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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Some package updates.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
| EnvironmentFilter
| This is used to run filters on specific environments. For example, if you
| only want to run a filter on production and staging environments
| new EnvironmentFilter(new FilterExample, App::environment(), ['production', 'staging')),
use Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\EnvironmentFilter;
return [
| routing array
| This is passed to the Route::group and allows us to group and filter the
| routes for our package
'routing' => [
'prefix' => '/assets'
| paths
| These are the directories we search for files in.
| NOTE that the '.' in require_tree . is relative to where the manifest file
| (i.e. app/assets/javascripts/application.js) is located
'paths' => [
| mimes
| In order to know which mime type to send back to the server
| we need to know if it is a javascript or stylesheet type. If
| the extension is not found below then we just return a regular
| download.
'mimes' => [
'javascripts' => ['.js', '.js.coffee', '.coffee', '.html', '.min.js'],
'stylesheets' => ['.css', '.css.less', '.css.sass', '.css.scss', '.less', '.sass', '.scss', '.min.css'],
| filters
| In order for a file to be included with sprockets, it needs to be listed
| here and we can also do any preprocessing on files with the extension if
| we choose to.
'filters' => [
'.min.js' => [
'.min.css' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\URLRewrite(App::make('url')->to('/')),
'.js' => [
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\JSMinPlusFilter, App::environment()),
'.js.coffee' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CoffeeScript,
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\JSMinPlusFilter, App::environment()),
'.coffee' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CoffeeScript,
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\JSMinPlusFilter, App::environment()),
'.css' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\URLRewrite(App::make('url')->to('/')),
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CssMinFilter, App::environment()),
'.css.less' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\LessphpFilter,
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\URLRewrite(App::make('url')->to('/')),
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CssMinFilter, App::environment()),
'.css.sass' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\SassFilter,
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\URLRewrite(App::make('url')->to('/')),
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CssMinFilter, App::environment()),
'.css.scss' => [
new Assetic\Filter\ScssphpFilter,
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\URLRewrite(App::make('url')->to('/')),
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CssMinFilter, App::environment()),
'.less' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\LessphpFilter,
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\URLRewrite(App::make('url')->to('/')),
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CssMinFilter, App::environment()),
'.sass' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\SassFilter,
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\URLRewrite(App::make('url')->to('/')),
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CssMinFilter, App::environment()),
'.scss' => [
new Assetic\Filter\ScssphpFilter,
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\URLRewrite(App::make('url')->to('/')),
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\CssMinFilter, App::environment()),
'.html' => [
new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\JST,
new EnvironmentFilter(new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\JSMinPlusFilter, App::environment()),
| cache
| By default we cache assets on production environment permanently. We also cache
| all files using the `cache_server` driver below but the cache is busted anytime
| those files are modified. On production we will cache and the only way to bust
| the cache is to delete files from app/storage/cache/asset-pipeline or run a
| command php artisan assets:clean -f somefilename.js -f application.css ...
'cache' => ['local'],
| cache_server
| You can create your own CacheInterface if the filesystem cache is not up to
| your standards. This is for caching asset files on the server-side.
| Please note that caching is used on **ALL** environments always. This is done
| to increase performance of the pipeline. Cached files will be busted when the
| file changes.
| However, manifest files are regenerated (not cached) when the environment is
| not found within the 'cache' array. This lets you develop on local and still
| utilize caching, so you don't have to regenerate all precompiled files while
| developing on your assets.
| See more in CacheInterface.php at
| https://github.com/kriswallsmith/assetic/blob/master/src/Assetic/Cache
'cache_server' => new Assetic\Cache\FilesystemCache(App::make('path.storage') . '/cache/asset-pipeline'),
| cache_client
| If you want to handle 304's and what not, to keep users from refetching
| your assets and saving your bandwidth you can use a cache_client driver
| that handles this. This doesn't handle assets on the server-side, use
| cache_server for that. This only works when the current environment is
| listed within `cache`
| Note that this needs to implement the interface
| Codesleeve\Sprockets\Interfaces\ClientCacheInterface
| or this won't work correctly. It is a wrapper class around your cache_server
| driver and also uses the AssetCache class to help access files.
'cache_client' => new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Filters\ClientCacheFilter,
| concat
| This allows us to turn on the asset concatenation for specific
| environments listed below. You can turn off local environment if
| you are trying to troubleshoot, but you will likely have better
| performance if you leave concat on (except if you are doing a lot
| of minification stuff on each page refresh)
'concat' => ['production', 'local'],
| directives
| This allows us to turn completely control which directives are used
| for the sprockets parser that asset pipeline uses to parse manifest files.
| It is probably safe just to leave this alone unless you are familar with
| what is actually going on here.
'directives' => [
'require ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\RequireFile,
'require_directory ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\RequireDirectory,
'require_tree ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\RequireTree,
'require_tree_df ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\RequireTreeDf,
'require_self' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\RequireSelf,
'include ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\IncludeFile,
'include_directory ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\IncludeDirectory,
'include_tree ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\IncludeTree,
'stub ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\Stub,
'depend_on ' => new Codesleeve\Sprockets\Directives\DependOn,
| javascript_include_tag
| This allows us to completely control how the javascript_include_tag function
| works for asset pipeline.
| It is probably safe just to leave this alone unless you are familar with
| what is actually going on here.
'javascript_include_tag' => new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Composers\JavascriptComposer,
| stylesheet_link_tag
| This allows us to completely control how the stylesheet_link_tag function
| works for asset pipeline.
| It is probably safe just to leave this alone unless you are familar with
| what is actually going on here.
'stylesheet_link_tag' => new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Composers\StylesheetComposer,
| image_tag
| This allows us to completely control how the image_tag function
| works for asset pipeline.
| It is probably safe just to leave this alone unless you are familar with
| what is actually going on here.
'image_tag' => new Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\Composers\ImageComposer,
| controller_action
| Asset pipeline will route all requests through the controller action
| listed here. This allows us to completely control how the controller
| should behave for incoming requests for assets.
| It is probably safe just to leave this alone unless you are familar with
| what is actually going on here.
'controller_action' => '\Codesleeve\AssetPipeline\AssetPipelineController@file',
| sprockets_filter
| When concatenation is turned on, when an asset is fetched from the sprockets
| generator it is filtered through this filter class named below. This allows us
| to modify the sprockets filter if we need to behave differently.
| It is probably safe just to leave this alone unless you are familar with
| what is actually going on here.
'sprockets_filter' => '\Codesleeve\Sprockets\SprocketsFilter',
| sprockets_filter
| When concatenation is turned on, assets are filtered via SprocketsFilter
| and we can do global filters on the resulting dump file. This would be
| useful if you wanted to apply a filter to all javascript or stylesheet files
| like minification. Out of the box we don't have any filters here. Add at
| your own risk. I don't put minification filters here because the minify
| doesn't always work perfectly and can bjork your entire concatenated
| javascript or stylesheet file if it messes up.
| It is probably safe just to leave this alone unless you are familar with
| what is actually going on here.
'sprockets_filters' => [
'javascripts' => [],
'stylesheets' => [],
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"require": {
"laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
"laravelbook/ardent": "~2.4",
"codesleeve/asset-pipeline": "2.*"
"codesleeve/asset-pipeline": "dev-master*"
"require-dev": {
"barryvdh/laravel-debugbar": "@stable",
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