. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Http\Middleware; use App; use Carbon\Carbon; use Closure; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Journal\JournalRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Support\Http\Controllers\RequestInformation; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Log; /** * Class SessionFilter. */ class Range { use RequestInformation; /** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param Request $request * @param Closure $next * * @return mixed */ public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) { if ($request->user()) { // set start, end and finish: $this->setRange(); // set view variables. $this->configureView(); // set more view variables: $this->configureList(); } return $next($request); } /** * Set the range for the current view. */ private function setRange(): void { // ignore preference. set the range to be the current month: if (!app('session')->has('start') && !app('session')->has('end')) { $viewRange = app('preferences')->get('viewRange', '1M')->data; $today = today(config('app.timezone')); $start = app('navigation')->updateStartDate($viewRange, $today); $end = app('navigation')->updateEndDate($viewRange, $start); app('session')->put('start', $start); app('session')->put('end', $end); } if (!app('session')->has('first')) { /** @var JournalRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app(JournalRepositoryInterface::class); $journal = $repository->firstNull(); $first = today(config('app.timezone'))->startOfYear(); if (null !== $journal) { $first = $journal->date ?? $first; } app('session')->put('first', $first); } } /** * Configure the user's view. */ private function configureView(): void { // get locale preference: $language = app('steam')->getLanguage(); $locale = app('steam')->getLocale(); App::setLocale($language); Carbon::setLocale(substr($locale, 0, 2)); $localeArray = app('steam')->getLocaleArray($locale); setlocale(LC_TIME, $localeArray); $moneyResult = setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $localeArray); // send error to view if could not set money format if (false === $moneyResult) { Log::error('Could not set locale. The following array doesnt work: ', $localeArray); app('view')->share('invalidMonetaryLocale', true); } // save some formats: $monthAndDayFormat = (string)trans('config.month_and_day', [], $locale); $dateTimeFormat = (string)trans('config.date_time', [], $locale); $defaultCurrency = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency(); // also format for moment JS: $madMomentJS = (string)trans('config.month_and_day_moment_js', [], $locale); app('view')->share('madMomentJS', $madMomentJS); app('view')->share('monthAndDayFormat', $monthAndDayFormat); app('view')->share('dateTimeFormat', $dateTimeFormat); app('view')->share('defaultCurrency', $defaultCurrency); } /** * Configure the list length. */ private function configureList(): void { $pref = app('preferences')->get('list-length', config('firefly.list_length', 10))->data; app('view')->share('listLength', $pref); // share security message: if ( app('fireflyconfig')->has('upgrade_security_message') && app('fireflyconfig')->has('upgrade_security_level') ) { app('view')->share('upgrade_security_message', app('fireflyconfig')->get('upgrade_security_message')->data); app('view')->share('upgrade_security_level', app('fireflyconfig')->get('upgrade_security_level')->data); } } }