account()->associate($data['account']); $transaction->transactionJournal()->associate($data['transaction_journal']); $transaction->amount = floatval($data['amount']); if (isset($data['piggybank'])) { $transaction->piggybank()->associate($data['piggybank']); } if (isset($data['description'])) { $transaction->description = $data['description']; } if ($transaction->validate()) { $transaction->save(); } else { throw new FireflyException($transaction->errors()->first()); } return $transaction; } /** * @param Ardent $model * @param array $data * * @return bool */ public function update(Ardent $model, array $data) { // TODO: Implement update() method. throw new NotImplementedException; } /** * Validates an array. Returns an array containing MessageBags * errors/warnings/successes. * * @param array $model * * @return array */ public function validate(array $model) { $warnings = new MessageBag; $successes = new MessageBag; $errors = new MessageBag; if (!isset($model['account_id']) && !isset($model['account'])) { $errors->add('account', 'No account present'); } if (isset($model['account']) && !($model['account'] instanceof \Account)) { $errors->add('account', 'No valid account present'); } if (isset($model['account_id']) && intval($model['account_id']) < 0) { $errors->add('account', 'No valid account_id present'); } if (isset($model['piggybank_id']) && intval($model['piggybank_id']) < 0) { $errors->add('piggybank', 'No valid piggybank_id present'); } if (!isset($model['transaction_journal_id']) && !isset($model['transaction_journal'])) { $errors->add('transaction_journal', 'No TJ present'); } if (isset($model['transaction_journal']) && !($model['transaction_journal'] instanceof \TransactionJournal)) { $errors->add('transaction_journal', 'No valid transaction_journal present'); } if (isset($model['transaction_journal_id']) && intval($model['transaction_journal_id']) < 0) { $errors->add('account', 'No valid transaction_journal_id present'); } if (isset($model['description']) && strlen($model['description']) > 255) { $errors->add('account', 'Description too long'); } if (!isset($model['amount'])) { $errors->add('amount', 'No amount present.'); } if (isset($model['amount']) && floatval($model['amount']) == 0) { $errors->add('amount', 'Invalid amount.'); } if (!$errors->has('account')) { $successes->add('account', 'OK'); } if (!$errors->has('')) { $successes->add('piggybank', 'OK'); } if (!$errors->has('transaction_journal')) { $successes->add('transaction_journal', 'OK'); } if (!$errors->has('amount')) { $successes->add('amount', 'OK'); } return ['errors' => $errors, 'warnings' => $warnings, 'successes' => $successes]; } /** * Returns an object with id $id. * * @param int $id * * @return Ardent */ public function find($id) { // TODO: Implement find() method. throw new NotImplementedException; } /** * Finds an account type using one of the "$what"'s: expense, asset, revenue, opening, etc. * * @param $what * * @return \AccountType|null */ public function findByWhat($what) { // TODO: Implement findByWhat() method. throw new NotImplementedException; } /** * Returns all objects. * * @return Collection */ public function get() { // TODO: Implement get() method. throw new NotImplementedException; } /** * @param array $ids * * @return Collection */ public function getByIds(array $ids) { // TODO: Implement getByIds() method. throw new NotImplementedException; } }