. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Support\Http\Api; use Carbon\Carbon; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency; /** * Trait ConvertsExchangeRates */ trait ConvertsExchangeRates { private ?bool $enabled = null; /** * @deprecated */ public function cerChartSet(array $set): array { if (null === $this->enabled) { $this->getPreference(); } // if not enabled, return the same array but without conversion: return $set; $this->enabled = false; if (false === $this->enabled) { $set['converted'] = false; return $set; } $set['converted'] = true; /** @var TransactionCurrency $native */ $native = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency(); $currency = $this->getCurrency((int)$set['currency_id']); if ($native->id === $currency->id) { $set['native_currency_id'] = (string)$currency->id; $set['native_currency_code'] = $currency->code; $set['native_currency_symbol'] = $currency->symbol; $set['native_currency_decimal_places'] = $currency->decimal_places; return $set; } foreach ($set['entries'] as $date => $entry) { $carbon = Carbon::createFromFormat(\DateTimeInterface::ATOM, $date); $rate = $this->getRate($currency, $native, $carbon); $rate = '0' === $rate ? '1' : $rate; app('log')->debug(sprintf('bcmul("%s", "%s")', (string)$entry, $rate)); $set['entries'][$date] = (float)bcmul((string)$entry, $rate); } return $set; } /** * @deprecated */ private function getPreference(): void { $this->enabled = config('cer.currency_conversion'); } /** * @deprecated */ private function getCurrency(int $currencyId): TransactionCurrency { $result = TransactionCurrency::find($currencyId); if (null === $result) { return app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency(); } return $result; } /** * For a sum of entries, get the exchange rate to the native currency of * the user. * * @deprecated */ public function cerSum(array $entries): array { if (null === $this->enabled) { $this->getPreference(); } // if false, return the same array without conversion info if (false === $this->enabled) { $return = []; /** @var array $entry */ foreach ($entries as $entry) { $entry['converted'] = false; $return[] = $entry; } return $return; } /** @var TransactionCurrency $native */ $native = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency(); $return = []; /** @var array $entry */ foreach ($entries as $entry) { $currency = $this->getCurrency((int)$entry['id']); if ($currency->id !== $native->id) { $amount = $this->convertAmount($entry['sum'], $currency, $native); $entry['converted'] = true; $entry['native_sum'] = $amount; $entry['native_currency_id'] = (string)$native->id; $entry['native_currency_name'] = $native->name; $entry['native_currency_symbol'] = $native->symbol; $entry['native_currency_code'] = $native->code; $entry['native_currency_decimal_places'] = $native->decimal_places; } if ($currency->id === $native->id) { $entry['converted'] = false; $entry['native_sum'] = $entry['sum']; $entry['native_currency_id'] = (string)$native->id; $entry['native_currency_name'] = $native->name; $entry['native_currency_symbol'] = $native->symbol; $entry['native_currency_code'] = $native->code; $entry['native_currency_decimal_places'] = $native->decimal_places; } $return[] = $entry; } return $return; } /** * @deprecated */ private function convertAmount(string $amount, TransactionCurrency $from, TransactionCurrency $to, ?Carbon $date = null): string { app('log')->debug(sprintf('Converting %s from %s to %s', $amount, $from->code, $to->code)); $date ??= today(config('app.timezone')); $rate = $this->getRate($from, $to, $date); return bcmul($amount, $rate); } }