mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Simplify update check.
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace FireflyIII\Handlers\Events;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use FireflyIII\Events\RequestedVersionCheckStatus;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Update\UpdateTrait;
@ -55,7 +56,6 @@ class VersionCheckEventHandler
$value = (int)$permission->data;
if (1 !== $value) {
Log::info('Update check is not enabled.');
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ class VersionCheckEventHandler
$user = $event->user;
if (!$repository->hasRole($user, 'owner')) {
Log::debug('User is not admin, done.');
@ -76,26 +75,13 @@ class VersionCheckEventHandler
Log::debug(sprintf('Last check time is %d, current time is %d, difference is %d', $lastCheckTime->data, $now, $diff));
if ($diff < 604800) {
Log::debug(sprintf('Checked for updates less than a week ago (on %s).', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $lastCheckTime->data)));
// last check time was more than a week ago.
Log::debug('Have not checked for a new version in a week!');
try {
$latestRelease = $this->getLatestRelease();
} catch (FireflyException $e) {
session()->flash('error', (string)trans('firefly.update_check_error'));
$release = $this->getLatestRelease();
// softfail.
$versionCheck = $this->versionCheck($latestRelease);
$resultString = $this->parseResult($versionCheck, $latestRelease);
if (0 !== $versionCheck && '' !== $resultString) {
// flash info
session()->flash('info', $resultString);
session()->flash($release['level'], $release['message']);
app('fireflyconfig')->set('last_update_check', time());
@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace FireflyIII\Helpers\Update;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Services\FireflyIIIOrg\Update\UpdateRequestInterface;
use Log;
@ -35,10 +33,11 @@ use Log;
trait UpdateTrait
* Get object for the latest release from GitHub.
* Returns an array with info on the next release, if any.
* 'message' => 'A new version is available.
* 'level' => 'info' / 'success' / 'error'
* @return array
* @throws FireflyException
public function getLatestRelease(): array
@ -47,81 +46,6 @@ trait UpdateTrait
$checker = app(UpdateRequestInterface::class);
$channel = app('fireflyconfig')->get('update_channel', 'stable')->data;
return $checker->getVersion($channel);
* Parses the version check result in a human readable sentence.
* @param int $versionCheck
* @param array $information
* @return string
public function parseResult(int $versionCheck, array $information): string
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in parseResult(%d)', $versionCheck));
$current = (string)config('firefly.version');
$return = '';
$triggered = false;
if (-1 === $versionCheck) {
$triggered = true;
$monthAndDayFormat = (string)trans('config.month_and_day');
$carbon = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $information['date']);
$return = (string)trans(
'your_version' => $current,
'new_version' => $information['version'],
'date' => $carbon->formatLocalized($monthAndDayFormat),
// append warning if beta or alpha.
$isBeta = $information['is_beta'] ?? false;
if (true === $isBeta) {
$return = sprintf('%s %s', $return, trans('firefly.update_version_beta'));
$isAlpha = $information['is_alpha'] ?? false;
if (true === $isAlpha) {
$return = sprintf('%s %s', $return, trans('firefly.update_version_alpha'));
if (0 === $versionCheck) {
$triggered = true;
Log::debug('User is running current version.');
// you are running the current version!
$return = (string)trans('firefly.update_current_version_alert', ['version' => $current]);
if (1 === $versionCheck) {
$triggered = true;
Log::debug('User is running NEWER version.');
// you are running a newer version!
$return = (string)trans('firefly.update_newer_version_alert', ['your_version' => $current, 'new_version' => $information['version']]);
if (false === $triggered) {
Log::debug('No option was triggered.');
$return = (string)trans('firefly.update_check_error');
return $return;
* Compare version and store result.
* @param array $information
* @return int
public function versionCheck(array $information): int
Log::debug('Now in versionCheck()');
$current = (string)config('firefly.version');
$check = version_compare($current, $information['version']);
Log::debug(sprintf('Comparing %s with %s, result is %s', $current, $information['version'], $check), $information);
return $check;
return $checker->getUpdateInformation($channel);
@ -23,14 +23,12 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Admin;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Helpers\Update\UpdateTrait;
use FireflyIII\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use FireflyIII\Http\Middleware\IsDemoUser;
use FireflyIII\Http\Middleware\IsSandStormUser;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Log;
* Class HomeController.
@ -110,46 +108,12 @@ class UpdateController extends Controller
* Does a manual update check.
public function updateCheck(): JsonResponse
public function updateCheck(): RedirectResponse
$success = true;
$latestRelease = '1.0';
$resultString = '';
$versionCheck = -2;
$channel = app('fireflyconfig')->get('update_channel', 'stable')->data;
$release = $this->getLatestRelease();
try {
$latestRelease = $this->getLatestRelease();
} catch (FireflyException $e) {
$success = false;
session()->flash($release['level'], $release['message']);
// if error, tell the user.
if (false === $success) {
$resultString = (string)trans('firefly.update_check_error');
session()->flash('error', $resultString);
// if not, compare and tell the user.
if (true === $success) {
$versionCheck = $this->versionCheck($latestRelease);
$resultString = $this->parseResult($versionCheck, $latestRelease);
Log::debug(sprintf('Result string is: "%s"', $resultString));
if (0 !== $versionCheck && '' !== $resultString) {
// flash info
session()->flash('info', $resultString);
app('fireflyconfig')->set('last_update_check', time());
return response()->json(
'result' => $resultString,
'channel' => $channel,
return redirect(route('admin.update-check'));
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
namespace FireflyIII\Services\FireflyIIIOrg\Update;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Exception;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException;
use JsonException;
@ -38,14 +38,135 @@ class UpdateRequest implements UpdateRequestInterface
* @param string $channel
* @return array
* @throws FireflyException
public function getVersion(string $channel): array
public function getUpdateInformation(string $channel): array
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in getUpdateInformation(%s)', $channel));
$information = [
'level' => 'error',
'message' => (string)trans('firefly.unknown_error'),
// try get array from update server:
$updateInfo = $this->contactServer($channel);
if ('error' === $updateInfo['level']) {
Log::error('Update information contains an error.');
$information['message'] = $updateInfo['message'];
return $information;
// if no error, parse the result and return
return $this->parseResult($updateInfo);
* @param array $information
* @return array
private function parseResult(array $information): array
Log::debug('Now in parseResult()', $information);
$return = [
'level' => 'error',
'message' => (string)trans('firefly.unknown_error'),
$current = config('firefly.version');
$latest = $information['version'];
$compare = version_compare($latest, $current);
Log::debug(sprintf('Current version is "%s", latest is "%s", result is: %d', $current, $latest, $compare));
// -1: you're running a newer version:
if (-1 === $compare) {
$return['level'] = 'info';
$return['message'] = (string)trans('firefly.update_newer_version_alert', ['your_version' => $current, 'new_version' => $latest]);
Log::debug('User is running a newer version', $return);
return $return;
// running the current version:
if (0 === $compare) {
$return['level'] = 'info';
$return['message'] = (string)trans('firefly.update_current_version_alert', ['version' => $current]);
Log::debug('User is the current version.', $return);
return $return;
// a newer version is available!
/** @var Carbon $released */
$released = $information['date'];
$today = Carbon::today()->startOfDay();
$diff = $today->diffInDays($released);
$expectedDiff = config('firefly.update_minimum_age') ?? 6;
// it's still very fresh, and user wants a stable release:
if ($diff <= $expectedDiff) {
$return['level'] = 'info';
$return['message'] = (string)trans(
['version' => $latest,
'date' => $released->formatLocalized((string)trans('config.month_and_day')),
'days' => $expectedDiff,
Log::debug('Release is very fresh.', $return);
return $return;
// its been around for a while:
$return['level'] = 'success';
$return['message'] = (string)trans(
'your_version' => $current,
'new_version' => $latest,
'date' => $released->formatLocalized(
Log::debug('New release is old enough.');
// add warning in case of alpha or beta:
// append warning if beta or alpha.
$isBeta = $information['is_beta'] ?? false;
if (true === $isBeta) {
$return['message'] = sprintf('%s %s', $return['message'], trans('firefly.update_version_beta'));
Log::debug('New release is also a beta!');
$isAlpha = $information['is_alpha'] ?? false;
if (true === $isAlpha) {
$return['message'] = sprintf('%s %s', $return['message'], trans('firefly.update_version_alpha'));
Log::debug('New release is also a alpha!');
Log::debug('New release is here!', $return);
return $return;
* @param string $channel
* @return array
private function contactServer(string $channel): array
Log::debug(sprintf('Now in contactServer(%s)', $channel));
// always fall back to current version:
$return = [
'version' => config('firefly.version'),
'date' => Carbon::today()->startOfDay(),
'level' => 'error',
'message' => (string)trans('firefly.unknown_error'),
$uri = config('firefly.update_endpoint');
Log::debug(sprintf('Going to call %s', $uri));
try {
$client = new Client();
$client = new Client;
$options = [
'headers' => [
'User-Agent' => sprintf('FireflyIII/%s/%s', config('firefly.version'), $channel),
@ -53,23 +174,46 @@ class UpdateRequest implements UpdateRequestInterface
$res = $client->request('GET', $uri, $options);
} catch (GuzzleException|Exception $e) {
throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Response error from update check: %s', $e->getMessage()));
Log::error('Ran into Guzzle error.');
$return['message'] = sprintf('Guzzle: %s', $e->getMessage());
return $return;
if (200 !== $res->getStatusCode()) {
throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Returned error code %d from update check.', $res->getStatusCode()));
Log::error(sprintf('Response status from server is %d.', $res->getStatusCode()));
$return['message'] = sprintf('Error: %d', $res->getStatusCode());
return $return;
$body = (string)$res->getBody();
try {
$json = json_decode($body, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
} catch (JsonException $e) {
throw new FireflyException('Invalid JSON in server response.');
} catch (JsonException|Exception $e) {
Log::error('Body is not valid JSON');
$return['message'] = 'Invalid JSON :(';
return $return;
if (!isset($json['firefly_iii'][$channel])) {
throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Unknown update channel "%s"', $channel));
Log::error(sprintf('No valid update channel "%s"', $channel));
$return['message'] = sprintf('Unknown update channel "%s" :(', $channel);
return $json['firefly_iii'][$channel];
// parse response a bit. No message yet.
$response = $json['firefly_iii'][$channel];
$return['version'] = $response['version'];
$return['level'] = 'success';
$return['date'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $response['date'])->startOfDay();
Log::info('Response from update server', $response);
return $return;
@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ interface UpdateRequestInterface
* @param string $channel
* @return array
* @throws FireflyException
public function getVersion(string $channel): array;
public function getUpdateInformation(string $channel): array;
@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ return [
'login_provider' => envNonEmpty('LOGIN_PROVIDER', 'eloquent'),
'cer_provider' => envNonEmpty('CER_PROVIDER', 'fixer'),
'update_endpoint' => 'https://version.firefly-iii.org/index.json',
'update_minimum_age' => 6,
'default_location' => [
'longitude' => env('MAP_DEFAULT_LONG', '5.916667'),
'latitude' => env('MAP_DEFAULT_LAT', '51.983333'),
@ -25,18 +25,4 @@ $(function () {
// Enable update button.
function checkUpdate() {
// do post update check:
$.post(updateCheckUri).done(function (data) {
}).fail(function () {
alert('Error while checking.');
return false;
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ return [
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Check for updates',
'admin_update_check_title' => 'Automatically check for update',
'admin_update_check_explain' => 'Firefly III can check for updates automatically. When you enable this setting, it will contact Github to see if a new version of Firefly III is available. When it is, you will get a notification. You can test this notification using the button on the right. Please indicate below if you want Firefly III to check for updates.',
'admin_update_check_explain' => 'Firefly III can check for updates automatically. When you enable this setting, it will contact the Firefly III update server to see if a new version of Firefly III is available. When it is, you will get a notification. You can test this notification using the button on the right. Please indicate below if you want Firefly III to check for updates.',
'check_for_updates_permission' => 'Firefly III can check for updates, but it needs your permission to do so. Please go to the <a href=":link">administration</a> to indicate if you would like this feature to be enabled.',
'updates_ask_me_later' => 'Ask me later',
'updates_do_not_check' => 'Do not check for updates',
@ -231,7 +231,9 @@ return [
'update_version_alpha' => 'This version is a ALPHA version. You may run into issues.',
'update_current_version_alert' => 'You are running :version, which is the latest available release.',
'update_newer_version_alert' => 'You are running :your_version, which is newer than the latest release, :new_version.',
'update_check_error' => 'An error occurred while checking for updates. Please view the log files.',
'update_check_error' => 'An error occurred while checking for updates: :error',
'unknown_error' => 'Unknown error. Sorry about that.',
'just_new_release' => 'A new version is available! Version :version was released :date. This release is very fresh. Wait a few days for the new release to stabilize.',
'admin_update_channel_title' => 'Update channel',
'admin_update_channel_explain' => 'Firefly III has three update "channels" which determine how ahead of the curve you are in terms of features, enhancements and bugs. Use the "beta" channel if you\'re adventurous and the "alpha" when you like to live life dangerously.',
'update_channel_stable' => 'Stable. Everything should work as expected.',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
{{ 'admin_update_check_now_explain'|_ }}
<a href="#" id="update" class="btn btn-info">{{ 'check_for_updates_button'|_ }}</a>
<a href="{{ route('admin.update-check.manual') }}" class="btn btn-info">{{ 'check_for_updates_button'|_ }}</a>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user