Include default currency.

This commit is contained in:
James Cole 2017-08-12 16:42:29 +02:00
parent 83b721a322
commit f684a2900b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C16961E655E74B5E

View File

@ -11,28 +11,16 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace FireflyIII\Import\Storage;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Import\Object\ImportAccount;
use FireflyIII\Import\Object\ImportJournal;
use FireflyIII\Models\Account;
use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType;
use FireflyIII\Models\Bill;
use FireflyIII\Models\Budget;
use FireflyIII\Models\Category;
use FireflyIII\Models\ImportJob;
use FireflyIII\Models\Rule;
use FireflyIII\Models\Transaction;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal;
use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Currency\CurrencyRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Tag\TagRepositoryInterface;
use FireflyIII\Rules\Processor;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Log;
use Steam;
* Is capable of storing individual ImportJournal objects.
@ -50,8 +38,8 @@ class ImportStorage
private $currencyRepository;
/** @var string */
private $dateFormat = 'Ymd';
/** @var TransactionCurrency */
private $defaultCurrency;
/** @var int */
private $defaultCurrencyId = 0;
/** @var ImportJob */
private $job;
/** @var Collection */
@ -84,7 +72,9 @@ class ImportStorage
public function setJob(ImportJob $job)
$this->job = $job;
$this->job = $job;
$currency = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrencyByUser($this->job->user);
$this->defaultCurrencyId = $currency->id;
// $repository = app(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class);
// $repository->setUser($job->user);
// $this->currencyRepository = $repository;
@ -93,7 +83,7 @@ class ImportStorage
// $repository->setUser($job->user);
// $this->tagRepository = $repository;
// $this->rules = $this->getUserRules();
// $this->defaultCurrency = Amount::getDefaultCurrencyByUser($this->job->user);
@ -125,158 +115,158 @@ class ImportStorage
return true;
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// *
// * @return bool
// */
// protected function applyRules(TransactionJournal $journal): bool
// {
// if ($this->rules->count() > 0) {
// /** @var Rule $rule */
// foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Going to apply rule #%d to journal %d.', $rule->id, $journal->id));
// $processor = Processor::make($rule);
// $processor->handleTransactionJournal($journal);
// if ($rule->stop_processing) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// *
// * @return bool
// */
// protected function applyRules(TransactionJournal $journal): bool
// {
// if ($this->rules->count() > 0) {
// /** @var Rule $rule */
// foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Going to apply rule #%d to journal %d.', $rule->id, $journal->id));
// $processor = Processor::make($rule);
// $processor->handleTransactionJournal($journal);
// if ($rule->stop_processing) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * @param array $parameters
// *
// * @return bool
// * @throws FireflyException
// */
// private function createTransaction(array $parameters): bool
// {
// $transaction = new Transaction;
// $transaction->account_id = $parameters['account'];
// $transaction->transaction_journal_id = $parameters['id'];
// $transaction->transaction_currency_id = $parameters['currency'];
// $transaction->amount = $parameters['amount'];
// $transaction->foreign_currency_id = $parameters['foreign_currency'];
// $transaction->foreign_amount = $parameters['foreign_amount'];
// $transaction->save();
// if (is_null($transaction->id)) {
// $errorText = join(', ', $transaction->getErrors()->all());
// throw new FireflyException($errorText);
// }
// Log::debug(sprintf('Created transaction with ID #%d, account #%d, amount %s', $transaction->id, $parameters['account'], $parameters['amount']));
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * @param array $parameters
// *
// * @return bool
// * @throws FireflyException
// */
// private function createTransaction(array $parameters): bool
// {
// $transaction = new Transaction;
// $transaction->account_id = $parameters['account'];
// $transaction->transaction_journal_id = $parameters['id'];
// $transaction->transaction_currency_id = $parameters['currency'];
// $transaction->amount = $parameters['amount'];
// $transaction->foreign_currency_id = $parameters['foreign_currency'];
// $transaction->foreign_amount = $parameters['foreign_amount'];
// $transaction->save();
// if (is_null($transaction->id)) {
// $errorText = join(', ', $transaction->getErrors()->all());
// throw new FireflyException($errorText);
// }
// Log::debug(sprintf('Created transaction with ID #%d, account #%d, amount %s', $transaction->id, $parameters['account'], $parameters['amount']));
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * @param Collection $set
// * @param ImportJournal $importJournal
// *
// * @return bool
// */
// private function filterTransferSet(Collection $set, ImportJournal $importJournal): bool
// {
// $amount = Steam::positive($importJournal->getAmount());
// $asset = $importJournal->asset->getAccount();
// $opposing = $this->getOpposingAccount($importJournal->opposing, $asset->id, $amount);
// $description = $importJournal->getDescription();
// $filtered = $set->filter(
// function (TransactionJournal $journal) use ($asset, $opposing, $description) {
// $match = true;
// $original = [app('steam')->tryDecrypt($journal->source_name), app('steam')->tryDecrypt($journal->destination_name)];
// $compare = [$asset->name, $opposing->name];
// sort($original);
// sort($compare);
// // description does not match? Then cannot be duplicate.
// if ($journal->description !== $description) {
// $match = false;
// }
// // not both accounts in journal? Then cannot be duplicate.
// if ($original !== $compare) {
// $match = false;
// }
// if ($match) {
// return $journal;
// }
// return null;
// }
// );
// if (count($filtered) > 0) {
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * @param Collection $set
// * @param ImportJournal $importJournal
// *
// * @return bool
// */
// private function filterTransferSet(Collection $set, ImportJournal $importJournal): bool
// {
// $amount = Steam::positive($importJournal->getAmount());
// $asset = $importJournal->asset->getAccount();
// $opposing = $this->getOpposingAccount($importJournal->opposing, $asset->id, $amount);
// $description = $importJournal->getDescription();
// $filtered = $set->filter(
// function (TransactionJournal $journal) use ($asset, $opposing, $description) {
// $match = true;
// $original = [app('steam')->tryDecrypt($journal->source_name), app('steam')->tryDecrypt($journal->destination_name)];
// $compare = [$asset->name, $opposing->name];
// sort($original);
// sort($compare);
// // description does not match? Then cannot be duplicate.
// if ($journal->description !== $description) {
// $match = false;
// }
// // not both accounts in journal? Then cannot be duplicate.
// if ($original !== $compare) {
// $match = false;
// }
// if ($match) {
// return $journal;
// }
// return null;
// }
// );
// if (count($filtered) > 0) {
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * @param ImportJournal $importJournal
// *
// * @param Account $account
// *
// * @return TransactionCurrency
// */
// private function getCurrency(ImportJournal $importJournal, Account $account): TransactionCurrency
// {
// // start with currency pref of account, if any:
// $currency = $this->currencyRepository->find(intval($account->getMeta('currency_id')));
// if (!is_null($currency->id)) {
// return $currency;
// }
// // use given currency
// $currency = $importJournal->getCurrency()->getTransactionCurrency();
// if (!is_null($currency->id)) {
// return $currency;
// }
// // backup to default
// $currency = $this->defaultCurrency;
// return $currency;
// }
// /**
// * @param ImportJournal $importJournal
// *
// * @param Account $account
// *
// * @return TransactionCurrency
// */
// private function getCurrency(ImportJournal $importJournal, Account $account): TransactionCurrency
// {
// // start with currency pref of account, if any:
// $currency = $this->currencyRepository->find(intval($account->getMeta('currency_id')));
// if (!is_null($currency->id)) {
// return $currency;
// }
// // use given currency
// $currency = $importJournal->getCurrency()->getTransactionCurrency();
// if (!is_null($currency->id)) {
// return $currency;
// }
// // backup to default
// $currency = $this->defaultCurrency;
// return $currency;
// }
// /**
// * @param ImportJournal $importJournal
// * @param TransactionCurrency $localCurrency
// *
// * @return int|null
// */
// private function getForeignCurrencyId(ImportJournal $importJournal, TransactionCurrency $localCurrency): ?int
// {
// // get journal currency, if any:
// $currency = $importJournal->getCurrency()->getTransactionCurrency();
// if (is_null($currency->id)) {
// Log::debug('getForeignCurrencyId: Journal has no currency, so can\'t be foreign either way.');
// // journal has no currency, so can't be foreign either way:
// return null;
// }
// if ($currency->id !== $localCurrency->id) {
// Log::debug(
// sprintf('getForeignCurrencyId: journal is %s, but account is %s. Return id of journal currency.', $currency->code, $localCurrency->code)
// );
// // journal has different currency than account does, return its ID:
// return $currency->id;
// }
// Log::debug('getForeignCurrencyId: journal has no foreign currency.');
// // return null in other cases.
// return null;
// }
// /**
// * @param ImportJournal $importJournal
// * @param TransactionCurrency $localCurrency
// *
// * @return int|null
// */
// private function getForeignCurrencyId(ImportJournal $importJournal, TransactionCurrency $localCurrency): ?int
// {
// // get journal currency, if any:
// $currency = $importJournal->getCurrency()->getTransactionCurrency();
// if (is_null($currency->id)) {
// Log::debug('getForeignCurrencyId: Journal has no currency, so can\'t be foreign either way.');
// // journal has no currency, so can't be foreign either way:
// return null;
// }
// if ($currency->id !== $localCurrency->id) {
// Log::debug(
// sprintf('getForeignCurrencyId: journal is %s, but account is %s. Return id of journal currency.', $currency->code, $localCurrency->code)
// );
// // journal has different currency than account does, return its ID:
// return $currency->id;
// }
// Log::debug('getForeignCurrencyId: journal has no foreign currency.');
// // return null in other cases.
// return null;
// }
* @param ImportAccount $account
@ -302,86 +292,86 @@ class ImportStorage
return $databaseAccount;
// /**
// * @param string $amount
// *
// * @return TransactionType
// */
// private function getTransactionType(string $amount): TransactionType
// {
// $transactionType = new TransactionType();
// // amount is negative, it's a withdrawal, opposing is an expense:
// if (bccomp($amount, '0') === -1) {
// $transactionType = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)->first();
// }
// if (bccomp($amount, '0') === 1) {
// $transactionType = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::DEPOSIT)->first();
// }
// return $transactionType;
// }
// /**
// * @param string $amount
// *
// * @return TransactionType
// */
// private function getTransactionType(string $amount): TransactionType
// {
// $transactionType = new TransactionType();
// // amount is negative, it's a withdrawal, opposing is an expense:
// if (bccomp($amount, '0') === -1) {
// $transactionType = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)->first();
// }
// if (bccomp($amount, '0') === 1) {
// $transactionType = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::DEPOSIT)->first();
// }
// return $transactionType;
// }
// /**
// * @return Collection
// */
// private function getUserRules(): Collection
// {
// $set = Rule::distinct()
// ->where('rules.user_id', $this->job->user->id)
// ->leftJoin('rule_groups', '', '=', 'rules.rule_group_id')
// ->leftJoin('rule_triggers', '', '=', 'rule_triggers.rule_id')
// ->where('', 1)
// ->where('rule_triggers.trigger_type', 'user_action')
// ->where('rule_triggers.trigger_value', 'store-journal')
// ->where('', 1)
// ->orderBy('rule_groups.order', 'ASC')
// ->orderBy('rules.order', 'ASC')
// ->get(['rules.*', 'rule_groups.order']);
// Log::debug(sprintf('Found %d user rules.', $set->count()));
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// * @param Bill $bill
// */
// private function storeBill(TransactionJournal $journal, Bill $bill)
// {
// if (!is_null($bill->id)) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Linked bill #%d to journal #%d', $bill->id, $journal->id));
// $journal->bill()->associate($bill);
// $journal->save();
// }
// }
// /**
// * @return Collection
// */
// private function getUserRules(): Collection
// {
// $set = Rule::distinct()
// ->where('rules.user_id', $this->job->user->id)
// ->leftJoin('rule_groups', '', '=', 'rules.rule_group_id')
// ->leftJoin('rule_triggers', '', '=', 'rule_triggers.rule_id')
// ->where('', 1)
// ->where('rule_triggers.trigger_type', 'user_action')
// ->where('rule_triggers.trigger_value', 'store-journal')
// ->where('', 1)
// ->orderBy('rule_groups.order', 'ASC')
// ->orderBy('rules.order', 'ASC')
// ->get(['rules.*', 'rule_groups.order']);
// Log::debug(sprintf('Found %d user rules.', $set->count()));
// return $set;
// }
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// * @param Bill $bill
// */
// private function storeBill(TransactionJournal $journal, Bill $bill)
// {
// if (!is_null($bill->id)) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Linked bill #%d to journal #%d', $bill->id, $journal->id));
// $journal->bill()->associate($bill);
// $journal->save();
// }
// }
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// * @param Budget $budget
// */
// private function storeBudget(TransactionJournal $journal, Budget $budget)
// {
// if (!is_null($budget->id)) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Linked budget #%d to journal #%d', $budget->id, $journal->id));
// $journal->budgets()->save($budget);
// }
// }
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// * @param Category $category
// */
// private function storeCategory(TransactionJournal $journal, Category $category)
// {
// if (!is_null($category->id)) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Linked category #%d to journal #%d', $category->id, $journal->id));
// $journal->categories()->save($category);
// }
// }
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// * @param Budget $budget
// */
// private function storeBudget(TransactionJournal $journal, Budget $budget)
// {
// if (!is_null($budget->id)) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Linked budget #%d to journal #%d', $budget->id, $journal->id));
// $journal->budgets()->save($budget);
// }
// }
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// * @param Category $category
// */
// private function storeCategory(TransactionJournal $journal, Category $category)
// {
// if (!is_null($category->id)) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Linked category #%d to journal #%d', $category->id, $journal->id));
// $journal->categories()->save($category);
// }
// }
* @param int $index
@ -393,203 +383,203 @@ class ImportStorage
private function storeImportJournal(int $index, ImportJournal $importJournal): bool
Log::debug(sprintf('Going to store object #%d with description "%s"', $index, $importJournal->getDescription()));
$asset = $importJournal->asset->getAccount();
$amount = $importJournal->getAmount();
$asset = $importJournal->asset->getAccount();
$amount = $importJournal->getAmount();
// $currency = $this->getCurrency($importJournal, $asset);
// $foreignCurrencyId = $this->getForeignCurrencyId($importJournal, $currency);
// $date = $importJournal->getDate($this->dateFormat);
// $transactionType = $this->getTransactionType($amount);
// $opposing = $this->getOpposingAccount($importJournal->opposing, $asset->id, $amount);
// // if opposing is an asset account, it's a transfer:
// if ($opposing->accountType->type === AccountType::ASSET) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Opposing account #%d %s is an asset account, make transfer.', $opposing->id, $opposing->name));
// $transactionType = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::TRANSFER)->first();
// }
// // verify that opposing account is of the correct type:
// if ($opposing->accountType->type === AccountType::EXPENSE && $transactionType->type !== TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL) {
// $message = sprintf('Row #%d is imported as a %s but opposing is an expense account. This cannot be!', $index, $transactionType->type);
// Log::error($message);
// throw new FireflyException($message);
// }
// /*** First step done! */
// $this->job->addStepsDone(1);
// // could be that transfer is double: verify this.
// if ($this->verifyDoubleTransfer($transactionType, $importJournal)) {
// // add three steps:
// $this->job->addStepsDone(3);
// // throw error
// throw new FireflyException('Detected a possible duplicate, skip this one.');
// }
// // create a journal:
// $journal = new TransactionJournal;
// $journal->user_id = $this->job->user_id;
// $journal->transaction_type_id = $transactionType->id;
// $journal->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;// always currency of account
// $journal->description = $importJournal->getDescription();
// $journal->date = $date->format('Y-m-d');
// $journal->order = 0;
// $journal->tag_count = 0;
// $journal->completed = false;
// if (!$journal->save()) {
// $errorText = join(', ', $journal->getErrors()->all());
// // add three steps:
// $this->job->addStepsDone(3);
// // throw error
// throw new FireflyException($errorText);
// }
// // save meta data:
// $journal->setMeta('importHash', $importJournal->hash);
// Log::debug(sprintf('Created journal with ID #%d', $journal->id));
// // create transactions:
// $one = [
// 'id' => $journal->id,
// 'account' => $asset->id,
// 'currency' => $currency->id,
// 'amount' => $amount,
// 'foreign_currency' => $foreignCurrencyId,
// 'foreign_amount' => is_null($foreignCurrencyId) ? null : $amount,
// ];
// $two = [
// 'id' => $journal->id,
// 'account' => $opposing->id,
// 'currency' => $currency->id,
// 'amount' => Steam::opposite($amount),
// 'foreign_currency' => $foreignCurrencyId,
// 'foreign_amount' => is_null($foreignCurrencyId) ? null : Steam::opposite($amount),
// ];
// $this->createTransaction($one);
// $this->createTransaction($two);
// /*** Another step done! */
// $this->job->addStepsDone(1);
// // store meta object things:
// $this->storeCategory($journal, $importJournal->category->getCategory());
// $this->storeBudget($journal, $importJournal->budget->getBudget());
// $this->storeBill($journal, $importJournal->bill->getBill());
// $this->storeMeta($journal, $importJournal->metaDates);
// // sepa thing as note:
// if (strlen($importJournal->notes) > 0) {
// $journal->setMeta('notes', $importJournal->notes);
// }
// // store tags
// $this->storeTags($importJournal->tags, $journal);
// // set journal completed:
// $journal->completed = true;
// $journal->save();
// $this->job->addStepsDone(1);
// // run rules:
// $this->applyRules($journal);
// $this->job->addStepsDone(1);
// $this->journals->push($journal);
// Log::info(
// sprintf(
// 'Imported new journal #%d with description "%s" and amount %s %s.', $journal->id, $journal->description, $journal->transactionCurrency->code,
// $amount
// )
// );
// $currency = $this->getCurrency($importJournal, $asset);
// $foreignCurrencyId = $this->getForeignCurrencyId($importJournal, $currency);
// $date = $importJournal->getDate($this->dateFormat);
// $transactionType = $this->getTransactionType($amount);
// $opposing = $this->getOpposingAccount($importJournal->opposing, $asset->id, $amount);
// // if opposing is an asset account, it's a transfer:
// if ($opposing->accountType->type === AccountType::ASSET) {
// Log::debug(sprintf('Opposing account #%d %s is an asset account, make transfer.', $opposing->id, $opposing->name));
// $transactionType = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::TRANSFER)->first();
// }
// // verify that opposing account is of the correct type:
// if ($opposing->accountType->type === AccountType::EXPENSE && $transactionType->type !== TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL) {
// $message = sprintf('Row #%d is imported as a %s but opposing is an expense account. This cannot be!', $index, $transactionType->type);
// Log::error($message);
// throw new FireflyException($message);
// }
// /*** First step done! */
// $this->job->addStepsDone(1);
// // could be that transfer is double: verify this.
// if ($this->verifyDoubleTransfer($transactionType, $importJournal)) {
// // add three steps:
// $this->job->addStepsDone(3);
// // throw error
// throw new FireflyException('Detected a possible duplicate, skip this one.');
// }
// // create a journal:
// $journal = new TransactionJournal;
// $journal->user_id = $this->job->user_id;
// $journal->transaction_type_id = $transactionType->id;
// $journal->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id;// always currency of account
// $journal->description = $importJournal->getDescription();
// $journal->date = $date->format('Y-m-d');
// $journal->order = 0;
// $journal->tag_count = 0;
// $journal->completed = false;
// if (!$journal->save()) {
// $errorText = join(', ', $journal->getErrors()->all());
// // add three steps:
// $this->job->addStepsDone(3);
// // throw error
// throw new FireflyException($errorText);
// }
// // save meta data:
// $journal->setMeta('importHash', $importJournal->hash);
// Log::debug(sprintf('Created journal with ID #%d', $journal->id));
// // create transactions:
// $one = [
// 'id' => $journal->id,
// 'account' => $asset->id,
// 'currency' => $currency->id,
// 'amount' => $amount,
// 'foreign_currency' => $foreignCurrencyId,
// 'foreign_amount' => is_null($foreignCurrencyId) ? null : $amount,
// ];
// $two = [
// 'id' => $journal->id,
// 'account' => $opposing->id,
// 'currency' => $currency->id,
// 'amount' => Steam::opposite($amount),
// 'foreign_currency' => $foreignCurrencyId,
// 'foreign_amount' => is_null($foreignCurrencyId) ? null : Steam::opposite($amount),
// ];
// $this->createTransaction($one);
// $this->createTransaction($two);
// /*** Another step done! */
// $this->job->addStepsDone(1);
// // store meta object things:
// $this->storeCategory($journal, $importJournal->category->getCategory());
// $this->storeBudget($journal, $importJournal->budget->getBudget());
// $this->storeBill($journal, $importJournal->bill->getBill());
// $this->storeMeta($journal, $importJournal->metaDates);
// // sepa thing as note:
// if (strlen($importJournal->notes) > 0) {
// $journal->setMeta('notes', $importJournal->notes);
// }
// // store tags
// $this->storeTags($importJournal->tags, $journal);
// // set journal completed:
// $journal->completed = true;
// $journal->save();
// $this->job->addStepsDone(1);
// // run rules:
// $this->applyRules($journal);
// $this->job->addStepsDone(1);
// $this->journals->push($journal);
// Log::info(
// sprintf(
// 'Imported new journal #%d with description "%s" and amount %s %s.', $journal->id, $journal->description, $journal->transactionCurrency->code,
// $amount
// )
// );
return true;
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// * @param array $dates
// */
// private function storeMeta(TransactionJournal $journal, array $dates)
// {
// // all other date fields as meta thing:
// foreach ($dates as $name => $value) {
// try {
// $date = new Carbon($value);
// $journal->setMeta($name, $date);
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// // don't care, ignore:
// Log::warning(sprintf('Could not parse "%s" into a valid Date object for field %s', $value, $name));
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// * @param array $dates
// */
// private function storeMeta(TransactionJournal $journal, array $dates)
// {
// // all other date fields as meta thing:
// foreach ($dates as $name => $value) {
// try {
// $date = new Carbon($value);
// $journal->setMeta($name, $date);
// } catch (\Exception $e) {
// // don't care, ignore:
// Log::warning(sprintf('Could not parse "%s" into a valid Date object for field %s', $value, $name));
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * @param array $tags
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// */
// private function storeTags(array $tags, TransactionJournal $journal): void
// {
// foreach ($tags as $tag) {
// $dbTag = $this->tagRepository->findByTag($tag);
// if (is_null($dbTag->id)) {
// $dbTag = $this->tagRepository->store(
// ['tag' => $tag, 'date' => null, 'description' => null, 'latitude' => null, 'longitude' => null,
// 'zoomLevel' => null, 'tagMode' => 'nothing']
// );
// }
// $journal->tags()->save($dbTag);
// Log::debug(sprintf('Linked tag %d ("%s") to journal #%d', $dbTag->id, $dbTag->tag, $journal->id));
// }
// return;
// }
// /**
// * @param array $tags
// * @param TransactionJournal $journal
// */
// private function storeTags(array $tags, TransactionJournal $journal): void
// {
// foreach ($tags as $tag) {
// $dbTag = $this->tagRepository->findByTag($tag);
// if (is_null($dbTag->id)) {
// $dbTag = $this->tagRepository->store(
// ['tag' => $tag, 'date' => null, 'description' => null, 'latitude' => null, 'longitude' => null,
// 'zoomLevel' => null, 'tagMode' => 'nothing']
// );
// }
// $journal->tags()->save($dbTag);
// Log::debug(sprintf('Linked tag %d ("%s") to journal #%d', $dbTag->id, $dbTag->tag, $journal->id));
// }
// return;
// }
// /**
// * This method checks if the given transaction is a transfer and if so, if it might be a duplicate of an already imported transfer.
// * This is important for import files that cover multiple accounts (and include both A<>B and B<>A transactions).
// *
// * @param TransactionType $transactionType
// * @param ImportJournal $importJournal
// *
// * @return bool
// */
// private function verifyDoubleTransfer(TransactionType $transactionType, ImportJournal $importJournal): bool
// {
// if ($transactionType->type === TransactionType::TRANSFER) {
// $amount = Steam::positive($importJournal->getAmount());
// $date = $importJournal->getDate($this->dateFormat);
// $set = TransactionJournal::leftJoin('transaction_types', '', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id')
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS source', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('', '=', 'source.transaction_journal_id')->where('source.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS destination', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('', '=', 'destination.transaction_journal_id')->where(
// 'destination.amount', '>', 0
// );
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin('accounts as source_accounts', 'source.account_id', '=', '')
// ->leftJoin('accounts as destination_accounts', 'destination.account_id', '=', '')
// ->where('transaction_journals.user_id', $this->job->user_id)
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::TRANSFER)
// ->where('', $date->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('destination.amount', $amount)
// ->get(
// ['', 'transaction_journals.encrypted', 'transaction_journals.description',
// ' as source_name', ' as destination_name']
// );
// return $this->filterTransferSet($set, $importJournal);
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * This method checks if the given transaction is a transfer and if so, if it might be a duplicate of an already imported transfer.
// * This is important for import files that cover multiple accounts (and include both A<>B and B<>A transactions).
// *
// * @param TransactionType $transactionType
// * @param ImportJournal $importJournal
// *
// * @return bool
// */
// private function verifyDoubleTransfer(TransactionType $transactionType, ImportJournal $importJournal): bool
// {
// if ($transactionType->type === TransactionType::TRANSFER) {
// $amount = Steam::positive($importJournal->getAmount());
// $date = $importJournal->getDate($this->dateFormat);
// $set = TransactionJournal::leftJoin('transaction_types', '', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id')
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS source', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('', '=', 'source.transaction_journal_id')->where('source.amount', '<', 0);
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin(
// 'transactions AS destination', function (JoinClause $join) {
// $join->on('', '=', 'destination.transaction_journal_id')->where(
// 'destination.amount', '>', 0
// );
// }
// )
// ->leftJoin('accounts as source_accounts', 'source.account_id', '=', '')
// ->leftJoin('accounts as destination_accounts', 'destination.account_id', '=', '')
// ->where('transaction_journals.user_id', $this->job->user_id)
// ->where('transaction_types.type', TransactionType::TRANSFER)
// ->where('', $date->format('Y-m-d'))
// ->where('destination.amount', $amount)
// ->get(
// ['', 'transaction_journals.encrypted', 'transaction_journals.description',
// ' as source_name', ' as destination_name']
// );
// return $this->filterTransferSet($set, $importJournal);
// }
// return false;
// }