. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Support\Import\Prerequisites; use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException; use FireflyIII\Services\Bunq\Id\DeviceServerId; use FireflyIII\Services\Bunq\Object\DeviceServer; use FireflyIII\Services\Bunq\Object\ServerPublicKey; use FireflyIII\Services\Bunq\Request\DeviceServerRequest; use FireflyIII\Services\Bunq\Request\InstallationTokenRequest; use FireflyIII\Services\Bunq\Request\ListDeviceServerRequest; use FireflyIII\Services\Bunq\Token\InstallationToken; use FireflyIII\User; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag; use Log; use Preferences; use Requests; use Requests_Exception; /** * This class contains all the routines necessary to connect to Bunq. * * @package FireflyIII\Support\Import\Prerequisites */ class BunqPrerequisites implements PrerequisitesInterface { /** @var User */ private $user; /** * Returns view name that allows user to fill in prerequisites. Currently asks for the API key. * * @return string */ public function getView(): string { return 'import.bunq.prerequisites'; } /** * Returns any values required for the prerequisites-view. * * @return array */ public function getViewParameters(): array { return []; } /** * Returns if this import method has any special prerequisites such as config * variables or other things. The only thing we verify is the presence of the API key. Everything else * tumbles into place: no installation token? Will be requested. No device server? Will be created. Etc. * * @return bool */ public function hasPrerequisites(): bool { $apiKey = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_api_key', false); return ($apiKey->data === false || is_null($apiKey->data)); } /** * Set the user for this Prerequisites-routine. Class is expected to implement and save this. * * @param User $user */ public function setUser(User $user): void { $this->user = $user; return; } /** * This method responds to the user's submission of an API key. It tries to register this instance as a new Firefly III device. * If this fails, the error is returned in a message bag and the user is notified (this is fairly friendly). * * @param Request $request * * @return MessageBag */ public function storePrerequisites(Request $request): MessageBag { $apiKey = $request->get('api_key'); Log::debug('Storing bunq API key'); Preferences::setForUser($this->user, 'bunq_api_key', $apiKey); // register Firefly III as a new device. $serverId = null; $messages = new MessageBag; try { $serverId = $this->registerDevice(); Log::debug(sprintf('Found device server with id %d', $serverId->getId())); } catch (FireflyException $e) { $messages->add('error', $e->getMessage()); } return $messages; } /** * This method creates a new public/private keypair for the user. This isn't really secure, since the key is generated on the fly with * no regards for HSM's, smart cards or other things. It would require some low level programming to get this right. But the private key * is stored encrypted in the database so it's something. */ private function createKeyPair(): void { Log::debug('Generate new key pair for user.'); $keyConfig = [ 'digest_alg' => 'sha512', 'private_key_bits' => 2048, 'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA, ]; // Create the private and public key $res = openssl_pkey_new($keyConfig); // Extract the private key from $res to $privKey $privKey = ''; openssl_pkey_export($res, $privKey); // Extract the public key from $res to $pubKey $pubKey = openssl_pkey_get_details($res); Preferences::setForUser($this->user, 'bunq_private_key', $privKey); Preferences::setForUser($this->user, 'bunq_public_key', $pubKey['key']); Log::debug('Created key pair'); return; } /** * When the device server cannot be registered for some reason (when previous attempts failed to be stored) this method can be used * to try and detect the server ID for this firefly instance. * * @return DeviceServerId * @throws FireflyException */ private function getExistingDevice(): DeviceServerId { $installationToken = $this->getInstallationToken(); $serverPublicKey = $this->getServerPublicKey(); $request = new ListDeviceServerRequest; $remoteIp = $this->getRemoteIp(); $request->setInstallationToken($installationToken); $request->setServerPublicKey($serverPublicKey); $request->setPrivateKey($this->getPrivateKey()); $request->call(); $devices = $request->getDevices(); /** @var DeviceServer $device */ foreach ($devices as $device) { if ($device->getIp() === $remoteIp) { return $device->getId(); } } throw new FireflyException('Cannot find existing Server Device that can be used by this instance of Firefly III.'); } /** * Get the installation token, either from the users preferences or from Bunq. * * @return InstallationToken */ private function getInstallationToken(): InstallationToken { Log::debug('Get installation token.'); $token = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_installation_token', null); if (!is_null($token)) { return $token->data; } Log::debug('Have no token, request one.'); // verify bunq api code: $publicKey = $this->getPublicKey(); $request = new InstallationTokenRequest; $request->setPublicKey($publicKey); $request->call(); Log::debug('Sent request'); $installationToken = $request->getInstallationToken(); $installationId = $request->getInstallationId(); $serverPublicKey = $request->getServerPublicKey(); Preferences::setForUser($this->user, 'bunq_installation_token', $installationToken); Preferences::setForUser($this->user, 'bunq_installation_id', $installationId); Preferences::setForUser($this->user, 'bunq_server_public_key', $serverPublicKey); return $installationToken; } /** * Get the private key from the users preferences. * * @return string */ private function getPrivateKey(): string { Log::debug('get private key'); $preference = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_private_key', null); if (is_null($preference)) { Log::debug('private key is null'); // create key pair $this->createKeyPair(); } $preference = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_private_key', null); Log::debug('Return private key for user'); return $preference->data; } /** * Get a public key from the users preferences. * * @return string */ private function getPublicKey(): string { Log::debug('get public key'); $preference = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_public_key', null); if (is_null($preference)) { Log::debug('public key is null'); // create key pair $this->createKeyPair(); } $preference = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_public_key', null); Log::debug('Return public key for user'); return $preference->data; } /** * Request users server remote IP. Let's assume this value will not change any time soon. * * @return string * @throws FireflyException */ private function getRemoteIp(): string { $preference = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'external_ip', null); if (is_null($preference)) { try { $response = Requests::get('https://api.ipify.org'); } catch (Requests_Exception $e) { throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Could not retrieve external IP: %s', $e->getMessage())); } if ($response->status_code !== 200) { throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Could not retrieve external IP: %d %s', $response->status_code, $response->body)); } $serverIp = $response->body; Preferences::setForUser($this->user, 'external_ip', $serverIp); return $serverIp; } return $preference->data; } /** * Get the public key of the server, necessary to verify server signature. * * @return ServerPublicKey */ private function getServerPublicKey(): ServerPublicKey { return Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_server_public_key', null)->data; } /** * To install Firefly III as a new device: * - Send an installation token request. * - Use this token to send a device server request * - Store the installation token * - Use the installation token each time we need a session. */ private function registerDevice(): DeviceServerId { Log::debug('Now in registerDevice'); $deviceServerId = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_device_server_id', null); $serverIp = $this->getRemoteIp(); if (!is_null($deviceServerId)) { Log::debug('Have device server ID.'); return $deviceServerId->data; } Log::debug('Device server id is null, do register.'); $installationToken = $this->getInstallationToken(); $serverPublicKey = $this->getServerPublicKey(); $apiKey = Preferences::getForUser($this->user, 'bunq_api_key', ''); $request = new DeviceServerRequest; $request->setPrivateKey($this->getPrivateKey()); $request->setDescription('Firefly III v' . config('firefly.version') . ' for ' . $this->user->email); $request->setSecret($apiKey->data); $request->setPermittedIps([$serverIp]); $request->setInstallationToken($installationToken); $request->setServerPublicKey($serverPublicKey); $deviceServerId = null; // try to register device: try { $request->call(); $deviceServerId = $request->getDeviceServerId(); } catch (FireflyException $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); } if (is_null($deviceServerId)) { // try get the current from a list: $deviceServerId = $this->getExistingDevice(); } Preferences::setForUser($this->user, 'bunq_device_server_id', $deviceServerId); Log::debug(sprintf('Server ID: %s', serialize($deviceServerId))); return $deviceServerId; } }