with('title', Auth::user()->email)->with('subTitle', 'Change your password')->with( 'mainTitleIcon', 'fa-user' ); } /** * @return \Illuminate\View\View * */ public function index() { return view('profile.index')->with('title', 'Profile')->with('subTitle', Auth::user()->email)->with('mainTitleIcon', 'fa-user'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function postChangePassword(ProfileFormRequest $request) { // old, new1, new2 if (!Hash::check($request->get('current_password'), Auth::user()->password)) { Session::flash('error', 'Invalid current password!'); return Redirect::route('change-password'); } $result = $this->validatePassword($request->get('current_password'), $request->get('new_password'), $request->get('new_password_confirmation')); if (!($result === true)) { Session::flash('error', $result); return Redirect::route('change-password'); } // update the user with the new password. Auth::user()->password = $request->get('new_password'); Auth::user()->save(); Session::flash('success', 'Password changed!'); return Redirect::route('profile'); } /** * @SuppressWarnings("CyclomaticComplexity") // It's exactly 5. So I don't mind. * * @param string $old * @param string $new1 * @param string $new2 * * @return string|bool */ protected function validatePassword($old, $new1, $new2) { if (strlen($new1) == 0 || strlen($new2) == 0) { return 'Do fill in a password!'; } if ($new1 == $old) { return 'The idea is to change your password.'; } if ($new1 !== $new2) { return 'New passwords do not match!'; } return true; } }