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synced 2025-02-16 18:25:00 -06:00
Merge pull request #3578 from hoshsadiq/feature/use-intl-formatter
Use php-intl to format currencies
This commit is contained in:
@ -144,9 +144,8 @@ class JavascriptController extends Controller
$currency = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency();
$localeconv = app('amount')->getLocaleInfo();
$accounting = app('amount')->getJsConfig($localeconv);
$localeconv['frac_digits'] = $currency->decimal_places;
$accountingLocaleInfo = app('amount')->getAccountingLocaleInfo();
$accountingLocaleInfo['frac_digits'] = $currency->decimal_places;
$pref = app('preferences')->get('language', config('firefly.default_language', 'en_US'));
/** @noinspection NullPointerExceptionInspection */
$lang = $pref->data;
@ -154,14 +153,13 @@ class JavascriptController extends Controller
$uid = substr(hash('sha256', sprintf('%s-%s-%s', (string) config('app.key'), auth()->user()->id, auth()->user()->email)), 0, 12);
$data = [
'currencyCode' => $currency->code,
'currencySymbol' => $currency->symbol,
'accounting' => $accounting,
'localeconv' => $localeconv,
'language' => $lang,
'dateRangeTitle' => $dateRange['title'],
'dateRangeConfig' => $dateRange['configuration'],
'uid' => $uid,
'currencyCode' => $currency->code,
'currencySymbol' => $currency->symbol,
'accountingLocaleInfo' => $accountingLocaleInfo,
'language' => $lang,
'dateRangeTitle' => $dateRange['title'],
'dateRangeConfig' => $dateRange['configuration'],
'uid' => $uid,
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ use FireflyIII\User;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Log;
use NumberFormatter;
* Class Amount.
@ -37,80 +38,6 @@ use Log;
class Amount
* bool $sepBySpace is $localeconv['n_sep_by_space']
* int $signPosn = $localeconv['n_sign_posn']
* string $sign = $localeconv['negative_sign']
* bool $csPrecedes = $localeconv['n_cs_precedes'].
* @param bool $sepBySpace
* @param int $signPosn
* @param string $sign
* @param bool $csPrecedes
* @return string
public static function getAmountJsConfig(bool $sepBySpace, int $signPosn, string $sign, bool $csPrecedes): string
// negative first:
$space = ' ';
// require space between symbol and amount?
if (false === $sepBySpace) {
$space = ''; // no
// there are five possible positions for the "+" or "-" sign (if it is even used)
// pos_a and pos_e could be the ( and ) symbol.
$posA = ''; // before everything
$posB = ''; // before currency symbol
$posC = ''; // after currency symbol
$posD = ''; // before amount
$posE = ''; // after everything
// format would be (currency before amount)
// AB%sC_D%vE
// or:
// AD%v_B%sCE (amount before currency)
// the _ is the optional space
// switch on how to display amount:
switch ($signPosn) {
case 0:
// ( and ) around the whole thing
$posA = '(';
$posE = ')';
case 1:
// The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol
$posA = $sign;
case 2:
// The sign string succeeds the quantity and currency_symbol
$posE = $sign;
case 3:
// The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol
$posB = $sign;
case 4:
// The sign string immediately succeeds the currency_symbol
$posC = $sign;
// default is amount before currency
$format = $posA . $posD . '%v' . $space . $posB . '%s' . $posC . $posE;
if ($csPrecedes) {
// alternative is currency before amount
$format = $posA . $posB . '%s' . $posC . $space . $posD . '%v' . $posE;
return $format;
* This method will properly format the given number, in color or "black and white",
* as a currency, given two things: the currency required and the current locale.
@ -142,13 +69,16 @@ class Amount
public function formatFlat(string $symbol, int $decimalPlaces, string $amount, bool $coloured = null): string
$locale = app('steam')->getLocale();
$coloured = $coloured ?? true;
$info = $this->getLocaleInfo();
$formatted = number_format((float) $amount, $decimalPlaces, $info['mon_decimal_point'], $info['mon_thousands_sep']);
$precedes = $amount < 0 ? $info['n_cs_precedes'] : $info['p_cs_precedes'];
$separated = $amount < 0 ? $info['n_sep_by_space'] : $info['p_sep_by_space'];
$space = true === $separated ? ' ' : '';
$result = false === $precedes ? $formatted . $space . $symbol : $symbol . $space . $formatted;
$float = round($amount, 12);
$fmt = new NumberFormatter( $locale, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY );
$fmt->setSymbol(NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL, $symbol);
$fmt->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS, $decimalPlaces);
$fmt->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, $decimalPlaces);
$result = $fmt->format($float);
if (true === $coloured) {
if ($amount > 0) {
@ -300,58 +230,31 @@ class Amount
* This method returns the correct format rules required by accounting.js,
* the library used to format amounts in charts.
* @param array $config
* @return array
public function getJsConfig(array $config): array
public function getAccountingLocaleInfo(): array
$negative = self::getAmountJsConfig($config['n_sep_by_space'], $config['n_sign_posn'], $config['negative_sign'], $config['n_cs_precedes']);
$positive = self::getAmountJsConfig($config['p_sep_by_space'], $config['p_sign_posn'], $config['positive_sign'], $config['p_cs_precedes']);
$locale = app('steam')->getLocale();
$fmt = new NumberFormatter( $locale, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY );
$positivePrefixed = $fmt->getAttribute(NumberFormatter::POSITIVE_PREFIX) !== '';
$negativePrefixed = $fmt->getAttribute(NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_PREFIX) !== '';
$positive = ($positivePrefixed) ? '%s %v' : '%v %s';
$negative = ($negativePrefixed) ? '%s %v' : '%v %s';
return [
'pos' => $positive,
'neg' => $negative,
'zero' => $positive,
'mon_decimal_point' => $fmt->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL),
'mon_thousands_sep' => $fmt->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL),
'format' => [
'pos' => $positive,
'neg' => $negative,
'zero' => $positive,
* @return array
public function getLocaleInfo(): array
// get config from preference, not from translation:
$locale = app('steam')->getLocale();
$array = app('steam')->getLocaleArray($locale);
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $array);
$info = localeconv();
// correct variables
$info['n_cs_precedes'] = $this->getLocaleField($info, 'n_cs_precedes');
$info['p_cs_precedes'] = $this->getLocaleField($info, 'p_cs_precedes');
$info['n_sep_by_space'] = $this->getLocaleField($info, 'n_sep_by_space');
$info['p_sep_by_space'] = $this->getLocaleField($info, 'p_sep_by_space');
return $info;
* @param array $info
* @param string $field
* @return bool
private function getLocaleField(array $info, string $field): bool
return (is_bool($info[$field]) && true === $info[$field])
|| (is_int($info[$field]) && 1 === $info[$field]);
* @param string $value
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
* @method string getCurrencySymbol()
* @method TransactionCurrency getDefaultCurrency()
* @method TransactionCurrency getDefaultCurrencyByUser(User $user)
* @method array getJsConfig(array $config)
class Amount extends Facade
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ var uid = "{{ uid }}";
var language = "{{ language|escape }}";
var currencyCode = '{{ currencyCode|escape('js') }}';
var currencySymbol = '{{ currencySymbol|escape('js') }}';
var mon_decimal_point = "{{ localeconv.mon_decimal_point|escape('js') }}";
var mon_thousands_sep = "{{ localeconv.mon_thousands_sep|escape('js') }}";
var frac_digits = {{ localeconv.frac_digits }};
var mon_decimal_point = "{{ accountingLocaleInfo.mon_decimal_point|escape('js') }}";
var mon_thousands_sep = "{{ accountingLocaleInfo.mon_thousands_sep|escape('js') }}";
var frac_digits = {{ accountingLocaleInfo.frac_digits }};
var noDataForChart = '{{ trans('firefly.no_data_for_chart')|escape('js') }}';
var showFullList = '{{ trans('firefly.show_full_list')|escape('js') }}';
var showOnlyTop = '{{ trans('firefly.show_only_top',{number:listLength})|escape('js') }}';
var accountingConfig = {{ accounting|json_encode|raw }};
var accountingConfig = {{ accountingLocaleInfo.format|json_encode|raw }};
var token = '{{ csrf_token() }}';
var sessionStart = '{{ session('start').format('Y-m-d') }}';
var sessionEnd = '{{ session('end').format('Y-m-d') }}';
@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ class JavascriptControllerTest extends TestCase
$accountRepos->shouldReceive('getMetaValue')->withArgs([Mockery::any(), 'currency_id'])->andReturn('1');
$this->changeDateRange($this->user(), $range);
@ -135,7 +134,6 @@ class JavascriptControllerTest extends TestCase
$accountRepos->shouldReceive('getMetaValue')->withArgs([Mockery::any(), 'currency_id'])->andReturn('1');
$this->changeDateRange($this->user(), $range);
@ -157,7 +155,6 @@ class JavascriptControllerTest extends TestCase
$account = $this->getRandomAsset();
$euro = $this->getEuro();
$accountRepos = $this->mock(AccountRepositoryInterface::class);
$currencyRepos = $this->mock(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
namespace Tests\Support;
use FireflyIII\Support\Amount;
use Tests\TestCase;
use Steam;
class AmountTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider getTestLocales
* @param string $locale
* @param string $expectedAmount
* @param string $symbol
* @param int $decimalPlaces
* @param string $amount
public function testFormatFlat(string $locale, string $expectedAmount, string $symbol, int $decimalPlaces, string $amount)
Steam::shouldReceive('getLocaleArray')->andReturn([$locale . ".UTF-8"]);
$amountObj = new Amount();
$result = $amountObj->formatFlat($symbol, $decimalPlaces, $amount, false);
$this->assertEquals($expectedAmount, $result);
public function getTestLocales()
return [
['en_US', '£6,000.00', '£', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['en_US', '-£6,000.00', '£', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['en_US', '$6,000.00', '$', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['en_US', '-$6,000.00', '$', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['en_GB', '£6,000.00', '£', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['en_GB', '-£6,000.00', '£', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['en_GB', '$6,000.00', '$', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['en_GB', '-$6,000.00', '$', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['cs_CZ', '6 000,00 Kč', 'Kč', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['cs_CZ', '-6 000,00 Kč', 'Kč', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['el_GR', '6.000,00 €', '€', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['el_GR', '-6.000,00 €', '€', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['es_ES', '6.000,00 €', '€', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['es_ES', '-6.000,00 €', '€', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['de_DE', '6.000,00 €', '€', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['de_DE', '-6.000,00 €', '€', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['fr_FR', '6 000,00 €', '€', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['fr_FR', '-6 000,00 €', '€', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['it_IT', '6.000,00 €', '€', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['it_IT', '-6.000,00 €', '€', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['nb_NO', 'kr 6 000,00', 'kr', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['nb_NO', '−kr 6 000,00', 'kr', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['nl_NL', '€ 6.000,00', '€', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['nl_NL', '€ -6.000,00', '€', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['pl_PL', '6 000,00 zł', 'zł', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['pl_PL', '-6 000,00 zł', 'zł', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['pt_BR', 'R$ 6.000,00', 'R$', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['pt_BR', '-R$ 6.000,00', 'R$', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['ro_RO', '6.000,00 lei', 'lei', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['ro_RO', '-6.000,00 lei', 'lei', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['ru_RU', '6 000,00 ₽', '₽', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['ru_RU', '-6 000,00 ₽', '₽', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['zh_TW', 'NT$6,000.00', 'NT$', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['zh_TW', '-NT$6,000.00', 'NT$', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['zh_CN', '¥6,000.00', '¥', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['zh_CN', '-¥6,000.00', '¥', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['hu_HU', '6 000,00 Ft', 'Ft', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['hu_HU', '-6 000,00 Ft', 'Ft', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['sv_SE', '6 000,00 kr', 'kr', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['sv_SE', '−6 000,00 kr', 'kr', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['fi_FI', '6 000,00 €', '€', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['fi_FI', '−6 000,00 €', '€', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
['vi_VN', '6.000,00 đ', 'đ', 2, '6000.00000000'],
['vi_VN', '-6.000,00 đ', 'đ', 2, '-6000.00000000'],
Reference in New Issue
Block a user