'翻譯不完整', 'close' => '關閉', 'actions' => '操作', 'edit' => '編輯', 'delete' => '刪除', 'welcomeBack' => '情況如何?', 'everything' => '顯示所有', 'customRange' => '自訂範圍', 'apply' => '套用', 'cancel' => '取消', 'from' => '從', 'to' => '到', 'showEverything' => '全部顯示', 'never' => '從來沒有', 'search_results_for' => '":query" 的搜尋結果', 'bounced_error' => '無法傳送電郵至 :email ,因此無法訪問。', 'deleted_error' => '帳號或密碼錯誤。', 'general_blocked_error' => '您的帳戶已被禁用,所以您不能登錄。', 'expired_error' => '你的帳戶已過期,不能使用。', 'removed_amount' => '移除了 :amount', 'added_amount' => '添加了 :amount', 'asset_account_role_help' => '你可以稍後再設置其他選項。', 'Opening balance' => '開戶金額', 'create_new_stuff' => '創建新的東西', 'new_withdrawal' => '新提款', 'new_deposit' => '新存款', 'new_transfer' => '新的轉帳', 'new_asset_account' => '新增資產帳戶', 'new_expense_account' => '新的支出帳戶', 'new_revenue_account' => '新的收入帳戶', 'new_budget' => '新增預算', 'new_bill' => '新增賬單', 'block_account_logout' => '你已被登出。被封禁的帳戶不能使用本網站。你沒有以有效的電子郵件地址註冊嗎?', 'flash_success' => '成功!', 'flash_info' => '訊息', 'flash_warning' => '警告!', 'flash_error' => '錯誤!', 'flash_info_multiple' => '有一個訊息|有 :count 個訊息', 'flash_error_multiple' => '出現了一個錯誤|出現了 :count 個錯誤', 'net_worth' => '淨值', 'route_has_no_help' => '目前還沒有說明。', 'help_may_not_be_your_language' => '這個說明還沒有中文版本,將會顯示英文版本。', 'two_factor_welcome' => '哈囉, :user !', 'two_factor_enter_code' => '若要繼續,請輸入你的雙重身份驗證 (2FA) 應用程序內顯示的驗證代碼。', 'two_factor_code_here' => '在此輸入代碼', 'two_factor_title' => '雙重身份驗證', 'authenticate' => '認證', 'two_factor_forgot_title' => '丟失雙重身份驗證', 'two_factor_forgot' => '我忘記了我的雙重身份驗證 (2FA) 。', 'two_factor_lost_header' => '丟失了雙重身份驗證 (2FA) 嗎?', 'two_factor_lost_intro' => '很不幸,這不可以從 web 介面中重置。你有兩個選擇。', 'two_factor_lost_fix_self' => '如果你在自己的伺服器上運行 Firefly III,請檢查 storage/logs 中的日誌。', 'two_factor_lost_fix_owner' => '否則,請電郵網站擁有者,:site_owner 並要求他們重置你的雙重身份驗證。', 'warning_much_data' => ':days 天的資料需要一點時間載入。', 'registered' => '您已成功註冊 !', 'search' => '搜尋', 'search_found_accounts' => 'Found :count account(s) for your query.', 'search_found_categories' => 'Found :count category(ies) for your query.', 'search_found_budgets' => 'Found :count budget(s) for your query.', 'search_found_tags' => 'Found :count tag(s) for your query.', 'search_found_transactions' => 'Found :count transaction(s) for your query.', 'results_limited' => 'The results are limited to :count entries.', 'tagbalancingAct' => 'Balancing act', 'tagadvancePayment' => 'Advance payment', 'tagnothing' => '', 'Default asset account' => 'Default asset account', 'no_budget_pointer' => '你還沒有預算。你可以在預算頁來建立預算。預算可以幫助你跟蹤支出情況。', 'Savings account' => 'Savings account', 'Credit card' => 'Credit card', 'source_accounts' => '來源帳戶', 'destination_accounts' => '目標帳戶', 'user_id_is' => 'Your user id is :user', 'field_supports_markdown' => 'This field supports Markdown.', 'need_more_help' => 'If you need more help using Firefly III, please open a ticker on Github.', 'nothing_to_display' => 'There are no transactions to show you', // repeat frequencies: 'repeat_freq_yearly' => 'yearly', 'repeat_freq_monthly' => '每月', 'weekly' => '每週', 'quarterly' => '每季', 'half-year' => '每半年', 'yearly' => '每年', // account confirmation: 'confirm_account_header' => '請確認你的帳戶', 'confirm_account_intro' => 'An email has been sent to the address you used during your registration. Please check it out for further instructions. If you did not get this message, you can have Firefly send it again.', 'confirm_account_resend_email' => 'Send me the confirmation message I need to activate my account.', 'account_is_confirmed' => '你的帳戶已通過驗證。', 'invalid_activation_code' => 'It seems the code you are using is not valid, or has expired.', 'confirm_account_is_resent_header' => '已重新發送確認郵件', 'confirm_account_is_resent_text' => 'The confirmation message has been resent. If you still did not receive the confirmation message, please contact the site owner at :owner or check the log files to see what went wrong.', 'confirm_account_is_resent_go_home' => '轉到 Firefly 的首頁', 'confirm_account_not_resent_header' => '有些事不對勁 :(', 'confirm_account_not_resent_intro' => 'The confirmation message has been not resent. If you still did not receive the confirmation message, please contact the site owner at :owner instead. Possibly, you have tried to resend the activation message too often. You can have Firefly III try to resend the confirmation message every hour.', 'confirm_account_not_resent_go_home' => '轉到 Firefly 的首頁', // export data: 'import_and_export' => '匯入與匯出', 'export_data' => 'Export data', 'export_data_intro' => 'For backup purposes, when migrating to another system or when migrating to another Firefly III installation.', 'export_format' => 'Export format', 'export_format_csv' => 'Comma separated values (CSV file)', 'export_format_mt940' => 'MT940 相容格式', 'export_included_accounts' => '從這些帳戶匯出交易記錄', 'include_old_uploads_help' => 'Firefly III 不會扔掉過去已導入的原始 CSV 檔。你可以將它們包含在匯出的檔案中。', 'do_export' => '匯出', 'export_status_never_started' => '匯出尚未開始', 'export_status_make_exporter' => 'Creating exporter thing...', 'export_status_collecting_journals' => '正在收集你的交易資料...', 'export_status_collected_journals' => '你的交易資料已經收集成功!', 'export_status_converting_to_export_format' => '正在轉換您的交易資料...', 'export_status_converted_to_export_format' => 'Converted your transactions!', 'export_status_creating_journal_file' => 'Creating the export file...', 'export_status_created_journal_file' => 'Created the export file!', 'export_status_collecting_attachments' => 'Collecting all your attachments...', 'export_status_collected_attachments' => 'Collected all your attachments!', 'export_status_collecting_old_uploads' => 'Collecting all your previous uploads...', 'export_status_collected_old_uploads' => 'Collected all your previous uploads!', 'export_status_creating_config_file' => 'Creating a configuration file...', 'export_status_created_config_file' => 'Created a configuration file!', 'export_status_creating_zip_file' => 'Creating a zip file...', 'export_status_created_zip_file' => 'Created a zip file!', 'export_status_finished' => 'Export has succesfully finished! Yay!', 'export_data_please_wait' => 'Please wait...', 'attachment_explanation' => '檔案 \':attachment_name\' (#:attachment_id) 本來於 :date 上傳到 :type \':description\' (#:journal_id) ,而其金額為 :amount 。', // rules 'rules' => 'Rules', 'rules_explanation' => 'Here you can manage rules. Rules are triggered when a transaction is created or updated. Then, if the transaction has certain properties (called "triggers") Firefly will execute the "actions". Combined, you can make Firefly respond in a certain way to new transactions.', 'rule_name' => 'Name of rule', 'rule_triggers' => 'Rule triggers when', 'rule_actions' => 'Rule will', 'new_rule' => 'New rule', 'new_rule_group' => 'New rule group', 'rule_priority_up' => 'Give rule more priority', 'rule_priority_down' => 'Give rule less priority', 'make_new_rule_group' => 'Make new rule group', 'store_new_rule_group' => 'Store new rule group', 'created_new_rule_group' => 'New rule group ":title" stored!', 'updated_rule_group' => 'Successfully updated rule group ":title".', 'edit_rule_group' => 'Edit rule group ":title"', 'delete_rule_group' => 'Delete rule group ":title"', 'deleted_rule_group' => 'Deleted rule group ":title"', 'update_rule_group' => 'Update rule group', 'no_rules_in_group' => 'There are no rules in this group', 'move_rule_group_up' => 'Move rule group up', 'move_rule_group_down' => 'Move rule group down', 'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Save these rule(s) by moving them to another rule group:', 'make_new_rule' => 'Make new rule in rule group ":title"', 'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'When you check this box, later rules in this group will not be executed.', 'rule_help_active' => 'Inactive rules will never fire.', 'stored_new_rule' => 'Stored new rule with title ":title"', 'deleted_rule' => 'Deleted rule with title ":title"', 'store_new_rule' => 'Store new rule', 'updated_rule' => 'Updated rule with title ":title"', 'default_rule_group_name' => 'Default rules', 'default_rule_group_description' => '所有不屬於任何組別的規則', 'default_rule_name' => 'Your first default rule', 'default_rule_description' => '這是一個例子。你可以把這個規則刪除。', 'default_rule_trigger_description' => '賣世界的小男孩', 'default_rule_trigger_from_account' => 'David Bowie', 'default_rule_action_prepend' => '買下了整個世界。錢給了', 'default_rule_action_set_category' => 'Large expenses', 'trigger' => 'Trigger', 'trigger_value' => 'Trigger on value', 'stop_processing_other_triggers' => 'Stop processing other triggers', 'add_rule_trigger' => 'Add new trigger', 'action' => 'Action', 'action_value' => 'Action value', 'stop_executing_other_actions' => 'Stop executing other actions', 'add_rule_action' => 'Add new action', 'edit_rule' => 'Edit rule ":title"', 'delete_rule' => 'Delete rule ":title"', 'update_rule' => 'Update rule', 'test_rule_triggers' => 'See matching transactions', 'warning_transaction_subset' => 'For performance reasons this list is limited to :max_num_transactions and may only show a subset of matching transactions', 'warning_no_matching_transactions' => 'No matching transactions found. Please note that for performance reasons, only the last :num_transactions transactions have been checked.', 'warning_no_valid_triggers' => 'No valid triggers provided.', 'execute_on_existing_transactions' => 'Execute for existing transactions', 'execute_on_existing_transactions_intro' => 'When a rule or group has been changed or added, you can execute it for existing transactions', 'execute_on_existing_transactions_short' => 'Existing transactions', 'executed_group_on_existing_transactions' => 'Executed group ":title" for existing transactions', 'execute_group_on_existing_transactions' => 'Execute group ":title" for existing transactions', 'include_transactions_from_accounts' => 'Include transactions from these accounts', 'execute' => 'Execute', // actions and triggers 'rule_trigger_user_action' => 'User action is ":trigger_value"', 'rule_trigger_from_account_starts' => '以 ":trigger_value" 開頭的來源帳戶', 'rule_trigger_from_account_ends' => '以 ":trigger_value" 為結尾的來源帳戶', 'rule_trigger_from_account_is' => '來源帳戶是 ":trigger_value"', 'rule_trigger_from_account_contains' => '含 ":trigger_value" 的來源帳戶', 'rule_trigger_to_account_starts' => 'Destination account starts with ":trigger_value"', 'rule_trigger_to_account_ends' => 'Destination account ends with ":trigger_value"', 'rule_trigger_to_account_is' => 'Destination account is ":trigger_value"', 'rule_trigger_to_account_contains' => 'Destination account contains ":trigger_value"', 'rule_trigger_transaction_type' => 'Transaction is of type ":trigger_value"', 'rule_trigger_amount_less' => 'Amount is less than :trigger_value', 'rule_trigger_amount_exactly' => 'Amount is :trigger_value', 'rule_trigger_amount_more' => 'Amount is more than :trigger_value', 'rule_trigger_description_starts' => '以 ":trigger_value" 開頭的描述', 'rule_trigger_description_ends' => '以 ":trigger_value" 為結尾的描述', 'rule_trigger_description_contains' => '含 ":trigger_value" 的描述', 'rule_trigger_description_is' => '描述是 ":trigger_value"', 'rule_trigger_from_account_starts_choice' => '來源帳戶以…開頭', 'rule_trigger_from_account_ends_choice' => '來源帳戶以…結尾', 'rule_trigger_from_account_is_choice' => '來源帳戶是…', 'rule_trigger_from_account_contains_choice' => '來源帳戶含有…', 'rule_trigger_to_account_starts_choice' => 'Destination account starts with..', 'rule_trigger_to_account_ends_choice' => 'Destination account ends with..', 'rule_trigger_to_account_is_choice' => 'Destination account is..', 'rule_trigger_to_account_contains_choice' => 'Destination account contains..', 'rule_trigger_transaction_type_choice' => 'Transaction is of type..', 'rule_trigger_amount_less_choice' => 'Amount is less than..', 'rule_trigger_amount_exactly_choice' => 'Amount is..', 'rule_trigger_amount_more_choice' => 'Amount is more than..', 'rule_trigger_description_starts_choice' => '描述以…開頭', 'rule_trigger_description_ends_choice' => '描述以…結尾', 'rule_trigger_description_contains_choice' => '描述包含…', 'rule_trigger_description_is_choice' => '描述是…', 'rule_trigger_store_journal' => 'When a journal is created', 'rule_trigger_update_journal' => 'When a journal is updated', 'rule_action_set_category' => 'Set category to ":action_value"', 'rule_action_clear_category' => 'Clear category', 'rule_action_set_budget' => 'Set budget to ":action_value"', 'rule_action_clear_budget' => 'Clear budget', 'rule_action_add_tag' => '新增標籤 ":action_value"', 'rule_action_remove_tag' => '刪除標籤 ":action_value"', 'rule_action_remove_all_tags' => '移除所有標籤', 'rule_action_set_description' => '設置描述為 ":action_value"', 'rule_action_append_description' => '描述後加上 ":action_value"', 'rule_action_prepend_description' => '描述前加上 ":action_value"', 'rule_action_set_category_choice' => 'Set category to..', 'rule_action_clear_category_choice' => 'Clear any category', 'rule_action_set_budget_choice' => 'Set budget to..', 'rule_action_clear_budget_choice' => 'Clear any budget', 'rule_action_add_tag_choice' => '新增標籤…', 'rule_action_remove_tag_choice' => '移除標籤…', 'rule_action_remove_all_tags_choice' => '移除所有標籤', 'rule_action_set_description_choice' => '把描述設置為…', 'rule_action_append_description_choice' => '描述後加上…', 'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => '描述前加上…', 'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => '把來源帳戶設置為...', 'rule_action_set_source_account' => '將來源帳戶設置為 :action_value', 'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Set destination account to...', 'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Set destination account to :action_value', // tags 'store_new_tag' => '儲存新的標籤', 'update_tag' => '更新標籤', 'no_location_set' => 'No location set.', 'meta_data' => 'Meta data', 'location' => 'Location', // preferences 'pref_home_screen_accounts' => 'Home screen accounts', 'pref_home_screen_accounts_help' => 'Which accounts should be displayed on the home page?', 'pref_view_range' => 'View range', 'pref_view_range_help' => 'Some charts are automatically grouped in periods. What period would you prefer?', 'pref_1D' => 'One day', 'pref_1W' => 'One week', 'pref_1M' => 'One month', 'pref_3M' => 'Three months (quarter)', 'pref_6M' => 'Six months', 'pref_1Y' => 'One year', 'pref_languages' => 'Languages', 'pref_languages_help' => 'Firefly III supports several languages. Which one do you prefer?', 'pref_custom_fiscal_year' => 'Fiscal year settings', 'pref_custom_fiscal_year_label' => 'Enabled', 'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help' => 'In countries that use a financial year other than January 1 to December 31, you can switch this on and specify start / end days of the fiscal year', 'pref_fiscal_year_start_label' => 'Fiscal year start date', 'pref_two_factor_auth' => '雙重身份驗證', 'pref_two_factor_auth_help' => '當您啟用二步驗證 (也稱為雙重身份驗證) 時,你的帳戶安全性將會更上一層樓。你需要以您知道的東西(密碼)和你擁有的東西(驗證碼)來進行登錄。驗證碼是由您的手機上的應用程式生成的,如 Authy 或 Google Authenticator 。', 'pref_enable_two_factor_auth' => '啟用雙重身份驗證', 'pref_two_factor_auth_disabled' => '成功刪除和禁用雙重身份驗證', 'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_it' => '別忘了從你的身份驗證程式(例如 Authy 或 Google Authenticator)中刪除帳戶 !', 'pref_two_factor_auth_code' => '驗證代碼', 'pref_two_factor_auth_code_help' => '請以你的手機上的身份驗證應用程式(例如 Authy 或 Google Authenticator)掃描 QR 代碼,然後輸入其所生成的代碼。', 'pref_two_factor_auth_reset_code' => '重置驗證代碼', 'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_code' => '刪除驗證代碼', 'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_will_disable' => '(這也會禁用雙重身份驗證)', 'pref_save_settings' => 'Save settings', 'saved_preferences' => 'Preferences saved!', 'preferences_general' => 'General', 'preferences_frontpage' => 'Home screen', 'preferences_security' => 'Security', 'preferences_layout' => 'Layout', 'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Show deposits on the home screen', 'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'The home screen already shows your expense accounts. Should it also show your revenue accounts?', 'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Yes, show them', 'successful_count' => 'of which :count successful', 'transaction_page_size_title' => 'Page size', 'transaction_page_size_help' => 'Any list of transactions shows at most this many transactions', 'transaction_page_size_label' => 'Page size', 'between_dates' => '(:start and :end)', 'pref_optional_fields_transaction' => 'Optional fields for transactions', 'pref_optional_fields_transaction_help' => 'By default not all fields are enabled when creating a new transaction (because of the clutter). Below, you can enable these fields if you think they could be useful for you. Of course, any field that is disabled, but already filled in, will be visible regardless of the setting.', 'optional_tj_date_fields' => 'Date fields', 'optional_tj_business_fields' => 'Business fields', 'optional_tj_attachment_fields' => 'Attachment fields', 'pref_optional_tj_interest_date' => 'Interest date', 'pref_optional_tj_book_date' => 'Book date', 'pref_optional_tj_process_date' => 'Processing date', 'pref_optional_tj_due_date' => '到期日', 'pref_optional_tj_payment_date' => 'Payment date', 'pref_optional_tj_invoice_date' => 'Invoice date', 'pref_optional_tj_internal_reference' => 'Internal reference', 'pref_optional_tj_notes' => 'Notes', 'pref_optional_tj_attachments' => 'Attachments', 'optional_field_meta_dates' => 'Dates', 'optional_field_meta_business' => 'Business', 'optional_field_attachments' => 'Attachments', 'optional_field_meta_data' => 'Optional meta data', // profile: 'change_your_password' => 'Change your password', 'delete_account' => 'Delete account', 'current_password' => 'Current password', 'new_password' => 'New password', 'new_password_again' => 'New password (again)', 'delete_your_account' => 'Delete your account', 'delete_your_account_help' => 'Deleting your account will also delete any accounts, transactions, anything you might have saved into Firefly III. It\'ll be GONE.', 'delete_your_account_password' => 'Enter your password to continue.', 'password' => 'Password', 'are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure? You cannot undo this.', 'delete_account_button' => 'DELETE your account', 'invalid_current_password' => 'Invalid current password!', 'password_changed' => 'Password changed!', 'should_change' => 'The idea is to change your password.', 'invalid_password' => 'Invalid password!', // attachments 'nr_of_attachments' => 'One attachment|:count attachments', 'attachments' => 'Attachments', 'edit_attachment' => 'Edit attachment ":name"', 'update_attachment' => 'Update attachment', 'delete_attachment' => 'Delete attachment ":name"', 'attachment_deleted' => 'Deleted attachment ":name"', 'attachment_updated' => 'Updated attachment ":name"', 'upload_max_file_size' => 'Maximum file size: :size', // tour: 'prev' => 'Prev', 'next' => 'Next', 'end-tour' => 'End tour', 'pause' => 'Pause', // transaction index 'title_expenses' => 'Expenses', 'title_withdrawal' => 'Expenses', 'title_revenue' => 'Revenue / income', 'title_deposit' => 'Revenue / income', 'title_transfer' => 'Transfers', 'title_transfers' => 'Transfers', // convert stuff: 'convert_is_already_type_Withdrawal' => 'This transaction is already a withdrawal', 'convert_is_already_type_Deposit' => 'This transaction is already a deposit', 'convert_is_already_type_Transfer' => 'This transaction is already a transfer', 'convert_to_Withdrawal' => 'Convert ":description" to a withdrawal', 'convert_to_Deposit' => 'Convert ":description" to a deposit', 'convert_to_Transfer' => 'Convert ":description" to a transfer', 'convert_options_WithdrawalDeposit' => 'Convert a withdrawal into a deposit', 'convert_options_WithdrawalTransfer' => 'Convert a withdrawal into a transfer', 'convert_options_DepositTransfer' => 'Convert a deposit into a transfer', 'convert_options_DepositWithdrawal' => 'Convert a deposit into a withdrawal', 'convert_options_TransferWithdrawal' => 'Convert a transfer into a withdrawal', 'convert_options_TransferDeposit' => 'Convert a transfer into a deposit', 'transaction_journal_convert_options' => 'Convert this transaction', 'convert_Withdrawal_to_deposit' => 'Convert this withdrawal to a deposit', 'convert_Withdrawal_to_transfer' => 'Convert this withdrawal to a transfer', 'convert_Deposit_to_withdrawal' => 'Convert this deposit to a withdrawal', 'convert_Deposit_to_transfer' => 'Convert this deposit to a transfer', 'convert_Transfer_to_deposit' => 'Convert this transfer to a deposit', 'convert_Transfer_to_withdrawal' => 'Convert this transfer to a withdrawal', 'convert_please_set_revenue_source' => 'Please pick the revenue account where the money will come from.', 'convert_please_set_asset_destination' => 'Please pick the asset account where the money will go to.', 'convert_please_set_expense_destination' => 'Please pick the expense account where the money will go to.', 'convert_please_set_asset_source' => 'Please pick the asset account where the money will come from.', 'convert_explanation_withdrawal_deposit' => 'If you convert this withdrawal into a deposit, :amount will be deposited into :sourceName instead of taken from it.', 'convert_explanation_withdrawal_transfer' => '如果你把這個提款(支出)轉換為轉帳, :amount 會從 :sourceName 轉帳到新的資產帳戶,而不會付款到 :destinationName 。', 'convert_explanation_deposit_withdrawal' => 'If you convert this deposit into a withdrawal, :amount will be removed from :destinationName instead of added to it.', 'convert_explanation_deposit_transfer' => 'If you convert this deposit into a transfer, :amount will be transferred from an asset account of your choice into :destinationName.', 'convert_explanation_transfer_withdrawal' => 'If you convert this transfer into a withdrawal, :amount will go from :sourceName to a new destination as an expense, instead of to :destinationName as a transfer.', 'convert_explanation_transfer_deposit' => 'If you convert this transfer into a deposit, :amount will be deposited into account :destinationName instead of being transferred there.', 'converted_to_Withdrawal' => 'The transaction has been converted to a withdrawal', 'converted_to_Deposit' => 'The transaction has been converted to a deposit', 'converted_to_Transfer' => 'The transaction has been converted to a transfer', // create new stuff: 'create_new_withdrawal' => 'Create new withdrawal', 'create_new_deposit' => 'Create new deposit', 'create_new_transfer' => 'Create new transfer', 'create_new_asset' => '建立新的資產帳戶', 'create_new_expense' => 'Create new expense account', 'create_new_revenue' => 'Create new revenue account', 'create_new_piggy_bank' => 'Create new piggy bank', 'create_new_bill' => '建立新賬單', // currencies: 'create_currency' => 'Create a new currency', 'store_currency' => 'Store new currency', 'update_currency' => 'Update currency', 'new_default_currency' => ':name is now the default currency.', 'cannot_delete_currency' => 'Cannot delete :name because it is still in use.', 'deleted_currency' => 'Currency :name deleted', 'created_currency' => 'Currency :name created', 'updated_currency' => 'Currency :name updated', 'ask_site_owner' => 'Please ask :owner to add, remove or edit currencies.', 'currencies_intro' => 'Firefly III supports various currencies which you can set and enable here.', 'make_default_currency' => 'make default', 'default_currency' => 'default', // new user: 'submit' => 'Submit', 'getting_started' => 'Getting started', 'to_get_started' => '請輸入你的銀行名稱和帳戶餘額,以開始使用 Firefly︰', 'savings_balance_text' => '如果你有儲蓄帳戶的話,請輸入你的儲蓄帳戶當前的餘額︰', 'cc_balance_text' => '如果你有信用卡,請輸入你的信用卡限額。', 'stored_new_account_new_user' => 'Yay! Your new account has been stored.', 'stored_new_accounts_new_user' => 'Yay! Your new accounts have been stored.', // forms: 'mandatoryFields' => 'Mandatory fields', 'optionalFields' => 'Optional fields', 'options' => 'Options', // budgets: 'create_new_budget' => 'Create a new budget', 'store_new_budget' => 'Store new budget', 'stored_new_budget' => 'Stored new budget ":name"', 'available_between' => 'Available between :start and :end', 'transactionsWithoutBudget' => 'Expenses without budget', 'transactions_no_budget' => 'Expenses without budget between :start and :end', 'spent_between' => 'Spent between :start and :end', 'createBudget' => 'New budget', 'inactiveBudgets' => 'Inactive budgets', 'without_budget_between' => 'Transactions without a budget between :start and :end', 'budget_in_month' => ':name in :month', 'delete_budget' => 'Delete budget ":name"', 'deleted_budget' => 'Deleted budget ":name"', 'edit_budget' => 'Edit budget ":name"', 'updated_budget' => 'Updated budget ":name"', 'update_amount' => 'Update amount', 'update_budget' => 'Update budget', 'update_budget_amount_range' => 'Update (expected) available amount between :start and :end', // bills: 'matching_on' => 'Matching on', 'between_amounts' => 'between :low and :high.', 'repeats' => 'Repeats', 'connected_journals' => 'Connected transactions', 'auto_match_on' => 'Automatically matched by Firefly', 'auto_match_off' => 'Not automatically matched by Firefly', 'next_expected_match' => 'Next expected match', 'delete_bill' => '刪除賬單 ":name"', 'deleted_bill' => '成功刪除賬單 ":name"', 'edit_bill' => '編輯賬單 ":name"', 'more' => 'More', 'rescan_old' => 'Rescan old transactions', 'update_bill' => '更新賬單', 'updated_bill' => '更新了帳單 ":name"', 'store_new_bill' => '儲存新的賬單', 'stored_new_bill' => '儲存了新的賬單 ":name"', 'cannot_scan_inactive_bill' => 'Inactive bills cannot be scanned.', 'rescanned_bill' => 'Rescanned everything.', 'average_bill_amount_year' => '平均賬單金額 (:year)', 'average_bill_amount_overall' => '平均賬單金額 (總計)', 'not_or_not_yet' => 'Not (yet)', 'not_expected_period' => 'Not expected this period', // accounts: 'details_for_asset' => '資產帳戶的詳細資訊 ":name"', 'details_for_expense' => 'Details for expense account ":name"', 'details_for_revenue' => 'Details for revenue account ":name"', 'details_for_cash' => 'Details for cash account ":name"', 'store_new_asset_account' => '儲存新的資產帳戶', 'store_new_expense_account' => 'Store new expense account', 'store_new_revenue_account' => 'Store new revenue account', 'edit_asset_account' => '編輯資產帳戶 ":name"', 'edit_expense_account' => 'Edit expense account ":name"', 'edit_revenue_account' => 'Edit revenue account ":name"', 'delete_asset_account' => '刪除資產帳戶 ":name"', 'delete_expense_account' => 'Delete expense account ":name"', 'delete_revenue_account' => 'Delete revenue account ":name"', 'asset_deleted' => '成功刪除資產帳戶 ":name"', 'expense_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted expense account ":name"', 'revenue_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted revenue account ":name"', 'update_asset_account' => '更新資產帳戶資訊', 'update_expense_account' => 'Update expense account', 'update_revenue_account' => 'Update revenue account', 'make_new_asset_account' => '建立新的資產帳戶', 'make_new_expense_account' => 'Create a new expense account', 'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Create a new revenue account', 'asset_accounts' => '資產帳戶', 'expense_accounts' => 'Expense accounts', 'revenue_accounts' => 'Revenue accounts', 'cash_accounts' => 'Cash accounts', 'Cash account' => 'Cash account', 'account_type' => 'Account type', 'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Save these transaction(s) by moving them to another account:', 'stored_new_account' => 'New account ":name" stored!', 'updated_account' => 'Updated account ":name"', 'credit_card_options' => 'Credit card options', // categories: 'new_category' => 'New category', 'create_new_category' => 'Create a new category', 'without_category' => 'Without a category', 'update_category' => 'Update category', 'updated_category' => 'Updated category ":name"', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'edit_category' => 'Edit category ":name"', 'no_category' => '(no category)', 'category' => 'Category', 'delete_category' => 'Delete category ":name"', 'deleted_category' => 'Deleted category ":name"', 'store_category' => 'Store new category', 'stored_category' => 'Stored new category ":name"', 'without_category_between' => 'Without category between :start and :end', // transactions: 'update_withdrawal' => 'Update withdrawal', 'update_deposit' => 'Update deposit', 'update_transfer' => 'Update transfer', 'updated_withdrawal' => '成功更新提款 ":description"', 'updated_deposit' => '成功更新存款 ":description"', 'updated_transfer' => '成功更新轉帳 ":description"', 'delete_withdrawal' => '刪除提款 ":description"', 'delete_deposit' => '刪除存款 ":description"', 'delete_transfer' => '刪除轉帳 ":description"', 'deleted_withdrawal' => '成功刪除提款 ":description"', 'deleted_deposit' => '成功刪除存款 ":description"', 'deleted_transfer' => '成功刪除轉帳 ":description"', 'stored_journal' => '成功建立交易 ":description"', 'select_transactions' => 'Select transactions', 'stop_selection' => 'Stop selecting transactions', 'edit_selected' => 'Edit selected', 'delete_selected' => 'Delete selected', 'mass_delete_journals' => 'Delete a number of transactions', 'mass_edit_journals' => 'Edit a number of transactions', 'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'You cannot mass-edit other fields than the ones here, because there is no room to show them. Please follow the link and edit them by one-by-one, if you need to edit these fields.', 'perm-delete-many' => 'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious.', 'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Deleted :amount transaction(s).', 'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Updated :amount transaction(s)', // new user: 'welcome' => 'Welcome to Firefly!', // home page: 'yourAccounts' => 'Your accounts', 'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Budgets and spending', 'savings' => 'Savings', 'markAsSavingsToContinue' => '將你的資產帳戶標記為 「儲蓄帳戶」 即可顯示在這裡', 'createPiggyToContinue' => 'Create piggy banks to fill this panel.', 'newWithdrawal' => 'New expense', 'newDeposit' => 'New deposit', 'newTransfer' => 'New transfer', 'moneyIn' => 'Money in', 'moneyOut' => 'Money out', 'billsToPay' => '待付賬單', 'billsPaid' => '已付賬單', 'divided' => 'divided', 'toDivide' => 'left to divide', // menu and titles, should be recycled as often as possible: 'currency' => 'Currency', 'preferences' => 'Preferences', 'logout' => 'Logout', 'searchPlaceholder' => 'Search...', 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'currencies' => 'Currencies', 'accounts' => 'Accounts', 'Asset account' => '資產帳戶', 'Default account' => '資產帳戶', 'Expense account' => 'Expense account', 'Revenue account' => 'Revenue account', 'Initial balance account' => '初始帳戶', 'budgets' => 'Budgets', 'tags' => '標籤', 'reports' => 'Reports', 'transactions' => 'Transactions', 'expenses' => 'Expenses', 'income' => 'Revenue / income', 'transfers' => 'Transfers', 'moneyManagement' => 'Money management', 'piggyBanks' => 'Piggy banks', 'bills' => '賬單', 'withdrawal' => 'Withdrawal', 'deposit' => 'Deposit', 'account' => 'Account', 'transfer' => 'Transfer', 'Withdrawal' => 'Withdrawal', 'Deposit' => 'Deposit', 'Transfer' => 'Transfer', 'bill' => '賬單', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'overview' => 'Overview', 'saveOnAccount' => 'Save on account', 'unknown' => 'Unknown', 'daily' => 'Daily', 'monthly' => 'Monthly', 'profile' => 'Profile', 'errors' => 'Errors', // reports: 'report_default' => 'Default financial report for :start until :end', 'report_audit' => 'Transaction history overview for :start until :end', 'report_category' => 'Category report for :start until :end', 'quick_link_reports' => 'Quick links', 'quick_link_default_report' => 'Default financial report', 'quick_link_audit_report' => 'Transaction history overview', 'report_this_month_quick' => 'Current month, all accounts', 'report_this_year_quick' => 'Current year, all accounts', 'report_this_fiscal_year_quick' => 'Current fiscal year, all accounts', 'report_all_time_quick' => 'All-time, all accounts', 'reports_can_bookmark' => 'Remember that reports can be bookmarked.', 'incomeVsExpenses' => 'Income vs. expenses', 'accountBalances' => '帳戶餘額', 'balanceStartOfYear' => '年初結餘', 'balanceEndOfYear' => '年末結餘', 'balanceStartOfMonth' => '月初結餘', 'balanceEndOfMonth' => '月未結餘', 'balanceStart' => '期間之初的結餘', 'balanceEnd' => '期間之未的結餘', 'reportsOwnAccounts' => 'Reports for your own accounts', 'reportsOwnAccountsAndShared' => 'Reports for your own accounts and shared accounts', 'splitByAccount' => '以帳號來分割', 'balancedByTransfersAndTags' => 'Balanced by transfers and tags', 'coveredWithTags' => 'Covered with tags', 'leftUnbalanced' => 'Left unbalanced', 'expectedBalance' => '預期餘額', 'outsideOfBudgets' => 'Outside of budgets', 'leftInBudget' => 'Left in budget', 'sumOfSums' => 'Sum of sums', 'noCategory' => '(no category)', 'notCharged' => 'Not charged (yet)', 'inactive' => 'Inactive', 'active' => 'Active', 'difference' => 'Difference', 'in' => 'In', 'out' => 'Out', 'topX' => 'top :number', 'show_full_list' => 'Show entire list', 'show_only_top' => 'Show only top :number', 'sum_of_year' => 'Sum of year', 'sum_of_years' => 'Sum of years', 'average_of_year' => 'Average of year', 'average_of_years' => 'Average of years', 'categories_earned_in_year' => 'Categories (by earnings)', 'categories_spent_in_year' => 'Categories (by spendings)', 'report_type' => 'Report type', 'report_type_default' => 'Default financial report', 'report_type_audit' => 'Transaction history overview (audit)', 'report_type_category' => 'Category report', 'report_type_meta-history' => '類別、 預算與賬單的概覽', 'more_info_help' => 'More information about these types of reports can be found in the help pages. Press the (?) icon in the top right corner.', 'report_included_accounts' => 'Included accounts', 'report_date_range' => 'Date range', 'report_preset_ranges' => 'Pre-set ranges', 'shared' => 'Shared', 'fiscal_year' => 'Fiscal year', 'income_entry' => 'Income from account ":name" between :start and :end', 'expense_entry' => 'Expenses to account ":name" between :start and :end', 'category_entry' => 'Expenses in category ":name" between :start and :end', 'budget_spent_amount' => 'Expenses in budget ":budget" between :start and :end', 'balance_amount' => '與 :start 和 :end 之間由帳號 ":account" 支付的預算 ":budget" 的支出', 'no_audit_activity' => 'No activity was recorded on account :account_name between :start and :end.', 'audit_end_balance' => ':account_name 在 :end 後的餘額是: :balance', 'reports_extra_options' => 'Extra options', 'report_has_no_extra_options' => 'This report has no extra options', 'reports_submit' => 'View report', 'end_after_start_date' => 'End date of report must be after start date.', 'select_category' => 'Select one or more categories.', 'income_per_category' => 'Income per category', 'expense_per_category' => 'Expense per category', 'income_per_account' => 'Income per account', 'expense_per_account' => 'Expense per account', 'include_not_in_category' => 'Include transactions not selected for this report', 'everything_else' => 'Everything else', 'income_and_expenses' => 'Income and expenses', // charts: 'chart' => 'Chart', 'dayOfMonth' => 'Day of the month', 'month' => 'Month', 'budget' => 'Budget', 'spent' => 'Spent', 'earned' => 'Earned', 'overspent' => 'Overspent', 'left' => 'Left', 'no_budget' => '(no budget)', 'maxAmount' => 'Maximum amount', 'minAmount' => 'Minumum amount', 'billEntry' => 'Current bill entry', 'name' => 'Name', 'date' => 'Date', 'paid' => 'Paid', 'unpaid' => 'Unpaid', 'day' => 'Day', 'budgeted' => 'Budgeted', 'period' => 'Period', 'balance' => '餘額', 'summary' => 'Summary', 'sum' => 'Sum', 'average' => 'Average', 'balanceFor' => ':name 的餘額', // piggy banks: 'add_money_to_piggy' => 'Add money to piggy bank ":name"', 'piggy_bank' => 'Piggy bank', 'new_piggy_bank' => 'Create new piggy bank', 'store_piggy_bank' => 'Store new piggy bank', 'stored_piggy_bank' => 'Store new piggy bank ":name"', 'account_status' => 'Account status', 'left_for_piggy_banks' => 'Left for piggy banks', 'sum_of_piggy_banks' => 'Sum of piggy banks', 'saved_so_far' => 'Saved so far', 'left_to_save' => 'Left to save', 'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Add money to piggy bank ":name"', 'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Remove money from piggy bank ":name"', 'add' => 'Add', 'remove' => 'Remove', 'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is', 'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is', 'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank', 'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"', 'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Updated piggy bank ":name"', 'details' => 'Details', 'events' => 'Events', 'target_amount' => 'Target amount', 'start_date' => 'Start date', 'target_date' => '儲蓄目標日期', 'no_target_date' => '沒有儲蓄目標日期', 'todo' => 'to do', 'table' => 'Table', 'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.', 'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.', 'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date', 'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"', 'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Could not add :amount to ":name".', 'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Deleted piggy bank ":name"', 'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Added :amount to ":name"', 'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Removed :amount from ":name"', 'cannot_remove_amount_piggy' => 'Could not remove :amount from ":name".', // tags 'regular_tag' => '只是一個普通的標籤。', 'balancing_act' => '這標籤最多會有兩項交易:一個支出和一個轉帳,而他們會互相抵消。', 'advance_payment' => '這種標籤容許一個支出和多個存款以抵銷原本的支出。', 'delete_tag' => '刪除標籤 ":tag"', 'deleted_tag' => '刪除了標籤 ":tag"', 'new_tag' => '建立新標籤', 'edit_tag' => '編輯標籤 ":tag"', 'updated_tag' => '更新了標籤 ":tag"', 'created_tag' => '成功創建標籤 ":tag" !', 'no_year' => 'No year set', 'no_month' => 'No month set', 'tag_title_nothing' => '預設標籤', 'tag_title_balancingAct' => '抵銷行為標籤', 'tag_title_advancePayment' => '預付款標籤', 'tags_introduction' => '標籤通常是一些方便分類的短語,例如 很貴賬單 或者 派對用品。 在 Firefly III 裡,標籤可以有不同的屬性,例如日期、描述、或位置。這能方便你更有意義地把交易分類。例如,你可以建立一個 與朋友一起吃聖誕大餐的標籤,並加上餐廳的資訊。這類的標籤標籤是 「即棄」 的,你只會在一次事件中使用它,而標籤可能有多個交易。', 'tags_group' => '標籤可以把交易進行分組,容許你記錄報銷(你為其他人墊支),或者其他「抵銷行為」——例如分期付款(買電視機的時候),或者支出和收入會互相抵銷(以儲蓄買東西)的交易。當然,你也可以建立普通的標籤,隨你喜歡。', 'tags_start' => '要開始使用,請新增標籤或在建立新交易紀錄時輸入標籤。', 'transaction_journal_information' => 'Transaction information', 'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Meta information', 'total_amount' => 'Total amount', // administration 'administration' => 'Administration', 'user_administration' => 'User administration', 'list_all_users' => 'All users', 'all_users' => 'All users', 'all_blocked_domains' => 'All blocked domains', 'blocked_domains' => 'Blocked domains', 'no_domains_banned' => 'No domains blocked', 'all_user_domains' => 'All user email address domains', 'all_domains_is_filtered' => 'This list does not include already blocked domains.', 'domain_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked', 'domain_now_unblocked' => 'Domain :domain is now unblocked', 'manual_block_domain' => 'Block a domain by hand', 'block_domain' => 'Block domain', 'no_domain_filled_in' => 'No domain filled in', 'domain_already_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is already blocked', 'domain_is_now_blocked' => 'Domain :domain is now blocked', 'instance_configuration' => 'Configuration', 'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Configuration options for Firefly III', 'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Single user mode', 'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as wel, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).', 'store_configuration' => 'Store configuration', 'single_user_administration' => 'User administration for :email', 'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'Not all fields are visible right now. You must enable them in your settings.', 'user_data_information' => 'User data', 'user_information' => 'User information', 'total_size' => 'total size', 'budget_or_budgets' => 'budget(s)', 'budgets_with_limits' => 'budget(s) with configured amount', 'rule_or_rules' => 'rule(s)', 'rulegroup_or_groups' => 'rule group(s)', 'setting_must_confirm_account' => 'Account confirmation', 'setting_must_confirm_account_explain' => 'When this setting is enabled, users must activate their account before it can be used.', 'configuration_updated' => 'The configuration has been updated', 'setting_is_demo_site' => 'Demo site', 'setting_is_demo_site_explain' => 'If you check this box, this installation will behave as if it is the demo site, which can have weird side effects.', // split a transaction: 'transaction_meta_data' => 'Transaction meta-data', 'transaction_dates' => 'Transaction dates', 'splits' => '分割', 'split_title_withdrawal' => '分割你的新提款', 'split_intro_one_withdrawal' => 'Firefly 容許 "分割" 一個提款。', 'split_intro_two_withdrawal' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve spent is divided between several destination expense accounts, budgets or categories.', 'split_intro_three_withdrawal' => '例如:你可以分割你一共 :total 的日用品,所以你可以由你的「日用品」預算支付 :split_one 和由你的「香煙」預算中支付 :split_two 。', 'split_table_intro_withdrawal' => 'Split your withdrawal in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.', 'store_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Store splitted withdrawal', 'update_splitted_withdrawal' => 'Update splitted withdrawal', 'split_title_deposit' => 'Split your new deposit', 'split_intro_one_deposit' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a deposit.', 'split_intro_two_deposit' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'ve earned is divided between several source revenue accounts or categories.', 'split_intro_three_deposit' => 'For example: you could split your :total salary so you get :split_one as your base salary and :split_two as a reimbursment for expenses made.', 'split_table_intro_deposit' => 'Split your deposit in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.', 'store_splitted_deposit' => 'Store splitted deposit', 'split_title_transfer' => 'Split your new transfer', 'split_intro_one_transfer' => 'Firefly supports the "splitting" of a transfer.', 'split_intro_two_transfer' => 'It means that the amount of money you\'re moving is divided between several categories or piggy banks.', 'split_intro_three_transfer' => 'For example: you could split your :total move so you get :split_one in one piggy bank and :split_two in another.', 'split_table_intro_transfer' => 'Split your transfer in as many things as you want. By default the transaction will not split, there is just one entry. Add as many splits as you want to, below. Remember that you should not deviate from your total amount. If you do, Firefly will warn you but not correct you.', 'store_splitted_transfer' => 'Store splitted transfer', 'add_another_split' => 'Add another split', 'split-transactions' => 'Split transactions', 'split-new-transaction' => 'Split a new transaction', 'do_split' => 'Do a split', 'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Split this withdrawal', 'split_this_deposit' => 'Split this deposit', 'split_this_transfer' => 'Split this transfer', 'cannot_edit_multiple_source' => '你不能修改描述為 ":description" 的分割交易 #:id 因為他有多個來源帳號。', 'cannot_edit_multiple_dest' => '你不能修改描述為 ":description" 的分割交易 #:id 因為他有多個目標帳號。', 'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'You have selected no valid transactions to edit.', // import 'configuration_file_help' => 'If you have previously imported data into Firefly III, you may have a configuration file, which will pre-set configuration values for you. For some banks, other users have kindly provided their configuration file.', 'import_data_index' => 'Index', 'import_file_type_csv' => 'CSV (comma separated values)', 'import_file_type_help' => 'Select the type of file you will upload', 'import_start' => '開始匯入', 'configure_import' => '進一步調整匯入設定', 'import_finish_configuration' => 'Finish configuration', 'settings_for_import' => 'Settings', 'import_status' => '匯入狀態', 'import_status_text' => '匯入正在進行中,或即將進行匯入。', 'import_complete' => '匯入設定完成!', 'import_complete_text' => '匯入程序已準備妥當。你已完成所有設定。請下載設定檔,當你的匯入出現問題時它將幫上忙。若要執行匯入程序,你可以在您的伺服器上執行以下命令,或運行網頁導入程序。根據您的配置,在伺服器上執行命令或會給你更多的資訊。', 'import_download_config' => 'Download configuration', 'import_start_import' => '開始匯入', 'import_data' => '匯入資料', 'import_data_full' => '匯入資料到 Firefly III', 'import' => '匯入', 'import_file_help' => 'Select your file', 'import_status_settings_complete' => '匯入已準備妥當,可以開始。', 'import_status_import_complete' => '匯入已完成。', 'import_status_import_running' => '匯入正在進行中。請稍候。', 'import_status_header' => '匯入狀態與進度', 'import_status_errors' => '匯入錯誤', 'import_status_report' => '匯入報告', 'import_finished' => '匯入已完成', 'import_error_single' => '匯入時發生了一個錯誤。', 'import_error_multi' => '匯入時發生了一些錯誤。', 'import_error_fatal' => '匯入時發生了一個錯誤。 請檢查紀錄檔。 錯誤好像是:', 'import_error_timeout' => '匯入程序似乎已經越時。如果這個錯誤持續,請使用伺服器命令啟動匯入程序。', 'import_double' => '行 #:row: 這行曾被匯入過,並已儲存在:description。', 'import_finished_all' => '匯入已完成。請檢查下列的結果。', 'import_with_key' => '以鍵 \':key\' 作匯入', 'import_share_configuration' => 'Please consider downloading your configuration and sharing it at the import configuration center. This will allow other users of Firefly III to import their files more easily.', 'import_finished_report' => '匯入已完成。請留意在這行上面的錯誤記錄。這次所匯入的所有交易都已經進行標記,你可以在下面查看。 ', 'import_finished_link' => '匯入成功的所有交易都可以在標籤 :tag 內找到。', 'need_at_least_one_account' => 'You need at least one asset account to be able to create piggy banks', 'see_help_top_right' => 'For more information, please check out the help pages using the icon in the top right corner of the page.', ];