. */ /** @noinspection NullPointerExceptionInspection */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Handlers\Events; use Carbon\Carbon; use Exception; use FireflyIII\Events\DetectedNewIPAddress; use FireflyIII\Events\RegisteredUser; use FireflyIII\Events\RequestedNewPassword; use FireflyIII\Events\UserChangedEmail; use FireflyIII\Mail\ConfirmEmailChangeMail; use FireflyIII\Mail\NewIPAddressWarningMail; use FireflyIII\Mail\RegisteredUser as RegisteredUserMail; use FireflyIII\Mail\RequestedNewPassword as RequestedNewPasswordMail; use FireflyIII\Mail\UndoEmailChangeMail; use FireflyIII\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\User; use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login; use Log; use Mail; /** * Class UserEventHandler. * * This class responds to any events that have anything to do with the User object. * * The method name reflects what is being done. This is in the present tense. */ class UserEventHandler { /** * This method will bestow upon a user the "owner" role if he is the first user in the system. * * @param RegisteredUser $event * * @return bool */ public function attachUserRole(RegisteredUser $event): bool { /** @var UserRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app(UserRepositoryInterface::class); // first user ever? if (1 === $repository->count()) { Log::debug('User count is one, attach role.'); $repository->attachRole($event->user, 'owner'); } return true; } /** * Fires to see if a user is admin. * * @param Login $event * * @return bool */ public function checkSingleUserIsAdmin(Login $event): bool { /** @var UserRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app(UserRepositoryInterface::class); /** @var User $user */ $user = $event->user; $count = $repository->count(); // only act when there is 1 user in the system and he has no admin rights. if (1 === $count && !$repository->hasRole($user, 'owner')) { // user is the only user but does not have role "owner". $role = $repository->getRole('owner'); if (null === $role) { // create role, does not exist. Very strange situation so let's raise a big fuss about it. $role = $repository->createRole('owner', 'Site Owner', 'User runs this instance of FF3'); Log::error('Could not find role "owner". This is weird.'); } Log::info(sprintf('Gave user #%d role #%d ("%s")', $user->id, $role->id, $role->name)); // give user the role $repository->attachRole($user, 'owner'); } return true; } /** * Set the demo user back to English. * * @param Login $event * * @return bool */ public function demoUserBackToEnglish(Login $event): bool { /** @var UserRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app(UserRepositoryInterface::class); /** @var User $user */ $user = $event->user; if ($repository->hasRole($user, 'demo')) { // set user back to English. app('preferences')->setForUser($user, 'language', 'en_US'); app('preferences')->setForUser($user, 'locale', 'equal'); app('preferences')->mark(); } return true; } /** * @param Login $event */ public function storeUserIPAddress(Login $event): void { /** @var User $user */ $user = $event->user; /** @var array $preference */ $preference = app('preferences')->getForUser($user, 'login_ip_history', [])->data; $inArray = false; $ip = request()->ip(); Log::debug(sprintf('User logging in from IP address %s', $ip)); // update array if in array foreach ($preference as $index => $row) { if ($row['ip'] === $ip) { Log::debug('Found IP in array, refresh time.'); $preference[$index]['time'] = now(config('app.timezone'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $inArray = true; } // clean up old entries (6 months) $carbon = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $preference[$index]['time']); if ($carbon->diffInMonths(today()) > 6) { Log::debug(sprintf('Entry for %s is very old, remove it.', $row['ip'])); unset($preference[$index]); } } // add to array if not the case: if (false === $inArray) { $preference[] = [ 'ip' => $ip, 'time' => now(config('app.timezone'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'notified' => false, ]; } $preference = array_values($preference); app('preferences')->setForUser($user, 'login_ip_history', $preference); if (false === $inArray && true === config('firefly.warn_new_ip')) { event(new DetectedNewIPAddress($user, $ip)); } } /** * @param DetectedNewIPAddress $event */ public function notifyNewIPAddress(DetectedNewIPAddress $event): void { $user = $event->user; $email = $user->email; $ipAddress = $event->ipAddress; if($user->hasRole('demo')) { return; // do not email demo user. } $list = app('preferences')->getForUser($user, 'login_ip_history', [])->data; // see if user has alternative email address: $pref = app('preferences')->getForUser($user, 'remote_guard_alt_email', null); if (null !== $pref) { $email = $pref->data; } /** @var array $entry */ foreach ($list as $index => $entry) { if (false === $entry['notified']) { try { Mail::to($email)->send(new NewIPAddressWarningMail($ipAddress)); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); } } $list[$index]['notified'] = true; } app('preferences')->setForUser($user, 'login_ip_history', $list); } /** * Send email to confirm email change. * * @param UserChangedEmail $event * * @return bool */ public function sendEmailChangeConfirmMail(UserChangedEmail $event): bool { $newEmail = $event->newEmail; $oldEmail = $event->oldEmail; $user = $event->user; $ipAddress = $event->ipAddress; $token = app('preferences')->getForUser($user, 'email_change_confirm_token', 'invalid'); $uri = route('profile.confirm-email-change', [$token->data]); try { Mail::to($newEmail)->send(new ConfirmEmailChangeMail($newEmail, $oldEmail, $uri, $ipAddress)); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return true; } /** * Send email to be able to undo email change. * * @param UserChangedEmail $event * * @return bool */ public function sendEmailChangeUndoMail(UserChangedEmail $event): bool { $newEmail = $event->newEmail; $oldEmail = $event->oldEmail; $user = $event->user; $ipAddress = $event->ipAddress; $token = app('preferences')->getForUser($user, 'email_change_undo_token', 'invalid'); $hashed = hash('sha256', sprintf('%s%s', (string) config('app.key'), $oldEmail)); $uri = route('profile.undo-email-change', [$token->data, $hashed]); try { Mail::to($oldEmail)->send(new UndoEmailChangeMail($newEmail, $oldEmail, $uri, $ipAddress)); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return true; } /** * Send a new password to the user. * * @param RequestedNewPassword $event * * @return bool */ public function sendNewPassword(RequestedNewPassword $event): bool { $email = $event->user->email; $ipAddress = $event->ipAddress; $token = $event->token; $url = route('password.reset', [$token]); // send email. try { Mail::to($email)->send(new RequestedNewPasswordMail($url, $ipAddress)); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return true; } /** * This method will send the user a registration mail, welcoming him or her to Firefly III. * This message is only sent when the configuration of Firefly III says so. * * @param RegisteredUser $event * * @return bool */ public function sendRegistrationMail(RegisteredUser $event): bool { $sendMail = config('firefly.send_registration_mail'); if ($sendMail) { // get the email address $email = $event->user->email; $uri = route('index'); $ipAddress = $event->ipAddress; // see if user has alternative email address: $pref = app('preferences')->getForUser($event->user, 'remote_guard_alt_email', null); if (null !== $pref) { $email = $pref->data; } // send email. try { Mail::to($email)->send(new RegisteredUserMail($uri, $ipAddress)); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } return true; } }