@extends('layouts.default') @section('content')

Firefly Recurring transactions

Use recurring transactions to track repeated expenses

We all have bills to pay. Firefly can help you organize those bills into recurring transactions, which are exactly what the name suggests. Firefly can match new (and existing) transactions to such a recurring transaction and help you organize these expenses into manageable groups. The front page of Firefly will show you which recurring transactions you have missed, which are yet to come and which have been paid.

@foreach($list as $entry) @endforeach
Name Matches on Amount between Expected every Next expected match Auto-match Active
{{{$entry->name}}} @foreach(explode(' ',$entry->match) as $word) {{{$word}}} @endforeach {{mf($entry->amount_min)}} – {{mf($entry->amount_max)}} {{$entry->repeat_freq}} {{$entry->next()->format('d-m-Y')}} @if($entry->automatch) @else @endif @if($entry->active) @else @endif

Create new recurring transaction
