mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
Removed some dead code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class CategoryController extends Controller
$start = session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth());
/** @var Carbon $end */
$end = session('end', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth());
$list = $repository->journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory(new Collection(), $start, $end);
$list = $repository->journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory(new Collection(), [], $start, $end);
$subTitle = trans(
['start' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat), 'end' => $end->formatLocalized($this->monthAndDayFormat)]
@ -102,46 +102,6 @@ class CategoryController extends Controller
return Response::json($data);
* Returns a chart of what has been earned in this period in each category
* grouped by month.
* @param CRI $repository
* @param $reportType
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @param Collection $accounts
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function earnedInPeriod(CRI $repository, string $reportType, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts)
* $cache = new CacheProperties; // chart properties for cache:
* $cache->addProperty($start);
* $cache->addProperty($end);
* $cache->addProperty($reportType);
* $cache->addProperty($accounts);
* $cache->addProperty('category');
* $cache->addProperty('earned-in-period');
* if ($cache->has()) {
* return Response::json($cache->get());
* }
* $set = $repository->earnedForAccountsPerMonth($accounts, $start, $end);
* $categories = $set->unique('id')->sortBy(
* function (Category $category) {
* return $category->name;
* }
* );
* $entries = $this->filterCollection($start, $end, $set, $categories);
* $data = $this->generator->earnedInPeriod($categories, $entries);
* $cache->store($data);
* return $data;
* Show this month's category overview.
@ -196,82 +156,67 @@ class CategoryController extends Controller
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function multiYear(string $reportType, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts, Collection $categories)
public function multiYear(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts, Collection $categories)
* // /** @var CRI $repository
* // $repository = app(CRI::class);
* // chart properties for cache:
* $cache = new CacheProperties();
* $cache->addProperty($reportType);
* $cache->addProperty($start);
* $cache->addProperty($end);
* $cache->addProperty($accounts);
* $cache->addProperty($categories);
* $cache->addProperty('multiYearCategory');
* if ($cache->has()) {
* return Response::json($cache->get());
* }
* $entries = new Collection;
* $set = $repository->listMultiYear($categories, $accounts, $start, $end);
* /** @var Category $category
* foreach ($categories as $category) {
* $entry = ['name' => '', 'spent' => [], 'earned' => []];
* $currentStart = clone $start;
* while ($currentStart < $end) {
* // fix the date:
* $year = $currentStart->year;
* $currentEnd = clone $currentStart;
* $currentEnd->endOfYear();
* // get data:
* if (is_null($category->id)) {
* $name = trans('firefly.noCategory');
* $spent = $repository->sumSpentNoCategory($accounts, $currentStart, $currentEnd);
* $earned = $repository->sumEarnedNoCategory($accounts, $currentStart, $currentEnd);
* } else {
* // get from set:
* $entrySpent = $set->filter(
* function (Category $cat) use ($year, $category) {
* return ($cat->type == 'Withdrawal' && $cat->dateFormatted == $year && $cat->id == $category->id);
* }
* )->first();
* $entryEarned = $set->filter(
* function (Category $cat) use ($year, $category) {
* return ($cat->type == 'Deposit' && $cat->dateFormatted == $year && $cat->id == $category->id);
* }
* )->first();
* $name = $category->name;
* $spent = !is_null($entrySpent) ? $entrySpent->sum : 0;
* $earned = !is_null($entryEarned) ? $entryEarned->sum : 0;
* }
* // save to array:
* $entry['name'] = $name;
* $entry['spent'][$year] = ($spent * -1);
* $entry['earned'][$year] = $earned;
* // jump to next year.
* $currentStart = clone $currentEnd;
* $currentStart->addDay();
* }
* $entries->push($entry);
* }
* // generate chart with data:
* $data = $this->generator->multiYear($entries);
* $cache->store($data);
* return Response::json($data);
/** @var CRI $repository */
$repository = app(CRI::class);
// chart properties for cache:
$cache = new CacheProperties();
if ($cache->has()) {
//return Response::json($cache->get());
$entries = new Collection;
/** @var Category $category */
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$entry = ['name' => '', 'spent' => [], 'earned' => []];
$currentStart = clone $start;
while ($currentStart < $end) {
// fix the date:
$year = $currentStart->year;
$currentEnd = clone $currentStart;
// get data:
if (is_null($category->id)) {
$name = trans('firefly.noCategory');
$spent = $repository->spentInPeriodWithoutCategory($accounts, $currentStart, $currentEnd);
$earned = $repository->earnedInPeriodWithoutCategory($accounts, $currentStart, $currentEnd);
} else {
$name = $category->name;
$spent = $repository->spentInPeriod(new Collection([$category]), $accounts, $currentStart, $currentEnd);
$earned = $repository->earnedInPeriod(new Collection([$category]), $accounts, $currentStart, $currentEnd);
// save to array:
$entry['name'] = $name;
$entry['spent'][$year] = ($spent * -1);
$entry['earned'][$year] = $earned;
// jump to next year.
$currentStart = clone $currentEnd;
// generate chart with data:
$data = $this->generator->multiYear($entries);
return Response::json($data);
@ -347,49 +292,6 @@ class CategoryController extends Controller
return Response::json($data);
* Returns a chart of what has been spent in this period in each category
* grouped by month.
* @param CRI $repository
* @param $reportType
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @param Collection $accounts
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function spentInPeriod(CRI $repository, $reportType, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts)
* $cache = new CacheProperties; // chart properties for cache:
* $cache->addProperty($start);
* $cache->addProperty($end);
* $cache->addProperty($reportType);
* $cache->addProperty($accounts);
* $cache->addProperty('category');
* $cache->addProperty('spent-in-period');
* if ($cache->has()) {
* return Response::json($cache->get());
* }
* $set = $repository->spentForAccountsPerMonth($accounts, $start, $end);
* $categories = $set->unique('id')->sortBy(
* function (Category $category) {
* return $category->name;
* }
* );
* $entries = $this->filterCollection($start, $end, $set, $categories);
* $entries = $this->invertSelection($entries);
* $data = $this->generator->spentInPeriod($categories, $entries);
* $cache->store($data);
* return $data;
* */
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
@ -211,11 +211,7 @@ Route::group(
Route::get('/chart/category/period/{category}/default/{start_date}/{end_date}/{accountList}', ['uses' => 'Chart\CategoryController@period']);
// these three charts are for reports:
Route::get('/chart/category/earned-in-period/{reportType}/{start_date}/{end_date}/{accountList}', ['uses' => 'Chart\CategoryController@earnedInPeriod']);
Route::get('/chart/category/spent-in-period/{reportType}/{start_date}/{end_date}/{accountList}', ['uses' => 'Chart\CategoryController@spentInPeriod']);
'/chart/category/multi-year/{reportType}/{start_date}/{end_date}/{accountList}/{categoryList}', ['uses' => 'Chart\CategoryController@multiYear']
Route::get('/chart/category/multi-year/default/{start_date}/{end_date}/{accountList}/{categoryList}', ['uses' => 'Chart\CategoryController@multiYear']);
Route::get('/chart/category/{category}/period', ['uses' => 'Chart\CategoryController@currentPeriod']);
Route::get('/chart/category/{category}/period/{date}', ['uses' => 'Chart\CategoryController@specificPeriod']);
@ -37,31 +37,6 @@ class BudgetRepository implements BudgetRepositoryInterface
$this->user = $user;
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function balanceInPeriod(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts): string
// {
// return $this->commonBalanceInPeriod($budget, $start, $end, $accounts);
// }
// /**
// * @return bool
// */
// public function cleanupBudgets(): bool
// {
// // delete limits with amount 0:
// BudgetLimit::where('amount', 0)->delete();
// return true;
// }
* @param Budget $budget
@ -74,23 +49,6 @@ class BudgetRepository implements BudgetRepositoryInterface
return true;
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Account $account
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function expensesSplit(Budget $budget, Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// return $budget->transactionjournals()->expanded()
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->where('source_account.id', $account->id)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// }
* Find a budget.
@ -108,21 +66,6 @@ class BudgetRepository implements BudgetRepositoryInterface
return $budget;
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// *
// * @return Carbon
// */
// public function firstActivity(Budget $budget): Carbon
// {
// $first = $budget->transactionjournals()->orderBy('date', 'ASC')->first();
// if ($first) {
// return $first->date;
// }
// return new Carbon;
// }
* This method returns the oldest journal or transaction date known to this budget.
* Will cache result.
@ -168,62 +111,6 @@ class BudgetRepository implements BudgetRepositoryInterface
return $set;
// /**
// * @param Account $account
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getAllWithoutBudget(Account $account, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// return $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->where('source_account.id', $account->id)
// ->whereNotIn('destination_account.id', $ids)
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('budget_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// }
// /**
// * Get the budgeted amounts for each budgets in each year.
// *
// * @param Collection $budgets
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getBudgetedPerYear(Collection $budgets, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $budgetIds = $budgets->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $set = $this->user->budgets()
// ->leftJoin('budget_limits', 'budgets.id', '=', 'budget_limits.budget_id')
// ->leftJoin('limit_repetitions', 'limit_repetitions.budget_limit_id', '=', 'budget_limits.id')
// ->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('limit_repetitions.enddate', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->groupBy('budgets.id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->whereIn('budgets.id', $budgetIds)
// ->get(
// [
// 'budgets.*',
// DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(`limit_repetitions`.`startdate`,"%Y") as `dateFormatted`'),
// DB::raw('SUM(`limit_repetitions`.`amount`) as `budgeted`'),
// ]
// );
// return $set;
// }
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
@ -244,275 +131,6 @@ class BudgetRepository implements BudgetRepositoryInterface
return $set;
// /**
// * Returns an array with every budget in it and the expenses for each budget
// * per month.
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function getBudgetsAndExpensesPerMonth(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): array
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// /** @var Collection $set */
// $set = $this->user->budgets()
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budgets.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->groupBy('budgets.id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// ->get(
// [
// 'budgets.*',
// DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(`transaction_journals`.`date`, "%Y-%m") AS `dateFormatted`'),
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sumAmount`'),
// ]
// );
// $set = $set->sortBy(
// function (Budget $budget) {
// return strtolower($budget->name);
// }
// );
// $return = [];
// foreach ($set as $budget) {
// $id = $budget->id;
// if (!isset($return[$id])) {
// $return[$id] = [
// 'budget' => $budget,
// 'entries' => [],
// ];
// }
// // store each entry:
// $return[$id]['entries'][$budget->dateFormatted] = $budget->sumAmount;
// }
// return $return;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array with every budget in it and the expenses for each budget
// * per year for.
// *
// * @param Collection $budgets
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @deprecated
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function getBudgetsAndExpensesPerYear(Collection $budgets, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): array
// {
// // get budgets,
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $budgetIds = $budgets->pluck('id')->toArray();
// /** @var Collection $set */
// $set = $this->user->budgets()
// ->join('budget_transaction_journal', 'budgets.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->groupBy('budgets.id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// ->whereIn('budgets.id', $budgetIds)
// ->get(
// [
// 'budgets.*',
// DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(`transaction_journals`.`date`, "%Y") AS `dateFormatted`'),
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sumAmount`'),
// ]
// );
// // run it again, for transactions this time.
// /** @var Collection $secondSet */
// $secondSet = $this->user->budgets()
// ->join('budget_transaction', 'budgets.id', '=', 'budget_transaction.budget_id')
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.id', '=', 'budget_transaction.transaction_id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id')
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->groupBy('budgets.id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// ->whereIn('budgets.id', $budgetIds)
// ->get(
// [
// 'budgets.*',
// DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(`transaction_journals`.`date`, "%Y") AS `dateFormatted`'),
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sumAmount`'),
// ]
// );
// $set = $set->sortBy(
// function (Budget $budget) {
// return strtolower($budget->name);
// }
// );
// $return = [];
// foreach ($set as $budget) {
// Log::debug('First set, budget #' . $budget->id . ' (' . $budget->name . ')');
// $id = $budget->id;
// if (!isset($return[$id])) {
// Log::debug('$return[$id] is not set, now created.');
// $return[$id] = [
// 'budget' => $budget,
// 'entries' => [],
// ];
// }
// Log::debug('Add new entry to entries, for ' . $budget->dateFormatted . ' and amount ' . $budget->sumAmount);
// // store each entry:
// $return[$id]['entries'][$budget->dateFormatted] = $budget->sumAmount;
// }
// unset($budget);
// // run the second set:
// foreach ($secondSet as $entry) {
// $id = $entry->id;
// // create it if it still does not exist (not really likely)
// if (!isset($return[$id])) {
// $return[$id] = [
// 'budget' => $entry,
// 'entries' => [],
// ];
// }
// // this one might be filled too:
// $startAmount = $return[$id]['entries'][$entry->dateFormatted] ?? '0';
// // store each entry:
// $return[$id]['entries'][$entry->dateFormatted] = bcadd($startAmount, $entry->sumAmount);
// }
// return $return;
// }
// /**
// * Returns a list of budgets, budget limits and limit repetitions
// * (doubling any of them in a left join)
// *
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getBudgetsAndLimitsInRange(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// /** @var Collection $set */
// $set = $this->user
// ->budgets()
// ->leftJoin('budget_limits', 'budget_limits.budget_id', '=', 'budgets.id')
// ->leftJoin('limit_repetitions', 'limit_repetitions.budget_limit_id', '=', 'budget_limits.id')
// ->where(
// function (Builder $query) use ($start, $end) {
// $query->where(
// function (Builder $query) use ($start, $end) {
// $query->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'));
// $query->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'));
// }
// );
// $query->orWhere(
// function (Builder $query) {
// $query->whereNull('limit_repetitions.startdate');
// $query->whereNull('limit_repetitions.enddate');
// }
// );
// }
// )
// ->orderBy('budgets.id', 'budget_limits.startdate', 'limit_repetitions.enddate')
// ->get(['budgets.*', 'limit_repetitions.startdate', 'limit_repetitions.enddate', 'limit_repetitions.amount']);
// $set = $set->sortBy(
// function (Budget $budget) {
// return strtolower($budget->name);
// }
// );
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param string $repeatFreq
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return LimitRepetition
// */
// public function getCurrentRepetition(Budget $budget, string $repeatFreq, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): LimitRepetition
// {
// $data = $budget->limitrepetitions()
// ->where('budget_limits.repeat_freq', $repeatFreq)
// ->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('limit_repetitions.enddate', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->first(['limit_repetitions.*']);
// if (is_null($data)) {
// return new LimitRepetition;
// }
// return $data;
// }
// /**
// * Returns all expenses for the given budget and the given accounts, in the given period.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getExpenses(Budget $budget, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end):Collection
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $set = $budget->transactionjournals()
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->expanded()
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->whereIn('source_account.id', $ids)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * @param Budget $budget
// *
// * @return Carbon
// */
// public function getFirstBudgetLimitDate(Budget $budget): Carbon
// {
// $limit = $budget->budgetlimits()->orderBy('startdate', 'ASC')->first();
// if ($limit) {
// return $limit->startdate;
// }
// return Carbon::now()->startOfYear();
// }
* @return Collection
@ -530,316 +148,6 @@ class BudgetRepository implements BudgetRepositoryInterface
return $set;
// /**
// * Returns all the transaction journals for a limit, possibly limited by a limit repetition.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param LimitRepetition $repetition
// * @param int $take
// *
// * @return LengthAwarePaginator
// */
// public function getJournals(Budget $budget, LimitRepetition $repetition = null, int $take = 50): LengthAwarePaginator
// {
// $offset = intval(Input::get('page')) > 0 ? intval(Input::get('page')) * $take : 0;
// $setQuery = $budget->transactionjournals()->expanded()
// ->take($take)->offset($offset)
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.date', 'DESC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.order', 'ASC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.id', 'DESC');
// $countQuery = $budget->transactionjournals();
// if (!is_null($repetition->id)) {
// $setQuery->after($repetition->startdate)->before($repetition->enddate);
// $countQuery->after($repetition->startdate)->before($repetition->enddate);
// }
// $set = $setQuery->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// $count = $countQuery->count();
// $paginator = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, $take, $offset);
// return $paginator;
// }
// /**
// * Returns a list of budget limits that are valid in the current given range.
// * $ignore is optional. Send an empty limit rep.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param LimitRepetition $ignore
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getValidRepetitions(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, LimitRepetition $ignore) : Collection
// {
// $query = $budget->limitrepetitions()
// // starts before start time, and the end also after start time.
// ->where('limit_repetitions.enddate', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('limit_repetitions.startdate', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'));
// if (!is_null($ignore->id)) {
// $query->where('limit_repetitions.id', '!=', $ignore->id);
// }
// $data = $query->get(['limit_repetitions.*']);
// return $data;
// }
// /**
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param int $page
// * @param int $pageSize
// *
// * @return LengthAwarePaginator
// */
// public function getWithoutBudget(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, int $page, int $pageSize = 50): LengthAwarePaginator
// {
// $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
// $query = $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('budget_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start);
// $count = $query->count();
// $set = $query->take($pageSize)->offset($offset)->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// $paginator = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, $pageSize, $page);
// return $paginator;
// }
// /**
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getWithoutBudgetForAccounts(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// return $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->whereIn('source_account.id', $ids)
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('budget_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// }
// /**
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function getWithoutBudgetSum(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $entry = $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->whereNotIn(
// 'transaction_journals.id', function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($start, $end) {
// $query
// ->select('transaction_journals.id')
// ->from('transaction_journals')
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
// ->whereNotNull('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id');
// }
// )
// ->after($start)
// ->before($end)
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// //->having('transaction_count', '=', 1) TO DO check if this still works
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->first(
// [
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) as `journalAmount`'),
// DB::raw('COUNT(`transactions`.`id`) as `transaction_count`'),
// ]
// );
// if (is_null($entry)) {
// return '0';
// }
// if (is_null($entry->journalAmount)) {
// return '0';
// }
// return $entry->journalAmount;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<array>
// *
// * That array contains:
// *
// * budgetid:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money spent using WITHDRAWALS in the $budget
// * from the given users accounts..
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function spentAllPerDayForAccounts(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): array
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// /** @var Collection $query */
// $query = $this->user->transactionJournals()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $ids)
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('budget_id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->get(
// ['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id',
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]
// );
// $return = [];
// foreach ($query->toArray() as $entry) {
// $budgetId = $entry['budget_id'];
// if (!isset($return[$budgetId])) {
// $return[$budgetId] = [];
// }
// $return[$budgetId][$entry['dateFormatted']] = $entry['sum'];
// }
// return $return;
// }
// /**
// * Returns a list of expenses (in the field "spent", grouped per budget per account.
// *
// * @param Collection $budgets
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function spentPerBudgetPerAccount(Collection $budgets, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $accountIds = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $budgetIds = $budgets->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $set = $this->user->transactionjournals()
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_from', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transaction_journals.id', '=', 't_from.transaction_journal_id')->where('t_from.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_to', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('transaction_journals.id', '=', 't_to.transaction_journal_id')->where('t_to.amount', '>', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->whereIn('t_from.account_id', $accountIds)
// ->whereNotIn('t_to.account_id', $accountIds)
// ->where(
// function (Builder $q) use ($budgetIds) {
// $q->whereIn('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id', $budgetIds);
// $q->orWhereNull('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id');
// }
// )
// ->after($start)
// ->before($end)
// ->groupBy('t_from.account_id')
// ->groupBy('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id')
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL, TransactionType::TRANSFER])// opening balance is not an expense.
// ->get(
// [
// 't_from.account_id', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id',
// DB::raw('SUM(`t_from`.`amount`) AS `spent`'),
// ]
// );
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money spent using DEPOSITS in the $budget
// * from all the users accounts.
// *
// * @param Budget $budget
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function spentPerDay(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts): array
// {
// /** @var Collection $query */
// $query = $budget->transactionjournals()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')->get(['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]);
// $return = [];
// foreach ($query->toArray() as $entry) {
// $return[$entry['dateFormatted']] = $entry['sum'];
// }
// // also search transactions:
// $query = $budget->transactions()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0)
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')->get(['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]);
// foreach ($query as $newEntry) {
// // add to return array.
// $date = $newEntry['dateFormatted'];
// if (isset($return[$date])) {
// $return[$date] = bcadd($newEntry['sum'], $return[$date]);
// continue;
// }
// $return[$date] = $newEntry['sum'];
// }
// return $return;
// }
* @return Collection
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class CategoryRepository implements CategoryRepositoryInterface
// const SPENT = 1;
// const EARNED = 2;
/** @var User */
private $user;
@ -35,280 +31,6 @@ class CategoryRepository implements CategoryRepositoryInterface
$this->user = $user;
// /**
// * Returns a collection of Categories appended with the amount of money that has been earned
// * in these categories, based on the $accounts involved, in period X, grouped per month.
// * The amount earned in category X in period X is saved in field "earned".
// *
// * @param $accounts
// * @param $start
// * @param $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function earnedForAccountsPerMonth(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $collection = $this->user->categories()
// ->leftJoin('category_transaction_journal', 'category_transaction_journal.category_id', '=', 'categories.id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'category_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_types', 'transaction_types.id', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id')
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_src', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('t_src.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('t_src.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_dest', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('t_dest.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('t_dest.amount', '>', 0);
// }
// )
// ->whereIn('t_dest.account_id', $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray())// to these accounts (earned)
// ->whereNotIn('t_src.account_id', $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray())//-- but not from these accounts
// ->whereIn(
// 'transaction_types.type', [TransactionType::DEPOSIT, TransactionType::TRANSFER, TransactionType::OPENING_BALANCE]
// )
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->groupBy('categories.id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->get(
// [
// 'categories.*',
// DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(`transaction_journals`.`date`,"%Y-%m") as `dateFormatted`'),
// DB::raw('SUM(`t_dest`.`amount`) AS `earned`'),
// ]
// );
// return $collection;
// }
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Carbon|null $start
// * @param Carbon|null $end
// *
// * @return int
// */
// public function countJournals(Category $category, Carbon $start = null, Carbon $end = null): int
// {
// $query = $category->transactionjournals();
// if (!is_null($start)) {
// $query->after($start);
// }
// if (!is_null($end)) {
// $query->before($end);
// }
// return $query->count();
// }
// /**
// * This method returns a very special collection for each category:
// *
// * category, year, expense/earned, amount
// *
// * categories can be duplicated.
// *
// * @param Collection $categories
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function listMultiYear(Collection $categories, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $set = $this->user->categories()
// ->leftJoin('category_transaction_journal', 'category_transaction_journal.category_id', '=', 'categories.id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'category_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_types', 'transaction_types.id', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id')
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereIn('transaction_types.type', [TransactionType::DEPOSIT, TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray())
// ->whereIn('categories.id', $categories->pluck('id')->toArray())
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->groupBy('categories.id')
// ->groupBy('transaction_types.type')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted')
// ->get(
// [
// 'categories.*',
// DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(`transaction_journals`.`date`,"%Y") as `dateFormatted`'),
// 'transaction_types.type',
// DB::raw('SUM(`amount`) as `sum`'),
// ]
// );
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * Returns a list of transaction journals in the range (all types, all accounts) that have no category
// * associated to them.
// *
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function listNoCategory(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// return $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->leftJoin('category_transaction_journal', 'category_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('category_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.date', 'DESC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.order', 'ASC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.id', 'DESC')
// ->get(['transaction_journals.*']);
// }
// /**
// * Returns a collection of Categories appended with the amount of money that has been spent
// * in these categories, based on the $accounts involved, in period X, grouped per month.
// * The amount spent in category X in period X is saved in field "spent".
// *
// * @param $accounts
// * @param $start
// * @param $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function spentForAccountsPerMonth(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $accountIds = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $query = $this->user->categories()
// ->leftJoin('category_transaction_journal', 'category_transaction_journal.category_id', '=', 'categories.id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'category_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->leftJoin('transaction_types', 'transaction_types.id', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id')
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_src', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('t_src.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('t_src.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS t_dest', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('t_dest.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('t_dest.amount', '>', 0);
// }
// )
// ->whereIn(
// 'transaction_types.type', [TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL, TransactionType::TRANSFER, TransactionType::OPENING_BALANCE]
// )// spent on these things.
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('transaction_journals.date', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->groupBy('categories.id')
// ->groupBy('dateFormatted');
// if (count($accountIds) > 0) {
// $query->whereIn('t_src.account_id', $accountIds)// from these accounts (spent)
// ->whereNotIn('t_dest.account_id', $accountIds);//-- but not from these accounts (spent internally)
// }
// $collection = $query->get(
// [
// 'categories.*',
// DB::raw('DATE_FORMAT(`transaction_journals`.`date`,"%Y-%m") as `dateFormatted`'),
// DB::raw('SUM(`t_src`.`amount`) AS `spent`'),
// ]
// );
// return $collection;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the total amount of money related to transactions without any category connected to
// * it. Returns either the earned amount.
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function sumEarnedNoCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string
// {
// return $this->sumNoCategory($accounts, $start, $end, self::EARNED);
// }
// /**
// * Returns the total amount of money related to transactions without any category connected to
// * it. Returns either the spent amount.
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function sumSpentNoCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string
// {
// $sum = $this->sumNoCategory($accounts, $start, $end, self::SPENT);
// if (is_null($sum)) {
// return '0';
// }
// return $sum;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the total amount of money related to transactions without any category connected to
// * it. Returns either the earned or the spent amount.
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param int $group
// *
// * @return string
// */
// protected function sumNoCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, $group = self::EARNED)
// {
// $accountIds = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// if ($group == self::EARNED) {
// $types = [TransactionType::DEPOSIT];
// } else {
// $types = [TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL];
// }
// // is withdrawal or transfer AND account_from is in the list of $accounts
// $query = $this->user
// ->transactionjournals()
// ->leftJoin('category_transaction_journal', 'category_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->whereNull('category_transaction_journal.id')
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
// ->having('transaction_count', '=', 1)
// ->transactionTypes($types);
// if (count($accountIds) > 0) {
// $query->whereIn('transactions.account_id', $accountIds);
// }
// $single = $query->first(
// [
// DB::raw('SUM(`transactions`.`amount`) as `sum`'),
// DB::raw('COUNT(`transactions`.`id`) as `transaction_count`'),
// ]
// );
// if (!is_null($single)) {
// return $single->sum;
// }
// return '0';
// }
* @param Category $category
@ -321,53 +43,6 @@ class CategoryRepository implements CategoryRepositoryInterface
return true;
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money earned using DEPOSITS in the $category
// * from all the users $accounts.
// *
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function earnedPerDay(Category $category, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts): array
// {
// /** @var Collection $query */
// $query = $category->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::DEPOSIT])
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('transaction_journals.date');
// $query->leftJoin(
// 'transactions as destination', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('destination.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('destination.amount', '>', 0);
// }
// );
// if ($accounts->count() > 0) {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $query->whereIn('destination.account.id', $ids);
// }
// $result = $query->get(['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', DB::raw('SUM(`destination`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]);
// $return = [];
// foreach ($result->toArray() as $entry) {
// $return[$entry['dateFormatted']] = $entry['sum'];
// }
// return $return;
// }
* @param Collection $categories
* @param Collection $accounts
@ -405,162 +80,6 @@ class CategoryRepository implements CategoryRepositoryInterface
return $category;
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// *
// * @return Carbon
// */
// public function getFirstActivityDate(Category $category): Carbon
// {
// /** @var TransactionJournal $first */
// $first = $category->transactionjournals()->orderBy('date', 'ASC')->first();
// if ($first) {
// return $first->date;
// }
// return new Carbon;
// }
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// * @param int $page
// * @param int $pageSize
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getJournals(Category $category, int $page, int $pageSize = 50): Collection
// {
// $offset = $page > 0 ? $page * $pageSize : 0;
// return $category->transactionjournals()->expanded()->take($pageSize)->offset($offset)->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// }
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getJournalsForAccountsInRange(Category $category, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection
// {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// return $category->transactionjournals()
// ->after($start)
// ->before($end)
// ->expanded()
// ->whereIn('source_account.id', $ids)
// ->whereNotIn('destination_account.id', $ids)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// }
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param int $page
// * @param int $pageSize
// *
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getJournalsInRange(Category $category, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, int $page, int $pageSize = 50): Collection
// {
// $offset = $page > 0 ? $page * $pageSize : 0;
// return $category->transactionjournals()
// ->after($start)
// ->before($end)
// ->expanded()
// ->take($pageSize)
// ->offset($offset)
// ->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
// }
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// *
// * @return Carbon
// */
// public function getLatestActivity(Category $category): Carbon
// {
// $first = new Carbon('1900-01-01');
// $second = new Carbon('1900-01-01');
// $latest = $category->transactionjournals()
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.date', 'DESC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.order', 'ASC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.id', 'DESC')
// ->first();
// if ($latest) {
// $first = $latest->date;
// }
// // could also be a transaction, nowadays:
// $latestTransaction = $category->transactions()
// ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.date', 'DESC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.order', 'ASC')
// ->orderBy('transaction_journals.id', 'DESC')
// ->first(['transactions.*', 'transaction_journals.date']);
// if ($latestTransaction) {
// $second = new Carbon($latestTransaction->date);
// }
// if ($first > $second) {
// return $first;
// }
// return $second;
// }
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money spent using DEPOSITS in the $category
// * from all the users accounts.
// *
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function spentPerDay(Category $category, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts): array
// {
// /** @var Collection $query */
// $query = $category->transactionjournals()
// ->expanded()
// ->transactionTypes([TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL])
// ->before($end)
// ->after($start)
// ->groupBy('transaction_journals.date');
// $query->leftJoin(
// 'transactions as source', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('source.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('source.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// );
// if ($accounts->count() > 0) {
// $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
// $query->whereIn('source.account_id', $ids);
// }
// $result = $query->get(['transaction_journals.date as dateFormatted', DB::raw('SUM(`source`.`amount`) AS `sum`')]);
// $return = [];
// foreach ($result->toArray() as $entry) {
// $return[$entry['dateFormatted']] = $entry['sum'];
// }
// return $return;
// }
* @param Category $category
@ -731,20 +250,25 @@ class CategoryRepository implements CategoryRepositoryInterface
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param array $types
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return Collection
public function journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) : Collection
public function journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory(Collection $accounts, array $types, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) : Collection
/** @var Collection $set */
$query = $this->user
->leftJoin('category_transaction_journal', 'category_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
if (count($types) > 0) {
$query->leftJoin('category_transaction_journal', 'category_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')
if ($accounts->count() > 0) {
$accountIds = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
@ -777,7 +301,9 @@ class CategoryRepository implements CategoryRepositoryInterface
// this second set REALLY doesn't have any categories.
$secondSet = $secondQuery->get(['transactions.transaction_journal_id']);
$allIds = $secondSet->pluck('transaction_journal_id')->toArray();
$return = $this->user->transactionjournals()->sortCorrectly()->expanded()->whereIn('transaction_journals.id', $allIds)->get(TransactionJournal::queryFields());
$return = $this->user->transactionjournals()->sortCorrectly()->expanded()->whereIn('transaction_journals.id', $allIds)->get(
return $return;
@ -859,7 +385,8 @@ class CategoryRepository implements CategoryRepositoryInterface
public function spentInPeriodWithoutCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) : string
$journals = $this->journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory($accounts, $start, $end);
$types = [TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL, TransactionType::TRANSFER];
$journals = $this->journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory($accounts, $types, $start, $end);
$sum = '0';
foreach ($journals as $journal) {
$sum = bcadd(TransactionJournal::amount($journal), $sum);
@ -900,4 +427,23 @@ class CategoryRepository implements CategoryRepositoryInterface
return $category;
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return string
public function earnedInPeriodWithoutCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) :string
$types = [TransactionType::DEPOSIT, TransactionType::TRANSFER];
$journals = $this->journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory($accounts, $types, $start, $end);
$sum = '0';
foreach ($journals as $journal) {
$sum = bcadd(TransactionJournal::amount($journal), $sum);
return $sum;
@ -16,20 +16,6 @@ use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
interface CategoryRepositoryInterface
// /**
// * Returns a collection of Categories appended with the amount of money that has been earned
// * in these categories, based on the $accounts involved, in period X, grouped per month.
// * The amount earned in category X in period X is saved in field "earned".
// *
// * @param $accounts
// * @param $start
// * @param $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function earnedForAccountsPerMonth(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
* @param Category $category
@ -37,80 +23,6 @@ interface CategoryRepositoryInterface
public function destroy(Category $category): bool;
// /**
// * This method returns a very special collection for each category:
// *
// * category, year, expense/earned, amount
// *
// * categories can be duplicated.
// *
// * @param Collection $categories
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function listMultiYear(Collection $categories, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
// /**
// * Returns a list of transaction journals in the range (all types, all accounts) that have no category
// * associated to them.
// *
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function listNoCategory(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
// /**
// * Returns a collection of Categories appended with the amount of money that has been spent
// * in these categories, based on the $accounts involved, in period X, grouped per month.
// * The amount earned in category X in period X is saved in field "spent".
// *
// * @param $accounts
// * @param $start
// * @param $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function spentForAccountsPerMonth(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
// /**
// * Returns the total amount of money related to transactions without any category connected to
// * it. Returns either the earned amount.
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function sumEarnedNoCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string;
// /**
// * Returns the total amount of money related to transactions without any category connected to
// * it. Returns either the spent amount.
// *
// * @param Collection $accounts
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return string
// */
// public function sumSpentNoCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string;
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Carbon|null $start
// * @param Carbon|null $end
// *
// * @return int
// */
// public function countJournals(Category $category, Carbon $start = null, Carbon $end = null): int;
* @param Collection $categories
* @param Collection $accounts
@ -121,22 +33,14 @@ interface CategoryRepositoryInterface
public function earnedInPeriod(Collection $categories, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string;
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money earned using DEPOSITS in the $category
// * from all the users accounts.
// *
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function earnedPerDay(Category $category, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts): array;
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return string
public function earnedInPeriodWithoutCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) :string;
* Find a category
@ -147,12 +51,6 @@ interface CategoryRepositoryInterface
public function find(int $categoryId) : Category;
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// *
// * @return Carbon
// */
* @param Category $category
* @param Collection $accounts
@ -199,12 +97,13 @@ interface CategoryRepositoryInterface
* @param Collection $accounts
* @param array $types
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return Collection
public function journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory(Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) : Collection;
public function journalsInPeriodWithoutCategory(Collection $accounts, array $types, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) : Collection;
* Return most recent transaction(journal) date.
@ -225,61 +124,6 @@ interface CategoryRepositoryInterface
* @return string
public function spentInPeriod(Collection $categories, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string;
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// * @param int $page
// * @param int $pageSize
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getJournals(Category $category, int $page, int $pageSize = 50): Collection;
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getJournalsForAccountsInRange(Category $category, Collection $accounts, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): Collection;
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param int $page
// * @param int $pageSize
// *
// *
// * @return Collection
// */
// public function getJournalsInRange(Category $category, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, int $page, int $pageSize = 50): Collection;
// /**
// * @param Category $category
// *
// * @return Carbon
// */
// public function getLatestActivity(Category $category): Carbon;
// /**
// * Returns an array with the following key:value pairs:
// *
// * yyyy-mm-dd:<amount>
// *
// * Where yyyy-mm-dd is the date and <amount> is the money spent using WITHDRAWALS in the $category
// * from all the users accounts.
// *
// * @param Category $category
// * @param Carbon $start
// * @param Carbon $end
// * @param Collection $accounts
// *
// * @return array
// */
// public function spentPerDay(Category $category, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts): array;
* @param array $data
@ -36,11 +36,6 @@ function drawChart() {
columnChart('chart/category/period/' + categoryId + '/' + reportType + '/' + startDate + '/' + endDate + '/' + accountIds, id);
//stackedColumnChart('chart/budget/year/' + reportType + '/' + startDate + '/' + endDate + '/' + accountIds, 'budgets');
stackedColumnChart('chart/category/spent-in-period/' + reportType + '/' + startDate + '/' + endDate + '/' + accountIds, 'categories-spent-in-period');
stackedColumnChart('chart/category/earned-in-period/' + reportType + '/' + startDate + '/' + endDate + '/' + accountIds, 'categories-earned-in-period');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user