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You can safely delete it." } ], "rule-triggers": [ { "rule_id": 1, "order": 1, "active": 1, "stop_processing": 0, "trigger_type": "user_action", "trigger_value": "store-journal" }, { "rule_id": 1, "order": 2, "active": 1, "stop_processing": 0, "trigger_type": "description_is", "trigger_value": "The Man Who Sold the World" }, { "rule_id": 1, "order": 3, "active": 1, "stop_processing": 0, "trigger_type": "from_account_is", "trigger_value": "David Bowie" } ], "rule-actions": [ { "rule_id": 1, "order": 1, "active": 1, "stop_processing": 0, "action_type": "prepend_description", "action_value": "Bought the world from " }, { "rule_id": 1, "order": 2, "active": 1, "stop_processing": 0, "action_type": "set_category", "action_value": "Large expenses" } ], "tags": [ { "user_id": 1, "tag": "TagJanuary", "tagMode": "nothing", "date": "2015-01-01" }, { "user_id": 1, "tag": "TagFebruary", "tagMode": "nothing", "date": "2015-02-02" }, { "user_id": 1, "tag": "TagMarch", "tagMode": "nothing", "date": 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