New translations.

This commit is contained in:
James Cole 2018-08-05 20:44:05 +02:00
parent 049c93465a
commit f7eef25fed
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C16961E655E74B5E
30 changed files with 215 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ return [
'new_asset_account' => 'Neues Bestandskonto',
'new_expense_account' => 'Neuer Debitor (Geldausgang)',
'new_revenue_account' => 'Neuer Kreditor (Geldeingang)',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'New liability',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'Neue Verbindlichkeit',
'new_budget' => 'Neuer Kostenrahmen',
'new_bill' => 'Neue Rechnung',
'block_account_logout' => 'Sie wurden ausgeloggt. Blockierte Benutzerkonten können diese Seite nicht nutzen. Haben Sie sich mit einer gültigen E-Mail Adresse registriert?',
@ -269,7 +269,9 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_up' => 'Regelgruppe nach oben verschieben',
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Regelgruppe nach unten verschieben',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Speichern Sie diese Regel(n), indem Sie sie in eine andere Gruppe verschieben:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Erstelle neue Regel in der Regelgruppe ":title"',
'make_new_rule' => 'Neue Regel in der Regelgruppe „:title” erstellen',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Neue Regel erstellen',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'Um Buchungen an Ihre neue Rechnung „:name” anzupassen, kann Firefly III eine Regel erstellen, die automatisch gegen alle von Ihnen gespeicherten Buchungen geprüft wird. Bitte überprüfen Sie die folgenden Angaben und speichern Sie die Regel, damit Firefly III die Buchungen automatisch mit Ihrer neuen Rechnung abgleicht.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'strikte Regel',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'nicht-strenge Regel',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Wenn Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen aktivieren, werden spätere Regeln in dieser Gruppe nicht ausgeführt.',
@ -689,23 +691,24 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'delete_asset_account' => 'Bestandskonto „:name” löschen',
'delete_expense_account' => 'Spesenkonto „:name” löschen',
'delete_revenue_account' => 'Erlöskonto „:name” löschen',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Delete liability ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Verbindlichkeit „:name” löschen',
'asset_deleted' => 'Bestandskonto „:name” erfolgreich gelöscht',
'expense_deleted' => 'Spesenkonto „:name” erfolgreich gelöscht',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Erlöskonto „:name” erfolgreich gelöscht',
'update_asset_account' => 'Bestandskonto aktualisieren',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Verbindlichkeit aktualisieren',
'update_expense_account' => 'Debitor (Ausgabe) bearbeiten',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Schuldner bearbeiten',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Neues Bestandskonto erstellen',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'Neuen Debitor (Ausgabe) erstellen',
'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Neuen Schuldner erstellen',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Create a new liability',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Neue Verbindlichkeit erstellen',
'asset_accounts' => 'Bestandskonten',
'expense_accounts' => 'Debitoren (Ausgaben)',
'revenue_accounts' => 'Schuldner',
'cash_accounts' => 'Bargeldkonten',
'Cash account' => 'Bargeldkonto',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Verbindlichkeiten',
'reconcile_account' => 'Konto ":account" ausgleichen',
'overview_of_reconcile_modal' => 'Überblick über den Kontenabgleich',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Kontenabgleich löschen',
@ -739,7 +742,7 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'select_more_than_one_category' => 'Bitte wählen Sie mehr als eine Kategorie aus',
'select_more_than_one_budget' => 'Bitte wählen Sie mehr als einen Kostenrahmen aus',
'select_more_than_one_tag' => 'Bitte wählen Sie mehr als ein Schlüsselwort aus',
'account_default_currency' => 'This will be the default currency associated with this account.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Dies ist die Standardwährung für dieses Konto.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto verfügt über mehr Geld, als Ihre Bank behauptet. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten. Bitte wählen Sie aus, was Sie tun möchten. Drücken Sie anschließend auf „Ausgleich bestätigen”.',
'reconcile_has_less' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto verfügt über weniger Geld, als Ihre Bank behauptet. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten. Bitte wählen Sie aus, was Sie tun möchten. Drücken Sie dann auf „Ausgleich bestätigen”.',
'reconcile_is_equal' => 'Ihr Firefly III-Konto und Ihre Kontoauszüge stimmen überein. Es gibt nichts zu tun. Bitte drücken Sie auf „Ausgleich bestätigen”, um Ihre Eingaben zu bestätigen.',
@ -757,9 +760,9 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'already_cleared_transactions' => 'Bereits ausgeglichene Umsätze (:count)',
'submitted_end_balance' => 'Übermittelter Abschlussguthaben',
'initial_balance_description' => 'Anfangsguthaben für „:account”',
'interest_calc_daily' => 'Per day',
'interest_calc_monthly' => 'Per month',
'interest_calc_yearly' => 'Per year',
'interest_calc_daily' => 'Täglich',
'interest_calc_monthly' => 'Monatlich',
'interest_calc_yearly' => 'Jährlich',
// categories:
'new_category' => 'Neue Kategorie',
@ -823,7 +826,7 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
// new user:
'welcome' => 'Willkommen bei Firefly III!',
'submit' => 'Absenden',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Submit (I know what I\'m doing)',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Senden (Ich weiß, was ich tue)',
'getting_started' => 'Erste Schritte',
'to_get_started' => 'Es ist schön, dass Sie Firefly III erfolgreich installiert haben. Um mit diesem Tool zu beginnen, geben Sie bitte den Namen Ihrer Bank und das Guthaben Ihres Hauptkontos ein. Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, wenn Sie mehrere Konten haben. Sie können diese später hinzufügen. Dies ist nur der Anfang.',
'savings_balance_text' => 'Firefly III erstellt automatisch ein Sparkonto für Sie. Standardmäßig befindet sich kein Geld auf Ihrem Sparkonto, aber wenn Sie Firefly III das Guthaben mitteilen, wird es als solches gespeichert.',
@ -862,10 +865,10 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'Expense account' => 'Debitor (Ausgabe)',
'Revenue account' => 'Kreditor Einnahme',
'Initial balance account' => 'Eröffnungssaldo',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Debt',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Loan',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Mortgage',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Credit card',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Schuld',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Darlehen',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Hypothek',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Kreditkarte',
'budgets' => 'Kostenrahmen',
'tags' => 'Schlagwörter',
'reports' => 'Berichte',
@ -895,10 +898,11 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'monthly' => 'Monatlich',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'errors' => 'Fehler',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'debt_start_date' => 'Startdatum der Verschuldung',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Startbetrag der Verschuldung',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Neue Verbindlichkeit speichern',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Verbindlichkeit „:name” bearbeiten',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Standardfinanzbericht zwischen :start und :end',
@ -1150,10 +1154,10 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'deleted_link' => 'Verknüpfung löschen',
// link translations:
'Paid_name' => 'Paid',
'Refund_name' => 'Refund',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Reimbursement',
'Related_name' => 'Related',
'Paid_name' => 'Bezahlt',
'Refund_name' => 'Rückzahlung',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Rückerstattung',
'Related_name' => 'Zugehörig',
'relates to_inward' => 'bezieht sich auf',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => 'wird (teilweise) erstattet durch',
'is (partially) paid for by_inward' => 'wird (teilweise) bezahlt von',
@ -1201,10 +1205,10 @@ Sollen zusätzlich Ihre Girokonten angezeigt werden?',
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine Ertragskonten. Ertragskonten sind die Einrichtungen, von denen Sie Geld erhalten, wie z.B. von Ihrem Arbeitgeber.',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Ertragskonten werden beim Anlegen von Buchungen automatisch angelegt, können aber auch manuell angelegt werden. Lassen Sie uns jetzt eines erstellen:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Neues Erlöskonto erstellen',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Let\'s create a liability!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your credit card(s), (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'You don\'t have to use this feature, but it can be useful if you want to keep track of these things.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Create a liability',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Lassen Sie uns eine Verbindlichkeit einrichten!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine Verbindlichkeiten. Verbindlichkeiten sind die Konten, die Ihre Kreditkarte(n), (Studenten-)Darlehen und andere Forderungen registrieren.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Sie müssen diese Funktion nicht verwenden, aber sie kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie diese Dinge im Auge behalten möchten.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Verbindlichkeit erstellen',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Lassen Sie uns jetzt ein Haushaltsplan erstellen',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'Sie verfügen noch über keine Kostenrahmen. Kostenrahmen werden verwendet, um Ihre Ausgaben in logische Gruppen zu gliedern, die Sie mit einem weichen Obergrenzemlimit versehen können, um Ihre Ausgaben zu begrenzen.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'Die Kostenrahmen sind die grundlegenden Instrumente des Finanzmanagements. Lassen Sie uns jetzt einen erstellen:',

View File

@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ return [
'verification' => 'Bestätigung',
'api_key' => 'API-Schlüssel',
'remember_me' => 'Angemeldet bleiben',
'liability_type_id' => 'Liability type',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'Interest period',
'liability_type_id' => 'Haftungsart',
'interest' => 'Zinsen',
'interest_period' => 'Verzinsungszeitraum',
'source_account_asset' => 'Quellkonto (Bestandskonto)',
'destination_account_expense' => 'Zielkonto (Unkostenkonto)',

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ return [
'prereq_ynab_title' => 'Voraussetzungen für einen Import aus YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text' => 'Um Buchungen von YNAB herunterladen zu können, erstellen Sie bitte eine neue Anwendung auf Ihrer <a href="">Seite der Entwicklereinstellungen</a> und geben Sie die Client-ID und das Geheimnis auf dieser Seite ein.',
'prereq_ynab_redirect' => 'Um die Konfiguration abzuschließen, geben Sie die folgende Adresse auf der Seite <a href="">Entwicklereinstellungen</a> unter „URI-Weiterleitung(en)” ein.',
'callback_not_tls' => 'Firefly III has detected the following callback URI. It seems your server is not set up to accept TLS-connections (https). YNAB will not accept this URI. You may continue with the import (because Firefly III could be wrong) but please keep this in mind.',
'callback_not_tls' => 'Firefly III hat die folgende Callback-URI erkannt. Es scheint, dass Ihr Server nicht für TLS-Verbindungen (https) eingerichtet ist. YNAB akzeptiert diese URI nicht. Sie können mit dem Import fortfahren (weil Firefly III falsch sein könnte), aber bitte beachten Sie dies.',
// prerequisites success messages:
'prerequisites_saved_for_fake' => 'Schein-API-Schlüssel erfolgreich gespeichert!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_spectre' => 'App-ID und Geheimnis gespeichert!',
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ return [
'job_config_ynab_no_budgets' => 'Es sind keine Kostenrahmen verfügbar, aus denen importiert werden kann.',
'ynab_no_mapping' => 'Es wurden keine Konten zum Importieren ausgewählt.',
'job_config_ynab_bad_currency' => 'Aus de(n/m) folgenden Kostenrahmen kann nicht importieren werden, da Sie über keine Konten mit der gleichen Währung wie diese Kostenrahmen verfügen.',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_title' => 'Select accounts',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_text' => 'You have the following accounts available in this budget. Please select from which accounts you want to import, and where the transactions should be stored.',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_title' => 'Konten auswählen',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_text' => 'In diesem Kostenrahmen stehen Ihnen die folgenden Konten zur Verfügung. Bitte wählen Sie aus, von welchen Konten Sie importieren möchten und wo die Buchungen gespeichert werden sollen.',
// keys from "extra" array:

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ return [
'sum_transfers' => 'Summe der Umbuchungen',
'reconcile' => 'Abgleichen',
'account_on_spectre' => 'Konto (Spectre)',
'account_on_ynab' => 'Account (YNAB)',
'account_on_ynab' => 'Konto (YNAB)',
'do_import' => 'Von diesem Konto importieren',
'sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA • Ende-zu-Ende-Identifikationsnummer',
'sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA • Zielkonto-Identifikationsnummer',
@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Buchung(en)',
'field' => 'Feld',
'value' => 'Wert',
'interest' => 'Zinsen',
'interest_period' => 'Verzinsungszeitraum',
'liability_type' => 'Verbindlichkeitsart',

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return [
'at_least_one_action' => 'Regel muss mindestens eine Aktion enthalten',
'base64' => 'Dies sind keine gültigen base64-kodierten Daten.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'Die angegebene ID scheint für dieses Modell ungültig zu sein.',
'more' => ':attribute must be larger than zero.',
'more' => ':attribute muss größer als Null sein.',
'less' => ':attribute muss kleiner als 10.000.000 sein',
'active_url' => ':attribute ist keine gültige URL.',
'after' => ':attribute muss ein Datum nach :date sein.',

View File

@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ return [
'expense_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted expense account ":name"',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted revenue account ":name"',
'update_asset_account' => 'Update asset account',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Update expense account',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Update revenue account',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Create a new asset account',
@ -899,9 +899,9 @@ return [
'errors' => 'Errors',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Default financial report between :start and :end',

View File

@ -269,7 +269,9 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_up' => 'Mover la regla hacia arriba',
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Mover el grupo de reglas hacia abajo',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Guardar esta(s) regla(s) moviéndola(s) a otro grupo:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Hacer nueva regla en grupo de regla ":title"',
'make_new_rule' => 'Make a new rule in rule group ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Make a new rule',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'In order to match transactions to your new bill ":name", Firefly III can create a rule that will automatically be checked against any transactions you store. Please verify the details below and store the rule to have Firefly III automatically match transactions to your new bill.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'regla estricta',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'regla no estricta',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Al marcar esta casilla, las reglas posteriores de este grupo no se ejecutarán.',
@ -693,6 +695,7 @@ return [
'expense_deleted' => 'Exitosamente eliminado la cuenta de gastos ":name"',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Exitosamente eliminado cuenta de ganacias ":name"',
'update_asset_account' => 'Actualizar cuenta de activos',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Actualizar cuenta de gastos',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Actualizar cuenta de ingresos',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Crear nueva cuenta de activo',
@ -897,8 +900,9 @@ return [
'errors' => 'Errores',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Reporte financiero por defecto entre :start y :end',

View File

@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'interest period',
'liability_type' => 'Type of liability',

View File

@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Descendre le groupe de règles',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Enregistrer ces règles en les déplaçant vers un autre groupe de règles :',
'make_new_rule' => 'Créer une nouvelle règle dans le groupe de règles ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Créer une nouvelle règle',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'Afin dassocier des transactions à votre nouvelle facture « :name », Firefly III peut créer une règle qui sera automatiquement appliquée sur toutes les transactions déjà enregistrées. Veuillez vérifier les détails ci-après et enregistrer la règle pour que Firefly III associe automatiquement des transactions à votre nouvelle facture.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'règle stricte',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'règle non stricte',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Lorsque vous cochez cette case, les règles suivantes de ce groupe ne seront pas exécutées.',
@ -693,6 +695,7 @@ return [
'expense_deleted' => 'Compte de dépenses ":name" correctement supprimé',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Compte de recettes ":name" correctement supprimé',
'update_asset_account' => 'Mettre à jour le compte dactif',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Mettre à jour le compte de dépenses',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Mettre à jour le compte de recettes',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Créer un nouveau compte dactif',
@ -896,8 +899,9 @@ return [
'errors' => 'Erreurs',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Rapport financier par défaut entre le :start et le :end',

View File

@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Opération(s)',
'field' => 'Champ',
'value' => 'Valeur',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'interest period',
'liability_type' => 'Type of liability',

View File

@ -269,7 +269,9 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_up' => 'Pindahkan grup aturan ke atas',
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Pindahkan grup aturan ke bawah',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Simpan aturan ini dengan memindahkannya ke grup aturan lain:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Buat aturan baru di grup aturan ":title"',
'make_new_rule' => 'Make a new rule in rule group ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Make a new rule',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'In order to match transactions to your new bill ":name", Firefly III can create a rule that will automatically be checked against any transactions you store. Please verify the details below and store the rule to have Firefly III automatically match transactions to your new bill.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'strict rule',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'non-strict rule',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Saat Anda mencentang kotak ini, nanti aturan dalam grup ini tidak akan dijalankan.',
@ -693,6 +695,7 @@ return [
'expense_deleted' => 'Akun pengeluaran yang berhasil dihapus ":name"',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Berhasil menghapus akun pendapatan ":name"',
'update_asset_account' => 'Perbarui akun aset',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Rekening pengeluaran pembaruan',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Perbarui akun pendapatan',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Buat akun aset baru',
@ -896,8 +899,9 @@ return [
'errors' => 'Kesalahan',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Laporan keuangan standar antara :start dan :end',

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@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'interest period',
'liability_type' => 'Type of liability',

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@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ return [
'new_asset_account' => 'Nuovo conto attività',
'new_expense_account' => 'Nuovo conto spese',
'new_revenue_account' => 'Nuovo conto entrate',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'New liability',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'Nuova passività',
'new_budget' => 'Nuovo budget',
'new_bill' => 'Nuova bolletta',
'block_account_logout' => 'Sei stato disconnesso. Gli account bloccati non possono utilizzare questo sito. Ti sei registrato con un indirizzo email valido?',
@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Sposta sotto il gruppo di regole',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Salva queste regole spostandole in un altro gruppo di regole:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Crea una nuova regola nel gruppo di regole ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Crea una nuova regola',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'Per abbinare le transazioni alla tua nuova bolletta ":name" Firefly III può creare una regola verrà automaticamente controllata per ogni transazione che memorizzi. Verifica i dettagli sottostanti e salva la regola perché Firefly III abbini le transazioni alla tua nuova bolletta.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'regola severa',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'regola non severa',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Quando selezioni questa casella, le regole successive in questo gruppo non verranno eseguite.',
@ -688,23 +690,24 @@ return [
'delete_asset_account' => 'Elimina conto attività ":name"',
'delete_expense_account' => 'Elimina conto spese ":name"',
'delete_revenue_account' => 'Elimina conto entrate ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Delete liability ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Elimina passività ":name"',
'asset_deleted' => 'Conto attività ":name" eliminato correttamente',
'expense_deleted' => 'Conto spese ":name" eliminato correttamente',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Conto entrate ":name" eliminato correttamente',
'update_asset_account' => 'Aggiorna conto attività',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Aggiorna passività',
'update_expense_account' => 'Aggiorna conto spese',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Aggiorna conto entrate',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Crea un nuovo conto attività',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'Crea un nuovo conto spesa',
'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Crea nuovo conto entrate',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Create a new liability',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Crea una nuova passività',
'asset_accounts' => 'Conti attività',
'expense_accounts' => 'Conti spese',
'revenue_accounts' => 'Conti entrate',
'cash_accounts' => 'Conti contanti',
'Cash account' => 'Conto contanti',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Passività',
'reconcile_account' => 'Riconciliazione conto ":account"',
'overview_of_reconcile_modal' => 'Panoramica della riconciliazione',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Elimina riconciliazione',
@ -738,7 +741,7 @@ return [
'select_more_than_one_category' => 'Si prega di selezionare più di una categoria',
'select_more_than_one_budget' => 'Si prega di selezionare più di un budget',
'select_more_than_one_tag' => 'Si prega di selezionare più di una etichetta',
'account_default_currency' => 'This will be the default currency associated with this account.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Questa sarà la valuta predefinita associata a questo conto.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Il libro mastro di Firefly III ha più denaro rispetto a quanto afferma la tua banca. Ci sono diverse opzioni. Scegli cosa fare. In seguito, premi "Conferma riconciliazione".',
'reconcile_has_less' => 'Il tuo conto Firefly III ha meno denaro rispetto a quanto afferma la tua banca. Ci sono diverse opzioni Si prega di scegliere cosa fare. Quindi, premi "Conferma riconciliazione".',
'reconcile_is_equal' => 'Il libro mastro di Firefly III e i tuoi estratti conto bancari corrispondono. Non c\'è niente da fare. Premi "Conferma riconciliazione" per confermare l\'inserimento.',
@ -756,9 +759,9 @@ return [
'already_cleared_transactions' => 'Transazioni già conciliate (:count)',
'submitted_end_balance' => 'Saldo finale inserito',
'initial_balance_description' => 'Saldo iniziale per ":account"',
'interest_calc_daily' => 'Per day',
'interest_calc_monthly' => 'Per month',
'interest_calc_yearly' => 'Per year',
'interest_calc_daily' => 'Al giorno',
'interest_calc_monthly' => 'Al mese',
'interest_calc_yearly' => 'All\'anno',
// categories:
'new_category' => 'Nuova categoria',
@ -822,7 +825,7 @@ return [
// new user:
'welcome' => 'Benvenuto in Firefly III!',
'submit' => 'Invia',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Submit (I know what I\'m doing)',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Invia (sì, so quello che sto facendo)',
'getting_started' => 'Inizia',
'to_get_started' => 'È bello vedere che hai installato Firefly III con successo. Per iniziare con questo strumento, inserisci il nome della tua banca e il saldo del tuo conto corrente principale. Non preoccuparti se hai più conti. È possibile aggiungere quelli più tardi. Firefly III ha bisogno di qualcosa per iniziare.',
'savings_balance_text' => 'Firefly III creerà automaticamente un conto di risparmio per te. Per impostazione predefinita, non ci saranno soldi nel tuo conto di risparmio, ma se comunichi a Firefly III il saldo verrà salvato come tale.',
@ -861,10 +864,10 @@ return [
'Expense account' => 'Conto spese',
'Revenue account' => 'Conto entrate',
'Initial balance account' => 'Saldo iniziale conto',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Debt',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Loan',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Mortgage',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Credit card',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Debito',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Prestito',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Mutuo',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Carta di Credito',
'budgets' => 'Budget',
'tags' => 'Etichette',
'reports' => 'Resoconti',
@ -894,10 +897,11 @@ return [
'monthly' => 'Mensile',
'profile' => 'Profilo',
'errors' => 'Errori',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'debt_start_date' => 'Data di inizio del debito',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Importo iniziale del debito',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Inserisci un importo positivo. Puoi anche inserire l\'importo attuale se quello originale è di molto tempo fa.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Memorizza nuova passività',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Modica passività ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Resoconto predefinito delle tue finanze tra :start e :end',
@ -1149,10 +1153,10 @@ return [
'deleted_link' => 'Elimina collegamento',
// link translations:
'Paid_name' => 'Paid',
'Refund_name' => 'Refund',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Reimbursement',
'Related_name' => 'Related',
'Paid_name' => 'Pagata',
'Refund_name' => 'Rimborso',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Rimborso',
'Related_name' => 'Inerenti',
'relates to_inward' => 'correlata a',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => 'è (parzialmente) rimborsata da',
'is (partially) paid for by_inward' => 'è (parzialmente) pagata da',
@ -1200,10 +1204,10 @@ return [
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => 'Non hai ancora un conto entrate. I conti delle entrate sono i luoghi da cui ricevi denaro, come il tuo datore di lavoro.',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'I conti entrate vengono creati automaticamente quando si creano le transazioni, ma è possibile crearne anche manualmente, se lo si desidera. Creiamone uno ora:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Crea conto entrate',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Let\'s create a liability!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your credit card(s), (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'You don\'t have to use this feature, but it can be useful if you want to keep track of these things.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Create a liability',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Creiamo una passività!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Non hai ancora delle passività. Le passività sono conti che registrano le tue carte di credito, i prestiti (studenteschi) e altri debiti.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Non è necessario che usi questa funzionalità ma può essere utile se vuoi tenere traccia queste cose.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Crea una passività',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Creiamo un budget',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'Non hai ancora budget. I budget sono usati per organizzare le tue spese in gruppi logici, ai quali puoi dare un tetto indicativo per limitare le tue spese.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'I budget sono gli strumenti di base della gestione finanziaria. Creiamone uno ora:',

View File

@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ return [
'verification' => 'Verifica',
'api_key' => 'Chiave API',
'remember_me' => 'Ricordami',
'liability_type_id' => 'Liability type',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'Interest period',
'liability_type_id' => 'Tipo passività',
'interest' => 'Interesse',
'interest_period' => 'Periodo di interesse',
'source_account_asset' => 'Conto origine (conto attività)',
'destination_account_expense' => 'Conto destinazione (conto spese)',

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ return [
'prereq_ynab_title' => 'Prerequisiti per un\'importazione da YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text' => 'Per poter scaricare le transazioni da YNAB crea una nuova applicazione nella tua <a href="">Pagina delle impostazioni per sviluppatore</a> e inserisci l\'ID e il segreto del client in questa pagina.',
'prereq_ynab_redirect' => 'Per completare la configurazione inserisci il seguente URL nella <a href="">Pagina delle impostazioni per sviluppatore</a> alla voce "Reindirizza URI".',
'callback_not_tls' => 'Firefly III has detected the following callback URI. It seems your server is not set up to accept TLS-connections (https). YNAB will not accept this URI. You may continue with the import (because Firefly III could be wrong) but please keep this in mind.',
'callback_not_tls' => 'Firefly III ha rilevato il seguenti URI di callback. Sembra che il tuo server non sia impostato per accettare le connessioni TLS (https). YNAB non accetterà questo URI. Puoi continuare con l\'importazione (poiché Firefly III potrebbe sbagliarsi) ma tienilo a mente.',
// prerequisites success messages:
'prerequisites_saved_for_fake' => 'Chiave API fittizia memorizzata correttamente!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_spectre' => 'ID dell\'app e segreto memorizzati!',
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ return [
'job_config_ynab_no_budgets' => 'Non ci sono budget disponibili da cui importare.',
'ynab_no_mapping' => 'Sembra che tu non abbia selezionato nessun conto da cui importare.',
'job_config_ynab_bad_currency' => 'Non puoi importare dai seguenti budget perché non hai dei conti con la stessa valuta di questi budget.',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_title' => 'Select accounts',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_text' => 'You have the following accounts available in this budget. Please select from which accounts you want to import, and where the transactions should be stored.',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_title' => 'Seleziona conti',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_text' => 'In questo budget sono disponibili i seguenti conti. Seleziona da quale conti effettuare l\'importazione e dove memorizzare le transazioni.',
// keys from "extra" array:

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ return [
'sum_transfers' => 'Somma dei trasferimenti',
'reconcile' => 'Riconcilia',
'account_on_spectre' => 'Conto (Spectre)',
'account_on_ynab' => 'Account (YNAB)',
'account_on_ynab' => 'Conto (YNAB)',
'do_import' => 'Importo da questo conto',
'sepa-ct-id' => 'Identificativo End-To-End SEPA',
'sepa-ct-op' => 'Identificativo SEPA Conto Controparte',
@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Transazioni',
'field' => 'Campo',
'value' => 'Valore',
'interest' => 'Interesse',
'interest_period' => 'periodo di interesse',
'liability_type' => 'Tipo di passività',

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return [
'at_least_one_action' => 'Una regola deve avere almeno una azione.',
'base64' => 'Questi non sono dati codificati in base64 validi.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'L\'ID fornito sembra non essere valido per questo modello.',
'more' => ':attribute must be larger than zero.',
'more' => ':attribute deve essere maggiore di zero.',
'less' => ':attribute deve essere minore di 10.000.000',
'active_url' => ':attribute non è un URL valido.',
'after' => ':attribute deve essere una data dopo :date.',

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ return [
'new_asset_account' => 'Nieuwe betaalrekening',
'new_expense_account' => 'Nieuwe crediteur',
'new_revenue_account' => 'Nieuwe debiteur',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'New liability',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'Nieuwe passiva',
'new_budget' => 'Nieuw budget',
'new_bill' => 'Nieuw contract',
'block_account_logout' => 'Je bent helaas uitgelogd. Geblokkeerde accounts kunnen deze site niet gebruiken. Heb je een geldig e-mailadres gebruikt toen je je registreerde?',
@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Verplaats regelgroep omlaag',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Red deze regel(s) van de ondergang door ze te verplaatsen naar een andere regelgroep:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Maak een nieuwe regel in regelgroep ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Maak een nieuwe regel',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'Om transacties te kunnen koppelen aan je nieuwe contract ":name" moet Firefly III een nieuwe regel maken die automatisch checkt of nieuwe transacties horen bij dit nieuwe contract. Check de details hieronder en sla de nieuwe regel op, zodat Firefly III dit klusje voor je kan klaren.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'strikte regel',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'niet-strikte regel',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Zet hier een vinkje om latere regels in deze groep te negeren.',
@ -444,7 +446,7 @@ return [
'pref_home_screen_accounts' => 'Voorpaginarekeningen',
'pref_home_screen_accounts_help' => 'Welke betaalrekeningen wil je op de voorpagina zien?',
'pref_view_range' => 'Bereik',
'pref_view_range_help' => 'Some charts are automatically grouped in periods. Your budgets will also be grouped in periods. What period would you prefer?',
'pref_view_range_help' => 'Sommige grafieken worden automagisch gegroepeerd in periodes. Ook je budgetten zullen standaard in deze periode verdeeld worden. Welke periode mag het zijn?',
'pref_1D' => 'Eén dag',
'pref_1W' => 'Eén week',
'pref_1M' => 'Eén maand',
@ -688,25 +690,26 @@ return [
'delete_asset_account' => 'Verwijder betaalrekening ":name"',
'delete_expense_account' => 'Verwijder crediteur ":name"',
'delete_revenue_account' => 'Verwijder debiteur ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Delete liability ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Verwijder passiva ":name"',
'asset_deleted' => 'Betaalrekening ":name" is verwijderd.',
'expense_deleted' => 'Crediteur ":name" is verwijderd.',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Debiteur ":name" is verwijderd.',
'update_asset_account' => 'Wijzig betaalrekening',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update passiva',
'update_expense_account' => 'Wijzig crediteur',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Wijzig debiteur',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Nieuwe betaalrekening',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'Nieuwe crediteur',
'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Nieuwe debiteur',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Create a new liability',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Maak nieuwe passiva',
'asset_accounts' => 'Betaalrekeningen',
'expense_accounts' => 'Crediteuren',
'revenue_accounts' => 'Debiteuren',
'cash_accounts' => 'Contant geldrekeningen',
'Cash account' => 'Contant geldrekening',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Liabilities',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Passiva',
'reconcile_account' => 'Afstemmen betaalrekening ":account"',
'overview_of_reconcile_modal' => 'Overview of reconciliation',
'overview_of_reconcile_modal' => 'Overview van afstemming',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Verwijder correctie',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Update correctie',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'Het bedrag mag niet nul zijn',
@ -738,7 +741,7 @@ return [
'select_more_than_one_category' => 'Selecteer meer dan één categorie',
'select_more_than_one_budget' => 'Selecteer meer dan één budget',
'select_more_than_one_tag' => 'Selecteer meer dan één tag',
'account_default_currency' => 'This will be the default currency associated with this account.',
'account_default_currency' => 'Dit wordt de valuta die standaard gekoppeld wordt met de rekening.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Je Firefly III boekhouding bevat meer geld dan je bank beweert dat er in zou moeten zitten. Je hebt verschillende opties. Kies wat je wilt doen, en klik dan "Bevestig correctie".',
'reconcile_has_less' => 'Je Firefly III boekhouding bevat minder geld dan je bank beweert dat er in zou moeten zitten. Je hebt verschillende opties. Kies wat je wilt doen, en klik dan "Bevestig correctie".',
'reconcile_is_equal' => 'Je Firefly III boekhouding en je bankafschriften lopen gelijk. Je hoeft niets te doen. Klik op "Bevestig correctie" om je invoer te bevestigen.',
@ -756,9 +759,9 @@ return [
'already_cleared_transactions' => 'Al afgestemde transacties (:count)',
'submitted_end_balance' => 'Ingevoerd eindsaldo',
'initial_balance_description' => 'Startsaldo voor ":account"',
'interest_calc_daily' => 'Per day',
'interest_calc_monthly' => 'Per month',
'interest_calc_yearly' => 'Per year',
'interest_calc_daily' => 'Per dag',
'interest_calc_monthly' => 'Per maand',
'interest_calc_yearly' => 'Per jaar',
// categories:
'new_category' => 'Nieuwe categorie',
@ -822,7 +825,7 @@ return [
// new user:
'welcome' => 'Welkom bij Firefly III!',
'submit' => 'Invoeren',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Submit (I know what I\'m doing)',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Invoeren (ik weet wat ik doe)',
'getting_started' => 'Aan de start!',
'to_get_started' => 'Het is goed om te zien dat de installatie van Firefly III gelukt is. Voer de naam van je bank in en het saldo van je belangrijkste betaalrekening. Meerdere rekeningen kan je later toevoegen, maar we moeten ergens beginnen natuurlijk.',
'savings_balance_text' => 'Firefly III maakt automatisch een spaarrekening voor je. Daar zit normaal geen geld in, maar je kan hier opgeven hoeveel er op staat.',
@ -861,9 +864,9 @@ return [
'Expense account' => 'Crediteur',
'Revenue account' => 'Debiteur',
'Initial balance account' => 'Startbalansrekening',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Debt',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Loan',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Mortgage',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Schuld',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Lening',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Hypotheek',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Credit card',
'budgets' => 'Budgetten',
'tags' => 'Tags',
@ -894,10 +897,11 @@ return [
'monthly' => 'Maandelijks',
'profile' => 'Profiel',
'errors' => 'Fouten',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'debt_start_date' => 'Begindatum van schuld',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Beginbedrag van schuld',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Voer een positief bedrag in. Je mag ook het bedrag van vandaag de dag invoeren, als het oorspronkelijke bedrag erg lang geleden was.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Nieuwe passiva opslaan',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Passiva ":name" wijzigen',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Standaard financieel rapport (:start tot :end)',
@ -1149,10 +1153,10 @@ return [
'deleted_link' => 'Koppeling verwijderd',
// link translations:
'Paid_name' => 'Paid',
'Refund_name' => 'Refund',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Reimbursement',
'Related_name' => 'Related',
'Paid_name' => 'Betaald',
'Refund_name' => 'Restitutie',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Vergoeding',
'Related_name' => 'Gerelateerd',
'relates to_inward' => 'gerelateerd aan',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => 'wordt (deels) terugbetaald door',
'is (partially) paid for by_inward' => 'wordt (deels) betaald door',
@ -1200,10 +1204,10 @@ return [
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => 'Je hebt nog geen debiteuren-rekeningen. Debiteuren zijn de plaatsen of mensen waar je geld van ontvangt, zoals je werkgever.',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Crediteuren worden automatisch aangemaakt als je transacties aanmaakt, maar je kan ze ook met de hand maken. Zoals nu:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Maak een debiteur',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Let\'s create a liability!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your credit card(s), (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'You don\'t have to use this feature, but it can be useful if you want to keep track of these things.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Create a liability',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Maak een passiva!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'Je hebt nog geen passiva. "Passiva" is de technische term voor schulden, leningen, hypotheken en meer van die dingen.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'Je hoeft deze functie niet gebruiken maar het is handig als je zulke dingen wilt bijhouden.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Maak een passiva',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Je hebt een budget nodig',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'Je hebt nog geen budgetten. Budgetten gebruik je om je uitgaven te groeperen. Daarmee kan je je uitgaven beperken.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'Budgetten zijn de basis-gereedschappen van financieel beheer. Je kan nu een budget maken:',

View File

@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ return [
'verification' => 'Verificatie',
'api_key' => 'API sleutel',
'remember_me' => 'Aangemeld blijven',
'liability_type_id' => 'Liability type',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'Interest period',
'liability_type_id' => 'Passivasoort',
'interest' => 'Rente',
'interest_period' => 'Renteperiode',
'source_account_asset' => 'Bronrekening (betaalrekening)',
'destination_account_expense' => 'Doelrekening (crediteur)',

View File

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ return [
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_fake' => 'Vereisten voor de nep-importhulp',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_spectre' => 'Vereisten voor Spectre',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_bunq' => 'Vereisten voor bunq',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_ynab' => 'Prerequisites for YNAB',
'prerequisites_breadcrumb_ynab' => 'Vereisten voor YNAB',
'job_configuration_breadcrumb' => 'Instellingen voor ":key"',
'job_status_breadcrumb' => 'Importstatus voor ":key"',
'cannot_create_for_provider' => 'Firefly III kan niet importeren met behulp van ":provider".',
'disabled_for_demo_user' => 'disabled in demo',
'disabled_for_demo_user' => 'uitgeschakeld in demo',
// index page:
'general_index_title' => 'Importeer een bestand',
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ return [
'button_plaid' => 'Importeer via Plaid',
'button_yodlee' => 'Importeer via Spectre',
'button_quovo' => 'Importeer via Quovo',
'button_ynab' => 'Import from You Need A Budget',
'button_ynab' => 'Importeren van "You Need A Budget"',
// global config box (index)
'global_config_title' => 'Configuratiebestand',
'global_config_text' => 'In de toekomst bevat dit vak voorkeuren die van toepassing zijn op ALLE bovenstaande importproviders.',
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ return [
'do_prereq_plaid' => 'Vereisten voor een import via Plaid',
'do_prereq_yodlee' => 'Vereisten voor een import via Yodlee',
'do_prereq_quovo' => 'Vereisten voor een import via Quovo',
'do_prereq_ynab' => 'Prerequisites for imports from YNAB',
'do_prereq_ynab' => 'Vereisten voor imports van YNAB',
// provider config box (index)
'can_config_title' => 'Importinstellingen',
@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ return [
'prereq_bunq_title' => 'Vereisten aan een import van bunq',
'prereq_bunq_text' => 'Om te importeren vanaf bunq moet je een API key hebben. Deze kan je aanvragen in de app. Denk er aan dat deze functie in BETA is. De code is alleen getest op de sandbox API.',
'prereq_bunq_ip' => 'bunq wilt graag je externe IP-adres weten. Firefly III heeft geprobeerd dit in te vullen met behulp van de <a href="">ipify-dienst</a>. Zorg dat je zeker weet dat dit IP-adres klopt, want anders zal de import niet werken.',
'prereq_ynab_title' => 'Prerequisites for an import from YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text' => 'In order to be able to download transactions from YNAB, please create a new application on your <a href="">Developer Settings Page</a> and enter the client ID and secret on this page.',
'prereq_ynab_redirect' => 'To complete the configuration, enter the following URL at the <a href="">Developer Settings Page</a> under the "Redirect URI(s)".',
'callback_not_tls' => 'Firefly III has detected the following callback URI. It seems your server is not set up to accept TLS-connections (https). YNAB will not accept this URI. You may continue with the import (because Firefly III could be wrong) but please keep this in mind.',
'prereq_ynab_title' => 'Vereisten voor een import van YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text' => 'Om transacties te kunnen downloaden van YNAB moet je een nieuwe applicatie maken in je <a href="">Developer Settings Page</a> en vervolgens hieronder de Client ID en secret opgeven.',
'prereq_ynab_redirect' => 'Om de configuratie af te maken voer je de volgende URL in op de <a href="">Developer Settings Page</a> onder het kopje "Redirect URI(s)".',
'callback_not_tls' => 'Firefly III heeft de volgende URI gedetecteerd. Het lijkt er op dat dit geen TLS-verbinding is (https). YNAB zal dit niet accepteren. Je mag doorgaan met de import (Firefly III kan er naast zitten), maar dan weet je het.',
// prerequisites success messages:
'prerequisites_saved_for_fake' => 'Nep API-sleutel is opgeslagen!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_spectre' => 'APP ID en secret opgeslagen!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_bunq' => 'API-sleutel en IP opgeslagen!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_ynab' => 'YNAB client ID and secret stored!',
'prerequisites_saved_for_ynab' => 'YNAB Client ID en secret opgeslagen!',
// job configuration:
'job_config_apply_rules_title' => 'Importinstellingen - regels toepassen?',
@ -149,31 +149,31 @@ return [
'job_config_bunq_apply_rules' => 'Regels toepassen',
'job_config_bunq_apply_rules_text' => 'Standaard worden je regels toegepast op de transacties die je tijdens deze routine importeert. Als je wilt dat dat niet gebeurt, zet dan het vinkje uit.',
'ynab_account_closed' => 'Account is closed!',
'ynab_account_deleted' => 'Account is deleted!',
'ynab_account_type_savings' => 'savings account',
'ynab_account_type_checking' => 'checking account',
'ynab_account_type_cash' => 'cash account',
'ynab_account_type_creditCard' => 'credit card',
'ynab_account_type_lineOfCredit' => 'line of credit',
'ynab_account_type_otherAsset' => 'other asset account',
'ynab_account_type_otherLiability' => 'other liabilities',
'ynab_account_closed' => 'Rekening is gesloten!',
'ynab_account_deleted' => 'Rekening is verwijderd!',
'ynab_account_type_savings' => 'spaarrekening',
'ynab_account_type_checking' => 'betaalrekening',
'ynab_account_type_cash' => 'cash-rekening',
'ynab_account_type_creditCard' => 'creditcard',
'ynab_account_type_lineOfCredit' => '(doorlopend) krediet',
'ynab_account_type_otherAsset' => 'andere betaalrekening',
'ynab_account_type_otherLiability' => 'andere passiva',
'ynab_account_type_payPal' => 'Paypal',
'ynab_account_type_merchantAccount' => 'merchant account',
'ynab_account_type_investmentAccount' => 'investment account',
'ynab_account_type_mortgage' => 'mortgage',
'ynab_do_not_import' => '(do not import)',
'job_config_ynab_apply_rules' => 'Apply rules',
'job_config_ynab_apply_rules_text' => 'By default, your rules will be applied to the transactions created during this import routine. If you do not want this to happen, deselect this checkbox.',
'ynab_account_type_merchantAccount' => 'zakelijke rekening',
'ynab_account_type_investmentAccount' => 'beleggingsrekening',
'ynab_account_type_mortgage' => 'hypotheek',
'ynab_do_not_import' => '(niet importeren)',
'job_config_ynab_apply_rules' => 'Regels toepassen',
'job_config_ynab_apply_rules_text' => 'Standaard worden je regels toegepast op de transacties die je tijdens deze routine importeert. Als je wilt dat dat niet gebeurt, zet dan het vinkje uit.',
// job configuration for YNAB:
'job_config_ynab_select_budgets' => 'Select your budget',
'job_config_ynab_select_budgets_text' => 'You have :count budgets stored at YNAB. Please select the one from which Firefly III will import the transactions.',
'job_config_ynab_no_budgets' => 'There are no budgets available to be imported from.',
'ynab_no_mapping' => 'It seems you have not selected any accounts to import from.',
'job_config_ynab_bad_currency' => 'You cannot import from the following budget(s), because you do not have accounts with the same currency as these budgets.',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_title' => 'Select accounts',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_text' => 'You have the following accounts available in this budget. Please select from which accounts you want to import, and where the transactions should be stored.',
'job_config_ynab_select_budgets' => 'Selecteer je budget',
'job_config_ynab_select_budgets_text' => 'Je hebt :count budgetten bij YNAB. Kies degene waar Firefly III van moet importeren.',
'job_config_ynab_no_budgets' => 'Er zijn een budgets om van te importeren.',
'ynab_no_mapping' => 'Het lijkt er op dat je geen rekeningen hebt geselecteerd om van te importeren.',
'job_config_ynab_bad_currency' => 'Je kan van de volgende budget(ten) niets importeren, omdat je geen rekeningen hebt met deze valuta.',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_title' => 'Selecteer rekeningen',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_text' => 'Je hebt de volgende rekeningen in dit budget. Selecteer de rekeningen waarvan je wilt importeren en waarvan de transacties moeten worden opgeslagen.',
// keys from "extra" array:

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ return [
'sum_transfers' => 'Som van overschrijvingen',
'reconcile' => 'Afstemmen',
'account_on_spectre' => 'Rekening (Spectre)',
'account_on_ynab' => 'Account (YNAB)',
'account_on_ynab' => 'Rekening (YNAB)',
'do_import' => 'Importeer van deze rekening',
'sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA end-to-end identificatie',
'sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA identificatie tegenpartij',
@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Transactie(s)',
'field' => 'Veld',
'value' => 'Waarde',
'interest' => 'Rente',
'interest_period' => 'renteperiode',
'liability_type' => 'Type passiva',

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ return [
'at_least_one_action' => 'De regel moet minstens één actie hebben.',
'base64' => 'Dit is geen geldige base64 gecodeerde data.',
'model_id_invalid' => 'Dit ID past niet bij dit object.',
'more' => ':attribute must be larger than zero.',
'more' => ':attribute moet groter zijn dan nul.',
'less' => ':attribute moet minder zijn dan 10.000.000',
'active_url' => ':attribute is geen geldige URL.',
'after' => ':attribute moet een datum na :date zijn.',

View File

@ -269,7 +269,9 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_up' => 'Przenieś grupę reguł w górę',
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Przenieś grupę reguł w dół',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Zapisz te reguły, przenosząc je do innej grupy reguł:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Utwórz nową regułę w grupie reguł ":title"',
'make_new_rule' => 'Make a new rule in rule group ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Make a new rule',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'In order to match transactions to your new bill ":name", Firefly III can create a rule that will automatically be checked against any transactions you store. Please verify the details below and store the rule to have Firefly III automatically match transactions to your new bill.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'ścisła reguła',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'swobodna reguła',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Gdy zaznaczysz to pole, kolejne reguły w tej grupie nie będą wykonywane.',
@ -693,6 +695,7 @@ return [
'expense_deleted' => 'Pomyślnie usunięto konto wydatków ":name"',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Pomyślnie usunięto konto przychodów ":name"',
'update_asset_account' => 'Aktualizuj konto aktywów',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Aktualizuj konto wydatków',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Aktualizuj konto przychodów',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Utwórz nowe konto aktywów',
@ -896,8 +899,9 @@ return [
'errors' => 'Błędy',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Domyślny raport finansowy między :start i :end',

View File

@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Transakcja(e)',
'field' => 'Pole',
'value' => 'Wartość',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'interest period',
'liability_type' => 'Type of liability',

View File

@ -269,7 +269,9 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_up' => 'Subir o grupo de regras',
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Descer grupo de regras',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Salve essas regra(s), movendo-os para outro grupo de regra:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Fazer nova regra no grupo de regras ":title"',
'make_new_rule' => 'Make a new rule in rule group ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Make a new rule',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'In order to match transactions to your new bill ":name", Firefly III can create a rule that will automatically be checked against any transactions you store. Please verify the details below and store the rule to have Firefly III automatically match transactions to your new bill.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'regra estrita',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'regra não estrita',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Quando você marcar essa caixa, regras posteriores deste grupo não serão executadas.',
@ -693,6 +695,7 @@ return [
'expense_deleted' => 'Conta de despesa ":name" excluída com sucesso',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Conta de receitas ":name" excluída com sucesso',
'update_asset_account' => 'Atualizar de conta de ativo',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Atualizar conta de despesas',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Atualizar conta de receita',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Criar uma nova conta de ativo',
@ -896,8 +899,9 @@ return [
'errors' => 'Erros',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Relatório financeiro padrão entre :start e :end',

View File

@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Transaction(s)',
'field' => 'Field',
'value' => 'Value',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'interest period',
'liability_type' => 'Type of liability',

View File

@ -269,7 +269,9 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_up' => 'Переместить группу правил вверх',
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Переместить группу правил вниз',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Сохраните эти правила, переместив их в другую группу правил:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Создать новое правило в группе правил ":title"',
'make_new_rule' => 'Make a new rule in rule group ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Make a new rule',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'In order to match transactions to your new bill ":name", Firefly III can create a rule that will automatically be checked against any transactions you store. Please verify the details below and store the rule to have Firefly III automatically match transactions to your new bill.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'строгое правило',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'нестрогое правило',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Когда вы установите этот флажок, более поздние правила в этой группе не будут выполняться.',
@ -693,6 +695,7 @@ return [
'expense_deleted' => 'Счёт расхода ":name" успешно удалён',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Счёт дохода ":name" успешно удалён',
'update_asset_account' => 'Обновить основной счёт',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Обновить счёт расхода',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Обновить счёт дохода',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Создать новый основной счёт',
@ -896,8 +899,9 @@ return [
'errors' => 'Ошибки',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Стандартный финансовый отчёт за период с :start по :end',

View File

@ -130,4 +130,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'Транзакции',
'field' => 'Поле',
'value' => 'Значение',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'interest period',
'liability_type' => 'Type of liability',

View File

@ -271,7 +271,9 @@ return [
'move_rule_group_up' => 'Grup kuralını yukarı taşı',
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Grup kuralını aşağı taşı',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Bu kuralları başka bir kural grubuna taşıyarak kaydedin:',
'make_new_rule' => '":title" kural grubunda yeni kural oluşturun',
'make_new_rule' => 'Make a new rule in rule group ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Make a new rule',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'In order to match transactions to your new bill ":name", Firefly III can create a rule that will automatically be checked against any transactions you store. Please verify the details below and store the rule to have Firefly III automatically match transactions to your new bill.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'sıkı kural',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'sıkı olmayan kural',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Bu kutuyu işaretlediğinizde, bu grupta sonraki kurallar yürütülemez.',
@ -696,6 +698,7 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'expense_deleted' => '":name" gider hesabı başarıyla silindi',
'revenue_deleted' => '":name" gelir hesabı başarıyla silindi',
'update_asset_account' => 'Varlık hesabını güncelle',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Gider hesabını güncelle',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Gelir hesabı güncelleme',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Yeni varlık hesabı oluştur',
@ -899,8 +902,9 @@ işlemlerin kontrol edildiğini lütfen unutmayın.',
'errors' => 'Hatalar',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. Feel free to enter the current amount and date.',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'Please enter a positive amount. You may also enter the current amount, if the original amount was way-back-when.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => ':start ve :end arasında varsayılan finans raporu',

View File

@ -131,4 +131,7 @@ return [
'transaction_s' => 'İşlemler',
'field' => 'Alan',
'value' => 'Değer',
'interest' => 'Interest',
'interest_period' => 'interest period',
'liability_type' => 'Type of liability',