New translations firefly.php (Russian)

This commit is contained in:
James Cole 2017-07-13 14:20:12 +02:00
parent e3d2253958
commit faa8679804

View File

@ -482,26 +482,26 @@ return [
'create_new_asset' => 'Создать новый активный счёт',
'create_new_expense' => 'Create new expense account',
'create_new_revenue' => 'Create new revenue account',
'create_new_piggy_bank' => 'Create new piggy bank',
'create_new_piggy_bank' => 'Создать новую копилку',
'create_new_bill' => 'Create new bill',
// currencies:
'create_currency' => 'Create a new currency',
'store_currency' => 'Store new currency',
'update_currency' => 'Update currency',
'new_default_currency' => ':name is now the default currency.',
'cannot_delete_currency' => 'Cannot delete :name because it is still in use.',
'deleted_currency' => 'Currency :name deleted',
'created_currency' => 'Currency :name created',
'updated_currency' => 'Currency :name updated',
'ask_site_owner' => 'Please ask :owner to add, remove or edit currencies.',
'currencies_intro' => 'Firefly III supports various currencies which you can set and enable here.',
'make_default_currency' => 'make default',
'default_currency' => 'default',
'create_currency' => 'Создать новую валюту',
'store_currency' => 'Сохранить новую валюту',
'update_currency' => 'Обновить валюту',
'new_default_currency' => ':name теперь является вашей основной валютой.',
'cannot_delete_currency' => 'Невозможно удалить валюту :name, поскольку она используется.',
'deleted_currency' => 'Валюта :name удалена',
'created_currency' => 'Валюта :name создана',
'updated_currency' => 'Валюта :name обновлена',
'ask_site_owner' => 'Пожалуйста, обратитесь к :owner для добавления, удаления или изменения валюты.',
'currencies_intro' => 'Firefly III может работать с несколькими валютами. Вы можете управлять ими здесь.',
'make_default_currency' => 'сделать основной',
'default_currency' => 'основная',
// new user:
'submit' => 'Submit',
'getting_started' => 'Getting started',
'submit' => 'Подтвердить',
'getting_started' => 'Начало работы',
'to_get_started' => 'To get started with Firefly, please enter your current bank\'s name, and the balance of your checking account:',
'savings_balance_text' => 'If you have a savings account, please enter the current balance of your savings account:',
'cc_balance_text' => 'If you have a credit card, please enter your credit card\'s limit.',
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ return [
// forms:
'mandatoryFields' => 'Mandatory fields',
'optionalFields' => 'Optional fields',
'options' => 'Options',
'options' => 'Параметры',
// budgets:
'create_new_budget' => 'Create a new budget',
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ return [
'updated_account' => 'Updated account ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Credit card options',
'no_transactions_account' => 'There are no transactions (in this period) for asset account ":name".',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'There is not enough information (yet) to generate this chart.',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Недостаточно информации (пока) для построения этой диаграммы.',
'select_more_than_one_account' => 'Please select more than one account',
'select_more_than_one_category' => 'Please select more than one category',
'select_more_than_one_budget' => 'Please select more than one budget',
@ -600,19 +600,19 @@ return [
'account_default_currency' => 'If you select another currency, new transactions from this account will have this currency pre-selected.',
// categories:
'new_category' => 'New category',
'create_new_category' => 'Create a new category',
'without_category' => 'Without a category',
'update_category' => 'Update category',
'updated_category' => 'Updated category ":name"',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'edit_category' => 'Edit category ":name"',
'no_category' => '(no category)',
'category' => 'Category',
'delete_category' => 'Delete category ":name"',
'deleted_category' => 'Deleted category ":name"',
'store_category' => 'Store new category',
'stored_category' => 'Stored new category ":name"',
'new_category' => 'Новая категория',
'create_new_category' => 'Создать новую категорию',
'without_category' => 'Без категории',
'update_category' => 'Обновить категорию',
'updated_category' => 'Обновить категорию ":name"',
'categories' => 'Категории',
'edit_category' => 'Изменить категорию ":name"',
'no_category' => '(без категории)',
'category' => 'Категория',
'delete_category' => 'Удалить категорию ":name"',
'deleted_category' => 'Удалить категорию ":name"',
'store_category' => 'Сохранить новую категорию',
'stored_category' => 'Новая категория ":name" успешно сохранена!',
'without_category_between' => 'Without category between :start and :end',
// transactions:
@ -629,8 +629,8 @@ return [
'deleted_deposit' => 'Successfully deleted deposit ":description"',
'deleted_transfer' => 'Successfully deleted transfer ":description"',
'stored_journal' => 'Successfully created new transaction ":description"',
'select_transactions' => 'Select transactions',
'stop_selection' => 'Stop selecting transactions',
'select_transactions' => 'Выбрать транзакции',
'stop_selection' => 'Завершить выбор транзакций',
'edit_selected' => 'Edit selected',
'delete_selected' => 'Delete selected',
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Delete a number of transactions',
@ -642,30 +642,30 @@ return [
// new user:
'welcome' => 'Welcome to Firefly!',
'welcome' => 'Добро пожаловать в Firefly!',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Your accounts',
'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Budgets and spending',
'yourAccounts' => 'Ваши счета',
'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Бюджеты и расходы',
'savings' => 'Savings',
'markAsSavingsToContinue' => 'Mark your asset accounts as "Savings account" to fill this panel',
'createPiggyToContinue' => 'Create piggy banks to fill this panel.',
'newWithdrawal' => 'New expense',
'newDeposit' => 'New deposit',
'newTransfer' => 'New transfer',
'moneyIn' => 'Money in',
'moneyOut' => 'Money out',
'billsToPay' => 'Bills to pay',
'billsPaid' => 'Bills paid',
'newWithdrawal' => 'Новый расход',
'newDeposit' => 'Новый доход',
'newTransfer' => 'Новый перевод',
'moneyIn' => 'Доходы',
'moneyOut' => 'Расходы',
'billsToPay' => 'Счета к оплате',
'billsPaid' => 'Оплаченные счета',
'divided' => 'divided',
'toDivide' => 'left to divide',
// menu and titles, should be recycled as often as possible:
'currency' => 'Currency',
'preferences' => 'Preferences',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'searchPlaceholder' => 'Search...',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'currency' => 'Валюта',
'preferences' => 'Настройки',
'logout' => 'Выход',
'searchPlaceholder' => 'Поиск...',
'dashboard' => 'Сводка',
'currencies' => 'Currencies',
'accounts' => 'Accounts',
'Asset account' => 'Asset account',