mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Update meta files for new release.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,36 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
## 5.6.14 - 2022-02-06
### Added
- Can now add daily bills
### Changed
- Initial release.
### Deprecated
- Initial release.
### Removed
- Code related to the dynamic help text on GitHub
### Fixed
- [Issue 5664](https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues/5664) Bad report dates
- [Issue 5666](https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues/5666) Unexpected parse issue.
- [Issue 5695](https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues/5695) Search would miss the 26th account in a wildcard search.
- Install template was not working, thanks Softaculous!
- Empty string in reports URL could lead to parse issues.
### Security
- Initial release.
### API
- [Issue 5661](https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues/5661) Various fields could not be set to NULL
- [Issue 5670](https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues/5670) Better date validation for rules
- Various YAML updates to better reflect the API.
## 5.6.13 - 2022-01-29
### Fixed
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ return [
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_day_moment_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_fns' => 'MMMM d, y',
'month_and_day_fns' => 'd MMMM y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%e %B, %Y, @ %T',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Има ново съобщение| Има :count нови съобщения',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Има нова грешка| Има :count нови грешки',
'net_worth' => 'Нетна стойност',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Няма помощ за този маршрут.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Помощ за тази страница',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Не може да се намери помощен текст.',
'no_help_title' => 'Извинете, възникна грешка.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Здравейте!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'За да продължите, моля въведете вашия двуфакторен код за удостоверяване. Вашето приложение може да го генерира за вас.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Въведете кода тук',
@ -349,7 +347,7 @@ return [
'search_modifier_date_is_day' => 'Транзацията е на ":value" число от месеца',
'search_modifier_date_before_year' => 'Транзацията е преди или през ":value" година',
'search_modifier_date_before_month' => 'Транзацията е преди или през ":value" месец',
'search_modifier_date_before_day' => 'Transaction is before or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before_day' => 'Транзацията е преди или на ":value" число от месеца',
'search_modifier_date_after_year' => 'Транзацията е през ":value" година или след нея',
'search_modifier_date_after_month' => 'Транзацията е през ":value" месец или след него',
'search_modifier_date_after_day' => 'Транзацията е на ":value" число от месеца или след него',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'тримесечно',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'месечно',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'ежеседмично',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'седмично',
'quarterly' => 'тримесечно',
'half-year' => 'на полугодие',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Jedna zpráva | :count zpráv',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Jedna chyba | :count chyb',
'net_worth' => 'Čisté jmění',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Pro tento směr není k dispozici nápověda.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Nápověda pro tuto stránku',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Nepodařilo se nalézt žádný nápovědný text.',
'no_help_title' => 'Omlouváme se, došlo k chybě.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Zdravíme!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Pro pokračování zadejte kód pro dvoufázové ověření. Vaše aplikace ho pro vás může vytvořit.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Sem zadejte kód',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'čtvrtletně',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'měsíčně',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'týdně',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'týdně',
'quarterly' => 'čtvrtletně',
'half-year' => 'půlročně',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Es gibt eine Nachricht | Es gibt :count Nachrichten',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Es gibt einen Fehler|Es gibt :count Fehler',
'net_worth' => 'Eigenkapital',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Es gibt keinen Hilfetext für diese Seite.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Hilfe zu dieser Seite',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Es wurde kein Hilfetext gefunden.',
'no_help_title' => 'Es tut uns Leid, aber ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hallo!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Um fortzufahren geben Sie bitte ihren Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungscode ein. Ihre Anwendung kann diesen für Sie generieren.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Code hier eingeben',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'vierteljährlich',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'monatlich',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'wöchentlich',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'wöchentlich',
'quarterly' => 'vierteljährlich',
'half-year' => 'halbjährlich',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Υπάρχει ένα μήνυμα|Υπάρχουν :count μηνύματα',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Υπάρχει ένα σφάλμα|Υπάρχουν :count σφάλματα',
'net_worth' => 'Καθαρή αξία',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Δεν υπάρχει βοήθεια για αυτή τη διαδρομή.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Βοήθεια για αυτή τη σελίδα',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Δε βρέθηκε κείμενο βοήθειας.',
'no_help_title' => 'Συγγνώμη, παρουσιάστηκε ένα σφάλμα.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Γειά!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Για να συνεχίσετε, παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον κωδικό επαλήθευσης δύο παραγόντων. Η εφαρμογή σας θα δημιουργήσει έναν για εσάς.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Εισάγετε τον κωδικό εδώ',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'τριμηνιαίως',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'μηνιαίως',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'εβδομαδιαίως',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'εβδομαδιαίως',
'quarterly' => 'τριμηνιαίως',
'half-year' => 'εξαμηνιαίως',
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ return [
'login_from_new_ip' => 'New login on Firefly III',
'new_ip_body' => 'Firefly III detected a new login on your account from an unknown IP address. If you never logged in from the IP address below, or it has been more than six months ago, Firefly III will warn you.',
'new_ip_warning' => 'If you recognize this IP address or the login, you can ignore this message. If you didn\'t login, of if you have no idea what this is about, verify your password security, change it, and log out all other sessions. To do this, go to your profile page. Of course you have 2FA enabled already, right? Stay safe!',
'ip_address' => 'IP address',
'ip_address' => 'IP Address',
'host_name' => 'Host',
'date_time' => 'Date + time',
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ return [
// OAuth token created
'oauth_created_subject' => 'A new OAuth client has been created',
'oauth_created_body' => 'Somebody (hopefully you) just created a new Firefly III API OAuth Client for your user account. It\'s labeled ":name" and has callback URL <span style="font-family: monospace;">:url</span>.',
'oauth_created_body' => 'Somebody (hopefully you) just created a new Firefly III API OAuth Client for your user account. It\'s labelled ":name" and has callback URL <span style="font-family: monospace;">:url</span>.',
'oauth_created_explanation' => 'With this client, they can access <strong>all</strong> of your financial records through the Firefly III API.',
'oauth_created_undo' => 'If this wasn\'t you, please revoke this client as soon as possible at :url.',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'There is one message|There are :count messages',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'There is one error|There are :count errors',
'net_worth' => 'Net worth',
'route_has_no_help' => 'There is no help for this route.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Help for this page',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'No help text could be found.',
'no_help_title' => 'Apologies, an error occurred.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hello!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'To continue, please enter your two factor authentication code. Your application can generate it for you.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Enter code here',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'quarterly',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'monthly',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'weekly',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'weekly',
'quarterly' => 'quarterly',
'half-year' => 'every half year',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'zero_or_more' => 'The value cannot be negative.',
'date_or_time' => 'The value must be a valid date or time value (ISO 8601).',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'It looks like this account number is already in use.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'This account number seems to be already in use.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'It looks like this IBAN is already in use.',
'deleted_user' => 'Due to security constraints, you cannot register using this email address.',
'rule_trigger_value' => 'This value is invalid for the selected trigger.',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Hay un mensaje | Hay :count mensajes',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Hay un error|Hay unos :count errores',
'net_worth' => 'Valor Neto',
'route_has_no_help' => 'No hay datos en este registro.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Ayuda para esta página',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'No se encontró un texto de ayuda.',
'no_help_title' => 'Disculpas, un error ha ocurrido.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => '¡Hola!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Para continuar, introduce tu código de autenticación de dos pasos. La aplicación puede generarlo para usted.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Ingresar código aquí',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'trimestralmente',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mensualmente',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'semanalmente',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'semanalmente',
'quarterly' => 'trimestralmente',
'half-year' => 'cada medio año',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Sinulle on yksi viesti|Sinulle on :count viestiä',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'On tapahtunut virhe|On tapahtunut :count virhettä',
'net_worth' => 'Varallisuus',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Tälle reitille ei ole opastetta.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Opastus tälle sivulle',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Opastetekstiä ei löytynyt.',
'no_help_title' => 'Pahoittelut, tapahtui virhe.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Tervehdys!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Jatkaaksesi, anna kaksivaiheisen tunnistautumisen koodi. Tunnistautumisohjelmasi voi luoda sen sinulle.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Kirjoita koodi tähän',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'neljännesvuosittain',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'kuukausittain',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'viikoittain',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'viikoittain',
'quarterly' => 'neljännesvuosittain',
'half-year' => 'puoli-vuosittain',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Il y a un message| Il y a :count messages',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Il y a une erreur|Il y a :count erreurs',
'net_worth' => 'Avoir net',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Il n\'y a pas d\'aide pour cette page.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Aide pour cette page',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Aucun texte d\'aide n\'a pu être trouvé.',
'no_help_title' => 'Toutes nos excuses, une erreur est survenue.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Bonjour !',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Pour continuer, veuillez entrer votre code d’authentification à deux facteurs. Votre application peut la générer pour vous.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Entrez votre code ici',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'trimestriel',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mensuel',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'hebdomadaire',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'hebdomadaire',
'quarterly' => 'trimestriel',
'half-year' => 'semestriel',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Egy üzenet érkezett | :count üzenet érkezett',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Egy hiba történt|:count hiba történt',
'net_worth' => 'Nettó érték',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Ehhez az útvonalhoz nincs súgó.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Az oldal súgója',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Nem található súgószöveg.',
'no_help_title' => 'Elnézést, hiba történt.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Helló!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'A folytatáshoz meg kell adni a kétlépcsős azonosítás kódját. Az alkalmazás létre tudja hozni ezt a kódot.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Kód beírása',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'negyedéves',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'havi',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'heti',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'heti',
'quarterly' => 'negyedéves',
'half-year' => 'félévente',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Ada satu pesan|Ada :count pesan',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Ada satu kesalahan|Ada :count kesalahan',
'net_worth' => 'Nilai bersih',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Tidak ada bantuan untuk rute ini.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Bantuan untuk halaman ini',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Tidak ada teks bantuan yang dapat ditemukan.',
'no_help_title' => 'Maaf kakak, sebuah kesalahan telah terjadi.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Halo!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Untuk melanjutkan, masukkan kode Pengecekan keamanan dua faktor Anda. Aplikasi Anda bisa menghasilkannya untuk Anda.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Masukkan kode di sini',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'triwulanan',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'bulanan',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'mingguan',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'mingguan',
'quarterly' => 'triwulanan',
'half-year' => 'setiap setengah tahun',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'C\'è un messaggio | Ci sono :count messaggi',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'C\'è un errore | Ci sono :count errors',
'net_worth' => 'Patrimonio',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Non c\'è aiuto per questa rotta.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Aiuto per questa pagina',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Non è stato trovato alcun testo di aiuto.',
'no_help_title' => 'Ci scusiamo, si è verificato un errore.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Ciao!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Per continuare inserisci il tuo codice di autenticazione a due fattori. La tua applicazione può generarlo per te.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Inserisci qui il codice',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'trimestralmente',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mensilmente',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'settimanalmente',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'settimanale',
'quarterly' => 'trimestrale',
'half-year' => 'ogni sei mesi',
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ return [
'account_type' => 'Tipo conto',
'created_at' => 'Creato il',
'account' => 'Conto',
'external_url' => 'External URL',
'external_url' => 'URL esterno',
'matchingAmount' => 'Importo',
'destination' => 'Destinazione',
'source' => 'Origine',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => ':count 通のメッセージがあります',
'flash_error_multiple' => ':count 通のエラーがあります',
'net_worth' => '純資産',
'route_has_no_help' => 'このルートのヘルプはありません。',
'help_for_this_page' => 'このページのヘルプ',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'ヘルプが見つかりませんでした。',
'no_help_title' => '申し訳ありません。問題が起きました。',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'こんにちは!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => '続行するには、2要素認証コードを入力してください。あなたのアプリケーションが生成してくれます。',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'コードを入力',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => '四半期ごと',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'クレジットカードの引き落とし日',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => '週毎',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => '週毎',
'quarterly' => '四半期ごと',
'half-year' => '半年ごと',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Det finnes én melding | Det finnes :count meldinger',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Det er én feil | Det er :count feil',
'net_worth' => 'Formue',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Det finnes ingen hjelp for denne siden.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Hjelp for denne siden',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Ingen hjelpetekst ble funnet.',
'no_help_title' => 'Beklager, en feil har oppstått.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hello!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Vennligst skriv inn tofaktorautentiseringskoden for å fortsette. Appen på telefonen kan generere den for deg.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Skriv koden her',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'kvartalsvis',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'månedlig',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'ukentlig',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'ukentlig',
'quarterly' => 'kvartalsvis',
'half-year' => 'hvert halvår',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Er is één melding|Er zijn :count meldingen',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Er is één fout|Er zijn :count fouten',
'net_worth' => 'Kapitaal',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Er is geen hulptekst voor deze pagina.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Hulp bij deze pagina',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Er kon geen helptekst worden gevonden.',
'no_help_title' => 'Sorry, er ging wat mis.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hallo!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Vul je authenticatiecode in. Je authenticatieapplicatie kan deze voor je genereren.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Code',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'elk kwartaal',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'maandelijks',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'wekelijks',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'wekelijks',
'quarterly' => 'elk kwartaal',
'half-year' => 'elk half jaar',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Jest jedna wiadomość|Jest :count wiadomości',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Jest jeden błąd|Jest :count błędów',
'net_worth' => 'Wartość netto',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Brak pomocy dla tej strony.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Pomoc dla tej strony',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Nie znaleziono tekstu pomocy.',
'no_help_title' => 'Przepraszamy, wystąpił błąd.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Cześć!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Aby kontynuować, wprowadź kod uwierzytelniania dwuskładnikowego. Twoja aplikacja może wygenerować go dla Ciebie.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Wprowadź tutaj kod',
@ -291,8 +289,8 @@ return [
'search_modifier_created_on' => 'Transakcja stworzona ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_on' => 'Transakcja zaktualizowana ":value"',
'search_modifier_external_id' => 'Zewnętrzne ID to ":value"',
'search_modifier_no_external_url' => 'The transaction has no external URL',
'search_modifier_any_external_url' => 'The transaction must have a (any) external URL',
'search_modifier_no_external_url' => 'Transakcja nie ma zewnętrznego adresu URL',
'search_modifier_any_external_url' => 'Transakcja musi mieć (dowolny) zewnętrzny adres URL',
'search_modifier_internal_reference' => 'Wewnętrzne odwołanie to ":value"',
'search_modifier_description_starts' => 'Opis to ":value"',
'search_modifier_description_ends' => 'Opis kończy się na ":value"',
@ -349,7 +347,7 @@ return [
'search_modifier_date_is_day' => 'Transaction is on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before_year' => 'Transaction is before or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before_month' => 'Transaction is before or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before_day' => 'Transaction is before or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before_day' => 'Transakcja jest przed lub w dniu miesiąca ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_after_year' => 'Transaction is in or after year ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_after_month' => 'Transaction is in or after month ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_after_day' => 'Transaction is after or on day of month ":value"',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'kwartalnie',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'miesięcznie',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'tygodniowo',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'tygodniowo',
'quarterly' => 'kwartalnie',
'half-year' => 'co pół roku',
@ -564,8 +564,8 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_internal_reference' => 'Wewnętrzne odwołanie to ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_journal_id_choice' => 'ID dziennika transakcji to..',
'rule_trigger_journal_id' => 'ID dziennika transakcji to ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_no_external_url' => 'Transaction has no external URL',
'rule_trigger_any_external_url' => 'Transaction has an external URL',
'rule_trigger_no_external_url' => 'Transakcja nie ma zewnętrznego adresu URL',
'rule_trigger_any_external_url' => 'Transakcja ma zewnętrzny adres URL',
// actions
'rule_action_delete_transaction_choice' => 'USUŃ transakcję (!)',
@ -715,14 +715,14 @@ return [
'pref_optional_tj_internal_reference' => 'Wewnętrzny numer',
'pref_optional_tj_notes' => 'Notatki',
'pref_optional_tj_attachments' => 'Załączniki',
'pref_optional_tj_external_url' => 'External URL',
'pref_optional_tj_external_url' => 'Zewnętrzny adres URL',
'pref_optional_tj_location' => 'Lokalizacja',
'pref_optional_tj_links' => 'Powiązane transakcje',
'optional_field_meta_dates' => 'Daty',
'optional_field_meta_business' => 'Biznesowe',
'optional_field_attachments' => 'Załączniki',
'optional_field_meta_data' => 'Opcjonalne metadane',
'external_url' => 'External URL',
'external_url' => 'Zewnętrzny adres URL',
// profile:
'delete_stuff_header' => 'Usuń dane',
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ return [
'account_type' => 'Typ konta',
'created_at' => 'Utworzono',
'account' => 'Konto',
'external_url' => 'External URL',
'external_url' => 'Zewnętrzny adres URL',
'matchingAmount' => 'Kwota',
'destination' => 'Cel',
'source' => 'Źródło',
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ return [
'generic_invalid_source' => 'Nie możesz użyć tego konta jako konta źródłowego.',
'generic_invalid_destination' => 'Nie możesz użyć tego konta jako konta docelowego.',
'generic_no_source' => 'You must submit source account information.',
'generic_no_destination' => 'You must submit destination account information.',
'generic_no_source' => 'Musisz przesłać dane konta źródłowego.',
'generic_no_destination' => 'Musisz przesłać dane konta docelowego.',
'gte.numeric' => ':attribute musi być większy lub równy :value.',
'gt.numeric' => ':attribute musi być większy niż :value.',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Há uma mensagem|Existem :count mensagens',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Houve um erro|Houve :count erros',
'net_worth' => 'Valor Líquido',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Não existe ajuda para esta rota.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Ajuda para esta página',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'O texto de ajuda não pode ser encontrado.',
'no_help_title' => 'Desculpe, ocorreu um erro.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Olá!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Para continuar, por favor, digite seu código de autenticação em duas etapas. Seu aplicativo pode gerá-lo para você.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Insira o código aqui',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'trimestral',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mensal',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'semanal',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'semanal',
'quarterly' => 'trimestral',
'half-year' => 'semestralmente',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Tens 1 mensagem|Tens :count mensagens',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Tens 1 erro|Tens :count erros',
'net_worth' => 'Património liquido',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Não existe ajuda para esta pagina.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Ajuda para esta pagina',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Não foi encontrado nenhum texto de ajuda.',
'no_help_title' => 'Desculpe, ocorreu um erro.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Olá!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Para continuar, por favor introduza o código da sua autenticação de 2 passos. A sua aplicação pode gera-lo para si.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Introduza o código aqui',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'trimestral',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mensalmente',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'semanalmente',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'semanalmente',
'quarterly' => 'trimestral',
'half-year' => 'todo meio ano',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Există un mesaj | Există :count mesaje',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Există o singură eroare | Există :count erori',
'net_worth' => 'Valoarea netă',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Nu există nici un ajutor pentru această rută.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Ajutor pentru această pagină',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Nu a putut fi găsit niciun text de ajutor.',
'no_help_title' => 'Ne cerem scuze, a apărut o eroare.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Bună ziua!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Pentru a continua, introduceți codul dvs. de autentificare cu doi factori. Aplicația dvs. o poate genera pentru dvs.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Introdu codul aici',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'trimestrial',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'lunar',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'săptămânal',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'săptămânal',
'quarterly' => 'trimestrial',
'half-year' => 'fiecare jumătate de an',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Есть одно сообщение|Есть :count сообщений',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Есть одна ошибка|Есть :count ошибок',
'net_worth' => 'Мои сбережения',
'route_has_no_help' => 'К данной странице нет справочной информации.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Справка по этой странице',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Невозможно найти текст справки.',
'no_help_title' => 'Нам очень жаль, но произошла ошибка.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Здравствуйте!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Чтобы продолжить, введите ваш код двухфакторной аутентификации. Ваше приложение может сгенерировать его для вас.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Введите код здесь',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'раз в квартал',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'ежемесячно',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'еженедельно',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'еженедельно',
'quarterly' => 'раз в квартал',
'half-year' => 'раз в полгода',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Jedna správa|:count správ',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Jedna chyba|:count chýb',
'net_worth' => 'Čisté imanie',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Pro túto stránku nie je k dispozícii pomocník.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Pomocník pro túto stránku',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Nepodarilo se nájsť žiadny text pomocníka.',
'no_help_title' => 'Prepáčte, vyskytla sa chyba.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Zdravíme!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Pre pokračovanie zadajte kód pre dvojfázové overenie. Vaša aplikácia ho pre vás môže vytvoriť.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Sem vložte kód',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'štvrťročne',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'mesačne',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'týždenne',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'týždenne',
'quarterly' => 'štvrťročne',
'half-year' => 'polročne',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Det finns ett meddelande|Det finns :count meddelanden',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Det finns ett felmeddelande|Det finns :count felmeddelanden',
'net_worth' => 'Nettoförmögenhet',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Det finns ingen hjälp för denna sidan.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Hjälp för denna sidan',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Ingen hjälptext kunde hittas.',
'no_help_title' => 'Tyvärr, ett fel har uppstått.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hej!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'För att fortsätta, mata in din tvåfaktorsautentiseringkod. Din applikation kan generera den åt dig.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Skriv in koden',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'kvartal',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'månadsvis',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'veckovis',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'veckovis',
'quarterly' => 'kvartal',
'half-year' => 'varje halvår',
@ -88,10 +88,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Bir ileti var|:count ileti var',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Bir hata var|:count hata var',
'net_worth' => 'Net değer',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Bu rota için yardım yok.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Bu sayfa için yardım',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Hiçbir yardım metni bulunamadı.',
'no_help_title' => 'Üzgünüz, bir hata oluştu.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Merhaba!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Devam etmek için lütfen iki faktörlü kimlik doğrulama kodunuzu girin. Uygulamanız sizin için oluşturabilir.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Kodu buraya girin',
@ -374,6 +372,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'üç aylık',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'aylık',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'haftalık',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'haftalık',
'quarterly' => 'üç aylık',
'half-year' => 'her yarı yıl',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Có tin nhắn :tin nhắn',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Có lỗi :lỗi',
'net_worth' => 'Tài sản thực',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Không có sự giúp đỡ cho mục này.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Trợ giúp cho trang này',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'Không tìm thấy văn bản trợ giúp.',
'no_help_title' => 'Xin lỗi, đã xảy ra lỗi.',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Xin chào!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Để tiếp tục, vui lòng nhập mã xác thực hai yếu tố của bạn. Ứng dụng của bạn có thể tạo ra nó cho bạn.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Nhập mã vào đây',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'hàng quý',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'hàng tháng',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'hàng tuần',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => 'hàng tuần',
'quarterly' => 'hàng quý',
'half-year' => 'mỗi nửa năm',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => '有1条消息|有:count条消息',
'flash_error_multiple' => '有1个错误|有 :count 个错误',
'net_worth' => '净资产',
'route_has_no_help' => '此路径目前还没有说明。',
'help_for_this_page' => '本页说明',
'no_help_could_be_found' => '找不到说明文本。',
'no_help_title' => '不好意思,发生一个错误。',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => '您好!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => '若要继续,请输入您的手机 App 为您生成的两步验证代码。',
'two_factor_code_here' => '在此输入代码',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => '每季',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => '每月',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => '每周',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => '每周',
'quarterly' => '每季',
'half-year' => '每半年',
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ return [
'flash_info_multiple' => '有 1 個訊息|有 :count 個訊息',
'flash_error_multiple' => '有 1 個錯誤|有 :count 個錯誤',
'net_worth' => '淨值',
'route_has_no_help' => '此處尚未提供說明。',
'help_for_this_page' => '本頁說明',
'no_help_could_be_found' => '找不到說明文本。',
'no_help_title' => '不好意思,發生一個錯誤。',
'help_for_this_page_body' => 'You can find more information about this page <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/">in the documentation</a>.',
'two_factor_welcome' => '您好!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => '如要繼續,請輸入您的兩步驟驗證 (two factor authentication) 代碼,您的應用程式可為您產生。',
'two_factor_code_here' => '在此輸入代碼',
@ -373,6 +371,8 @@ return [
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => '每季',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => '每月',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => '每週',
'repeat_freq_daily' => 'daily',
'daily' => 'daily',
'weekly' => '每週',
'quarterly' => '每季',
'half-year' => '每半年',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user