# Welcome to Firefly III on Github! :+1::tada: Thank you for taking the time to contribute something to Firefly III! ## Feature requests If you are requesting a new feature, please check out the list of [often requested features](https://firefly-iii.github.io/requested-features/). ## Bugs If you find a bug, please take the time and see if the [demo site](https://firefly-iii.nder.be/) is also suffering from this bug. Include as many log files and details as you think are necessary. ## Installation problems Take the time to read the [installation guide FAQ](https://firefly-iii.github.io/installation-guide-faq/) and make sure you search through closed issues for the problems other people have had. Your problem may be among them! ## Pull requests I can only accept pull requests against the `develop` branch, never the `master` branch.