Update some translations [skip ci]

This commit is contained in:
James Cole 2018-07-01 21:40:45 +02:00
parent c6b60ff6b4
commit f62fd18b72
14 changed files with 130 additions and 110 deletions

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@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ return [
'external_ip' => 'Die externe IP-Adresse Ihres Servers',
'attachments' => 'Anhänge',
'journal_amount' => 'Betrag',
'journal_source_name' => 'Revenue account (source)',
'journal_source_id' => 'Asset account (source)',
'journal_source_name' => 'Erlöskonto (Herkunft)',
'journal_source_id' => 'Anlagenkonto (Herkunft)',
'BIC' => 'BIC',
'verify_password' => 'Passwortsicherheit überprüfen',
'source_account' => 'Quellkonto',
'destination_account' => 'Zielkonto',
'journal_destination_id' => 'Asset account (destination)',
'journal_destination_id' => 'Anlagenkonto (Ziel)',
'asset_destination_account' => 'Bestandskonto (Ziel)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Bestandskonto (Quelle)',
'journal_description' => 'Beschreibung',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Dies ist keine gültige IBAN.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'Das Quellkonto entspricht dem Zielkonto',
'source_equals_destination' => 'Das Quellkonto entspricht dem Zielkonto.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Diese Kontonummer scheint bereits verwendet zu sein.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'Dieser IBAN scheint bereits verwendet zu werden.',
'deleted_user' => 'Aufgrund von Sicherheitsbeschränkungen ist eine Registrierung mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse nicht zugelassen.',
@ -34,18 +34,20 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'Datei „:name” erfolgreich hochgeladen.',
'must_exist' => 'Die ID in Feld :attribute existiert nicht in der Datenbank.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Alle Konten in diesem Feld müssen identisch sein.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Die Auswahl ist ungültig',
'invalid_selection' => 'Ihre Auswahl ist ungültig.',
'belongs_user' => 'Dieser Wert ist für dieses Feld ungültig.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Sie brauchen mindestens eine Transaktion.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
'require_repeat_until' => 'Require either a number of repetitions, or an end date (repeats_until). Not both.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Mindestens eine Wiederholung erforderlich.',
'require_repeat_until' => 'Erfordert entweder eine Anzahl von Wiederholungen oder ein Enddatum (repeats_until). Nicht beides.',
'require_currency_info' => 'Der Inhalt dieses Feldes ist ohne Währungsinformationen ungültig.',
'equal_description' => 'Die Transaktionsbeschreibung darf nicht der globalen Beschreibung entsprechen.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'Die Datei „:name” ist vom Typ „:mime”, welcher nicht zum Hochladen zugelassen ist.',
'file_too_large' => 'Die Datei „:name” ist zu groß.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'Der Wert von :attribute ist nicht bekannt',
'belongs_to_user' => 'Der Wert von :attribute ist unbekannt.',
'accepted' => ':attribute muss akzeptiert werden.',
'bic' => 'Dies ist kein gültiger BIC.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'Dies sind keine gültigen base64-kodierten Daten.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'Die angegebene ID scheint für dieses Modell ungültig zu sein.',
'more' => ':attribute muss größer als Null sein.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => ':attribute muss eine Liste sein.',
'unique_for_user' => 'Es gibt bereits einen Eintrag mit diesem :attribute.',
'before' => ':attribute muss ein Datum vor dem :date sein.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Der Name wird bereits verwendet',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Dieser Kontoname wird bereits verwendet',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Dieser Name wird bereits verwendet.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Dieser Kontoname wird bereits verwendet.',
'between.numeric' => ':attribute muss zwischen :min und :max liegen.',
'between.file' => ':attribute muss zwischen :min und :max Kilobytes groß sein.',
'between.string' => ':attribute muss zwischen :min und :max Zeichen lang sein.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => 'Das :attribute muss eine Datei sein.',
'in_array' => ':attribute existiert nicht in :other.',
'present' => 'Das :attribute Feld muss vorhanden sein.',
'amount_zero' => 'Der Gesamtbetrag darf nicht Null sein',
'amount_zero' => 'Der Gesamtbetrag darf nicht Null sein.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Der Name des Sparschweins muss eindeutig sein.',
'secure_password' => 'Das ist kein sicheres Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/wiki/Secure-password',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Ungültige Wiederholungsart für Daueraufträge',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'secure_password' => 'Dies ist kein sicheres Passwort. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/wiki/Secure-password (engl.).',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Ungültige Wiederholungsart für Daueraufträge.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Ungültiges Wiederholungsmoment für diese Art der Wiederholung.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Ungültige Kontodaten.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'E-Mail Adresse',
'description' => 'Beschreibung',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Este no es un IBAN válido.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Parece que este número de cuenta ya está en uso.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'It looks like this IBAN is already in use.',
'deleted_user' => 'Debido a restricciones de seguridad, no se puede registrar utilizando esta dirección de correo electrónico.',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'Archivo cargado con exito ":name".',
'must_exist' => 'ID introducido en :attribute el atributo no existe en la base de datos.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Todas las cuentas en este campo deben ser iguales.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid.',
'belongs_user' => 'Este valor no es válido para este campo.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Se necesita al menos una transacción.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ return [
'equal_description' => 'Transaction description should not equal global description.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'El archivo ":name" es de tipo ":mime", el cual no se acepta.',
'file_too_large' => 'El archivo ":name" es demasiado grande.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'El valor de :attribute es desconocido',
'belongs_to_user' => 'The value of :attribute is unknown.',
'accepted' => 'El :attribute debe ser aceptado.',
'bic' => 'Esto no es un BIC válido.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'This is not valid base64 encoded data.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'The given ID seems invalid for this model.',
'more' => ':attribute debe ser mayor que cero.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser un arreglo.',
'unique_for_user' => 'Ya hay una entrada con esto :attribute.',
'before' => 'El campo :attribute debe contener una fecha anterior a :date.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Este nombre ya está en uso',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Este nombre cuenta ya está en uso',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'This name is already in use.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'This account name is already in use.',
'between.numeric' => 'El atributo :attribute debe estar entre :min y :max.',
'between.file' => 'El atributo :attribute debe estar entre :min y :max kilobytes.',
'between.string' => 'El atributo :attribute debe estar entre :min y :max caracteres.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser un fichero.',
'in_array' => 'El campo :attribute no existe en :other.',
'present' => 'El campo :attribute debe estar presente.',
'amount_zero' => 'La cantidad total no puede ser cero',
'amount_zero' => 'The total amount cannot be zero.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'dirección de correo electrónico',
'description' => 'descripcion',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Il ne s\'agit pas d\'un IBAN valide.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'Le compte source est égal au compte de destination',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Il semble que ce numéro de compte est déjà utilisé.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'Il semble que cet IBAN soit déjà utilisé.',
'deleted_user' => 'Compte tenu des contraintes de sécurité, vous ne pouvez pas vous inscrire en utilisant cette adresse e-mail.',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'Envoi du fichier ":name" avec succès.',
'must_exist' => 'L\'ID dans le champ :attribute n\'existe pas dans la base de données.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Tous les comptes dans ce champ doivent être égaux.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Votre sélection est invalide',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid.',
'belongs_user' => 'Cette valeur n\'est pas valide pour ce champ.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Besoin d\'au moins une transaction.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ return [
'equal_description' => 'La description de la transaction ne doit pas être égale à la description globale.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'Le fichier ":name" est du type ":mime" ce qui n\'est pas accepté pour un nouvel envoi.',
'file_too_large' => 'Le fichier ":name" est trop grand.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'La valeur de :attribute est inconnue',
'belongs_to_user' => 'The value of :attribute is unknown.',
'accepted' => 'Le champ :attribute doit être accepté.',
'bic' => 'Ce nest pas un code BIC valide.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'This is not valid base64 encoded data.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'The given ID seems invalid for this model.',
'more' => ':attribute doit être supérieur à zéro.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => 'Le champ :attribute doit être un tableau.',
'unique_for_user' => 'Il existe déjà une entrée avec ceci :attribute.',
'before' => 'Le champ :attribute doit être une date antérieure à :date.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Ce nom est déjà utilisé',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Ce nom de compte est déjà utilisé',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'This name is already in use.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'This account name is already in use.',
'between.numeric' => 'La valeur de :attribute doit être comprise entre :min et :max.',
'between.file' => 'Le fichier :attribute doit avoir une taille entre :min et :max kilo-octets.',
'between.string' => 'Le texte :attribute doit avoir entre :min et :max caractères.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => 'Le :attribute doit être un fichier.',
'in_array' => 'Le champ :attribute n\'existe pas dans :other.',
'present' => 'Le champs :attribute doit être rempli.',
'amount_zero' => 'Le montant total ne peut pas être zéro',
'amount_zero' => 'The total amount cannot be zero.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Le nom de la tirelire doit être unique.',
'secure_password' => 'Ce nest pas un mot de passe sécurisé. Veuillez essayer à nouveau. Pour plus dinformations, visitez http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'adresse email',
'description' => 'description',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Ini bukan IBAN yang valid.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Sepertinya nomor rekening ini sudah digunakan.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'It looks like this IBAN is already in use.',
'deleted_user' => 'Kerena kendala keamanan, anda tidak bisa mendaftar menggunkan alamat email ini.',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'File yang diupload dengan sukses ":name.',
'must_exist' => 'The ID in field :attribute does not exist in the database.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'All accounts in this field must be equal.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid.',
'belongs_user' => 'This value is invalid for this field.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Need at least one transaction.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ return [
'equal_description' => 'Transaction description should not equal global description.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'File ":name" adalah tipe ":mime" yang tidak diterima sebagai upload baru.',
'file_too_large' => 'File "; name" terlalu besar.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'Nilai dari :attribute tidak diketahui',
'belongs_to_user' => 'The value of :attribute is unknown.',
'accepted' => ':attribute harus diterima.',
'bic' => 'Ini bukan BIC yang valid.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'This is not valid base64 encoded data.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'The given ID seems invalid for this model.',
'more' => ':attribute harus lebih besar dari nol.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => ':attribute harus berupa array.',
'unique_for_user' => 'Sudah ada entri dengan :attribute ini.',
'before' => ':attribute harus tanggal sebelum :date.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Nama ini sudah digunakan',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Nama akun ini sudah digunakan',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'This name is already in use.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'This account name is already in use.',
'between.numeric' => ':attribute harus antara :min dan :max.',
'between.file' => ':attribute harus antara :min dan :max kilobyte.',
'between.string' => ':attribute harus antara :min dan :max karakter.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => ':attribute harus berupa file.',
'in_array' => 'Bidang :attribute tidak ada in :other.',
'present' => 'Bidang :attribute harus ada.',
'amount_zero' => 'Jumlah total tidak boleh nol',
'amount_zero' => 'The total amount cannot be zero.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'email address',
'description' => 'description',

View File

@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ return [
'external_ip' => 'L\'IP esterno del tuo server',
'attachments' => 'Allegati',
'journal_amount' => 'Importo',
'journal_source_name' => 'Revenue account (source)',
'journal_source_id' => 'Asset account (source)',
'journal_source_name' => 'Conto entrate (origine)',
'journal_source_id' => 'Conto attività (origine)',
'BIC' => 'BIC',
'verify_password' => 'Verifica password di sicurezza',
'source_account' => 'Conto sorgente',
'destination_account' => 'Conto destinazione',
'journal_destination_id' => 'Asset account (destination)',
'journal_destination_id' => 'Conto attività (destinazione)',
'asset_destination_account' => 'Conto attività (destinazione)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Conto attività (sorgente)',
'journal_description' => 'Descrizione',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Questo non è un IBAN valido.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'Il conto di origine è uguale al conto di destinazione',
'source_equals_destination' => 'Il conto di origine è uguale al conto di destinazione.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Sembra che questo numero di conto sia già in uso.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'Sembra che questo IBAN sia già in uso.',
'deleted_user' => 'A causa dei vincoli di sicurezza, non è possibile registrarsi utilizzando questo indirizzo email.',
@ -34,18 +34,20 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'File caricato con successo ":name".',
'must_exist' => 'L\'ID nel campo :attribute non esiste nel database.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Tutti i conti in questo campo devono essere uguali.',
'invalid_selection' => 'La tua selezione non è valida',
'invalid_selection' => 'La tua selezione non è valida.',
'belongs_user' => 'Questo valore non è valido per questo campo.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Hai bisogno di almeno una transazione.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
'require_repeat_until' => 'Require either a number of repetitions, or an end date (repeats_until). Not both.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'È necessaria almeno una ripetizione.',
'require_repeat_until' => 'Richiede un numero di ripetizioni o una data di fine (ripeti fino al), non entrambi.',
'require_currency_info' => 'Il contenuto di questo campo non è valido senza informazioni sulla valuta.',
'equal_description' => 'La descrizione della transazione non deve essere uguale alla descrizione globale.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'Il file ":name" è di tipo ":mime" che non è accettato come nuovo caricamento.',
'file_too_large' => 'Il file ":name" è troppo grande.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'Il valore di :attribute è sconosciuto',
'belongs_to_user' => 'Il valore di :attribute è sconosciuto.',
'accepted' => 'L\' :attribute deve essere accettato.',
'bic' => 'Questo non è un BIC valido.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'Questi non sono dati codificati in base64 validi.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'L\'ID fornito sembra non essere valido per questo modello.',
'more' => ':attribute deve essere maggiore di zero.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => ':attribute deve essere una matrice.',
'unique_for_user' => 'C\'è già una voce con questo :attribute.',
'before' => ':attribute deve essere una data prima :date.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Questo nome è già in uso',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Questo nome conto è già in uso',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Questo nome è già in uso.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Il nome del conto è già in uso.',
'between.numeric' => ':attribute con questo nome conto è già in uso :min e :max.',
'between.file' => ':attribute deve essere :min e :max kilobyte.',
'between.string' => ':attribute deve essere tra :min e :max caratteri.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => ':attribute deve essere un file.',
'in_array' => ':attribute il campo non esiste in :other.',
'present' => ':attribute il campo deve essere presente.',
'amount_zero' => 'L\'importo totale non può essere zero',
'amount_zero' => 'L\'importo totale non può essere zero.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Il nome del salvadanaio deve essere unico.',
'secure_password' => 'Questa non è una password sicura. Per favore riprova. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Tipo di ripetizione non valida per la transazione ricorrente',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'secure_password' => 'Questa non è una password sicura. Riprova. Per maggiori informazioni visita http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Il tipo di ripetizione della transazione ricorrente non è valido.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Il momento di ripetizione per questo tipo di ripetizione non è valido.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Informazione sul conto non valida.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'indirizzo email',
'description' => 'descrizione',

View File

@ -1268,9 +1268,9 @@ return [
'do_nothing' => 'Gewoon transactie maken',
'skip_transaction' => 'Transactie overslaan',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Transactie maken op de vrijdag ervoor',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Transactie maken op de zaterdag erna',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Transactie maken op de maandag erna',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Wordt op de vrijdag ervoor gemaakt i.p.v. in het weekend.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Wordt op de maandag ervoor gemaakt i.p.v. in het weekend.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Wordt op de maandag erna gemaakt i. p. v. in het weekend.',
'except_weekends' => 'Behalve de weekenden',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Periodieke transactie ":title" verwijderd',

View File

@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ return [
'external_ip' => 'Het externe IP-adres van je server',
'attachments' => 'Bijlagen',
'journal_amount' => 'Bedrag',
'journal_source_name' => 'Revenue account (source)',
'journal_source_id' => 'Asset account (source)',
'journal_source_name' => 'Debiteur (bron)',
'journal_source_id' => 'Betaalrekening (bron)',
'BIC' => 'BIC',
'verify_password' => 'Bevestig wachtwoordsterkte',
'source_account' => 'Bronrekening',
'destination_account' => 'Doelrekening',
'journal_destination_id' => 'Asset account (destination)',
'journal_destination_id' => 'Betaalrekening (doel)',
'asset_destination_account' => 'Betaalrekening (doel)',
'asset_source_account' => 'Betaalrekening (bron)',
'journal_description' => 'Omschrijving',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Dit is niet een geldige IBAN.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'De bronrekening is gelijk aan de doelrekening',
'source_equals_destination' => 'De bronrekening is gelijk aan de doelrekening.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Het lijkt erop dat dit rekeningnummer al in gebruik is.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'Het lijkt erop dat deze IBAN al in gebruik is.',
'deleted_user' => 'Je kan je niet registreren met dit e-mailadres.',
@ -34,18 +34,20 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'Bestand met naam ":name" is met succes geuploaded.',
'must_exist' => 'Het ID in veld :attribute bestaat niet.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Alle rekeningen in dit veld moeten gelijk zijn.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Ongeldige selectie',
'invalid_selection' => 'Ongeldige selectie.',
'belongs_user' => 'Deze waarde is ongeldig voor dit veld.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Er is op zijn minst één transactie nodig.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
'require_repeat_until' => 'Require either a number of repetitions, or an end date (repeats_until). Not both.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Er is op zijn minst één herhaling nodig.',
'require_repeat_until' => 'Je moet een aantal herhalingen opgeven, of een einddatum (repeats_until). Niet beide.',
'require_currency_info' => 'De inhoud van dit veld is ongeldig zonder valutagegevens.',
'equal_description' => 'Transactiebeschrijving mag niet gelijk zijn aan globale beschrijving.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'Bestand ":name" is van het type ":mime", en die kan je niet uploaden.',
'file_too_large' => 'Bestand ":name" is te groot.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'De waarde van :attribute is onbekend',
'belongs_to_user' => 'De waarde van :attribute is onbekend.',
'accepted' => ':attribute moet geaccepteerd zijn.',
'bic' => 'Dit is geen geldige BIC.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'Dit is geen geldige base64 gecodeerde data.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'Dit ID past niet bij dit object.',
'more' => ':attribute moet groter zijn dan nul.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => ':attribute moet geselecteerde elementen bevatten.',
'unique_for_user' => 'Er is al een entry met deze :attribute.',
'before' => ':attribute moet een datum voor :date zijn.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Deze naam is al in gebruik',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'This rekeningnaam is already in use',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Deze naam is al in gebruik.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Deze rekeningnaam is al in gebruik.',
'between.numeric' => ':attribute moet tussen :min en :max zijn.',
'between.file' => ':attribute moet tussen :min en :max kilobytes zijn.',
'between.string' => ':attribute moet tussen :min en :max karakters zijn.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => ':attribute moet een bestand zijn.',
'in_array' => 'Het :attribute veld bestaat niet in :other.',
'present' => 'Het :attribute veld moet aanwezig zijn.',
'amount_zero' => 'Het totaalbedrag kan niet nul zijn',
'amount_zero' => 'Het totaalbedrag kan niet nul zijn.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'De naam van de spaarpot moet uniek zijn.',
'secure_password' => 'Dit is geen sterk wachtwoord. Probeer het nog een keer. Zie ook: http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Dit is geen geldige herhaling voor periodieke transacties',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'secure_password' => 'Dit is geen sterk wachtwoord. Probeer het nog een keer. Zie ook: http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Dit is geen geldige herhaling voor periodieke transacties.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Ongeldig herhaalmoment voor dit type herhaling.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Ongeldige rekeninginformatie.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'e-mailadres',
'description' => 'omschrijving',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'To nie jest prawidłowy IBAN.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'Konto źródłowe jest równe kontu docelowemu',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Wygląda na to, że ten numer konta jest już w użyciu.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'Wygląda na to, że ten IBAN jest już w użyciu.',
'deleted_user' => 'Ze względu na zabezpieczenia nie możesz się zarejestrować używając tego adresu e-mail.',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'Pomyślnie wgrano plik ":name".',
'must_exist' => 'Identyfikator w polu :attribute nie istnieje w bazie danych.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Wszystkie konta w tym polu muszą być takie same.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Twój wybór jest nieprawidłowy',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid.',
'belongs_user' => 'Ta wartość jest nieprawidłowa dla tego pola.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Wymaga co najmniej jednej transakcji.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ return [
'equal_description' => 'Opis transakcji nie powinien być równy globalnemu opisowi.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'Plik ":name" jest typu ":mime", który nie jest akceptowany jako nowy plik do przekazania.',
'file_too_large' => 'Plik ":name" jest zbyt duży.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'Wartość :attribute jest nieznana',
'belongs_to_user' => 'The value of :attribute is unknown.',
'accepted' => ':attribute musi zostać zaakceptowany.',
'bic' => 'To nie jest prawidłowy BIC.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'This is not valid base64 encoded data.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'The given ID seems invalid for this model.',
'more' => ':attribute musi być większy od zera.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => ':attribute musi być tablicą.',
'unique_for_user' => 'Istnieje już wpis z tym :attribute.',
'before' => ':attribute musi być wcześniejszą datą w stosunku do :date.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Ta nazwa jest już w użyciu',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Ta nazwa konta jest już w użyciu',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'This name is already in use.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'This account name is already in use.',
'between.numeric' => ':attribute musi się mieścić w zakresie pomiędzy :min a :max.',
'between.file' => ':attribute musi się mieścić w zakresie pomiędzy :min oraz :max kilobajtów.',
'between.string' => ':attribute musi zawierać pomiędzy :min a :max znaków.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => ':attribute musi być plikiem.',
'in_array' => 'Pole :attribute nie istnieje w :other.',
'present' => 'Pole :attribute musi być obecne.',
'amount_zero' => 'Całkowita kwota nie może być zerem',
'amount_zero' => 'The total amount cannot be zero.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'adres e-mail',
'description' => 'opis',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Este não é um válido IBAN.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'A conta de origem é igual à conta de destino',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Parece que este número de conta já está em uso.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'Parece que este IBAN já está em uso.',
'deleted_user' => 'Devido a restrições de segurança, você não pode registrar usando este endereço de e-mail.',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'Arquivo carregado com sucesso ":name".',
'must_exist' => 'O ID no campo :attribute não existe no banco de dados.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Todas as contas neste campo devem ser iguais.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Sua seleção é inválida',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid.',
'belongs_user' => 'Esse valor é inválido para este campo.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Precisa de ao menos uma transação.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ return [
'equal_description' => 'A descrição da transação não pode ser igual à descrição global.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'Arquivo ":name" é do tipo ":mime" que não é aceito como um novo upload.',
'file_too_large' => 'Arquivo ":name" é muito grande.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'O valor de :attribute é desconhecido',
'belongs_to_user' => 'The value of :attribute is unknown.',
'accepted' => 'O campo :attribute deve ser aceito.',
'bic' => 'Este não é um BIC válido.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'This is not valid base64 encoded data.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'The given ID seems invalid for this model.',
'more' => ':attribute deve ser maior que zero.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => 'O campo :attribute precisa ser um conjunto.',
'unique_for_user' => 'Já existe uma entrada com este :attribute.',
'before' => 'O campo :attribute deverá conter uma data anterior a :date.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Este nome já está em uso',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Este nome de conta já está em uso',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'This name is already in use.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'This account name is already in use.',
'between.numeric' => 'O campo :attribute deverá ter um valor entre :min - :max.',
'between.file' => 'O campo :attribute deverá ter um tamanho entre :min - :max kilobytes.',
'between.string' => 'O campo :attribute deverá conter entre :min - :max caracteres.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => 'O :attribute deve ser um arquivo.',
'in_array' => 'O campo :attribute não existe em :other.',
'present' => 'O campo :attribute deve estar presente.',
'amount_zero' => 'A quantidade total não pode ser zero',
'amount_zero' => 'The total amount cannot be zero.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'The name of the piggy bank must be unique.',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'endereço de e-mail',
'description' => 'descrição',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Это некорректный IBAN.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'Счёт источник и счёт назначения совпадают',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Этот номер счёта уже используется.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'Этот IBAN уже используется.',
'deleted_user' => 'По соображениям безопасности, вы не можете зарегистрироваться, используя этот адрес электронной почты.',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'file_attached' => 'Файл ":name". успешно загружен.',
'must_exist' => 'ID в поле field :attribute не существует в базе данных.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Все счета в данном поле должны совпадать.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Вы сделали неправильный выбор',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid.',
'belongs_user' => 'Данное значение недопустимо для этого поля.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'Необходима как минимум одна транзакция.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ return [
'equal_description' => 'Описание транзакции не должно совпадать с глобальным описанием.',
'file_invalid_mime' => 'Файл ":name" имеет тип ":mime". Загрузка файлов такого типа невозможна.',
'file_too_large' => 'Файл ":name" слишком большой.',
'belongs_to_user' => 'Значение :attribute неизвестно',
'belongs_to_user' => 'The value of :attribute is unknown.',
'accepted' => 'Необходимо принять :attribute.',
'bic' => 'Это некорректный BIC.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'This is not valid base64 encoded data.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'The given ID seems invalid for this model.',
'more' => ':attribute должен быть больше нуля.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => ':attribute должен быть массивом.',
'unique_for_user' => 'Уже существует запись с этим :attribute.',
'before' => ':attribute должна быть раньше :date.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Это имя уже используется',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Имя аккаунта уже используется',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'This name is already in use.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'This account name is already in use.',
'between.numeric' => ':attribute должен быть больше :min и меньше :max.',
'between.file' => ':attribute должен быть размером :min - :max килобайт.',
'between.string' => ':attribute должен содержать :min - :max символов.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => ':attribute должен быть файлом.',
'in_array' => 'Поле :attribute не существует в :other.',
'present' => 'Поле :attribute должно быть заполнено.',
'amount_zero' => 'Общее количество не может быть равно нулю',
'amount_zero' => 'The total amount cannot be zero.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Название копилки должно быть уникальным.',
'secure_password' => 'Это не безопасный пароль. Попробуйте еще раз. Подробнее можно узнать по ссылке http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Недопустимый тип для повторяющихся транзакций',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => '"Адрес электронной почты"',
'description' => '"Описание"',

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
return [
'iban' => 'Bu geçerli bir IBAN değil.',
'source_equals_destination' => 'Kaynak hesabın hedef hesap eşittir',
'source_equals_destination' => 'The source account equals the destination account.',
'unique_account_number_for_user' => 'Bu hesap numarası zaten kullanılmaktadır.',
'unique_iban_for_user' => 'Bu IBAN numarası zaten kullanılmaktadır.',
'deleted_user' => 'Güvenlik kısıtlamaları nedeniyle, bu e-posta adresini kullanarak kayıt yapamazsınız.',
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [
'file_attached' => '":name" dosyası başarıyla yüklendi.',
'must_exist' => 'ID alanı :attribute veritabanın içinde yok.',
'all_accounts_equal' => 'Bu alandaki tüm hesapları eşit olmalıdır.',
'invalid_selection' => 'Seçiminiz geçersiz',
'invalid_selection' => 'Your selection is invalid.',
'belongs_user' => 'Bu değer bu alan için geçerli değil.',
'at_least_one_transaction' => 'En az bir işlem gerekir.',
'at_least_one_repetition' => 'Need at least one repetition.',
@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ return [
'equal_description' => 'İşlem açıklaması genel açıklama eşit değildir.',
'file_invalid_mime' => '":name" dosyası ":mime" türünde olup yeni bir yükleme olarak kabul edilemez.',
'file_too_large' => '":name" dosyası çok büyük.',
'belongs_to_user' => ':attribute\'nin değeri bilinmiyor',
'belongs_to_user' => 'The value of :attribute is unknown.',
'accepted' => ':attribute kabul edilmek zorunda.',
'bic' => 'Bu BIC geçerli değilrdir.',
'at_least_one_trigger' => 'Rule must have at least one trigger',
'at_least_one_action' => 'Rule must have at least one action',
'base64' => 'Bu geçerli Base64 olarak kodlanmış veri değildir.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'Verilen kimlik bu model için geçersiz görünüyor.',
'more' => ':attribute sıfırdan büyük olmak zorundadır.',
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ return [
'array' => ':attribute bir dizi olmalıdır.',
'unique_for_user' => ':attribute\'de zaten bir girdi var.',
'before' => ':attribute :date tarihinden öncesi için tarihlendirilmelidir.',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'Bu isim zaten kullanılıyor',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'Bu hesap adı zaten kullanılıyor',
'unique_object_for_user' => 'This name is already in use.',
'unique_account_for_user' => 'This account name is already in use.',
'between.numeric' => ':attribute :min ve :max arasında olmalıdır.',
'between.file' => ':attribute, :min kilobayt ve :max kilobayt arasında olmalıdır.',
'between.string' => ':attribute :min karakter ve :max karakter olmalıdır.',
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ return [
'file' => ':attribute bir dosya olmalıdır.',
'in_array' => ':attribute alanı :other içinde olamaz.',
'present' => ':attribute alanı mevcut olmalıdır.',
'amount_zero' => 'Toplam tutar sıfır olamaz',
'amount_zero' => 'The total amount cannot be zero.',
'unique_piggy_bank_for_user' => 'Kumbara adı benzersiz olmalıdır.',
'secure_password' => 'Bu güvenli bir şifre değildir. Lütfen tekrar deneyin. Daha fazla bilgi için https://goo.gl/NCh2tN adresini ziyaret edin',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Yinelenen işlemler için geçersiz tekrarlama türü',
'secure_password' => 'This is not a secure password. Please try again. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/FF3-password-security.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_type' => 'Invalid repetition type for recurring transactions.',
'valid_recurrence_rep_moment' => 'Invalid repetition moment for this type of repetition.',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information',
'invalid_account_info' => 'Invalid account information.',
'attributes' => [
'email' => 'E-posta adresi',
'description' => 'Açıklama',