mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Update meta-files for new release.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
## 5.7.1 - 2022-04-05
### Fixed
- Fixes an issue with showing piggy banks
- [Issue 5961](https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues/5961) Fixes an issue registering new users
## 5.7.0 - 2022-04-04
- ⚠️ This release no longer supports LDAP.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ return [
'webhooks' => false,
'handle_debts' => true,
'version' => '5.7.0',
'version' => '5.7.1',
'api_version' => '1.5.6',
'db_version' => 18,
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ return [
'split' => 'Teilen',
'single_split' => 'Teil',
'clone' => 'Duplizieren',
'confirm_action' => 'Confirm action',
'confirm_action' => 'Aktion bestätigen',
'last_seven_days' => 'Letzte sieben Tage',
'last_thirty_days' => 'Letzte 30 Tage',
'last_180_days' => 'Letzte 180 Tage',
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ return [
'split' => 'Ventiler',
'single_split' => 'Ventilation',
'clone' => 'Cloner',
'confirm_action' => 'Confirm action',
'confirm_action' => 'Confirmer l\'action',
'last_seven_days' => '7 Derniers Jours',
'last_thirty_days' => 'Trente derniers jours',
'last_180_days' => '180 derniers jours',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ return [
'type' => 'Type',
'completed' => 'Terminé',
'iban' => 'Numéro IBAN',
'account_number' => 'Account number',
'account_number' => 'N° de compte',
'paid_current_period' => 'Payé cette période',
'email' => 'E-mail',
'registered_at' => 'Enregistré le',
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ return [
'month_and_day_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
//'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_date_day_js' => 'dddd MMMM Do, YYYY',
'month_and_date_day_js' => 'dddd D MMMM YYYY',
//'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'month_and_day_no_year_js' => 'MMMM Do',
'month_and_day_no_year_js' => 'D MMMM',
//'date_time' => '%B %e, %Y, @ %T',
'date_time_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ return [
'type' => 'Tipo',
'completed' => 'Completato',
'iban' => 'IBAN',
'account_number' => 'Account number',
'account_number' => 'Numero conto',
'paid_current_period' => 'Pagati in questo periodo',
'email' => 'Email',
'registered_at' => 'Registrato il',
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ return [
'split' => 'Podziel',
'single_split' => 'Podział',
'clone' => 'Sklonuj',
'confirm_action' => 'Confirm action',
'confirm_action' => 'Potwierdź akcję',
'last_seven_days' => 'Ostatnie 7 dni',
'last_thirty_days' => 'Ostanie 30 dni',
'last_180_days' => 'Ostatnie 180 dni',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ return [
'type' => 'Typ',
'completed' => 'Zakończone',
'iban' => 'IBAN',
'account_number' => 'Account number',
'account_number' => 'Numer konta',
'paid_current_period' => 'Zapłacono w tym okresie',
'email' => 'Adres E-Mail',
'registered_at' => 'Zarejestrowano',
@ -73,6 +73,6 @@ return [
'asset_accounts' => '资产账户',
'expense_accounts' => '支出账户',
'revenue_accounts' => '收入账户',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities_accounts' => '债务',
'placeholder' => '[Placeholder][占位符]',
@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ return [
'access_token_created_subject' => '创建了一个新的访问令牌',
'access_token_created_body' => '有人(希望是您)刚刚为您的帐户创建了一个新的 Firefly III API 访问令牌。',
'access_token_created_explanation' => 'With this token, they can access **all** of your financial records through the Firefly III API.',
'access_token_created_revoke' => 'If this wasn\'t you, please revoke this token as soon as possible at :url',
'access_token_created_revoke' => '如果这不是您的操作,请尽快访问链接撤销该令牌::url。',
// registered
'registered_subject' => '欢迎使用 Firefly III!',
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to [Firefly III](:address). Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using [the password reset tool](:address/password/reset).',
'registered_welcome' => '欢迎来到 [Firefly III](:address)。收到这封电子邮件即确认您的注册已经完成。耶!',
'registered_pw' => '如果您忘记了您的密码,请使用 [密码重置工具] (:address/password/reset) 重置密码。',
'registered_help' => '每个页面右上角都有一个帮助图标。如果您需要帮助,请点击它!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the [grand theory](https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances).',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please also read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_doc_html' => '如果您尚未阅读过,请阅读一下[设计理念](https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances)。',
'registered_doc_text' => '我们推荐您阅读新用户使用指南和完整说明。',
'registered_closing' => '祝您使用愉快!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
'registered_pw_reset_link' => '密码已重置',
@ -62,25 +62,25 @@ return [
// email change
'email_change_subject' => '您的 Firefly III 电子邮件地址已更改',
'email_change_body_to_new' => '您或有人访问您的 Firefly III 帐户已更改您的电子邮件地址。 如果不是您操作的,请忽略并删除。',
'email_change_body_to_old' => 'You or somebody with access to your Firefly III account has changed your email address. If you did not expect this to happen, you **must** follow the "undo"-link below to protect your account!',
'email_change_body_to_old' => '您或拥有您帐户访问权限的人修改了您的电子邮件地址。如果您没有进行该操作,您**必须**点击下方的“撤销操作”链接来保护您的帐户!',
'email_change_ignore' => '如果该操作由您本人进行,您可以安全地忽略此消息。',
'email_change_old' => '旧的电子邮件地址为::email',
'email_change_old_strong' => 'The old email address was: **:email**',
'email_change_old_strong' => '旧电子邮件地址为:**:email**',
'email_change_new' => '新的电子邮件地址为::email',
'email_change_new_strong' => 'The new email address is: **:email**',
'email_change_new_strong' => '新电子邮件地址是:**:email**',
'email_change_instructions' => '在您确认该项更改前,您无法使用 Firefly III。请点击下方链接进行操作。',
'email_change_undo_link' => '若要撤销改动,请点击此链接:',
// OAuth token created
'oauth_created_subject' => '新的 OAuth 客户端完成创建',
'oauth_created_body' => 'Somebody (hopefully you) just created a new Firefly III API OAuth Client for your user account. It\'s labeled ":name" and has callback URL `:url`.',
'oauth_created_explanation' => 'With this client, they can access **all** of your financial records through the Firefly III API.',
'oauth_created_undo' => 'If this wasn\'t you, please revoke this client as soon as possible at `:url`',
'oauth_created_body' => '有人(希望是您)刚刚使用您的账户创建了一个新的 Firefly III API OAuth 客户端。客户端标签是“:name”,回调地址是 `:url`。',
'oauth_created_explanation' => '通过该客户端,您的**所有**财务信息都可以通过 Firefly III API 来获取。',
'oauth_created_undo' => '如果这不是您的操作,请尽快访问链接撤销该客户端授权:`:url`',
// reset password
'reset_pw_subject' => '您的密码重置请求',
'reset_pw_instructions' => '有人尝试重置您的密码。如果是您本人的操作,请点击下方链接进行重置。',
'reset_pw_warning' => '**PLEASE** verify that the link actually goes to the Firefly III you expect it to go!',
'reset_pw_warning' => '请您**务必**确认打开的链接为真正的 Firefly III 站点。',
// error
'error_subject' => 'Firefly III 发生了错误',
@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ return [
'new_journals_header' => 'Firefly III 为您创建了一笔交易,您可以在您的 Firefly III 站点中查看:|Firefly III 为您创建了 :count 笔交易,您可以在您的 Firefly III 站点中查看:',
// bill warning
'bill_warning_subject_end_date' => 'Your bill ":name" is due to end in :diff days',
'bill_warning_subject_now_end_date' => 'Your bill ":name" is due to end TODAY',
'bill_warning_subject_end_date' => '您的账单“:name”将于 :diff 天后到期',
'bill_warning_subject_now_end_date' => '您的账单“:name”将于今天到期',
'bill_warning_subject_extension_date' => 'Your bill ":name" is due to be extended or cancelled in :diff days',
'bill_warning_subject_now_extension_date' => 'Your bill ":name" is due to be extended or cancelled TODAY',
'bill_warning_end_date' => 'Your bill **":name"** is due to end on :date. This moment will pass in about **:diff days**.',
'bill_warning_extension_date' => 'Your bill **":name"** is due to be extended or cancelled on :date. This moment will pass in about **:diff days**.',
'bill_warning_end_date_zero' => 'Your bill **":name"** is due to end on :date. This moment will pass **TODAY!**',
'bill_warning_extension_date_zero' => 'Your bill **":name"** is due to be extended or cancelled on :date. This moment will pass **TODAY!**',
'bill_warning_please_action' => 'Please take the appropriate action.',
'bill_warning_please_action' => '请采取适当的行动。',
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ return [
'tell_more' => '请提交给我们更多信息,而不仅仅是“网页提示说很抱歉”。',
'include_logs' => '请包含错误日志(见上文)。',
'what_did_you_do' => '告诉我们您进行了哪些操作。',
'offline_header' => 'You are probably offline',
'offline_unreachable' => 'Firefly III is unreachable. Your device is currently offline or the server is not working.',
'offline_github' => 'If you are sure both your device and the server are online, please open a ticket on <strong><a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues">GitHub</a></strong>.',
'offline_header' => '您可能处于离线状态',
'offline_unreachable' => '无法访问 Firefly III。您的设备目前处于离线状态或服务器无法正常工作。',
'offline_github' => '如果您确信您的设备和服务器均正常在线运行,请在 <strong><a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues">GitHub</a></strong> 上创建工单。',
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ return [
'currency' => '货币',
'account_id' => '资产账户',
'budget_id' => '预算',
'bill_id' => 'Bill',
'bill_id' => '账单',
'opening_balance' => '初始余额',
'tagMode' => '标签模式',
'virtual_balance' => '虚拟账户余额',
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ return [
'stop_processing' => '停止处理',
'start_date' => '范围起始',
'end_date' => '范围结束',
'enddate' => 'End date',
'enddate' => '结束日期',
'start' => '范围起始',
'end' => '范围结束',
'delete_account' => '删除账户“:name”',
@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ return [
'delete_all_permanently' => '永久删除已选项目',
'update_all_journals' => '更新这些交易',
'also_delete_transactions' => '与此账户关联的唯一一笔交易也会被删除。|与此账户关联的 :count 笔交易也会被删除。',
'also_delete_transactions_js' => 'No transactions|The only transaction connected to this account will be deleted as well.|All {count} transactions connected to this account will be deleted as well.',
'also_delete_transactions_js' => '没有交易|与此账户关联的唯一一笔交易也会被删除。|与此账户关联的 {count} 笔交易也会被删除。',
'also_delete_connections' => '与此关联类型相关联的唯一一笔交易会遗失连接。|与此关联类型相关联的 :count 笔交易会遗失连接。',
'also_delete_rules' => '与此规则组关联的唯一一条规则也会被删除。|与此规则组关联的 :count 条规则也会被删除。',
'also_delete_piggyBanks' => '与此账户关联的唯一一个存钱罐也会被删除。|与此账户关联的 :count 个存钱罐也会被删除。',
'also_delete_piggyBanks_js' => 'No piggy banks|The only piggy bank connected to this account will be deleted as well.|All {count} piggy banks connected to this account will be deleted as well.',
'also_delete_piggyBanks_js' => '没有存钱罐|与此账户关联的唯一一个存钱罐也会被删除。|与此账户关联的 {count} 个存钱罐也会被删除。',
'not_delete_piggy_banks' => '关联至此组的存钱罐将不会被删除。|关联至此组的 :count 个存钱罐将不会被删除。',
'bill_keep_transactions' => '与此账单关联的唯一一笔交易不会被删除。|与此账单关联的 :count 笔交易不会被删除。',
'budget_keep_transactions' => '与此预算关联的唯一一笔交易不会被删除。|与此预算关联的 :count 笔交易不会被删除。',
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ return [
'login_name' => '登录',
'is_owner' => '是管理员?',
'url' => 'URL',
'bill_end_date' => 'End date',
'bill_end_date' => '结束日期',
// import
'apply_rules' => '应用规则',
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ return [
'account_type' => '账户类型',
'created_at' => '创建于',
'account' => '账户',
'external_url' => 'External URL',
'external_url' => '外部链接',
'matchingAmount' => '金额',
'destination' => '目标',
'source' => '来源',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ return [
'type' => '类型',
'completed' => '已完成',
'iban' => '国际银行账户号码(IBAN)',
'account_number' => 'Account number',
'account_number' => '账户号码',
'paid_current_period' => '当前周期支付',
'email' => '电子邮件',
'registered_at' => '注册于',
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ return [
'liability_type' => '债务类型',
'liability_direction' => 'Liability in/out',
'end_date' => '截止日期',
'payment_info' => 'Payment information',
'expected_info' => 'Next expected transaction',
'payment_info' => '付款信息',
'expected_info' => '下一个预期的交易',
'start_date' => '起始日期',
@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ return [
'accepted' => ':attribute 必须接受',
'bic' => '此 BIC 无效',
'at_least_one_trigger' => '每条规则必须至少有一个触发条件',
'at_least_one_active_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one active trigger.',
'at_least_one_active_trigger' => '规则必须至少有一个启用的触发条件。',
'at_least_one_action' => '每条规则必须至少有一个动作',
'at_least_one_active_action' => 'Rule must have at least one active action.',
'at_least_one_active_action' => '规则必须至少有一个启用的动作。',
'base64' => '此 base64 编码数据无效',
'model_id_invalid' => '指定的 ID 不能用于此模型',
'less' => ':attribute 必须小于 10,000,000',
'active_url' => ':attribute 不是有效的网址',
'after' => ':attribute 必须是一个在 :date 之后的日期',
'date_after' => 'The start date must be before the end date.',
'date_after' => '开始日期必须早于结束日期。',
'alpha' => ':attribute 只能包含英文字母',
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute 只能包含英文字母、数字和减号',
'alpha_num' => ':attribute 只能包含英文字母和数字',
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ return [
'starts_with' => '此值必须以 :values 开头',
'unique_webhook' => '您已经拥有使用此值的 Webhook',
'unique_existing_webhook' => '您已经拥有另一个使用此值的 Webhook',
'same_account_type' => 'Both accounts must be of the same account type',
'same_account_currency' => 'Both accounts must have the same currency setting',
'same_account_type' => '两个账户必须是相同类型的账户',
'same_account_currency' => '两个账户必须设置有相同的货币',
'secure_password' => '此密码不安全,请重试。访问 https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security 获取更多信息。',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => '此重复类型不能用于定期交易',
@ -209,15 +209,15 @@ return [
'need_id_in_edit' => '每笔拆分必须有 transaction_journal_id (有效的 ID 或 0)。',
'ob_source_need_data' => '需要一个有效的来源账户ID和/或来源账户名称才能继续。',
'lc_source_need_data' => 'Need to get a valid source account ID to continue.',
'lc_source_need_data' => '需要获取一个有效的来源账户 ID 才能继续。',
'ob_dest_need_data' => '需要一个有效的来源账户 ID 和/或来源账户名称才能继续',
'ob_dest_bad_data' => '搜索 ID “:id”或名称“:name”时找不到有效的目标账户',
'generic_invalid_source' => '您不能使用此账户作为来源账户',
'generic_invalid_destination' => '您不能使用此账户作为目标账户',
'generic_no_source' => 'You must submit source account information.',
'generic_no_destination' => 'You must submit destination account information.',
'generic_no_source' => '您必须提交源账户信息。',
'generic_no_destination' => '您必须提交目标账户信息。',
'gte.numeric' => ':attribute 必须大于或等于 :value',
'gt.numeric' => ':attribute 必须大于 :value',
@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ sonar.organization=firefly-iii
Reference in New Issue
Block a user