mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 01:11:37 -06:00
More cleanup for budgets.
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,8 +68,10 @@ class BalanceReportHelper implements BalanceReportHelperInterface
// build a balance header:
$header = new BalanceHeader;
$budgets = new Collection;// $this->budgetRepository->getBudgetsAndLimitsInRange($start, $end); // TODO BUDGET getBudgets
$spentData = new Collection; // $this->budgetRepository->spentPerBudgetPerAccount($budgets, $accounts, $start, $end); TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriod
// new Collection;// $this->budgetRepository->getBudgetsAndLimitsInRange($start, $end); // TO DO BUDGET getBudgets
$budgets = $this->budgetRepository->getBudgets();
// new Collection; // $this->budgetRepository->spentPerBudgetPerAccount($budgets, $accounts, $start, $end); TO DO BUDGET journalsInPeriod
$spentData = $this->budgetRepository->journalsInPeriod($budgets, $accounts, $start, $end);
foreach ($accounts as $account) {
@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collection\Budget as BudgetCollection;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collection\BudgetLine;
use FireflyIII\Models\Budget;
use FireflyIII\Models\LimitRepetition;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Budget\BudgetRepositoryInterface;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Log;
* Class BudgetReportHelper
@ -38,24 +40,21 @@ class BudgetReportHelper implements BudgetReportHelperInterface
$object = new BudgetCollection;
/** @var BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository */
$repository = app(BudgetRepositoryInterface::class);
$set = $repository->getBudgets();
$allRepetitions = $repository->getAllBudgetLimitRepetitions($start, $end);
$allTotalSpent = '0'; //$repository->spentAllPerDayForAccounts($accounts, $start, $end);// TODO BUDGET MASSIVELY STUPID SPECIFIC METHOD
$repository = app(BudgetRepositoryInterface::class);
$set = $repository->getBudgets();
/** @var Budget $budget */
foreach ($set as $budget) {
$repetitions = $allRepetitions->filter(
function (LimitRepetition $rep) use ($budget) {
return $rep->budget_id == $budget->id;
$totalSpent = $allTotalSpent[$budget->id] ?? [];
Log::debug('Now at budget #' . $budget->id . ' (' . $budget->name . ')');
$repetitions = $budget->limitrepetitions()->before($end)->after($start)->get();
// no repetition(s) for this budget:
if ($repetitions->count() == 0) {
Log::debug('Found zero repetitions.');
// spent for budget in time range:
$spent = $repository->spentInPeriod(new Collection([$budget]), $accounts, $start, $end);
$spent = array_sum($totalSpent);
// $spent = array_sum($totalSpent);
if ($spent > 0) {
$budgetLine = new BudgetLine;
@ -65,18 +64,16 @@ class BudgetReportHelper implements BudgetReportHelperInterface
Log::debug('Found ' . $repetitions->count() . ' repetitions.');
// one or more repetitions for budget:
/** @var LimitRepetition $repetition */
foreach ($repetitions as $repetition) {
$budgetLine = new BudgetLine;
$expenses = $this->getSumOfRange($repetition->startdate, $repetition->enddate, $totalSpent);
// 200 en -100 is 100, vergeleken met 0 === 1
// 200 en -200 is 0, vergeleken met 0 === 0
// 200 en -300 is -100, vergeleken met 0 === -1
$expenses = $repository->spentInPeriod(new Collection([$budget]), $accounts, $repetition->startdate, $repetition->enddate);
Log::debug('Spent in p. [' . $repetition->startdate->format('Y-m-d') . '] to [' . $repetition->enddate->format('Y-m-d') . '] is ' . $expenses);
$left = bccomp(bcadd($repetition->amount, $expenses), '0') === 1 ? bcadd($repetition->amount, $expenses) : '0';
$spent = bccomp(bcadd($repetition->amount, $expenses), '0') === 1 ? $expenses : '0';
@ -98,7 +95,12 @@ class BudgetReportHelper implements BudgetReportHelperInterface
// stuff outside of budgets:
$noBudget = '0'; //$repository->getWithoutBudgetSum($accounts, $start, $end); // TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget
$outsideBudget = $repository->journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget($accounts, $start, $end);
$noBudget = '0';
/** @var TransactionJournal $journal */
foreach ($outsideBudget as $journal) {
$noBudget = bcadd($noBudget, TransactionJournal::amount($journal));
$budgetLine = new BudgetLine;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use FireflyIII\Repositories\Budget\BudgetRepositoryInterface;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Input;
use Log;
use Navigation;
use Preferences;
use Response;
@ -174,6 +175,8 @@ class BudgetController extends Controller
$periodStart = $start->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat);
$periodEnd = $end->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat);
$accounts = $accountRepository->getAccounts(['Default account', 'Asset account', 'Cash account']);
$startAsString = $start->format('Y-m-d');
$endAsString = $end->format('Y-m-d');
* Do some cleanup:
@ -183,12 +186,28 @@ class BudgetController extends Controller
// loop the budgets:
/** @var Budget $budget */
foreach ($budgets as $budget) {
$budget->spent = '0';//$repository->balanceInPeriod($budget, $start, $end, $accounts); // TODO BUDGET spentInPeriod
$budget->currentRep = new LimitRepetition(
); // $repository->getCurrentRepetition($budget, $repeatFreq, $start, $end); // TODO BUDGET getBudgetLimitRepetitions
$budget->otherRepetitions = new Collection(
);//$repository->getValidRepetitions($budget, $start, $end, $budget->currentRep); // TODO BUDGET getBudgetLimitRepetitions
if (!is_null($budget->currentRep->id)) {
$budget->spent = $repository->spentInPeriod(new Collection([$budget]), $accounts, $start, $end);
$allRepetitions = $repository->getAllBudgetLimitRepetitions($start, $end);
$otherRepetitions = new Collection;
/** @var LimitRepetition $repetition */
foreach ($allRepetitions as $repetition) {
if ($repetition->budget_id == $budget->id) {
Log::debug('Repetition #' . $repetition->id . ' with budget #' . $repetition->budget_id . ' (current = ' . $budget->id . ')');
if ($repetition->budgetLimit->repeat_freq == $repeatFreq
&& $repetition->startdate->format('Y-m-d') == $startAsString
&& $repetition->enddate->format('Y-m-d') == $endAsString
) {
// do something
$budget->currentRep = $repetition;
$budget->otherRepetitions = $otherRepetitions;
if (!is_null($budget->currentRep) && !is_null($budget->currentRep->id)) {
$budgeted = bcadd($budgeted, $budget->currentRep->amount);
$spent = bcadd($spent, $budget->spent);
@ -223,7 +242,11 @@ class BudgetController extends Controller
$page = intval(Input::get('page')) == 0 ? 1 : intval(Input::get('page'));
$pageSize = Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data;
$list = new LengthAwarePaginator([], 0, $pageSize); // $repository->getWithoutBudget($start, $end, $page, $pageSize); // TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget
$offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
$journals = $repository->journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget(new Collection, $start, $end);
$count = $journals->count();
$journals = $journals->slice($offset, $pageSize);
$list = new LengthAwarePaginator($journals, $count, $pageSize);
$subTitle = trans(
['start' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat), 'end' => $end->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat)]
@ -260,25 +283,30 @@ class BudgetController extends Controller
public function show(BudgetRepositoryInterface $repository, Budget $budget)
$pageSize = Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data;
$journals = new LengthAwarePaginator(
[], 0, $pageSize
); //$repository->getJournals($budget, new LimitRepetition, $pageSize); // TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriod
$start = new Carbon; //$repository->firstActivity($budget); // TODO BUDGET getOldestJournal
/** @var Carbon $start */
$start = session('first', Carbon::create()->startOfYear());
$end = new Carbon;
$page = intval(Input::get('page')) == 0 ? 1 : intval(Input::get('page'));
$pageSize = Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
$journals = $repository->journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget(new Collection, $start, $end);
$count = $journals->count();
$journals = $journals->slice($offset, $pageSize);
$journals = new LengthAwarePaginator($journals, $count, $pageSize);
$journals->setPath('/budgets/show/' . $budget->id);
$set = $budget->limitrepetitions()->orderBy('startdate', 'DESC')->get();
$subTitle = e($budget->name);
$journals->setPath('/budgets/show/' . $budget->id);
$spentArray = []; //$repository->spentPerDay($budget, $start, $end, new Collection); // TODO BUDGET spentInPeriod
$limits = new Collection();
$limits = new Collection();
/** @var LimitRepetition $entry */
foreach ($set as $entry) {
$entry->spent = $this->getSumOfRange($entry->startdate, $entry->enddate, $spentArray);
$entry->spent = $repository->spentInPeriod(new Collection([$budget]), new Collection, $entry->startdate, $entry->enddate);
return view('budgets.show', compact('limits', 'budget', 'repetition', 'journals', 'subTitle'));
@ -295,23 +323,24 @@ class BudgetController extends Controller
if ($repetition->budgetLimit->budget->id != $budget->id) {
throw new FireflyException('This budget limit is not part of this budget.');
$pageSize = Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data;
$journals = new LengthAwarePaginator([], 0, $pageSize); // $repository->getJournals($budget, $repetition, $pageSize); // TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriod
$start = $repetition->startdate;
$end = $repetition->enddate;
$set = new Collection([$repetition]);
$subTitle = trans('firefly.budget_in_month', ['name' => $budget->name, 'month' => $repetition->startdate->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat)]);
$page = intval(Input::get('page')) == 0 ? 1 : intval(Input::get('page'));
$pageSize = Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
$journals = $repository->journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget(new Collection, $start, $end);
$count = $journals->count();
$journals = $journals->slice($offset, $pageSize);
$journals = new LengthAwarePaginator($journals, $count, $pageSize);
$journals->setPath('/budgets/show/' . $budget->id . '/' . $repetition->id);
$spentArray = []; //$repository->spentPerDay($budget, $start, $end, new Collection); // TODO BUDGET spentInPeriod
$limits = new Collection();
/** @var LimitRepetition $entry */
foreach ($set as $entry) {
$entry->spent = $this->getSumOfRange($entry->startdate, $entry->enddate, $spentArray);
$subTitle = trans(
'firefly.budget_in_month', ['name' => $budget->name, 'month' => $repetition->startdate->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat)]
$repetition->spent = $repository->spentInPeriod(new Collection([$budget]), new Collection, $repetition->startdate, $repetition->enddate);
$limits = new Collection([$repetition]);
return view('budgets.show', compact('limits', 'budget', 'repetition', 'journals', 'subTitle'));
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ namespace FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Popup;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collection\BalanceLine;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Csv\Mapper\Budget;
use FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface;
@ -94,15 +93,17 @@ class ReportController extends Controller
switch (true) {
case ($role === BalanceLine::ROLE_DEFAULTROLE && !is_null($budget->id)):
$journals = new Collection;// $budgetRepository->expensesSplit($budget, $account, $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']);// TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriod
$journals = $budgetRepository->journalsInPeriod(
new Collection([$budget]), new Collection([$account]), $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']
case ($role === BalanceLine::ROLE_DEFAULTROLE && is_null($budget->id)):
$budget->name = strval(trans('firefly.no_budget'));
$journals = new Collection;// $budgetRepository->getAllWithoutBudget($account, $attributes['accounts'], $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']); // TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget
$journals = $budgetRepository->journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget($attributes['accounts'], $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']);
case ($role === BalanceLine::ROLE_DIFFROLE):
// journals no budget, not corrected by a tag.
$journals = new Collection; //$budgetRepository->getAllWithoutBudget($account, $attributes['accounts'], $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']); // TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget
$journals = $budgetRepository->journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget($attributes['accounts'], $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']);
$budget->name = strval(trans('firefly.leftUnbalanced'));
$journals = $journals->filter(
function (TransactionJournal $journal) {
@ -138,10 +139,10 @@ class ReportController extends Controller
$repository = app(BudgetRepositoryInterface::class);
$budget = $repository->find(intval($attributes['budgetId']));
if (is_null($budget->id)) {
$journals = new Collection;// $repository->getWithoutBudgetForAccounts($attributes['accounts'], $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']); // TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget
$journals = $repository->journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget($attributes['accounts'], $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']);
} else {
// get all expenses in budget in period:
$journals = new Collection; //$repository->getExpenses($budget, $attributes['accounts'], $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']); // TODO BUDGET journalsInPeriod
$journals = $repository->journalsInPeriod(new Collection([$budget]), $attributes['accounts'], $attributes['startDate'], $attributes['endDate']);
$view = view('popup.report.budget-spent-amount', compact('journals', 'budget'))->render();
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
<?php namespace FireflyIII\Models;
use Auth;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
@ -59,6 +61,28 @@ class LimitRepetition extends Model
return $this->belongsTo('FireflyIII\Models\BudgetLimit');
* @param Builder $query
* @param Carbon $date
public function scopeAfter(Builder $query, Carbon $date)
$query->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', '>=', $date->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
* @param Builder $query
* @param Carbon $date
public function scopeBefore(Builder $query, Carbon $date)
$query->where('limit_repetitions.enddate', '<=', $date->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
* @param $value
@ -338,6 +338,10 @@ class TransactionJournal extends TransactionJournalSupport
$join->on('transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('transactions.amount', '>', 0);
// order
$query->orderBy('transaction_journals.date', 'DESC')->orderBy('transaction_journals.order', 'ASC')->orderBy('transaction_journals.id', 'DESC');
$query->with(['categories', 'budgets', 'attachments', 'bill','transactions']);
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace FireflyIII\Repositories\Budget;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DB;
use FireflyIII\Events\BudgetLimitStored;
use FireflyIII\Events\BudgetLimitUpdated;
use FireflyIII\Models\Budget;
@ -12,21 +11,18 @@ use FireflyIII\Models\BudgetLimit;
use FireflyIII\Models\LimitRepetition;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Shared\ComponentRepository;
use FireflyIII\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder as QueryBuilder;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Input;
use Log;
* Class BudgetRepository
* @package FireflyIII\Repositories\Budget
class BudgetRepository extends ComponentRepository implements BudgetRepositoryInterface
class BudgetRepository implements BudgetRepositoryInterface
/** @var User */
private $user;
@ -445,66 +441,66 @@ class BudgetRepository extends ComponentRepository implements BudgetRepositoryIn
// }
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param string $repeatFreq
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return LimitRepetition
// */
// public function getCurrentRepetition(Budget $budget, string $repeatFreq, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): LimitRepetition
// {
// $data = $budget->limitrepetitions()
// ->where('budget_limits.repeat_freq', $repeatFreq)
// ->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('limit_repetitions.enddate', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->first(['limit_repetitions.*']);
// if (is_null($data)) {
// return new LimitRepetition;
// }
// return $data;
// }
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param string $repeatFreq
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return LimitRepetition
// */
// public function getCurrentRepetition(Budget $budget, string $repeatFreq, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): LimitRepetition
// {
// $data = $budget->limitrepetitions()
// ->where('budget_limits.repeat_freq', $repeatFreq)
// ->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('limit_repetitions.enddate', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->first(['limit_repetitions.*']);
// if (is_null($data)) {
// return new LimitRepetition;
// }
// return $data;
// }
// /**
// * Returns all expenses for the given budget and the given accounts, in the given period.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getExpenses(Budget $budget, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end):Collection
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $set = $budget->transactionjournals()
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->expanded()
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->whereIn('source_account.id', $ids)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * Returns all expenses for the given budget and the given accounts, in the given period.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getExpenses(Budget $budget, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end):Collection
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $set = $budget->transactionjournals()
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->expanded()
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->whereIn('source_account.id', $ids)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// *
// * @return Carbon
// */
// public function getFirstBudgetLimitDate(Budget $budget): Carbon
// {
// $limit = $budget->budgetlimits()->orderBy('startdate', 'ASC')->first();
// if ($limit) {
// return $limit->startdate;
// }
// return Carbon::now()->startOfYear();
// }
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// *
// * @return Carbon
// */
// public function getFirstBudgetLimitDate(Budget $budget): Carbon
// {
// $limit = $budget->budgetlimits()->orderBy('startdate', 'ASC')->first();
// if ($limit) {
// return $limit->startdate;
// }
// return Carbon::now()->startOfYear();
// }
* @return Collection
@ -523,315 +519,428 @@ class BudgetRepository extends ComponentRepository implements BudgetRepositoryIn
return $set;
// /**
// * Returns all the transaction journals for a limit, possibly limited by a limit repetition.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param LimitRepetition $repetition
// * @param int $take
// *
// * @return LengthAwarePaginator
// */
// public function getJournals(Budget $budget, LimitRepetition $repetition = null, int $take = 50): LengthAwarePaginator
// {
// $offset = intval(Input::get('page')) > 0 ? intval(Input::get('page')) * $take : 0;
// $setQuery = $budget->transactionjournals()->expanded()
// ->take($take)->offset($offset)
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.date', 'DESC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.order', 'ASC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.id', 'DESC');
// $countQuery = $budget->transactionjournals();
// if (!is_null($repetition->id)) {
// $setQuery->after($repetition->startdate)->before($repetition->enddate);
// $countQuery->after($repetition->startdate)->before($repetition->enddate);
// }
// $set = $setQuery->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// $count = $countQuery->count();
// $paginator = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, $take, $offset);
// return $paginator;
// }
// /**
// * Returns all the transaction journals for a limit, possibly limited by a limit repetition.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param LimitRepetition $repetition
// * @param int $take
// *
// * @return LengthAwarePaginator
// */
// public function getJournals(Budget $budget, LimitRepetition $repetition = null, int $take = 50): LengthAwarePaginator
// {
// $offset = intval(Input::get('page')) > 0 ? intval(Input::get('page')) * $take : 0;
// $setQuery = $budget->transactionjournals()->expanded()
// ->take($take)->offset($offset)
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.date', 'DESC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.order', 'ASC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.id', 'DESC');
// $countQuery = $budget->transactionjournals();
// if (!is_null($repetition->id)) {
// $setQuery->after($repetition->startdate)->before($repetition->enddate);
// $countQuery->after($repetition->startdate)->before($repetition->enddate);
// }
// $set = $setQuery->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// $count = $countQuery->count();
// $paginator = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, $take, $offset);
// return $paginator;
// }
// /**
// * Returns a list of budget limits that are valid in the current given range.
// * $ignore is optional. Send an empty limit rep.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param LimitRepetition $ignore
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getValidRepetitions(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, LimitRepetition $ignore) : Collection
// {
// $query = $budget->limitrepetitions()
// // starts before start time, and the end also after start time.
// ->where('limit_repetitions.enddate', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
// if (!is_null($ignore->id)) {
// $query->where('limit_repetitions.id', '!=', $ignore->id);
// }
// $data = $query->get(['limit_repetitions.*']);
// return $data;
// }
// /**
// * Returns a list of budget limits that are valid in the current given range.
// * $ignore is optional. Send an empty limit rep.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param LimitRepetition $ignore
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getValidRepetitions(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, LimitRepetition $ignore) : Collection
// {
// $query = $budget->limitrepetitions()
// // starts before start time, and the end also after start time.
// ->where('limit_repetitions.enddate', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
// if (!is_null($ignore->id)) {
// $query->where('limit_repetitions.id', '!=', $ignore->id);
// }
// $data = $query->get(['limit_repetitions.*']);
// return $data;
// }
// /**
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param int $page
// * @param int $pageSize
// *
// * @return LengthAwarePaginator
// */
// public function getWithoutBudget(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, int $page, int $pageSize = 50): LengthAwarePaginator
// {
// $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
// $query = $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('budget_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start);
// $count = $query->count();
// $set = $query->take($pageSize)->offset($offset)->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// $paginator = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, $pageSize, $page);
// return $paginator;
// }
// /**
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param int $page
// * @param int $pageSize
// *
// * @return LengthAwarePaginator
// */
// public function getWithoutBudget(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, int $page, int $pageSize = 50): LengthAwarePaginator
// {
// $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
// $query = $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('budget_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start);
// $count = $query->count();
// $set = $query->take($pageSize)->offset($offset)->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// $paginator = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, $pageSize, $page);
// return $paginator;
// }
// /**
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getWithoutBudgetForAccounts(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// return $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->whereIn('source_account.id', $ids)
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('budget_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// }
// /**
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getWithoutBudgetForAccounts(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// return $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->whereIn('source_account.id', $ids)
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('budget_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// }
// /**
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function getWithoutBudgetSum(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $entry = $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->whereNotIn(
// 'transaction_journals.id', function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($start, $end) {
// $query
// ->select('transaction_journals.id')
// ->from('transaction_journals')
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->whereNotNull('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id');
// }
// )
// ->after($start)
// ->before($end)
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// //->having('transaction_count', '=', 1) TODO check if this still works
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->first(
// [
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) as `journalAmount`'),
// DB::raw('COUNT(`transactions`.`id`) as `transaction_count`'),
// ]
// );
// if (is_null($entry)) {
// return '0';
// }
// if (is_null($entry->journalAmount)) {
// return '0';
// }
// return $entry->journalAmount;
// }
// /**
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function getWithoutBudgetSum(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $entry = $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->whereNotIn(
// 'transaction_journals.id', function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($start, $end) {
// $query
// ->select('transaction_journals.id')
// ->from('transaction_journals')
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->whereNotNull('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id');
// }
// )
// ->after($start)
// ->before($end)
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// //->having('transaction_count', '=', 1) TODO check if this still works
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->first(
// [
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) as `journalAmount`'),
// DB::raw('COUNT(`transactions`.`id`) as `transaction_count`'),
// ]
// );
// if (is_null($entry)) {
// return '0';
// }
// if (is_null($entry->journalAmount)) {
// return '0';
// }
// return $entry->journalAmount;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<array>
// *
// * That array contains:
// *
// * budgetid:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money spent using WITHDRAWALS in the $budget
// * from the given users accounts..
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function spentAllPerDayForAccounts(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): array
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// /** @var Collection $query */
// $query = $this->user->transactionJournals()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('budget_id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->get(
// ['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id',
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]
// );
// $return = [];
// foreach ($query->toArray() as $entry) {
// $budgetId = $entry['budget_id'];
// if (!isset($return[$budgetId])) {
// $return[$budgetId] = [];
// }
// $return[$budgetId][$entry['dateFormatted']] = $entry['sum'];
// }
// return $return;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<array>
// *
// * That array contains:
// *
// * budgetid:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money spent using WITHDRAWALS in the $budget
// * from the given users accounts..
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function spentAllPerDayForAccounts(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): array
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// /** @var Collection $query */
// $query = $this->user->transactionJournals()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('budget_id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->get(
// ['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id',
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]
// );
// $return = [];
// foreach ($query->toArray() as $entry) {
// $budgetId = $entry['budget_id'];
// if (!isset($return[$budgetId])) {
// $return[$budgetId] = [];
// }
// $return[$budgetId][$entry['dateFormatted']] = $entry['sum'];
// }
// return $return;
// }
// /**
// * Returns a list of expenses (in the field "spent", grouped per budget per account.
// *
// * @param Collection $budgets
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function spentPerBudgetPerAccount(Collection $budgets, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $accountIds = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $budgetIds = $budgets->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $set = $this->user->transactionjournals()
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_from', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transaction_journals.id', '=', 't_from.transaction_journal_id')->where('t_from.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_to', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transaction_journals.id', '=', 't_to.transaction_journal_id')->where('t_to.amount', '>', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->whereIn('t_from.account_id', $accountIds)
// ->whereNotIn('t_to.account_id', $accountIds)
// ->where(
// function (Builder $q) use ($budgetIds) {
// $q->whereIn('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id', $budgetIds);
// $q->orWhereNull('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id');
// }
// )
// ->after($start)
// ->before($end)
// ->groupBy('t_from.account_id')
// ->groupBy('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id')
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL, TransactionType::TRANSFER])// opening balance is not an expense.
// ->get(
// [
// 't_from.account_id', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id',
// DB::raw('SUM(`t_from`.`amount`) AS `spent`'),
// ]
// );
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * Returns a list of expenses (in the field "spent", grouped per budget per account.
// *
// * @param Collection $budgets
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function spentPerBudgetPerAccount(Collection $budgets, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $accountIds = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $budgetIds = $budgets->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $set = $this->user->transactionjournals()
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_from', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transaction_journals.id', '=', 't_from.transaction_journal_id')->where('t_from.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_to', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transaction_journals.id', '=', 't_to.transaction_journal_id')->where('t_to.amount', '>', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->whereIn('t_from.account_id', $accountIds)
// ->whereNotIn('t_to.account_id', $accountIds)
// ->where(
// function (Builder $q) use ($budgetIds) {
// $q->whereIn('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id', $budgetIds);
// $q->orWhereNull('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id');
// }
// )
// ->after($start)
// ->before($end)
// ->groupBy('t_from.account_id')
// ->groupBy('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id')
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL, TransactionType::TRANSFER])// opening balance is not an expense.
// ->get(
// [
// 't_from.account_id', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id',
// DB::raw('SUM(`t_from`.`amount`) AS `spent`'),
// ]
// );
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money spent using DEPOSITS in the $budget
// * from all the users accounts.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function spentPerDay(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts): array
// {
// /** @var Collection $query */
// $query = $budget->transactionjournals()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')->get(['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]);
// $return = [];
// foreach ($query->toArray() as $entry) {
// $return[$entry['dateFormatted']] = $entry['sum'];
// }
// // also search transactions:
// $query = $budget->transactions()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')->get(['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]);
// foreach ($query as $newEntry) {
// // add to return array.
// $date = $newEntry['dateFormatted'];
// if (isset($return[$date])) {
// $return[$date] = bcadd($newEntry['sum'], $return[$date]);
// continue;
// }
// $return[$date] = $newEntry['sum'];
// }
// return $return;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money spent using DEPOSITS in the $budget
// * from all the users accounts.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function spentPerDay(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts): array
// {
// /** @var Collection $query */
// $query = $budget->transactionjournals()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')->get(['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]);
// $return = [];
// foreach ($query->toArray() as $entry) {
// $return[$entry['dateFormatted']] = $entry['sum'];
// }
// // also search transactions:
// $query = $budget->transactions()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')->get(['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]);
// foreach ($query as $newEntry) {
// // add to return array.
// $date = $newEntry['dateFormatted'];
// if (isset($return[$date])) {
// $return[$date] = bcadd($newEntry['sum'], $return[$date]);
// continue;
// }
// $return[$date] = $newEntry['sum'];
// }
// return $return;
// }
* @param Collection $budgets
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return Collection
public function journalsInPeriod(Collection $budgets, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
$return = new Collection;
$accountIds = [];
if ($accounts->count() > 0) {
$accountIds = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// first get all journals for all budget(s):
$journalQuery = $this->user->transactionjournals()
->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
->whereIn('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id', $budgets->pluck('id')->toArray());
// add account id's, if relevant:
if (count($accountIds) > 0) {
$journalQuery->leftJoin('transactions as source', 'source.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id');
$journalQuery->whereIn('source.account_id', $accountIds);
// get them:
$journals = $journalQuery->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
Log::debug('journalsInPeriod journal count is ' . $journals->count());
// then get transactions themselves.
$transactionQuery = $this->user->transactionjournals()
->leftJoin('transactions as related', 'related.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
->leftJoin('budget_transaction', 'budget_transaction.transaction_id', '=', 'related.id')
->whereIn('budget_transaction.budget_id', $budgets->pluck('id')->toArray());
if (count($accountIds) > 0) {
$transactionQuery->leftJoin('transactions as source', 'source.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id');
$transactionQuery->whereIn('source.account_id', $accountIds);
$transactions = $transactionQuery->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// return complete set:
$return = $return->merge($transactions);
$return = $return->merge($journals);
return $return;
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return Collection
public function journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
/** @var Collection $set */
$set = $this->user
->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
'transactions' => function (HasMany $query) {
$query->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0);
$set = $set->filter(
function (TransactionJournal $journal) {
foreach ($journal->transactions as $t) {
if ($t->budgets->count() === 0) {
return $journal;
return $set;
* @param Collection $budgets
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return string
public function spentInPeriod(Collection $budgets, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) : string
$set = $this->journalsInPeriod($budgets, $accounts, $start, $end);
Log::debug('spentInPeriod set count is ' . $set->count());
$sum = '0';
/** @var TransactionJournal $journal */
foreach ($set as $journal) {
$sum = bcadd($sum, TransactionJournal::amount($journal));
return $sum;
* @param array $data
@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
interface BudgetRepositoryInterface
* @param Budget $budget
* @return bool
public function destroy(Budget $budget): bool;
// /**
// *
// * Same as ::spentInPeriod but corrects journals for a set of accounts
@ -35,11 +42,13 @@ interface BudgetRepositoryInterface
// public function cleanupBudgets(): bool;
* @param Budget $budget
* Find a budget.
* @return bool
* @param int $budgetId
* @return Budget
public function destroy(Budget $budget): bool;
public function find(int $budgetId): Budget;
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
@ -52,13 +61,9 @@ interface BudgetRepositoryInterface
// public function expensesSplit(Budget $budget, Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
* Find a budget.
* @param int $budgetId
* @return Budget
* @return Collection
public function find(int $budgetId): Budget;
public function getActiveBudgets(): Collection;
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
@ -67,11 +72,6 @@ interface BudgetRepositoryInterface
// */
// public function firstActivity(Budget $budget): Carbon;
* @return Collection
public function getActiveBudgets(): Collection;
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
@ -80,6 +80,11 @@ interface BudgetRepositoryInterface
public function getAllBudgetLimitRepetitions(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
* @return Collection
public function getBudgets(): Collection;
// /**
// * @param Account $account
// * @param Collection $accounts
@ -104,7 +109,7 @@ interface BudgetRepositoryInterface
* @return Collection
public function getBudgets(): Collection;
public function getInactiveBudgets(): Collection;
// /**
// * Returns an array with every budget in it and the expenses for each budget
@ -186,9 +191,33 @@ interface BudgetRepositoryInterface
// public function getFirstBudgetLimitDate(Budget $budget):Carbon;
* @param Collection $budgets
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return Collection
public function getInactiveBudgets(): Collection;
public function journalsInPeriod(Collection $budgets, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return Collection
public function journalsInPeriodWithoutBudget(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
* @param Collection $budgets
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return string
public function spentInPeriod(Collection $budgets, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) : string;
// /**
// * Returns all the transaction journals for a limit, possibly limited by a limit repetition.
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ class JournalRepository implements JournalRepositoryInterface
if (count($types) > 0) {
$count = $query->count();
$count = $this->user->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes($types)->count();
Log::debug('getJournals() count: ' . $count);
$set = $query->take($pageSize)->offset($offset)->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
$journals = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, $pageSize, $page);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user