New translations

This commit is contained in:
James Cole 2017-01-02 18:51:41 +01:00
parent 0fe10e470d
commit 851b9136fe

View File

@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ return [
'nothing_to_display' => 'There are no transactions to show you',
'show_all_no_filter' => 'Show all transactions without grouping them by date.',
'expenses_by_category' => 'Expenses by category',
'expenses_by_budget' => 'Expenses by budget',
'income_by_category' => 'Income by category',
'expenses_by_budget' => 'Wydatki wg budżetu',
'income_by_category' => 'Dochody wg kategorii',
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III cannot redirect you to the correct page. Apologies.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Suma wydatków',
'sum_of_income' => 'Suma dochodów',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Spent in budget ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Spent total in budget ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Left to spend according to budgeting',
'cannot_change_demo' => 'You cannot change the password of the demonstration account.',
'cannot_change_demo' => 'Nie można zmienić hasła do konta demonstracyjnego.',
'cannot_delete_demo' => 'You cannot remove the demonstration account.',
'cannot_reset_demo_user' => 'You cannot reset the password of the demonstration account',
'per_period' => 'Per period',
@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ return [
'confirm_account_intro' => 'An email has been sent to the address you used during your registration. Please check it out for further instructions. If you did not get this message, you can have Firefly send it again.',
'confirm_account_resend_email' => 'Send me the confirmation message I need to activate my account.',
'account_is_confirmed' => 'Twoje konto zostało potwierdzone!',
'invalid_activation_code' => 'It seems the code you are using is not valid, or has expired.',
'invalid_activation_code' => 'Wygląda na to że kod którego używasz jest nieprawidłowy lub wygasł.',
'confirm_account_is_resent_header' => 'The confirmation has been resent',
'confirm_account_is_resent_text' => 'The confirmation message has been resent. If you still did not receive the confirmation message, please contact the site owner at <a href="mailto::owner">:owner</a> or check the log files to see what went wrong.',
'confirm_account_is_resent_go_home' => 'Go to the index page of Firefly',
'confirm_account_not_resent_header' => 'Something went wrong :(',
'confirm_account_not_resent_header' => 'Coś poszło nie tak :(',
'confirm_account_not_resent_intro' => 'The confirmation message has been not resent. If you still did not receive the confirmation message, please contact the site owner at <a href="mailto::owner">:owner</a> instead. Possibly, you have tried to resend the activation message too often. You can have Firefly III try to resend the confirmation message every hour.',
'confirm_account_not_resent_go_home' => 'Go to the index page of Firefly',
'confirm_account_not_resent_go_home' => 'Przejdź do strony głównej Firefly',
// export data:
'import_and_export' => 'Import / eksport',
@ -356,38 +356,38 @@ return [
'delete_your_account' => 'Usuń swoje konto',
'delete_your_account_help' => 'Deleting your account will also delete any accounts, transactions, <em>anything</em> you might have saved into Firefly III. It\'ll be GONE.',
'delete_your_account_password' => 'Enter your password to continue.',
'password' => 'Password',
'are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure? You cannot undo this.',
'delete_account_button' => 'DELETE your account',
'password' => 'Hasło',
'are_you_sure' => 'Jesteś pewny? Nie możesz tego cofnąć.',
'delete_account_button' => 'USUŃ swoje konto',
'invalid_current_password' => 'Invalid current password!',
'password_changed' => 'Password changed!',
'should_change' => 'The idea is to change your password.',
'invalid_password' => 'Invalid password!',
'password_changed' => 'Hasło zostało zmienione!',
'should_change' => 'Chodzi o to, aby zmienić swoje hasło.',
'invalid_password' => 'Nieprawidłowe hasło!',
// attachments
'nr_of_attachments' => 'One attachment|:count attachments',
'attachments' => 'Attachments',
'nr_of_attachments' => 'Jeden załącznik |:count załączników',
'attachments' => 'Załączniki',
'edit_attachment' => 'Edit attachment ":name"',
'update_attachment' => 'Update attachment',
'delete_attachment' => 'Delete attachment ":name"',
'attachment_deleted' => 'Deleted attachment ":name"',
'attachment_updated' => 'Updated attachment ":name"',
'upload_max_file_size' => 'Maximum file size: :size',
'upload_max_file_size' => 'Maksymalny rozmiar pliku to: :size',
// tour:
'prev' => 'Prev',
'next' => 'Next',
'end-tour' => 'End tour',
'pause' => 'Pause',
'prev' => 'Poprz.',
'next' => 'Nast.',
'end-tour' => 'Koniec samouczka',
'pause' => 'Pauza',
// transaction index
'title_expenses' => 'Expenses',
'title_withdrawal' => 'Expenses',
'title_revenue' => 'Revenue / income',
'title_deposit' => 'Revenue / income',
'title_transfer' => 'Transfers',
'title_transfers' => 'Transfers',
'title_expenses' => 'Wydatki',
'title_withdrawal' => 'Wydatki',
'title_revenue' => 'Przychód / dochód',
'title_deposit' => 'Przychód / dochód',
'title_transfer' => 'Transfery',
'title_transfers' => 'Transfery',
// convert stuff:
'convert_is_already_type_Withdrawal' => 'This transaction is already a withdrawal',