_accounts = $accounts; $this->_journals = $journals; $this->_queries = \App::make('FireflyIII\Report\ReportQueryInterface'); $this->_helper = \App::make('FireflyIII\Report\ReportHelperInterface'); } /** * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function expensesGroupedByAccount(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, $limit = 15) { $result = $this->_queries->journalsByExpenseAccount($start, $end); $array = $this->_helper->makeArray($result); $limited = $this->_helper->limitArray($array, $limit); return $limited; } /** * Gets all the users shared and non-shared accounts combined with various meta-data * to display the amount of money spent that month compared to what's been spend within * budgets. * * @param Carbon $date * * @return Collection */ public function getAccountListBudgetOverview(Carbon $date) { $start = clone $date; $start->startOfMonth(); $end = clone $date; $end->endOfMonth(); $start->subDay(); $accounts = $this->_queries->getAllAccounts($start, $end); $accounts->each( function (\Account $account) use ($start, $end) { $budgets = $this->_queries->getBudgetSummary($account, $start, $end); $balancedAmount = $this->_queries->balancedTransactionsSum($account, $start, $end); $array = []; foreach ($budgets as $budget) { $id = intval($budget->id); $data = $budget->toArray(); $array[$id] = $data; } $account->budgetInformation = $array; $account->balancedAmount = $balancedAmount; } ); return $accounts; } /** * @param Carbon $date * * @return array */ public function getAccountsForMonth(Carbon $date) { $start = clone $date; $start->startOfMonth()->subDay(); $end = clone $date; $end->endOfMonth(); \Log::debug('Monthly report account dates: start:[' . $start->format('Y-m-d') . '] and end:[' . $end->format('Y-m-d') . ']'); $list = $this->_queries->accountList(); $accounts = []; /** @var \Account $account */ foreach ($list as $account) { $id = intval($account->id); /** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */ $accounts[$id] = [ 'name' => $account->name, 'startBalance' => \Steam::balance($account, $start), 'endBalance' => \Steam::balance($account, $end) ]; $accounts[$id]['difference'] = $accounts[$id]['endBalance'] - $accounts[$id]['startBalance']; } return $accounts; } /** * @param Carbon $date * * @return Collection */ public function getBudgetsForMonth(Carbon $date) { $start = clone $date; $start->startOfMonth(); $end = clone $date; $end->endOfMonth(); // all budgets $set = $this->_queries->getAllBudgets($date); $budgets = $this->_helper->makeArray($set); $amountSet = $this->_queries->journalsByBudget($start, $end); $amounts = $this->_helper->makeArray($amountSet); $combined = $this->_helper->mergeArrays($budgets, $amounts); $combined[0]['spent'] = isset($combined[0]['spent']) ? $combined[0]['spent'] : 0.0; $combined[0]['amount'] = isset($combined[0]['amount']) ? $combined[0]['amount'] : 0.0; $combined[0]['name'] = 'No budget'; // find transactions to shared expense accounts, which are without a budget by default: $transfers = $this->_queries->sharedExpenses($start, $end); foreach ($transfers as $transfer) { $combined[0]['spent'] += floatval($transfer->amount) * -1; } return $combined; } /** * @param Carbon $date * @param int $limit * * @return array */ public function getCategoriesForMonth(Carbon $date, $limit = 15) { $start = clone $date; $start->startOfMonth(); $end = clone $date; $end->endOfMonth(); // all categories. $result = $this->_queries->journalsByCategory($start, $end); $categories = $this->_helper->makeArray($result); // all transfers $result = $this->_queries->sharedExpensesByCategory($start, $end); $transfers = $this->_helper->makeArray($result); $merged = $this->_helper->mergeArrays($categories, $transfers); // sort. $sorted = $this->_helper->sortNegativeArray($merged); // limit to $limit: $cut = $this->_helper->limitArray($sorted, $limit); return $cut; } /** * @param Carbon $date * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function getExpenseGroupedForMonth(Carbon $date, $limit = 15) { $start = clone $date; $start->startOfMonth(); $end = clone $date; $end->endOfMonth(); $set = $this->_queries->journalsByExpenseAccount($start, $end); $expenses = $this->_helper->makeArray($set); $alt = $this->_queries->sharedExpenses($start, $end); $transfers = $this->_helper->makeArray($alt); $expenses[-1] = [ 'amount' => 0, 'name' => 'Transfers to shared', 'spent' => 0 ]; foreach ($transfers as $transfer) { $expenses[-1]['amount'] += $transfer['amount']; } $expenses = $this->_helper->sortArray($expenses); $limited = $this->_helper->limitArray($expenses, $limit); return $limited; } /** * @param Carbon $date * @param bool $shared * * @return Collection */ public function getIncomeForMonth(Carbon $date, $shared = false) { $start = clone $date; $start->startOfMonth(); $end = clone $date; $end->endOfMonth(); $userId = $this->_accounts->getUser()->id; $list = \TransactionJournal::leftJoin('transactions', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id') ->leftJoin('accounts', 'transactions.account_id', '=', 'accounts.id') ->leftJoin( 'account_meta', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('account_meta.account_id', '=', 'accounts.id')->where('account_meta.name', '=', 'accountRole'); } ) ->transactionTypes(['Deposit']) ->where('transaction_journals.user_id', $userId) ->where('transactions.amount', '>', 0) ->where('transaction_journals.user_id', \Auth::user()->id) ->where('account_meta.data', '!=', '"sharedExpense"') ->orderBy('date', 'ASC') ->before($end)->after($start)->get(['transaction_journals.*']); // incoming from a shared account: it's profit (income): $transfers = \TransactionJournal::withRelevantData() ->leftJoin('transactions', 'transaction_journals.id', '=', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id') ->leftJoin('accounts', 'transactions.account_id', '=', 'accounts.id') ->leftJoin( 'account_meta', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('account_meta.account_id', '=', 'accounts.id')->where('account_meta.name', '=', 'accountRole'); } ) ->transactionTypes(['Transfer']) ->where('transaction_journals.user_id', $userId) ->where('transactions.amount', '<', 0) ->where('account_meta.data', '=', '"sharedExpense"') ->orderBy('date', 'ASC') ->before($end)->after($start)->get(['transaction_journals.*']); $list = $list->merge($transfers); $list->sort( function (\TransactionJournal $journal) { return $journal->date->format('U'); } ); return $list; } /** * @param Carbon $date * * @return Collection */ public function getPiggyBanksForMonth(Carbon $date) { $start = clone $date; $start->startOfMonth(); $end = clone $date; $end->endOfMonth(); \PiggyBank:: leftJoin('accounts', 'accounts.id', '=', 'piggy_banks.account_id') ->where('accounts.user_id', \Auth::user()->id) ->where('repeats', 0) ->where( function (Builder $query) use ($start, $end) { $query->whereNull('piggy_banks.deleted_at'); $query->orWhere( function (Builder $query) use ($start, $end) { $query->whereNotNull('piggy_banks.deleted_at'); $query->where('piggy_banks.deleted_at', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); $query->where('piggy_banks.deleted_at', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); } ); } ) ->get(['piggy_banks.*']); } /** * @param Carbon $start * * @return array */ public function listOfMonths(Carbon $start) { $end = Carbon::now(); $months = []; while ($start <= $end) { $months[] = [ 'formatted' => $start->format('F Y'), 'month' => intval($start->format('m')), 'year' => intval($start->format('Y')), ]; $start->addMonth(); } return $months; } /** * @param Carbon $start * * @return array */ public function listOfYears(Carbon $start) { $end = Carbon::now(); $years = []; while ($start <= $end) { $years[] = $start->format('Y'); $start->addYear(); } return $years; } /** * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param int $limit * * @return Collection */ public function revenueGroupedByAccount(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, $limit = 15) { return \TransactionJournal:: leftJoin( 'transactions as t_from', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('t_from.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('t_from.amount', '<', 0); } ) ->leftJoin('accounts as ac_from', 't_from.account_id', '=', 'ac_from.id') ->leftJoin( 'account_meta as acm_from', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('ac_from.id', '=', 'acm_from.account_id')->where('acm_from.name', '=', 'accountRole'); } ) ->leftJoin( 'transactions as t_to', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('t_to.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id')->where('t_to.amount', '>', 0); } ) ->leftJoin('accounts as ac_to', 't_to.account_id', '=', 'ac_to.id') ->leftJoin( 'account_meta as acm_to', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('ac_to.id', '=', 'acm_to.account_id')->where('acm_to.name', '=', 'accountRole'); } ) ->leftJoin('transaction_types', 'transaction_types.id', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id') ->where('transaction_types.type', 'Deposit') ->where('acm_to.data', '!=', '"sharedExpense"') ->before($end)->after($start) ->where('transaction_journals.user_id', \Auth::user()->id) ->groupBy('t_from.account_id')->orderBy('sum')->limit(15) ->get(['t_from.account_id as account_id', 'ac_from.name as name', \DB::Raw('SUM(t_from.amount) as `sum`')]); } /** * @param Carbon $date * * @return array */ public function yearBalanceReport(Carbon $date) { $start = clone $date; $end = clone $date; $sharedAccounts = []; $sharedCollection = \Auth::user()->accounts() ->leftJoin('account_meta', 'account_meta.account_id', '=', 'accounts.id') ->where('account_meta.name', '=', 'accountRole') ->where('account_meta.data', '=', json_encode('sharedExpense')) ->get(['accounts.id']); foreach ($sharedCollection as $account) { $sharedAccounts[] = $account->id; } $accounts = $this->_accounts->getAssetAccounts()->filter( function (\Account $account) use ($sharedAccounts) { if (!in_array($account->id, $sharedAccounts)) { return $account; } return null; } ); $report = []; $start->startOfYear()->subDay(); $end->endOfYear(); foreach ($accounts as $account) { $report[] = [ 'start' => \Steam::balance($account, $start), 'end' => \Steam::balance($account, $end), 'account' => $account, 'shared' => $account->accountRole == 'sharedExpense' ]; } return $report; } }