delete(); return true; } /** * Get users first transaction journal * * @return TransactionJournal */ public function first() { return Auth::user()->transactionjournals()->orderBy('date', 'ASC')->first(['transaction_journals.*']); } /** * @param TransactionJournal $journal * @param Transaction $transaction * * @return integer */ public function getAmountBefore(TransactionJournal $journal, Transaction $transaction) { $set = $transaction->account->transactions()->leftJoin( 'transaction_journals', '', '=', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id' ) ->where('', '<=', $journal->date->format('Y-m-d')) ->where('transaction_journals.order', '>=', $journal->order) ->where('', '!=', $journal->id) ->get(['transactions.*']); $sum = 0; foreach ($set as $entry) { $sum += $entry->amount; } return $sum; } /** * @param TransactionType $dbType * * @return Collection */ public function getJournalsOfType(TransactionType $dbType) { return Auth::user()->transactionjournals()->where('transaction_type_id', $dbType->id)->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->take(50)->get(); } /** * @param array $types * @param int $offset * @param int $page * * @return LengthAwarePaginator */ public function getJournalsOfTypes(array $types, $offset, $page) { $set = Auth::user()->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes($types)->withRelevantData()->take(50)->offset($offset) ->orderBy('date', 'DESC') ->orderBy('order', 'ASC') ->orderBy('id', 'DESC') ->get( ['transaction_journals.*'] ); $count = Auth::user()->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes($types)->count(); $journals = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, 50, $page); return $journals; } /** * @param $type * * @return TransactionType */ public function getTransactionType($type) { return TransactionType::whereType($type)->first(); } /** * @param int $journalId * @param Carbon $date * * @return TransactionJournal */ public function getWithDate($journalId, Carbon $date) { return Auth::user()->transactionjournals()->where('id', $journalId)->where('date', $date->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))->first(); } /** * * * Remember: a balancingAct takes at most one expense and one transfer. * an advancePayment takes at most one expense, infinite deposits and NO transfers. * * @param TransactionJournal $journal * @param array $array * * @return void */ public function saveTags(TransactionJournal $journal, array $array) { /** @var \FireflyIII\Repositories\Tag\TagRepositoryInterface $tagRepository */ $tagRepository = app('FireflyIII\Repositories\Tag\TagRepositoryInterface'); foreach ($array as $name) { if (strlen(trim($name)) > 0) { $tag = Tag::firstOrCreateEncrypted(['tag' => $name, 'user_id' => $journal->user_id]); if (!is_null($tag)) { $tagRepository->connect($journal, $tag); } } } } /** * @param array $data * * @return TransactionJournal */ public function store(array $data) { // find transaction type. $transactionType = TransactionType::where('type', ucfirst($data['what']))->first(); // store actual journal. $journal = new TransactionJournal( [ 'user_id' => $data['user'], 'transaction_type_id' => $transactionType->id, 'transaction_currency_id' => $data['amount_currency_id'], 'description' => $data['description'], 'completed' => 0, 'date' => $data['date'], ] ); $journal->save(); // store or get category if (strlen($data['category']) > 0) { $category = Category::firstOrCreateEncrypted(['name' => $data['category'], 'user_id' => $data['user']]); $journal->categories()->save($category); } // store or get budget if (intval($data['budget_id']) > 0) { /** @var \FireflyIII\Models\Budget $budget */ $budget = Budget::find($data['budget_id']); $journal->budgets()->save($budget); } // store accounts (depends on type) list($fromAccount, $toAccount) = $this->storeAccounts($transactionType, $data); // store accompanying transactions. Transaction::create( // first transaction. [ 'account_id' => $fromAccount->id, 'transaction_journal_id' => $journal->id, 'amount' => $data['amount'] * -1 ] ); Transaction::create( // second transaction. [ 'account_id' => $toAccount->id, 'transaction_journal_id' => $journal->id, 'amount' => $data['amount'] ] ); $journal->completed = 1; $journal->save(); // store tags if (isset($data['tags']) && is_array($data['tags'])) { $this->saveTags($journal, $data['tags']); } return $journal; } /** * @param TransactionJournal $journal * @param array $data * * @return TransactionJournal */ public function update(TransactionJournal $journal, array $data) { // update actual journal. $journal->transaction_currency_id = $data['amount_currency_id']; $journal->description = $data['description']; $journal->date = $data['date']; // unlink all categories, recreate them: $journal->categories()->detach(); if (strlen($data['category']) > 0) { $category = Category::firstOrCreateEncrypted(['name' => $data['category'], 'user_id' => $data['user']]); $journal->categories()->save($category); } // unlink all budgets and recreate them: $journal->budgets()->detach(); if (intval($data['budget_id']) > 0) { /** @var \FireflyIII\Models\Budget $budget */ $budget = Budget::find($data['budget_id']); $journal->budgets()->save($budget); } // store accounts (depends on type) list($fromAccount, $toAccount) = $this->storeAccounts($journal->transactionType, $data); // update the from and to transaction. /** @var Transaction $transaction */ foreach ($journal->transactions()->get() as $transaction) { if ($transaction->amount < 0) { // this is the from transaction, negative amount: $transaction->amount = $data['amount'] * -1; $transaction->account_id = $fromAccount->id; $transaction->save(); } if ($transaction->amount > 0) { $transaction->amount = $data['amount']; $transaction->account_id = $toAccount->id; $transaction->save(); } } $journal->save(); // update tags: if (isset($data['tags']) && is_array($data['tags'])) { $this->updateTags($journal, $data['tags']); } return $journal; } /** * @param TransactionJournal $journal * @param array $array * * @return void */ public function updateTags(TransactionJournal $journal, array $array) { // create tag repository /** @var \FireflyIII\Repositories\Tag\TagRepositoryInterface $tagRepository */ $tagRepository = app('FireflyIII\Repositories\Tag\TagRepositoryInterface'); // find or create all tags: $tags = []; $ids = []; foreach ($array as $name) { if (strlen(trim($name)) > 0) { $tag = Tag::firstOrCreateEncrypted(['tag' => $name, 'user_id' => $journal->user_id]); $tags[] = $tag; $ids[] = $tag->id; } } // delete all tags connected to journal not in this array: if (count($ids) > 0) { DB::table('tag_transaction_journal')->where('transaction_journal_id', $journal->id)->whereNotIn('tag_id', $ids)->delete(); } // if count is zero, delete them all: if (count($ids) == 0) { DB::table('tag_transaction_journal')->where('transaction_journal_id', $journal->id)->delete(); } // connect each tag to journal (if not yet connected): /** @var Tag $tag */ foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tagRepository->connect($journal, $tag); } } /** * @param TransactionType $type * @param array $data * * @return array */ protected function storeAccounts(TransactionType $type, array $data) { $fromAccount = null; $toAccount = null; switch ($type->type) { case 'Withdrawal': list($fromAccount, $toAccount) = $this->storeWithdrawalAccounts($data); break; case 'Deposit': list($fromAccount, $toAccount) = $this->storeDepositAccounts($data); break; case 'Transfer': $fromAccount = Account::find($data['account_from_id']); $toAccount = Account::find($data['account_to_id']); break; } if (is_null($toAccount)) { Log::error('"to"-account is null, so we cannot continue!'); abort(500, '"to"-account is null, so we cannot continue!'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd if (is_null($fromAccount)) { Log::error('"from"-account is null, so we cannot continue!'); abort(500, '"from"-account is null, so we cannot continue!'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return [$fromAccount, $toAccount]; } /** * @param array $data * * @return array */ protected function storeWithdrawalAccounts(array $data) { $fromAccount = Account::find($data['account_id']); if (strlen($data['expense_account']) > 0) { $toType = AccountType::where('type', 'Expense account')->first(); $toAccount = Account::firstOrCreateEncrypted( ['user_id' => $data['user'], 'account_type_id' => $toType->id, 'name' => $data['expense_account'], 'active' => 1] ); } else { $toType = AccountType::where('type', 'Cash account')->first(); $toAccount = Account::firstOrCreateEncrypted( ['user_id' => $data['user'], 'account_type_id' => $toType->id, 'name' => 'Cash account', 'active' => 1] ); } return [$fromAccount, $toAccount]; } /** * @param array $data * * @return array */ protected function storeDepositAccounts(array $data) { $toAccount = Account::find($data['account_id']); if (strlen($data['revenue_account']) > 0) { $fromType = AccountType::where('type', 'Revenue account')->first(); $fromAccount = Account::firstOrCreateEncrypted( ['user_id' => $data['user'], 'account_type_id' => $fromType->id, 'name' => $data['revenue_account'], 'active' => 1] ); } else { $toType = AccountType::where('type', 'Cash account')->first(); $fromAccount = Account::firstOrCreateEncrypted( ['user_id' => $data['user'], 'account_type_id' => $toType->id, 'name' => 'Cash account', 'active' => 1] ); } return [$fromAccount, $toAccount]; } }