mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Веднага се връщам!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III е изключен за някаква необходима поддръжка. Моля, проверете отново след секунда.',
'error_occurred' => 'Опаааа! Случи се грешка.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'За съжаление от тази грешка не се възстановява :(. Firefly III се счупи. Грешката е:',
'error' => 'Грешка',
'error_location' => 'Тази грешка се появи във файл "<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>" на ред: :line с код: :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Hned jsme zpět!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III je vypnutý kvůli nezbytné údržbě. Zkuste to prosím později.',
'error_occurred' => 'Jejda! Došlo k chybě.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Bohužel, tato chyba je neopravitelná :(. Firefly III se pokazil. Chyba je:',
'error' => 'Chyba',
'error_location' => 'Došlo k chybě v souboru <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> na řádku :line s kódem :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q. Quartal YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'QQQ, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Willkommen bei [Firefly III](:address). Ihre Registrierung ist abgeschlossen und diese E-Mail erhalten Sie zur Bestätigung. Hurra!',
'registered_pw' => 'Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort bereits vergessen haben, setzen Sie es bitte mit dem [Tool zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts](:address/password/reset) zurück.',
'registered_help' => 'Es gibt ein Hilfe-Icon in der oberen rechten Ecke jeder Seite. Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, klicken Sie dort drauf!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the [grand theory](https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances).',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please also read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Falls Sie es noch nicht getan haben, lesen Sie bitte die [Große Theorie] (https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances).',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Falls Sie es noch nicht getan haben, lesen Sie bitte auch die Anleitung zur ersten Benutzung und die vollständige Beschreibung.',
'registered_closing' => 'Viel Spaß!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
'registered_pw_reset_link' => 'Passwort zurücksetzen:',
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ return [
// OAuth token created
'oauth_created_subject' => 'Ein neuer OAuth Client wurde erstellt',
'oauth_created_body' => 'Somebody (hopefully you) just created a new Firefly III API OAuth Client for your user account. It\'s labeled ":name" and has callback URL `:url`.',
'oauth_created_body' => 'Jemand (hoffentlich Sie) hat gerade einen neuen Firefly III API OAuth Client für Ihr Benutzerkonto erstellt. Er trägt die Bezeichnung ":name" und hat die Callback-URL `:url`.',
'oauth_created_explanation' => 'Mit diesem Client können Sie über die API von Firefly III auf **alle** Ihrer Finanzdaten zugreifen.',
'oauth_created_undo' => 'Wenn Sie es nicht waren, widerrufen Sie diesen Client bitte so schnell wie möglich unter „:url”',
@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ return [
'new_journals_header' => 'Firefly III hat eine Transaktion für Sie erstellt. Sie finden sie in Ihrer Firefly III Installation:|Firefly III hat :count Transaktionen für Sie erstellt. Sie können sie in Ihrer Firefly III Installation finden:',
// bill warning
'bill_warning_subject_end_date' => 'Your bill ":name" is due to end in :diff days',
'bill_warning_subject_now_end_date' => 'Your bill ":name" is due to end TODAY',
'bill_warning_subject_extension_date' => 'Your bill ":name" is due to be extended or cancelled in :diff days',
'bill_warning_subject_now_extension_date' => 'Your bill ":name" is due to be extended or cancelled TODAY',
'bill_warning_end_date' => 'Your bill **":name"** is due to end on :date. This moment will pass in about **:diff days**.',
'bill_warning_extension_date' => 'Your bill **":name"** is due to be extended or cancelled on :date. This moment will pass in about **:diff days**.',
'bill_warning_end_date_zero' => 'Your bill **":name"** is due to end on :date. This moment will pass **TODAY!**',
'bill_warning_extension_date_zero' => 'Your bill **":name"** is due to be extended or cancelled on :date. This moment will pass **TODAY!**',
'bill_warning_please_action' => 'Please take the appropriate action.',
'bill_warning_subject_end_date' => 'Ihre Rechnung ":name" wird in :diff Tagen fällig',
'bill_warning_subject_now_end_date' => 'Ihre Rechnung ":name" wird HEUTE fällig',
'bill_warning_subject_extension_date' => 'Ihre Rechnung ":name" wird in :diff Tagen verlängert oder storniert',
'bill_warning_subject_now_extension_date' => 'Ihre Rechnung ":name" wird HEUTE verlängert oder storniert',
'bill_warning_end_date' => 'Ihre Rechnung **":name"** wird am :date enden. Dieser Zeitpunkt wird in **:diff Tagen** vergehen.',
'bill_warning_extension_date' => 'Ihre Rechnung **":name"** wird am :date verlängert oder storniert. Dieser Zeitpunkt wird in **:diff Tagen** vergehen.',
'bill_warning_end_date_zero' => 'Ihre Rechnung **":name"** wird am :date enden. Dieser Zeitpunkt wird **HEUTE!** vergehen',
'bill_warning_extension_date_zero' => 'Ihre Rechnung **":name"** wird am :date verlängert oder storniert. Dieser Zeitpunkt wird **HEUTE!** vergehen',
'bill_warning_please_action' => 'Bitte ergreifen Sie die entsprechende Maßnahme.',
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Gleich wieder zurück!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III ist für eine notwendige Wartung nicht verfügbar. Bitte versuchen Sie es in einer Sekunde noch einmal.',
'error_occurred' => 'Hoppla! Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Leider konnte dieser Fehler nicht wiederhergestellt werden :(. Firefly III ist kaputt. Der Fehler ist:',
'error' => 'Fehler',
'error_location' => 'Dieser Fehler ist in der Datei <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> in Zeile :line mit dem Code :code aufgetreten.',
@ -356,16 +356,16 @@ return [
// new
'search_modifier_tag_is_not' => 'No tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag_is_not' => 'Kein Schlagwort lautet ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_is' => 'Beide Konten sind ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_contains' => 'Beide Konten enthalten ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_ends' => 'Beide Konten enden mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_starts' => 'Beide Konten beginnen mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_nr_is' => 'Beide Kontonummern / IBANs sind ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_nr_contains' => 'Either account number / IBAN contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_nr_contains' => 'Beide Kontonummer / IBAN enthalten ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_nr_ends' => 'Beide Kontonummern /IBANs enden mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_nr_starts' => 'Either account number / IBAN starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_nr_starts' => 'Beide Kontonummer / IBAN beginnen mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_contains' => 'Kategorie beinhaltet ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_ends' => 'Kategorie endet mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_starts' => 'Kategorie beginnt mit ":value"',
@ -378,127 +378,127 @@ return [
'search_modifier_external_id_contains' => 'Externe ID enthält ":value"',
'search_modifier_external_id_ends' => 'Externe ID endet mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_external_id_starts' => 'Externe ID beginnt mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_internal_reference_contains' => 'Internal reference contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_internal_reference_ends' => 'Internal reference ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_internal_reference_starts' => 'Internal reference starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_internal_reference_contains' => 'Interne Referenz beinhaltet ":value"',
'search_modifier_internal_reference_ends' => 'Interne Referenz endet mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_internal_reference_starts' => 'Interne Referenz beginnt mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_external_url_is' => 'Externe URL ist ":value"',
'search_modifier_external_url_contains' => 'Externe URL enthält ":value"',
'search_modifier_external_url_ends' => 'Externe URL endet mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_external_url_starts' => 'Externe URL beginnt mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_has_no_attachments' => 'Transaktion hat keine Anhänge',
'search_modifier_account_is_cash' => 'Either account is a cash account.',
'search_modifier_account_is_cash' => 'Beide Konten sind Geldbörsen.',
'search_modifier_journal_id' => 'Transaktions-Journal-ID ist ":value"',
'search_modifier_recurrence_id' => 'Die Dauerauftrags-ID ist ":value"',
'search_modifier_foreign_amount_is' => 'The foreign amount is ":value"',
'search_modifier_foreign_amount_less' => 'The foreign amount is less than ":value"',
'search_modifier_foreign_amount_more' => 'The foreign amount is more than ":value"',
'search_modifier_foreign_amount_is' => 'Der Fremdbetrag lautet ":value"',
'search_modifier_foreign_amount_less' => 'Der Fremdbetrag ist geringer als ":value"',
'search_modifier_foreign_amount_more' => 'Der Fremdbetrag ist höher als ":value"',
// date fields
'search_modifier_interest_date_on' => 'Transaction interest date is ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_on_year' => 'Transaction interest date is in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_on_month' => 'Transaction interest date is in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_on_day' => 'Transaction interest date is on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_before_year' => 'Transaction interest date is before or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_before_month' => 'Transaction interest date is before or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_before_day' => 'Transaction interest date is before or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_after_year' => 'Transaction interest date is after or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_after_month' => 'Transaction interest date is after or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_after_day' => 'Transaction interest date is after or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_on_year' => 'Transaction book date is in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_on_month' => 'Transaction book date is in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_on_day' => 'Transaction book date is on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_before_year' => 'Transaction book date is before or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_before_month' => 'Transaction book date is before or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_before_day' => 'Transaction book date is before or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_after_year' => 'Transaction book date is after or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_after_month' => 'Transaction book date is after or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_after_day' => 'Transaction book date is after or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_on_year' => 'Transaction process date is in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_on_month' => 'Transaction process date is in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_on_day' => 'Transaction process date is on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_before_year' => 'Transaction process date is before or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_before_month' => 'Transaction process date is before or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_before_day' => 'Transaction process date is before or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_after_year' => 'Transaction process date is after or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_after_month' => 'Transaction process date is after or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_after_day' => 'Transaction process date is after or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_on_year' => 'Transaction due date is in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_on_month' => 'Transaction due date is in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_on_day' => 'Transaction due date is on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_before_year' => 'Transaction due date is before or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_before_month' => 'Transaction due date is before or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_before_day' => 'Transaction due date is before or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_after_year' => 'Transaction due date is after or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_after_month' => 'Transaction due date is after or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_after_day' => 'Transaction due date is after or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_on_year' => 'Transaction payment date is in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_on_month' => 'Transaction payment date is in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_on_day' => 'Transaction payment date is on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_before_year' => 'Transaction payment date is before or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_before_month' => 'Transaction payment date is before or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_before_day' => 'Transaction payment date is before or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_after_year' => 'Transaction payment date is after or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_after_month' => 'Transaction payment date is after or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_after_day' => 'Transaction payment date is after or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_on_year' => 'Transaction invoice date is in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_on_month' => 'Transaction invoice date is in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_on_day' => 'Transaction invoice date is on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_before_year' => 'Transaction invoice date is before or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_before_month' => 'Transaction invoice date is before or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_before_day' => 'Transaction invoice date is before or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_after_year' => 'Transaction invoice date is after or in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_after_month' => 'Transaction invoice date is after or in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_after_day' => 'Transaction invoice date is after or on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_on' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist am ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_on_year' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_on_month' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_on_day' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_before_year' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist vor dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_before_month' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist vor dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_before_day' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist vor dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_after_year' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist nach dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_after_month' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist nach dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_after_day' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist nach dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_on_year' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_on_month' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_on_day' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_before_year' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist vor dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_before_month' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist vor dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_before_day' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist vor dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_after_year' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist nach dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_after_month' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist nach dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_after_day' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist nach dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_on_year' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_on_month' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_on_day' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_before_year' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist vor dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_before_month' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist vor dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_before_day' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist vor dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_after_year' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist nach dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_after_month' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist nach dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_after_day' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist nach dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_on_year' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_on_month' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_on_day' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_before_year' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist vor dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_before_month' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist vor dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_before_day' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist vor dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_after_year' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist nach dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_after_month' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist nach dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_after_day' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist nach dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_on_year' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_on_month' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_on_day' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_before_year' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist vor dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_before_month' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist vor dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_before_day' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist vor dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_after_year' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist nach dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_after_month' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist nach dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_after_day' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist nach dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_on_year' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_on_month' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_on_day' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_before_year' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist vor dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_before_month' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist vor dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_before_day' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist vor dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_after_year' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist nach dem oder im Jahr ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_after_month' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist nach dem oder im Monat ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_after_day' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist nach dem oder am Tag des Monats ":value"',
// other dates
'search_modifier_updated_at_on_year' => 'Transaction was last updated in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_on_month' => 'Transaction was last updated in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_on_day' => 'Transaction was last updated on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_before_year' => 'Transaction was last updated in or before year ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_before_month' => 'Transaction was last updated in or before month ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_before_day' => 'Transaction was last updated on or before day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_after_year' => 'Transaction was last updated in or after year ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_after_month' => 'Transaction was last updated in or after month ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_after_day' => 'Transaction was last updated on or after day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_on_year' => 'Transaction was created in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_on_month' => 'Transaction was created in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_on_day' => 'Transaction was created on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_before_year' => 'Transaction was created in or before year ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_before_month' => 'Transaction was created in or before month ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_before_day' => 'Transaction was created on or before day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_after_year' => 'Transaction was created in or after year ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_after_month' => 'Transaction was created in or after month ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_after_day' => 'Transaction was created on or after day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_before' => 'Transaction interest date is on or before ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_after' => 'Transaction interest date is on or after ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_on' => 'Transaction book date is on ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_before' => 'Transaction book date is on or before ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_after' => 'Transaction book date is on or after ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_on' => 'Transaction process date is on ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_before' => 'Transaction process date is on or before ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_after' => 'Transaction process date is on or after ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_on' => 'Transaction due date is on ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_before' => 'Transaction due date is on or before ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_after' => 'Transaction due date is on or after ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_on' => 'Transaction payment date is on ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_before' => 'Transaction payment date is on or before ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_after' => 'Transaction payment date is on or after ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_on' => 'Transaction invoice date is on ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_before' => 'Transaction invoice date is on or before ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_after' => 'Transaction invoice date is on or after ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_on' => 'Transaction was created on ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_before' => 'Transaction was created on or before ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_after' => 'Transaction was created on or after ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_on' => 'Transaction was updated on ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_before' => 'Transaction was updated on or before ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_after' => 'Transaction was updated on or after ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_name_is' => 'Any attachment\'s name is ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_name_contains' => 'Any attachment\'s name contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_name_starts' => 'Any attachment\'s name starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_name_ends' => 'Any attachment\'s name ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_notes_are' => 'Any attachment\'s notes are ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_notes_contains' => 'Any attachment\'s notes contain ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_notes_starts' => 'Any attachment\'s notes start with ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_notes_ends' => 'Any attachment\'s notes end is ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_on_year' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt im Jahr ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_updated_at_on_month' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt im Monat ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_updated_at_on_day' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt am Tag des Monats ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_updated_at_before_year' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt im oder vor dem Jahr ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_updated_at_before_month' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt im oder vor dem Monat ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_updated_at_before_day' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt am oder vor dem Tag des Monats ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_updated_at_after_year' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt im oder nach dem Jahr ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_updated_at_after_month' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt im oder nach dem Monat ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_updated_at_after_day' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt am oder nach dem Tag des Monats ":value" aktualisiert',
'search_modifier_created_at_on_year' => 'Transaktion wurde im Jahr ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_on_month' => 'Transaktion wurde im Monat ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_on_day' => 'Transaktion wurde am Tag des Monats ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_before_year' => 'Transaktion wurde im oder vor dem Jahr ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_before_month' => 'Transaktion wurde im oder vor dem Monat ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_before_day' => 'Transaktion wurde am oder vor dem Tag des Monats ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_after_year' => 'Transaktion wurde im oder nach dem Jahr ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_after_month' => 'Transaktion wurde im oder nach dem Monat ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_after_day' => 'Transaktion wurde am oder nach dem Tag des Monats ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_interest_date_before' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist am oder vor dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_interest_date_after' => 'Transaktion Zinstermin ist am oder nach dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_on' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist am ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_before' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist am oder vor dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_book_date_after' => 'Transaktion Buchungstermin ist am oder nach dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_on' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist am ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_before' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist am oder vor dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_process_date_after' => 'Transaktion Erfassungsdatum ist am oder nach dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_on' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist am ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_before' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist am oder vor dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_due_date_after' => 'Transaktion Fälligkeitstermin ist am oder nach dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_on' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist am ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_before' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist am oder vor dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_payment_date_after' => 'Transaktion Zahlungsdatum ist am oder nach dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_on' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist am ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_before' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist am oder vor dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_invoice_date_after' => 'Transaktion Rechnungsdatum ist am oder nach dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_created_at_on' => 'Transaktion wurde am ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_before' => 'Transaktion wurde am oder vor dem ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_created_at_after' => 'Transaktion wurde am oder nach dem ":value" erstellt',
'search_modifier_updated_at_on' => 'Transaktion wurde aktualisiert am ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_before' => 'Transaktion wurde aktualisiert am oder vor dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_updated_at_after' => 'Transaktion wurde aktualisiert am oder nach dem ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_name_is' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs lautet ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_name_contains' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs beinhaltet ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_name_starts' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs beginnt mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_name_ends' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs endet mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_notes_are' => 'Notizen des Anhangs lauten ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_notes_contains' => 'Notizen des Anhangs beinhalten ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_notes_starts' => 'Notizen des Anhangs beginnen mit ":value"',
'search_modifier_attachment_notes_ends' => 'Notizen des Anhangs enden mit ":value"',
'update_rule_from_query' => 'Regel „:rule” aus Suchanfrage aktualisieren',
'create_rule_from_query' => 'Neue Regel aus Suchanfrage erstellen',
'rule_from_search_words' => 'Die Regel-Modul hat Schwierigkeiten „:string” zu verarbeiten. Die vorgeschlagene Regel, die Ihrer Suchanfrage entspricht, kann zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen führen. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Regelauslöser sorgfältig.',
@ -605,14 +605,14 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_source_account_is' => 'Quellkonto-Name lautet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_source_account_contains_choice' => 'Quellkonto-Name enhält..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_contains' => 'Quellkonto-Name enthält ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_id_choice' => 'Either account ID is exactly..',
'rule_trigger_account_id' => 'Either account ID is exactly :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_account_id_choice' => 'Beide Konto IDs sind exakt..',
'rule_trigger_account_id' => 'Beide Konto IDs sind exakt :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_source_account_id_choice' => 'Quellkonto ID ist genau..',
'rule_trigger_source_account_id' => 'Quellkonto ID ist genau :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_id_choice' => 'Zielkonto ID ist genau..',
'rule_trigger_destination_account_id' => 'Quellkonto ID ist genau :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_account_is_cash_choice' => 'Either account is cash',
'rule_trigger_account_is_cash' => 'Either account is cash',
'rule_trigger_account_is_cash_choice' => 'Beide Konten sind Bargeld',
'rule_trigger_account_is_cash' => 'Beide Konten sind Bargeld',
'rule_trigger_source_is_cash_choice' => 'Quellkonto ist (bar)',
'rule_trigger_source_is_cash' => 'Quellkonto ist (bar)',
'rule_trigger_destination_is_cash_choice' => 'Zielkonto ist (bar)',
@ -647,8 +647,8 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_category_is' => 'Kategorie ist ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_amount_less_choice' => 'Betrag ist geringer als..',
'rule_trigger_amount_less' => 'Betrag ist kleiner als :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_amount_is_choice' => 'Amount is..',
'rule_trigger_amount_is' => 'Amount is :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_amount_is_choice' => 'Betrag lautet..',
'rule_trigger_amount_is' => 'Betrag lautet :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_amount_more_choice' => 'Betrag ist mehr als..',
'rule_trigger_amount_more' => 'Betrag ist größer als :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_description_starts_choice' => 'Beschreibung beginnt mit..',
@ -659,20 +659,20 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_description_contains' => 'Beschreibung enthält ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_description_is_choice' => 'Beschreibung ist..',
'rule_trigger_description_is' => 'Beschreibung ist ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_date_on_choice' => 'Transaction date is..',
'rule_trigger_date_on' => 'Transaction date is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_date_on_choice' => 'Buchungsdatum lautet..',
'rule_trigger_date_on' => 'Buchungsdatum lautet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_date_before_choice' => 'Buchungsdatum ist vor …',
'rule_trigger_date_before' => 'Buchungsdatum ist vor „:trigger_value”',
'rule_trigger_date_after_choice' => 'Buchungsdatum ist nach …',
'rule_trigger_date_after' => 'Buchungsdatum ist nach „:trigger_value”',
'rule_trigger_created_at_on_choice' => 'Transaction was made on..',
'rule_trigger_created_at_on' => 'Transaction was made on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_on_choice' => 'Transaction was last edited on..',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_on' => 'Transaction was last edited on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_created_at_on_choice' => 'Transaktion wurde gemacht am..',
'rule_trigger_created_at_on' => 'Transaktion wurde gemacht am ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_on_choice' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt bearbeitet am..',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_on' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt bearbeitet am ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_budget_is_choice' => 'Budget ist..',
'rule_trigger_budget_is' => 'Budget ist „:trigger_value”',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_choice' => 'Any tag is..',
'rule_trigger_tag_is' => 'Any tag is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_choice' => 'Irgendein Schlagwort lautet..',
'rule_trigger_tag_is' => 'Irgendein Schlagwort lautet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_currency_is_choice' => 'Buchungswährung ist …',
'rule_trigger_currency_is' => 'Buchungswährung ist „:trigger_value”',
'rule_trigger_foreign_currency_is_choice' => 'Fremdwährung der Buchung ist …',
@ -699,12 +699,12 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_any_notes' => 'Die Buchung hat (beliebige) Notizen',
'rule_trigger_no_notes_choice' => 'Hat keine Notizen',
'rule_trigger_no_notes' => 'Buchung hat keine Notizen',
'rule_trigger_notes_is_choice' => 'Notes are..',
'rule_trigger_notes_is' => 'Notes are ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_contains_choice' => 'Notes contain..',
'rule_trigger_notes_contains' => 'Notes contain ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_starts_choice' => 'Notes start with..',
'rule_trigger_notes_starts' => 'Notes start with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_is_choice' => 'Notizen lauten..',
'rule_trigger_notes_is' => 'Notizen lauten ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_contains_choice' => 'Notizen beinhalten..',
'rule_trigger_notes_contains' => 'Notizen beinhalten ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_starts_choice' => 'Notizen beginnen mit..',
'rule_trigger_notes_starts' => 'Notizen beginnen mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_ends_choice' => 'Notizen enden mit..',
'rule_trigger_notes_ends' => 'Notizen enden mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_bill_is_choice' => 'Rechnung ist..',
@ -723,25 +723,25 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_id' => 'Buchungskennung lautet „:trigger_value”',
// new values:
'rule_trigger_user_action_choice' => 'User action is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_not_choice' => 'No tag is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_not' => 'No tag is..',
'rule_trigger_account_is_choice' => 'Either account is exactly..',
'rule_trigger_account_is' => 'Either account is exactly ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_contains_choice' => 'Either account contains..',
'rule_trigger_account_contains' => 'Either account contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_ends_choice' => 'Either account ends with..',
'rule_trigger_account_ends' => 'Either account ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_starts_choice' => 'Either account starts with..',
'rule_trigger_account_starts' => 'Either account starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_is_choice' => 'Either account number / IBAN is..',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_is' => 'Either account number / IBAN is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_contains_choice' => 'Either account number / IBAN contains..',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_contains' => 'Either account number / IBAN contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_user_action_choice' => 'Die Nutzeraktion ist ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_not_choice' => 'Kein Schlagwort lautet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_not' => 'Kein Schlagwort lautet..',
'rule_trigger_account_is_choice' => 'Beide Konten lauten exakt..',
'rule_trigger_account_is' => 'Beide Konten lauten exakt ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_contains_choice' => 'Beide Konten beinhalten..',
'rule_trigger_account_contains' => 'Beide Konten beinhalten ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_ends_choice' => 'Beide Konten enden mit..',
'rule_trigger_account_ends' => 'Beide Konten enden mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_starts_choice' => 'Beide Konten beginnen mit..',
'rule_trigger_account_starts' => 'Beide Konten beginnen mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_is_choice' => 'Beide Kontonummer / IBAN lauten..',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_is' => 'Beide Kontonummer / IBAN lauten ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_contains_choice' => 'Beide Kontonummer / IBAN enthalten..',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_contains' => 'Beide Kontonummer / IBAN enthalten ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_ends_choice' => 'Entweder Kontonummer oder IBAN enden auf..',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_ends' => 'Entweder Kontonummer oder IBAN enden auf ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_starts_choice' => 'Entweder Kontonummer oder IBAN beginnen mit..',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_starts' => 'Either account number / IBAN starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_starts' => 'Beide Kontonummer / IBAN beginnen mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_category_contains_choice' => 'Kategorie enthält..',
'rule_trigger_category_contains' => 'Kategorie enthält ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_category_ends_choice' => 'Kategorie endet mit..',
@ -754,102 +754,102 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_budget_ends' => 'Budget endet mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_budget_starts_choice' => 'Budget beginnt mit..',
'rule_trigger_budget_starts' => 'Budget beginnt mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_bill_contains_choice' => 'Bill contains..',
'rule_trigger_bill_contains' => 'Bill contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_bill_ends_choice' => 'Bill ends with..',
'rule_trigger_bill_ends' => 'Bill ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_bill_starts_choice' => 'Bill starts with..',
'rule_trigger_bill_starts' => 'Bill starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_bill_contains_choice' => 'Rechnung beinhaltet..',
'rule_trigger_bill_contains' => 'Rechnung beinhaltet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_bill_ends_choice' => 'Rechnung endet mit..',
'rule_trigger_bill_ends' => 'Rechnung endet mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_bill_starts_choice' => 'Rechnung beginnt mit..',
'rule_trigger_bill_starts' => 'Rechnung beginnt mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_id_contains_choice' => 'Externe ID enthält..',
'rule_trigger_external_id_contains' => 'Externe ID enthält ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_id_ends_choice' => 'Externe ID endet mit..',
'rule_trigger_external_id_ends' => 'Externe ID endet mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_id_starts_choice' => 'Externe ID startet mit..',
'rule_trigger_external_id_starts' => 'Externe ID beginnt mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_contains_choice' => 'Internal reference contains..',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_contains' => 'Internal reference contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_ends_choice' => 'Internal reference ends with..',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_ends' => 'Internal reference ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_starts_choice' => 'Internal reference starts with..',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_starts' => 'Internal reference starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_contains_choice' => 'Interne Referenz beinhaltet..',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_contains' => 'Interne Referenz beinhaltet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_ends_choice' => 'Interne Referenz endet mit..',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_ends' => 'Interne Referenz endet mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_starts_choice' => 'Interne Referenz beginnt mit..',
'rule_trigger_internal_reference_starts' => 'Interne Referenz beginnt mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_url_is_choice' => 'Exterme URL ist..',
'rule_trigger_external_url_is' => 'Externe URL ist ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_url_contains_choice' => 'Externe URL enthält..',
'rule_trigger_external_url_contains' => 'External URL contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_url_ends_choice' => 'External URL ends with..',
'rule_trigger_external_url_ends' => 'External URL ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_url_starts_choice' => 'External URL starts with..',
'rule_trigger_external_url_starts' => 'External URL starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_url_contains' => 'Externe URL beinhaltet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_url_ends_choice' => 'Externe URL endet mit..',
'rule_trigger_external_url_ends' => 'Externe URL endet mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_external_url_starts_choice' => 'Externe URL beginnt mit..',
'rule_trigger_external_url_starts' => 'Externe URL beginnt mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_has_no_attachments_choice' => 'Hat keine Anhänge',
'rule_trigger_has_no_attachments' => 'Transaktion hat keine Anhänge',
'rule_trigger_recurrence_id_choice' => 'Dauerauftrags-ID ist..',
'rule_trigger_recurrence_id' => 'Dauerauftrags-ID ist ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_on_choice' => 'Interest date is on..',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_on' => 'Interest date is on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_before_choice' => 'Interest date is before..',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_on_choice' => 'Zinstermin ist am..',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_on' => 'Zinstermin ist am ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_before_choice' => 'Zinstermin ist vor dem..',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_before' => 'Das Zinsdatum liegt vor dem „:trigger_value”',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_after_choice' => 'Interest date is after..',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_after_choice' => 'Zinstermin ist nach dem..',
'rule_trigger_interest_date_after' => 'Das Zinsdatum liegt nach dem „:trigger_value”',
'rule_trigger_book_date_on_choice' => 'Book date is on..',
'rule_trigger_book_date_on' => 'Book date is on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_book_date_before_choice' => 'Book date is before..',
'rule_trigger_book_date_before' => 'Book date is before ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_book_date_after_choice' => 'Book date is after..',
'rule_trigger_book_date_after' => 'Book date is after ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_process_date_on_choice' => 'Process date is on..',
'rule_trigger_process_date_on' => 'Process date is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_process_date_before_choice' => 'Process date is before..',
'rule_trigger_process_date_before' => 'Process date is before ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_process_date_after_choice' => 'Process date is after..',
'rule_trigger_process_date_after' => 'Process date is after ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_due_date_on_choice' => 'Due date is on..',
'rule_trigger_due_date_on' => 'Due date is on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_due_date_before_choice' => 'Due date is before..',
'rule_trigger_due_date_before' => 'Due date is before ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_due_date_after_choice' => 'Due date is after..',
'rule_trigger_due_date_after' => 'Due date is after ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_on_choice' => 'Payment date is on..',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_on' => 'Payment date is on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_before_choice' => 'Payment date is before..',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_before' => 'Payment date is before ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_after_choice' => 'Payment date is after..',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_after' => 'Payment date is after ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_on_choice' => 'Invoice date is on..',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_on' => 'Invoice date is on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_before_choice' => 'Invoice date is before..',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_before' => 'Invoice date is before ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_after_choice' => 'Invoice date is after..',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_after' => 'Invoice date is after ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_created_at_before_choice' => 'Transaction was created before..',
'rule_trigger_created_at_before' => 'Transaction was created before ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_created_at_after_choice' => 'Transaction was created after..',
'rule_trigger_created_at_after' => 'Transaction was created after ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_before_choice' => 'Transaction was last updated before..',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_before' => 'Transaction was last updated before ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_after_choice' => 'Transaction was last updated after..',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_after' => 'Transaction was last updated after ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_is_choice' => 'Foreign amount is exactly..',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_is' => 'Foreign amount is exactly ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_less_choice' => 'Foreign amount is less than..',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_less' => 'Foreign amount is less than ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_more_choice' => 'Foreign amount is more than..',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_more' => 'Foreign amount is more than ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_is_choice' => 'Any attachment\'s name is..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_is' => 'Any attachment\'s name is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_contains_choice' => 'Any attachment\'s name contains..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_contains' => 'Any attachment\'s name contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_starts_choice' => 'Any attachment\'s name starts with..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_starts' => 'Any attachment\'s name starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_ends_choice' => 'Any attachment\'s name ends with..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_ends' => 'Any attachment\'s name ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_are_choice' => 'Any attachment\'s notes are..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_are' => 'Any attachment\'s notes are ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_contains_choice' => 'Any attachment\'s notes contain..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_contains' => 'Any attachment\'s notes contain ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_starts_choice' => 'Any attachment\'s notes start with..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_starts' => 'Any attachment\'s notes start with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_ends_choice' => 'Any attachment\'s notes end with..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_ends' => 'Any attachment\'s notes end with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_book_date_on_choice' => 'Buchungstermin ist am..',
'rule_trigger_book_date_on' => 'Buchungstermin ist am ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_book_date_before_choice' => 'Buchungstermin ist vor dem..',
'rule_trigger_book_date_before' => 'Buchungstermin ist vor dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_book_date_after_choice' => 'Buchungstermin ist nach dem..',
'rule_trigger_book_date_after' => 'Buchungstermin ist nach dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_process_date_on_choice' => 'Erfassungsdatum ist am..',
'rule_trigger_process_date_on' => 'Erfassungsdatum lautet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_process_date_before_choice' => 'Erfassungsdatum ist vor dem..',
'rule_trigger_process_date_before' => 'Erfassungsdatum ist vor dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_process_date_after_choice' => 'Erfassungsdatum ist nach dem..',
'rule_trigger_process_date_after' => 'Erfassungsdatum ist nach dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_due_date_on_choice' => 'Fälligkeitstermin ist am..',
'rule_trigger_due_date_on' => 'Fälligkeitstermin ist am ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_due_date_before_choice' => 'Fälligkeitstermin ist vor dem..',
'rule_trigger_due_date_before' => 'Fälligkeitstermin ist vor dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_due_date_after_choice' => 'Fälligkeitstermin ist nach dem..',
'rule_trigger_due_date_after' => 'Fälligkeitstermin ist nach dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_on_choice' => 'Zahlungsdatum ist am..',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_on' => 'Zahlungsdatum ist am ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_before_choice' => 'Zahlungsdatum ist vor dem..',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_before' => 'Zahlungsdatum ist vor dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_after_choice' => 'Zahlungsdatum ist nach..',
'rule_trigger_payment_date_after' => 'Zahlungsdatum ist nach dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_on_choice' => 'Rechnungsdatum ist am..',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_on' => 'Rechnungsdatum ist am ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_before_choice' => 'Rechnungsdatum ist vor dem..',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_before' => 'Rechnungsdatum ist vor dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_after_choice' => 'Rechnungsdatum ist nach dem..',
'rule_trigger_invoice_date_after' => 'Rechnungsdatum ist nach dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_created_at_before_choice' => 'Transaktion wurde erstellt vor dem..',
'rule_trigger_created_at_before' => 'Transaktion wurde erstellt vor dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_created_at_after_choice' => 'Transaktion wurde erstellt nach dem..',
'rule_trigger_created_at_after' => 'Transaktion wurde erstellt nach dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_before_choice' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor dem..',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_before' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_after_choice' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt aktualisiert nach dem..',
'rule_trigger_updated_at_after' => 'Transaktion wurde zuletzt aktualisiert nach dem ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_is_choice' => 'Fremdbetrag ist exakt..',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_is' => 'Fremdbetrag ist exakt ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_less_choice' => 'Fremdbetrag ist geringer als..',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_less' => 'Fremdbetrag ist geringer als ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_more_choice' => 'Fremdbetrag ist höher als..',
'rule_trigger_foreign_amount_more' => 'Fremdbetrag ist höher als ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_is_choice' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs lautet..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_is' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs lautet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_contains_choice' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs beinhaltet..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_contains' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs beinhaltet ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_starts_choice' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs beginnt mit..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_starts' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs beginnt mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_ends_choice' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs endet mit..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_name_ends' => 'Der Name eines Anhangs endet mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_are_choice' => 'Notizen des Anhangs lauten..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_are' => 'Notizen des Anhangs lauten ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_contains_choice' => 'Notizen des Anhangs beinhalten..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_contains' => 'Notizen des Anhangs beinhalten ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_starts_choice' => 'Notizen des Anhangs beginnen mit..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_starts' => 'Notizen des Anhangs beginnen mit ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_ends_choice' => 'Notizen des Anhangs enden mit..',
'rule_trigger_attachment_notes_ends' => 'Notizen des Anhangs enden mit ":trigger_value"',
// actions
'rule_action_delete_transaction_choice' => 'Buchung löschen (!)',
@ -1310,10 +1310,10 @@ return [
'running_again_loss' => 'Zuvor verknüpfte Buchungen mit dieser Rechnung können ihre Verbindung verlieren, wenn sie (nicht mehr) der/den Regel(n) entsprechen.',
'bill_related_rules' => 'Regeln mit Verknüpfung zu dieser Rechnung',
'repeats' => 'Wiederholungen',
'bill_end_date_help' => 'Optional field. The bill is expected to end on this date.',
'bill_extension_date_help' => 'Optional field. The bill must be extended (or cancelled) on or before this date.',
'bill_end_index_line' => 'This bill ends on :date',
'bill_extension_index_line' => 'This bill must be extended or cancelled on :date',
'bill_end_date_help' => 'Optionales Feld. Die Rechnung wird voraussichtlich an diesem Datum enden.',
'bill_extension_date_help' => 'Optionales Feld. Die Rechnung muss an oder vor diesem Datum verlängert (oder storniert) werden.',
'bill_end_index_line' => 'Diese Rechnung endet am :date',
'bill_extension_index_line' => 'Diese Rechnung muss am :date verlängert oder storniert werden',
'connected_journals' => 'Verknüpfte Buchungen',
'auto_match_on' => 'Automatisch von Firefly III zugeordnet',
'auto_match_off' => 'Nicht automatisch von Firefly III zugeordnet',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ return [
'email_change_body_to_old' => 'You or somebody with access to your Firefly III account has changed your email address. If you did not expect this to happen, you **must** follow the "undo"-link below to protect your account!',
'email_change_ignore' => 'Αν ξεκινήσατε αυτήν την αλλαγή, μπορείτε να αγνοήσετε με ασφάλεια αυτό το μήνυμα.',
'email_change_old' => 'Η παλιά διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου ήταν: :email',
'email_change_old_strong' => 'The old email address was: **:email**',
'email_change_old_strong' => 'Η παλιά διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου ήταν: **:email**',
'email_change_new' => 'Η νέα διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου είναι: :email',
'email_change_new_strong' => 'The new email address is: **:email**',
'email_change_new_strong' => 'Η νέα διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου είναι: **:email**',
'email_change_instructions' => 'Δεν μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το Firefly III μέχρι να επιβεβαιώσετε αυτήν την αλλαγή. Ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για να το κάνετε.',
'email_change_undo_link' => 'Για να αναιρέσετε την αλλαγή, ακολουθήστε αυτόν τον σύνδεσμο:',
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Επιστρέφω αμέσως!',
'check_back' => 'Το Firefly III είναι εκτός λειτουργίας για κάποια απαραίτητη συντήρηση. Ελέγξτε ξανά σε ένα δευτερόλεπτο.',
'error_occurred' => 'Ωχ! Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Δυστυχώς, αυτό το σφάλμα δεν ήταν δυνατό να ξεπεραστεί :(. Το Firefly III δε λειτουργεί. Το σφάλμα είναι:',
'error' => 'Σφάλμα',
'error_location' => 'Αυτό το σφάλμα προέκυψε στο αρχείο <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> στη γραμμή :line με κώδικα :code.',
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ return [
'split' => 'Διαχωρισμός',
'single_split' => 'Διαχωρισμός',
'clone' => 'Κλωνοποίηση',
'confirm_action' => 'Confirm action',
'confirm_action' => 'Επιβεβαίωση ενέργειας',
'last_seven_days' => 'Τελευταίες επτά ημέρες',
'last_thirty_days' => 'Τελευταίες τριάντα ημέρες',
'last_180_days' => 'Τελευταίες 180 ημέρες',
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ return [
'search_modifier_notes_is' => 'The transaction notes are exactly ":value"',
'search_modifier_no_notes' => 'Η συναλλαγή δεν έχει σημειώσεις',
'search_modifier_any_notes' => 'Η συναλλαγή πρέπει να έχει σημειώσεις',
'search_modifier_amount_is' => 'Amount is exactly :value',
'search_modifier_amount_is' => 'Το ποσό είναι ακριβώς :value',
'search_modifier_amount_less' => 'Το ποσό είναι μικρότερο ή ίσο με :value',
'search_modifier_amount_more' => 'Το ποσό είναι μεγαλύτερο ή ίσο με :value',
'search_modifier_source_account_is' => 'Το όνομα του λογαριασμού προέλευσης είναι ακριβώς ":value"',
@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ return [
'search_modifier_bill_is' => 'Το πάγιο έξοδο είναι ":value"',
'search_modifier_transaction_type' => 'Ο τύπος συναλλαγής είναι ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag_is' => 'Η ετικέτα είναι ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_on_year' => 'Transaction is in year ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_on_month' => 'Transaction is in month ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_on_day' => 'Transaction is on day of month ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_on_year' => 'Η συναλλαγή είναι στο έτος ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_on_month' => 'Η συναλλαγή είναι στον μήνα ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_on_day' => 'Η συναλλαγή είναι την ημέρα του μήνα ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before_year' => 'Η συναλλαγή είναι πριν ή μέσα στο έτος ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before_month' => 'Η συναλλαγή είναι πριν ή μέσα στο μήνα ":value"',
'search_modifier_date_before_day' => 'Η συναλλαγή είναι πριν ή την ημέρα του μήνα ":value"',
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ return [
// new
'search_modifier_tag_is_not' => 'No tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_tag_is_not' => 'Δεν υπάρχει ετικέτα ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_is' => 'Either account is ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_contains' => 'Either account contains ":value"',
@ -366,12 +366,12 @@ return [
'search_modifier_account_nr_contains' => 'Either account number / IBAN contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_nr_ends' => 'Either account number / IBAN ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_account_nr_starts' => 'Either account number / IBAN starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_contains' => 'Category contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_ends' => 'Category ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_starts' => 'Category starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget_contains' => 'Budget contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget_ends' => 'Budget ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget_starts' => 'Budget starts with ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_contains' => 'Η κατηγορία περιέχει ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_ends' => 'Η κατηγορία τελειώνει σε ":value"',
'search_modifier_category_starts' => 'Η κατηγορία αρχίζει με ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget_contains' => 'Ο προϋπολογισμός περιέχει ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget_ends' => 'Ο προϋπολογισμός τελειώνει σε ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget_starts' => 'Ο προϋπολογισμός αρχίζει με ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill_contains' => 'Bill contains ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill_ends' => 'Bill ends with ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill_starts' => 'Bill starts with ":value"',
@ -671,8 +671,8 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_updated_at_on' => 'Transaction was last edited on ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_budget_is_choice' => 'Ο προϋπολογισμός είναι..',
'rule_trigger_budget_is' => 'Ο προϋπολογισμός είναι ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_choice' => 'Any tag is..',
'rule_trigger_tag_is' => 'Any tag is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_choice' => 'Οποιαδήποτε ετικέτα είναι..',
'rule_trigger_tag_is' => 'Οποιαδήποτε ετικέτα είναι ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_currency_is_choice' => 'Το νόμισμα της συναλλαγής είναι..',
'rule_trigger_currency_is' => 'Το νόμισμα της συναλλαγής είναι ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_foreign_currency_is_choice' => 'Το ξένο νόμισμα της συναλλαγής είναι..',
@ -699,11 +699,11 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_any_notes' => 'Η συναλλαγή έχει (οποιεσδήποτε) σημειώσεις',
'rule_trigger_no_notes_choice' => 'Δεν έχει σημειώσεις',
'rule_trigger_no_notes' => 'Η συναλλαγή δεν έχει σημειώσεις',
'rule_trigger_notes_is_choice' => 'Notes are..',
'rule_trigger_notes_is' => 'Notes are ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_contains_choice' => 'Notes contain..',
'rule_trigger_notes_contains' => 'Notes contain ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_starts_choice' => 'Notes start with..',
'rule_trigger_notes_is_choice' => 'Οι σημειώσεις είναι..',
'rule_trigger_notes_is' => 'Οι σημειώσεις είναι ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_contains_choice' => 'Οι σημειώσεις περιέχουν..',
'rule_trigger_notes_contains' => 'Οι σημειώσεις περιέχουν ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_starts_choice' => 'Οι σημειώσεις αρχίζουν με..',
'rule_trigger_notes_starts' => 'Notes start with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_ends_choice' => 'Notes end with..',
'rule_trigger_notes_ends' => 'Notes end with ":trigger_value"',
@ -732,8 +732,8 @@ return [
'rule_trigger_account_contains' => 'Either account contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_ends_choice' => 'Either account ends with..',
'rule_trigger_account_ends' => 'Either account ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_starts_choice' => 'Either account starts with..',
'rule_trigger_account_starts' => 'Either account starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_starts_choice' => 'Οποιοσδήποτε λογαριασμός αρχίζει με..',
'rule_trigger_account_starts' => 'Οποιοσδήποτε λογαριασμός αρχίζει με ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_is_choice' => 'Either account number / IBAN is..',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_is' => 'Either account number / IBAN is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_account_nr_contains_choice' => 'Either account number / IBAN contains..',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Be right back!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III is down for some necessary maintenance. Please check back in a second.',
'error_occurred' => 'Whoops! An error occurred.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Unfortunately, this error was not recoverable :(. Firefly III broke. The error is:',
'error' => 'Error',
'error_location' => 'This error occured in file <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> on line :line with code :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Trimestre' Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => '¡Enseguida vuelvo!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III está apagado para el mantenimiento necesario. Por favor, vuelva en un segundo.',
'error_occurred' => '¡Uy! un error ha ocurrido.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Desafortunadamente, este error no se pudo recuperar :(. Firefly III se rompió. El error es:',
'error' => 'Error',
'error_location' => 'Este error ocurrió en el archivo "<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>" en línea :line con código :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Palaan pian!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III tekee joitain tarpeellisia huoltotoimenpiteitä. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen hetken kuluttua.',
'error_occurred' => 'Hupsista! Tapahtui virhe.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Valitettavasti tästä virheestä ei pystytä palautumaan :(. Firefly III meni rikki. Virhe on:',
'error' => 'Virhe',
'error_location' => 'Tämä virhe tapahtui tiedostossa <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> rivillä :line koodilla :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Je reviens tout de suite !',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III est fermé pour cause de maintenace. Veuillez revenir dans une seconde.',
'error_occurred' => 'Oups ! Une erreur est survenue.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Malheureusement, cette erreur n\'a pas pu être récupérée :(. Firefly III s\'est cassé. L\'erreur est :',
'error' => 'Erreur',
'error_location' => 'Cette erreur est survenue dans le fichier "<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>" à la ligne :line avec le code :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'YYYY Q',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Rögtön jövök!',
'check_back' => 'FireFly III jelenleg karbantartás alatt. Kérem látogasson vissza később.',
'error_occurred' => 'Hoppá! Hiba történt.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Sajnos a hiba után nem sikerült visszaállni :(. A futás megszakadt. A hiba:',
'error' => 'Hiba',
'error_location' => 'Hiba a <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> fájl :line sorában a :code kódnál.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Segera kembali!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III tidak dapat diakses untuk pemeliharaan. Silakan cek kembali beberapa saat lagi.',
'error_occurred' => 'Ups! Terjadi kesalahan.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Sayangnya, kesalahan ini tidak dapat diperbaiki :(. Firefly III mengalami kerusakan. Kesalahan yang terjadi adalah:',
'error' => 'Kesalahan',
'error_location' => 'Kesalahan ini terjadi pada file "<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>" pada baris :line dengan kode :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'T'Q yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'S{half}' yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Torno subito!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III non è in funzione per una manutenzione necessaria. Ricontrolla tra qualche secondo.',
'error_occurred' => 'Ops! Si è verificato un errore.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Sfortunatamente questo errore non è riparabile :(. Firefly III è rotto. L\'errore è:',
'error' => 'Errore',
'error_location' => 'Questo errore si è verificato nel file <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> alla riga :line con codice :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY年',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'YYYY年第Q四半期',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "yyyy年第Q四半期",
'half_year_fns' => "yyyy年H[半期]",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'メンテナンスはすぐに終わります。',
'check_back' => '必要なメンテナンスを行っているため、Firefly IIIは一時停止しています。しばらくしてからもう一度確認してください。',
'error_occurred' => '申し訳ありません。エラーが発生しました。',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => '残念ながら、このエラーは回復不可能です。Firefly IIIは故障しました。エラーログは以下の通りです:',
'error' => 'エラー',
'error_location' => 'このエラーは、ファイル「<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>」 :line 行目のコード :code で発生しました。',
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ CONTEXTREQUEST',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Er straks tilbake!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III er nede for nødvendig vedlikehold. Vennligst sjekk tilbake om en stund.',
'error_occurred' => 'Beklager, en feil har oppstått.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Dessverre ble ikke denne feilen fikset :(. Firefly III ødelagt. Feilen er:',
'error' => 'Feil',
'error_location' => 'Denne feilen oppstod i filen <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> på linje :line med kode :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Zo terug!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III is offline voor onderhoud. Kom later terug.',
'error_occurred' => 'Oeps! Er is een fout opgetreden.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Helaas was deze fout niet te herstellen :(. Firefly III is stuk. De fout is:',
'error' => 'Fout',
'error_location' => 'De fout is opgetreden in bestand <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> op regel :line met code :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "Q 'kwartał' yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'{half} połowa' yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Zaraz wracam!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III jest wyłączony na potrzeby wymaganej konserwacji. Sprawdź ponownie za sekundę.',
'error_occurred' => 'Ups! Wystąpił błąd.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Niestety, nie mogliśmy się pozbierać po tym błędzie :(. Firefly III się popsuło. Błąd to:',
'error' => 'Błąd',
'error_location' => 'Błąd wystąpił w pliku <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> linia :line z kodem :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'T'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'S{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Volto já!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III está fora do ar devido a manutenção necessária. Acesse novamente em alguns instantes.',
'error_occurred' => 'Ops! Aconteceu um erro.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Infelizmente este erro não é recuperável :(. Firefly III quebrou. O erro é:',
'error' => 'Erro',
'error_location' => 'Esse erro ocorreu no arquivo "<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>", na linha :line com o código :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Trimestre' Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Volto já!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III está desligado para manutenção. Volte já a seguir.',
'error_occurred' => 'Oops! Ocorreu um erro.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Infelizmente, este erro não era recuperável :(. Firefly III avariou. O erro é:',
'error' => 'Erro',
'error_location' => 'O erro ocorreu no ficheiro "<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>" na linha :line com o código :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Revin imediat!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III este oprit pentru o întreținere necesară. Vă rugăm să reveniți într-o secundă.',
'error_occurred' => 'Ups! A apărut o eroare.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Din păcate, această eroare nu a putut fi recuperată :(. Firefly III s-a stricat. Eroarea este:',
'error' => 'Eroare',
'error_location' => 'Această eroare a apărut în fișierul "<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>" pe linia :line cu codul :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Временно недоступен!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III отключён для необходимого обслуживания. Пожалуйста, зайдите через секунду.',
'error_occurred' => 'Упс! Произошла ошибка.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'К сожалению, эта ошибка не была исправлена :(. Firefly III сломался. Ошибка:',
'error' => 'Ошибка',
'error_location' => 'Эта ошибка произошла в файле <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> в строке :line с кодом :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Hneď sme späť!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III je nedostupný kvôli nevyhnutnej údržbe. Prosím, skúste to neskôr.',
'error_occurred' => 'Ups! Vyskytla sa chyba.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Nanešťastie, túto chybu nie je možné opraviť :(. Firefly III sa pokazil. Chyba:',
'error' => 'Chyba',
'error_location' => 'Chyba nastala v súbore "<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span>" na riadku :line s kódom :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'kvartal'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Strax tillbaka!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III är nere för nödvändigt underhåll. Vänligen kom tillbaka om en liten stund.',
'error_occurred' => 'Hoppsan! Ett fel uppstod.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Oturligt nog har ett återkalligt fel skett :(. Firefly III har gått sönder. Felet är:',
'error' => 'Fel',
'error_location' => 'Detta fel inträffade i filen <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> på rad :line med kod :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Hemen dönecek!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III gerekli bakım için hazır. Lütfen bir saniye sonra tekrar kontrol edin.',
'error_occurred' => 'Hoppala! Bir hata oluştu.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Ne yazık ki, bu hata kurtarılamadı :(. Ateşböceği III kırıldı. Hata şu şekildedir:',
'error' => 'Hata',
'error_location' => 'Bu hata dosyada oluştu<span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> on line :line with code :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Sẽ quay lại ngay!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III ngừng hoạt động để bảo trì. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại sau một giây.',
'error_occurred' => 'Rất tiếc! Lỗi xảy ra.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Thật không may, lỗi này không thể phục hồi :(. Firefly III đã bị hỏng. Lỗi là:',
'error' => 'Lỗi',
'error_location' => 'Lỗi này xảy ra trong tập tin <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> dòng :line code :code.',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'YYYY年 第Q季度',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => '敬请期待!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III 正在进行必要的维护,请稍后再试',
'error_occurred' => '很抱歉,出现错误',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => '很遗憾,该错误无法恢复 :( Firefly III 已崩溃。错误信息:',
'error' => '错误',
'error_location' => '该错误位于文件 <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> 第 :line 行的代码 :code',
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ return [
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
//'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'half_year_js' => '\QQ YYYY',
'quarter_fns' => "'Q'Q, yyyy",
'half_year_fns' => "'H{half}', yyyy",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return [
'be_right_back' => 'Be right back!',
'check_back' => 'Firefly III is down for some necessary maintenance. Please check back in a second.',
'error_occurred' => 'Whoops! An error occurred.',
'db_error_occurred' => 'Whoops! A database error occurred.',
'error_not_recoverable' => 'Unfortunately, this error was not recoverable :(. Firefly III broke. The error is:',
'error' => 'Error',
'error_location' => 'This error occured in file <span style="font-family: monospace;">:file</span> on line :line with code :code.',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user