aan dat je niet afwijkt van het totaalbedrag. Als je dat wel doet zal Firefly je waarschuwen maar niet corrigeren.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Sla gesplitste overschrijving op',
'add_another_split' => 'Voeg een split toe',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transacties',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split een nieuwe transactie',
'do_split' => 'Splits',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Splits deze uitgave',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Splits deze inkomsten',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Splits deze overboeking',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'Je kan transactie #:id met omschrijving ":description" niet splitsen, want deze bevat meerdere bronrekeningen.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'Je kan transactie #:id met omschrijving ":description" niet wijzigen, want deze bevat meerdere doelrekeningen.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'Je hebt geen geldige transacties geselecteerd.',
// import
'configuration_file_help' => 'Als je eerder gegevens hebt geïmporteerd in Firefly III, heb je wellicht een configuratiebestand, dat een aantal zaken alvast voor je kan instellen. Voor bepaalde banken hebben andere gebruikers uit de liefde van hun hart het benodigde <a href="">configuratiebestand</a> gedeeld.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (kommagescheiden waardes)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Selecteer het type bestand dat je zal uploaden',
'import_start' => 'Start importeren',
'configure_import' => 'Verder configureren van je import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'De configuratie voltooien',
'settings_for_import' => 'Instellingen',
'import_status' => 'Importstatus',
'import_status_text' => 'De import is bezig of start over een momentje.',
'import_complete' => 'Configureren van import is klaar!',
'import_complete_text' => 'De import kan beginnen. Alle configuratie is opgeslagen. Download dit bestand. Het kan schelen als je de import opnieuw moet doen. Om daadwerkelijk te beginnen, gebruik je of het commando in je console, of de website. Afhankelijk van hoe je Firefly III hebt ingesteld, geeft de console-methode meer feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download importconfiguratie',
'import_start_import' => 'Import starten',
'import_intro_beta' => 'De importfunctie van Firefly III is in bèta. Er zijn al veel bestanden geprobeerd, en elk individueel component zou moeten werken. Gecombineerd echter, kan er wat stuk gaan. Als jouw bestand problemen geeft, lees dan <a href="">deze wikipagina</a> zodat ik eventuele bugs kan fixen.',
'import_data' => 'Importeer data',
'import_data_full' => 'Gegevens importeren in Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'Vanaf deze pagina kan je gegevens importeren in Firefly III. Exporteer ze eerst vanuit je internetbankieren of financiële software. Upload dat bestandje hier. Firefly III zal de transacties omzetten. Je zult wel wat hints moeten geven. Selecteer alsjeblieft een bestand en volg de instructies.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Importconfiguratie',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Waarschuwing',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'Zoals je wel zult ontdekken heeft de import-routine veel opties. Deze opties verschillen voornamelijk per bank (of softwarepakket). Grote kans dat iemand anders je al voor was en zijn of haar <em>configuratiebestand</em> heeft gedeeld. Kijk vlug op de <strong><a href="">configuratiebestand-wiki</a></strong> of er al een bestand is voor jouw bank (of softwarepakket). Als die er is, download dit bestand dan en selecteer deze. Het kan veel tijd schelen!',
'import_file_help' => 'Selecteer je bestand',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'De import is klaar om te beginnen.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'Het importeren is voltooid.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'Het importeren is nu bezig. Een momentje geduld.',
'import_status_header' => 'Importstatus en voortgang',
'import_status_errors' => 'Importfouten (Engels)',
'import_status_report' => 'Importrapport',
'import_finished' => 'Het importeren is voltooid',
'import_error_single' => 'Er trad een fout op tijdens het importeren.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Er traden fouten op tijdens het importeren.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'Er was een fout tijdens het importeren. Bekijk ook de logbestanden. De error lijkt:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'Het importeren lijkt een \'time-out\' te hebben en is wellicht gestopt. Als deze fout blijft voorkomen, gebruik dan het console commando.',
'import_double' => 'Rij: #:row: Deze rij is al geimporteerd en is opgeslagen als <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'Het importeren is voltooid. Hieronder zie je de resultaten.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import met code \':key\'',
'configuration_file_help' => 'Als je eerder gegevens hebt geïmporteerd in Firefly III, heb je wellicht een configuratiebestand, dat een aantal zaken alvast voor je kan instellen. Voor bepaalde banken hebben andere gebruikers uit de liefde van hun hart het benodigde <a href="">configuratiebestand</a> gedeeld.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (kommagescheiden waardes)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Selecteer het type bestand dat je zal uploaden',
'import_start' => 'Start importeren',
'configure_import' => 'Verder configureren van je import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'De configuratie voltooien',
'settings_for_import' => 'Instellingen',
'import_status' => 'Importstatus',
'import_status_text' => 'De import is bezig of start over een momentje.',
'import_complete' => 'Configureren van import is klaar!',
'import_complete_text' => 'De import kan beginnen. Alle configuratie is opgeslagen. Download dit bestand. Het kan schelen als je de import opnieuw moet doen. Om daadwerkelijk te beginnen, gebruik je of het commando in je console, of de website. Afhankelijk van hoe je Firefly III hebt ingesteld, geeft de console-methode meer feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download importconfiguratie',
'import_start_import' => 'Import starten',
'import_intro_beta' => 'De importfunctie van Firefly III is in bèta. Er zijn al veel bestanden geprobeerd, en elk individueel component zou moeten werken. Gecombineerd echter, kan er wat stuk gaan. Als jouw bestand problemen geeft, lees dan <a href="">deze wikipagina</a> zodat ik eventuele bugs kan fixen.',
'import_data' => 'Importeer data',
'import_data_full' => 'Gegevens importeren in Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'Vanaf deze pagina kan je gegevens importeren in Firefly III. Exporteer ze eerst vanuit je internetbankieren of financiële software. Upload dat bestandje hier. Firefly III zal de transacties omzetten. Je zult wel wat hints moeten geven. Selecteer alsjeblieft een bestand en volg de instructies.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Importconfiguratie',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Waarschuwing',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'Zoals je wel zult ontdekken heeft de import-routine veel opties. Deze opties verschillen voornamelijk per bank (of softwarepakket). Grote kans dat iemand anders je al voor was en zijn of haar <em>configuratiebestand</em> heeft gedeeld. Kijk vlug op de <strong><a href="">configuratiebestand-wiki</a></strong> of er al een bestand is voor jouw bank (of softwarepakket). Als die er is, download dit bestand dan en selecteer deze. Het kan veel tijd schelen!',
'import_file_help' => 'Selecteer je bestand',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'De import is klaar om te beginnen.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'Het importeren is voltooid.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'Het importeren is nu bezig. Een momentje geduld.',
'import_status_header' => 'Importstatus en voortgang',
'import_status_errors' => 'Importfouten (Engels)',
'import_status_report' => 'Importrapport',
'import_finished' => 'Het importeren is voltooid',
'import_error_single' => 'Er trad een fout op tijdens het importeren.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Er traden fouten op tijdens het importeren.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'Er was een fout tijdens het importeren. Bekijk ook de logbestanden. De error lijkt:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'Het importeren lijkt een \'time-out\' te hebben en is wellicht gestopt. Als deze fout blijft voorkomen, gebruik dan het console commando.',
'import_double' => 'Rij: #:row: Deze rij is al geimporteerd en is opgeslagen als <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'Het importeren is voltooid. Hieronder zie je de resultaten.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import met code \':key\'',
'import_share_configuration' => 'Overweeg om je configuratiebestand te downloaden en te delen op de <strong><a href="">configuratiebestand-wiki</a></strong>. Hiermee kan je het andere Firefly III gebruikers weer makkelijker maken.',

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ return [
'asset_destination_account' => 'Betaalrekening (doel)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Betaalrekening (bron)',
'journal_description' => 'Omschrijving',
'note' => 'Notities',
'split_journal' => 'Splits deze transactie',
'split_journal_explanation' => 'Splits deze transactie in meerdere stukken',
'currency' => 'Valuta',

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return [
'matchedOn' => 'Wordt herkend',
'matchesOn' => 'Wordt herkend',
'account_type' => 'Accounttype',
'created_at' => 'Gemaakt op',
'new_balance' => 'Nieuw saldo',
'account' => 'Rekening',
'matchingAmount' => 'Bedrag',
@ -71,4 +72,17 @@ return [
'blocked_code' => 'Reden voor blokkade',
'domain' => 'Domein',
'registration_attempts' => 'Registratiepogingen',
'source_account' => 'Bronrekening',
'destination_account' => 'Doelrekening',
'accounts_count' => 'Aantal rekeningen',
'journals_count' => 'Aantal transacties',
'attachments_count' => 'Aantal bijlagen',
'bills_count' => 'Aantal contracten',
'categories_count' => 'Aantal categorieën',
'export_jobs_count' => 'Aantal export-jobs',
'import_jobs_count' => 'Aantal import-jobs',
'budget_count' => 'Aantal budgetten',
'rule_and_groups_count' => 'Aantal regels en regelgroepen',
'tags_count' => 'Aantal tags',

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ return [
'no_budget_pointer' => 'Parece que não há orçamentos ainda. Você deve criar alguns na página <a href="/budgets">orçamentos</a>. Orçamentos podem ajudá-lo a manter o controle de despesas.',
'source_accounts' => 'Conta(s) de origem',
'destination_accounts' => 'Conta(s) de destino',
'user_id_is' => 'Your user id is <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => 'This field supports <a href="">Markdown</a>.',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mensal',
@ -273,6 +275,14 @@ return [
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_will_disable' => '(isso também irá desativar a autenticação de duas etapas)',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Salvar definições',
'saved_preferences' => 'Preferências salvas!',
'preferences_general' => 'General',
'preferences_frontpage' => 'Home screen',
'preferences_security' => 'Security',
'preferences_layout' => 'Layout',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Show deposits on the home screen',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Yes, show them',
'successful_count' => 'of which :count successful',
'transaction_page_size_title' => 'Tamanho da página',
'transaction_page_size_help' => 'Qualquer lista de transações mostra, no máximo, muitas transações',
'transaction_page_size_label' => 'Tamanho da página',
@ -661,146 +671,158 @@ return [
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Adicionar dinheiro ao cofrinho ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Retire o dinheiro do cofrinho ":name"',
'add' => 'Adicionar',
'remove' => 'Remover',
'max_amount_add' => 'É a quantidade máxima que você pode adicionar é',
'max_amount_remove' => 'É a quantidade máxima que você pode remover é',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Atualizar cofrinho',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Atualizar cofrinho ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Cofrinho ":name" atualizado',
'details' => 'Detalhes',
'events' => 'Eventos',
'target_amount' => 'Valor alvo',
'start_date' => 'Data de Início',
'target_date' => 'Data Alvo',
'no_target_date' => 'Nenhum data',
'todo' => 'A fazer',
'table' => 'Tabela',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Cofrinho não existe mais.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Adicionar dinheiro a este cofrinho para atingir sua meta de :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Adicionar :amount para encher este cofrinho em :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Apagar cofrinho ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Não foi possível adicionar :amount a ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Apagar cofrinho ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Adicionado :amount de ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removido :amount de ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Não foi possível remover :amount de ":name".',
'remove' => 'Remover',
'max_amount_add' => 'É a quantidade máxima que você pode adicionar é',
'max_amount_remove' => 'É a quantidade máxima que você pode remover é',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Atualizar cofrinho',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Atualizar cofrinho ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Cofrinho ":name" atualizado',
'details' => 'Detalhes',
'events' => 'Eventos',
'target_amount' => 'Valor alvo',
'start_date' => 'Data de Início',
'target_date' => 'Data Alvo',
'no_target_date' => 'Nenhum data',
'todo' => 'A fazer',
'table' => 'Tabela',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Cofrinho não existe mais.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Adicionar dinheiro a este cofrinho para atingir sua meta de :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Adicionar :amount para encher este cofrinho em :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Apagar cofrinho ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Não foi possível adicionar :amount a ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Apagar cofrinho ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Adicionado :amount de ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removido :amount de ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Não foi possível remover :amount de ":name".',
// tags
'regular_tag' => 'Apenas uma tag regular.',
'balancing_act' => 'A tag leva no máximo duas transações; um gasto e uma transferência. Eles vão equilibrar um ao outro.',
'advance_payment' => 'A tag aceita uma despesa e qualquer número de depósitos destinados para pagar a despesa original.',
'delete_tag' => 'Apagar tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Apagar tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Fazer nova tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Editar tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Tag atualizada ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" foi criada!',
'no_year' => 'Nenhum ano definido',
'no_month' => 'Nenhum mês definido',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Tags padrões',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Saldo das tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Tags de pagamento do adiantamento',
'tags_introduction' => 'Geralmente tags são palavras singulares, projetadas para rapidamente agrupar itens usando coisas como <span class="label label-info">caro</span>, <span class="label label-info">conta</span> ou <span class="label label-info">para a festa</span>. Em Firefly III, tags podem ter propriedades mais como uma data, descrição e localização. Isso permite que você una as operações de uma forma mais significativa. Por exemplo, você poderia fazer uma tag chamada <span class="label label-success">ceia de Natal com amigos</span> e adicionar informações sobre o restaurante. Tais tags são "singulares", só use-as para uma ocasião única, talvez com várias transações.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags agrupam transações, que torna possível armazenar os reembolsos (no caso você empreste dinheiro para os outros) e outros "balancetes" onde as despesas são somadas (os pagamentos na sua TV nova) ou onde as despesas e depósitos estão anulando uns aos outros (compra algo com dinheiro guardado). Isso é tudo para você. Usando tags à moda antiga claro é sempre possível.',
'tags_start' => 'Crie uma tag para começar ou insira tags ao criar novas transações.',
'regular_tag' => 'Apenas uma tag regular.',
'balancing_act' => 'A tag leva no máximo duas transações; um gasto e uma transferência. Eles vão equilibrar um ao outro.',
'advance_payment' => 'A tag aceita uma despesa e qualquer número de depósitos destinados para pagar a despesa original.',
'delete_tag' => 'Apagar tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Apagar tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Fazer nova tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Editar tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Tag atualizada ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" foi criada!',
'no_year' => 'Nenhum ano definido',
'no_month' => 'Nenhum mês definido',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Tags padrões',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Saldo das tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Tags de pagamento do adiantamento',
'tags_introduction' => 'Geralmente tags são palavras singulares, projetadas para rapidamente agrupar itens usando coisas como <span class="label label-info">caro</span>, <span class="label label-info">conta</span> ou <span class="label label-info">para a festa</span>. Em Firefly III, tags podem ter propriedades mais como uma data, descrição e localização. Isso permite que você una as operações de uma forma mais significativa. Por exemplo, você poderia fazer uma tag chamada <span class="label label-success">ceia de Natal com amigos</span> e adicionar informações sobre o restaurante. Tais tags são "singulares", só use-as para uma ocasião única, talvez com várias transações.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags agrupam transações, que torna possível armazenar os reembolsos (no caso você empreste dinheiro para os outros) e outros "balancetes" onde as despesas são somadas (os pagamentos na sua TV nova) ou onde as despesas e depósitos estão anulando uns aos outros (compra algo com dinheiro guardado). Isso é tudo para você. Usando tags à moda antiga claro é sempre possível.',
'tags_start' => 'Crie uma tag para começar ou insira tags ao criar novas transações.',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaction information',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Meta information',
'total_amount' => 'Total amount',
// administration
'administration' => 'Administração',
'user_administration' => 'Administração de usuários',
'list_all_users' => 'Todos os usuários',
'all_users' => 'Todos os usuários',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'Todos domínios bloqueados',
'blocked_domains' => 'Domínios bloqueados',
'no_domains_banned' => 'Não há domínios bloqueados',
'all_user_domains' => 'Todos os domínios de e-mail do usuário',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'Esta lista não inclui domínios já bloqueados.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domínio :domain está bloqueado',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domínio :domain está desbloqueado',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Bloquear um domínio manualmente',
'block_domain' => 'Bloquear domínio',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'Nenhum domínio preenchido',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domínio :domain já está bloqueado',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domínio :domain está bloqueado',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'administration' => 'Administração',
'user_administration' => 'Administração de usuários',
'list_all_users' => 'Todos os usuários',
'all_users' => 'Todos os usuários',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'Todos domínios bloqueados',
'blocked_domains' => 'Domínios bloqueados',
'no_domains_banned' => 'Não há domínios bloqueados',
'all_user_domains' => 'Todos os domínios de e-mail do usuário',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'Esta lista não inclui domínios já bloqueados.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domínio :domain está bloqueado',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domínio :domain está desbloqueado',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Bloquear um domínio manualmente',
'block_domain' => 'Bloquear domínio',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'Nenhum domínio preenchido',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domínio :domain já está bloqueado',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domínio :domain está bloqueado',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'single_user_administration' => 'User administration for :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'user_data_information' => 'User data',
'user_information' => 'User information',
'total_size' => 'total size',
'budget_or_budgets' => 'budget(s)',
'budgets_with_limits' => 'budget(s) with configured amount',
'rule_or_rules' => 'rule(s)',
'rulegroup_or_groups' => 'rule group(s)',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Dados de transação',
'transaction_dates' => 'Data de transação',
'splits' => 'Divide-se',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Dividir sua nova retirada',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly suporta a "divisão" de uma retirada.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'Isso significa que a quantidade de dinheiro que você gastou será dividida entre várias contas de despesas do destino, orçamentos ou categorias.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'Por exemplo: você pode dividir seu :total de mantimentos de modo que você pague :split_one de seu orçamento diário de mantimentos e :split_two do seu orçamento para "cigarros".',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Dividi sua retirada em tantas coisas quanto quiser. Por padrão, a transação não será dividida, há apenas uma entrada. Adicione muitas divisões como desejar, abaixo. Lembre-se de que você não deve se desviar do seu montante total. Se o fizeres, Firefly irá avisá-lo mas não corrigirá.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Armazenar retirada dividida',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Atualização de retirada dividida',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Dividir seu novo depósito',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly suporta a "divisão" de um depósito.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'Isso significa que a quantidade de dinheiro que você ganhou será dividida entre várias contas de receitas de fonte ou categorias.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'Por exemplo: você pode dividir seu :total salário para que você obtenha :split_one como seu salário-base e :split_two como um reembolso para alguma despesa.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Dividi seu depósito em tantas coisas quanto quiser. Por padrão, a transação não será dividida, há apenas uma entrada. Adicione muitas divisões como desejar, abaixo. Lembre-se de que você não deve se desviar do seu montante total. Se o fizeres, Firefly irá avisá-lo mas não corrigirá.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Armazenar depósito dividido',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Dividir sua nova transferência',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly suporta a "divisão" de uma transferência.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'Isso significa que a quantidade de dinheiro que você está movendo será dividida entre várias categorias ou cofrinhos.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'Por exemplo: você pode dividir sua movimentação :total , para que você obtenha :split_one em um cofrinho e :split_two em outro.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Dividi sua transferência em tantas coisas quanto quiser. Por padrão, a transação não será dividida, há apenas uma entrada. Adicione muitas divisões como desejar, abaixo. Lembre-se de que você não deve se desviar do seu montante total. Se o fizeres, Firefly irá avisá-lo mas não corrigirá.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Armazenar transferência dividida',
'add_another_split' => 'Adicionar outra divisão',
'split-transactions' => 'Dividir transações',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Dividir uma nova transação',
'do_split' => 'Fazer uma divisão',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Dividir esta retirada',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Dividir este depósito',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Dividir essa transferência',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'Você não pode editar transações parceladas #:id com a descrição ":description" porque ele contém várias contas de origem.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'Você não pode editar transações parceladas #:id com a descrição ":description" porque ele contém várias contas de destino.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'Você não selecionou nenhuma transação válida para editar.',
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Dados de transação',
'transaction_dates' => 'Data de transação',
'splits' => 'Divide-se',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Dividir sua nova retirada',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly suporta a "divisão" de uma retirada.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'Isso significa que a quantidade de dinheiro que você gastou será dividida entre várias contas de despesas do destino, orçamentos ou categorias.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'Por exemplo: você pode dividir seu :total de mantimentos de modo que você pague :split_one de seu orçamento diário de mantimentos e :split_two do seu orçamento para "cigarros".',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Dividi sua retirada em tantas coisas quanto quiser. Por padrão, a transação não será dividida, há apenas uma entrada. Adicione muitas divisões como desejar, abaixo. Lembre-se de que você não deve se desviar do seu montante total. Se o fizeres, Firefly irá avisá-lo mas não corrigirá.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Armazenar retirada dividida',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Atualização de retirada dividida',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Dividir seu novo depósito',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly suporta a "divisão" de um depósito.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'Isso significa que a quantidade de dinheiro que você ganhou será dividida entre várias contas de receitas de fonte ou categorias.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'Por exemplo: você pode dividir seu :total salário para que você obtenha :split_one como seu salário-base e :split_two como um reembolso para alguma despesa.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Dividi seu depósito em tantas coisas quanto quiser. Por padrão, a transação não será dividida, há apenas uma entrada. Adicione muitas divisões como desejar, abaixo. Lembre-se de que você não deve se desviar do seu montante total. Se o fizeres, Firefly irá avisá-lo mas não corrigirá.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Armazenar depósito dividido',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Dividir sua nova transferência',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly suporta a "divisão" de uma transferência.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'Isso significa que a quantidade de dinheiro que você está movendo será dividida entre várias categorias ou cofrinhos.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'Por exemplo: você pode dividir sua movimentação :total , para que você obtenha :split_one em um cofrinho e :split_two em outro.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Dividi sua transferência em tantas coisas quanto quiser. Por padrão, a transação não será dividida, há apenas uma entrada. Adicione muitas divisões como desejar, abaixo. Lembre-se de que você não deve se desviar do seu montante total. Se o fizeres, Firefly irá avisá-lo mas não corrigirá.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Armazenar transferência dividida',
'add_another_split' => 'Adicionar outra divisão',
'split-transactions' => 'Dividir transações',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Dividir uma nova transação',
'do_split' => 'Fazer uma divisão',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Dividir esta retirada',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Dividir este depósito',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Dividir essa transferência',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'Você não pode editar transações parceladas #:id com a descrição ":description" porque ele contém várias contas de origem.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'Você não pode editar transações parceladas #:id com a descrição ":description" porque ele contém várias contas de destino.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'Você não selecionou nenhuma transação válida para editar.',
// import
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (valores separados por vírgula)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Selecione o tipo de arquivo que você fará o upload',
'import_start' => 'Iniciar a importação',
'configure_import' => 'Além disso, configure sua importação',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Terminar configuração',
'settings_for_import' => 'Preferências',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Configuração de importação completa!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download da configuração',
'import_start_import' => 'Iniciar importação',
'import_intro_beta' => 'A função de importação do Firefly III está em beta. Muitos usuários do Firefly III têm tentado diferentes arquivos. Embora cada componente individual desta rotina de importação funcione (realmente), a combinação pode quebrar. Se seu arquivo não puder ser importado pelo Firefly, por favor leia <a href="">esta página da wiki</a> para resolver o problema que temos para executar.',
'import_data' => 'Importar dados',
'import_data_full' => 'Importar dados para o Firefly III',
'import' => 'Importar',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Selecione seu arquivo',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (valores separados por vírgula)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Selecione o tipo de arquivo que você fará o upload',
'import_start' => 'Iniciar a importação',
'configure_import' => 'Além disso, configure sua importação',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Terminar configuração',
'settings_for_import' => 'Preferências',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Configuração de importação completa!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download da configuração',
'import_start_import' => 'Iniciar importação',
'import_intro_beta' => 'A função de importação do Firefly III está em beta. Muitos usuários do Firefly III têm tentado diferentes arquivos. Embora cada componente individual desta rotina de importação funcione (realmente), a combinação pode quebrar. Se seu arquivo não puder ser importado pelo Firefly, por favor leia <a href="">esta página da wiki</a> para resolver o problema que temos para executar.',
'import_data' => 'Importar dados',
'import_data_full' => 'Importar dados para o Firefly III',
'import' => 'Importar',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Selecione seu arquivo',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'import_share_configuration' => 'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ return [
'asset_destination_account' => 'Conta de ativo (destino)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Conta de ativo (fonte)',
'journal_description' => 'Descrição',
'note' => 'Notes',
'split_journal' => 'Dividir essa transação',
'split_journal_explanation' => 'Dividir essa transação em várias partes',
'currency' => 'Moeda',

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return [
'matchedOn' => 'Coincide',
'matchesOn' => 'Correspondido em',
'account_type' => 'Tipo de conta',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'new_balance' => 'Novo saldo',
'account' => 'Conta',
'matchingAmount' => 'Total',
@ -71,4 +72,17 @@ return [
'blocked_code' => 'Bloco de código',
'domain' => 'Domínio',
'registration_attempts' => 'Tentativas de registo',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'accounts_count' => 'Number of accounts',
'journals_count' => 'Number of journals',
'attachments_count' => 'Number of attachments',
'bills_count' => 'Number of bills',
'categories_count' => 'Number of categories',
'export_jobs_count' => 'Number of export jobs',
'import_jobs_count' => 'Number of import jobs',
'budget_count' => 'Number of budgets',
'rule_and_groups_count' => 'Number of rules and rule groups',
'tags_count' => 'Number of tags',

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ return [
'no_budget_pointer' => 'You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href="/budgets">budgets</a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.',
'source_accounts' => 'Source account(s)',
'destination_accounts' => 'Destination account(s)',
'user_id_is' => 'Your user id is <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => 'This field supports <a href="">Markdown</a>.',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'monthly',
@ -273,6 +275,14 @@ return [
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_will_disable' => '(this will also disable two-factor authentication)',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Save settings',
'saved_preferences' => 'Preferences saved!',
'preferences_general' => 'General',
'preferences_frontpage' => 'Home screen',
'preferences_security' => 'Security',
'preferences_layout' => 'Layout',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Show deposits on the home screen',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Yes, show them',
'successful_count' => 'of which :count successful',
'transaction_page_size_title' => 'Page size',
'transaction_page_size_help' => 'Any list of transactions shows at most this many transactions',
'transaction_page_size_label' => 'Page size',
@ -661,146 +671,158 @@ return [
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Add money to piggy bank ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Remove money from piggy bank ":name"',
'add' => 'Add',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Events',
'target_amount' => 'Target amount',
'start_date' => 'Start date',
'target_date' => 'Target date',
'no_target_date' => 'No target date',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Deleted piggy bank ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Events',
'target_amount' => 'Target amount',
'start_date' => 'Start date',
'target_date' => 'Target date',
'no_target_date' => 'No target date',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Deleted piggy bank ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
// tags
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'The tag takes at most two transactions; an expense and a transfer. They\'ll balance each other out.',
'advance_payment' => 'The tag accepts one expense and any number of deposits aimed to repay the original expense.',
'delete_tag' => 'Delete tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Deleted tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Make new tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Default tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Advance payment tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'Usually tags are singular words, designed to quickly band items together using things like <span class="label label-info">expensive</span>, <span class="label label-info">bill</span> or <span class="label label-info">for-party</span>. In Firefly III, tags can have more properties such as a date, description and location. This allows you to join transactions together in a more meaningful way. For example, you could make a tag called <span class="label label-success"> Christmas dinner with friends</span> and add information about the restaurant. Such tags are "singular", you would only use them for a single occasion, perhaps with multiple transactions.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'The tag takes at most two transactions; an expense and a transfer. They\'ll balance each other out.',
'advance_payment' => 'The tag accepts one expense and any number of deposits aimed to repay the original expense.',
'delete_tag' => 'Delete tag ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Deleted tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Make new tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Default tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Advance payment tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'Usually tags are singular words, designed to quickly band items together using things like <span class="label label-info">expensive</span>, <span class="label label-info">bill</span> or <span class="label label-info">for-party</span>. In Firefly III, tags can have more properties such as a date, description and location. This allows you to join transactions together in a more meaningful way. For example, you could make a tag called <span class="label label-success"> Christmas dinner with friends</span> and add information about the restaurant. Such tags are "singular", you would only use them for a single occasion, perhaps with multiple transactions.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaction information',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Meta information',
'total_amount' => 'Total amount',
// administration
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'User administration',
'list_all_users' => 'All users',
'all_users' => 'All users',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'User administration',
'list_all_users' => 'All users',
'all_users' => 'All users',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'single_user_administration' => 'User administration for :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'user_data_information' => 'User data',
'user_information' => 'User information',
'total_size' => 'total size',
'budget_or_budgets' => 'budget(s)',
'budgets_with_limits' => 'budget(s) with configured amount',
'rule_or_rules' => 'rule(s)',
'rulegroup_or_groups' => 'rule group(s)',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates',
'splits' => 'Splits',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates',
'splits' => 'Splits',
'split_title_withdrawal' => 'Split your new withdrawal',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a withdrawal.',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => 'For example: you could split your :total groceries so you pay :split_one from your "daily groceries" budget and :split_two from your "cigarettes" budget.',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
// import
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => 'Start the import',
'configure_import' => 'Further configure your import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Import configuration complete!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => 'Start import',
'import_intro_beta' => 'The import function of Firefly III is in beta. Many users of Firefly III have tried many different files. Although each individual compontent of this import routine works (really), the combination might break. If your file cannot be imported by Firefly, please read <a href="">this wiki page</a> so I can fix the problem you have run into.',
'import_data' => 'Import data',
'import_data_full' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => 'Start the import',
'configure_import' => 'Further configure your import',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => 'Import status',
'import_status_text' => 'The import is currently running, or will start momentarily.',
'import_complete' => 'Import configuration complete!',
'import_complete_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => 'Start import',
'import_intro_beta' => 'The import function of Firefly III is in beta. Many users of Firefly III have tried many different files. Although each individual compontent of this import routine works (really), the combination might break. If your file cannot be imported by Firefly, please read <a href="">this wiki page</a> so I can fix the problem you have run into.',
'import_data' => 'Import data',
'import_data_full' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_finished' => 'Import has finished',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'The import seems to have timed out. If this error persists, please import your data using the console command.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
'import_finished_all' => 'The import has finished. Please check out the results below.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'import_share_configuration' => 'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ return [
'asset_destination_account' => 'Asset account (destination)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Asset account (source)',
'journal_description' => 'Description',
'note' => 'Notes',
'split_journal' => 'Split this transaction',
'split_journal_explanation' => 'Split this transaction in multiple parts',
'currency' => 'Currency',

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return [
'matchedOn' => 'Matched on',
'matchesOn' => 'Matched on',
'account_type' => 'Account type',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'new_balance' => 'New balance',
'account' => 'Account',
'matchingAmount' => 'Amount',
@ -71,4 +72,17 @@ return [
'blocked_code' => 'Block code',
'domain' => 'Domain',
'registration_attempts' => 'Registration attempts',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'accounts_count' => 'Number of accounts',
'journals_count' => 'Number of journals',
'attachments_count' => 'Number of attachments',
'bills_count' => 'Number of bills',
'categories_count' => 'Number of categories',
'export_jobs_count' => 'Number of export jobs',
'import_jobs_count' => 'Number of import jobs',
'budget_count' => 'Number of budgets',
'rule_and_groups_count' => 'Number of rules and rule groups',
'tags_count' => 'Number of tags',

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ return [
'no_budget_pointer' => '你還沒有預算。你可以在<a href="/budgets">預算</a>頁來建立預算。預算可以幫助你跟蹤支出情況。',
'source_accounts' => '來源帳戶',
'destination_accounts' => '目標帳戶',
'user_id_is' => 'Your user id is <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => 'This field supports <a href="">Markdown</a>.',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_monthly' => '每月',
@ -273,6 +275,14 @@ return [
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_will_disable' => '(這也會禁用雙重身份驗證)',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Save settings',
'saved_preferences' => 'Preferences saved!',
'preferences_general' => 'General',
'preferences_frontpage' => 'Home screen',
'preferences_security' => 'Security',
'preferences_layout' => 'Layout',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Show deposits on the home screen',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Yes, show them',
'successful_count' => 'of which :count successful',
'transaction_page_size_title' => 'Page size',
'transaction_page_size_help' => 'Any list of transactions shows at most this many transactions',
'transaction_page_size_label' => 'Page size',
@ -661,146 +671,158 @@ return [
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Add money to piggy bank ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Remove money from piggy bank ":name"',
'add' => 'Add',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Events',
'target_amount' => 'Target amount',
'start_date' => 'Start date',
'target_date' => '儲蓄目標日期',
'no_target_date' => '沒有儲蓄目標日期',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Deleted piggy bank ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Details',
'events' => 'Events',
'target_amount' => 'Target amount',
'start_date' => 'Start date',
'target_date' => '儲蓄目標日期',
'no_target_date' => '沒有儲蓄目標日期',
'todo' => 'to do',
'table' => 'Table',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Deleted piggy bank ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"',
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".',
// tags
'regular_tag' => '只是一個普通的標籤。',
'balancing_act' => '這標籤最多會有兩項交易:一個支出和一個轉帳,而他們會互相抵消。',
'advance_payment' => '這種標籤容許一個支出和多個存款以抵銷原本的支出。',
'delete_tag' => '刪除標籤 ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => '刪除了標籤 ":tag"',
'new_tag' => '建立新標籤',
'edit_tag' => '編輯標籤 ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => '更新了標籤 ":tag"',
'created_tag' => '成功創建標籤 ":tag" ',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => '預設標籤',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => '抵銷行為標籤',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => '預付款標籤',
'tags_introduction' => '標籤通常是一些方便分類的短語,例如 <span class="label label-info">很貴</span> <span class="label label-info">賬單</span> 或者 <span class="label label-info">派對用品</span>。 在 Firefly III 裡,標籤可以有不同的屬性,例如日期、描述、或位置。這能方便你更有意義地把交易分類。例如,你可以建立一個 <span class="label label-success">與朋友一起吃聖誕大餐</span>的標籤,並加上餐廳的資訊。這類的標籤標籤是 「即棄」 的,你只會在一次事件中使用它,而標籤可能有多個交易。',
'tags_group' => '標籤可以把交易進行分組,容許你記錄報銷(你為其他人墊支),或者其他「抵銷行為」——例如分期付款(買電視機的時候),或者支出和收入會互相抵銷(以儲蓄買東西)的交易。當然,你也可以建立普通的標籤,隨你喜歡。',
'tags_start' => '要開始使用,請新增標籤或在建立新交易紀錄時輸入標籤。',
'regular_tag' => '只是一個普通的標籤。',
'balancing_act' => '這標籤最多會有兩項交易:一個支出和一個轉帳,而他們會互相抵消。',
'advance_payment' => '這種標籤容許一個支出和多個存款以抵銷原本的支出。',
'delete_tag' => '刪除標籤 ":tag"',
'deleted_tag' => '刪除了標籤 ":tag"',
'new_tag' => '建立新標籤',
'edit_tag' => '編輯標籤 ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => '更新了標籤 ":tag"',
'created_tag' => '成功創建標籤 ":tag" ',
'no_year' => 'No year set',
'no_month' => 'No month set',
'tag_title_nothing' => '預設標籤',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => '抵銷行為標籤',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => '預付款標籤',
'tags_introduction' => '標籤通常是一些方便分類的短語,例如 <span class="label label-info">很貴</span> <span class="label label-info">賬單</span> 或者 <span class="label label-info">派對用品</span>。 在 Firefly III 裡,標籤可以有不同的屬性,例如日期、描述、或位置。這能方便你更有意義地把交易分類。例如,你可以建立一個 <span class="label label-success">與朋友一起吃聖誕大餐</span>的標籤,並加上餐廳的資訊。這類的標籤標籤是 「即棄」 的,你只會在一次事件中使用它,而標籤可能有多個交易。',
'tags_group' => '標籤可以把交易進行分組,容許你記錄報銷(你為其他人墊支),或者其他「抵銷行為」——例如分期付款(買電視機的時候),或者支出和收入會互相抵銷(以儲蓄買東西)的交易。當然,你也可以建立普通的標籤,隨你喜歡。',
'tags_start' => '要開始使用,請新增標籤或在建立新交易紀錄時輸入標籤。',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaction information',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Meta information',
'total_amount' => 'Total amount',
// administration
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'User administration',
'list_all_users' => 'All users',
'all_users' => 'All users',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'administration' => 'Administration',
'user_administration' => 'User administration',
'list_all_users' => 'All users',
'all_users' => 'All users',
'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains',
'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains',
'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in',
'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked',
'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration',
'single_user_administration' => 'User administration for :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'user_data_information' => 'User data',
'user_information' => 'User information',
'total_size' => 'total size',
'budget_or_budgets' => 'budget(s)',
'budgets_with_limits' => 'budget(s) with configured amount',
'rule_or_rules' => 'rule(s)',
'rulegroup_or_groups' => 'rule group(s)',
// split a transaction:
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates',
'splits' => '分割',
'split_title_withdrawal' => '分割你的新提款',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly 容許 "分割" 一個提款。',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => '例如:你可以分割你一共 :total 的日用品,所以你可以由你的「日用品」預算支付 :split_one 和由你的「香煙」預算中支付 :split_two 。',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => '你不能修改描述為 ":description" 的分割交易 #:id 因為他有多個來源帳號。',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => '你不能修改描述為 ":description" 的分割交易 #:id 因為他有多個目標帳號。',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data',
'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates',
'splits' => '分割',
'split_title_withdrawal' => '分割你的新提款',
'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly 容許 "分割" 一個提款。',
'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.',
'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => '例如:你可以分割你一共 :total 的日用品,所以你可以由你的「日用品」預算支付 :split_one 和由你的「香煙」預算中支付 :split_two 。',
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit',
'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer',
'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.',
'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.',
'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.',
'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => '你不能修改描述為 ":description" 的分割交易 #:id 因為他有多個來源帳號。',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => '你不能修改描述為 ":description" 的分割交易 #:id 因為他有多個目標帳號。',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
// import
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => '開始匯入',
'configure_import' => '進一步調整匯入設定',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => '匯入狀態',
'import_status_text' => '匯入正在進行中,或即將進行匯入。',
'import_complete' => '匯入設定完成!',
'import_complete_text' => '匯入程序已準備妥當。你已完成所有設定。請下載設定檔,當你的匯入出現問題時它將幫上忙。若要執行匯入程序,你可以在您的伺服器上執行以下命令,或運行網頁導入程序。根據您的配置,在伺服器上執行命令或會給你更多的資訊。',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => '開始匯入',
'import_intro_beta' => 'Firefly III 的匯入功能依然在測試階段。很多 Firefly III 的用戶已經成功使用這個功能匯入不同的檔案。儘管這個匯入功能的每個部分都能夠正常運作(我說真的),但是整個功能或者會有點問題。如果你的檔案不能匯入到 Firefly 內,請閱讀<a href="">這個維基頁面</a>,以方便我修復你所遇到的問題。',
'import_data' => '匯入資料',
'import_data_full' => '匯入資料到 Firefly III',
'import' => '匯入',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => '匯入已準備妥當,可以開始。',
'import_status_import_complete' => '匯入已完成。',
'import_status_import_running' => '匯入正在進行中。請稍候。',
'import_status_header' => '匯入狀態與進度',
'import_status_errors' => '匯入錯誤',
'import_status_report' => '匯入報告',
'import_finished' => '匯入已完成',
'import_error_single' => '匯入時發生了一個錯誤。',
'import_error_multi' => '匯入時發生了一些錯誤。',
'import_error_fatal' => '匯入時發生了一個錯誤。 請檢查紀錄檔。 錯誤好像是:',
'import_error_timeout' => '匯入程序似乎已經越時。如果這個錯誤持續,請使用伺服器命令啟動匯入程序。',
'import_double' => '行 #:row 這行曾被匯入過,並已儲存在<a href=":link">:description</a>。',
'import_finished_all' => '匯入已完成。請檢查下列的結果。',
'import_with_key' => '以鍵 \':key\' 作匯入',
'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="">configuration file</a>.',
'import_data_index' => 'Index',
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_start' => '開始匯入',
'configure_import' => '進一步調整匯入設定',
'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration',
'settings_for_import' => 'Settings',
'import_status' => '匯入狀態',
'import_status_text' => '匯入正在進行中,或即將進行匯入。',
'import_complete' => '匯入設定完成!',
'import_complete_text' => '匯入程序已準備妥當。你已完成所有設定。請下載設定檔,當你的匯入出現問題時它將幫上忙。若要執行匯入程序,你可以在您的伺服器上執行以下命令,或運行網頁導入程序。根據您的配置,在伺服器上執行命令或會給你更多的資訊。',
'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_start_import' => '開始匯入',
'import_intro_beta' => 'Firefly III 的匯入功能依然在測試階段。很多 Firefly III 的用戶已經成功使用這個功能匯入不同的檔案。儘管這個匯入功能的每個部分都能夠正常運作(我說真的),但是整個功能或者會有點問題。如果你的檔案不能匯入到 Firefly 內,請閱讀<a href="">這個維基頁面</a>,以方便我修復你所遇到的問題。',
'import_data' => '匯入資料',
'import_data_full' => '匯入資料到 Firefly III',
'import' => '匯入',
'import_intro_what_it_does' => 'This page allows you to import data into Firefly III. To do so, export data from your bank, or from another financial management system. Upload that file here. Firefly III will convert the data. You need to give it some directions. Please select a file and follow the instructions.',
'import_intro_import_conf_title' => 'Import "configuration"',
'import_intro_beta_warning' => 'Warning',
'import_intro_import_conf_text' => 'As you will discover over the next few pages, this import routine has a lot of settings. These settings are mainly dependent on the bank (or financial management software) your file comes from. There is a good chance somebody else already imported such a file and has shared their <em>configuration file</em>. Please visit the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong> to see if there already is a configuration available for your bank or system. If there is, you should download this configuration file and upload it here as well. It will save you a lot of time!',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => '匯入已準備妥當,可以開始。',
'import_status_import_complete' => '匯入已完成。',
'import_status_import_running' => '匯入正在進行中。請稍候。',
'import_status_header' => '匯入狀態與進度',
'import_status_errors' => '匯入錯誤',
'import_status_report' => '匯入報告',
'import_finished' => '匯入已完成',
'import_error_single' => '匯入時發生了一個錯誤。',
'import_error_multi' => '匯入時發生了一些錯誤。',
'import_error_fatal' => '匯入時發生了一個錯誤。 請檢查紀錄檔。 錯誤好像是:',
'import_error_timeout' => '匯入程序似乎已經越時。如果這個錯誤持續,請使用伺服器命令啟動匯入程序。',
'import_double' => '行 #:row 這行曾被匯入過,並已儲存在<a href=":link">:description</a>。',
'import_finished_all' => '匯入已完成。請檢查下列的結果。',
'import_with_key' => '以鍵 \':key\' 作匯入',
'import_share_configuration' => 'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ return [
'asset_destination_account' => '資產帳戶 (目標)',
'asset_source_account' => '資產帳戶 (來源)',
'journal_description' => '描述',
'note' => 'Notes',
'split_journal' => '分割此交易',
'split_journal_explanation' => '分割這個交易為幾個部分',
'currency' => '貨幣',

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ return [
'matchedOn' => '匹配於',
'matchesOn' => '匹配於',
'account_type' => '帳戶類型',
'created_at' => 'Created at',
'new_balance' => '新餘額',
'account' => '帳戶',
'matchingAmount' => '金額',
@ -71,4 +72,17 @@ return [
'blocked_code' => 'Block code',
'domain' => 'Domain',
'registration_attempts' => 'Registration attempts',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'accounts_count' => 'Number of accounts',
'journals_count' => 'Number of journals',
'attachments_count' => 'Number of attachments',
'bills_count' => 'Number of bills',
'categories_count' => 'Number of categories',
'export_jobs_count' => 'Number of export jobs',
'import_jobs_count' => 'Number of import jobs',
'budget_count' => 'Number of budgets',
'rule_and_groups_count' => 'Number of rules and rule groups',
'tags_count' => 'Number of tags',