setUser(\Auth::user()); } /** * @param array $types * * @return int */ public function countAccountsByType(array $types) { return $this->getUser()->accounts()->accountTypeIn($types)->count(); } /** * @return int */ public function countAssetAccounts() { return $this->countAccountsByType(['Default account', 'Asset account']); } /** * @return int */ public function countExpenseAccounts() { return $this->countAccountsByType(['Expense account', 'Beneficiary account']); } /** * Counts the number of total revenue accounts. Useful for DataTables. * * @return int */ public function countRevenueAccounts() { return $this->countAccountsByType(['Revenue account']); } /** * @param \Account $account * * @return \Account|null */ public function findInitialBalanceAccount(\Account $account) { /** @var \FireflyIII\Database\AccountType\AccountType $acctType */ $acctType = \App::make('FireflyIII\Database\AccountType\AccountType'); $accountType = $acctType->findByWhat('initial'); return $this->getUser()->accounts()->where('account_type_id', $accountType->id)->where('name', 'LIKE', $account->name . '%')->first(); } /** * @param array $types * * @return Collection */ public function getAccountsByType(array $types) { /* * Basic query: */ $query = $this->getUser()->accounts()->accountTypeIn($types)->withMeta()->orderBy('name', 'ASC');; $set = $query->get(['accounts.*']); $set->each( function (\Account $account) { /* * Get last activity date. */ $account->lastActivityDate = $this->getLastActivity($account); } ); return $set; } /** * Get all asset accounts. Optional JSON based parameters. * * @param array $metaFilter * * @return Collection */ public function getAssetAccounts($metaFilter = []) { $list = $this->getAccountsByType(['Default account', 'Asset account']); $list->each( function (\Account $account) { // get accountRole: /** @var \AccountMeta $entry */ $accountRole = $account->accountmeta()->whereName('accountRole')->first(); if (!$accountRole) { $accountRole = new \AccountMeta; $accountRole->account_id = $account->id; $accountRole->name = 'accountRole'; $accountRole->data = 'defaultExpense'; $accountRole->save(); } $account->accountRole = $accountRole->data; } ); return $list; } /** * @return Collection */ public function getExpenseAccounts() { return $this->getAccountsByType(['Expense account', 'Beneficiary account']); } /** * Get all revenue accounts. * * @return Collection */ public function getRevenueAccounts() { return $this->getAccountsByType(['Revenue account']); } /** * @param \Account $account * * @return \TransactionJournal|null */ public function openingBalanceTransaction(\Account $account) { return \TransactionJournal::withRelevantData()->accountIs($account)->leftJoin( 'transaction_types', '', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id' )->where('transaction_types.type', 'Opening balance')->first(['transaction_journals.*']); } /** * @param \Account $account * @param array $data * * @return bool */ public function storeInitialBalance(\Account $account, array $data) { $opposingData = ['name' => $account->name . ' Initial Balance', 'active' => 0, 'what' => 'initial']; $opposingAccount = $this->store($opposingData); /* * Create a journal from opposing to account or vice versa. */ $balance = floatval($data['openingbalance']); $date = new Carbon($data['openingbalancedate']); /** @var \FireflyIII\Database\TransactionJournal\TransactionJournal $tj */ $tj = \App::make('FireflyIII\Database\TransactionJournal\TransactionJournal'); if ($balance < 0) { // first transaction draws money from the new account to the opposing $from = $account; $to = $opposingAccount; } else { // first transaction puts money into account $from = $opposingAccount; $to = $account; } // data for transaction journal: $balance = $balance < 0 ? $balance * -1 : $balance; $opening = ['what' => 'opening', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'amount' => $balance, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'date' => $date, 'description' => 'Opening balance for new account ' . $account->name,]; $validation = $tj->validate($opening); if ($validation['errors']->count() == 0) { $tj->store($opening); return true; } else { \Log::error($validation['errors']->all()); \App::abort(500); } } /** * @param Eloquent $model * * @return bool */ public function destroy(Eloquent $model) { // delete piggy banks // delete journals: $journals = \TransactionJournal::whereIn( 'id', function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($model) { $query->select('transaction_journal_id') ->from('transactions')->whereIn( 'account_id', function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($model) { $query ->select('id') ->from('accounts') ->where( function (QueryBuilder $q) use ($model) { $q->where('id', $model->id); $q->orWhere( function (QueryBuilder $q) use ($model) { $q->where('', 'LIKE', '%' . $model->name . '%'); // TODO magic number! $q->where('accounts.account_type_id', 3); $q->where('', 0); } ); } )->where('accounts.user_id', $this->getUser()->id); } )->get(); } )->get(); /* * Get all transactions. */ $transactions = []; /** @var \TransactionJournal $journal */ foreach ($journals as $journal) { /** @var \Transaction $t */ foreach ($journal->transactions as $t) { $transactions[] = intval($t->id); } $journal->delete(); } // also delete transactions. if (count($transactions) > 0) { \Transaction::whereIn('id', $transactions)->delete(); } /* * Trigger deletion: */ \Event::fire('account.destroy', [$model]); // delete accounts: \Account::where( function (EloquentBuilder $q) use ($model) { $q->where('id', $model->id); $q->orWhere( function (EloquentBuilder $q) use ($model) { $q->where('', 'LIKE', '%' . $model->name . '%'); // TODO magic number! $q->where('accounts.account_type_id', 3); $q->where('', 0); } ); } )->delete(); return true; } /** * @param array $data * * @return \Eloquent */ public function store(array $data) { /* * Find account type. */ /** @var \FireflyIII\Database\AccountType\AccountType $acctType */ $acctType = \App::make('FireflyIII\Database\AccountType\AccountType'); $accountType = $acctType->findByWhat($data['what']); $data['user_id'] = $this->getUser()->id; $data['account_type_id'] = $accountType->id; $data['active'] = isset($data['active']) && $data['active'] === '1' ? 1 : 0; $data = array_except($data, ['_token', 'what']); $account = new \Account($data); if (!$account->isValid()) { \Log::error($account->getErrors()->all()); \App::abort(500); } $account->save(); if (isset($data['openingbalance']) && floatval($data['openingbalance']) != 0) { $this->storeInitialBalance($account, $data); } // TODO this needs cleaning up and thinking over. switch ($account->accountType->type) { case 'Asset account': case 'Default account': $account->updateMeta('accountRole', $data['account_role']); break; } /* Tell transaction journal to store a new one.*/ \Event::fire('', [$account]); return $account; } /** * @param Eloquent $model * @param array $data * * @return bool */ public function update(Eloquent $model, array $data) { $model->name = $data['name']; $model->active = isset($data['active']) ? intval($data['active']) : 0; // TODO this needs cleaning up and thinking over. switch ($model->accountType->type) { case 'Asset account': case 'Default account': $model->updateMeta('accountRole', $data['account_role']); break; } $model->save(); if (isset($data['openingbalance']) && isset($data['openingbalancedate']) && strlen($data['openingbalancedate']) > 0) { /** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */ $openingBalance = $this->openingBalanceTransaction($model); // TODO this needs cleaning up and thinking over. if (is_null($openingBalance)) { $this->storeInitialBalance($model, $data); } else { $openingBalance->date = new Carbon($data['openingbalancedate']); $openingBalance->save(); $amount = floatval($data['openingbalance']); /** @var \Transaction $transaction */ foreach ($openingBalance->transactions as $transaction) { if ($transaction->account_id == $model->id) { $transaction->amount = $amount; } else { $transaction->amount = $amount * -1; } $transaction->save(); } } } \Event::fire('account.update', [$model]); return true; } /** * Validates a model. Returns an array containing MessageBags * errors/warnings/successes. * * @param array $model * * @return array */ public function validate(array $model) { $warnings = new MessageBag; $successes = new MessageBag; $errors = new MessageBag; /* * Name validation: */ if (!isset($model['name'])) { $errors->add('name', 'Name is mandatory'); } if (isset($model['name']) && strlen($model['name']) == 0) { $errors->add('name', 'Name is too short'); } if (isset($model['name']) && strlen($model['name']) > 100) { $errors->add('name', 'Name is too long'); } $validator = \Validator::make([$model], \Account::$rules); if ($validator->invalid()) { $errors->merge($errors); } if (isset($model['account_role']) && !in_array($model['account_role'], array_keys(\Config::get('firefly.accountRoles')))) { $errors->add('account_role', 'Invalid account role'); } else { $successes->add('account_role', 'OK'); } /* * type validation. */ if (!isset($model['what'])) { $errors->add('name', 'Internal error: need to know type of account!'); } /* * Opening balance and opening balance date. */ if (isset($model['what']) && $model['what'] == 'asset') { if (isset($model['openingbalance']) && strlen($model['openingbalance']) > 0 && !is_numeric($model['openingbalance'])) { $errors->add('openingbalance', 'This is not a number.'); } if (isset($model['openingbalancedate']) && strlen($model['openingbalancedate']) > 0) { try { new Carbon($model['openingbalancedate']); } catch (\Exception $e) { $errors->add('openingbalancedate', 'This date is invalid.'); } } } if (!$errors->has('name')) { $successes->add('name', 'OK'); } if (!$errors->has('openingbalance')) { $successes->add('openingbalance', 'OK'); } if (!$errors->has('openingbalancedate')) { $successes->add('openingbalancedate', 'OK'); } return ['errors' => $errors, 'warnings' => $warnings, 'successes' => $successes]; } /** * Returns an object with id $id. * * @param int $objectId * * @return \Eloquent */ public function find($objectId) { return $this->getUser()->accounts()->find($objectId); } /** * @param $what * * @throws NotImplementedException * @return \AccountType|null */ public function findByWhat($what) { // TODO: Implement findByWhat() method. throw new NotImplementedException; } /** * Returns all objects. * * @return Collection * @throws NotImplementedException */ public function get() { // TODO: Implement get() method. throw new NotImplementedException; } /** * @param array $ids * * @return Collection */ public function getByIds(array $ids) { return $this->getUser()->accounts()->whereIn('id', $ids)->get(); } /** * @param $name * * @return static * @throws \FireflyIII\Exception\FireflyException */ public function firstExpenseAccountOrCreate($name) { /** @var \FireflyIII\Database\AccountType\AccountType $accountTypeRepository */ $accountTypeRepository = \App::make('FireflyIII\Database\AccountType\AccountType'); $accountType = $accountTypeRepository->findByWhat('expense'); // if name is "", find cash account: if (strlen($name) == 0) { $cashAccountType = $accountTypeRepository->findByWhat('cash'); // find or create cash account: return \Account::firstOrCreate( ['name' => 'Cash account', 'account_type_id' => $cashAccountType->id, 'active' => 0, 'user_id' => $this->getUser()->id,] ); } $data = ['user_id' => $this->getUser()->id, 'account_type_id' => $accountType->id, 'name' => $name, 'active' => 1]; return \Account::firstOrCreate($data); } /** * @param $name * * @return static * @throws \FireflyIII\Exception\FireflyException */ public function firstRevenueAccountOrCreate($name) { /** @var \FireflyIII\Database\AccountType\AccountType $accountTypeRepository */ $accountTypeRepository = \App::make('FireflyIII\Database\AccountType\AccountType'); $accountType = $accountTypeRepository->findByWhat('revenue'); $data = ['user_id' => $this->getUser()->id, 'account_type_id' => $accountType->id, 'name' => $name, 'active' => 1]; return \Account::firstOrCreate($data); } /** * @param \Account $account * @param int $limit * * @return \Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator */ public function getAllTransactionJournals(\Account $account, $limit = 50) { $offset = intval(\Input::get('page')) > 0 ? intval(\Input::get('page')) * $limit : 0; $set = $this->getUser()->transactionJournals()->withRelevantData()->leftJoin( 'transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', '' )->where('transactions.account_id', $account->id)->take($limit)->offset($offset)->orderBy('date', 'DESC')->get( ['transaction_journals.*'] ); $count = $this->getUser()->transactionJournals()->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', '') ->orderBy('date', 'DESC')->where('transactions.account_id', $account->id)->count(); $items = []; foreach ($set as $entry) { $items[] = $entry; } return \Paginator::make($items, $count, $limit); } /** * @param \Account $account * * @return int */ public function getLastActivity(\Account $account) { $lastActivityKey = 'account.' . $account->id . '.lastActivityDate'; if (\Cache::has($lastActivityKey)) { return \Cache::get($lastActivityKey); } $transaction = $account->transactions() ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', '', '=', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id') ->orderBy('', 'DESC')->first(); if ($transaction) { $date = $transaction->transactionJournal->date; } else { $date = 0; } \Cache::forever($lastActivityKey, $date); return $date; } /** * @param \Account $account * @param int $limit * @param string $range * * @return \Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator */ public function getTransactionJournals(\Account $account, $limit = 50, $range = 'session') { $offset = intval(\Input::get('page')) > 0 ? intval(\Input::get('page')) * $limit : 0; $items = []; $query = $this->getUser() ->transactionJournals() ->withRelevantData() ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', '') ->where('transactions.account_id', $account->id) ->orderBy('date', 'DESC'); if ($range == 'session') { $query->before(\Session::get('end', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth())); $query->after(\Session::get('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth())); } $count = $query->count(); $set = $query->take($limit)->offset($offset)->get(['transaction_journals.*']); foreach ($set as $entry) { $items[] = $entry; } return \Paginator::make($items, $count, $limit); } /** * @param \Account $account * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * * @return \Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator */ public function getTransactionJournalsInRange(\Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end) { $set = $this->getUser()->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes(['Withdrawal'])->withRelevantData()->leftJoin( 'transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', '' )->where('transactions.account_id', $account->id)->before($end)->after($start)->orderBy('date', 'DESC')->get( ['transaction_journals.*'] ); return $set; } }