[ 'RabobankDescription' => 'FireflyIII\Import\Specifics\RabobankDescription', 'AbnAmroDescription' => 'FireflyIII\Import\Specifics\AbnAmroDescription', ], /* * Configuration for possible column roles. * * The key is the short name for the column role. There are five values, which mean this: * * 'mappable' * Whether or not the value in the CSV column can be linked to an existing value in your * Firefly database. For example: account names can be linked to existing account names you have already * so double entries cannot occur. This process is called "mapping". You have to make each unique value in your * CSV file to an existing entry in your database. For example, map all account names in your CSV file to existing * accounts. If you have an entry that does not exist in your database, you can set Firefly to ignore it, and it will * create it. * * 'pre-process-map' * In the case of tags, there are multiple values in one csv column (for example: "expense groceries snack" in one column). * This means the content of the column must be "pre processed" aka split in parts so the importer can work with the data. * * 'pre-process-mapper' * This is the class that will actually do the pre-processing. * * 'field' * I don't believe this value is used any more, but I am not sure. * * 'converter' * The converter is a class in app/Import/Converter that converts the given value into an object Firefly understands. * The CategoryName converter can convert a category name into an actual category. This converter will take a mapping * into account: if you mapped "Groceries" to category "Groceries" the converter will simply return "Groceries" instead of * trying to make a new category also named Groceries. * * 'mapper' * When you map data (see "mappable") you need a list of stuff you can map to. If you say a certain column is mappable * and the column contains "category names", the mapper will be "Category" and it will give you a list of possible categories. * This way the importer always presents you with a valid list of things to map to. * * * */ 'import_roles' => [ '_ignore' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'ignored', 'converter' => 'Ignore', 'mapper' => null, ], 'bill-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'bill', 'converter' => 'BillId', 'mapper' => 'Bills', ], 'bill-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'bill', 'converter' => 'BillName', 'mapper' => 'Bills', ], 'currency-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'currency', 'converter' => 'CurrencyId', 'mapper' => 'TransactionCurrencies', ], 'currency-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'CurrencyName', 'field' => 'currency', 'mapper' => 'TransactionCurrencies', ], 'currency-code' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'CurrencyCode', 'field' => 'currency', 'mapper' => 'TransactionCurrencies', ], 'currency-symbol' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'CurrencySymbol', 'field' => 'currency', 'mapper' => 'TransactionCurrencies', ], 'description' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Description', 'field' => 'description', ], 'date-transaction' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Date', 'field' => 'date', ], 'date-interest' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Date', 'field' => 'date-interest', ], 'date-book' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Date', 'field' => 'date-book', ], 'date-process' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Date', 'field' => 'date-process', ], 'budget-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'BudgetId', 'field' => 'budget', 'mapper' => 'Budgets', ], 'budget-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'BudgetName', 'field' => 'budget', 'mapper' => 'Budgets', ], 'rabo-debet-credit' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'RabobankDebetCredit', 'field' => 'amount-modifier', ], 'ing-debet-credit' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'INGDebetCredit', 'field' => 'amount-modifier', ], 'category-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'CategoryId', 'field' => 'category', 'mapper' => 'Categories', ], 'category-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'CategoryName', 'field' => 'category', 'mapper' => 'Categories', ], 'tags-comma' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => true, 'pre-process-mapper' => 'TagsComma', 'field' => 'tags', 'converter' => 'TagsComma', 'mapper' => 'Tags', ], 'tags-space' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => true, 'pre-process-mapper' => 'TagsSpace', 'field' => 'tags', 'converter' => 'TagsSpace', 'mapper' => 'Tags', ], 'account-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'asset-account-id', 'converter' => 'AccountId', 'mapper' => 'AssetAccounts', ], 'account-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'asset-account-name', 'converter' => 'AssetAccountName', 'mapper' => 'AssetAccounts', ], 'account-iban' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'asset-account-iban', 'converter' => 'AssetAccountIban', 'mapper' => 'AssetAccountIbans', ], 'account-number' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'asset-account-number', 'converter' => 'AssetAccountNumber', 'mapper' => 'AssetAccounts', ], 'opposing-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'opposing-account-id', 'converter' => 'AccountId', 'mapper' => 'OpposingAccounts', ], 'opposing-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'opposing-account-name', 'converter' => 'OpposingAccountName', 'mapper' => 'OpposingAccounts', ], 'opposing-iban' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'opposing-account-iban', 'converter' => 'OpposingAccountIban', 'mapper' => 'OpposingAccountIbans', ], 'opposing-number' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'field' => 'opposing-account-number', 'converter' => 'OpposingAccountNumber', 'mapper' => 'OpposingAccounts', ], 'amount' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Amount', 'field' => 'amount', ], 'sepa-ct-id' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Description', 'field' => 'description', ], 'sepa-ct-op' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Description', 'field' => 'description', ], 'sepa-db' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'pre-process-map' => false, 'converter' => 'Description', 'field' => 'description', ], ], /* 'specifix' => [ 'RabobankDescription', 'AbnAmroDescription', 'Dummy' ], 'post_processors' => [ 'Description', 'Amount', 'Currency', 'Bill', 'OpposingAccount', // must be after Amount! 'AssetAccount', ], 'roles' => [ '_ignore' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'Ignore', 'field' => 'ignored', ], 'bill-id' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'field' => 'bill', 'converter' => 'BillId', 'mapper' => 'Bill', ], 'bill-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'BillName', 'field' => 'bill', 'mapper' => 'Bill', ], 'currency-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'CurrencyId', 'field' => 'currency', 'mapper' => 'TransactionCurrency' ], 'currency-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'CurrencyName', 'field' => 'currency', 'mapper' => 'TransactionCurrency' ], 'currency-code' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'CurrencyCode', 'field' => 'currency', 'mapper' => 'TransactionCurrency' ], 'currency-symbol' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'CurrencySymbol', 'field' => 'currency', 'mapper' => 'TransactionCurrency' ], 'description' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'Description', 'field' => 'description', ], 'date-transaction' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'Date', 'field' => 'date', ], 'date-rent' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'Date', 'field' => 'date-rent', ], 'budget-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'BudgetId', 'field' => 'budget', 'mapper' => 'Budget', ], 'budget-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'BudgetName', 'field' => 'budget', 'mapper' => 'Budget', ], 'rabo-debet-credit' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'RabobankDebetCredit', 'field' => 'amount-modifier', ], 'ing-debet-credit' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'INGDebetCredit', 'field' => 'amount-modifier', ], 'category-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'CategoryId', 'field' => 'category', 'mapper' => 'Category', ], 'category-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'CategoryName', 'field' => 'category', 'mapper' => 'Category', ], 'tags-comma' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'field' => 'tags', 'converter' => 'TagsComma', 'mapper' => 'Tag', ], 'tags-space' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'field' => 'tags', 'converter' => 'TagsSpace', 'mapper' => 'Tag', ], 'account-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'mapper' => 'AssetAccount', 'field' => 'asset-account-id', 'converter' => 'AccountId' ], 'account-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'mapper' => 'AssetAccount', 'field' => 'asset-account-name', 'converter' => 'AssetAccountName' ], 'account-iban' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'AssetAccountIban', 'field' => 'asset-account-iban', 'mapper' => 'AssetAccount' ], 'account-number' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'converter' => 'AssetAccountNumber', 'field' => 'asset-account-number', 'mapper' => 'AssetAccount' ], 'opposing-id' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'field' => 'opposing-account-id', 'converter' => 'OpposingAccountId', 'mapper' => 'AnyAccount', ], 'opposing-name' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'field' => 'opposing-account-name', 'converter' => 'OpposingAccountName', 'mapper' => 'AnyAccount', ], 'opposing-iban' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'field' => 'opposing-account-iban', 'converter' => 'OpposingAccountIban', 'mapper' => 'AnyAccount', ], 'opposing-number' => [ 'mappable' => true, 'field' => 'opposing-account-number', 'converter' => 'OpposingAccountNumber', 'mapper' => 'AnyAccount', ], 'amount' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'Amount', 'field' => 'amount', ], 'amount-comma-separated' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'AmountComma', 'field' => 'amount', ], 'sepa-ct-id' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'Description', 'field' => 'description', ], 'sepa-ct-op' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'Description', 'field' => 'description', ], 'sepa-db' => [ 'mappable' => false, 'converter' => 'Description', 'field' => 'description', ], ] */ ];