{{ entry.name }}
{% for match in entry.match|split(',') %}
{{ match }}
{% endfor %}
{{ entry.amount_min|formatAmount }}
{{ entry.amount_max|formatAmount }}
{% if entry.paidDates.count() == 0 and entry.payDates.count() == 0 and entry.active %}
{{ 'not_expected_period'|_ }}
{{ entry.nextExpectedMatch.formatLocalized(monthAndDayFormat) }}
{% endif %}
{% if entry.paidDates.count() == 0 and entry.payDates.count() > 0 and entry.active %}
{{ 'not_or_not_yet'|_ }}
{{ entry.nextExpectedMatch.formatLocalized(monthAndDayFormat) }}
{% endif %}
{% if entry.paidDates.count() == entry.payDates.count() and entry.payDates.count() > 0 and entry.active %}
{% for date in entry.paidDates %}
{{ date.formatLocalized(monthAndDayFormat) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ entry.nextExpectedMatch.formatLocalized(monthAndDayFormat) }}
{% endif %}
{% if not entry.active %}
{% endif %}
{% if entry.active %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if entry.automatch %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{{ entry.repeat_freq|_ }}
{% if entry.skip > 0 %}
skips over {{ entry.skip }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}