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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
New translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -763,8 +763,8 @@ return [
'add' => 'Hinzufügen',
'remove' => 'Entfernen',
'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is',
'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is',
'max_amount_add' => 'Der maximale Betrag, den Sie hinzufügen können ist',
'max_amount_remove' => 'Der maximale Betrag, den Sie entnehmen können ist',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Sparschwein aktualisieren',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Sparschwein ":name" aktualisieren',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" aktualisiert',
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ return [
'table' => 'Tabelle',
'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Dieses Sparschwein existiert nicht mehr.',
'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Fügen sie Geld ihrem Sparschein hinzu, um ihr Ziel von :amount zu erreichen.',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date',
'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => ':amount einzahlen um Sparschwein bis :date zu füllen',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" löschen',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => ':amount konnte nicht zu ":name" hinzugefügt werden.',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Sparschwein ":name" gelöscht',
@ -787,25 +787,25 @@ return [
'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Konnten :amount nicht von ":name" entfernen.',
// tags
'regular_tag' => 'Just a regular tag.',
'regular_tag' => 'Nur ein normaler Tag.',
'balancing_act' => 'The tag takes at most two transactions; an expense and a transfer. They\'ll balance each other out.',
'advance_payment' => 'The tag accepts one expense and any number of deposits aimed to repay the original expense.',
'delete_tag' => 'Delete tag ":tag"',
'delete_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" entfernen',
'deleted_tag' => 'Deleted tag ":tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Make new tag',
'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag ":tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Updated tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" has been created!',
'new_tag' => 'Neuen Tag erstellen',
'edit_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" bearbeiten',
'updated_tag' => 'Aktualisierter Tag ":tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag ":tag" wurde erstellt!',
'no_year' => 'Kein Jahr angegeben',
'no_month' => 'Kein Monat angegeben',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Default tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Advance payment tags',
'tag_title_nothing' => 'Standard-Tags',
'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Ausgleich Tags',
'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Vorauszahlung Tags',
'tags_introduction' => 'In der Regel sind Tags einzelne Worte, erdacht um Einträge mit Begriffen wie <span class="label label-info">Ausgaben</span>, <span class="label label-info">Rechnungen</span> oder <span class="label label-info">Partyvorbereitung</span> schnell zusammenzufassen. In Firefly III können Tags weitere Eigenschaften wie ein Datum, eine Beschreibung und einen Ort enthalten. Dieses erlaubt es Ihnen Transaktionen in sinnvoller Weise miteinander zu verknüpfen. Zum Beispiel können Sie einen Tag mit dem Titel <span class="label label-success"> Weihnachtsessen mit Freunden</span> erstellen und Informationen über das Restaurant hinzufügen. Solche Tags sind "einzigartig", sie werden nur für einen Anlass genutzt, enthalten aber eventuell mehrere Transaktionen.',
'tags_group' => 'Tags group transactions together, which makes it possible to store reimbursements (in case you front money for others) and other "balancing acts" where expenses are summed up (the payments on your new TV) or where expenses and deposits are cancelling each other out (buying something with saved money). It\'s all up to you. Using tags the old-fashioned way is of course always possible.',
'tags_start' => 'Create a tag to get started or enter tags when creating new transactions.',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaction information',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaktionsinformationen',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Metainformationen',
'total_amount' => 'Gesamtbetrag',
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ return [
'no_domains_banned' => 'Keine blockierten Domains',
'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains',
'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked',
'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain ist jetzt gesperrt',
'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked',
'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand',
'block_domain' => 'Block domain',
@ -866,8 +866,8 @@ return [
'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal',
'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.',
'split_title_deposit' => 'Neue Einnahme aufteilen',
'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly untestützt das "Aufteilen" von Einnahmen.',
'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.',
'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.',
'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.',
@ -907,16 +907,16 @@ return [
'import_data' => 'Daten importieren',
'import_data_full' => 'Importieren Sie Daten in Firefly III',
'import' => 'Import',
'import_file_help' => 'Select your file',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'The import is ready to start.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'The import has completed.',
'import_file_help' => 'Datei auswählen',
'import_status_settings_complete' => 'Der Import is startbereit.',
'import_status_import_complete' => 'Import vollständig.',
'import_status_import_running' => 'The import is currently running. Please be patient.',
'import_status_header' => 'Import status and progress',
'import_status_errors' => 'Import errors',
'import_status_report' => 'Import report',
'import_status_header' => 'Importstatus und Fortschritt',
'import_status_errors' => 'Importfehler',
'import_status_report' => 'Import-Bericht',
'import_finished' => 'Der Importierungsvorgang ist beendet',
'import_error_single' => 'An error has occured during the import.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import.',
'import_error_single' => 'Beim Importieren ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.',
'import_error_multi' => 'Beim Importieren sind Fehler aufgetreten.',
'import_error_fatal' => 'There was an error during the import routine. Please check the log files. The error seems to be:',
'import_error_timeout' => 'Der Import scheint ein Zeitlimit überschritten zu haben. Wenn dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt importieren Sie die Daten bitte über die Kommandozeile.',
'import_double' => 'Row #:row: This row has been imported before, and is stored in <a href=":link">:description</a>.',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user