mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
New translations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'Umsatz, Einkommen und Einlagen',
'transfer_list' => 'Überweisungen',
'transfers_list' => 'Überweisungen',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Reconciliations',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Erstelle eine neue Ausgabe',
'create_deposit' => 'Erstelle ein neues Einkommen',
'create_transfer' => 'Erstelle eine neue Überweisung',
'edit_journal' => 'Bearbeite Transaktion ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Edit ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'Lösche Transaktion ":description"',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'createTag' => 'Neuen Tag erstellen',
@ -622,6 +622,9 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'cash_accounts' => 'Bargeldkonten',
'Cash account' => 'Bargeldkonto',
'reconcile_account' => 'Konto ":account" ausgleichen',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Delete reconciliation',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update reconciliation',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'The amount cannot be zero',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'End of reconcile period: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Start of reconcile period: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Start balance',
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'Ganancia, ingresos y depósitos',
'transfer_list' => 'Transferencias',
'transfers_list' => 'Transferencias',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Reconciliations',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Crear nuevo retiro',
'create_deposit' => 'Crear nuevo depósito',
'create_transfer' => 'Crear nueva transferencia',
'edit_journal' => 'Editar transacción ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Edit ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'Eliminar transacción ":description"',
'tags' => 'Etiquetas',
'createTag' => 'Crear nueva etiqueta',
@ -621,6 +621,9 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Cuentas de efectivo',
'Cash account' => 'Cash account',
'reconcile_account' => 'Reconcile account ":account"',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Delete reconciliation',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update reconciliation',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'The amount cannot be zero',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'End of reconcile period: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Start of reconcile period: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Start balance',
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'Revenu, salaire et versements',
'transfer_list' => 'Virements',
'transfers_list' => 'Virements',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Rapprochements',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Créer un nouveau retrait',
'create_deposit' => 'Créer un nouveau versement',
'create_transfer' => 'Créer un nouveau virement',
'edit_journal' => 'Éditer la transaction ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Éditer ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'Supprimer la transaction ":description"',
'tags' => 'Mots-clés',
'createTag' => 'Créer un nouveau mot-clé',
@ -622,6 +622,9 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Comptes de trésorerie',
'Cash account' => 'Compte de trésorerie',
'reconcile_account' => 'Rapprocher le compte ": compte"',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Supprimer le rapprochement',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Mettre à jour le rapprochement',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'Le montant ne peut pas être zéro',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'Fin de la période de rapptrochement : :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Début de la période de rapprochement : :period',
'start_balance' => 'Solde initial',
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'Pendapatan, pemasukan, dan deposit',
'transfer_list' => 'Transfer',
'transfers_list' => 'Transfer',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Reconciliations',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Buat penarikan baru',
'create_deposit' => 'Buat deposit baru',
'create_transfer' => 'Buat transfer baru',
'edit_journal' => 'Edit transaksi ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Edit ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'Hapus transaksi ":description"',
'tags' => 'Label',
'createTag' => 'Buat label baru',
@ -621,6 +621,9 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Cash accounts',
'Cash account' => 'Cash account',
'reconcile_account' => 'Reconcile account ":account"',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Delete reconciliation',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update reconciliation',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'The amount cannot be zero',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'End of reconcile period: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Start of reconcile period: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Start balance',
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'Inkomsten',
'transfer_list' => 'Overschrijvingen',
'transfers_list' => 'Overschrijvingen',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Afstemmingen',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Sla nieuwe uitgave op',
'create_deposit' => 'Sla nieuwe inkomsten op',
'create_transfer' => 'Sla nieuwe overschrijving op',
'edit_journal' => 'Wijzig transactie ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Wijzig ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'Verwijder transactie ":description"',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'createTag' => 'Maak nieuwe tag',
@ -621,6 +621,9 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Contant geldrekeningen',
'Cash account' => 'Contant geldrekening',
'reconcile_account' => 'Afstemmen betaalrekening ": account"',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Verwijder correctie',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update correctie',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'Het bedrag mag niet nul zijn',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'Einde van verrekenperiode: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Begin van verrekenperiode: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Startsaldo',
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ return [
'deletePermanently' => 'Verwijderen',
'cancel' => 'Annuleren',
'targetdate' => 'Doeldatum',
'startdate' => 'Start date',
'startdate' => 'Startdatum',
'tag' => 'Tag',
'under' => 'Onder',
'symbol' => 'Symbool',
@ -89,5 +89,5 @@ return [
'sum_withdrawals' => 'Som van uitgaven',
'sum_deposits' => 'Som van inkomsten',
'sum_transfers' => 'Som van overschrijvingen',
'reconcile' => 'Reconcile',
'reconcile' => 'Afstemmen',
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'Przychody, dochody oraz depozyty',
'transfer_list' => 'Transfery',
'transfers_list' => 'Transfery',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Reconciliations',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Utwórz nową wypłatę',
'create_deposit' => 'Utwórz nową wpłatę',
'create_transfer' => 'Utwórz nowy transfer',
'edit_journal' => 'Modyfikuj transakcję ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Edit ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'Usuń transakcję ":description"',
'tags' => 'Tagi',
'createTag' => 'Utwórz nowy tag',
@ -621,6 +621,9 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Konta gotówkowe',
'Cash account' => 'Konto gotówkowe',
'reconcile_account' => 'Reconcile account ":account"',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Delete reconciliation',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update reconciliation',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'The amount cannot be zero',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'End of reconcile period: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Start of reconcile period: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Start balance',
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'Receitas, renda e depósitos',
'transfer_list' => 'Transferências',
'transfers_list' => 'Transferências',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Reconciliations',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Criar uma nova retirada',
'create_deposit' => 'Criar um novo depósito',
'create_transfer' => 'Criar nova transferência',
'edit_journal' => 'Editar transação ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Edit ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'Apagar transação ":description"',
'tags' => 'Etiquetas',
'createTag' => 'Criar nova etiqueta',
@ -621,6 +621,9 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Contas Correntes',
'Cash account' => 'Conta Corrente',
'reconcile_account' => 'Reconcile account ":account"',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Delete reconciliation',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update reconciliation',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'The amount cannot be zero',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'End of reconcile period: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Start of reconcile period: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Start balance',
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'Мои доходы',
'transfer_list' => 'Переводы',
'transfers_list' => 'Переводы',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Reconciliations',
'create_withdrawal' => 'Создать новый расход',
'create_deposit' => 'Создать новый доход',
'create_transfer' => 'Создать новый перевод',
'edit_journal' => 'Редактирование транзакции ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Edit ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'Удаление транзакции ":description"',
'tags' => 'Метки',
'createTag' => 'Создать новую метку',
@ -621,6 +621,9 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Cash accounts',
'Cash account' => 'Cash account',
'reconcile_account' => 'Reconcile account ":account"',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Delete reconciliation',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update reconciliation',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'The amount cannot be zero',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'End of reconcile period: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Start of reconcile period: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Start balance',
@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ return [
'deposit_list' => 'prihodki',
'transfer_list' => 'prenosi',
'transfers_list' => 'prenosi',
'reconciliation_list' => 'Poravnave',
'create_withdrawal' => 'ustvari nov odhodek',
'create_deposit' => 'ustvari nov prihodek',
'create_transfer' => 'ustvari nov prenos',
'edit_journal' => 'uredi transakcijo ":description"',
'edit_reconciliation' => 'Uredi ":description"',
'delete_journal' => 'izbriši transakcijo ":description"',
'tags' => 'značke',
'createTag' => 'ustvari novo značko',
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ return [
'column_account-id' => 'ID premoženjskega računa (Firefly)',
'column_account-name' => 'premoženjski račun (ime)',
'column_amount' => 'znesek',
'column_amount_debet' => 'Amount (debet column)',
'column_amount_credit' => 'Amount (credit column)',
'column_amount_debet' => 'Znesek v breme',
'column_amount_credit' => 'Znesek v dobro',
'column_amount-comma-separated' => 'znesek (z decimalno vejico)',
'column_bill-id' => 'ID trajnika (Firefly)',
'column_bill-name' => 'Ime trajnika',
@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
// general stuff:
'language_incomplete' => 'Incomplete translation',
'language_incomplete' => 'nepopoln prevod',
'close' => 'zapri',
'actions' => 'Dejanja',
'edit' => 'uredi',
'delete' => 'izbriši',
'welcomeBack' => 'Kaj dogaja?',
'everything' => 'vse',
'today' => 'today',
'today' => 'danes',
'customRange' => 'obseg po meri',
'apply' => 'uporabi',
'select_date' => 'Izberi datum..',
@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ return [
'expenses_by_expense_account' => 'stroški po stroškovnih kontih',
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III cannot redirect you to the correct page. Apologies.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'vsota stroškov',
'sum_of_income' => 'Sum of income',
'sum_of_income' => 'Vsota dohodkov',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Spent in budget ":budget"',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Spent total in budget ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Left to spend according to budgeting',
'current_period' => 'Current period',
'current_period' => 'Tekoče obdobje',
'show_the_current_period_and_overview' => 'Show the current period and overview',
'pref_languages_locale' => 'For a language other than English to work properly, your operating system must be equipped with the correct locale-information. If these are not present, currency data, dates and amounts may be formatted wrong.',
'budget_in_period' => 'All transactions for budget ":name" between :start and :end',
@ -96,30 +96,30 @@ return [
'chart_account_in_period' => 'Chart for all transactions for account ":name" between :start and :end',
'chart_category_in_period' => 'Chart for all transactions for category ":name" between :start and :end',
'chart_category_all' => 'Chart for all transactions for category ":name"',
'clone_withdrawal' => 'Clone this withdrawal',
'clone_deposit' => 'Clone this deposit',
'clone_transfer' => 'Clone this transfer',
'multi_select_no_selection' => 'None selected',
'multi_select_all_selected' => 'All selected',
'multi_select_filter_placeholder' => 'Find..',
'between_dates_breadcrumb' => 'Between :start and :end',
'all_journals_without_budget' => 'All transactions without a budget',
'journals_without_budget' => 'Transactions without a budget',
'all_journals_without_category' => 'All transactions without a category',
'journals_without_category' => 'Transactions without a category',
'all_journals_for_account' => 'All transactions for account :name',
'chart_all_journals_for_account' => 'Chart of all transactions for account :name',
'journals_in_period_for_account' => 'All transactions for account :name between :start and :end',
'transferred' => 'Transferred',
'clone_withdrawal' => 'Kloniraj ta odhodek',
'clone_deposit' => 'Kloniraj ta prihodek',
'clone_transfer' => 'Kloniraj ta prenos',
'multi_select_no_selection' => 'Nič ni izbrano',
'multi_select_all_selected' => 'Vse je izbrano',
'multi_select_filter_placeholder' => 'Najdi..',
'between_dates_breadcrumb' => 'Med :start in :end',
'all_journals_without_budget' => 'Vse transakcije brez budžeta',
'journals_without_budget' => 'Transakcije brez budžeta',
'all_journals_without_category' => 'Vse transakcije brez kategorije',
'journals_without_category' => 'Transakcije brez kategorije',
'all_journals_for_account' => 'Vse transakcije za konto :ime',
'chart_all_journals_for_account' => 'Graf vseh transakcij za konto :name',
'journals_in_period_for_account' => 'stroški na kontu ":name" med :start in :end',
'transferred' => 'Prenešeno',
'all_withdrawal' => 'vsi stroški',
'all_transactions' => 'All transactions',
'all_transactions' => 'Vse transakcije',
'title_withdrawal_between' => 'vsi stroški med :start in :end',
'all_deposit' => 'All revenue',
'title_deposit_between' => 'All revenue between :start and :end',
'all_transfers' => 'All transfers',
'title_transfers_between' => 'All transfers between :start and :end',
'all_transfer' => 'All transfers',
'all_journals_for_tag' => 'All transactions for tag ":tag"',
'all_deposit' => 'Vsi prihodki',
'title_deposit_between' => 'Vsi prihodki med :start in :end',
'all_transfers' => 'Vsi prenosi',
'title_transfers_between' => 'vsi prenosi med :start in :end',
'all_transfer' => 'Vsi prenosi',
'all_journals_for_tag' => 'Vse transakcije za značko ":tag"',
'title_transfer_between' => 'All transfers between :start and :end',
'all_journals_for_category' => 'All transactions for category :name',
'all_journals_for_budget' => 'All transactions for budget :name',
@ -621,6 +621,9 @@ return [
'cash_accounts' => 'Cash accounts',
'Cash account' => 'Cash account',
'reconcile_account' => 'Reconcile account ":account"',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Delete reconciliation',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update reconciliation',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'The amount cannot be zero',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'End of reconcile period: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Start of reconcile period: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Start balance',
@ -89,5 +89,5 @@ return [
'sum_withdrawals' => 'Vsota odlivov',
'sum_deposits' => 'Vsota prilivov',
'sum_transfers' => 'Vsota prenosov',
'reconcile' => 'Reconcile',
'reconcile' => 'Poravnaj',
Reference in New Issue
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