mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 18:25:00 -06:00
Updated language strings [skip ci]
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'de',
'locale' => 'de, Deutsch, de_DE, de_DE.utf8, de_DE.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e. %B %Y',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e. %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'KW %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY um HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D. MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week]. KW, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q. Quartal YYYY',
'html_language' => 'de',
'locale' => 'de, Deutsch, de_DE, de_DE.utf8, de_DE.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e. %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e. %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'KW %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY um HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D. MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week]. KW, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q. Quartal YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Diese Ausgaben, Einnahmen und Umbuchungen sind nicht besonders einfallsreich. Sie wurden automatisch generiert.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Hier wurden bereits drei Sparschweine angelegt. Der Betrag in den Sparschweinen kann über die Plus-/Minus-Buttons angepasst werden. Klicken Sie auf den Namen des Sparschweins um weitere Informationen einzusehen.',
'import-index' => 'Jede CSV-Datei kann in Firefly III importiert werden. Es wird auch der Import von Daten aus Bunq und Spectre unterstützt. Weitere Banken und Finanzaggregatoren werden in Zukunft implementiert. Als Demo-Anwender können Sie jedoch nur einen „Schein”-Anbieter in Aktion erleben. Es werden einige zufällige Transaktionen generiert, um Ihnen zu zeigen, wie der Prozess funktioniert.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'language' => 'Sprache',
'new_savings_account' => ':bank_name-Sparkonto',
'cash_wallet' => 'Geldbörse',
'currency_not_present' => 'Wenn die Währung, die Sie normalerweise verwenden, nicht aufgeführt ist, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen. Unter Optionen ➜ Währungen können Sie eigene Währungen anlegen.',
'currency_not_present' => 'Wenn die Währung, die Sie normalerweise verwenden, nicht aufgeführt ist, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen. Unter Optionen ➜ Währungen können Sie eigene Währungen anlegen.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Deine Konten',
@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'instance_configuration' => 'Konfiguration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Konfigurationsoptionen für Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Einzelnutzermodus',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Standardmäßig akzeptiert Firefly III nur eine Registrierung: Sie. Diese Sicherheitsmaßnahme verhindert das Benutzen Ihrer Instanz durch andere, außer Sie erlauben es. Zukünftige Registrierungen sind gesperrt. Wenn Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen deaktivieren können andere ihre Instanz ebenfalls benutzen, vorausgesetzt sie ist erreichbar (mit dem Internet verbunden).',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Konfiguration speichern',
'single_user_administration' => 'Benutzerverwaltung für :email',
'edit_user' => 'Benutzer :email bearbeiten',
@ -1156,8 +1156,9 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Eine Splitbuchung konnte nicht umgesetzt werden',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Daten in Firefly III importieren',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Daten importieren',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Diese Funktion ist nicht verfügbar, wenn Sie Firefly III in einer Sandstorm.io-Umgebung verwenden.',
@ -1207,4 +1208,57 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Du hast noch keine Rechnungen. Sie können Rechnungen erstellen, um die laufenden Ausgaben, wie zum Beispiel Ihre Versicherung oder Miete, nachzuverfolgen.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Haben Sie regelmäßige Rechnungen? Erstellen Sie eine Rechnung und verfolgen Sie Ihre Zahlungen:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Eine Rechnung erstellen',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Ländercode',
'provider_code' => 'Bank oder Datenanbieter',
'due_date' => 'Fälligkeitstermin',
'payment_date' => 'Zahlungsdatum',
'invoice_date' => 'Rechnungsdatum',
'internal_reference' => 'Interner Verweis',
'inward' => 'Beschreibung der Eingänge',
'outward' => 'Beschreibung der Ausgänge',
'rule_group_id' => 'Regelgruppe',
'due_date' => 'Fälligkeitstermin',
'payment_date' => 'Zahlungsdatum',
'invoice_date' => 'Rechnungsdatum',
'internal_reference' => 'Interner Verweis',
'inward' => 'Beschreibung der Eingänge',
'outward' => 'Beschreibung der Ausgänge',
'rule_group_id' => 'Regelgruppe',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -123,4 +123,9 @@ return [
'spectre_last_use' => 'Letzte Anmeldung',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq-Zahlungskennung',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Der Gesamtbetrag darf nicht Null sein',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Der Name des Sparschweins muss eindeutig sein.',
'secure_password' => 'Das ist kein sicheres Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/wiki/Secure-password',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'E-Mail Adresse',
'description' => 'Beschreibung',
@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ return [
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'es',
'locale' => 'es, Spanish, es_ES, es_ES.utf8, es_ES.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%B %e, %Y',
'date_time' => '%B %e, %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Semana %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'html_language' => 'es',
'locale' => 'es, Spanish, es_ES, es_ES.utf8, es_ES.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%B %e, %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%B %e, %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Semana %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Estos gastos, depósitos y transferencias no son particularmente imaginativos. Se han generado automáticamente.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Como puede ver, hay tres alcancías. Utilice los botones más y menos para influir en la cantidad de dinero en cada alcancía. Haga clic en el nombre de la alcancía para ver la administración de cada una.',
'import-index' => 'Any CSV file can be imported into Firefly III. It also supports importing data from bunq and Spectre. Other banks and financial aggregators will be implemented in the future. As a demo-user however, you can only see the "fake"-provider in action. It will generate some random transactions to show you how the process works.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ return [
'language' => 'Language',
'new_savings_account' => ':bank_name savings account',
'cash_wallet' => 'Cash wallet',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Tus cuentas',
@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ return [
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuracion',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Opciones de configuración de Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Modo de usuario único',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Por defecto, Firefly III solo acepta un (1) registro: Usted. Esta es una medida de seguridad que impide que otros utilicen su instancia a menos que usted lo permita. Los registros futuros están bloqueados. Cuando usted desbloquee esta casilla, otros pueden usar su instancia también, suponiendo que puedan alcanzarla ( cuando este conectada a Internet).',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Configuración de tienda',
'single_user_administration' => 'Administración de usuarios para :email',
'edit_user' => 'Editar usuario :email',
@ -1156,8 +1156,9 @@ return [
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'No se puede convertir una transacción dividida',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Importar datos a Firefly III',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Importar datos',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Esta función no esta disponible cuando usted esta utilizando Firefly III dentro de un ambiente Sandstorm.io.',
@ -1207,4 +1208,57 @@ return [
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Usted no tiene facturas aun. Usted puede crear facturas para hacer un seguimiento de los gastos regulares, como su alquiler o el seguro.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => '¿Tienes facturas periódicas? Crea una factura y haz un seguimiento de tus pagos:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Crear una factura',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Código del país',
'provider_code' => 'Banco o proveedor de datos',
'due_date' => 'Fecha de vencimiento',
'payment_date' => 'Fecha de pago',
'invoice_date' => 'Fecha de la factura',
'internal_reference' => 'Referencia interna',
'inward' => 'Descripción interna',
'outward' => 'Descripción externa',
'rule_group_id' => 'Grupo de reglas',
'due_date' => 'Fecha de vencimiento',
'payment_date' => 'Fecha de pago',
'invoice_date' => 'Fecha de la factura',
'internal_reference' => 'Referencia interna',
'inward' => 'Descripción interna',
'outward' => 'Descripción externa',
'rule_group_id' => 'Grupo de reglas',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -123,4 +123,9 @@ return [
'spectre_last_use' => 'Last login',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq payment ID',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'La cantidad total no puede ser cero',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'dirección de correo electrónico',
'description' => 'descripcion',
@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'failed' => 'Ces identifiants n\'ont aucune correspondance.',
'throttle' => 'Trop de tentatives de connexion. Veuillez essayer à nouveau dans :seconds secondes.',
'throttle' => 'Trop de tentatives de connexion. Veuillez réessayer dans :seconds secondes.',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'fr',
'locale' => 'fr, French, fr_FR, fr_FR.utf8, fr_FR.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'date_time' => '%B %e %Y @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Semaine %W %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'html_language' => 'fr',
'locale' => 'fr, French, fr_FR, fr_FR.utf8, fr_FR.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%B %e %Y @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Semaine %W %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -33,5 +33,7 @@ return [
'currencies-index' => 'Firefly III prend en charge plusieurs devises. Bien que l\'Euro soit la devise par défaut, cette dernière peut être changée pour le Dollar américain et de nombreuses autres devises. Comme vous pouvez le remarquer une petite sélection des monnaies a été incluse, mais vous pouvez ajouter vos propres devises si vous le souhaitez. Gardez à l\'esprit que la modification de la devise par défaut ne modifie pas la monnaie des transactions existantes : Firefly III prend en charge l’utilisation de plusieurs devises en même temps.',
'transactions-index' => 'Ces dépenses, dépôts et transferts ne sont pas particulièrement imaginatifs. Ils ont été générés automatiquement.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Comme vous pouvez le voir, il y a trois tirelires. Utilisez les boutons plus et moins pour influer sur le montant d’argent dans chaque tirelire. Cliquez sur le nom de la tirelire pour voir l’administration pour chaque tirelire.',
'import-index' => 'Any CSV file can be imported into Firefly III. It also supports importing data from bunq and Spectre. Other banks and financial aggregators will be implemented in the future. As a demo-user however, you can only see the "fake"-provider in action. It will generate some random transactions to show you how the process works.',
'import-index' => 'Tout fichier CSV peut être importé dans Firefly III. L\'importation de données depuis bunq et Specter est également prise en charge. D\'autres banques et agrégateurs financiers seront mis en place dans le futur. En tant qu\'utilisateur du site de démonstration, vous ne pouvez voir que le «faux» service en action. Il va générer des transactions aléatoires pour vous montrer comment se déroule le processus.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ return [
'language' => 'Langage',
'new_savings_account' => ':bank_name compte d\'épargne',
'cash_wallet' => 'Porte-monnaie',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
'currency_not_present' => 'Si la devise que vous utilisez habituellement n\'est pas répertoriée, ne vous inquiétez pas. Vous pouvez créer vos propres devises dans Options > Devises.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Vos comptes',
@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ return [
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Retirer l’argent de la tirelire ":name"',
'add' => 'Ajouter',
'no_money_for_piggy' => 'Vous n\'avez pas d\'argent à placer dans cette tirelire.',
'suggested_savings_per_month' => 'Suggested per month',
'suggested_savings_per_month' => 'Suggéré par mois',
'remove' => 'Enlever',
'max_amount_add' => 'Le montant maximum que vous pouvez ajouter est',
@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ return [
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Options de configuration pour Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Mode utilisateur unique',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Par défaut, Firefly III accepte uniquement un (1) enregistrement : vous. Il s\'agit d\'une mesure de sécurité qui empêche les autres d\'utiliser votre instance, à moins que vous ne les autorisiez. Les enregistrements futurs sont bloqués. Lorsque vous désactivez cette case, d\'autres personnes peuvent utiliser votre instance aussi bien, en supposant qu\'elles puissent l\'atteindre (quand il est connecté à Internet).',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Sauvegarder la configuration',
'single_user_administration' => 'Gestion de l\'utilisateur pour :email',
'edit_user' => 'Modifier l\'utilisateur :email',
@ -1155,8 +1155,9 @@ return [
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Vous ne pouvez pas convertir une transaction ventilée',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Importer des données dans Firefly III',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Importer des données',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Cette fonction n\'est pas disponible lorsque vous utilisez Firefly III dans un environnement Sandstorm.io.',
@ -1206,4 +1207,57 @@ return [
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Vous n\'avez pas encore de factures. Vous pouvez créer des factures pour suivre les dépenses ordinaires, comme votre loyer ou l\'assurance.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Avez-vous des factures régulières ? Créez une facture et suivez vos paiements :',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Créer une facture',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ return [
'amount_min' => 'Montant minimum',
'amount_max' => 'Montant maximum',
'match' => 'Correspondre à',
'strict' => 'Strict mode',
'strict' => 'Mode strict',
'repeat_freq' => 'Répétitions',
'journal_currency_id' => 'Devise',
'currency_id' => 'Devise',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Currency',
'external_ip' => 'Your server\'s external IP',
'transaction_currency_id' => 'Devise',
'external_ip' => 'L\'adresse IP externe de votre serveur',
'attachments' => 'Documents joints',
'journal_amount' => 'Montant',
'journal_source_account_name' => 'Compte de recettes (source)',
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ return [
'convert_Transfer' => 'Convertir le transfert',
'amount' => 'Montant',
'foreign_amount' => 'Foreign amount',
'existing_attachments' => 'Existing attachments',
'foreign_amount' => 'Montant externe',
'existing_attachments' => 'Pièces jointes existantes',
'date' => 'Date',
'interest_date' => 'Date de l’intérêt',
'book_date' => 'Date de réservation',
@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ return [
'blocked_code' => 'Raison du blocage',
// import
'apply_rules' => 'Apply rules',
'artist' => 'Artist',
'apply_rules' => 'Appliquer les règles',
'artist' => 'Artiste',
'album' => 'Album',
'song' => 'Song',
'song' => 'Titre',
// admin
@ -210,17 +210,28 @@ return [
'client_id' => 'Identifiant',
'service_secret' => 'Secret de service',
'app_secret' => 'Secret d\'application',
'app_id' => 'App ID',
'app_id' => 'ID App',
'secret' => 'Secret',
'public_key' => 'Clé publique',
'country_code' => 'Code pays',
'provider_code' => 'Banque ou fournisseur de données',
'due_date' => 'Échéance',
'payment_date' => 'Date de paiement',
'invoice_date' => 'Date de facturation',
'internal_reference' => 'Référence interne',
'inward' => 'Description vers l’intérieur',
'outward' => 'Description de l’extérieur',
'rule_group_id' => 'Groupe de règles',
'due_date' => 'Échéance',
'payment_date' => 'Date de paiement',
'invoice_date' => 'Date de facturation',
'internal_reference' => 'Référence interne',
'inward' => 'Description vers l’intérieur',
'outward' => 'Description de l’extérieur',
'rule_group_id' => 'Groupe de règles',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -24,33 +24,33 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
// ALL breadcrumbs and subtitles:
'index_breadcrumb' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_fake' => 'Prerequisites for the fake import provider',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_spectre' => 'Prerequisites for Spectre',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_bunq' => 'Prerequisites for bunq',
'job_configuration_breadcrumb' => 'Configuration for ":key"',
'job_status_breadcrumb' => 'Import status for ":key"',
'cannot_create_for_provider' => 'Firefly III cannot create a job for the ":provider"-provider.',
'index_breadcrumb' => 'Importer des données dans Firefly III',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_fake' => 'Prérequis pour la simulation d\'importation',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_spectre' => 'Prérequis pour Spectre',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_bunq' => 'Prérequis pour bunq',
'job_configuration_breadcrumb' => 'Configuration pour ":key"',
'job_status_breadcrumb' => 'Statut d\'importation pour ":key"',
'cannot_create_for_provider' => 'Firefly III ne peut pas créer de tâche pour le fournisseur ":provider".',
// index page:
'general_index_title' => 'Import a file',
'general_index_intro' => 'Welcome to Firefly III\'s import routine. There are a few ways of importing data into Firefly III, displayed here as buttons.',
'general_index_title' => 'Importer un fichier',
'general_index_intro' => 'Bienvenue dans la routine d\'importation de Firefly III. Il existe différentes façons d\'importer des données dans Firefly III, affichées ici sous forme de boutons.',
// import provider strings (index):
'button_fake' => 'Fake an import',
'button_file' => 'Import a file',
'button_bunq' => 'Import from bunq',
'button_spectre' => 'Import using Spectre',
'button_plaid' => 'Import using Plaid',
'button_yodlee' => 'Import using Yodlee',
'button_quovo' => 'Import using Quovo',
'button_fake' => 'Simuler une importation',
'button_file' => 'Importer un fichier',
'button_bunq' => 'Importer depuis bunq',
'button_spectre' => 'Importer en utilisant Spectre',
'button_plaid' => 'Importer en utilisant Plaid',
'button_yodlee' => 'Importer en utilisant Yodlee',
'button_quovo' => 'Importer en utilisant Quovo',
// global config box (index)
'global_config_title' => 'Global import configuration',
'global_config_text' => 'In the future, this box will feature preferences that apply to ALL import providers above.',
'global_config_title' => 'Configuration d\'importation globale',
'global_config_text' => 'À l\'avenir, cette boîte contiendra les préférences qui s\'appliquent à TOUTES les sources d\'importation ci-dessus.',
// prerequisites box (index)
'need_prereq_title' => 'Import prerequisites',
'need_prereq_intro' => 'Some import methods need your attention before they can be used. For example, they might require special API keys or application secrets. You can configure them here. The icon indicates if these prerequisites have been met.',
'do_prereq_fake' => 'Prerequisites for the fake provider',
'do_prereq_file' => 'Prerequisites for file imports',
'need_prereq_title' => 'Prérequis d\'importation',
'need_prereq_intro' => 'Certaines méthodes d\'importation nécessitent votre attention avant de pouvoir être utilisées. Par exemple, elles peuvent nécessiter des clés d\'API spéciales ou des clés secrètes. Vous pouvez les configurer ici. L\'icône indique si ces conditions préalables ont été remplies.',
'do_prereq_fake' => 'Prérequis pour la simulation',
'do_prereq_file' => 'Prérequis pour les importations de fichiers',
'do_prereq_bunq' => 'Prerequisites for imports from bunq',
'do_prereq_spectre' => 'Prerequisites for imports using Spectre',
'do_prereq_plaid' => 'Prerequisites for imports using Plaid',
@ -204,61 +204,61 @@ return [
'finished_with_errors' => 'There were some errors during the import. Please review them carefully.',
'unknown_import_result' => 'Unknown import result',
'result_no_transactions' => 'No transactions have been imported. Perhaps they were all duplicates is simply no transactions where present to be imported. Perhaps the log files can tell you what happened. If you import data regularly, this is normal.',
'result_one_transaction' => 'Exactly one transaction has been imported. It is stored under tag <a href=":route" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a> where you can inspect it further.',
'result_many_transactions' => 'Firefly III has imported :count transactions. They are stored under tag <a href=":route" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a> where you can inspect them further.',
'result_one_transaction' => 'Une seule transaction a été importée. Elle est stockée sous le tag <a href=":route" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a> où vous pouvez l\'afficher en détail.',
'result_many_transactions' => 'Firefly III a importé :count transactions. Elles sont stockées sous le tag <a href=":route" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a> où vous pouvez les afficher en détail.',
// general errors and warnings:
'bad_job_status' => 'To access this page, your import job cannot have status ":status".',
'bad_job_status' => 'Vous ne pouvez pas accéder à cette page tant que l\'importation a le statut ":status".',
// column roles for CSV import:
'column__ignore' => '(ignorer cette colonne)',
'column_account-iban' => 'Compte d’actif (IBAN)',
'column_account-id' => 'Asset account ID (matching FF3)',
'column_account-id' => 'Compte d\'actif (ID correspondant à FF3)',
'column_account-name' => 'Compte d’actif (nom)',
'column_amount' => 'Montant',
'column_amount_foreign' => 'Amount (in foreign currency)',
'column_amount_foreign' => 'Montant (en devise étrangère)',
'column_amount_debit' => 'Montant (colonne débit)',
'column_amount_credit' => 'Montant (colonne de crédit)',
'column_amount-comma-separated' => 'Amount (comma as decimal separator)',
'column_bill-id' => 'Bill ID (matching FF3)',
'column_amount-comma-separated' => 'Montant (virgule comme séparateur décimal)',
'column_bill-id' => 'Facture (ID correspondant à FF3)',
'column_bill-name' => 'Nom de la facture',
'column_budget-id' => 'Budget ID (matching FF3)',
'column_budget-id' => 'Budget (ID correspondant à FF3)',
'column_budget-name' => 'Nom du budget',
'column_category-id' => 'Category ID (matching FF3)',
'column_category-id' => 'Catégorie (ID correspondant à FF3)',
'column_category-name' => 'Nom de catégorie',
'column_currency-code' => 'Currency code (ISO 4217)',
'column_foreign-currency-code' => 'Foreign currency code (ISO 4217)',
'column_currency-id' => 'Currency ID (matching FF3)',
'column_currency-name' => 'Currency name (matching FF3)',
'column_currency-symbol' => 'Currency symbol (matching FF3)',
'column_date-interest' => 'Interest calculation date',
'column_date-book' => 'Transaction booking date',
'column_date-process' => 'Transaction process date',
'column_currency-code' => 'Code de la devise (ISO 4217)',
'column_foreign-currency-code' => 'Code de devise étrangère (ISO 4217)',
'column_currency-id' => 'Devise (ID correspondant à FF3)',
'column_currency-name' => 'Nom de la devise (correspondant à FF3)',
'column_currency-symbol' => 'Symbole de la devise (correspondant à FF3)',
'column_date-interest' => 'Date de calcul des intérêts',
'column_date-book' => 'Date d\'enregistrement de la transaction',
'column_date-process' => 'Date de traitement de la transaction',
'column_date-transaction' => 'Date',
'column_date-due' => 'Transaction due date',
'column_date-payment' => 'Transaction payment date',
'column_date-invoice' => 'Transaction invoice date',
'column_date-due' => 'Date d\'échéance de la transaction',
'column_date-payment' => 'Date de paiement de la transaction',
'column_date-invoice' => 'Date de facturation de la transaction',
'column_description' => 'Description',
'column_opposing-iban' => 'Opposing account (IBAN)',
'column_opposing-bic' => 'Opposing account (BIC)',
'column_opposing-id' => 'Opposing account ID (matching FF3)',
'column_opposing-iban' => 'Compte destinataire (IBAN)',
'column_opposing-bic' => 'Compte destinataire (BIC)',
'column_opposing-id' => 'Compte destinataire (ID correspondant à FF3)',
'column_external-id' => 'ID externe',
'column_opposing-name' => 'Opposing account (name)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Rabobank specific debit/credit indicator',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'ING specific debit/credit indicator',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA end-to-end Identifier',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA Opposing Account Identifier',
'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA Mandate Identifier',
'column_sepa-cc' => 'SEPA Clearing Code',
'column_sepa-ci' => 'SEPA Creditor Identifier',
'column_sepa-ep' => 'SEPA External Purpose',
'column_sepa-country' => 'SEPA Country Code',
'column_opposing-name' => 'Compte destinataire (nom)',
'column_rabo-debit-credit' => 'Indicateur de débit/crédit spécifique à Rabobank',
'column_ing-debit-credit' => 'Indicateur de débit/crédit spécifique à ING',
'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'Référence de bout en bout SEPA',
'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'Référence SEPA du compte destinataire',
'column_sepa-db' => 'Référence Unique de Mandat SEPA',
'column_sepa-cc' => 'Code de rapprochement SEPA',
'column_sepa-ci' => 'Identifiant Créancier SEPA',
'column_sepa-ep' => 'Objectif externe SEPA',
'column_sepa-country' => 'Code de pays SEPA',
'column_tags-comma' => 'Tags (séparés par des virgules)',
'column_tags-space' => 'Tags (séparé par un espace)',
'column_account-number' => 'Asset account (account number)',
'column_opposing-number' => 'Opposing account (account number)',
'column_account-number' => 'Compte d’actif (numéro de compte)',
'column_opposing-number' => 'Compte destinataire (numéro de compte)',
'column_note' => 'Note(s)',
'column_internal-reference' => 'Internal reference',
'column_internal-reference' => 'Référence interne',
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ return [
'piggy-banks_show_piggyEvents' => 'Des ajouts ou suppressions sont également répertoriées ici.',
// bill index
'bills_index_rules' => 'Here you see which rules will check if this bill is hit',
'bills_index_rules' => 'Ici, vous voyez quelles règles vont s\'appliquer si cette facture est payée',
'bills_index_paid_in_period' => 'Ce champ indique quand la facture a été payée pour la dernière fois.',
'bills_index_expected_in_period' => 'Ce champ indique pour chaque facture si et quand la facture suivante est attendue.',
@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ return [
'bills_show_billChart' => 'Ce tableau montre les transactions liées à cette facture.',
// create bill
'bills_create_intro' => 'Use bills to track the amount of money you\'re due every period. Think about expenses like rent, insurance or mortgage payments.',
'bills_create_intro' => 'Utilisez des factures pour suivre les sommes que vous avez à payer à chaque période. Pensez aux dépenses comme le loyer, l\'assurance ou les remboursements d\'emprunts.',
'bills_create_name' => 'Utilisez un nom équivoque tel que "Loyer" ou "Assurance maladie".',
//'bills_create_match' => 'To match transactions, use terms from those transactions or the expense account involved. All words must match.',
'bills_create_amount_min_holder' => 'Sélectionnez un montant minimum et maximum pour cette facture.',
'bills_create_repeat_freq_holder' => 'La plupart des factures sont mensuelles, mais vous pouvez définir une autre fréquence ici.',
'bills_create_skip_holder' => 'If a bill repeats every 2 weeks, the "skip"-field should be set to "1" to skip every other week.',
'bills_create_skip_holder' => 'Si une facture se répète toutes les 2 semaines, le champ "sauter" doit être réglé sur "1" pour sauter une semaine sur deux.',
// rules index
'rules_index_intro' => 'Firefly III vous permet de gérer les règles, qui seront automagiquement appliquées à toute transaction que vous créez ou modifiez.',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'name' => 'Nom',
'role' => 'Rôle',
'currentBalance' => 'Solde courant',
'linked_to_rules' => 'Relevant rules',
'linked_to_rules' => 'Règles applicables',
'active' => 'Actif ?',
'lastActivity' => 'Activité récente',
'balanceDiff' => 'Différence d\'équilibre',
@ -112,15 +112,20 @@ return [
'sepa-cc' => 'Code de compensation SEPA',
'sepa-ep' => 'Objectif externe SEPA',
'sepa-ci' => 'Identifiant SEPA Creditor',
'external_id' => 'External ID',
'external_id' => 'ID externe',
'account_at_bunq' => 'Compte avec bunq',
'file_name' => 'File name',
'file_size' => 'File size',
'file_type' => 'File type',
'attached_to' => 'Attached to',
'file_exists' => 'File exists',
'spectre_bank' => 'Bank',
'spectre_last_use' => 'Last login',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq payment ID',
'file_name' => 'Nom du fichier',
'file_size' => 'Taille du fichier',
'file_type' => 'Type de fichier',
'attached_to' => 'Attaché à',
'file_exists' => 'Le fichier existe',
'spectre_bank' => 'Banque',
'spectre_last_use' => 'Dernière connexion',
'spectre_status' => 'Statut',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'ID de paiement bunq',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -110,8 +110,9 @@ return [
'in_array' => 'Le champ :attribute n\'existe pas dans :other.',
'present' => 'Le champs :attribute doit être rempli.',
'amount_zero' => 'Le montant total ne peut pas être zéro',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Le nom de la tirelire doit être unique.',
'secure_password' => 'Ce n’est pas un mot de passe sécurisé. Veuillez essayer à nouveau. Pour plus d’informations, visitez http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'adresse email',
'description' => 'description',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'id',
'locale' => 'id, Bahasa Indonesia, id_ID, id_ID.utf8, id_ID.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Minggu %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'html_language' => 'id',
'locale' => 'id, Bahasa Indonesia, id_ID, id_ID.utf8, id_ID.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Minggu %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Biaya ini, deposito dan transfer tidak terlalu imajinatif. Mereka telah dihasilkan secara otomatis.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Seperti yang bisa Anda lihat, ada tiga celengan. Gunakan tombol plus dan minus untuk mempengaruhi jumlah uang di setiap celengan. Klik nama celengan untuk melihat administrasi masing-masing celengan.',
'import-index' => 'Any CSV file can be imported into Firefly III. It also supports importing data from bunq and Spectre. Other banks and financial aggregators will be implemented in the future. As a demo-user however, you can only see the "fake"-provider in action. It will generate some random transactions to show you how the process works.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ return [
'language' => 'Language',
'new_savings_account' => ':bank_name savings account',
'cash_wallet' => 'Cash wallet',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Akun anda',
@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ return [
'instance_configuration' => 'Konfigurasi',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Pilihan konfigurasi untuk Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Mode pengguna tunggal',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Secara default, Firefly III hanya menerima satu (1) registrasi: anda. Ini adalah tindakan pengamanan, mencegah orang lain menggunakan contoh Anda kecuali jika Anda mengizinkannya melakukannya. Pendaftaran di masa depan diblokir Bila Anda tidak mencentang kotak ini, orang lain dapat menggunakan contoh Anda dengan baik, dengan asumsi mereka dapat mencapainya (bila terhubung ke internet).',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Konfigurasi toko',
'single_user_administration' => 'Administrasi pengguna untuk :email',
'edit_user' => 'Edit pengguna :email',
@ -1155,8 +1155,9 @@ return [
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Tidak dapat mengonversi transaksi split',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Impor data ke Firefly III',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Impor data',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Fungsi ini tidak tersedia saat Anda menggunakan Firefly III di dalam lingkungan Sandstorm.io.',
@ -1206,4 +1207,57 @@ return [
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Anda belum memiliki tagihan. Anda bisa membuat tagihan untuk mencatat pengeluaran rutin, seperti sewa atau asuransi Anda.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Apakah Anda memiliki tagihan reguler seperti itu? Buat tagihan dan lacak pembayaran Anda:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Buat tagihan',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Kode negara',
'provider_code' => 'Bank atau penyedia data',
'due_date' => 'Batas tanggal terakhir',
'payment_date' => 'Tanggal pembayaran',
'invoice_date' => 'Tanggal faktur',
'internal_reference' => 'Referensi internal',
'inward' => 'Deskripsi dalam',
'outward' => 'Deskripsi luar',
'rule_group_id' => 'Kelompok aturan',
'due_date' => 'Batas tanggal terakhir',
'payment_date' => 'Tanggal pembayaran',
'invoice_date' => 'Tanggal faktur',
'internal_reference' => 'Referensi internal',
'inward' => 'Deskripsi dalam',
'outward' => 'Deskripsi luar',
'rule_group_id' => 'Kelompok aturan',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -123,4 +123,9 @@ return [
'spectre_last_use' => 'Last login',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq payment ID',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Jumlah total tidak boleh nol',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'email address',
'description' => 'description',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'it',
'locale' => 'it, Italiano, it_IT, it_IT.utf8, it_IT.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Settimana %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM AAAA',
'month_and_day_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'G MMMM AAAA',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] s, AAAA',
'year_js' => 'AAAA',
'half_year_js' => 'T AAAA',
'html_language' => 'it',
'locale' => 'it, Italiano, it_IT, it_IT.utf8, it_IT.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Settimana %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM AAAA',
'month_and_day_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'G MMMM AAAA',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] s, AAAA',
'year_js' => 'AAAA',
'half_year_js' => 'T AAAA',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Queste spese, depositi e trasferimenti non sono particolarmente fantasiosi. Sono stati generati automaticamente.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Come puoi vedere, ci sono tre salvadanai. Utilizzare i pulsanti più e meno per influenzare la quantità di denaro in ogni salvadanaio. Fare clic sul nome del salvadanaio per visualizzare la gestione per ciascun salvadanaio.',
'import-index' => 'Qualsiasi file CSV può essere importato in Firefly III. Supporta anche l\'importazione di dati da bunq e Spectre. Altre banche e aggregatori finanziari saranno implementati in futuro. Tuttavia, come utente demo, puoi vedere solo il provider "fittizio" in azione. Genererà alcune transazioni casuali per mostrarti come funziona il processo.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -820,11 +820,11 @@ return [
'language' => 'Lingua',
'new_savings_account' => 'Conto di risparmio :bank_name',
'cash_wallet' => 'Contanti',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
'currency_not_present' => 'Se la valuta che usi normalmente non è elencata, non preoccuparti. Puoi creare le tue valute in Opzioni > Valute.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'I tuoi conti',
'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Bilanci e Spese',
'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Budget e spese',
'savings' => 'Risparmi',
'newWithdrawal' => 'Nuova uscita',
'newDeposit' => 'Nuovo deposito',
@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ return [
'Expense account' => 'Conto spese',
'Revenue account' => 'Conto entrate',
'Initial balance account' => 'Saldo iniziale conto',
'budgets' => 'Bilanci',
'budgets' => 'Budget',
'tags' => 'Etichette',
'reports' => 'Resoconti',
'transactions' => 'Transazioni',
@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ return [
'expense_per_account' => 'Spese per conto',
'expense_per_tag' => 'Spese per etichetta',
'income_per_tag' => 'Reddito per etichetta',
'include_expense_not_in_budget' => 'Spese non incluse nel(nei) bilancio(i) selezionato(i)',
'include_expense_not_in_budget' => 'Spese non incluse nei budget selezionati',
'include_expense_not_in_account' => 'Spese non incluse nel(nei) conto(i) selezionato(i)',
'include_expense_not_in_category' => 'Spese incluse / non incluse nella(e) categoria(e) selezionata(e)',
'include_income_not_in_category' => 'Entrate non incluse nella(e) categoria(e) selezionata(e)',
@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ return [
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Rimuovi i soldi dal salvadanaio ":name"',
'add' => 'Aggiungi',
'no_money_for_piggy' => 'non hai soldi da mettere in questo salvadanaio.',
'suggested_savings_per_month' => 'Suggested per month',
'suggested_savings_per_month' => 'Suggeriti per mese',
'remove' => 'Rimuovi',
'max_amount_add' => 'L\'importo massimo che puoi aggiungere è',
@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ return [
'instance_configuration' => 'Configurazione',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Opzioni Configurazione di Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Modo utente singolo',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Per impostazione predefinita, Firefly III accetta solo una (1) registrazione: tu. Questa è una misura di sicurezza, che impedisce ad altri di usare la tua istanza a meno che tu non le autorizzi. Le future registrazioni sono bloccate. Bene! quando deselezioni questa casella, gli altri possono usare la tua istanza, supponendo che possano raggiungerla (quando è connessa a Internet).',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Salva configurazione',
'single_user_administration' => 'Amministrazione utenti per :email',
'edit_user' => 'Modifica utente :email',
@ -1155,8 +1155,9 @@ return [
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Impossibile convertire una transazione divisa',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Importa i dati in Firefly III',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Importa i dati',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Questa funzione non è disponibile quando si utilizza Firefly III in un ambiente Sandstorm.io.',
@ -1206,4 +1207,57 @@ return [
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Non hai ancora nessuna bolletta. Puoi creare bollette per tenere traccia delle spese regolari, come il tuo affitto o l\'assicurazione.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Hai delle bollette regolari? Crea una bolletta e tieni traccia dei tuoi pagamenti:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Crea bolletta',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Codice Nazione',
'provider_code' => 'Banca o fornitore di dati',
'due_date' => 'Data scadenza',
'payment_date' => 'Data pagamento',
'invoice_date' => 'Data bolletta',
'internal_reference' => 'Referenze interne',
'inward' => 'Descrizione interna',
'outward' => 'Descrizione esterna',
'rule_group_id' => 'Gruppo regole',
'due_date' => 'Data scadenza',
'payment_date' => 'Data pagamento',
'invoice_date' => 'Data bolletta',
'internal_reference' => 'Referenze interne',
'inward' => 'Descrizione interna',
'outward' => 'Descrizione esterna',
'rule_group_id' => 'Gruppo regole',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ return [
'job_config_bunq_accounts_title' => 'Account bunq',
'job_config_bunq_accounts_text' => 'Questi sono i conti associati al tuo account bunq. Seleziona i conti dai quali vuoi effettuare l\'importazione e in quale conto devono essere importate le transazioni.',
'bunq_no_mapping' => 'Sembra che tu non abbia selezionato nessun account.',
'should_download_config' => 'You should download <a href=":route">the configuration file</a> for this job. This will make future imports way easier.',
'share_config_file' => 'If you have imported data from a public bank, you should <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">share your configuration file</a> so it will be easy for other users to import their data. Sharing your configuration file will not expose your financial details.',
'should_download_config' => 'Ti consigliamo di scaricare <a href=":route">il file di configurazione</a> per questo lavoro. Ciò renderà le importazioni future più facili.',
'share_config_file' => 'Se hai importato dati da una banca pubblica, dovresti <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">condividere il tuo file di configurazione</a> così da rendere più facile per gli altri utenti importare i loro dati. La condivisione del file di configurazione non espone i tuoi dettagli finanziari.',
// keys from "extra" array:
'spectre_extra_key_iban' => 'IBAN',
@ -122,5 +122,10 @@ return [
'spectre_bank' => 'Banca',
'spectre_last_use' => 'Ultimo accesso',
'spectre_status' => 'Stato',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq payment ID',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'ID pagamento bunq',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -110,8 +110,9 @@ return [
'in_array' => ':attribute il campo non esiste in :other.',
'present' => ':attribute il campo deve essere presente.',
'amount_zero' => 'L\'importo totale non può essere zero',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Il nome del salvadanaio deve essere unico.',
'secure_password' => 'Questa non è una password sicura. Per favore riprova. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'indirizzo email',
'description' => 'descrizione',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'nl',
'locale' => 'nl, Dutch, nl_NL, nl_NL.utf8, nl_NL.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'week %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'html_language' => 'nl',
'locale' => 'nl, Dutch, nl_NL, nl_NL.utf8, nl_NL.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'week %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Maandag',
'dow_2' => 'Dinsdag',
'dow_3' => 'Woensdag',
'dow_4' => 'Donderdag',
'dow_5' => 'Vrijdag',
'dow_6' => 'Zaterdag',
'dow_7' => 'Zondag',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Deze uitgaven, inkomsten en overschrijvingen zijn niet heel fantasierijk. Ze zijn automatisch gegenereerd.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Zoals je kan zien zijn er drie spaarpotjes. Gebruik de plus- en minknoppen om het bedrag in de spaarpotjes te veranderen. Klik op de naam van het spaarpotje om er de geschiedenis van te zien.',
'import-index' => 'Je kan elk CSV bestand importeren met Firefly III. Het is ook mogelijk om transacties te importeren van bunq en Spectre. Andere verzamelbedrijven worden ook geïntegreerd. De demo-gebruiker mag alleen de "nep"-importhulp gebruiken. Deze genereert een paar willekeurige transacties om te laten zien hoe het werkt.',
'recurring-index' => 'Denk er aan dat deze functie nog ontwikkeld wordt en misschien niet lekker werkt.',
'recurring-create' => 'Denk er aan dat deze functie nog ontwikkeld wordt en misschien niet lekker werkt.',
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ return [
'language' => 'Taal',
'new_savings_account' => ':bank_name spaarrekening',
'cash_wallet' => 'Cash-rekening',
'currency_not_present' => 'Geen zorgen als de valuta die je gewend bent er niet tussen staat. Je kan je eigen valuta maken onder Opties > Valuta.',
'currency_not_present' => 'Geen zorgen als de valuta die je gewend bent er niet tussen staat. Je kan je eigen valuta maken onder Opties > Valuta.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Je betaalrekeningen',
@ -1155,8 +1155,9 @@ return [
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Kan geen gesplitste transactie omzetten',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Gegevens importeren in Firefly III',
'import_index_title' => 'Transacties importeren in Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Importeer data',
'import_transactions' => 'Importeer transacties',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Deze functie werkt niet als je Firefly III gebruikt in combinatie met Sandstorm.IO.',
@ -1206,4 +1207,57 @@ return [
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Je hebt nog geen contracten. Je kan contracten gebruiken om terugkerende uitgaven bij te houden, zoals de huur of verzekeringen.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Heb je zulke uitgaven? Maak dan een contract en houd de betalingen bij:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Maak een contract',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Periodieke transacties',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Maak een periodieke transactie!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'Je hebt nog geen periodieke transacties. Je kan deze gebruiken om er voor te zorgen dat Firefly III automatisch nieuwe transacties voor je maakt.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'Dit is een behoorlijk geadvanceerde functie maar het kan vreselijk handig zijn. Lees ook zeker de documentatie (?)-icoontje rechtsboven) voor je verder gaat.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Maak een periodieke transactie',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Maak een periodieke transactie',
'recurring_daily' => 'Elke dag',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Elke week op :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Elke maand op de :dayOfMonth(e) dag',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Elke maand op de :dayOfMonth(e) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Elk jaar op :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overzicht voor periodieke transactie ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'Soms zie je hier datums dubbel staan. Dat kan als meerdere herhalingen in elkaars vaarwater zitten. Firefly III maakt altijd maar één transactie per dag.',
'created_transactions' => 'Gerelateerde transacties',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Verwachte uitgaven',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Verwachte inkomsten',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Verwachte overschrijvingen',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Gemaakte uitgaven',
'created_Deposits' => 'Gemaakte inkomsten',
'created_Transfers' => 'Gemaakte overschrijvingen',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Gemaakt door periodieke transactie ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notities',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Contract',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Spaarpotje',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Maak een nieuwe periodieke transactie',
'help_first_date' => 'Geef aan wanneer je de eerste transactie verwacht. Dit moet in de toekomst zijn.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Geef aan wanneer je de eerste transactie verwacht. Firefly III zal geen transacties in het verleden maken.',
'no_currency' => '(geen valuta)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Verplichte periodieke informatie',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Verplichte transactieinformatie',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optionele periodieke informatie',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optionele transactieinformatie',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Wijzig de "eerste datum" om meer opties te zien.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'De waarden die je hier invult worden gebruikt om de transactie(s) te maken',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Hier vind je een kalender die laat zien wanneer de transactie zal herhalen.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Voor altijd herhalen',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Herhalen tot een datum',
'repeat_times' => 'Een aantal maal herhalen',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Elke tweede',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Slaat :count keer over',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Sla periodieke transactie op',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Periodieke transactie ":title" is opgeslagen.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Wijzig periodieke transactie ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Herhaalt tot :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Blijft herhalen',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Herhaalt :count keer',
'update_recurrence' => 'Wijzig periodieke transactie',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Periodieke transactie ":title" is gewijzigd',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'Deze periodieke transactie is niet actief en maakt geen transacties aan.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Landcode',
'provider_code' => 'Bank of gegevensprovider',
'due_date' => 'Vervaldatum',
'payment_date' => 'Betalingsdatum',
'invoice_date' => 'Factuurdatum',
'internal_reference' => 'Interne verwijzing',
'inward' => 'Binnenwaartse beschrijving',
'outward' => 'Buitenwaartse beschrijving',
'rule_group_id' => 'Regelgroep',
'due_date' => 'Vervaldatum',
'payment_date' => 'Betalingsdatum',
'invoice_date' => 'Factuurdatum',
'internal_reference' => 'Interne verwijzing',
'inward' => 'Binnenwaartse beschrijving',
'outward' => 'Buitenwaartse beschrijving',
'rule_group_id' => 'Regelgroep',
'transaction_description' => 'Transactiebeschrijving',
'first_date' => 'Eerste datum',
'transaction_type' => 'Transactietype',
'repeat_until' => 'Herhalen tot',
'recurring_description' => 'Beschrijving van de periodieke transactie',
'repetition_type' => 'Type herhaling',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Vreemde valuta',
'repetition_end' => 'Stopt met herhalen',
'repetitions' => 'Herhalingen',
'calendar' => 'Kalender',
@ -123,4 +123,9 @@ return [
'spectre_last_use' => 'Laatst ingelogd',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq betalings-ID',
'repetitions' => 'Herhalingen',
'title' => 'Titel',
'transaction_s' => 'Transactie(s)',
'field' => 'Veld',
'value' => 'Waarde',
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Het totaalbedrag kan niet nul zijn',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'De naam van de spaarpot moet uniek zijn.',
'secure_password' => 'Dit is geen sterk wachtwoord. Probeer het nog een keer. Zie ook: http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Dit is geen geldige herhaling voor periodieke transacties',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'e-mailadres',
'description' => 'omschrijving',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'pl',
'locale' => 'pl, Polish, polski, pl_PL, pl_PL.utf8, pl_PL.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y o %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Tydzień %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY [o] HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Tydzień] w. YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'html_language' => 'pl',
'locale' => 'pl, Polish, polski, pl_PL, pl_PL.utf8, pl_PL.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y o %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Tydzień %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY [o] HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Tydzień] w. YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Te wydatki, depozyty i transfery nie są szczególnie pomysłowe. Zostały wygenerowane automatycznie.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Jak widać, istnieją trzy skarbonki. Użyj przycisków plus i minus, aby wpłynąć na ilość pieniędzy w każdej skarbonce. Kliknij nazwę skarbonki, aby zobaczyć administrację każdej skarbonki.',
'import-index' => 'Any CSV file can be imported into Firefly III. It also supports importing data from bunq and Spectre. Other banks and financial aggregators will be implemented in the future. As a demo-user however, you can only see the "fake"-provider in action. It will generate some random transactions to show you how the process works.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ return [
'language' => 'Język',
'new_savings_account' => 'Konto oszczędnościowe :bank_name',
'cash_wallet' => 'Portfel gotówkowy',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Twoje konta',
@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ return [
'instance_configuration' => 'Konfiguracja',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Opcje konfiguracji dla Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Tryb pojedynczego użytkownika',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Domyślnie, Firefly III pozwala na jednego (1) użytkownika: Ciebie. Jest to środek bezpieczeństwa uniemożliwiający innym używanie Twojej instalacji, chyba że im pozwolisz. Kolejne rejestracje są zablokowane. Jeżeli odznaczysz to pole, inne osoby będą mogły używać Twojej instalacji Firefly III (zakładając, że jest ona dostępna w Internecie).',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Zapisz konfigurację',
'single_user_administration' => 'Administracja użytkownika dla :email',
'edit_user' => 'Modyfikuj użytkownika :email',
@ -1155,8 +1155,9 @@ return [
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Nie można przekonwertować podzielonej transakcji',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Importuj dane do Firefly III',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Importuj dane',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Ta funkcja nie jest dostępna, gdy używasz Firefly III w środowisku Sandstorm.io.',
@ -1206,4 +1207,57 @@ return [
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Nie masz jeszcze żadnych rachunków. Można tworzyć rachunki, aby śledzić regularne wydatki, takie jak czynsz czy ubezpieczenie.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Czy masz takie regularne rachunki? Utwórz rachunek i śledź swoje płatności:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Utwórz rachunek',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Kod kraju',
'provider_code' => 'Dostawca banku lub danych',
'due_date' => 'Termin realizacji',
'payment_date' => 'Data płatności',
'invoice_date' => 'Data faktury',
'internal_reference' => 'Wewnętrzny numer',
'inward' => 'Opis wewnętrzny',
'outward' => 'Opis zewnętrzny',
'rule_group_id' => 'Grupa reguł',
'due_date' => 'Termin realizacji',
'payment_date' => 'Data płatności',
'invoice_date' => 'Data faktury',
'internal_reference' => 'Wewnętrzny numer',
'inward' => 'Opis wewnętrzny',
'outward' => 'Opis zewnętrzny',
'rule_group_id' => 'Grupa reguł',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -123,4 +123,9 @@ return [
'spectre_last_use' => 'Last login',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq payment ID',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Całkowita kwota nie może być zerem',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'adres e-mail',
'description' => 'opis',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'pt-br',
'locale' => 'pt-br, pt_BR, pt_BR.utf8, pt_BR.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e de %B de %Y',
'date_time' => '%B %e, %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Semana %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'html_language' => 'pt-br',
'locale' => 'pt-br, pt_BR, pt_BR.utf8, pt_BR.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e de %B de %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%B %e, %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Semana %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Estas despesas, depósitos e transferências não são fantasiosas. Elas foram geradas automaticamente.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Como você pode ver, existem três cofrinhos. Use o sinal de mais e menos botões para influenciar a quantidade de dinheiro em cada cofrinho. Clique no nome do cofrinho para ver a administração de cada cofrinho.',
'import-index' => 'Qualquer arquivo CSV pode ser importado para o Firefly III. Importações de dados de bunq e Specter também são suportadas. Outros bancos e agregadores financeiros serão implementados futuramente. Como usuário de demonstração, no entanto, você só pode ver o provedor "falso" em ação. Ele irá gerar transações aleatórias para lhe mostrar como funciona o processo.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ return [
'language' => 'Idioma',
'new_savings_account' => 'Conta de poupança :bank_name',
'cash_wallet' => 'Carteira de dinheiro',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Suas contas',
@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ return [
'instance_configuration' => 'Configuração',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Opções de configuração para Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Modo de usuário único',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Por padrão, o Firefly III aceita apenas um (1) registro: você. Esta é uma medida de segurança, impedindo que outros usem sua instância, a menos que você permita. Os registros futuros estão bloqueados. Quando você desmarca essa caixa, outros podem usar sua instância, assumindo que podem alcançá-la (quando conectados à Internet).',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Configuração da Loja',
'single_user_administration' => 'Administração de usuários para :email',
'edit_user' => 'Editar usuário :email',
@ -1155,8 +1155,9 @@ return [
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Não é possível converter uma transação dividida',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Importar dados para o Firefly III',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Importar dados',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Esta função não está disponível quando você está usando o Firefly III dentro de um ambiente Sandstorm.io.',
@ -1206,4 +1207,57 @@ return [
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Você ainda não possui faturas. Você pode criar faturas para acompanhar as despesas regulares, como sua renda ou seguro.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Você tem essas faturas regulares? Crie uma fatura e acompanhe seus pagamentos:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Criar uma fatura',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Código do país',
'provider_code' => 'Banco ou provedor de dados',
'due_date' => 'Data de vencimento',
'payment_date' => 'Data de pagamento',
'invoice_date' => 'Data da Fatura',
'internal_reference' => 'Referência interna',
'inward' => 'Descrição interna',
'outward' => 'Descrição externa',
'rule_group_id' => 'Grupo de regras',
'due_date' => 'Data de vencimento',
'payment_date' => 'Data de pagamento',
'invoice_date' => 'Data da Fatura',
'internal_reference' => 'Referência interna',
'inward' => 'Descrição interna',
'outward' => 'Descrição externa',
'rule_group_id' => 'Grupo de regras',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -123,4 +123,9 @@ return [
'spectre_last_use' => 'Last login',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq payment ID',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'A quantidade total não pode ser zero',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'endereço de e-mail',
'description' => 'descrição',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'ru',
'locale' => 'ru, Russian, ru_RU, ru_RU.utf8, ru_RU.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Неделя %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Неделя] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'html_language' => 'ru',
'locale' => 'ru, Russian, ru_RU, ru_RU.utf8, ru_RU.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => 'Неделя %W, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'Do MMMM YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Неделя] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Эти расходы, доходы и переводы не очень интересны. Они были созданы автоматически.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Как вы можете видеть, здесь есть три копилки. Используйте кнопки «плюс» и «минус», чтобы влиять на количество денег в каждой копилке. Нажмите название копилки, чтобы увидеть её настройки.',
'import-index' => 'В Firefly III можно импортировать любой CSV-файл. Также поддерживается импорт данных из bunq и Spectre. Другие банки и финансовые агрегаторы будут реализованы в будущем. Однако, как демо-пользователь, вы можете видеть только как работает «поддельный»-провайдер. Он будет генерировать некоторые случайные транзакции, чтобы показать вам, как работает этот процесс.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ return [
'language' => 'Язык',
'new_savings_account' => 'сберегательный счёт в :bank_name',
'cash_wallet' => 'Кошелёк с наличными',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Ваши счета',
@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ return [
'instance_configuration' => 'Конфигурация',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Базовая конфигурация Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Режим одного пользователя',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'По умолчанию Firefly III работает только с одним пользователем (это вы). Это сделано с целью обеспечения безопасности, чтобы другие люди не могли использовать ваш Firefly без вашего разрешения. Регистрация других пользователей просто невозможна. Однако, если вы снимите этот флажок, другие смогут использовать ваш Firefly, при условии, что у них есть доступ к нему (например, он доступен через Интернет).',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Сохранить конфигурацию',
'single_user_administration' => 'Управление пользователем :email',
'edit_user' => 'Редактирование пользователя :email',
@ -1155,8 +1155,9 @@ return [
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Невозможно преобразовать раздельную транзакцию',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Импорт данных в Firefly III',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Импорт данных',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Эта функция недоступна, если вы используете Firefly III в среде Sandstorm.io.',
@ -1206,4 +1207,57 @@ return [
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'У вас пока нет счетов на оплату. Вы можете создавать счета для отслеживания регулярных расходов, таких как арендная плата или страхование.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'У вас есть такие регулярные платежи? Создайте счёт на оплату и отслеживайте свои платежи:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Создать счет к оплате',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Код страны',
'provider_code' => 'Банк или поставщик данных',
'due_date' => 'Срок',
'payment_date' => 'Дата платежа',
'invoice_date' => 'Дата выставления счёта',
'internal_reference' => 'Внутренняя ссылка',
'inward' => 'Внутреннее описание',
'outward' => 'Внешнее описание',
'rule_group_id' => 'Группа правил',
'due_date' => 'Срок',
'payment_date' => 'Дата платежа',
'invoice_date' => 'Дата выставления счёта',
'internal_reference' => 'Внутренняя ссылка',
'inward' => 'Внутреннее описание',
'outward' => 'Внешнее описание',
'rule_group_id' => 'Группа правил',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -123,4 +123,9 @@ return [
'spectre_last_use' => 'Last login',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq payment ID',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Общее количество не может быть равно нулю',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => '"Адрес электронной почты"',
'description' => '"Описание"',
@ -23,20 +23,29 @@
return [
'html_language' => 'tr',
'locale' => 'tr, Turkish, tr_TR, tr_TR.utf8, tr_TR.S.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => '%W. hafta, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'html_language' => 'tr',
'locale' => 'tr, Turkish, tr_TR, tr_TR.utf8, tr_TR.S.UTF-8',
'month' => '%B %Y',
'month_and_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'month_and_date_day' => '%A %B %e, %Y',
'month_and_day_no_year' => '%B %e',
'date_time' => '%e %B %Y, @ %T',
'specific_day' => '%e %B %Y',
'week_in_year' => '%W. hafta, %Y',
'year' => '%Y',
'half_year' => '%B %Y',
'month_js' => 'MMMM YYYY',
'month_and_day_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY',
'date_time_js' => 'MMMM Do, YYYY, @ HH:mm:ss',
'specific_day_js' => 'D MMMM YYYY',
'week_in_year_js' => '[Week] w, YYYY',
'year_js' => 'YYYY',
'half_year_js' => 'Q YYYY',
'dow_1' => 'Monday',
'dow_2' => 'Tuesday',
'dow_3' => 'Wednesday',
'dow_4' => 'Thursday',
'dow_5' => 'Friday',
'dow_6' => 'Saturday',
'dow_7' => 'Sunday',
@ -34,4 +34,6 @@ return [
'transactions-index' => 'Bu masraflar, mevduatlar ve transferler için özellikle yaratıcı değildir. Bunlar otomatik olarak oluşturuldu.',
'piggy-banks-index' => 'Gördüğünüz gibi, üç tane banka var. Her domuzcuk bankasındaki para miktarını değiştirmek için artı ve eksi düğmelerini kullanın. Her domuzcuk bankasının yönetimini görmek için domuzcuk\'un üzerine tıklayın.',
'import-index' => 'Any CSV file can be imported into Firefly III. It also supports importing data from bunq and Spectre. Other banks and financial aggregators will be implemented in the future. As a demo-user however, you can only see the "fake"-provider in action. It will generate some random transactions to show you how the process works.',
'recurring-index' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
'recurring-create' => 'Please note that this feature is under active development and may not work as expected.',
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'language' => 'Language',
'new_savings_account' => ':bank_name savings account',
'cash_wallet' => 'Cash wallet',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Hesaplarınız',
@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'instance_configuration' => 'Yapılandırma',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Firefly III için yapılandırma seçenekleri',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Tek kullanıcı modu',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'Varsayılan olarak Firefly III sadece bir kayıt kabul eder: sizi. Bu başkalarının sizin isteklerinizi kontrol etmemesi için bir güvenlik önlemidir. Gelecekteki kayıtlar engellendi. Bu kutunun işaretini kaldırdığınızda erişebildiklerini var sayarsak (internete bağlı olduğunda) başkaları da sizin isteklerinizi kullanabilir.',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Mağaza yapılandırması',
'single_user_administration' => ':email için kullanıcı yönetimi',
'edit_user' => ':email kullanıcısını düzenle',
@ -1156,8 +1156,9 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'cannot_convert_split_journal' => 'Bölünmüş bir İşlemi dönüştüremezsiniz',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Firefly III\'e veri aktarma',
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Veriyi içe aktar',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Bir Sandstorm.io ortamında Firefly III kullanıyorsanız, bu işlev kullanılamaz.',
@ -1207,4 +1208,57 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Henüz bir faturanız yok. Kira veya sigortanız gibi düzenli giderleri takip etmek için faturalar oluşturabilirsiniz.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Böyle düzenli faturalarınız var mı? Bir fatura oluşturun ve ödemelerinizi takip edin:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Fatura oluştur',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_Withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_Deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_Transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_Withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_Deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_Transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
@ -216,11 +216,22 @@ return [
'country_code' => 'Ülke kodu',
'provider_code' => 'Banka ya da veri sağlayıcı',
'due_date' => 'Bitiş Tarihi',
'payment_date' => 'Ödeme Tarihi',
'invoice_date' => 'Fatura Tarihi',
'internal_reference' => 'Dahili referans',
'inward' => 'Dahili açıklama',
'outward' => 'Harici açıklama',
'rule_group_id' => 'Kural grubu',
'due_date' => 'Bitiş Tarihi',
'payment_date' => 'Ödeme Tarihi',
'invoice_date' => 'Fatura Tarihi',
'internal_reference' => 'Dahili referans',
'inward' => 'Dahili açıklama',
'outward' => 'Harici açıklama',
'rule_group_id' => 'Kural grubu',
'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description',
'first_date' => 'First date',
'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type',
'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until',
'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description',
'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition',
'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency',
'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
@ -123,4 +123,9 @@ return [
'spectre_last_use' => 'Last login',
'spectre_status' => 'Status',
'bunq_payment_id' => 'bunq payment ID',
'repetitions' => 'Repetitions',
'title' => 'Title',
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ return [
'amount_zero' => 'Toplam tutar sıfır olamaz',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'email address',
'description' => 'description',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user