Update language files.

This commit is contained in:
James Cole 2017-11-15 10:36:50 +01:00
parent c1259843cb
commit 845d7d701f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C16961E655E74B5E
10 changed files with 31 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Löschen Sie eine Reihe von Überweisungen',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Bearbeiten Sie eine Reihe von Überweisungen',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.',
'no_budget' => 'none',
'no_budget' => '(kein Budget)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Das Löschen von mehreren Elementen auf einmal kann sich störend auswirken. Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => ':amount Überweisung(en) gelöscht.',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => ':amount Überweisung(en) aktualisiert',
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'earned' => 'Verdient',
'overspent' => 'Zuviel ausgegeben',
'left' => 'Übrig',
'no_budget' => '(kein Budget)',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'max-amount' => 'Höchstbetrag',
'min-amount' => 'Mindestbetrag',
'journal-amount' => 'Aktueller Rechnungseintrag',

View File

@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ return [
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Delete a number of transactions',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Edit a number of transactions',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.',
'no_budget' => 'none',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Deleted :amount transaction(s).',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Updated :amount transaction(s)',

View File

@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ return [
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Supprimer un certain nombre de transactions',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Modifier un certain nombre dopérations',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'Vous ne peut pas modifier en masse d\'autres champs que ceux ici, car il ny a pas de place pour tous les montrer. Sil vous plaît suivez le lien et modifiez les par un par un, si vous devez modifier ces champs.',
'no_budget' => 'aucun',
'no_budget' => '(pas de budget)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Supprimer de nombreux éléments en une seule fois peut être très problématique. Soyez prudent.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Montant des opérations supprimées : :amount.',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Montant des opérations mises à jour : :amount',
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ return [
'earned' => 'Gagné',
'overspent' => 'Trop dépensé',
'left' => 'Reste',
'no_budget' => '(pas de budget)',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'max-amount' => 'Montant maximum',
'min-amount' => 'Montant minimum',
'journal-amount' => 'Entrée de facture courante',

View File

@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ return [
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Delete a number of transactions',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Edit a number of transactions',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.',
'no_budget' => 'none',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Deleted :amount transaction(s).',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Updated :amount transaction(s)',

View File

@ -618,21 +618,21 @@ return [
'revenue_accounts' => 'Debiteuren',
'cash_accounts' => 'Contant geldrekeningen',
'Cash account' => 'Contant geldrekening',
'reconcile_account' => 'Reconcile account ":account"',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'End of reconcile period: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Start of reconcile period: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Start balance',
'end_balance' => 'End balance',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Match the amounts and dates above to your bank statement, and press "Start reconciling"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Select the transactions that appear on your bank statement.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'First verify the date-range and balances. Then press "Start reconciling"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'If you change the date range now, any progress will be lost.',
'update_selection' => 'Update selection',
'store_reconcile' => 'Store reconciliation',
'reconcile_options' => 'Reconciliation options',
'reconcile_range' => 'Reconciliation range',
'start_reconcile' => 'Start reconciling',
'cash' => 'cash',
'reconcile_account' => 'Afstemmen betaalrekening ": account"',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'Einde van verrekenperiode: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Begin van verrekenperiode: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Startsaldo',
'end_balance' => 'Eindsaldo',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Vergelijk de bedragen en datums hierboven met uw bankafschrift en druk op "Begin met afstemmen"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Selecteer de transacties die op je bankafschrift staan.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Controleer eerst het datumbereik en de saldo\'s. Druk vervolgens op "Begin met afstemmen"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Als je het datumbereik nu wijzigt, gaat je voortgang verloren.',
'update_selection' => 'Selectie bijwerken',
'store_reconcile' => 'Afstemming opslaan',
'reconcile_options' => 'Afstemmingsopties',
'reconcile_range' => 'Afstemmingsbereik',
'start_reconcile' => 'Begin met afstemmen',
'cash' => 'contant',
'account_type' => 'Rekeningtype',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Bewaar deze transacties door ze aan een andere rekening te koppelen:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Nieuwe rekening ":name" opgeslagen!',
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ return [
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Verwijder een aantal transacties',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Wijzig een aantal transacties',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'Je kan andere velden dan de velden die je hier ziet niet groepsgewijs wijzigen. Er is geen ruimte om ze te laten zien. Als je deze velden toch wilt wijzigen, volg dan de link naast de transactie en wijzig ze stuk voor stuk.',
'no_budget' => 'geen',
'no_budget' => '(geen budget)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Veel items in één keer verwijderen kan zeer storend zijn. Wees voorzichtig.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Verwijder :amount transactie(s).',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Wijzig :amount transactie(s)',
@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ return [
'split_this_transfer' => 'Splits deze overschrijving',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'Je kan transactie #:id met omschrijving ":description" niet splitsen, want deze bevat meerdere bronrekeningen.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'Je kan transactie #:id met omschrijving ":description" niet wijzigen, want deze bevat meerdere doelrekeningen.',
'cannot_edit_reconciled' => 'You cannot edit transaction #:id with description ":description" because it has been marked as reconciled.',
'cannot_edit_reconciled' => 'U kunt transactie #:id met omschrijving ": description" niet bewerken omdat deze is gemarkeerd als afgestemd (verrekend).',
'cannot_edit_opening_balance' => 'Je kan het startsaldo van een rekening niet wijzigen via dit scherm.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'Je hebt geen geldige transacties geselecteerd.',
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Kan geen gesplitste transactie omzetten',

View File

@ -184,6 +184,8 @@ return [
'csv_tab' => 'Een tab (onzichtbaar)',
'csv_delimiter' => 'CSV scheidingsteken',
'csv_import_account' => 'Standaard rekening voor importeren',
'csv_config' => 'Configuratiebestand',
'due_date' => 'Vervaldatum',
'payment_date' => 'Betalingsdatum',

View File

@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ return [
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Usuń wiele transakcji',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Modyfikuj wiele transakcji',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'Nie możesz masowo modyfikować innych pól niż te tutaj, ponieważ nie ma miejsca, aby je pokazać. Proszę użyć ikony edycji i edytować je jedno po drugim, jeśli chcesz edytować te pola.',
'no_budget' => 'żaden',
'no_budget' => '(bez budżetu)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Usuwanie wielu elementów jednocześnie może być bardzo destrukcyjne. Proszę zachować ostrożność.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Usunięto :amount transakcję(i).',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Zaktualizowano :amount transakcję(i)',
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ return [
'earned' => 'Zarobiono',
'overspent' => 'Przepłacono',
'left' => 'Pozostało',
'no_budget' => '(bez budżetu)',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'max-amount' => 'Maksymalna kwota',
'min-amount' => 'Minimalna kwota',
'journal-amount' => 'Faktyczna kwota',

View File

@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ return [
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Excluir um número de transacções',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Editar um número de transacções',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'Você não pode editar em massa outros campos que não esse aqui, porque não há espaço para mostrá-los. Por favor siga o link e editá-los por um por um, se você precisar editar esses campos.',
'no_budget' => 'none',
'no_budget' => '(sem orçamento)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Exclusão de muitos itens de uma só vez pode ser muito perturbador. Por favor, seja cauteloso.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Excluído :amount de transação(ões).',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Atualizado :amount de transação(ões)',
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ return [
'earned' => 'Ganho',
'overspent' => 'Gasto excedido',
'left' => 'Esquerda',
'no_budget' => '(sem orçamento)',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'max-amount' => 'Maximum amount',
'min-amount' => 'Minumum amount',
'journal-amount' => 'Current bill entry',

View File

@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ return [
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Delete a number of transactions',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Edit a number of transactions',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.',
'no_budget' => 'none',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Deleted :amount transaction(s).',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Updated :amount transaction(s)',

View File

@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ return [
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Delete a number of transactions',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Edit a number of transactions',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.',
'no_budget' => 'none',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Deleted :amount transaction(s).',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Updated :amount transaction(s)',