/* global $, lineChart, accountID, token */ // Return a helper with preserved width of cells var fixHelper = function (e, tr) { "use strict"; var $originals = tr.children(); var $helper = tr.clone(); $helper.children().each(function (index) { // Set helper cell sizes to match the original sizes $(this).width($originals.eq(index).width()); }); return $helper; }; $(function () { "use strict"; if (typeof(lineChart) === "function" && typeof accountID !== 'undefined') { lineChart('chart/account/' + accountID, 'overview-chart'); } // sortable! if (typeof $(".sortable-table tbody").sortable !== "undefined") { $(".sortable-table tbody").sortable( { helper: fixHelper, items: 'tr:not(.ignore)', stop: sortStop, handle: '.handle', start: function (event, ui) { // Build a placeholder cell that spans all the cells in the row var cellCount = 0; $('td, th', ui.helper).each(function () { // For each TD or TH try and get it's colspan attribute, and add that or 1 to the total var colspan = 1; var colspanAttr = $(this).attr('colspan'); if (colspanAttr > 1) { colspan = colspanAttr; } cellCount += colspan; }); // Add the placeholder UI - note that this is the item's content, so TD rather than TR ui.placeholder.html(' '); } } ).disableSelection(); } else { console.log('its null'); } }); function sortStop(event, ui) { "use strict"; var current = $(ui.item); console.log('sort stop'); var thisDate = current.data('date'); var originalBG = current.css('backgroundColor'); if (current.prev().data('date') !== thisDate && current.next().data('date') !== thisDate) { // animate something with color: current.animate({backgroundColor: "#d9534f"}, 200, function () { $(this).animate({backgroundColor: originalBG}, 200); }); return false; } // do update var list = $('tr[data-date="' + thisDate + '"]'); var submit = []; $.each(list, function (i, v) { var row = $(v); var id = row.data('id'); submit.push(id); }); // do extra animation when done? $.post('transaction/reorder', {items: submit, date: thisDate, _token: token}); current.animate({backgroundColor: "#5cb85c"}, 200, function () { $(this).animate({backgroundColor: originalBG}, 200); }); }