mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Update language strings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Nezaplaceno v :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Zjistit dostupnost případných aktualizací',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Nová skupina pravidel „:title“ uložena!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Skupina pravidel „:title“ úspěšně aktualizována.',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Upravit skupinu pravidel „:title“',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Smazat skupinu pravidel „:title“',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Skupina pravidel „:title“ smazána',
'update_rule_group' => 'Aktualizovat skupinu pravidel',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Usually you budget about :amount per day. This time it\'s :over_amount per day. Are you sure?',
'transferred_in' => 'Převedeno (k nám)',
'transferred_away' => 'Převedeno (pryč)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Bill matches transactions between :low and :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Měna',
'currency_id' => 'Měna',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Měna',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Externí IP adresa vašeho serveru',
'attachments' => 'Přílohy',
'journal_amount' => 'Částka',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Očekáváno v',
'paid' => 'Zaplaceno',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Celková částka nemůže být nula.',
'current_target_amount' => 'The current amount must be less than the target amount.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Je třeba, aby se názvy pokladniček neopakovaly.',
'secure_password' => 'Toto není bezpečné heslo. Zkuste jiné. Více se dozvíte na http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Neplatný typ opakování pro opakované transakce.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Unbezahlt in :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'Sie nutzen eine ALPHA-Version. Seien Sie vorsichtig bei Fehlern und Problemen.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'Sie verwenden eine BETA-Version. Seien Sie vorsichtig bei Fehlern und Problemen.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Nach Updates suchen',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Neue Regelgruppe ":title" gespeichert!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Regelgruppe ":title" erfolgreich aktualisiert.',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Regelgruppe ":title" bearbeiten',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Regelgruppe ":title" löschen',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Regelgruppe ":title" gelöscht',
'update_rule_group' => 'Regelgruppe aktualisieren',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa fa-money"></i>Normalerweise kalkulieren Sie etwa :amount pro Tag. Diesmal ist es :over_amount pro Tag. Möchten Sie fortfahren?',
'transferred_in' => 'Übertragen (eingehend)',
'transferred_away' => 'Übertragen (ausgehend)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Rechnung passt zu Transaktionen zwischen :low und :high.',
@ -970,7 +987,7 @@ return [
'no_budget' => '(kein Budget)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Konto je Budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Konto je Kategorie',
'create_new_object' => 'Create',
'create_new_object' => 'Erstellen',
'empty' => '(leer)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(alle anderen Budgets)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(alle anderen Konten)',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Währung',
'currency_id' => 'Währung',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Währung',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Die externe IP-Adresse Ihres Servers',
'attachments' => 'Anhänge',
'journal_amount' => 'Betrag',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Erwartet am',
'paid' => 'Bezahlt',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Der Gesamtbetrag darf nicht Null sein.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Der aktuelle Betrag muss niedriger als der Zielbetrag sein.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Der Name des Sparschweins muss eindeutig sein.',
'secure_password' => 'Dies ist ein unsicheres Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/wiki/Secure-password',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Ungültige Wiederholungsart für Daueraufträge.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Ungültiges Wiederholungsmoment für diese Art der Wiederholung.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => ':attribute muss größer oder gleich :value Kilobytes sein.',
'gte.string' => ':attribute muss mindestens :value Zeichen enthalten.',
'gte.array' => ':attribute muss mindestens :value Elemente enthalten.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Απλήρωτο σε :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'Εκτελείτε μια προ-έκδοση ALPHA. Να είστε έτοιμοι να εντοπίσετε σφάλματα και άλλα ζητήματα.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'Εκτελείτε μια δοκιμαστική έκδοση BETA. Να είστε έτοιμοι να εντοπίσετε σφάλματα και άλλα ζητήματα.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Έλεγχος ενημερώσεων',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Η νέα ομάδα κανόνων ":title" αποθηκεύτηκε!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Επιτυχής ενημέρωση της ομάδας κανόνων ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Επεξεργασία ομάδας κανόνων ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Διαγραφή ομάδας κανόνων ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Η ομάδα κανόνων ":title" διεγράφη',
'update_rule_group' => 'Ενημέρωση ομάδας κανόνων',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Συνήθως έχετε προϋπολογισμό περίπου :amount ανά ημέρα. Αυτή τη φορά είναι :over_amount ανά ημέρα. Είστε σίγουροι;',
'transferred_in' => 'Μεταφέρθηκαν (εντός)',
'transferred_away' => 'Μεταφέρθηκαν (εκτός)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Αντιστοιχίες πάγιου έξοδου προς συναλλαγές μεταξύ :low και :high.',
@ -944,7 +961,7 @@ return [
'deleted_withdrawal' => 'Επιτυχής διαγραφή της ανάληψης ":description"',
'deleted_deposit' => 'Επιτυχής διαγραφή της κατάθεσης ":description"',
'deleted_transfer' => 'Επιτυχής διαγραφή της μεταφοράς ":description"',
'deleted_reconciliation' => 'Successfully deleted reconciliation transaction ":description"',
'deleted_reconciliation' => 'Επιτυχής διαγραφή της τακτοποιημένης συναλλαγής ":description"',
'stored_journal' => 'Δημιουργήθηκε επιτυχώς η νέα συναλλαγή ":description"',
'stored_journal_no_descr' => 'Δημιουργήθηκε επιτυχώς η νέα συναλλαγή',
'updated_journal_no_descr' => 'Ενημερώθηκε επιτυχώς η συναλλαγή σας',
@ -970,7 +987,7 @@ return [
'no_budget' => '(χωρίς προϋπολογισμό)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Λογαριασμός ανά προϋπολογισμό',
'account_per_category' => 'Λογαριασμοί ανά κατηγορία',
'create_new_object' => 'Create',
'create_new_object' => 'Δημιουργία',
'empty' => '(κενό)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(όλοι οι άλλοι προϋπολογισμοί)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(όλοι οι άλλοι λογαριασμοί)',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Νόμισμα',
'currency_id' => 'Νόμισμα',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Νόμισμα',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Η εξωτερική IP του εξυπηρετητή σας',
'attachments' => 'Συνημμένα',
'journal_amount' => 'Ποσό',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Αναμένεται στις',
'paid' => 'Πληρώθηκε',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Το συνολικό ποσό δεν μπορεί να είναι μηδέν.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Το τρέχων ποσό πρέπει να είναι μικρότερο από το ποσό προορισμού.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Το όνομα του κουμπαρά πρέπει να είναι μοναδικό.',
'secure_password' => 'Αυτό δεν είναι ασφαλές συνθηματικό. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ξανά. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφτείτε https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Μη έγκυρος τύπος επανάληψης για επαναλαμβανόμενες συναλλαγές.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Μη έγκυρη στιγμή επανάληψης για αυτό τον τύπο επανάληψης.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'Το :attribute πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο ή ίσο με :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'Το :attribute πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο ή ίσο με :value χαρακτήρες.',
'gte.array' => 'Το :attribute πρέπει να έχει :value αντικείμενα ή παραπάνω.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Impago en :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'Está ejecutando una versión ALPHA. Tenga cuidado con los errores y problemas.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'Está ejecutando una versión BETA. Tenga cuidado con los errores y problemas.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Ver actualizaciones',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Nuevo grupo de reglas ":title" guardado!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Grupo de reglas actualizado exitosamente ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Editar grupo de reglas ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Eliminar grupo de reglas ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Eliminar grupo de reglas ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Actualizar grupo de reglas',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Generalmente usted presupone :amount por día. Esta vez es :over_amount por día. ¿Está seguro?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transferido (dentro)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferido (fuera)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'La cuenta iguala transacciones entre :low y :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Divisa',
'currency_id' => 'Divisa',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Moneda',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'IP externa de su servidor',
'attachments' => 'Adjuntos',
'journal_amount' => 'Importe',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Esperado para',
'paid' => 'Pagado',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'La cantidad total no puede ser cero.',
'current_target_amount' => 'La cantidad actual debe ser menor que la cantidad de destino.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'En nombre de la hucha debe ser único.',
'secure_password' => 'Esta contraseña no es segura. Por favor inténtalo de nuevo. Para más información, visita https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Tipo de repetición no válido para transacciones recurrentes.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Momento de repetición no válido para este tipo de repetición.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'El :attribute debe ser mayor o igual a :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => ':attribute debe tener :value caracteres o más.',
'gte.array' => ':attribute debe tener :value objetos o más.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Maksamatta valuutassa :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'Käytät ALPHA-versiota. Varaudu virheisiin ja ongelmiin.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'Käytät BETA-versiota. Varaudu virheisiin ja ongelmiin.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Tarkista päivitykset',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Uusi sääntöryhmä ":title" tallennettiin!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Sääntöryhmän ":title" päivitys onnistui.',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Muokkaa sääntöryhmää ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Poista sääntöryhmä ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Poistettiin sääntöryhmä ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Päivitä sääntöryhmä',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Yleensä budjetoit summan :amount päivälle. Tällä kerralla budjetoit :over_amount päivälle. Oletko varma?',
'transferred_in' => 'Siirretty (sisään)',
'transferred_away' => 'Siirretty (ulos)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Lasku täsmää tapahtumiin välillä :low ja :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Valuutta',
'currency_id' => 'Valuutta',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Valuutta',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Serverin ulkoinen verkko-osoite (IP)',
'attachments' => 'Liitteet',
'journal_amount' => 'Summa',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Odotettavissa',
'paid' => 'Maksettu',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Summa yhteensä ei voi olla nolla.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Nykyisen summan täytyy olla tavoitesummaa pienempi.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Säästöpossu tarvitsee yksilöllisen nimen.',
'secure_password' => 'Tämä ei ole turvallinen salasana. Yritäpä uudestaan. Lisätietoja löydät osoitteesta https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Virheellinen toiston tyyppi toistuville tapahtumille.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Virheellinen arvo tämän tyyppiselle toistolle.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'Määritteen :attribute koon täytyy olla vähintään :value kilotavua.',
'gte.string' => 'Määritteen :attribute pituus täytyy olla vähintään :value merkkiä.',
'gte.array' => 'Määritteellä :attribute tulee olla vähintään :value alkiota.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Non payé en :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'Vous utilisez une version ALPHA. Méfiez-vous des bogues et des problèmes.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'Vous utilisez une version BETA. Méfiez-vous des bogues et des problèmes.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Vérifier les mises à jour',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Le nouveau groupe de règles ":title" est créé !',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Groupe de règles ":title" mis à jour avec succès.',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Modifier le groupe de règles ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Supprimer le groupe de règles ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Groupe de règles ":title" supprimé',
'update_rule_group' => 'Mettre à jour le groupe de règles',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Généralement vous budgétez environ :amount par jour. Cette fois, c\'est :over_amount par jour. Êtes-vous sûr ?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transféré (entrant)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transféré (sortant)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'La facture correspond à des opérations entre :low et :high.',
@ -970,7 +987,7 @@ return [
'no_budget' => '(pas de budget)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Compte par budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Compte par catégorie',
'create_new_object' => 'Create',
'create_new_object' => 'Créer',
'empty' => '(vide)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(tous les autres budgets)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(tous les autres comptes)',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Devise',
'currency_id' => 'Devise',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Devise',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'L\'adresse IP externe de votre serveur',
'attachments' => 'Documents joints',
'journal_amount' => 'Montant',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Prévu le',
'paid' => 'Payé',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Le montant total ne peut pas être zéro.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Le montant actuel doit être inférieur au montant cible.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Le nom de la tirelire doit être unique.',
'secure_password' => 'Ce n\'est pas un mot de passe sécurisé. Veuillez essayez à nouveau. Pour plus d\'informations, visitez https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Type de répétition non valide pour des opérations périodiques.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Période de répétition non valide pour ce type de répétition.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'L\'attribut :attribute doit contenir au moins :value kilo-octets.',
'gte.string' => 'Le texte :attribute doit contenir au moins :value caractères.',
'gte.array' => 'L\'attribut :attribute doit avoir :value éléments ou plus.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Be nem fizetett :currency -ban',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Frissítések ellenőrzése',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => '":title" szabálycsoport tárolva!',
'updated_rule_group' => '":title" szabálycsoport sikeresen frissítve.',
'edit_rule_group' => '":title" szabálycsoport szerkesztése',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => '":title" szabálycsoport törlése',
'deleted_rule_group' => '":title" szabálycsoport törölve',
'update_rule_group' => 'Szabálycsoport frissítése',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i>A költségkeret általában napi :amount körül van. Jelenleg napi :over_amount. Biztos?',
'transferred_in' => 'Átvezetett (be)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferred (away)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Tranzakciókkal egyező számlák :low és :high között.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Pénznem',
'currency_id' => 'Pénznem',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Pénznem',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'A szervered külső IP címe',
'attachments' => 'Mellékletek',
'journal_amount' => 'Összeg',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'A teljes mennyiség nem lehet nulla.',
'current_target_amount' => 'The current amount must be less than the target amount.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'A malacpersely nevének egyedinek kell lennie.',
'secure_password' => 'Ez nem biztonságos jelszó. Kérlek próbáld meg újra. További információért lásd: https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Érvénytelen ismétléstípus az ismétlődő tranzakciókhoz.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Érvénytelen ismétlési időpont ehhez az ismétléstípushoz.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Unpaid in :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Check for updates',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Kelompok aturan baru ":title" disimpan!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Grup aturan yang berhasil diperbarui ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Edit grup aturan ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Hapus grup aturan ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Grup aturan yang dihapus ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Perbarui grup aturan',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Usually you budget about :amount per day. This time it\'s :over_amount per day. Are you sure?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transferred (in)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferred (away)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Bill matches transactions between :low and :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Mata uang',
'currency_id' => 'Mata uang',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Your server\'s external IP',
'attachments' => 'Lampiran',
'journal_amount' => 'Jumlah',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Jumlah total tidak boleh nol.',
'current_target_amount' => 'The current amount must be less than the target amount.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Nama celengan harus unik.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Tipe pengulangan yang tidak valid untuk transaksi berkala.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Waktu pengulangan tidaklah valid untuk tipe pengulangan ini.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Non pagata in :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'Stai eseguendo una versione ALHPA. Fai attenzione a bug e problemi.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'Stai eseguendo una versione BETA. Fai attenzione a bug e problemi.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Controlla aggiornamenti',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Nuovo gruppo di regole ":title" memorizzate!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Gruppo di regole ":title" aggiornato con successo.',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Modifica il gruppo di regole ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Elimina il gruppo di regole ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Gruppo regole eliminato ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Aggiorna gruppo di regole',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Di solito metti a budget circa :amount al giorno. Questa volta è :over_amount al giorno. Sei sicuro?',
'transferred_in' => 'Trasferito (ingresso)',
'transferred_away' => 'Trasferito (uscita)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'La bolletta abbina le transazioni tra :low e :high.',
@ -944,7 +961,7 @@ return [
'deleted_withdrawal' => 'Prelievo ":description" eliminato correttamente',
'deleted_deposit' => 'Entrata ":description" eliminata correttamente',
'deleted_transfer' => 'Trasferimento ":description" eliminato correttamente',
'deleted_reconciliation' => 'Successfully deleted reconciliation transaction ":description"',
'deleted_reconciliation' => 'Transazione di riconciliazione ":description" elimina con successo',
'stored_journal' => 'Nuova transazione ":description" creata correttamente',
'stored_journal_no_descr' => 'Hai creato con successo la nuova transazione',
'updated_journal_no_descr' => 'Transazione aggiornata con successo',
@ -970,7 +987,7 @@ return [
'no_budget' => '(nessun budget)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Conto per budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Conto per categoria',
'create_new_object' => 'Create',
'create_new_object' => 'Crea',
'empty' => '(vuoto)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(tutti gli altri budget)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(tutti gli altri conti)',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'L\'IP esterno del tuo server',
'attachments' => 'Allegati',
'journal_amount' => 'Importo',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Prevista il',
'paid' => 'Pagata',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'L\'importo totale non può essere zero.',
'current_target_amount' => 'L\'importo corrente deve essere minore dell\'importo obiettivo.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Il nome del salvadanaio deve essere unico.',
'secure_password' => 'Questa non è una password sicura. Riprova. Per maggiori informazioni visita https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Il tipo di ripetizione della transazione ricorrente non è valido.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Il momento di ripetizione per questo tipo di ripetizione non è valido.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'Il campo :attribute deve essere maggiore o uguale a :value kilobyte.',
'gte.string' => 'Il campo :attribute deve essere maggiore o uguale a :value caratteri.',
'gte.array' => 'Il campo :attribute deve avere :value o più elementi.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Ubetalt i :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Se etter oppdateringer',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Ny regelgruppe ":title" ble lagret!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Oppdaterte regelgruppen ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Rediger regelgruppe ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Slett regelgruppe ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Slettet regelgruppe ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Oppdater regelgruppe',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Usually you budget about :amount per day. This time it\'s :over_amount per day. Are you sure?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transferred (in)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferred (away)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Regning matcher transaksjoner mellom :low og :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Serverens eksterne IP',
'attachments' => 'Vedlegg',
'journal_amount' => 'Beløp',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Totalbeløpet kan ikke være null.',
'current_target_amount' => 'The current amount must be less than the target amount.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Navnet på sparegris må være unik.',
'secure_password' => 'Dette er ikke et sikkert passord. Vennligst prøv igjen. For mer informasjon, se https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Ugyldig repetisjons type for gjentakende transaksjoner.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Ugyldig repetisjons tid for denne type repetisjon.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Nog niet betaald in :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'Je gebruikt een ALPHA versie. Let op bugs en fouten.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'Je gebruikt een BETA versie. Let op bugs en fouten.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Op updates controleren',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Nieuwe regelgroep ":title" opgeslagen!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Regelgroep ":title" geüpdatet.',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Wijzig regelgroep ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Verwijder regelgroep ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Regelgroep ":title" verwijderd',
'update_rule_group' => 'Wijzig regelgroep',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Normaalgesproken budgetteer je :amount per dag. Nu sta je op :over_amount per dag. Zeker weten?',
'transferred_in' => 'Overgeboekt (inkomend)',
'transferred_away' => 'Overgeboekt (uitgaand)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Contract past bij transacties tussen :low en :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Het externe IP-adres van je server',
'attachments' => 'Bijlagen',
'journal_amount' => 'Bedrag',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Verwacht op',
'paid' => 'Betaald',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Het totaalbedrag kan niet nul zijn.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Het huidige bedrag moet minder zijn dan het doelbedrag.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'De naam van de spaarpot moet uniek zijn.',
'secure_password' => 'Dit is geen veilig wachtwoord. Probeer het nog een keer. Zie ook: https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Dit is geen geldige herhaling voor periodieke transacties.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Ongeldig herhaalmoment voor dit type herhaling.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => ':attribute moet groter of gelijk zijn aan :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => ':attribute moet :value karakters of meer bevatten.',
'gte.array' => ':attribute moet :value items of meer bevatten.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -57,6 +57,6 @@ return [
'edit_tag' => 'Modyfikuj tag ":tag"',
'delete_tag' => 'Usuń tag ":tag"',
'delete_journal_link' => 'Usuń powiązanie między transakcjami',
'telemetry_index' => 'Telemetry',
'telemetry_view' => 'View telemetry',
'telemetry_index' => 'Telemetria',
'telemetry_view' => 'Zobacz telemetrię',
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ return [
'warning_much_data' => 'Załadowanie danych z :days dni może trochę potrwać.',
'registered' => 'Zarejestrowałeś się pomyślnie!',
'Default asset account' => 'Domyślne konto aktywów',
'no_budget_pointer' => 'You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href="/budgets">budgets</a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.',
'no_budget_pointer' => 'Wygląda na to że nie masz jeszcze budżetów. Powinieneś utworzyć kilka na stronie <a href="/budgets">budżety</a>. Budżety mogą Ci pomóc śledzić wydatki.',
'Savings account' => 'Konto oszczędnościowe',
'Credit card' => 'Karta kredytowa',
'source_accounts' => 'Konto(a) źródłowe',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Niezapłacone w :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'Używasz wersji ALPHA. Uważaj na błędy i problemy.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'Używasz wersji BETA. Uważaj na błędy i problemy.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Sprawdź aktualizacje',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Nowa grupa reguł ":title" została zapisana!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Pomyślnie zmodyfikowano grupę reguł ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Modyfikuj grupę reguł ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Usuń grupę reguł ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Usunięto grupę reguł ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Aktualizuj grupę reguł',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Zwykle budżetujesz około :amount dziennie. Obecna wartość to :over_amount dziennie. Na pewno?',
'transferred_in' => 'Przesłane (do)',
'transferred_away' => 'Przesłane (od)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Rachunek pasuje do transakcji między :low a :high.',
@ -944,7 +961,7 @@ return [
'deleted_withdrawal' => 'Pomyślnie usunięto wypłatę ":description"',
'deleted_deposit' => 'Pomyślnie usunięto depozyt ":description"',
'deleted_transfer' => 'Pomyślnie usunięto transfer ":description"',
'deleted_reconciliation' => 'Successfully deleted reconciliation transaction ":description"',
'deleted_reconciliation' => 'Pomyślnie usunięto transakcję uzgadniania ":description"',
'stored_journal' => 'Pomyślnie utworzono nową transakcję ":description"',
'stored_journal_no_descr' => 'Pomyślnie utworzono nową transakcję',
'updated_journal_no_descr' => 'Pomyślnie zaktualizowano Twoją transakcję',
@ -970,7 +987,7 @@ return [
'no_budget' => '(brak budżetu)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Account per budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Account per category',
'create_new_object' => 'Create',
'create_new_object' => 'Utwórz',
'empty' => '(pusty)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(wszystkie inne budżety)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(wszystkie inne konta)',
@ -1105,8 +1122,8 @@ return [
'errors' => 'Błędy',
'debt_start_date' => 'Początkowa data długu',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Początkowa kwota długu',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'It\'s always best to set this value to a negative amount. Read the help pages (top right (?)-icon) for more information.',
'interest_period_help' => 'This field is purely cosmetic and won\'t be calculated for you. As it turns out banks are very sneaky so Firefly III never gets it right.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Najlepiej ustawić tę wartość na wartość ujemną. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, przeczytaj strony pomocy (ikona (?) w prawym górnym rogu).',
'interest_period_help' => 'To pole jest czysto kosmetyczne i nie zostanie obliczone automatycznie. Jak się okazuje, banki są bardzo podstępne, więc Firefly III nigdy nie oblicza tego prawidłowo.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Zapisz nowe zobowiązanie',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Modyfikuj zobowiązanie ":name"',
@ -1309,7 +1326,7 @@ return [
'store_configuration' => 'Zapisz konfigurację',
'single_user_administration' => 'Administracja użytkownika dla :email',
'edit_user' => 'Modyfikuj użytkownika :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'You can enable more transaction options in your <a href="/preferences">settings</a>.',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Możesz włączyć więcej opcji transakcji w swoich <a href="/preferences">ustawieniach</a>.',
'user_data_information' => 'Dane użytkownika',
'user_information' => 'Informacja o użytkowniku',
'total_size' => 'łączny rozmiar',
@ -1432,7 +1449,7 @@ return [
'tools_index_intro' => 'Several tools exist to import data into Firefly III. Check them out below. For more information, check out <a href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/importing-data/introduction">this page</a>.',
'firefly_iii_csv_importer_name' => 'Firefly III CSV importer',
'firefly_iii_bunq_importer_name' => 'Firefly III bunq 🌈 importer',
'ludo_revolut_importer_name' => 'Ludo444\'s Revolut importer',
'ludo_revolut_importer_name' => 'Importer Revoult Ludo444',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Ta funkcja nie jest dostępna, gdy używasz Firefly III w środowisku Sandstorm.io.',
@ -1569,19 +1586,19 @@ return [
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Możliwe do wydania codziennie: :amount',
// telemetry
'telemetry_admin_index' => 'Telemetry',
'telemetry_intro' => 'Firefly III supports the collection and sending of usage telemetry. This means that Firefly III will try to collect info on how you use Firefly III, and send it to the developer of Firefly III. This is always opt-in, and is disabled by default. Firefly III will never collect or send financial information. Firefly III will also never collect or send financial meta-information, like sums or calculations. The collected data will never be made publicly accessible.',
'telemetry_what_collected' => 'What Firefly III collects and sends exactly is different for each version. You are running version :version. What Firefly III collects in version :version is something you can read in the help pages. Click the (?)-icon in the top-right corner <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/blob/master/en_US/admin.telemetry.index.md">or visit the help page directly on GitHub</a>.',
'telemetry_is_enabled_yes_no' => 'Is Firefly III telemetry enabled?',
'telemetry_disabled_no' => 'Telemetry is NOT enabled',
'telemetry_disabled_yes' => 'Telemetry is enabled',
'telemetry_enabled_now_what' => 'You can disable telemetry the same way you enabled it: in your .env file or in your Docker configuration.',
'telemetry_disabled_now_what' => 'If you want to, you can enable telemetry in your .env file or in your Docker configuration.',
'telemetry_collected_info' => 'Collected information',
'no_telemetry_present' => 'Firefly III has collected zero telemetry records.',
'records_telemetry_present' => 'Firefly III has collected :count telemetry record(s).',
'telemetry_button_view' => 'View telemetry',
'telemetry_button_delete' => 'Delete telemetry',
'telemetry_admin_overview' => 'Telemetry overview',
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Back to telemetry'
'telemetry_admin_index' => 'Telemetria',
'telemetry_intro' => 'Firefly III obsługuje zbieranie i wysyłanie telemetrii użytkowania. Oznacza to, że Firefly III spróbuje zebrać informacje o tym, jak używasz Firefly III, i wyśle je do twórcy Firefly III. Jest to zawsze opcja domyślnie wyłączona i wymaga Twojej zgody. Firefly III nigdy nie zbierze ani nie wyśle informacji finansowych. Firefly III nie zbierze ani nie wyśle dodatkowych informacji finansowych, takich jak sumy lub obliczenia. Zgromadzone dane nigdy nie będą publicznie dostępne.',
'telemetry_what_collected' => 'Dane telemetryczne zbierane i wysyłane przez Firefly III są inne dla każdej wersji. Używasz wersji :version. O tym co Firefly III zbiera w wersji :version możesz przeczytać na stronach pomocy. Kliknij ikonę (?) w prawym górnym rogu <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/blob/master/en_US/admin.telemetry.index.md">lub odwiedź stronę pomocy bezpośrednio na GitHubie</a>.',
'telemetry_is_enabled_yes_no' => 'Czy telemetria w Firefly III jest włączona?',
'telemetry_disabled_no' => 'Telemetria nie jest włączona',
'telemetry_disabled_yes' => 'Telemetria jest włączona',
'telemetry_enabled_now_what' => 'Telemetrię można wyłączyć w ten sam sposób, w jaki ją się włącza: w pliku .env lub w konfiguracji Docker.',
'telemetry_disabled_now_what' => 'Jeśli chcesz, możesz włączyć telemetrię w pliku .env lub w konfiguracji Docker.',
'telemetry_collected_info' => 'Zebrane informacje',
'no_telemetry_present' => 'Firefly III nie zebrał żadnych wpisów telemetrycznych.',
'records_telemetry_present' => 'Firefly III zebrał :count wpis(ów) telemetrycznych.',
'telemetry_button_view' => 'Zobacz telemetrię',
'telemetry_button_delete' => 'Usuń telemetrię',
'telemetry_admin_overview' => 'Podgląd telemetrii',
'telemetry_back_to_index' => 'Powrót do telemetrii'
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Waluta',
'currency_id' => 'Waluta',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Waluta',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Zewnętrzny adres IP Twojego serwera',
'attachments' => 'Załączniki',
'journal_amount' => 'Kwota',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Oczekiwany',
'paid' => 'Zapłacone',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Całkowita kwota nie może wynosić zero.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Bieżąca kwota musi być mniejsza niż kwota docelowa.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Nazwa skarbonki musi być unikalna.',
'secure_password' => 'To nie jest bezpieczne hasło. Proszę spróbować ponownie. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji odwiedź https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Nieprawidłowy typ powtórzeń dla cyklicznych transakcji.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Nieprawidłowy moment powtórzenia dla tego typu powtórzenia.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => ':attribute musi mieć rozmiar większy niż lub równy :value kilobajtów.',
'gte.string' => ':attribute musi mieć :value lub więcej znaków.',
'gte.array' => ':attribute musi mieć :value lub więcej elementów.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Não pago em :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Verificar Atualizações',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Novo grupo de regras ":title" armazenado!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Grupo de regras atualizado com sucesso ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Editar grupo de regras ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Excluir grupo de regra ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Removido grupo de regra ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Atualizar um grupo de regra',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Normalmente seu orçamento é de :amount por dia. Desta vez o valor é :over_amount por dia. Você tem certeza?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transferido (para)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferido (fora)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Fatura corresponde a transações entre :low e :high.',
@ -970,7 +987,7 @@ return [
'no_budget' => '(sem orçamento)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Account per budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Account per category',
'create_new_object' => 'Create',
'create_new_object' => 'Criar',
'empty' => '(vazio)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(todos os outros orçamentos)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(todas as outras contas)',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Moeda',
'currency_id' => 'Moeda',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Moeda',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'O IP externo do seu servidor',
'attachments' => 'Anexos',
'journal_amount' => 'Quantia',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Esperado em',
'paid' => 'Pago',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'O montante total não pode ser zero.',
'current_target_amount' => 'The current amount must be less than the target amount.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'O nome do cofrinho deve ser único.',
'secure_password' => 'Esta não é uma senha segura. Por favor, tente novamente. Para mais informações, visite https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Tipo de repetição inválido para transações recorrentes.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Momento de repetição inválido para esse tipo de repetição.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Neplătit în :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Verifică actualizări',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Grup nou de reguli ":title" stocat!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Grup de reguli actualizat cu succes ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Editați grupul de reguli ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Ștergeți grupul de reguli ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Grupul de reguli ":title" a fost șters',
'update_rule_group' => 'Actualizați grupul de reguli',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> În mod normal bugetați aproximativ :amount pe zi. Acum este :over_amount pe zi. Sunteți sigur?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transferat (în)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferat (departe)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Factura se potrivește tranzacțiilor între :low și :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Monedă',
'currency_id' => 'Monedă',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Monedă',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'IP-ul extern al serverului dvs.',
'attachments' => 'Fișiere atașate',
'journal_amount' => 'Suma',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Așteptat pe',
'paid' => 'Plătit',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Suma totală nu poate fi zero.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Suma curentă trebuie să fie mai mică decât suma vizată.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Numele pușculiței trebuie să fie unic.',
'secure_password' => 'Aceasta nu este o parolă sigură. Vă rugăm să încercați din nou. Pentru mai multe informații, vizitați https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Tip de repetare nevalid pentru tranzacțiile recurente.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Momentul repetiției nevalid pentru acest tip de repetare.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => ':attribute trebuie să fie mai mare sau egal cu :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => ':attribute trebuie să fie mai mare sau egal cu :value caractere.',
'gte.array' => ':attribute trebuie sa aiba :value valori sau mai multe.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Неоплачено в :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Проверить обновления',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Новая группа правил ":title" сохранена!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Группа правил ":title" успешно обновлена.',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Изменить группу правил ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Удалить группу правил ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Группа правил ":title" удалена',
'update_rule_group' => 'Обновление группы правил',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Обычно ваш бюджет - около :amount в день. Сейчас - :over_amount в день. Вы уверены?',
'transferred_in' => 'Переведено (в)',
'transferred_away' => 'Переведено (из)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Сравнение транзакций по счетам к оплате между :low и :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Валюта',
'currency_id' => 'Валюта',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Валюта',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Внешний IP-адрес вашего сервера',
'attachments' => 'Вложения',
'journal_amount' => 'Сумма',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Ожидаем',
'paid' => 'Оплачено',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Сумма не может быть равна нулю.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Текущая сумма должна быть меньше целевой суммы.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Название копилки должно быть уникальным.',
'secure_password' => 'Это не безопасный пароль. Попробуйте еще раз. Подробнее можно узнать по ссылке https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Недопустимый тип для повторяющихся транзакций.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Неверный период повторения для данного типа повторений.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Obetalad i :currency',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Sök uppdateringar',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Ny regelgrupp ":title" sparad!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Lyckades uppdatera regelgrupp ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Ändra regelgrupp ":title"',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Ta bort regelgrupp ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Tog bort regelgrupp ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Uppdatera regelgrupp',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i>Vanligen budgeterar du :amount per dag. Nu är det :over_amount per dag. Är du säker?',
'transferred_in' => 'Överfört (in)',
'transferred_away' => 'Överfört (bort)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Nota matchar transaktioner mellan :low och :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Valuta',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Din servers externa IP',
'attachments' => 'Bilagor',
'journal_amount' => 'Belopp',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Förväntad',
'paid' => 'Betald',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Totala värdet kan inte vara noll.',
'current_target_amount' => 'Det nuvarande beloppet måste vara mindre än målbeloppet.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Namnet på spargrisen måste vara unikt.',
'secure_password' => 'Detta lösenord är inte säkert. Vänligen försök igen. För mer info se https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Ogiltig repetitionstyp får återkommande transaktioner.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Ogiltig repetitionsmoment för denna typ av repetition.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => ':currency olarak ödenmeyen',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Güncellemeleri kontrol et',
@ -306,6 +308,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Yeni kural grubu ":title" saklandı!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Başarıyla güncellenen kural grubu ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => '":title" kural grubunu düzenle',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => '":title" kural grubunu sil',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Silinen kural grubu ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Grup bilgilerini güncelle',
@ -785,6 +790,18 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Usually you budget about :amount per day. This time it\'s :over_amount per day. Are you sure?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transferred (in)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferred (away)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Bill matches transactions between :low and :high.',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => 'Para birimi',
'currency_id' => 'Para birimi',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Para birimi',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Sunucunuzun dış IP adresi',
'attachments' => 'Ekler',
'journal_amount' => 'Tutar',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Toplam tutarı sıfır olamaz.',
'current_target_amount' => 'The current amount must be less than the target amount.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Kumbara adı benzersiz olmalıdır.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => '未以 :currency 支付',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => '检查更新',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => '新规则群组 ":title" 已储存!',
'updated_rule_group' => '已成功更新 ":title" 规则群组。',
'edit_rule_group' => '编辑 ":title" 规则群组。',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => '删除 ":title" 规则群组',
'deleted_rule_group' => '规则群组 ":title" 已删除',
'update_rule_group' => '更新规则群组',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> 您通常每天预算约为 :amount ,本次是每天:over_amount ,您确定吗?',
'transferred_in' => '转账(转入)',
'transferred_away' => '转账(转出)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => '帐单配合自 :low 至 :high 的交易。',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => '货币',
'currency_id' => '货币',
'transaction_currency_id' => '货币',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => '您的服务器外部IP',
'attachments' => '附加档案',
'journal_amount' => '金额',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => '总金额不能为零。',
'current_target_amount' => 'The current amount must be less than the target amount.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => '存钱罐的名称必须是独一无二的。',
'secure_password' => '这不是一个安全的密码,请重试一次。如需更多讯息,请访问 https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => '对定期重复交易是无效的重复类型。',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => '对此重复类型是无效的重复时刻。',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => ':attribute 必须大于或等于 :value Kb',
'gte.string' => ':attribute 必须大于或等于 :value 字符。',
'gte.array' => ':attribute 必须具有 :value 项或更多',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ return [
'unpaid_in_currency' => '未以 :currency 支付',
'is_alpha_warning' => 'You are running an ALPHA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'is_beta_warning' => 'You are running an BETA version. Be wary of bugs and issues.',
'all_destination_accounts' => 'Destination accounts',
'all_source_accounts' => 'Source accounts',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => '檢查更新',
@ -305,6 +307,9 @@ return [
'created_new_rule_group' => '新規則群組 ":title" 已儲存!',
'updated_rule_group' => '已成功更新 ":title" 規則群組。',
'edit_rule_group' => '編輯 ":title" 規則群組',
'duplicate_rule' => 'Duplicate rule ":title"',
'rule_copy_of' => 'Copy of ":title"',
'duplicated_rule' => 'Duplicated rule ":title" into ":newTitle"',
'delete_rule_group' => '刪除 ":title" 規則群組',
'deleted_rule_group' => '規則群組 ":title" 已刪除',
'update_rule_group' => '更新規則群組',
@ -783,6 +788,18 @@ return [
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> 您通常每日預算 :amount。這回卻是每日 :over_amount。您確定嗎?',
'transferred_in' => '轉帳 (轉入)',
'transferred_away' => '轉帳 (轉出)',
'auto_budget_none' => 'No auto-budget',
'auto_budget_reset' => 'Set a fixed amount every period',
'auto_budget_rollover' => 'Add an amount every period',
'auto_budget_period_daily' => 'Daily',
'auto_budget_period_weekly' => 'Weekly',
'auto_budget_period_monthly' => 'Monthly',
'auto_budget_period_quarterly' => 'Quarterly',
'auto_budget_period_half_year' => 'Every half year',
'auto_budget_period_yearly' => 'Yearly',
'auto_budget_help' => 'You can read more about this feature in the help. Click the top-right (?) icon.',
'auto_budget_reset_icon' => 'This budget will be set periodically',
'auto_budget_rollover_icon' => 'The budget amount will increase periodically',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => '帳單配合自 :low 至 :high 的交易。',
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ return [
'journal_currency_id' => '貨幣',
'currency_id' => '貨幣',
'transaction_currency_id' => '貨幣',
'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => '您的伺服器外部IP',
'attachments' => '附加檔案',
'journal_amount' => '金額',
@ -260,4 +261,9 @@ return [
'expected_on' => 'Expected on',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget',
'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount',
'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period',
@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => '總金額不能為零。',
'current_target_amount' => 'The current amount must be less than the target amount.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => '小豬撲滿的名稱必須是獨一無二的。',
'secure_password' => '此密碼不安全,請再試一遍。如需更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => '定期重複交易的重複類型無效。',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => '重複時刻在此重複類型無效。',
@ -200,4 +201,8 @@ return [
'gte.file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'gte.string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'gte.array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'amount_required_for_auto_budget' => 'The amount is required.',
'auto_budget_amount_positive' => 'The amount must be more than zero.',
'auto_budget_period_mandatory' => 'The auto budget period is a mandatory field.',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user