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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:27 -06:00
New translations firefly.php (French)
This commit is contained in:
@ -863,150 +863,150 @@ return [
'configuration_updated' => 'La configuration a été mise à jour',
'setting_is_demo_site' => 'Site de démonstration',
'setting_is_demo_site_explain' => 'Si vous cochez cette case, cette installation se comportera comme si c\'était le site de démonstration, ce qui peut engendrer des effets secondaires étranges.',
'block_code_bounced' => 'Email message(s) bounced',
'block_code_expired' => 'Demo account expired',
'no_block_code' => 'No reason for block or user not blocked',
'block_code_bounced' => '',
'block_code_expired' => '',
'no_block_code' => '',
// links
'journal_link_configuration' => 'Transaction links configuration',
'create_new_link_type' => 'Create new link type',
'store_new_link_type' => 'Store new link type',
'update_link_type' => 'Update link type',
'edit_link_type' => 'Edit link type ":name"',
'updated_link_type' => 'Updated link type ":name"',
'delete_link_type' => 'Delete link type ":name"',
'deleted_link_type' => 'Deleted link type ":name"',
'stored_new_link_type' => 'Store new link type ":name"',
'cannot_edit_link_type' => 'Cannot edit link type ":name"',
'link_type_help_name' => 'Ie. "Duplicates"',
'link_type_help_inward' => 'Ie. "duplicates"',
'link_type_help_outward' => 'Ie. "is duplicated by"',
'save_connections_by_moving' => 'Save the link between these transaction(s) by moving them to another link type:',
'do_not_save_connection' => '(do not save connection)',
'link_transaction' => 'Link transaction',
'link_to_other_transaction' => 'Link this transaction to another transaction',
'select_transaction_to_link' => 'Select a transaction to link this transaction to',
'this_transaction' => 'This transaction',
'transaction' => 'Transaction',
'comments' => 'Comments',
'to_link_not_found' => 'If the transaction you want to link to is not listed, simply enter its ID.',
'invalid_link_data' => 'Invalid link type selected. Cannot link transaction.',
'journals_linked' => 'Transactions are linked.',
'journals_error_linked' => 'These transactions are already linked.',
'journal_links' => 'Transaction links',
'this_withdrawal' => 'This withdrawal',
'this_deposit' => 'This deposit',
'this_transfer' => 'This transfer',
'overview_for_link' => 'Overview for link type ":name"',
'delete_journal_link' => 'Delete the link between <a href=":source_link">:source</a> and <a href=":destination_link">:destination</a>',
'deleted_link' => 'Deleted link',
'journal_link_configuration' => '',
'create_new_link_type' => '',
'store_new_link_type' => '',
'update_link_type' => '',
'edit_link_type' => '',
'updated_link_type' => '',
'delete_link_type' => '',
'deleted_link_type' => '',
'stored_new_link_type' => '',
'cannot_edit_link_type' => '',
'link_type_help_name' => '',
'link_type_help_inward' => '',
'link_type_help_outward' => '',
'save_connections_by_moving' => '',
'do_not_save_connection' => '',
'link_transaction' => '',
'link_to_other_transaction' => '',
'select_transaction_to_link' => '',
'this_transaction' => '',
'transaction' => '',
'comments' => '',
'to_link_not_found' => '',
'invalid_link_data' => '',
'journals_linked' => '',
'journals_error_linked' => '',
'journal_links' => '',
'this_withdrawal' => '',
'this_deposit' => '',
'this_transfer' => '',
'overview_for_link' => '',
'delete_journal_link' => '',
'deleted_link' => '',
// split a transaction:
'splits' => 'Splits',
'add_another_split' => 'Add another split',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions',
'do_split' => 'Do a split',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple source accounts.',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => 'You cannot edit splitted transaction #:id with description ":description" because it contains multiple destination accounts.',
'cannot_edit_opening_balance' => 'You cannot edit the opening balance of an account.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.',
'splits' => '',
'add_another_split' => '',
'split-transactions' => '',
'do_split' => '',
'split_this_withdrawal' => '',
'split_this_deposit' => '',
'split_this_transfer' => '',
'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => '',
'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => '',
'cannot_edit_opening_balance' => '',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => '',
// import bread crumbs and titles:
'import' => 'Import',
'import_data' => 'Import data',
'import' => '',
'import_data' => '',
// import index page:
'import_index_title' => 'Import data into Firefly III',
'import_index_sub_title' => 'Index',
'import_general_index_intro' => 'Welcome to Firefly\'s import routine. There are a few ways of importing data into Firefly III, displayed here as buttons.',
'import_index_intro' => 'This routine will help you import files from your bank into Firefly III. Please check out the help pages in the top right corner.',
'import_index_file' => 'Select your file',
'import_index_config' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">configuration file</a>.',
'import_index_type' => 'Select the type of file you will upload',
'import_index_start' => 'Start importing',
'import_index_title' => '',
'import_index_sub_title' => '',
'import_general_index_intro' => '',
'import_index_intro' => '',
'import_index_file' => '',
'import_index_config' => '',
'import_index_type' => '',
'import_index_start' => '',
// supported file types:
'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)',
'import_file_type_csv' => '',
// import configuration routine:
'import_config_sub_title' => 'Set up your import file',
'import_config_bread_crumb' => 'Set up your import file',
'import_config_sub_title' => '',
'import_config_bread_crumb' => '',
// import status page:
'import_status_bread_crumb' => 'Import status',
'import_status_sub_title' => 'Import status',
'import_status_wait_title' => 'Please hold...',
'import_status_wait_text' => 'This box will disappear in a moment.',
'import_status_ready_title' => 'Import is ready to start',
'import_status_ready_text' => 'The import is ready to start. All the configuration you needed to do has been done. Please download the configuration file. It will help you with the import should it not go as planned. To actually run the import, you can either execute the following command in your console, or run the web-based import. Depending on your configuration, the console import will give you more feedback.',
'import_status_ready_config' => 'Download configuration',
'import_status_ready_start' => 'Start the import',
'import_status_ready_share' => 'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the <strong><a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">import configuration center</a></strong>. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.',
'import_status_running_title' => 'The import is running',
'import_status_running_placeholder' => 'Please hold for an update...',
'import_status_errors_title' => 'Errors during the import',
'import_status_errors_single' => 'An error has occured during the import. It does not appear to be fatal.',
'import_status_errors_multi' => 'Some errors occured during the import. These do not appear to be fatal.',
'import_status_fatal_title' => 'A fatal error occurred',
'import_status_fatal_text' => 'A fatal error occurred, which the import-routine cannot recover from. Please see the explanation in red below.',
'import_status_fatal_more' => 'If the error is a time-out, the import will have stopped half-way. For some server configurations, it is merely the server that stopped while the import keeps running in the background. To verify this, check out the log files. If the problem persists, consider importing over the command line instead.',
'import_status_finished_title' => 'Import routine finished',
'import_status_finished_text' => 'The import routine has imported your file.',
'import_status_finished_job' => 'The transactions imported can be found in tag <a href=":link" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a>.',
'import_with_key' => 'Import with key \':key\'',
'import_status_bread_crumb' => '',
'import_status_sub_title' => '',
'import_status_wait_title' => '',
'import_status_wait_text' => '',
'import_status_ready_title' => '',
'import_status_ready_text' => '',
'import_status_ready_config' => '',
'import_status_ready_start' => '',
'import_status_ready_share' => '',
'import_status_running_title' => '',
'import_status_running_placeholder' => '',
'import_status_errors_title' => '',
'import_status_errors_single' => '',
'import_status_errors_multi' => '',
'import_status_fatal_title' => '',
'import_status_fatal_text' => '',
'import_status_fatal_more' => '',
'import_status_finished_title' => '',
'import_status_finished_text' => '',
'import_status_finished_job' => '',
'import_with_key' => '',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'This function is not available when you are using Firefly III within a Sandstorm.io environment.',
'sandstorm_not_available' => '',
// empty lists? no objects? instructions:
'no_transactions_in_period' => 'There are no transactions in this period.',
'no_accounts_title_asset' => 'Let\'s create an asset account!',
'no_accounts_intro_asset' => 'You have no asset accounts yet. Asset accounts are your main accounts: your checking account, savings account, shared account or even your credit card.',
'no_accounts_imperative_asset' => 'To start using Firefly III you must create at least one asset account. Let\'s do so now:',
'no_accounts_create_asset' => 'Create an asset account',
'no_accounts_title_expense' => 'Let\'s create an expense account!',
'no_accounts_intro_expense' => 'You have no expense accounts yet. Expense accounts are the places where you spend money, such as shops and supermarkets.',
'no_accounts_imperative_expense' => 'Expense accounts are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too, if you want. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_accounts_create_expense' => 'Create an expense account',
'no_accounts_title_revenue' => 'Let\'s create a revenue account!',
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => 'You have no revenue accounts yet. Revenue accounts are the places where you receive money from, such as your employer.',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Revenue accounts are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too, if you want. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Create a revenue account',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a budget',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'You have no budgets yet. Budgets are used to organise your expenses into logical groups, which you can give a soft-cap to limit your expenses.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'Budgets are the basic tools of financial management. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_budgets_create_default' => 'Create a budget',
'no_categories_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a category!',
'no_categories_intro_default' => 'You have no categories yet. Categories are used to fine tune your transactions and label them with their designated category.',
'no_categories_imperative_default' => 'Categories are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_categories_create_default' => 'Create a category',
'no_tags_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a tag!',
'no_tags_intro_default' => 'You have no tags yet. Tags are used to fine tune your transactions and label them with specific keywords.',
'no_tags_imperative_default' => 'Tags are created automatically when you create transactions, but you can create one manually too. Let\'s create one now:',
'no_tags_create_default' => 'Create a tag',
'no_transactions_title_withdrawal' => 'Let\'s create an expense!',
'no_transactions_intro_withdrawal' => 'You have no expenses yet. You should create expenses to start managing your finances.',
'no_transactions_imperative_withdrawal' => 'Have you spent some money? Then you should write it down:',
'no_transactions_create_withdrawal' => 'Create an expense',
'no_transactions_title_deposit' => 'Let\'s create some income!',
'no_transactions_intro_deposit' => 'You have no recorded income yet. You should create income entries to start managing your finances.',
'no_transactions_imperative_deposit' => 'Have you received some money? Then you should write it down:',
'no_transactions_create_deposit' => 'Create a deposit',
'no_transactions_title_transfers' => 'Let\'s create a transfer!',
'no_transactions_intro_transfers' => 'You have no transfers yet. When you move money between asset accounts, it is recorded as a transfer.',
'no_transactions_imperative_transfers' => 'Have you moved some money around? Then you should write it down:',
'no_transactions_create_transfers' => 'Create a transfer',
'no_piggies_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a piggy bank!',
'no_piggies_intro_default' => 'You have no piggy banks yet. You can create piggy banks to divide your savings and keep track of what you\'re saving up for.',
'no_piggies_imperative_default' => 'Do you have things you\'re saving money for? Create a piggy bank and keep track:',
'no_piggies_create_default' => 'Create a new piggy bank',
'no_bills_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a bill!',
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'You have no bills yet. You can create bills to keep track of regular expenses, like your rent of insurance.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Do you have such regular bills? Create a bill and keep track of your payments:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Create a bill',
'no_transactions_in_period' => '',
'no_accounts_title_asset' => '',
'no_accounts_intro_asset' => '',
'no_accounts_imperative_asset' => '',
'no_accounts_create_asset' => '',
'no_accounts_title_expense' => '',
'no_accounts_intro_expense' => '',
'no_accounts_imperative_expense' => '',
'no_accounts_create_expense' => '',
'no_accounts_title_revenue' => '',
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => '',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => '',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => '',
'no_budgets_title_default' => '',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => '',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => '',
'no_budgets_create_default' => '',
'no_categories_title_default' => '',
'no_categories_intro_default' => '',
'no_categories_imperative_default' => '',
'no_categories_create_default' => '',
'no_tags_title_default' => '',
'no_tags_intro_default' => '',
'no_tags_imperative_default' => '',
'no_tags_create_default' => '',
'no_transactions_title_withdrawal' => '',
'no_transactions_intro_withdrawal' => '',
'no_transactions_imperative_withdrawal' => '',
'no_transactions_create_withdrawal' => '',
'no_transactions_title_deposit' => '',
'no_transactions_intro_deposit' => '',
'no_transactions_imperative_deposit' => '',
'no_transactions_create_deposit' => '',
'no_transactions_title_transfers' => '',
'no_transactions_intro_transfers' => '',
'no_transactions_imperative_transfers' => '',
'no_transactions_create_transfers' => '',
'no_piggies_title_default' => '',
'no_piggies_intro_default' => '',
'no_piggies_imperative_default' => '',
'no_piggies_create_default' => '',
'no_bills_title_default' => '',
'no_bills_intro_default' => '',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => '',
'no_bills_create_default' => '',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user