'Bem Vindo ao Firefly III', 'main-content-text' => 'Do yourself a favor and follow this short guide to make sure you know your way around.', 'sidebar-toggle-title' => 'Sidebar to create stuff', 'sidebar-toggle-text' => 'Hidden under the plus icon are all the buttons to create new stuff. Accounts, transactions, everything!', 'account-menu-title' => 'All your accounts', 'account-menu-text' => 'Here you can find all the accounts you\'ve made.', 'budget-menu-title' => 'Budgets', 'budget-menu-text' => 'Use this page to organise your finances and limit spending.', 'report-menu-title' => 'Relatórios', 'report-menu-text' => 'Check this out when you want a solid overview of your fiances.', 'transaction-menu-title' => 'Transações', 'transaction-menu-text' => 'All transactions you\'ve created can be found here.', 'option-menu-title' => 'Opções', 'option-menu-text' => 'This is pretty self-explanatory.', 'main-content-end-title' => 'Fim!', 'main-content-end-text' => 'Remember that every page has a small question mark at the right top. Click it to get help about the page you\'re on.', 'register' => 'register', 'index' => 'The main index', 'home' => 'home', 'flush' => 'flush', 'accounts-index' => 'accounts.index', 'accounts-create' => 'accounts.create', 'accounts-edit' => 'accounts.edit', 'accounts-delete' => 'accounts.delete', 'accounts-show' => 'accounts.show', 'bills-index' => 'bills.index', 'bills-rescan' => 'bills.rescan', 'bills-create' => 'bills.create', 'bills-edit' => 'bills.edit', 'bills-delete' => 'bills.delete', 'bills-show' => 'bills.show', 'budgets-index' => 'budgets.index', 'budgets-income' => 'budgets.income', 'budgets-create' => 'budgets.create', 'budgets-edit' => 'budgets.edit', 'budgets-delete' => 'budgets.delete', 'budgets-show' => 'budgets.show', 'budgets-noBudget' => 'budgets.noBudget', 'categories-index' => 'categories.index', 'categories-create' => 'categories.create', 'categories-edit' => 'categories.edit', 'categories-delete' => 'categories.delete', 'categories-show' => 'categories.show', 'categories-noCategory' => 'categories.noCategory', 'csv-index' => 'Carregar e importar um arquivo CSV', 'currency-index' => 'currency.index', 'currency-create' => 'currency.create', 'currency-edit' => 'currency.edit', 'currency-delete' => 'currency.delete', 'currency-default' => 'currency.default', 'help-show' => 'help.show', 'json-expense-accounts' => 'json.expense-accounts', 'json-revenue-accounts' => 'json.revenue-accounts', 'json-categories' => 'json.categories', 'json-tags' => 'json.tags', 'json-box-in' => 'json.box.in', 'json-box-out' => 'json.box.out', 'json-box-paid' => 'json.box.paid', 'json-box-unpaid' => 'json.box.unpaid', 'new-user-index' => 'new-user.index', 'piggy-banks-index' => 'piggy-banks.index', 'piggy-banks-addMoney' => 'piggy-banks.addMoney', 'piggy-banks-removeMoney' => 'piggy-banks.removeMoney', 'piggy-banks-create' => 'piggy-banks.create', 'piggy-banks-edit' => 'piggy-banks.edit', 'piggy-banks-delete' => 'piggy-banks.delete', 'piggy-banks-show' => 'piggy-banks.show', 'preferences' => 'preferences', 'profile' => 'profile', 'profile-change-password' => 'profile.change-password', 'profile-delete-account' => 'profile.delete-account', 'reports-index' => 'reports.index', 'reports-year' => 'reports.year', 'reports-month' => 'reports.month', 'search' => 'search', 'tags-index' => 'tags.index', 'tags-create' => 'tags.create', 'tags-show' => 'tags.show', 'tags-edit' => 'tags.edit', 'tags-delete' => 'tags.delete', 'transactions-index' => 'transactions.index', 'transactions-create' => 'transactions.create', 'transactions-edit' => 'transactions.edit', 'transactions-delete' => 'transactions.delete', 'transactions-show' => 'transactions.show', 'logout' => 'logout', ];