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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Fix #3940
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Добре дошли в <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Вашата регистрация е направена и този имейл е тук, за да го потвърди. Супер!',
'registered_pw' => 'Ако вече сте забравили паролата си, моля нулирайте я с помощта на <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset"> инструмента за възстановяване на паролата </a>.',
'registered_help' => 'В горния десен ъгъл на всяка страница има икона за помощ. Ако имате нужда от помощ, щракнете върху нея!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Ако още не сте го направили, моля прочетете <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory"> основната теория </a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Ако още не сте го направили, моля прочетете ръководството за използване както и пълното описание.',
'registered_closing' => 'Наслаждавайте се!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Enjoy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Willkommen bei <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Ihre Registrierung ist abgeschlossen und diese E-Mail ist hier, um es zu bestätigen. Juhu!',
'registered_pw' => 'Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort bereits vergessen haben, setzen Sie es bitte über <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">das Passwort-Reset Tool</a> zurück.',
'registered_help' => 'Es gibt ein Hilfe-Icon in der oberen rechten Ecke jeder Seite. Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, klicken Sie dort drauf!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Wenn Sie es noch nicht getan haben, lesen Sie bitte die <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">Großtheorie</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Wenn Sie dies noch nicht getan haben, lesen Sie bitte die Anleitung zu den ersten Schritten und die vollständige Beschreibung.',
'registered_closing' => 'Viel Spaß!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ return [
'button_register' => 'Registrieren',
'authorization' => 'Autorisierung',
'active_bills_only' => 'Nur aktive Rechnungen',
'active_bills_only_total' => 'all active bills',
'active_bills_only_total' => 'Alle aktiven Rechnungen',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'nur aktive und erwartete Rechnungen',
'active_exp_bills_only_total' => 'all active expected bills only',
'active_exp_bills_only_total' => 'Nur aktive und erwartete Rechnungen',
'per_period_sum_1D' => 'Erwartete tägliche Kosten',
'per_period_sum_1W' => 'Erwartete wöchentliche Kosten',
'per_period_sum_1M' => 'Erwartete monatliche Kosten',
@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ return [
'object_groups_empty_explain' => 'Einige Dinge in Firefly III lassen sich in Gruppen einteilen. Sparschweine zum Beispiel verfügen über ein Feld "Gruppe" in den Bearbeitungs- und Erstellungsmasken. Wenn Sie dieses Feld einstellen, können Sie die Namen und die Reihenfolge der Gruppen auf dieser Seite bearbeiten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf den Hilfeseiten oben rechts unter dem ❓-Symbol.',
'object_group_title' => 'Titel',
'edit_object_group' => 'Gruppe „:title” bearbeiten',
'delete_object_group' => 'Delete group ":title"',
'delete_object_group' => 'Gruppe „:title” löschen',
'update_object_group' => 'Gruppe aktualisieren',
'updated_object_group' => 'Gruppe „:title” erfolgreich aktualisiert',
'deleted_object_group' => 'Gruppe „:title” erfolgreich entfernt',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Enjoy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Enjoy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Enjoy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Bienvenido a <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Se ha hecho su registro, y este correo electrónico está aquí para confirmarlo. ¡Si!',
'registered_pw' => 'Si ya ha olvidado su contraseña, por favor restáurela usando <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">la herramienta de restablecimiento de contraseña</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'Hay un icono de ayuda en la esquina superior derecha de cada página. Si necesita ayuda, ¡Haga clic en él!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Si aún no lo ha hecho, por favor lea la <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">gran teoría</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Si aún no lo ha hecho, por favor lea la primera guía de uso y la descripción completa.',
'registered_closing' => '¡Disfrute!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Nauti!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Bienvenue sur <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Votre inscription a été enregistrée, et cet e-mail est là pour le confirmer. Wouhou !',
'registered_pw' => 'Si vous avez déjà oublié votre mot de passe, veuillez le réinitialiser en utilisant <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">l\'outil de réinitialisation du mot de passe</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'Il y a une icône d\'aide en haut à droite de chaque page. Si vous avez besoin d\'aide, cliquez dessus !',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Si vous ne l\'avez pas déjà fait, veuillez lire la <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">documentation</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Si vous ne l\'avez pas déjà fait, veuillez lire le guide de première utilisation.',
'registered_closing' => 'À bientôt !',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III :',
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ return [
'button_register' => 'S\'inscrire',
'authorization' => 'Autorisation',
'active_bills_only' => 'factures actives seulement',
'active_bills_only_total' => 'all active bills',
'active_bills_only_total' => 'toutes les factures actives',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'uniquement les factures actives et attendues',
'active_exp_bills_only_total' => 'all active expected bills only',
'active_exp_bills_only_total' => 'uniquement les factures actives et attendues',
'per_period_sum_1D' => 'Coûts journaliers attendus',
'per_period_sum_1W' => 'Coûts hebdomadaires attendus',
'per_period_sum_1M' => 'Coûts mensuels attendus',
@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ return [
'object_groups_empty_explain' => 'Certaines choses dans Firefly III peuvent être divisées en groupes. Les tirelires, par exemple, présentent un champ "Groupe" dans les écrans d\'édition et de création. Lorsque vous définissez ce champ, vous pouvez modifier les noms et l\'ordre des groupes sur cette page. Pour plus d\'informations, consultez les pages d\'aide dans le coin supérieur droit, sous l\'icône (?).',
'object_group_title' => 'Titre',
'edit_object_group' => 'Modifier le groupe ":title"',
'delete_object_group' => 'Delete group ":title"',
'delete_object_group' => 'Supprimer le groupe ":title"',
'update_object_group' => 'Mettre à jour le groupe',
'updated_object_group' => 'Groupe ":title" mis à jour avec succès',
'deleted_object_group' => 'Groupe ":title" supprimé avec succès',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'Ha elfelejtette a jelszavát, <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">itt</a> visszaállíthatja.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Enjoy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ return [
'object_groups_empty_explain' => 'Sok elem csoportosítható Firefly III-ban. Például malacperselyeknek beállítható a "Csoport" mezője. Szerkeszthető a csoportok megnevezése és sorrendje. További információkért nézd meg a súgót a jobb felső sarokban lévő (?) ikonra kattintva.',
'object_group_title' => 'Cím',
'edit_object_group' => '":title" csoport szerkesztése',
'delete_object_group' => 'Delete group ":title"',
'delete_object_group' => '":title" csoport törlése',
'update_object_group' => 'Csoport frissítése',
'updated_object_group' => '":title" csoport sikeresen frissítve',
'deleted_object_group' => '":title" csoport sikeresen törölve',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Enjoy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Benvenuto in <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. La tua registrazione è avvenuta e questa email è qui per confermarlo. Urrà!',
'registered_pw' => 'Se hai già dimenticato la tua password, reimpostala usando <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">lo strumento di reimpostazione password</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'C\'è un\'icona di aiuto nell\'angolo in alto a destra di ogni pagina. Se hai bisogno di aiuto, clicca su di essa!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Se non lo hai già fatto, leggi la <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grande teoria</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Se non lo hai già fatto, leggi la prima guida d\'uso e la descrizione completa.',
'registered_closing' => 'Divertiti!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Enjoy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welkom bij <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Deze e-mail bevestigt je registratie. Hoera!',
'registered_pw' => 'Als je nu al je wachtwoord bent vergeten <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">reset deze dan meteen</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'Er staat een help-icoontje rechtsboven op elke pagina. Gebruik die vooral!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Lees de <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a> als je dat nog niet had gedaan.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Lees de handleiding en de beschrijving van Firefly III als je dat nog niet gedaan had.',
'registered_closing' => 'Geniet ervan!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Witaj w <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Twoja rejestracja już się powiodła, a ten e-mail jest tutaj, aby go potwierdzić. Super!',
'registered_pw' => 'Jeśli zapomniałeś już swojego hasła, zresetuj je używając <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">narzędzia do resetowania hasła</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'W prawym górnym rogu każdej strony jest ikonka pomocy. Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy, kliknij ją!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Jeśli jeszcze tego nie zrobiłeś, przeczytaj <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">wielką teorię</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Jeśli jeszcze tego nie zrobiłeś, przeczytaj przewodnik pierwszego użycia i pełny opis.',
'registered_closing' => 'Dobrej zabawy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Bem-vindo ao <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly II</a>. Seu registro foi feito, e este e-mail está aqui para confirmar. Yeah!',
'registered_pw' => 'Se você já esqueceu sua senha, redefina-a usando <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">a ferramenta de redefinição de senha</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'Há um ícone de ajuda no canto superior direito de cada página. Se você precisar de ajuda, clique nele!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Se você ainda não o fez, por favor leia a <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grande teoria</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Se você ainda não o fez, por favor leia o guia de primeiro uso e a descrição completa.',
'registered_closing' => 'Aproveite!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ return [
'button_register' => 'Registrar',
'authorization' => 'Autorização',
'active_bills_only' => 'apenas faturas ativas',
'active_bills_only_total' => 'all active bills',
'active_bills_only_total' => 'todas as faturas ativas',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'somente faturas ativas e esperadas',
'active_exp_bills_only_total' => 'all active expected bills only',
'active_exp_bills_only_total' => 'somente faturas ativas e esperadas',
'per_period_sum_1D' => 'Custos diários esperados',
'per_period_sum_1W' => 'Custos semanais esperados',
'per_period_sum_1M' => 'Custos mensais esperados',
@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ return [
'object_groups_empty_explain' => 'Some things in Firefly III can be divided into groups. Piggy banks for example, feature a "Group" field in the edit and create screens. When you set this field, you can edit the names and the order of the groups on this page. For more information, check out the help-pages in the top right corner, under the (?)-icon.',
'object_group_title' => 'Título',
'edit_object_group' => 'Editar grupo ":title"',
'delete_object_group' => 'Delete group ":title"',
'delete_object_group' => 'Excluir grupo ":title"',
'update_object_group' => 'Atualizar grupo',
'updated_object_group' => 'O grupo ":title" foi atualizado com sucesso',
'deleted_object_group' => 'O grupo ":title" foi deletado com sucesso',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Bine ați venit la <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Înregistrarea dvs. s-a făcut, iar acest e-mail este aici pentru a-l confirma. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'Dacă v-ați uitat deja parola, vă rugăm să o resetați folosind <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">unealta de resetare a parolei</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'Există o pictogramă de ajutor în colțul din dreapta sus al fiecărei pagini. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor, apasă pe ea!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Dacă nu ați citit deja, vă rugăm sa cititi<a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">documentatia</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Dacă nu ați facut-o deja, va rugam citit ghidul de utilizare și descrierea completă.',
'registered_closing' => 'Bucurați-vă de el!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Добро пожаловать в <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Вы успешно зарегистрированы, и это письмо отправлено для подтверждения регистрации. Ура!',
'registered_pw' => 'Если вы уже забыли свой пароль, пожалуйста, сбросьте его <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">с помощью инструмента сброса пароля</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'В верхнем правом углу страницы есть иконка справки. Если вам нужна помощь, нажмите её!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Если вы ещё этого не сделали, прочтите <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">грандиозную теорию</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Если вы еще этого не сделали, прочтите краткое руководство по использованию и полное описание.',
'registered_closing' => 'Наслаждайтесь!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Vitajte vo <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Vaša registrácia sa podarila a tento e-mail k vám dorazil ako potvrdenie. Jupí!',
'registered_pw' => 'Ak ste už zabudli svoje heslo, môžete ho obnoviť <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">nástrojom na obnovu hesla</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'V pravom hornom rohu každej stánky je ikonka pomocníka. Ak potrebujete pomoc, kliknite na ňu!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Ak ste tak už nespravili, prečítajte si <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">hlavnú myšlienku</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Ak ste tak ešte nespravili, prečítajte si sprievodcu pre prvé použitie a celý popis.',
'registered_closing' => 'Užite si to!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Välkommen till <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Din registrering lyckades, och detta e-postmeddelande är här för att bekräfta det. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'Om du redan har glömt ditt lösenord, vänligen återställ det med <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">lösenordsåterställningsverktyget</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'Det finns en hjälp-ikon i det övre högra hörnet av varje sida. Om du behöver hjälp, klicka på den!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Om du inte redan har gjort det, läs <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">stora teorin</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Om du inte redan har gjort det, läs den första användarguiden och den fullständiga beskrivningen.',
'registered_closing' => 'Ha det så kul!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Tadını çıkarın!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Chào mừng đến <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Đăng ký của bạn đã được thực hiện và email này để xác nhận nó!',
'registered_pw' => 'Nếu bạn đã quên mật khẩu của mình, vui lòng đặt lại bằng cách sử dụng <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset"> công cụ đặt lại mật khẩu </a>.',
'registered_help' => 'Có một biểu tượng trợ giúp ở góc trên bên phải của mỗi trang. Nếu bạn cần giúp đỡ, bấm vào nó!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'Nếu bạn chưa có, vui lòng đọc lý thuyết <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory"> </ a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'Nếu bạn chưa có, xin vui lòng đọc hướng dẫn sử dụng đầu tiên và mô tả.',
'registered_closing' => 'Hãy tận hưởng!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => '欢迎来到 <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>。您的注册已经成功完成,此电子邮件即为确认信息。恭喜!',
'registered_pw' => '如果您忘记了您的密码,请使用 <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">重置密码工具</a> 重置密码。',
'registered_help' => '每个页面右上角都有一个帮助图标。如果您需要帮助,请点击它!',
'registered_doc_html' => '如果您尚未阅读过,请阅读 <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">大统一理论</a>。',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => '如果您尚未阅读,请阅读第一个使用指南和完整说明。',
'registered_closing' => '祝您使用愉快!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ return [
'registered_welcome' => 'Welcome to <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address">Firefly III</a>. Your registration has made it, and this email is here to confirm it. Yay!',
'registered_pw' => 'If you have forgotten your password already, please reset it using <a style="color:#337ab7" href=":address/password/reset">the password reset tool</a>.',
'registered_help' => 'There is a help-icon in the top right corner of each page. If you need help, click it!',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/grand-theory">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_html' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the <a style="color:#337ab7" href="https://docs.firefly-iii.org/about-firefly-iii/personal-finances">grand theory</a>.',
'registered_doc_text' => 'If you haven\'t already, please read the first use guide and the full description.',
'registered_closing' => 'Enjoy!',
'registered_firefly_iii_link' => 'Firefly III:',
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