'You have selected English.', 'close' => 'Close', 'pleaseHold' => 'Please hold...', 'actions' => 'Actions', 'edit' => 'Edit', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'welcomeBack' => 'What\'s playing?', 'everything' => 'Everything', 'customRange' => 'Custom range', 'apply' => 'Apply', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'from' => 'From', 'to' => 'To', 'showEverything' => 'Show everything', 'never' => 'Never', 'search_results_for' => 'Search results for ":query"', // csv import: 'csv_import' => 'Import CSV file', 'csv' => 'CSV', 'csv_index_title' => 'Upload and import a CSV file', 'csv_define_column_roles' => 'Define column roles', 'csv_map_values' => 'Map found values to existing values', 'csv_download_config' => 'Download CSV configuration file.', 'csv_index_text' => 'This form allows you to import a CSV file with transactions into Firefly. It is based on the excellent CSV importer made by' . ' the folks at Atlassian. Simply upload your CSV file and follow the instructions.' . ' If you would like to learn more, please click on the button at the top of this page.', 'csv_index_beta_warning' => 'This tool is very much in beta. Please proceed with caution', 'csv_header_help' => 'Check this box when your CSV file\'s first row consists of column names, not actual data', 'csv_date_help' => 'Date time format in your CSV. Follow the format like this' . ' page indicates. The default value will parse dates that look like this: ' . date('Ymd'), 'csv_csv_file_help' => 'Select the CSV file here. You can only upload one file at a time', 'csv_csv_config_file_help' => 'Select your CSV import configuration here. If you do not know what this is, ignore it. It will be explained later.', 'csv_upload_button' => 'Start importing CSV', 'csv_column_roles_title' => 'Define column roles', 'csv_column_roles_text' => 'Firefly does not know what each column means. You need to indicate what every column is. Please check out the example ' . 'data if you\'re not sure yourself. Click on the question mark (top right of the page) to learn what' . ' each column means. If you want to map imported data onto existing data in Firefly, use the checkbox. ' . 'The next step will show you what this button does.', 'csv_column_roles_table' => 'Column roles', 'csv_column' => 'CSV column', 'cvs_column_name' => 'CSV column name', 'cvs_column_example' => 'Column example data', 'cvs_column_role' => 'Column contains?', 'csv_do_map_value' => 'Map value?', 'csv_continue' => 'Continue to the next step', 'csv_go_back' => 'Go back to the previous step', 'csv_map_title' => 'Map found values to existing values', 'csv_map_text' => 'This page allows you to map the values from the CSV file to existing entries in your database. This ensures that accounts and other' . ' things won\'t be created twice.', 'cvs_field_value' => 'Field value from CSV', 'csv_field_mapped_to' => 'Must be mapped to...', 'csv_download_config_title' => 'Download CSV configuration', 'csv_download_config_text' => 'Everything you\'ve just set up can be downloaded as a configuration file. Click the button to do so.', 'csv_more_information_text' => 'If the import fails, you can use this configuration file so you don\'t have to start all over again.' . ' But, if the import succeeds, it will be easier to upload similar CSV files.', 'csv_do_download_config' => 'Download configuration file.', 'csv_empty_description' => '(empty description)', 'csv_upload_form' => 'CSV upload form', 'csv_index_unsupported_warning' => 'The CSV importer is yet incapable of doing the following:', 'csv_unsupported_map' => 'The importer cannot map the column ":columnRole" to existing values in the database.', 'csv_unsupported_value' => 'The importer does not know how to handle values in columns marked as ":columnRole".', 'csv_cannot_store_value' => 'The importer has not reserved space for columns marked ":columnRole" and will be incapable of processing them.', 'csv_process_title' => 'CVS import finished!', 'csv_process_text' => 'The CVS importer has finished and has processed :rows rows', 'csv_row' => 'Row', 'csv_import_with_errors' => 'There was one error.|There were :errors errors.', 'csv_error_see_logs' => 'Check the log files to see details.', 'csv_process_new_entries' => 'Firefly has created :imported new transaction(s).', 'csv_start_over' => 'Import again', 'csv_to_index' => 'Back home', 'csv_do_not_map' => 'Do not map this value', 'csv_upload_not_writeable' => 'Cannot write to the path mentioned here. Cannot upload', 'csv_column__ignore' => '(ignore this column)', 'csv_column_account-iban' => 'Asset account (IBAN)', 'csv_column_account-id' => 'Asset account ID (matching Firefly)', 'csv_column_account-name' => 'Asset account (name)', 'csv_column_amount' => 'Amount', 'csv_column_bill-id' => 'Bill ID (matching Firefly)', 'csv_column_bill-name' => 'Bill name', 'csv_column_budget-id' => 'Budget ID (matching Firefly)', 'csv_column_budget-name' => 'Budget name', 'csv_column_category-id' => 'Category ID (matching Firefly)', 'csv_column_category-name' => 'Category name', 'csv_column_currency-code' => 'Currency code (ISO 4217)', 'csv_column_currency-id' => 'Currency ID (matching Firefly)', 'csv_column_currency-name' => 'Currency name (matching Firefly)', 'csv_column_currency-symbol' => 'Currency symbol (matching Firefly)', 'csv_column_date-rent' => 'Rent calculation date', 'csv_column_date-transaction' => 'Date', 'csv_column_description' => 'Description', 'csv_column_opposing-iban' => 'Opposing account (IBAN)', 'csv_column_opposing-id' => 'Opposing account ID (matching Firefly)', 'csv_column_opposing-name' => 'Opposing account (name)', 'csv_column_rabo-debet-credit' => 'Rabobank specific debet/credit indicator', 'csv_column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer end-to-end ID', 'csv_column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer opposing account', 'csv_column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA Direct Debet', 'csv_column_tags-comma' => 'Tags (comma separated)', 'csv_column_tags-space' => 'Tags (space separated)', 'csv_specifix_RabobankDescription' => 'Select this when you\'re importing Rabobank CSV export files.', 'csv_specifix_Dummy' => 'Checking this has no effect whatsoever.', // create new stuff: 'create_new_withdrawal' => 'Create new withdrawal', 'create_new_deposit' => 'Create new deposit', 'create_new_transfer' => 'Create new transfer', 'create_new_asset' => 'Create new asset account', 'create_new_expense' => 'Create new expense account', 'create_new_revenue' => 'Create new revenue account', 'create_new_piggy_bank' => 'Create new piggy bank', 'create_new_bill' => 'Create new bill', // currencies: 'create_currency' => 'Create a new currency', 'edit_currency' => 'Edit currency ":name"', // new user: 'submit' => 'Submit', 'getting_started' => 'Getting started', 'to_get_started' => 'To get started with Firefly, please enter your current bank\'s name, and the balance of your checking account:', 'savings_balance_text' => 'If you have a savings account, please enter the current balance of your savings account:', 'cc_balance_text' => 'If you have a credit card, please enter your credit card\'s limit.', // forms: 'mandatoryFields' => 'Mandatory fields', 'optionalFields' => 'Optional fields', 'options' => 'Options', 'something' => 'Something!', // budgets: 'create_new_budget' => 'Create a new budget', 'store_new_budget' => ' Store new budget', 'availableIn' => 'Available in :date', 'transactionsWithoutBudget' => 'Expenses without budget', 'transactionsWithoutBudgetDate' => 'Expenses without budget in :date', 'createBudget' => 'New budget', 'inactiveBudgets' => 'Inactive budgets', 'without_budget_between' => 'Transactions without a budget between :start and :end', 'budget_in_month' => ':name in :month', 'delete_budget' => 'Delete budget ":name"', 'edit_budget' => 'Edit budget ":name"', 'update_amount' => 'Update amount', // bills: 'delete_bill' => 'Delete bill ":name"', 'edit_bill' => 'Edit bill ":name"', // accounts: 'details_for_asset' => 'Details for asset account ":name"', 'details_for_expense' => 'Details for expense account ":name"', 'details_for_revenue' => 'Details for revenue account ":name"', 'details_for_cash' => 'Details for cash account ":name"', 'store_new_asset_account' => 'Store new asset account', 'store_new_expense_account' => 'Store new expense account', 'store_new_revenue_account' => 'Store new revenue account', 'edit_asset_account' => 'Edit asset account ":name"', 'edit_expense_account' => 'Edit expense account ":name"', 'edit_revenue_account' => 'Edit revenue account ":name"', 'delete_asset_account' => 'Delete asset account ":name"', 'delete_expense_account' => 'Delete expense account ":name"', 'delete_revenue_account' => 'Delete revenue account ":name"', 'asset_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted asset account ":name"', 'expense_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted expense account ":name"', 'revenue_deleted' => 'Successfully deleted revenue account ":name"', 'update_asset_account' => 'Update asset account', 'update_expense_account' => 'Update expense account', 'update_revenue_account' => 'Update revenue account', 'make_new_asset_account' => 'Create a new asset account', 'make_new_expense_account' => 'Create a new expense account', 'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Create a new revenue account', 'asset_accounts' => 'Asset accounts', 'expense_accounts' => 'Expense accounts', 'revenue_accounts' => 'Revenue accounts', 'accountExtraHelp_asset' => '', 'accountExtraHelp_expense' => '', 'accountExtraHelp_revenue' => '', 'account_type' => 'Account type', // categories: 'new_category' => 'New category', 'create_new_category' => 'Create a new category', 'without_category' => 'Without a category', 'update_category' => 'Wijzig categorie', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'edit_category' => 'Edit category ":name"', 'no_category' => '(no category)', 'category' => 'Category', 'delete_category' => 'Delete category ":name"', // transactions: 'update_withdrawal' => 'Update withdrawal', 'update_deposit' => 'Update deposit', 'update_transfer' => 'Update transfer', 'delete_withdrawal' => 'Delete withdrawal ":description"', 'delete_deposit' => 'Delete deposit ":description"', 'delete_transfer' => 'Delete transfer ":description"', // new user: 'welcome' => 'Welcome to Firefly!', 'createNewAsset' => 'Create a new asset account to get started. ' . 'This will allow you to create transactions and start your financial management', 'createNewAssetButton' => 'Create new asset account', // home page: 'yourAccounts' => 'Your accounts', 'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Budgets and spending', 'savings' => 'Savings', 'markAsSavingsToContinue' => 'Mark your asset accounts as "Savings account" to fill this panel', 'createPiggyToContinue' => 'Create piggy banks to fill this panel.', 'newWithdrawal' => 'New expense', 'newDeposit' => 'New deposit', 'newTransfer' => 'New transfer', 'moneyIn' => 'Money in', 'moneyOut' => 'Money out', 'billsToPay' => 'Bills to pay', 'billsPaid' => 'Bills paid', 'viewDetails' => 'View details', 'divided' => 'divided', 'toDivide' => 'left to divide', // menu and titles, should be recycled as often as possible: 'toggleNavigation' => 'Toggle navigation', 'currency' => 'Currency', 'preferences' => 'Preferences', 'logout' => 'Logout', 'searchPlaceholder' => 'Search...', 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'currencies' => 'Currencies', 'accounts' => 'Accounts', 'Asset account' => 'Asset account', 'Default account' => 'Asset account', 'Expense account' => 'Expense account', 'Revenue account' => 'Revenue account', 'budgets' => 'Budgets', 'tags' => 'Tags', 'reports' => 'Reports', 'transactions' => 'Transactions', 'expenses' => 'Expenses', 'income' => 'Revenue / income', 'transfers' => 'Transfers', 'moneyManagement' => 'Money management', 'piggyBanks' => 'Piggy banks', 'bills' => 'Bills', 'createNew' => 'Create new', 'withdrawal' => 'Withdrawal', 'deposit' => 'Deposit', 'account' => 'Account', 'transfer' => 'Transfer', 'Withdrawal' => 'Withdrawal', 'Deposit' => 'Deposit', 'Transfer' => 'Transfer', 'bill' => 'Bill', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'newBalance' => 'New balance', 'overview' => 'Overview', 'saveOnAccount' => 'Save on account', 'unknown' => 'Unknown', 'daily' => 'Daily', 'weekly' => 'Weekly', 'monthly' => 'Monthly', 'quarterly' => 'Quarterly', 'half-year' => 'Every six months', 'yearly' => 'Yearly', // reports: 'reportForYear' => 'Yearly report for :year', 'reportForYearShared' => 'Yearly report for :year (including shared accounts)', 'reportForMonth' => 'Montly report for :month', 'reportForMonthShared' => 'Montly report for :month (including shared accounts)', 'incomeVsExpenses' => 'Income vs. expenses', 'accountBalances' => 'Account balances', 'balanceStartOfYear' => 'Balance at start of year', 'balanceEndOfYear' => 'Balance at end of year', 'balanceStartOfMonth' => 'Balance at start of month', 'balanceEndOfMonth' => 'Balance at end of month', 'balanceStart' => 'Balance at start of period', 'balanceEnd' => 'Balance at end of period', 'reportsOwnAccounts' => 'Reports for your own accounts', 'reportsOwnAccountsAndShared' => 'Reports for your own accounts and shared accounts', 'splitByAccount' => 'Split by account', 'balancedByTransfersAndTags' => 'Balanced by transfers and tags', 'coveredWithTags' => 'Covered with tags', 'leftUnbalanced' => 'Left unbalanced', 'expectedBalance' => 'Expected balance', 'outsideOfBudgets' => 'Outside of budgets', 'leftInBudget' => 'Left in budget', 'sumOfSums' => 'Sum of sums', 'notCharged' => 'Not charged (yet)', 'inactive' => 'Inactive', 'difference' => 'Difference', 'in' => 'In', 'out' => 'Out', 'topX' => 'top :number', 'showTheRest' => 'Show everything', 'hideTheRest' => 'Show only the top :number', // charts: 'dayOfMonth' => 'Day of the month', 'month' => 'Month', 'budget' => 'Budget', 'spent' => 'Spent', 'overspent' => 'Overspent', 'left' => 'Left', 'noBudget' => '(no budget)', 'maxAmount' => 'Maximum amount', 'minAmount' => 'Minumum amount', 'billEntry' => 'Current bill entry', 'name' => 'Name', 'date' => 'Date', 'paid' => 'Paid', 'unpaid' => 'Unpaid', 'day' => 'Day', 'budgeted' => 'Budgeted', 'period' => 'Period', 'balance' => 'Balance', 'summary' => 'Summary', 'sum' => 'Sum', 'average' => 'Average', 'balanceFor' => 'Balance for :name', // piggy banks: 'piggy_bank' => 'Piggy bank', 'new_piggy_bank' => 'Create new piggy bank', 'create_new_piggybank' => 'Create new piggy bank', 'account_status' => 'Account status', 'left_for_piggy_banks' => 'Left for piggy banks', 'sum_of_piggy_banks' => 'Sum of piggy banks', 'saved_so_far' => 'Saved so far', 'left_to_save' => 'Left to save', 'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Add money to piggy bank ":name"', 'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Remove money from piggy bank ":name"', 'add' => 'Add', 'remove' => 'Remove', 'max_amount_add' => 'The maximum amount you can add is', 'max_amount_remove' => 'The maximum amount you can remove is', 'update_piggy_button' => 'Update piggy bank', 'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"', 'details' => 'Details', 'events' => 'Events', 'target_amount' => 'Target amount', 'start_date' => 'Start date', 'target_date' => 'Target date', 'no_target_date' => 'No target date', 'todo' => 'to do', 'table' => 'Table', 'piggy_bank_not_exists' => 'Piggy bank no longer exists.', 'add_any_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add money to this piggy bank to reach your target of :amount.', 'add_set_amount_to_piggy' => 'Add :amount to fill this piggy bank on :date', 'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Delete piggy bank ":name"', // tags 'delete_tag' => 'Delete tag ":name"', 'new_tag' => 'Make new tag', 'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag ":tag"', 'no_year' => 'No year set', 'no_month' => 'No month set', 'tag_title_nothing' => 'Default tags', 'tag_title_balancingAct' => 'Balancing act tags', 'tag_title_advancePayment' => 'Advance payment tags', ];