_budgets = $budgets; $this->_limits = $limits; } /** * @param Budget $budget * * @return $this */ public function create(\Budget $budget = null) { $periods = \Config::get('firefly.periods_to_text'); $prefilled = [ 'startdate' => \Input::get('startdate') ? : date('Y-m-d'), 'repeat_freq' => \Input::get('repeat_freq') ? : 'monthly', 'budget_id' => $budget ? $budget->id : null ]; $budgets = $this->_budgets->getAsSelectList(); return View::make('limits.create')->with('budgets', $budgets)->with( 'periods', $periods )->with('prefilled', $prefilled); } /** * @param Limit $limit * * @return $this */ public function delete(\Limit $limit) { return View::make('limits.delete')->with('limit', $limit); } /** * @param Limit $limit * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function destroy(\Limit $limit) { Event::fire('limits.destroy', [$limit]); // before $success = $this->_limits->destroy($limit); if ($success) { Session::flash('success', 'The envelope was deleted.'); } else { Session::flash('error', 'Could not delete the envelope. Check the logs to be sure.'); } if (Input::get('from') == 'date') { return Redirect::route('budgets.index'); } else { return Redirect::route('budgets.index.budget'); } } /** * @param Limit $limit * * @return $this */ public function edit(Limit $limit) { $budgets = $this->_budgets->getAsSelectList(); $periods = \Config::get('firefly.periods_to_text'); return View::make('limits.edit')->with('limit', $limit)->with('budgets', $budgets)->with( 'periods', $periods ); } /** * @param Budget $budget * * @return $this|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function store(Budget $budget = null) { // find a limit with these properties, as we might already have one: $limit = $this->_limits->store(Input::all()); if ($limit->validate()) { Session::flash('success', 'Envelope created!'); Event::fire('limits.store', [$limit]); if (Input::get('from') == 'date') { return Redirect::route('budgets.index'); } else { return Redirect::route('budgets.index.budget'); } } else { Session::flash('error', 'Could not save new envelope.'); $budgetId = $budget ? $budget->id : null; $parameters = [$budgetId, 'from' => Input::get('from')]; return Redirect::route('budgets.limits.create', $parameters)->withInput() ->withErrors($limit->errors()); } } /** * @param Limit $limit * * @return $this|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function update(\Limit $limit) { $limit = $this->_limits->update($limit, Input::all()); if ($limit->validate()) { Event::fire('limits.update', [$limit]); Session::flash('success', 'Limit saved!'); if (Input::get('from') == 'date') { return Redirect::route('budgets.index'); } else { return Redirect::route('budgets.index.budget'); } } else { Session::flash('error', 'Could not save new limit: ' . $limit->errors()->first()); return Redirect::route('budgets.limits.edit', [$limit->id, 'from' => Input::get('from')])->withInput() ->withErrors($limit->errors()); } } }